the british empire victorian era

The British Empire By Dale George and Basil Suresh

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Post on 25-May-2015




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A short presentation on the British Empire plus music. Enjoy! Did this in class a while ago with partner (I did literally all the work -__-)


  • 1. By Dale George and Basil Suresh

2. How it started In 1900, Britain had an empire which took over a quarter of the world. Humphrey Gilbert landed in a new land called Newfoundland which he claimed for England in 1583 and the empire began. But he left no one to look after it and he died on the way back So England tried again travelling to America to take over Canada, the Caribbean and most importantly the East Coast of America. But the East Coast of America wanted independence so they fought for it sadly the East Coast won. 3. What next? So England had to try its luck somewhere else. Luckily, Captain James Cook discovered Australia. So England claimed it for themselves and then they decided they wanted a bit of Asia too! There was a British business in Asia called the East India Company which made things like tea and biscuits as a result the company becomes big and powerful and also rich. They took over the whole of India. India was important as it had lots of expensive things like rubies and also things like tea, cotton etc. 4. How did the Empire get bigger? Also Britain win the Napoleonic Wars against the French Empire and they get more countries off them including South Africa and Madagascar. But the Indian people doesnt seem to like being ruled by a tea company and the Indians decide to rebel but the English army beat them and Queen Victoria takes over the country as the Empress Of India. 5. Problems and Fortunes But it turns out the Dutch dont want to share South Africa, so Britain has a couple of wars down there called the Boer Wars during which they take over a few more countries and by WW1 over 1/3 of Africa was ruled by Britain. Britain won the war and their prize? More countries! And then a quarter of the globe were ruled by Britain. 6. How they fell But suddenly Australia, Canada and Egypt as they demanded to be recognised as equal countries so they are out! Then WWII takes place and Britain are broke. But you cant run an empire without money especially if they dont like you and India leaves. Following India in 1948, Ireland leaves, then Sudan, Cyprus, South Africa, Zanzibar, Malta, Singapore, Fiji, and Hong Kong etc. 7. What about now? The UK has 14 Overseas Territories in the world and it doesnt actually own any countries. But there is the Commonwealth of Nations which is a completely voluntarily association of former British Empire countries and also some that wished to join. Also the Commonwealth realms all share the same Head of State: Elizabeth II but she is Queen of each realm completely separately 8. God Save the Queen 9. The End