the capital link - capital district umw...2 president- roxie floyd, 919-880-3292...

1 The Capital Link Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015 or September 1 Capital Link Deadline 19 Capital District Officers Planning Retreat, Pine Level UMC, Pine Level NC 14 at 7:00 pm: Domestic Violence Remembrance Service, Eureka United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall. Eureka is located at 128 N. Church Street in Eureka October 10 UMW Annual Conference – Fayetteville, NC 13 at 11:15 am: Domestic Violence Remembrance Service, St. Mark's United Methodist Church in the Journey Garden (front of the church). St. Mark's is located at 4801 Six Forks Road, Raleigh. 24 Capital District Annual Meeting, 10:00am – 12:00 pm Whitley Memorial UMC, 300 Wilsons Mills Rd, Smithfield, NC November 14 Capital District LOTS (Local Officer Training) Horne Memorial UMC, 121 E Second Street, Clayton NC 27530 Registration 9:00AM. Meeting from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM The PURPOSE of United Methodist Women The organized unit of United Methodist women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. 2015 Capital District CALENDAR

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Page 1: The Capital Link - Capital District UMW...2 President- Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292 Mississippi, became a This morning as the rain falls calmly against the window,


The Capital Link Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015 or

September 1 Capital Link Deadline 19 Capital District Officers Planning Retreat, Pine Level UMC, Pine Level NC 14 at 7:00 pm: Domestic Violence Remembrance Service, Eureka United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall. Eureka is located at 128 N. Church Street in Eureka

October 10 UMW Annual Conference – Fayetteville, NC 13 at 11:15 am: Domestic Violence Remembrance Service, St. Mark's United Methodist Church in the Journey Garden (front of the church). St. Mark's is located at 4801 Six Forks Road, Raleigh. 24 Capital District Annual Meeting, 10:00am – 12:00 pm Whitley Memorial UMC, 300 Wilsons Mills Rd, Smithfield, NC November 14 Capital District LOTS (Local Officer Training) Horne Memorial UMC, 121 E Second Street, Clayton NC 27530 Registration 9:00AM. Meeting from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

The PURPOSE of United Methodist Women

The organized unit of United Methodist women shall be a community of women whose

purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus

Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission

through participation in the global ministries of the church.

2015 Capital District CALENDAR

Page 2: The Capital Link - Capital District UMW...2 President- Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292 Mississippi, became a This morning as the rain falls calmly against the window,


President - Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292

[email protected]

This morning as the rain falls

calmly against the window, I

am reminded of how God sends us what we

need, when we need it and in the proportion that

makes sense for us. The year has passed by in a

blur. Each day brings a plethora of activities that

I find myself most time ill equipped to handle.

When I get caught up in the busyness of life, I

ask God to guard me against pointless busyness

and help me to be busy with a purpose. The rain

slowed my busyness this morning and made me

spend some extra time with Christ and in that

time I was blessed with the understanding that

just as the rain replenishes and renews the

beautiful earth that God created, the love of

Christ in my life renews and refreshes me for

the journey and gives me purpose.

Thank you ladies that the work you have done

this year. You are making a difference. The

busyness of what you do serves a purpose.

Women, children, youth and families around the

world are being helped by your generosity. Your

love for God shines brightly on each face and in

every heart that is helped by the work that you

do. Thanks for continuing to have a global view

of mission. We are a world community !

Ida B. Wells, a former

slave from

Mississippi, became a

crusader for justice,

helping to bring an

end to lynching in

America. The book is

in the leadership

category but could

very well have been a

road map to social

justice. Her legacy of

activism for freedom

and equality reminds us that there is yet work to be done.

Ladies, the reading program is coming into the 21st

century. Many of the books may now be downloaded on

your Kindle. Go to the site below to see books in each

category and get a review of the books and order them

direct either in print or for use on Kindle. http://


Our Theme for 2015:

Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

2015 Color: PURPLE

“Because they love me,” says the Lords. “I will rescue

them; I will protect them, for they acknowledge my


Psalm 91:14 (TNIV)

Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015

Page 3: The Capital Link - Capital District UMW...2 President- Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292 Mississippi, became a This morning as the rain falls calmly against the window,


Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015


Greetings from your District Treasurer, Fall is here, school has started and our District is behind in our Mission pledge. We can’t do anything about the calendar, Fall is here and before we know it, our coats will feel good for Winter’s chill. We can’t do anything about school starting: it happens every year. I pray God’s blessings for our students and school staff.

Being behind in our Mission pledge is a matter we can do something about. To date I have received 64% of our pledge which is good but the unfortunate fact is that 75% of our year is gone. Said another way, we have 3 months to collect $36,000 in order to make our district’s pledge. How can we do it? Promote giving beyond an individual member’s pledge. Remember, these avenues of giving count toward the District pledge:

Pledge Special Mission Recognition pins Gift to Mission cards Gift in Memory cards World Thank offering Candleburning Penny and Prayer offering Love Offering Special Project

While the deadlines for Candleburning and our Special Project have ended, you still can participate in these giving opportunities. Money that comes in after the cut-off time for listing honorees’ names in the District Annual Meeting Candleburning book will be credited to this year but the names will be held and listed in the 2016 Candleburning book. Thank You to every United Methodist Woman in our District for the work our organization does for women, youth and children throughout the world. I encourage everyone to read response magazine to read stories of specific United Methodist Women missions in our country as well as throughout the world. These stories tell us how our mission money changes the lives of many throughout the world while these people are learning about Jesus. Please remember our Conference Annual Meeting at Methodist University in Fayetteville on October 10 and our District Annual Meeting at Whitley Memorial in Smithfield on October 24. Attending these meetings helps all of us better understand the work of United Methodist Women and provide great opportunities for fellowship. Finally, I encourage all local unit officers to attend the training session in November. Even if you’ve held your position for several years, you will benefit from learning current practices. Also, if no one from a unit attends LOTS, the district has to spend dollars that would otherwise be mission money, for postage to mail the information packets to your president.

With appreciation for the work of all United Methodist Women, Sandra Creech Mendell, Capital District Treasurer


Page 4: The Capital Link - Capital District UMW...2 President- Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292 Mississippi, became a This morning as the rain falls calmly against the window,


Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015

Spiritual Growth Coordinator Barbara lee, Spiritual Growth Coordinator [email protected]


After a few of the usual Sunday evening hymns, the church’s pastor slowly stood up, walked over to the pulpit and,

before he gave his sermon for the evening, he briefly introduced a guest minister who was in the service that

evening. In the introduction, the pastor told the congregation that the guest minister was one of his dearest

childhood friends and that he wanted him to have a few moments to greet the church and share whatever he felt

would be appropriate for the service. With that, an elderly man stepped up to the pulpit and began to speak.

A father, his son, and a friend of his son were sailing off the Pacific coast’ he began, ‘when a fast approaching storm

blocked any attempt to get back to the shore. The waves were so high, that even though the father was an

experienced sailor, he could not keep the boat upright and the three were swept into the ocean as the boat


The old man hesitated for a moment, making eye contact with two teenagers who were for the first time since the

service began, looking somewhat interested in his story.

The aged minister continued with his story. ‘Grabbing a rescue line, the father had to make the most excruciating

decision of his life: to which boy would he throw the other end of the life line. He only had seconds to make the

decision. The father knew that his son was a Christian and he also knew that his son’s friend was not. The agony of

his decision could not be matched by the torrent of waves. As the father yelled out, “I love you, son,” he threw

out the life line to his son’s friend. By the time the father had pulled the friend back to the capsized boat, his son

had disappeared beneath the raging swells into the black of night. His body was never recovered.

By this time, the two teenagers were sitting up straight in the pew, anxiously waiting for the next words to come

out of the old minister’s mouth.

‘The father,’ he continued, ‘knew his son would step into eternity with Jesus and he could not bear the thought of

his son’s friend stepping into an eternity without Jesus. Therefore, he sacrificed his son to save the son’s friend.’

‘How great is the love of God that he should do the same for us. Our heavenly father sacrificed his only begotten

son that we could be saved. I urge you to accept his offer to rescue you and take a hold of the life line he is

throwing out to you in his service.’

With that, the old man turned and sat back down in his chair as silence filled the room. The pastor again walked

slowly to the pulpit and delivered a brief sermon with an invitation at the end. However, no one responded to the


Within minutes after the service ended, the two teenagers were at the old man’s side. ‘That was a nice story,’

politely stated one of them, ‘but I don’t think it was very realistic for a father to give up his only son’s life in hopes

that the other boy would become a Christian.’ ‘Well you’ve got a point there,’ the old man replied, glancing down

at his worn Bible. A big smile broadened his narrow face. He once again looked up at the boys and said, ‘It sure

isn’t very realistic, is it? But, I’m standing here today to tell you that story gives me a glimpse of what it must have

been like for God to give up his son for me. You see……I was that father and your pastor is my son’s friend.’

Page 5: The Capital Link - Capital District UMW...2 President- Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292 Mississippi, became a This morning as the rain falls calmly against the window,


Secretary of Program Resources--

An old saying as you grow older the years fly by, that can be truly be said for this year. It

seems I was just preparing the 2014 Reading Program Report and it is time again to prepare

the 2015 Reading Program Report. In announcing the winner of the Reading Banner last

year at our District Annual Meeting, I made a challenge to increase our Local Unit

Participation by 10 percent, we did not reach that goal, almost and thanks to those Units who

did first time participation. Todate, meaning at the writing of this article we had 175

Readers having read 1,275 books. Thank you for all your participation and encouraging

others to read. Reading broadens our understanding of how fortunate we are based on the

conditions of some people around the world. Our eyes are windows to the world, reading brings the world to us. The

new 2016 Reading Program Books can be found on your computer by entering United Methodist Women Reading

Program 2016. I will have some of these books available for sale at our District Annual Meeting in October.

I hope to see many of you at our Annual UMW Conference on October 10, 2015 in Fayetteville and all of you at our

Capital District Annual Meeting on October 24, 2015 at Whitley Memorial UMC, 300 Wilson Mills Road, Smithfield

beginning at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Enjoy the fall weather and hopefully all the summer heat is gone!

Peace and Goodwill

Shirley Jones Capital District, Secretary of Program Resources

Volume 4 Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015

Membership, Nurture and Outreach

Dear Sisters in the Lord.

As I leave my position as Membership and Nurture person at the end of the year, I

thank all the current and past Capital district officers, all the Local officers, and

members that helped me through the past few years. God's mighty presence has been

with us. I have experienced your love, caring and help. This valuable gift will remain in

my memories for ever. I have truly enjoyed working with all of you.

Currently we have 68 active units. I encourage all of you to attend the UMW Annual

conference, Dist. Annual meeting and Lots. Bring all local officers, new and current

members with you. You will be equipped with knowledge and Holy experience of worship with renewed

Spirit and energy. Hope and pray that you carry and share your enthusiasm with your members. Remember

our purpose. As you learn, meditate and live by it, your harvest and blessing will multiply so much that you

will not be able to contain it. You have answered your call to work for the Lord almighty and His great

reward is guaranteed

Suvas Chitnis

Page 6: The Capital Link - Capital District UMW...2 President- Roxie Floyd, 919-880-3292 Mississippi, became a This morning as the rain falls calmly against the window,


Education & Interpretation--


Thank you to all of the Education & Interpretation Coordinators and Presidents that

submitted their Mission Study Reports. All of the numbers have been submitted to

the Conference E&I coordinator and any unit that attended all three studies will

receive a certificate at the District Annual Meeting acknowledging their participation in the studies.

I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meetings. The Conference Annual Meeting will be held on

October 10, 2015 at Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC. The Capital District Annual Meeting will

be held on October 24, 2015 at Whitley Memorial UMC in Smithfield, NC. LOTS training will be held on

November 14, 2015 at Horne Memorial UMC in Clayton, NC.

It is very important to send your officers to LOTS training. Each officer will conduct their own training

class. You will receive information about your office and be provided a time for questions and answers. If

you are new to your office, this is a crucial meeting for you to attend.

Thank you for all you do for United Methodist Women and proclaiming God to the world. If you

have any questions or suggestions, please contact me. You can contact me at:

Becky Brock, 617 Red Hill Road, Fremont, NC 27830

Email me at [email protected]

Call me at 919-242-6839 (h) 919-222-8471 (c)

Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1, 2015

[email protected]

Fall is here at last. It has always been my favorite season. Growing up on a farm, I loved the end of

summer with its hot days and hard work. The smell of burning leaves, the bundling up for football

games ,visiting the tobacco market, walking on fallen leaves, and back to school shopping called to my

senses. I can’t leave out pumpkins, sweet potatoes and apples. It seemed like the whole world slowed

down and began preparing for a long, cold winter. Days became shorter and cooler so we began spending

more time inside, reading and crafting. There is a time for everything and this is a good time to renew our

reading of the Bible and study books.

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Call me at 919-736-8017 or email me at [email protected] or my personal email [email protected]. Rosemary Keel

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7 Volume 4, Issue 4 NC Capital District UMW Newsletter September 1,

Social Action—

Sally Kohls, Capital District Social Action Coordinator

Hello My Sisters in Christ! Please save the upcoming two dates as we remember the

homicide victims of domestic violence over the past year. We will have two remem-

brance services led by Lib Campbell :

September 14 at 7:00 pm: Eureka United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall.

Eureka is located at 128 N. Church Street in Eureka

October 13 at 11:15 am: St. Mark's United Methodist Church in the Journey Garden

(front of the church). St. Mark's is located at 4801 Six Forks Road, Raleigh.

Proceeding both services "Broken Vows", a DVD presenting pastoral responses to domestic violence, will

be shown.

If you are unable to attend one of these services please remember and pray for the thousands of persons

impacted by domestic violence each year in NC.


Pat Thompson, 919-934-8434, [email protected]

As Fall draws near, schools start, and daily routines change, we must also begin a

new season of faith, hope and love in all we do. God created each of us individually

and we are each special to Him…………..”All lives matter.”

You are doing a great job sending in 2016 officer lists! I understand some of you do not elect officers un-

til later but get them to me as soon as possible. You don’t have to use the form, but send them in an orga-

nized manner with the office, name, address, phone numbers and email listed. My job is made easier

when you use a good format. Keep them coming!

The Capital District needs all members to know that each one of you is special and very much needed to

carry on the work of United Methodist Women. We have been making a “difference” in the lives of wom-

en, children and youth for many years. May God bless each of you as you answer “the call” today, tomor-

row and beyond.

Your secretary,

Pat Thompson

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Monarch Butterflies

Submitted by Four Oaks United Methodist Church

Migrating Monarch Butterflies are in "grave danger," and the United Methodist Women want to

help them survive.

Recently our very own Bridget Lassiter, Doctor of Philosophy, Crop Science and Plant Pathology

spoke to Sandra Handlin, President FOUMW about the falling population of the migrating Mon-

arch Butterfly.

It takes about five generations for them to migrate from Canada and the United States to Mexico.

Along the way they stop to breed and to feed. Essential to the Monarch Larvae is the milkweed

plant. The butterflies need to lay their eggs on the milkweed and when they are born the monarch

larvae eat the milkweed. Without the milkweed plant the larvae will not survive.

With cold weather racking havoc all over the country and farmers not liking milkweed on their

land, migrating butterflies are running out of this very essential part of their diet.

The United Methodist Women have taken up the challenge to bring back the milkweed and save

the larvae of the Migrating Monarch Butterfly.

During the March 10th Pajama meeting each member and their guests received a packet of the


They were given detailed instructions on growing the Butterfly weed.

The plant is orange, grows 2’to 3’ high and enjoys sandy to loamy soils loves the sun but tolerates

part shade as well.

Plant this in your garden and become a “pit stop” to the Migrating Monarch
