the case against daly


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A political screed against progressive former-politician Chris Daly.


Paid for by the Citizens for Reform Leadership #1 Committee, #1261911. 2

The Case Against Daly

The Chris Daly Litany of Horrors (aka Table of Contents)

Champion of the Poor? ..................................................................................................................................3 The Developer Shake-Down Deal: Rincon Hill ..............................................................................................3 Developer Shake-Down Deal II: Trinity Plaza ..............................................................................................5 Developer Shake-Down Deal III: Strange Bedfellows .................................................................................5 And the Development Plays Play On: 601 King Street .................................................................................5 The Developer “Backlash” .............................................................................................................................6 Daly in a Nutshell, Courtesy of the Examiner ...............................................................................................7 Mission Housing Development Corporation / Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition...................................8 Urban Solutions .............................................................................................................................................9 West Bay Filipino Multi-Service Center....................................................................................................... 10 Cronyism, Business as Usual ....................................................................................................................... 10 Public Forum, Personal Rant ....................................................................................................................... 11 Anti-SFPD ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Is it so hard to BE NICE? ............................................................................................................................. 12 Housing Moratorium .................................................................................................................................... 14 “Affordable” Housing Requirements ........................................................................................................... 14 Opposing All Homeownership Bills ............................................................................................................. 14 Wait…But I Can Own a Home, and So Can My Anti-Homeownership Buddies........................................ 15 Limiting Parking and the Social Engineering of Downtown ....................................................................... 16 Transbay Terminal ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Ignoring Every Pothole in his District ......................................................................................................... 17 Potholes Second, Save-the-World First ...................................................................................................... 17 Constant Tax Increases ...............................................................................................................................18 And Don’t You Dare Try to Get it Back ........................................................................................................ 19 Diverting Real Tax Dollars to Lofty Ideals .................................................................................................. 19 “Corporate Welfare” .................................................................................................................................... 19 Micromanaging your Nanny Arrangment.................................................................................................... 22 Landmarking Private Property .................................................................................................................... 22 What if Chris was Mayor? ............................................................................................................................ 22 Cat ‘n’ Mouse with the Mayor ...................................................................................................................... 22 Care Not Cash Opposition............................................................................................................................ 23 Where’s Chris? ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Pat Murphy: A Case Study on Vengance ..................................................................................................... 24 A Closing Note: “The Chip” .......................................................................................................................... 24

When we all do better, we all do better! Stop the Daly agenda now!

Paid for by the Citizens for Reform Leadership #1 Committee, #1261911. 3

The Transgressions of Chris Daly Below are over 30 reasons why District 6 voters should oppose Chris Daly in the election of November 7, 2006. It is critical to the future of our City that we remove this person from political power. If you agree with ANY of these offenses, please do the following:

1. Volunteer for the campaign against Daly at

2. Make CERTAIN that you are registered to vote at your current address. Text the word “dumpdaly” to 75444 on your cell phone, or visit to register electronically.

3. Educate yourself. Under our Ranked Choice Voting system, you are allowed to vote for THREE candidates, your first, second and third choice. And you CAN leave your second or third choices BLANK.

4. Vote in the November 7th election, and leave Chris Daly completely OFF your Ranked Choice Ballot! If Daly is even listed as a second or third choice, this system will allow him to win.

Champion of the Poor? Chris Daly’s ideal seems to be to have our City populated with three classes of people: 1) those so rich they can be taxed limitlessly; 2) those in the employment of the government and non-profit government contractors; and 3) a common poor class. He has no agenda for a growing middle class of people advancing their position and accumulating assets. The middle class have no place in Daly’s legislation. He legislates solely so the rich can get ahead, to pay for the taxes that will keep the poor right where they are. On activist astutely quoted: “There's no profit in the business of championing the downtrodden without a steady supply of downtrodden to champion.” Daly’s goal is to expand the poor class, to create the perception of championing the cause of the poor to bolster his political base. His campaign will cite dozens of incidences in which he “helped” the poor. Note that his help was at best to keep people exactly where they are, and in no case did he ever help the poor get ahead and on to a better life. Daly would help people stay in their SRO, but he obstructs any effort to help them own a home. He will help homeless get cash handouts to spend on exacerbating their drug/alcohol problems, but oppose services to help them. He supports any form of taxpayer-funded welfare for the poor, but when incentives are proposed to attract businesses that would give those people better jobs, he lambastes that as “corporate welfare.” He opposes enforcing quality-of-life crimes in poor neighborhoods, which leaves the poor living in filth and squalor. He has on multiple occasions attempted to raise the sales tax. To the rich, a tax increase on beer, cigarettes and toothpaste is negligible. To the poor, that tax can change whether they eat or do their laundry. Sales taxes are regressive; they affect the low income people more intensely. Daly is for them. Daly wants to charge a fee for driving in the downtown areas of his district. Again, the rich could afford it, the poor could not. He aims to eliminate parking spots, and almost double the cost of parking at meters and garages. The rich can afford it. The poor can not. Daly indeed loves the poor. For six years the poor have given him a paycheck. He wants to keep the poor, poor. He wants more people to become “the poor.” The poor are essential to Daly’s livelihood. But now really, how good is Daly to the poor’s livelihood? See also: The Developer Shake-Down Deal: Rincon Hill In 2004, developers aimed to bring an ambitious high-rise residential project to an the area South of Market known as Rincon Hill, deep within Daly’s District 6 turf. Daly threatened to derail the project if the developers didn’t pay the

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City a considerable sum via affordable housing subsidies and “community impact fees.” “I made what I thought was a pretty big ask, and the developers responded positively,” was how he spun the shake-down at the time. That sum amounted to $102 million total increase on the cost of building that project, $64 million in affordable housing subsidies and $34 million in a “non-profit community fund.” Adding $102 million to the cost of anything makes that thing more expensive. Rincon Hill housing that could have been offered at one price will now most definitely be sold at a much higher price. As most locals know, we don’t need housing prices to go up. This is what we see as the Daly agenda: jack up the prices on ridiculously expensive housing that only the super rich can afford in order to subsidize housing that only the poor can qualify for. Where are middle class, upwardly mobile families in this equation? Daly is a self-proclaimed socialist. He believes in the redistribution of wealth and a resistance to economic growth. As for the funding for community impact? Not an atrocious idea. When an enormous twin-tower housing development comes into a neighborhood, that area is permanently transformed. Perhaps the developer should pay a mitigating fee to create more open space, attend to street and traffic flow upgrades, increase police and fire resources, and generally accommodate for the hundreds of new residents that will be walking, riding, driving and parking about that community. But $34 million?!?!? And more so, none of this money was earmarked to any of those things. It simply flows into a slush fund to be doled out to “non-profits.” Those non-profits, and the committee that is in charge of distributing the money, are populated by Daly acolytes. This is how the ward boss creates his wards. He extracts a huge some of money, then places his lieutenants into executive directorships, chairmanships and various staff positions of these non-profits where he diverts said funds to their payroll. They, in turn, do Daly’s bidding on their “free time.” (See: Mission Housing) Paranoid conspiracy theory? The SoMa Community Stabilization Task Force was seated in early 2006. Its members can predominantly be found in Ethics Commission reports having donated to Daly and Daly allies’ political campaigns, in Board minutes having spoken in favor of Daly measures, praised in Daly’s personal web log, or otherwise surfacing in connection to him. See further information regarding the Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition to see a precursor to Daly’s Rincon Hill play. Mayor Newsom collected the thought well, however in San Francisco Magazine: “I will not spend one penny of what Chris Daly was arguing needs to be spent on the nebulous thing called community benefit building. [Newsom ultimately controls the flow of community impact funds and told the board that he will use his executive powers to assure that none of the money goes to political organizing or other inappropriate uses.] I don't need to spend it as mayor. So everything that was wrong about what Chris Daly did from my perspective can be cured by everything that's right about where those dollars go.” See for yourself at: article, published well before the notorious $34 million kick backs, frames how important Daly’s app oval (or otherwise obstruction) was to the Rincon Hill project being built. It sets the stage for the blackmail: give me my slush fund, or watch me tank your project.


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Developer Shake-Down Deal II: Trinity Plaza Daly similarly held up the Trinity Plaza project. “The agreement, which Daly helped broker, will require landlord Angelo Sangiacomo to put 360 of the 1,700 rental apartments he intends to build at Market and Eighth streets under the city's rent control regulations.” Daly’s spin: I defended low-income tenants. He raised the cost of housing again in the City, making it difficult for everyone to find housing on the whole. What’s more, his version of “helping” the poor was to keep them exactly where they are: poor, in low-income, government-subsidized housing. By contrast, many homeownership advocates have proposed policies that would provide assistance to these same people that would allow them to buy their units, enter the homeownership market, begin building assets, and improve their position such that they could shed that label of “poor.” Daly opposes such a measure. He opposes “the poor,” his political base, getting ahead. On a psychosomatic level, Daly reinforces a deafening message to our City’s poor that “you can’t take care of yourself…you’ll never make anything of yourself…you must put all your faith in your government, in ME, which is the only hope you’ll ever have of surviving.” See for yourself at: Developer Shake-Down Deal III: Strange Bedfellows “What do Chris Daly and Joe O'Donoghue have in common — besides intemperate, doctrinaire reputations? Answer: The housing rights activist-turned-leftist supervisor and the leader of "greedy" developers — the poster children for either side of the live-work loft/gentrification/dot-com debate — have allied on a plan, approved by the Planning Commission last week, to erect 350 market-rate apartments on a SOMA site previously approved for 170 lofts, and 56 affordable units offsite — and to then deed the latter to a nonprofit property manager.” This excerpt is referring to “The Palms” project at 555 4th Street, a building that “somehow” skirted the system to come in at a whopping 40 feet over that neighborhood’s height limitations. The project’s size fully removes the SF skyline views from the properties south of it. At present, residents are moving into The Palms despite the fact that the project’s permit forbids them to do so until the building’s accompanying “affordable” housing units are complete. Neighbors report they are no where near complete. So Daly strong-arms developers into jacking up their affordable housing subsidy payments, he legislates to increase the ratio of how many affordable units must comprise any market rate project, then he massages the system when needed to put those affordable units on the back burner. The Palms will go for roughly $1 million per unit. Daly’s “affordable” units are available for the few hardship cases that qualify, and likely that last on a waiting list. Again we ask: where is the middle class in this equation? See for yourself at: And the Development Plays Play On: 601 King Street “It was supposed to have been considered first by a Board of Supervisors land use committee on August 8th before going to the full Board. However, at that hearing, District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly pulled the measure out of the committee and got it scheduled for consideration at the full Board instead. Daly’s maneuver effectively shut off debate in the land use committee where it appeared headed for defeat. Supervisor Daly apparently realized he didn’t have the votes in committee to get the measure passed. Even though the 601 King Street project is not in his district, Daly decided he did not want to wait for completion of the Potrero/Showplace Square community planning process before voting on 601 King Street.” See for yourself at:

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The Developer “Backlash” The interesting outcome of Daly’s pay-for-play relationship with developers is that they respect that. One anonymous Mid-Market developer noted that “he may be a pain in the ass, but he plays ball.” They appreciate his game, and are used to getting their job done through a pile of money and a big enough bulldozer. The result is this lengthy and growing list of Daly contributors for the 2006 election, as of the summer filing deadline. Note that list reprinted below. Perhaps the most surreal relationship is that of Daly and Clear Channel Communications, the goliath of advertising and broadcasting that is so hated by the San Francisco Bay Guardian and is routinely credited (blamed) with being a force behind the George Bush presidency. Clear Channel is, by extreme left standards, the Anti-Christ…the destroyer of arts, purveyor of consumerism, and enabler of the fascist regime. Clear Channel is the establishment, and Daly is their best friend (see email below):

-----Original Message----- From: Colbruno, Michael [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 05:17 PM Pacific Standard Time To: Colbruno, Michael Subject: Chris Daly Campaign party In case you’re already having post-election withdrawals, you’re in luck. We have agreed to co-host a re-election party for Supervisor Chris Daly. I hope that you can make it. Daly 06 Fundraiser Friday, June 30th 5PM - 8PM Loft 11, 316 11th Street After 2 grueling weeks of putting the compassion back in San Francisco’s budget, the Board of Supervisors’ Budget & Finance Chair is gearing up for a spirited campaign for a third term on the Board. June 30th also marks the end of the first campaign reporting period, and a strong financial showing to back up Daly’s widespread grassroots support is very important. A $100 donation is suggested -- no one turned away for lack of funds. ~ music ~ appetizers ~ no-host bar ~ Michael Colbruno Vice President of Government Affairs Clear Channel Outdoor/Northern California 555 12th Street, Suite 950 Oakland, CA 94607 510-835-5900

As the Examiner put it in the article to follow on the next page: “Now there’s nothing wrong with accepting money from fat-cat developers or lobbyists — and Daly is just doing what politicians have been doing since the beginning of official campaigns. But Daly ran on a campaign to get rid of the kind of pay-for-play politics he associated with the reign of Mayor Willie Brown — and a quick scan of his fundraising would suggest that Daly has learned a thing or two

from Slick Willie. ‘It’s just the new reality,’ one developer, who asked to remain anonymous, told me. ‘If you want to build a project in Daly’s district, you have to deal with him.’” Daly’s 2006 Donor List: AGI Capital ($1500+) Fox Warfield LLC Macro Builder Sagamore Associates Marina Security Services Tansev & Associates

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California Realty Platinum Advisors LLC Management & Goggin (lawfirm representing Lennar Channelside Development (of Miami, Fla) Crescent Heights (also of Miami, $1800+)

CR Construction Company Jackson Pacific Ventures Malcolm Drilling Company ($2500+) Serco Management Services Bridge Capital Chinatown Community Development Corporation GESD Capital

See for yourself at: Daly in a Nutshell, Courtesy of the Examiner

This Examiner piece of August 17, 2006, confirms everything said above, and deserves to be reprinted in its entirety.

Daly talks the progressive talk, but he walks the monied walk

Ken Garcia’s column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends in The Examiner. Ken Garcia, The Examiner Aug 17, 2006 2:00 AM (7 hrs ago) Current rank: # 11 of 5,585 articles

SAN FRANCISCO - Chris Daly, San Francisco’s most incendiary supervisor, has portrayed himself over the years as one of the forces fighting on behalf of the common man, ready to leap tall buildings to take on corporations, lobbyists, special interests and greedy developers everywhere. And Daly, who is up for re-election in November, must really like his job, because it appears he’s willing to do to just about anything to keep it — even if it means taking gobs of money from corporations, lobbyists, special interests and developers, especially those plying their trade in his district. Do progressive values now carry dollar signs? That’s what a lot of people are wondering after the self-styled populist filed his latest campaign finance disclosure forms, which show that Daly has made a slew of wealthy new friends while in office. In the filing period that ended June 30, Daly’s disclosure forms show that big-money developers, land-use attorneys, lobbyists and their clients gave nearly $17,000 to his re-election campaign — 30 percent of the $55,501 he’s received in contributions so far. Have developers discovered that if they want to get a green light on their projects they need to deal with the new power broker in town, or have they just decided to be good neighbors? From Rincon Hill, where the controversial twin towers are being built, to a massive new apartment complex in the mid-Market area, representatives of the industries Daly has vowed to combat are learning anew what it means to give. Even the

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head of the Miami-based company that just built the Metropolitan, an exclusive condo development near the Embarcadero, sent Daly the maximum contribution of $500 — which shows that when it comes to greasing the rails, politics in California and Florida aren’t very different. Now there’s nothing wrong with accepting money from fat-cat developers or lobbyists — and Daly is just doing what politicians have been doing since the beginning of official campaigns. But Daly ran on a campaign to get rid of the kind of pay-for-play politics he associated with the reign of Mayor Willie Brown — and a quick scan of his fundraising would suggest that Daly has learned a thing or two from Slick Willie. “It’s just the new reality,” one developer, who asked to remain anonymous, told me. “If you want to build a project in Daly’s district, you have to deal with him.” I called Daly to get his take on why so many A-list developers and lobbyists are contributing to his campaign, but he declined to return it. But anyone who remembers his power play last year, in which he got developers to kick in tens of millions of dollars for a “special nonprofit community fund” for his district, knows that Daly may fancy himself a street activist, but he’s learned the ropes like an old pol. “I knew that we’d have to be careful about the corrosive effect of money in politics,” Daly wrote on his blog last year. And indeed, it looks like he’s been carefully studying the effect of money in politics. His list of contributors reads like a lineup of big guns noisily transforming Rincon Hill, South of Market and other areas of Daly’s District 6. Besides Sonny Kahn, CEO of Crescent Heights of America which, built the Metropolitan, there’s John Malcolm, chairman of the drilling company that bears his name and has been involved in numerous high-rise projects. Robert Mendelsohn, a former supervisor who is one of the principals involved in the Old Mint Museum project ponied up for Daly, as did a number of well-known landuse attorneys working on projects in his district, including Alexis Wong and Alice Barkley. Several lobbyists representing developers also dug into their pockets for Daly, including those from Barbary Coast Consulting, which worked on the Rincon Hill Tower project. So did HMS Associates, which represented Angelo Sangiacomo, the developer of a recently approved 1,900-unit development on the site of the old Trinity Apartment complex at Eighth and Market. Treasure Island, which is in Daly’s district, was also well-represented on the list, with lobbyists Jay Wallace and Darius Anderson among those contributing to the supervisor’s re-election bid. Daly, who sharply criticized Mayor Gavin Newsom for cutting a sweetheart deal with developers on Treasure Island, received $2,500 from individuals trying to build there. “One might think he’s sold out his progressive roots and the machine politics he promised to fight,” said Rob Black, probably the best known of the dozen or so candidates challenging Daly in November. Hey, people change. Daly might even become warm and fuzzy on the stump. You just never know.

See for yourself at: Mission Housing Development Corporation / Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition According to its own web statement:

“Mission Housing is a non-profit, community-based organization which creates and preserves high-quality affordable housing for residents of low and moderate incomes in the Mission District and San Francisco. “Mission Housing provides housing for families, seniors and special needs individuals. It also offers technical assistance to service providers to help them develop affordable housing that meets the needs of special populations, such as the physically or mentally handicapped, and the critically ill.”

What SFWeekly said happened: “Now, the board is scrambling to correct what could have been unethical activities by staff members, who may have improperly used a government-funded payroll to advance political goals.”

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What the SF Bay Guardian said happened: “Staffers and community members accused the directors of unilaterally shifting MHDC's attention from low-income rental housing for families and supportive-housing for formerly homeless adults to ownership projects for middle-income clients – while refusing to follow an open and democratic decision-making process. “Longtime executive director Carlos Romero, who strongly resisted such changes to the organization – which has helped retain much of the Mission's working-class character – was fired last winter. A few months later, city officials – led by Sups. Tom Ammiano, Chris Daly, and Aaron Peskin – responded to the turmoil by suspending MHDC's city funding.” Chris Daly is a kingpin of a political agenda in this town aimed at making, or keeping, people poor. Along the lines of a socialist agenda, he seeks to cultivate a proletariat, which he claims to champion, and from which he draws his political power. Part of this plan requires keeping people in low-wage jobs (if employed at all), maximizing City and non-profit hiring, restricting economic growth, small business and the capital class, and very crucially, prohibiting homeownership while keeping renters renting. Mission Housing Development Corporation (MHDC) provided housing for low-income people, but it was taking the next step. It was mentoring those people into the middle class, and it aimed to next develop entry-level homeownership opportunities to allow these low-income people to build assets. That was the direction of MHDC’s board. Its staff, however, was the rank-and-file of Daly’s proletariat. They crossed two unforgivable lines. One, they (Carlos Romero, former Executive Director, and other staff) were reportedly campaigning for Daly, Ammiano and other extremist causes on company time, meaning on taxpayer dollars, since MHDC received City grants (Records show Romero has given $150 to Chris Daly campaigns, $450 to Ammiano, $250 to Matt Gonzalez, and $1550 to other far left campaigns). The MHDC staff were also leaders of the Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition, a militant anti-development protest group through which such campaigning was done. Second, they secretly worked to undermine the intentions of the Board. For both these reasons, Romero was fired. The backlash? Daly and Ammiano worked together to hold up $360,000 in City funding earmarked for MHDC. This double-play is the poster child of Daly’s M.O., and he’s aimed at replicating it often. Play one, he funnels huge sums of money into non-profits, where he places his allies into $100,000 positions advancing his agenda on their “free” time (see: Rincon Hill slush fund). Play two, he initiates a ruthless political revenge on anyone who fights back (see: Urban Solutions). See for yourself at: Urban Solutions Urban Solutions is a South of Market non-profit whose mission is “to help entrepreneurs secure financing, start or grow their businesses and create jobs. We make a special effort to work with economically-challenged communities and entrepreneurs who are low to moderate income, minorities or women.” According to SF Weekly: “(Urban Solutions Executive Director Roger) Gordon got on the wrong side of the nonprofit funding equation three years ago when he committed the political crime of challenging Supervisor Chris Daly, who serves as ward boss of the South of Market and eastern Mission neighborhoods. It seems that Gordon did the unforgivable. He contested Daly's seat in the 2002 election but did not win, finishing third. Gordon soon saw a re-elected Daly make every effort to dry up government funding for Urban Solutions. "I went up to him and said, 'Chris, we don't need to be doing this for the rest of our lives. We can do better things than me harassing you and you harassing me.' He said, 'Let's get together and talk about it.' But I could never reach him after that. I left messages for Bill Barnes, his aide. I said, 'This is stupid. This is innocent people getting hurt here.' I never got anything back. I went to numerous members of the 'progressive' political community, and asked them to approach Chris on my behalf, and try to find a way to make it work. They said, 'Chris is like that -- if you

break the rules, Chris is going to come after you. Chris is an old-style, Chicago politician. He hands out favors, and he hands out pain. Everybody I approached said, 'Your cardinal sin was running against Chris.'" Chris Daly will profess Sunshine, openness, democracy, public input and all those beautiful elements of our governmental process. But when push comes to shove, he punishes a person for running for office. He punishes a group who tries to help people get ahead, rather than keeping them down. See for yourself at: West Bay Filipino Multi-Service Center ” Daly, with the tacit approval of Ammiano, has pulled off a political maneuver that threatens to kill off West Bay Pilipino Multi-Service Center, a longstanding provider of everything from senior meals to breast cancer services…On Sep. 29, West Bay went before the Budget and Finance Committee to seek release of some $351,000 in city funds it was due for its work providing services to S.F. residents…The funds had been frozen this year by Daly who questioned West Bay’s involvement in alleged Medicare fraud activity at the Wilson Fung Medical Clinic. “An audit by the city’s Office of the Controller, found no evidence that connected West Bay to the Wilson Fung Medical Clinic’s alleged fraud. West Bay merely sublet space to the clinic, and was the landlord of the clinic.” How else can we put it other than the above quote? The West Bay staff were no friend of Chris Daly. They did not support his 2002 re-election bid. When Daly saw the opportunity, he took it. A subtenant of West Bay’s facility engaged in some allegedly fraudulent Medicare billing. West Bay was exonerated, but that didn’t matter to Daly. He took the opportunity to strip this center for Filipino seniors and needy residents of its funding. See for yourself at: Cronyism, Business as Usual On June 26, 2006, the Chronicle’s Matier and Ross reported the following: “Just how did housing activist Richard Marquez -- a longtime friend and former roommate of San Francisco SupervisorChris Daly -- land a $77,700-a-year job as a San Francisco housing inspector after initially being bumped as unqualified? Department of Building Inspection employee Garland Simpson - who was passed over for the same job -- wan s to know, and he's filed a protest with the city's Civil Service Commission to get some answers.“

t At the time (and still…), we wanted to know how such a story could get about 450 words in the press and nothing more. Marquez is anything but “under the radar.” He is easily Daly’s #1 Lieutenant, a “social justice” gadfly who has raised Cain on behalf of virtually every pet project of Daly’s tenure, and is quite likely the Regressives’ heir to run for Daly’s seat someday. He has donated to only the most extreme left candidates, including $1000 to Daly. But most notably, he is without argument a social worker with zero experience in construction, planning, architecture or comparable “building inspection” type expertise.

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There is no question that this is a two-pronged political play: scratch Marquez’ back by giving the Daly ally a cushy City job (with benefits the package exceeds $100,000, and don’t forget the almost instant lifetime pension), while scratching Daly’s back by placing his right-hand man inside a power-broking arm of City government. If there’s any question that Marquez is purely a lefty political pawn, please review:

• – “Marquez has built tenants' rights coalitions, organized movements against police brutality, and coordinated volunteers for both Matt Gonzalez's mayoral campaign and Ross Mirkarimi's recent victorious bid for Supervisor…Marquez currently works for Mission Agenda, a tenants' rights organization he helped co-found with Supervisor Chris Daly…”

• - Note the company one keeps. • - another ringing endorsement. • – Marquez rails against Care Not Cash…via Chris

Daly’s (taxpayer sponsored) blog. • – Marquez criticizes community policing calling

it “’piecemeal, token gestures’ that ‘divert resources from the social safety net to law enforcement.’” That’s right…he opposes “diverting resources TO law enforcement.”

• -- Here Marquez emerges in the center of the Mission Housing Development Corporation scandal involving Daly and Ammiano. “What we all have in common is that the Planning Department has pissed us off…Whether that's through district elections or civil disobedience or shutting down the highest levels of city government…People are tired of writing letters to the editor. Remedies are exhausting themselves." Just the mentality you want in DBI.

• - More on Mission Housing. • -- “Richard Marquez of Mission Agenda

comparing protests against fare hikes in other cities to Rosa Parks and that the hikes constituted ‘institutionalized racism and class discrimination.’”

• -- Marquez is an opponent to our Olympic bid efforts. “’We have high hurdles if we want to defeat the games,’ said Richard Marquez of housing advocacy group Mission Agenda. ‘We need to start now with a regional network of homeless coalitions, immigrant groups, neighborhood groups, and taxpayer watchdogs.’ For a model, Marquez looks to Toronto's Bread Not Circuses, which successfully blocked that city's 1996 and 2008 Olympic bids.”

• -- A leader in the “cleaning up a neighborhood equals gentrification” logic, Marquez prefers the current cesspool of 6th and Market, 7th & Market, or United Nations Plaza to a refurbished Mid-Market rejuvenation. “This is ‘the final nail in the coffin in terms of pushing low-income people out of this portion of San Francisco.’”

Public Forum, Personal Rant Politics, policymaking, and ultimately government and law are all about public discourse. There is an appropriate forum for differentiating yourself from your opponent (the campaign trail). There is an appropriate forum for debating issues with colleagues (the legislative chamber). There is plenty of room for disagreement. Then there is The Daly Blog, Chris Daly’s website home to his spewing rants. This is where he berates all who disagree with him. He’ll bemoan the Chronicle, the Sentinel and other press who dare shed light on him. He’ll tear into his fellow Board members if they don’t support his measures. He’ll utterly obsess over the Mayor. He’ll openly campaign for himself and his agenda. "I've not done well in the newspaper coverage," he says. "The Internet is a way to get my message out to people who are wired." He so firmly believes that that he even passed legislation ensuring that he could have such a site. But why? Why would his personal site be scrutinized for its legality or appropriateness? Because this isn’t his personal site. This is his taxpayer funded, city-staff managed, official supervisor’s home page. See for yourself at:

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Anti-SFPD In 2002, Daly posed for the now famous photographs that framed his opinion of police officers and the SFPD. While some might find protesting and standing up for a cause admirable, in no way is it admirable tscream in the face of an officer and threto use your political power in retaliationYet, "I will have your job," were the words Daly shouted at Officer James Riordan.

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similar to his Rincon

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Hthe Chronicle: “’Hey, I am a supervisor,’ Daly said repeatedly, but after the officer twisted his wrist, he finally gave up, Riordareported. At one point, after he was arrested, he asked for Riordan's namebadge number.” Hof the Police Officers Association, coupled with a veiled threat to use his power as supervisor to affect the next police unioncontract. Then of course he “denied that hsaid he would have Riordan fired or that he identified himself as a supervisor. ‘Not true. Not true. Didn't happen,’ he said.” Dopposition to SFPD has been notable. He has held up funding targeted to pay a clasof police recruits, delaying that many more officers from reaching active duty. He opposed funding for more police officerand instead sponsored a (failed) bond measure that would have shoveled moninto community anti-violence non-profits (a slush fund for the placement of Daly cronies to include retired officers. S Is it so hard to BE NICE?

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Daly handcuffed & paddywagoned

. 12

Hill deal). He even extended his attempted gun ban


r is his own mental health. Time and time again he

hind-the-scenes many times screaming threats at

a matter of poor manners and decorum for a public

in no exaggeration whatsoever, throws temper is way.

tituents, and the aforementioned police officers.

y who then feel they cannot participate in the public

process. They approach an area of mentality that this City experienced once already in Dan White that it does not want to experience again. Some of his most concerning moments include:

• His screaming at Police Officer James Riordan “I will have your job.”

• He nearly came to blows with former Mayor Brown after bringing homeless activists to a meeting that was supposed to be "private,” screaming, among other rants, that Brown was “full of shit.” Asked to apologize, Daly replied, "I will apologize that I was lured into the mayor's finger-pointing politics."

Daly threatening an officer

• November 2004, fellow supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier lodged a petition for censure against Daly after he told a landlord advocate to "fuck off" at a tenants' rights hearing. Further fueling Alioto-Pier’s petition was her growing discomfort in how he “had acted in an intimidating manner toward her in past encounters.” When asked to apologize, “Daly remained resolutely, defiantly silent…’I believe that this political style speaks to the realities of a majority of my constituents,’ Daly said.”

• When Daly didn’t get support for his tsunami relief effort he began arguing with Supervisor McGoldrick, as the board continued to the next agenda item, then followed him “out of the room, hurling insults, until being called back to the chamber by Board President Aaron Peskin. As Daly moved to return, McGoldrick asked him, ‘How come you gotta act like a baby?’ To which Daly responded, ‘How come you're two-faced? I'm a baby because you're two-faced!’ ‘You know where you can kiss, don't you, Chris?’ McGoldrick called from the corridor. ‘Yeah, I'll kiss your ass,’ Daly told McGoldrick, whom he dubbed two-faced, ‘right after I kick it.’

• Per SFWeekly: “In the summer of 2001, Daly stormed out of a supervisors' meeting after his colleagues refused most of his proposals for balancing the city's budget. When he eventually returned to the chamber, he took the microphone and delivered a rambling exhortation of his fellow supervisors that ended with Daly infamously declaring, ‘I'm not feeling the love.’”

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• In a February 7th Board meeting debating Daly’s C3 parking restrictions, Daly is heard screaming on a cell phone (audible all the way in the back of the chamber). He hands the phone to Peskin. Mirkarimi joins. Peskin then skips over the item and moves on in the agenda. It was later reported by witnesses that Daly was on the phone with Planning Director Dean Macris, strong-arming him during that conversation. It was suggested that Daly, as head of the Budget and Finance Committee, specifically threatened Macris with cutting the funding of the Planning Department if he didn’t rescind a statement questioning that legislation.

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s the Chronicle has surmised:

NLESS THE San Francisco Board of Supervisors decides to turn its ornate chambers into a day-care center, it needs

ee for yourself at: /Issues/2005-02-09/news/apologist_full.html

A “Uto put a stop to the boorish antics of Supervisor Chris Daly … Officials are supposed to represent the voice of the people, but they can’t get a word in edgewise when a self-centered brat like Daly is constantly drowning out the dialogue with his public fits.” Shttp://music.sfweekly.com Housing Moratorium

espite the fact that there are currently some 10 million vacant (and increasingly more dilapidated) square feet of


ee for yourself at: om/2006/04/moratoriums-loopholes-and-housing-fees.html

Dformerly industrial space in the City’s eastern neighborhoods, AND despite the fact that the City’s business policies are driving businesses away from the City, not back to it, Daly has led the drive to prevent any of that space from being converted into housing. He and his Regressive colleagues (particularly the SF Bay Guardian) openly celebratemoratorium on new housing in the City. Shttp://www.mattlanning.c “Affordable” Housing Requirements

he greatest crisis facing our City is the extinction of a middle class. Daly’s solution? Increase the ratio requirement

real terms, that means if a developer wants to build a 500-unit condominium building, then 100 BMR units would

ee for yourself at: ntry.php?entry_id=333

Tof below market rate (BMR, aka “affordable”) housing in new developments, making more expensive market rate homes only the ultra-rich can afford in order to subsidize below market housing only the poor can qualify for. Dalymoved to push the ratio to 15% of the project, or 20% if the “affordable” units were built off site. Inhave to be included in the project, inflating the cost of the overall project. The middle class could neither afford one of the 500 units, nor qualify for one of the 100 units. Could housing be built without such obstructions, we might expect market rates to drop with increased supply to a more affordable threshold for everyone. S Opposing All Homeownership Bills

he above touch on two elements of Daly’s agenda on housing policy. The bigger picture is that he has opposed

ost notably, Daly has led the opposition against tenancy-in-common (TIC) owners seeking to convert their mutual

ccording to the Chronicle: e lead detractor of the plan that came before the board Tuesday, pointed out that the

Tliterally every measure passing his desk that has aimed to assist prospective homeowners. Minvestment (and risk) in an entire building into individually-owned condominiums. TICs are often the only way a person with modest income might enter the housing market, yet it is an option Daly seeks to remove. A“But Supervisor Chris Daly, thaverage San Franciscan can't afford even a tenancy in common. That meant the legislation would succeed only in helping wealthier residents, he said, while jeopardizing the city's stock of rental housing by setting a precedent for lifting the annual cap on the number of apartments that can be turned into condominiums.”

If the average San Franciscan can’t afford a TIC, it’s because Daly is limiting the supply available. Daly’s measure all


ee for yourself at: rticle.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/04/06/BAGH3C3NAM1.DTL

050494 aimed to install a moratorium on all condo conversions completely. As for “stock of rental housing,” the SmProperty Owners of San Francisco report that in excess of 12,000 rental units are being intentionally held off the market simply because the City makes it too difficult and risky to engage in the rental business. Were the City to ta “limited government” approach, these problems would solve themselves. S W

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ait…But I Can Own a Home, and So Can My Anti-Homeownership Buddies

he real slap-in-the-face of Daly’s anti-homeownership position – and the tell-tale sign that this is part of some other

2002, SF Weekly did a scathing piece in which they followed a real estate agent around the many homes of our SF

o wit: ty's newest homeowners, Supervisor Chris Daly, ran


• sing Clinic has for years fought with itle

six- just

• ballot

eautiful duplex just a

• an anti-

Tsubversive agenda – is that he owns his own home, as do all of his fellow anti-homeownership coalition-mates. In“leaders” who oppose homeownership and who, at the time, were all opposing Proposition R, a measure that would have facilitated renters buying the units in which they live. T

• “One of the ciinto a bit of embarrassment last year when allies of his archenemy, Mayor Willie Brown, touted public records showing he had recently bought a $435,000, two-bedroom SOMA condominium with the helpan $85,000 bank account.” “Randy Shaw's Tenderloin Hougreat success to preserve fleabag hotels. For this, he has earned the t‘housing activist.’ Shaw and his wife, Elaine Feingold, certainly understand the subject of unaffordable housing. Their beautifulbedroom mansion in the Berkeley hills had a 2001 assessed value ofover half a million dollars. But real estate agent Brewer says homes this huge, in this neighborhood, could easily top a million dollars.” (Shaw hassince become keeper of lefty propaganda site “Calvin Welch has earned his 'housing activist' credentials by aggressively advocating growth controls. Welch signed off on a argument opposing Prop. R. And in a column written for the online SanFrancisco Sentinel, Welch said the measure would perniciously expand homeownership.Welch, for one, doesn't need to dream of homeownership. He already owns 519-521 Ashbury St., a bthe famous corner of Haight and Ashbury. Tax records show the duplex was lastassessed at $57,010 under the rules of Proposition 13, which froze home values levels, to change only when a building is resold. During the past few months, simneighborhood have gone for between $840,000 and $1,207,000, with a median p“Bruce Brugmann, owner of a political pamphlet and a lovely hillside home in tneighborhood, is a man who knows how to live. He also apparently knows how tlive: His San Francisco Bay Guardian has run at least a dozen articles, including aopposition to Prop. R. According to tax records, thanks to Prop. 13 Brugmann's h$66,736. And records of recent sales in Brugmann's neighborhood say the publissomething like $630,000. Brugmann appears to have built himself a tidy real estaa mountain in taxes.” (Brugmann is publisher of the SF Bay Guardian) “Board of Supervisors President Tom Ammiano is one of 26 signers ofargument...Ammiano certainly puts his money where his mouth is: No condo owproud deed-holder to a lovely home in that dreamy, shaded, restaurant-packed aup against Mission Street. With the last sale recorded in 1974, Ammiano's houseassessed value of $39,074. Recent sales data from Ammiano's neighborhood, meis now worth $382,500.”

Daly’s SoMa Condo


couple of doors down from





Prop. R ballot miano is the


sold in 1976, and is for tax purposes at 19ilar buildings in Welch's rice of a cool $1 million.”he West of Twin Peaks he rest of us ought not t cover story, voicing ouse is assessed at onher's digs are now worth te nest egg, while avoidin

ner himself, Amrea where Bernal Hill butts

has a recorded Prop. 13 anwhile, suggest his hous

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A critical note is that this article is from 2002. Housing prices have skyrocketed since then (notably in part because of such restrictive housing rules these homeowner-politicians are putting in place). One might easily add $200,000 or more to the price of any of the above-mentioned properties. See for yourself at: Limiting Parking and the Social Engineering of Downtown In the fall of 2005, Daly pushed hard to limit the amount of parking spaces to be allowed in new downtown developments (areas zoned “C3”). Where it is standard for developers to build parking for each residential unit in the building, Daly sought to limit the ratio, making a “if we don’t build it, they won’t come” argument. He contested that if we forbid new downtown parking spaces, then new residents of downtown will choose to not have cars. In a perfect world, that might be the case. Reality, however, knows that the purchaser of a $1.5 million condo will likely bring a car along. Reality means that a working mother critically needs a car to get from work, to school (they bus kids to schools across town here), to recitals and ball games, to the grocery store and other errands, and back home. No amount of Daly’s social engineering of people’s transit lifestyles is going to change that. Limiting parking would not have limited cars, but rather driven cars to the streets and adjacent neighborhoods, circling blocks and looking for parking. Daly chose to disagree, but offered absolutely zero evidence, data or research to make his point. His logic, essentially, was “because I say so.” Fortunately, the Mayor vetoed that measure. Scorned and vengeful, however, Daly returned with another attack on parking, submitting a last-minute ballot measure that would increase the tax on parking to an unprecedented 35%. Daly’s parking fixation goes back deep into his tenure. According to the Chronicle, in early 2005, “Daly suggested a ‘luxury’ parking tax should be levied on motorists who drive and park downtown.” This is clearly a battle he aims to continue waging. See for yourself at: Transbay Terminal Centered squarely in the middle of Daly’s District 6 is the site of the proposed Transbay Terminal, perhaps one of the Bay Area’s most ambitious and critical public transit projects since the BART tube. Once built, the terminal is poised to serve as a hub connecting CalTrain, BART, Muni light rail and bus lines, as well as neighboring county bus lines. It is even speculated to be a center for high speed rail in the future. To Daly, it is a plaything. In May of 2005, Superior Court Judge Ronald Quidachay ordered the City to stop all work on the Transbay Terminal project. In doing so, he cited a flawed environmental impact report (EIR). The Board of Supervisors approved an EIR on the project that recommended the property targeted for the terminal be condemned. This was a critical decision in that the City was attempting to use Eminent Domain to pull the property away from its owner, a developer who had other plans for it. But Judge Quidichay concluded in his decision rejecting that EIR that Supervisor Daly's admissions of bias at the EIR hearing "were in clear and direct violation of his statutory obligations" under the City's Administrative Code, and that he should not have participated in the hearing. The Judge declared that one of his reasons in ruling against the City was Daly's conduct. Daly's action is part of the reason that the City lost that suit and ultimately settled for $58 million for the property, substantially over the $32 million that was originally negotiated. The City Charter defines Official Misconduct as "any wrongful behavior by a public officer in relationship to the duties of his or her office, willful in its character, including any failure, refusal or neglect ... to perform any duty enjoined on

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him or her by law" [CC Sec. 15.105 (e)]. The judgment against the City is explicit about Daly violating his duties under the City Administrative Code. Board President Matt Gonzales admonished Daly at the time of his profession of bias not to act in this way. He did so anyway, and this action was brought to the attention of the Judge. There is no question that he acted willfully. An elected official who commits misconduct is subject to removal from office and, in this case, should have been officially censured at minimum. Of course, Daly felt no recourse. Eager for a second course of nonsense with Transbay, Daly pushed a ballot measure in June of 2006 that would have eliminated a position on the Transbay Joint Powers Authority for the head of MUNI, and forced the Mayor to sit on the board, and attend its meetings, instead. This was a another Daly’s ‘stick it to the mayor’ moves, using a major public project to do so. See for yourself at: Ignoring Every Pothole in his District One pass through District 6 over the past 6 years (the current reign of Daly’s tyranny), and a driver (heaven forbid a motorcyclist or bicyclist) will soon learn that these are the worst streets in the City. South of Market and the Tenderloin don’t so much have roads as they have minefields. Daly couldn’t be bothered with it. While no one wants to see suffering, and we’d all like the immediate alleviation of pain in those suffering from drug addiction, Daly thinks that DPH funding for those drug addict services offered to that tiny community are more important that virtually ALL of the City’s residents traveling on safe streets. “Daly said he thinks it's premature to pump money back into capital upgrades for such initiatives as landscaping median strips, fixing up softball and soccer fields and filling potholes when plans are in the works to shut the dialysis unit at San Francisco General Hospital and eliminate certain outpatient services for drug abusers.” On every occasion made available to him, Daly opted to divert money away from streets and parks and into other programs. More notably, he has opposed one-time, fixed capital expenditure in favor of ongoing, frequently swollen social programs contributing to government bloat. When, after 15 years of neglect, the City finally installed a 10-year capital plan aimed at strategizing and funding infrastructure maintenance and improvements, Daly was the ONLY supervisor to vote against it. One tiny detail that make a point is the Park and Recreation Open Space Advisory Committee (PROSAC), a citizen board charged with representing neighborhoods on parks issues. From October 2005 until present, hat committee has only one seat vacant on it. That seat has been vacant for nearly a year. The seat is designated to be filled by the supervisor of District 6. That’s how much Daly cares about parks. See for yourself at: Potholes Second, Save-the-World First The Board of Supervisors is like any city council in the largest metro or the smallest town. Its mission is to do the business of the people of that town. That means taking care of the day-to-day needs that keep a town functioning: streets, sidewalks, parks, schools, housing, traffic/parking, police and fire, garbage and other utilities, and so forth.

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The Board has absolutely nothing to do with national or international affairs. It neither has any official jurisdiction, nor does its opinion carry any weight in global policymaking. If anything, the opinion of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is but a running joke for TV pundits and water cooler talk for the average joe in Ohio. Yet Daly has proved relentless in his quest to legislate for the Big Time. Through various pieces of legislation – each one of which takes the City Attorney’s, the Board’s, and the public’s time – he has sought to impeach the president, send money we don’t have to tsunami victims, pull troops out of Iraq, get Bill O’Reilly fired, ban the US military from schools, push a gun grab that was overturned as fast as everyone knew it would be, oppose federal immigration policy, condemn the “persecution” of Falun Gong practitioners, commend socialist British politician George Galloway (who in supporting Iraq over his country said to Saddam Hussein: “I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability”), urge retailer Urban Outfitters to stop selling purportedly “racist” t-shirts, oppose the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, and certainly a few others. San Franciscans and readers of this collection may very well endorse many of those positions. The point remains, however, that none of this is the job of a City and County Supervisor. While Daly continually seeks another guest appearance on MSNBC, he is fully ignoring the bread-and-butter needs of communities over which he does have jurisdiction. In a delusional moment, Daly himself concedes: “I was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors with over 81% of the vote from one of the City’s poorest districts not to make foreign policy, but to work on issues of housing, health care and services for seniors.” We don’t know which is more surreal, that he believes he has an 81% mandate anywhere in this City, or that he thinks he’s there to do the work of the people. See for yourself at: Constant Tax Increases Ronald Reagan must have seen Daly coming when he said: “Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” Daly will leave no stone unturned when it comes to raising taxes and fees on the people of San Francisco. Then he’ll tax you for owning the stone, tax you for turning the stone, raise the fee for parking the stone where it is, and increase the costs and taxes on whomever you might have watch the stone in your absence. Daly was a major proponent of Propositions J and K, increases in sales taxes and gross receipts taxes, respectively. Then, not a year after both failed, he proposed another gross receipts tax. “San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly thinks city voters will approve a quarter-of-a-cent sales tax increase to support public health services in November,” reported the Chronicle. He’s raised costs on virtually every element of employment. He’s raised costs of various elements of owning, renting or selling a home. He sought to raise the cost of real estate transfer taxes. He’s raised fees for myriad City services. He’s raised taxi fares. He’s raised parking meter rates and continually raises parking garage taxes. He proposed a “luxury” tax for driving downtown. No stone unturned? He raised the cost of permits for tattoo parlors! Daly has even pushed to raise taxes on taxes. When Supervisor Sophie Maxwell began scaling back a proposal to charge fees on businesses to pay for enforcement of previous wage increases forced on businesses, Daly stood up for the original plan. “Daly stressed the need for Maxwell’s original ‘progressive solution’ under which large corporations

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would bear the brunt of maintaining wage rates. He stated definitively the necessity for large businesses around San Francisco to ‘pay their fair share.’” As if this assault on our City’s cost-of-living weren’t enough, Daly was further chair of the 2006-07 Budget Committee, where he eagerly shaped how these countless tax dollars were spent. Well, not quite countless. There were $5.8 billion of them, a budget that is larger than that of 20 individual states of our country. After that grotesque largesse was passed, Daly gave himself a big pat on the back, along with the adulation of his colleagues and even the Mayor for all the good work. Good work, that is, if you’re one of the City beneficiaries profiting from it. Not so good if you’re a regular San Franciscan working to make the money to pay those tax dollars. Presently Daly is supporting mandatory health care fees on City businesses, and is sponsoring a ballot measure that would mandate that employers provide paid sick leave for all employees. Considering that any businesses that can provide these things already do, this is targeted only at the most vulnerable businesses that are doing all they can to stay afloat. See for yourself at: And Don’t You Dare Try to Get it Back When several City companies appealed the assessed value of their property, Daly called it “one of the most significant raids on revenues in the history of the city.” Raids, he calls it. These companies were in no way defrauding the City. They simply felt they had a legal right to appeal and perhaps lower their cost of doing business. Daly doesn’t want to be bothered with due process, however. Just write the check and go away. See for yourself at: Diverting Real Tax Dollars to Lofty Ideals Noted above is Daly’s aversion to directing tax dollars to what the citizens pay for, namely clean streets, parks, playgrounds, or public safety. He does, however, find a way to grow our Department of Public Health budget to over $1 billion all by itself. He has proposed $2 million for services to protect illegal immigrants from federal law enforcement. He failed in trying to send $1 million to tsunami relief efforts, at a time when our City was in debt and the Board was trying to again raise taxes. He’s was integral in getting potentially $850,000 per candidate, per election directed toward public funding of mayoral races. Once again, we will even concede that many residents may support some of these causes, and may personally wish to donate to tsunami relief, to immigration legal defense funds or to the mayoral candidate of their choice. These are NOT, however, priorities that should take the place of basic public needs, nor send a City in deficit further into the red. See for yourself at: “Corporate Welfare” A simple rule of economics is, if you want less of it, tax it; if you want more of it, subsidize it. We want more business and more revenue coming into the City, therefore it stands to reason that we might offer incentives to lure business

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here. Yet on at least three occasions during Daly’s reign, an effort was put forth to do just that. He consistently opposes them all. In 2004, Daly joined Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval in attempting to de-fund the San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau, virtually the only City charge that spends money specifically to make more money. In 2004, the San Francisco Grand Prix bike race brought in $10.7 million in consumer spending, which generated $492,000 in City tax revenue. In 2005, Daly opposed the City subsidizing roughly $90,000 in police costs to keep the race in San Francisco. To quote the Chronicle, “Supervisor Chris Daly says no, calling the proposed fee reduction nothing short of "corporate welfare'' for a race organizer set up to turn a profit. ‘This truly is downtown voodoo economics at its worst,' Daly said.” The Grand Prix left San Francisco, and with it millions in tax revenues (not to mention a great ambassador of our City) over the coming years. In 2004, Supervisor Alioto-Pier sponsored legislation that would provide a temporary exemption of payroll taxes for biotech companies. "UC San Francisco spawned over 70 biotech companies,'' she argued. "Not one has come to San Francisco.'' Other cities in the Bay Area that have attracted clusters of biotech firms, like South San Francisco and Emeryville, have no payroll tax, she said. Daly’s response was that this was a “tax loophole that could sap resources needed for other city priorities, including economic development.” Considering that this argument is now in the past, we can look to the facts to see who was right. Sure enough, Mission Bay (Daly’s district) has boomed in the past two years due to the proliferation of biotech companies, not the least of which was the landing of the stem cell research institute. Did Daly learn a lesson in economics? Of course not. When Alioto-Pier returned in 2006 to propose incentives to re-invigorate our City’s film industry, Daly opposed it again.

As if the cultural contribution to our City’s legacy weren’t enough, $461 million worth film production dumped its economic impact on us at its peak in 1996. That dwindled to zero in 2004. In 2005, we benefited from the $35 million budgeted "Rent" and the $75 million "Pursuit of Happyness" (sic). The first generated an estimated $39 million output into our local economy and produced 245 full time equivalent (FTE) jobs. The latter generated $63.5 million and 400 FTE’s. It was a huge boost to the City. This wasn’t $63 million going to pay Will Smith’s acting contract. It’s spread about into tip jars, hotel rooms and taxi fares throughout town. It stands to reason that anything we can do to bring such industries -- be they the permanent biotech or the temporary film, cycling, festivals, etc. - we should. So Alioto-Pier rightly pushed her legislation to offer a rebate on the countess taxes, fees, licenses, and other costs the City imposes that makes so many films go to Vancouver and beyond. Under her rebate plan the City coffers may profit as much as if the film never came - zero total revenue - but in the process distribute jobs and income to all the peripheral businesses who serve a film production. But of course -- cue the villain -- this is where Supervisor Daly swoops in with his "corporate welfare" illogic (starting with the fact that corporate welfare is the only welfare Daly isn't seeking to double every Committee meeting).

From Daly’s comments against Alioto-Pier’s legislation:

• “ I will spare you the complete rehash of my policy-based opposition to tax breaks, generally speakingAlthough, I will mention that we had experts, Mr. Harrington has brought up economists who have told us, and this has not been debated, that these types of tax breaks are very rarely the most efficient policy way to reach some sort of policy goal.”

Daly begins with the red herrings that are a staple of his arguments. While there may be "experts" who oppose tax breaks, they have not been paraded before this Board, and there are certainly many, if not more, "experts" who would argue the other side of such economic stimulus packages. City Controller Ed Harrington is, in fact, one of the impartial sources of the data we quote above, and in no way has provided contrary opinion. And whenever Daly starts talking about "good public policy," grab your wallet.

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• I will also rei erate that in the past this City and the lion’s share of its taxpayers have been burned by selective tax incentive programs, or holidays, or loopholes or whatever you want to call them.

Again, complete misdirection. There are no examples of such rebates "burning" the City. Perhaps Daly is referring to the biotech payroll tax exemption which was enacted when the City had exactly zero biotech companies. Now that there are some, of course the City doesn't get payroll tax from them but it does get all of the other tax revenue from all of the multiplier economic activity of the companies and their employees. Daly would rather go back to the good old days of no jobs and no taxes.

• I’ll also point out that while we can rescind taxes by a vote here, because of state law we can’t un-rescind our rescintion (sic) of the taxes. We’d have to go back to the voters of San Francisco who, in an even year, November election would have to vote in a majority, or by supermajority in any other election to restore taxes in San Francisco.

Chris Daly is nothing if not concerned, dedicated and knowledgeable about how to make sure the tax burden is as high as possible on the citizens of San Francisco.

• But even if you disagree with the experts on the policy points...

Actually, there weren't any experts, and "they" did not have any points.

• My question to you colleagues, is, which industries are undeserving of these tax incentive programs or tax holidays or tax loopholes or whatever we want to call them. Is the health industry not deserving? Is the real estate industry not deserving? Is it the industries that have union representation or don’t have union representation? Is it industries that could go elsewhere or, necessarily like the real estate industry, would have a difficult time going elsewhere?

Maybe Daly could get answers to those incisive questions from a few places, like: Every company in Emeryville that located there to avoid San Francisco's taxes; Every retailer in Colma that would send sales taxes to our City Hall if they weren't evil big-box companies like Target that might just make it a tiny bit less family-unfriendly to live here; Every corporate outpost at Bishop Ranch that is a refuge for companies like Chevron that get shoved across into the deep Easy Bay and never come back.

• If you don’t agree with the experts, who almost unilaterally say tax programs like this are almost never the most efficient way to reach a policy goal, where does i end?

Since Daly's "policy goal" is to take as much money as possible from private citizens and hand them over to his political cronies, "it" only ends when there are no companies left to tax, at any rate -- which is exactly the problem that Alioto-Pier was addressing with both her "we have no bio-tech companies" tax credit and her "we have no film industry" tax credit.

Fortunately for our City, Daly ended up with just his own vote and that of Supervisor Peskin, who didn't get a pass from the Nobel laureate economics experts over at the Bay Guardian.

See for yourself at: (see minute 0:52:50)

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Micromanaging your Nanny Arrangment Again in the “no stone left unturned” department, Daly moved to increase costs and City regulation on independent contractor relationships. Namely, you would no longer be able to simply hire the nanny, or gardener, or handyman, or dog walker on your own negotiated terms. Now you had to suffer the micromanagement of Chris Daly. See for yourself at: Landmarking Private Property Daly pushed a measure that would allow the City to designate any tree to be an official landmark, forbidding its removal, even if it was on private property, owned by a private citizen. We love trees. Who doesn’t? Big, old, majestic trees should be kept among us if at all possible. But is Daly’s intrusive government the way to go? Does the government have the right to walk into your house and tell you how to manage your property? How long until a dying tree becomes a dangerous threat, as an owner lets it rot rather than pursue the painstaking process of getting the permit to remove it? How long until people simply don’t plant trees, because they’ve been warned that they may be saddling themselves with a burden after that tree grows up? See for yourself at: What if Chris was Mayor? In 2003, Daly notoriously usurped the authority of the mayor, disregarded the well-defined organization of City government, and wholly threw public trust out the window when he abused his role of acting mayor (while then-Mayor Willie Brown was out of town) to appoint his own personal choices to the Public Utilities Commission. At the time, then-Press Secretary PJ Johnston called Daly "the spoiled little brat of San Francisco politics." See for yourself at: Cat ‘n’ Mouse with the Mayor There is a time for debate and disagreement in public office. But at the end of the day, office holders should genuinely desire to work with one another toward a common goal. Daly sees it differently. Countless constituents, both individuals and associations, have reported that Daly’s door is no longer open to them, that he has kicked them out of his office, has refused to meet with them, has refused to attend their meetings. But the most noteworthy of Daly’s relationships is with that of the mayor. Daly has made it a sport to oppose and obstruct the mayor at every opportunity. It has progressed to almost an obsession with him. He is pushing a ballot measure that forces the mayor to sit through a board question and answer period once a month, similar to British Parliament. In June of 2006 he failed with a ballot measure forcing the mayor to sit on the Transbay Joint Powers Authority. When the mayor vetoes Daly’s legislation, he takes it to the ballot, where he continually loses either with the voters or with the courts thereafter. When an episode of the animated comedy “South Park” lampooned San Francisco for its “smugness,” Daly retorted that it must be the “Newsom half of the City.” He earlier boasted of how he had gone a full two years without speaking to the mayor. He has opposed the mayor’s Care Not Cash initiative relentlessly, despite the program being widely accepted as successful, seemingly just to have another bone to pick with the mayor.

And it doesn’t seem to be a personality conflict with simply Newsom, as Daly engaged in all these same antics under Willie Brown. It’s apparent that, keeping with his childish image, he simply wants to defy any authority whatsoever. See for yourself at: Care Not Cash Opposition Care Not Cash (2002’s Prop N) was never billed as an end-all solution to homelessness. In the two-and-a-half years since its installation it has joined many other efforts, most notably Project Homeless Connect, in addressing the homelessness problem and getting people off the streets. Care Not Cash was credited with moving 1,318 people into permanent housing as of its second anniversary. All of 2,497 people have been removed from the welfare rolls, either opting for services or leaving the welfare program altogether. The overall number of homeless people dropped 28%. Despite this success, Daly attacks the program (often as means to again attack the mayor.) He’ll skew any number necessary simply to cut down the effort. "The promises made in this campaign were deceptive at best,'' he has said. His blog urges that “Progressives Should Re-Double Opposition to Care Not Cash.” He’s led protests against it. Daly’s opposition revisits the question as to whether he legitimately wants to help the poor. If this program is so obviously getting people off the streets, and he’s against it, then by definition does that not mean he prefers people on the streets? We have increasingly speculated that Daly, in his self-proclaimed socialist agenda, seeks to grow a lower-class proletariat population which, by certainly no coincidence, also grows his voting base. He seeks a City without economic growth, and with a populace that is reliant on government redistribution of wealth while individually without personal property. His opinion on Care Not Cash is directly in line with that agenda. See for yourself at: Where’s Chris? Daly refused to sit for the Board of Supervisors’ group photo because “he wasn’t wearing the right glasses.”

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Pat Murphy: A Case Study on Vengance Pat Murphy is one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. He also performs a critical service to the City, acting as an independent editor and reporter of Murphy’s work is bona fide journalism, and often covers the entirety of a story that the major media leaves out. And he does it all humbly without said major media’s big funding. Insomuch as Murphy reports the truth, much of his coverage of Daly had been unflattering. Daly’s response was to take the extraordinary step of calling for an investigation into whether Murphy’s Web outlet had violated city campaign finance laws. "I urge them to disclose their donors," Daly said at the Board of Supervisors meeting while standing just a few feet from Sentinel founder Pat Murphy, who was in the press gallery. After his comments, Daly stared at Murphy and said, "That's how I roll." "Chris keeps narrowing himself, refusing to do business with anyone he doesn't like," Murphy said. "I just decided, 'This isn't working for me.' At the same time, I was more and more impressed with Mayor Newsom. I couldn't prove him wrong on anything. I slowly became an admirer of Newsom." Local blog Critical Cloud mused well on the issue: “Yes, boys and girls, San Francisco's own Supervisor Chris Daly is the winner of Critical Cloud's prestigious What the Fuck Were You Thinking? award. Supervisor Daly, well known whiner, crybaby, and spoiled brat, is the unanimous choice of the WTF judges. And what momentous accomplishment garnered Mr. Daly this honor? It seems a certain online politically slanted publication, The San Francisco Sentinel, has raised the ire of the Supervisor so much, that he has called for it to be investigated by the City Attorney. Yes, Mr. Daly wrote a tart note to the editor of the Sentinel and the Sentinel printed it in all its petulant nastiness and now Daly is mad at them because they dared to quote his own words. Daly says the Sentinel, which really amounts to a political news blog with great photography, is actually a political action committee disguised as journalism and therefore is subject to political disclosure laws. What a crock.” Daly continues to reiterate the point that if you cross him in any way, he will use every power of his office to retaliate through legislative, administrative and other political means. See for yourself at: A Closing Note: “The Chip” One concern overlying all of these actions is: What is his motive? Why does Daly do all these things and take (and/or feign) these positions. He clearly has a chip on his shoulder, an axe to grind,…(insert euphemism for “vengeful belligerence” here). From many reports we can paint the picture as thus…Daly is from an affluent East Coast family. He has family money – a trust fund, many sources have contended – that launched his first effort to get elected, helped fund his SoMa condo, and so forth. He attended a prestigious East Coast college – Duke University – only to drop out after a few semesters. One resident told of a conversation with Daly’s parents at a campaign stop a few years back. “You really did a job on this one,” was the bold statement to the parents, which actually led to a rather amicable conversation about Daly’s family and homelife. Daly has a brother who was described as “a successful Wall Street stockbroker who drives a Porsche.” So is that what we’re dealing with? Does Daly have “runt of the litter” syndrome? Is he terrorizing our City purely because of an inferiority complex, living in the shadow of a successful sibling, craving attention, craving approval? If so, there are myriad forums for him to work out his issues. City Hall is not one of them.

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Do this now: 1. Volunteer for the campaign against Daly at 2. Make CERTAIN that you are registered to vote at your

current address. Text the word “dumpdaly” to 75444 on your cell phone, or visit to register electronically.

3. Educate yourself. Under our Ranked Choice Voting system, you are allowed to vote for THREE candidates, your first, second and third choice. And you CAN leave your second or third choices BLANK.

4. Vote in the November 7th election, and leave Chris Daly completely OFF your Ranked Choice Ballot! If Daly is even listed as a second or third choice, this system will allow him to win.

When we all do better, we all do better! Promote policies for everyone.

Stop the Daly agenda now.

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