the breakthrough natural bodybuilding...

The Breakthrough Natural Bodybuilding Report By Wade McNutt And Matt Gallant All rights reserved, 2007 © Copyright Masszymes Inc. 1

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The Breakthrough

Natural Bodybuilding

ReportBy Wade McNutt

And Matt Gallant

All rights reserved, 2007 © Copyright Masszymes Inc.


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DISCLAIMERThe statements made about products and services have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care specialist regarding the suggestions and recommendations made in this course and on the audio cds.

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This course provides services such as training programs, articles, and nutrition information. As such, use of this service implies your acceptance of the terms described herein.

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You understand that these services are not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare practioner, such as your physician. Before you begin any training program, or change your nutritional regimen, you will consult your physician or other licensed healthcare practioner to ensure that you are in good health and that these services will not harm you.

If you experience any unusual symptoms after following these services, you will stop performing the exercise(s) and consult with your healthcare practioner immediately.

You understand that the information and content of these services should not be used to diagnose a health problem or disease, or to determine any health- related treatment program, including weight loss, diet, or exercise.

You understand that there are risks associated with the use of these services. Use of these services implies that you assume all risks, known and unknown, inherent to exercise, workout programs, nutrition programs, and physical changes and/or injuries which may result from the use of these services.

Benefits : Participation in a regular program of physical activity has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of organ systems. These changes include increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and increased muscular strength, flexibility, power, and endurance.

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10 years ago, I was in your shoes…

I was obsessed with bodybuilding… It’s the only thing I cared about… I lived, breathed, & sleeped bodybuilding. But, the funny thing is, I was always frustrated!

I could never grow fast enough. Even though I built 59 lbs of lean muscle mass (not weight), in 3 years without drugs… It still wasn’t enough. I needed more… MORE!

But, then something sad happened when I decided to compete…

I saw that bodybuilding was about chemical warfare instead of smart training and nutrition… Short term muscle gains with no regards to health or their life…

That day… My passion for bodybuilding died. I wasn’t willing to do the “body destruction” that most bodybuilders were doing.

But, a very unique individual rekindled the animal drive within me the last couple of years – and that man is Wade McNutt.

Wade is a champion on all levels: physically, mentally and emotionally. He talks the talk and walks the walk. He’s a living testimonial that IT IS POSSIBLE to get freaky big naturally.

In fact, his techniques work almost TOO GOOD! I’m serious. Only 6 weeks after following Wade’s system, people were accusing me of using steroids and some women are saying “You’re too big… Don’t get any bigger.” I’m not pulling your leg. I’m dead serious.

Make sure to read every word of this report… You’ll learn what I consider the “greatest natural bodybuilding breakthrough” ever… I promise, you’ll never look at natural bodybuilding training the same way again.

Let’s get freaky,

Matt GallantKinesiologist, Bsc. Sc. Phys, Act.


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Freaky Big Naturally Training SystemsTable of Contents

Introduction 11Avoid costly mistakes 12No More Guesswork 13

Chapter 1The Megabolic Drive Report 69Winning the Muscle War 70The 5 Weapons of the Anabolic Army 70

Chapter 2The Four Stages of Training 23The first stage is stimulation 23The second stage is recover 23The third stage is overcompensation 23The fourth and final stage is called Adaptation 23Avoid Adaptation Forever 24Super Compensation 24Conceive, Believe, and Achieve 25

Chapter 3A Map To The Holy Grail Of Natural Bodybuilding Success 29Is This The Greatest Natural Bodybuilding Breakthrough Ever? 30Arnold’s Greatest Secret Revealed 31Want Freaky Legs? The Key to Unleashing Rapid Growth 32 Mining the Gold Mine of Muscle 32 Avoiding Tigers and Quicksand In the Jungle of Training Routines 33


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Chapter 4The Ultimate Training Formula 35Analysis Of Your Training Is Critical. 35Use Your Mind to Create Freaky Stimulation 36 The Maximum Overload Point 36Optimal Plane of Motion 37Rep Speed for Exercises 37Momentum versus Acceleration 38Important Points to Maximize Your Training Results 38The Perfect Set 39An Unknown Elite Bodybuilding Secret: Innervation PatternsOrder of Exercises 39 Training Intensity 40Volume of Sets 41Repetition Ranges 42Cycling of Repetitions 43Body Part Organization 44Rest between Set 44Lactic Acid Failure Vs Nervous System Failure 45

Conclusion: Success Is In the Details

Meet Your Coaches 15Who Is Wade McNutt? 15Who’s Matt Gallant? 20


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Introduction to Freaky Big Naturally

Dear friend and fellow muscle-building warrior,

In my own journey in becoming a National Bodybuilding Champion and Mr. UNIVERSE contender, I have performed thousands of workouts, tested ever system, and read almost everything about nutrition out there over my 17+ years in the iron game. I have spent countless hours and ridiculous amounts of money researching, testing and perfecting the ultimate training system.

Of course, I got ripped off and scammed so many times on my way up the ladder that I lost count. And I want to make sure that YOU will never get ripped off again.

I sure wish I had access to these secrets when I started training because I could have saved myself a lot of pain, frustration and wasted time and money in building Freaky Big Muscles. The point is you don’t have to take the slow mistake laden way that I did…there is a much faster and a much smarter way…The Freaky Big Naturally way.

Avoid Costly Mistakes

Although I cannot possibly cram all of the information I learned in my training career into this report -- You can get on the right track NOW and stop wasting time with magazine training programs that don’t work and half-baked bodybuilding theories from Pencil Necks and Juice Monkeys that are constantly floating around the gym.

Building FREAKY BIG MUSCLES requires discipline, consistency, a positive mental attitude and most of all the right training system. Your search through the minefield of bogus training programs is over. FREAKY BIG NATURALLY is the ultimate training system for natural trainees who don’t want to use destructive chemicals.

No More Guesswork

We have taken the guess work out of everything. My promise and commitment to you is that I will guide you to the Freaky Big Promised Land. I will be with you every step of the way on your way to building the perfect body. I know with my help you can get there faster than any other method, as a matter of fact, I GUARANTEE IT.


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Chapter 1The Megabolic Drive Factor

There is a war going on in your body…

Your mind wants you to be as big as possible, but your body wants to keep you small as it can. This is why it is so hard to build any serious muscles.

It accomplishes this by minimizing your anabolism (which is your muscle-building potential) and by maximizing your catabolism (which eats away your precious muscle gains).

Now, let’s talk about the soultion. It’s called: The Megabolic drive

The Megabolic drive is when your body’s anabolic energies are far superior than it’s catabolic drive. In other words, there’s a BIG gap between you're your muscle-building power and your muscle-destroying hormones. Sometimes we refer to the difference in these forces as the megabolic gap. Big gap = big muscles…

Only by training intelligently and efficiently can you continually expand the difference between these two opposing forces in your body.

Almost all training programs, courses, and articles fail to understand the importance of this statement. Most so-called experts have never even heard of the megabolic gap let alone understand how to create a consistent gap between catabolic hormones and anabolic hormones in your body. So let’s cut to the chase and KEEP IT SIMPLE.

Remember, the greater the difference between these two forces, the more muscle you will build. Maintaining the megabolic gap between these two forces is a crucial consideration to ensure endless growth in your body.

In fact, there are 10 steps to expanding your Megabolic drive to ensure that you maximize the difference between the two forces. These create a consistent megabolic gap that triggers massive muscle growth throughout your entire body workout after workout. You’ll learn about those inside the Freaky Big Naturally training system.

Winning the Muscle War

Like it or not…

Your body is fighting a never ending catabolic muscle attack against you and your desire to grow insanely large muscles. Face it, getting big is like a war, getting freaky big is like Armageddon. To win the war you must be using constant and ever changing scientific battle strategies to combat your body’s growth stopping defenses.


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I have fought that war and won. I learned all the body’s secrets. I bombed and blasted my muscles with incredible ferocity and laser like precision.

You Need The 5 Weapons of The Anabolic Army

To win the megabolic muscle war going in your body, you must understand and manipulate the 5 Weapons of the anabolic army. The science behind these weapons allows you to manipulate your hormones to dramatically improve your training. You’ll learn the exact process to maximize each component of the Anabolic Army inside the Freaky Big Naturally System.

Failing to understand and utilize these weapons will result in you never ever building the muscles that you deserve. Can you afford to be in the dark while catabolic hormones stop your advancing muscle gains forever?

Like an old war veteran I now throw the torch to you. I trust you, my fellow muscle warrior, to keep battling until you to claim victory over the catabolic army of smallness. I am constantly at your side providing you with all the weapons of mass construction to help you crush the catabolic army of smallness and win the Freaky Big Muscle War.

Now, let’s move on to the science behind this ground-breaking training system…


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Chapter 2The Four Stages of Training

Let’s start by reviewing the basics of bodybuilding training, we will move on to some hyper-advanced concepts in a few minutes.

In order for your body to grow, your body has to go through FOUR stages. The faster or more efficiently you go through the first three stages, the more muscle growth you will experience. The fourth stage is to be avoided at all costs and we will show you how to side-step it.

The first stage is Stimulation.

In order for your muscles to grow larger, you must subject them to some kind of training stress. The Freaky Big Naturally training system is the best ways to stimulate your muscles by subjecting them to the most precise training stress or overload that they can handle.

By using advanced innervation patterns in the “Freaky Foundation phase”, you will prepare your body for years of non-stop muscle growth.

The second stage is Recovery.

After tearing down the muscle tissues and exhausting your neurological energy reserves by training, your body will work as hard as possible to repair and rebuild these systems to its natural or previous state.

In the Freaky Big Naturally system, you will learn some of the most ADVANCED recovery strategies on the planet. Remember, RECOVERY = GROWTH

The third stage is Overcompensation.

When you subject your body to the precise amount of stress, it responds by overcompensation. Overcompensation is what we need to build the biggest and strongest muscles possible.

There are three ways your body will overcompensate they are:

• ONE your nervous system will build stronger neural pathways that will allow you to activate more muscle fibers while you are contracting your muscles.

• TWO your body will build larger and thicker muscle fibers resulting with bigger


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• THREE your body will increase the capacity of the heart and lungs to supply you blood to your muscles, organs, and brain.

The fourth and final stage is called Adaptation.

Most bodybuilders are chronically stuck in this incredibly frustrating and unnecessary stage for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason is the lack of a progressive scientific step-by-step bodybuilding system.

No matter what training program you follow, if it is not a intelligent, anti-adaptive natural bodybuilding training system - eventually your body will stop responding to training, and your muscles will cease to grow.


Fortunately, you can avoid this stage forever. Your training routine must constantly evolve and stimulate your body in new ways. You must also follow proper recovery and nutrition strategies.

Remember, just changing your routine for the sake of change just won't cut it. You training must be specific, scientific and timed perfectly to avoid the dreaded adaptation phase.

By continually following the Freaky Big Naturally Training System, you will ensure that you never enter this stage again.


A SUPER STAGE OF GROWTH only experienced by a select group of individuals. This stage is called SUPER COMPENSATION or MEGABOLIC GROWTH.

Super Compensation

Super Compensation occurs when you perfect your training, diet and recovery techniques as outlined in the Freaky Big Naturally training system. When this is accomplished, your body will grow at almost unbelievable speeds.

I have personally experienced super compensation in my body, and I have witnessed this in action with many other athletes.

The best part is: I know exactly how to get you to this zone, and I am committed to you experiencing super compensation, which unleashes megabolic growth


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In order for super compensation to occur in your body, every possible aspect of training and diet must be followed to perfection. Your whole body must be primed to explode with MEGABOLIC GROWTH.

It is my goal that every bodybuilder who follows the Freaky Big Naturally training system experiences this INCREDIBLE state of UNLIMITED ENDLESS GROWTH.

Super compensation can allow you to put on 10, 20, 30 pounds or more of muscle in just a few months. If you employ all of the techniques outlined in the Freaky Big Naturally training system, you WILL give yourself the best possible chance to experience the jaw-dropping explosion of muscle mass that will totally freak out your friends and all of the other gym members.

Conceive, Believe, and Achieve

Keep in mind in order for you to experience megabolic growth you must;

• First, believe it is possible, • Second, believe that you can achieve this state,• Third, follow every aspect of the training and eating programs


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Chapter 3A Map To The Holy Grail

Of Natural Bodybuilding SuccessIn order for you to achieve success in bodybuilding, you have to follow a road map for success. The first thing you must do is to figure out where you are on the map. The second thing you need to figure out is where you want to go. Then, you need to a proven plan that will guide you to your ultimate goals… Finally, you execute the plan and reap the rewards.

Your current physical condition is determined by your genetics, your sports background, your age, your hormones, your mental outlook, your access to a gym, your body chemistry, physiology, anatomy, biomechanical system, the presence of disease, your lifestyle, your supplementation program, etc.

Some of these things you can change, some of them you can’t. I have a saying: “You are where you are… But, where you are going is up to you.”

If you are reading this manual, it’s your destiny to become Freaky Big Naturally. With this system, it’s up to you to determine how big you want to get.

The final piece in the puzzle is “How are you going to get to your destination?” The route you take determines how fast you get to your destination. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of snake oil salesmen that will sell you a map that leads to swampland just to make a buck. There’s too many people out there trying to tell you how to get big naturally and they’ve never been able to accomplish it themselves. Be careful who you trust…

Having been scammed dozens of times by crazy programs, bogus supplements, and biased magazine articles, I know how confusing the road can be. I am here to clear the path of all the garbage routines, supplements, and magazine propaganda that you’ve been subjected too.

Don’t be a victim of the magazines. Rest assured that the Freaky Big Naturally Training System is the rocket route to your destination.

There are other challenges bodybuilders must face. Not only do you have to overcome bad information, but you have to “outsmart” your body. The body is always trying to regulate the changes in the body, like growth into an unchanged state by a process called homeostasis.

In Freaky Big Naturally training, we go beyond these forces by showing you how to go MEGABOLIC. By now, you’re probably wondering, “How do I make my body megabolic?” Here’s the answer…


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Is This The Greatest Natural Bodybuilding Breakthrough Ever?

The ultimate natural bodybuilding system expands the nervous system to induce serious muscle growth. Most bodybuilders don’t know that, growth does not start on a muscular level. It is your nervous system that sends the signals to your muscles to grow. By performing the optimal number of sets and reps in the right sequence, you will induce maximum growth without steroids.

Also understand that you can’t do a professional bodybuilders routine. Why? Performing a pros routine will stop your growth in its tracks because your nervous system can’t handle the training that a pro has conditioned his body to handle. It’s like plugging 110-volt TV into a 220-volt socket – it’s going to blow up.

Following a pros routine would inevitably lead to injuries, fatigue and your body shutting down. The bottom line is - you stay Freaky Small. luu3 The 7S�Nart o luupdown. T���50ààô°±Ð03pp�—������ °` �� ��v ����#� �C��



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Later Arnold changed his training so that the rest of his body caught up to his chest. He did the exact same thing when training back and biceps, which he performed endless number of sets early in his training career.

Arnold applied this Foundation Training principle years ago while building a solid frame, which he would later transform into the Mr. Olympia physique we all love to see.

With Foundation training we have systematized the concept for guys like you, by selecting the specific exercises in the right sequence, so that you can maximize the productivity of your foundation training.

Another classic example of this kind of Foundation training can be found in the early training of Arnold’s eventual training partner Franco Columbu. Franco built up a Freaky Foundation for his back when he power lifted.

When Franco switched to body building, he achieved endless growth for his back and built one of the best wing spans at that time.

Want Freaky Legs?Be warned though you can take Freaky Foundation Training too far…

One example of taking Freaky Foundation too far is Tom Platz.

Tom performed so many squats, with so much intensity, that his legs could not stop growing. Eventually his thighs used up so much of his recovery ability that his upper body never quite caught up to his thighs. Although Tom tried to correct this mistake later in his career, it was too late. Unfortunately for Tom, his early excessive thigh training ended up costing him the Mr. Olympia title.

The Key to Unleashing Rapid Growth“Train Hard, Train Often and Train SMART”

To generate maximal growth of your muscles, you must force your nervous system to improve by repeatedly performing those high neuromuscular activation exercises over and over again.

Once you have mastered the exercise techniques, all exercises must be of maximal intensity, and workouts must be increasingly difficult to induce Megabolic growth. This is achieved by a variety of ways and principles outlined in the Freaky Big Naturally training system.

But be aware, if getting Freaky Big Naturally was as simple as going in the gym and doing loads of training volume, everyone would be big. You need a highly evolved training system that’s contains all of the nitty-gritty details to insure serious growth.


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Mining the Gold Mine of Muscles

To illustrate this example, imagine for a second you want to get to a gold mine in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle. The first time you go for the gold, it will take you forever to get there. You have to chop the vines and the trees and make a trail and find your way to the gold mine.

In your first few trips, you can only haul out a little bit of gold at a time. However, as you continue to travel back and forth to the gold mine, you build a better road. With time, as the road gets clearer and smoother you are able to haul out larger and larger amounts of gold each trip that you make..

Your body works in a similar way like the gold mine example above. So, as your nervous system’s capacity gets bigger and better, you will be able to get more golden muscle out of the mine. Unfortunately, most bodybuilders follow training programs that take years or even decades to build a strong neuromuscular pathway to their muscles. It’s like using crude tools and a poor map to get to the gold mine.

In order for you to extract all the muscular growth out of your body that is possible, you must develop strong neuromuscular pathways to your muscles. By following an intelligently designed high-volume routine, you dramatically reduce the time it takes to build a strong neuromuscular pathway to your muscles.

Think of your training system as a map of the jungle. Your intensity is how hard you work in the jungle each day. Your technique is how skilled you are at using the machines. The exercises you use are like the machines you use to build the trail, and your mind is like a GPS navigational system. The more you use the best exercises and exercise techniques (applied with maximum intensity), the more muscles you will ultimately build.

Avoiding The Tigers and QuicksandIn The Jungle of Training Routines

Don’t get lost in the jungle of despair where the tigers of poor results and the quicksand of bad training tactics will kill your chances of getting any of the muscle gold that you deserve.

In order for you to get the most gold from the muscle mine as fast as possible, use the wisdom of successful natural bodybuilders as your guide, and get ready to haul a gold mine of muscles.

The Bottom Line Is…


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You need to expand your current nervous system capacity. THIS IS THE GREATEST NATURAL BODYBUILDING BREAKTHROUGH EVER. By doing this you can handle more and more work. It is necessary to go through this foundation because, if you do not, you will never be able to handle the training loads that are necessary for you to experience endless growth.

In Freaky Foundation training we focus on nervous system overloading exercises to expand your capacity and ability to take on more and more training stress. By doing this we literally change your body from the inside out, until your natural state is to build unstoppable megabolic drive.


Before you head to the gym and do a bunch of sets realize this… You MUST follow a systematized process that cycles the volume optimally. If you just go in the gym and do a ton of sets, you’ll find yourself burned out and overtrained in a few short weeks. Not only will your results grind to a halt, but you may injure yourself or become sick.

The Ultimate Training FormulaIn this chapter, you are going to learn about the ultimate training formula and each of it’s components. By mastering each components, your body will experience incredible megabolic drive.

The ultimate training formula is:

Moderate Weight X

Maximum Acceleration In the Optimal Plane of Motion X

Optimal Rep Cycling X

Intelligent Volume Waving X

Powerful Innervation Patterns

= Megabolic Growth

Now, let’s review all of the elements…


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In order for the nervous system to induce growth, the execution of each exercise must be perfect to achieve maximum nervous system overload. This overload is required to induce a change in your nervous system that will result in you growing serious mass.

Lifting weights that are too heavy is one of the most common training mistakes made in gyms. Check your ego at the door of the gym and train properly using strict form with maximum intensity. Otherwise you will shortchange your growth forever.

You must understand that the only way to unleash maximum growth in your muscles is by performing all exercises in the correct form.

To give an example of one exercise and how to attack it and common mistakes made, let’s use one of the best growth stimulating exercises ever invented, the Full Squat. Full squats are the king. If you want to do parallel squats, get a desk job. I want to scream every time I hear someone say deep squats are bad for your knees. If you want to believe a 350 pound fat, out of shape, turnip-tied power lifter that spreads this stupid nonsense, Go ahead! But, beware of this kind of mentality. Separate fact from fiction.

Analysis Of Your Training Is Critical.

Let’s take a close look at what’s happening when you squat. The key is to bend the knees first in the descent. After placing the bar on your shoulders and stepping away from the squat racks, go into a moderate descent pace by bending your knees.

Your nervous system sends a signal to activate the muscles of the thighs and to tighten your abdominals and your lower back muscles. Lower your body, until your glutes touch your heals, then explode upwards using thigh power only and keeping your head looking straight forward through the entire movement.

If you cannot perform the exercise with your back straight, the weight is too heavy. If the weight is too heavy, you bend over and activate the muscles of the glutes and the lower back as the primary movers. This builds you a big ass and puts you in danger of hurting yourself. Not to mention your thighs get almost no work.

Lighten up the weight, keep your body straight and squat all the way to the bottom (ass to the ankles) and watch your thighs explode with growth. Note, if you lose your balance, you may wish to place 10lb plates under your heals to transfer the weight to the thighs and keep your balance. Be sure to analyze your form and perfect the motion before moving on to working weights. Remember, you must learn each exercise properly to teach the nervous system them movement that elicits growth in the muscles you are training.

If you are unable to analyze your form, than have a friend do it for you or have him videotape your form. Review the tape and make the proper adjustments, until you are


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squatting perfectly. Do this on every single exercise you perform, until you are a master of each exercise. Once again refer to the Elite Exercise Performance program.

Pay attention to where you feel the exercise while performing the movement, and where you are sore the next day after training. Remember that as you go up and down concentrate on using your thighs.

When you squat your nervous system is sending hundreds of signals to over 60 percent of your muscle mass. By thinking about what muscles you are working, you direct your nervous system to activate the muscle you are training.

Use Your Mind to Create Freaky Stimulation

After training thousands of clients, the biggest difference between those who are successful and the ones who are not is the individual’s mindset. Your mental focus and discipline are crucial to get maximum results. Remember, you are the master of your destiny.

I have a saying : “Where the mind goes, the body follows”. Others say, the body shapes the mind, and the mind shapes the body.

Become like the eastern meditation masters who have trained their minds to overcome all physical limitations. You too possess this power. Learn to harness it and unleash it by paying the strictest attention to your training while in the gym.

It’s important to realize, every great athlete first achieved greatness in they’re mind before it became a reality. Sit down right now and start visualizing your success and practice it daily, without fail. You just might surprise how effective this actually is.

The Maximum Overload Point

One of the biggest reasons for training through a full range of motion is to ensure to stress the muscle at the Maximum Overload Point. This is the weakest part of the motion, usually occurring in the stretched position any given exercise.

This stretched or weak position is called the Maximum Overload Point. The reason why training in the maximum overload point (MOP) is critical is because that’s when your nervous system has to send the strongest signal possible for you to be able to lift up the weights.

Even though the weight you use may be less than you can handle through a partial range of motion, you will actually activate more muscle fibers by going to a complete stretch position thus resulting in deeper fiber stimulation.


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By training this way you will build larger muscles than you would by using heavier weights through the strong range of the movement. So to get maximum results use moderate weights with perfect form.

Optimal Plane of Motion

Another critical point to consider in your training is the Optimal Plane of Motion. To maximize your training results, it is essential to perform all exercises within the Optimal Plane of Motion, which is not just doing the full range of motion. It’s far beyond that.

The optimal plane of motion is the path that creates the greatest stress on the targeted muscle group. So you have to look at three-dimensional space, and find the pathway that recruits the most fibers throughout the motion. Say you want to go downtown, there’s a lot of different ways to get there, but there’s only one way that’s going to get you there the fastest, and that’s the optimal plane of motion.

Rep Speed for Exercises

There is another aspect of training that most bodybuilders completely miss the boat on… The speed factor. Let’s blow out one of the biggest myths out there - slow reps make you grow. That’s pure BS. In all sports speed is king. But in order to obtain truly huge muscles, you have to train with speed. Speed though is often thought of how fast the weight moves through the plane of motion. In reality though, it is how fast you can contract your fibers that count.

A long time ago I tried super slow training, contra lateral training, even ridiculous 90 second reps and guess what. All I experienced was Freaky BIG Disappointments. Later on I realized why slow reps did not build the muscle mass I desired. The reason was only the big fast twitch fibers get activated when you move maximal weights with maximal acceleration.

You must generate as much power to stimulate your muscles to grow larger. Since muscles are primarily designed for speed, you need to move the weight with the INTENTION of moving it as fast as possible. The simple formula is of paramount importance:

Power = Force X Distance / Time

The faster you move a weight through the range of motion, the more power you require. In order for your body to generate more power it must recruit more muscle fibers. More fiber recruitment means more nervous system activation, which ultimately leads to bigger muscles.

Momentum VS Acceleration


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Momentum is when you let the weight control you; acceleration is when you control the weight. It is very important that you develop your ability to feel the difference between momentum and acceleration.

If you push a weight as fast as you can with as much acceleration as possible, you generate the most force. If you were to measure the speed the weight travels through the range of motion, it would be increasing continuously. That is true acceleration.

Momentum occurs when you swing or bounce the weight and this is counterproductive to building Freaky Big Muscles. In fact, it’s only a matter of time before you get injuries.

Optimum acceleration occurs when you are driving the weight through the optimal plane of motion as fast as humanly possible without letting the momentum take over or lose control. Remember, event though a weight may not be traveling through the plane of motion relatively fast, your intent to move it fast is of paramount importance for this is what causes the greatest fiber recruitment due to maximum nervous system activity.

Important Points to Maximize Your Training Results

To maximize muscular growth you also need to overload your muscles at the weakest point – that means certain exercises are performed in certain ways in the optimal planes as well as the optimum ranges of motion to unlock Freaky Growth. In other words, if you do pussy exercises with half-ass form, you’re on the Freaky Small program.

For another simple example, let’s take a look at the incline bench press.

You need to bring the bar an inch from your collarbone by the chin, and push the bar over your eyes. I learned this from my legendary coach Scott Abel who taught me over the eyes for benches and flies.

Most people either perform four to six inch loser factor reps at the top of the movement, or they bring the bar down to their nipples, or they bounce the bar off their chest.

Amazingly enough, these idiots convince themselves that a 300lb bounce rep or partial rep is going to build them a big chest. The only result that they are going achieve is an injury and/or an inflated ego.

We have all witnessed these individuals as they scream and grunt, and make tons of noise, thinking they’re cool and tough. The reality is that these guys look ridiculous and never build truly impressive physiques. Don’t be one of those guys.

The Perfect Set

The perfect set occurs when each rep is performed with maximum acceleration through the optimal plane of motion. Each rep must go through the optimal plane of motion, and


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definitely you must hit the maximum overload point on each rep. Of course, the weight will be traveling slower at the end of the set.

IMPORTANT NOTE: when you experience a serious decline in the speed of the reps in a given set, and you are exerting maximum effort you have reached the termination point of the set. This should occur within the desired rep range outline in your Freaky Big Training Program.

Remember, training this way is not as easy as it sounds. You can always improve your form in your workouts. This takes incredible razor like focus, so that you are giving the utmost attention to ever inch of ever set of every rep.

You can always push a little harder, recruit a little more fibers, or focus on the target groups a little better. We know this from experience. So, for Freaky Growth, speed combined with technique will yield you the best results.

*Note- There is a place for exercises that employ continuous tension. Exercise like pec deck flyes, cable crossovers, and calf raises to name a few.

In some of the advanced Freaky Big Naturally programs, we will address where and when to employ continuous tension as well as other advanced training principles.

An Unknown Elite Bodybuilding Secret:Innervation Patterns

The order in which you perform the exercises is critical. This is called “innervation patterns” and it’s a secret that not even 1 bodybuilder of 10,000 understand.

First, you must start your workout with exercise that generates the highest possible neuromuscular activation for your target muscle group.

By selecting the right exercises in the right order you get the best results. On the other hand, improper exercise selection will eliminate any possibility of generating consistent gains in muscle mass.

Let’s examine what an advance chest workout might look like to illustrate my point.

If the target muscle group is chest, your workout might start off with ten sets of incline bench press.

In order for you to overload your chest muscles, as much as possible, you might then perform incline dumbbell presses as you next exercise. After you complete those sets you would crank out a few more sets on a bench machine. Then you would finally finish off you chest with a few sets of pec deck flies or cable crossovers.


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There are few other considerations in exercise selection such as what your previous workouts looked like. Your overall training program and the total volume you are training at to name a few. Other critical factors include how to perform the exercises to stimulate the origins and the insertion points of the muscle in the right sequence.

Trying to figure all of these factors out on your own is almost impossible, let alone time consuming. You would need a degree in kinesiology combined with years of research in the gym. It can get quite complicated and fortunately for you, we’ve taken the guesswork out of your training.

Training Intensity Keep in mind, no matter how good a training system is you must be constantly hammering the muscle with maximum intensity. Maximum intensity is required in order to create enough overloads to stimulate your muscles and nervous system to produce the most amount of growth.

We are not talking training like an idiot with sloppy form or using useless exercise. You’re not necessarily going for muscular failure because training to muscular failure on every set will fry your nervous system very quickly. We are talking about mentally focusing your mind so that you are working the desired muscles each set maximally.

Remember, failure occurs when there is a significant drop in the speed of the motion. This must occur in the rep range outlined in your training program.

Your total recover ability is like a dam full of water. If you empty all of the water out of the dam, it will take a long time to get that water reserve back up to fill the dam. The key is to release the water strategically over time.

To maximize your results your training must be designed, so that you never exceed your body’s recovery reserve.

With the Freaky Foundation training program, you automatically put optimal levels of stress on the strategic points of your body to maximize the growth of your muscles. With the Freaky Big Foundation training you are also building the dam higher and higher with every workout, so that you can recover better from your workouts.

In order for you to continue to grow, you must increase the body’s capacity to recover and constantly and strategically switch your exercise selection as you continue training. This gives us the power to send massive strength and force to any muscle at any given time.

Not exceeding your current recovery ability is very important, and that is why you cannot perform a Pro’s exercise out of a magazine. You have to remember that Pro Bodybuilder has a different body and different recovery ability than you do. Not to mention his “chemical program” allows him to get away with almost anything.


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Bill Pearl one of the smartest and most successful bodybuilders of all time said that you should always leave the gym feeling like you could have done a little more. Take a look at the methods of the Number One power training coach in the world Louie Simmons. Louie does not believe in ever going to failure because you will overstrain and exhaust your recovery ability too quickly.

Intelligent Volume Waving

All sets are not created equal.

For example, ten sets of wrist curls will impact your nervous system ten percent of what one good set of squats will. To build maximum size in your muscles, you must increase your capacity to handle volume, and that’s what Freaky Foundation is all about.

Your first Freaky Foundation routine is a 12-week phase. The goal of your training is achieve long term system overload versus simple day-to-day exhaustion. You must do this intelligently or risk burning out.

In order to achieve this goal, you are performing a high volume sets with specific exercises. This is critical to increase your body’s capacity for handling maximal training loads.

One of the secrets we use is, setting different waves of volume for various bodypart. This keeps your body healthy and adaptation can’t set in.

Training this way allows you to build up your recovery reserves. Then, at the precise time, you will switch to the next training phase. This means you will direct the built up reserve energy directly to the muscles we want to build.

In Foundation Training you will train each major muscle group at least twice a week – one workout day with high volume and one workout day is with low volume to serve as more of an active recovery day.

The general rule is the smaller the body part, the more volume of training stress it can take. One key point to remember is that muscles, like biceps, triceps and shoulders, get worked when you are training your big muscle groups. So these muscles are subjected to a great deal of training volume, before you even do specific exercise for them.

It is important that you look at the big picture as well as the small picture when designing a workout routine. Most bodybuilders forget to consider all the possible variables when designing there own routines and that is why they FAIL to GROW.

Scientific system design is what makes Freaky Big Naturally so great and easy for you to use. We take all the guess work out of your routine, so that you don’t waste a single day in getting the muscles you desire.


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All great athletes follow expert coaching that is why you should always go to high-level experts to guide your training for maximum results. Don’t make the mistake of figuring out your workouts yourself.

With Freaky Big Naturally you get the best natural bodybuilding coaching available at a fraction of the price it would cost you to hire top training experts.

Repetition Ranges

To induce the precise amount of training overload to your muscles and to your nervous system, resulting in maximal muscular growth, bodybuilding science has proven that the bulk of your training loads should be between 55 percent and 75 percent of your one-rep max on any given exercise.

As a general rule rep ranges of lower than 8 reps builds primarily strength. Rep ranges above 13 repetitions usually builds more endurance muscle fibers.

Keep in mind that there is a place for high reps as well as low reps in your overall training program, as strength and endurance must be developed to produce maximal muscle growth.

There is one significant difference to this general training rule when applied to the muscles of the legs. Because of the density of the muscle fibers and the sheer number of muscle fibers in the legs, bodybuilders have found that the legs can grow extremely well with higher repetitions.

Tom Platz is living proof that high rep leg training works as he was famous for performing high reps on many of his leg exercises, such as his outrageous 60 to 100 rep sets in the full squat and other leg exercises.

One final note on repetitions:

You must work all the different muscle fibers in your body to maximize the total development of your muscles. Varying reps scientifically as in the Freaky Big Naturally training systems accomplishes this task.

Let’s look at how you properly cycle these rep ranges for maximal growth throughout all the muscles in your body.

Optimal Rep Cycling

One of the best rep range strategies is called reverse ultra- micro periodization. With this strategy you begin your first working set after warm-ups with your heaviest weights and lowest rep ranges.


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On your first few exercises you focus on maximum explosiveness while lifting the weight. That means you must push the bar up as fast as possible when performing the exercise.

Intention is everything…

In reality the bar should not be moving that fast because, when you are using 55 to 75 percent of your one rep max, the weight will move relatively slowly even when you’re pushing it as hard as you can.

No matter how fast the weight is moving, keep trying to accelerate it, as this intent is critical to maximizing the overload to your nervous system and muscles.

As you progress through the workout, you will perform your exercises with increasingly higher rep ranges. Each exercise you select will use the same rep range or a slightly higher repetition range than the previous exercise. Of course, your reps will always be staying the Freaky Growth repetition range.

Finally, as you get to the last few exercises in the workout, your concentration should be on contracting the target muscles as hard as possible and maintaining continuous tension on every rep. By performing your reps this way, you will produce the most growth in the least amount of time.

In Freaky Big Foundation training you must build strength as well as endurance to fully realize your genetic potential for size. Sometimes you will perform rep ranges as low as three reps and as high as one hundred reps.

Remember that it is critically important to follow all of the rep ranges outlined in your Freaky Big Naturally training program as every set, rep, exercise and workout has been carefully crafted to build the most overall growth in your muscles.

Body Part Organization

To maximize nervous system overload, we group body parts together in workouts to create the greatest stimulation of muscle fibers. This general rule means that you will usually perform chest, shoulders and triceps together, back and biceps in another day, and we hit the legs by themselves on another day.

Most often, you will not train abs in this phase since they are being overloaded by the high neuromuscular activation exercises. Exceptions do apply to every rule and that is where expert guidance in your specific case is required.

Each muscle gets hit at least twice a week because you want to induce maximum overload as well as maximum recovery. Each workout will target specific muscles within a muscle group and relative to your last workout.


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You also will train you largest body parts first down to the smallest last in any given workout. If you trained a small muscle group before a large muscle group, the small muscle group would fail before the large muscle group failed resulting in an unbalanced physique.

In Foundation training you want to devote the most amount of intensity and mental focus on the big muscle groups, as this contributes to growth throughout the entire body. When you train big body parts, such as legs and backs, the demands on your nervous system are so intense that a cascade of hormones flood your body during and after the workout.

This nervous system stimulation forces your body to release all kind of growth producing hormones throughout your body. These hormones will cause muscles that you did not train to grow somewhat.

Of course, for best results you train the smaller body parts as well as the large to maximize growth of all of the muscles equally. Neglecting to train any body part will invariable lead to unsymmetrical development of your physique.

Again, don’t waste your time trying to figure this out on your own. Follow a scientific training program like Freaky Big Naturally to get maximum results in minimum time.

Rest between Sets

Another critical factor in training that creates a lot of confusion for bodybuilders is the amount of time an athlete should rest between sets. Keep in mind, that to train at the highest intensity each set, you must have to have overcome the oxygen debt created by the previous set.

In other words, the more intense your performance in a set is, the longer it takes to recover. In fact, how hard you are breathing is a great way to determine the intensity you exerted on that set. Be sure to record biofeedback such as this in your journal.

Since the amount of oxygen debt that you create in a set dictates how long you will need to rest between sets, you must understand that your rest periods will change from body part to body part. For example, body parts such as legs require significantly longer rest periods between sets than say rest periods between a body parts such as arms.

Be sure to wait until your oxygen debt has passed before you go and perform the next set. You should have at least 80 to 90 percent of your breath back before starting your next set.

One further note is that you should not be hanging around chatting in the gym for ten minutes between sets either. If you are in decent cardiovascular condition and are training with maximum intensity, one to three minutes max between sets is all you need.


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The exception would be once again ultra high intensity leg training, which may require as much as 10 minutes between sets. Of course, you would not be able to talk to anybody during this period as you will probably be lying on the floor gasping for air or puking in the washroom.

Lactic Acid Failure Vs Nervous System Failure

Lactic acid failure occurs when there is so much lactic acid in the muscle that the fibers have a hard time contracting. This corresponds with a burning feeling felt locally in the muscle being trained.

Management of this type of pain is critical for ultimate success in bodybuilding. Arnold said it best when he said in pumping iron: “If you go through this pain period you get to be a champion, if you don’t go through this pain period, you might as well forget about it.”

The practice of meditation is one of the best ways to learn to overcome the pain produced by lactic acid. Many Eastern meditation masters are able to endure the most excruciating painful experiences with employing the power of their minds. Study meditation and strive to push past lactic acid pain for maximum growth.

Nervous system failure is when you’re running out of neuro-electric energy, and you can’t send out an effective signal to the muscle to perform the repetition. It is easy to experience nervous system failure in low rep set.

Basically, you contract the muscle as hard as possible, but you are not able to generate enough neuro-electric energy to move the weight. This, of course, does not result in any muscle gains and should be avoided. There is a second way to experience nervous system failure. Every Freaky Foundation member will experience this kind of failure when performing their weight constant exercises. This nervous system failure occurs in the body part being trained due to the volume of training as opposed to the inability to lift the weight.

For example, you are benching 150lbs for 10 sets of 10 reps, and on the first few sets the weight is difficult, but you could perform a few more reps. By the time you get to the fifth and sixth sets the 10 reps becomes quite difficult. Upon getting to the ninth and tenths sets you may actually be not able to lift the weight the entire 10 reps.

Another example of this, in more of endurance training, would be when a picture is pitching a baseball. After 100 pitches, the speed of his fastball begins to drop no matter what he does or how hard he tries to throw the ball. He still has the same level of skills, but he’s running out of neuro-electric energy.

This type of neuro-electric or neuromuscular failure that occurs from performing Freaky Foundation training produces the largest gains in muscular strength and size.


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Conclusion“Success Is In The Details”

A wise man once “Success is in the details”. The same goes with bodybuilding, “Freaky fast muscle-building results is in the details”.

And to be honest, this report has given you the “big picture” – but you’ll only find all of the details inside the step-by-step bodybuilding system: Freaky Big Naturally.

The training program alone is worth $500. You might think that sounds outrageous, but the fact is hundreds of real world people paid that amount and they couldn’t be happier.

The training program has so many details in it that it would take me 500 pages to explain it. Each workout is a meticulously calculated masterpiece designed to create maximum results day after day.

I spent a small fortune hunting and gathering this information from the best minds in the sport. I paid my dues and now you can get the same secrets it took me 20 years to discover.


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Meet Your Coach...Who Is Wade McNutt?

Wade McNutt is one of World’s leading Health, Fitness and Bodybuilding coaches. His worldwide client list includes: actors, singers, business tycoons, professional and amateur athletes, as well as seniors, teens and a whole range of individuals from every walk of life. At around age 15, weighing only 135lbs, he began lifting weights to increase his muscle size and strength for hockey. within 10 years, Wade had put on over 100 pounds of muscle , and experimented with and analyzed every training system he could find. You name it, he has tried it.

Wade went on to win many bodybuilding titles, including two Canadian national titles.But with the current training technology, Wade realized that he would have to take massive amounts of steroids, growth hormone, and other drugs in order to win the Canadian Championship and become a professional bodybuilder. Then he would have to take even more drugs to compete successfully in the professional bodybuilder ranks.

Wade loved the thrill of competition, but his competitive nature could not accept losing. He also did not want to jeopardize his health or future by using drugs. Wade hung up his posing trunks to focus on his business career in the health and fitness industry and to find new ways of building muscle naturally.

By 2001, Wade had a highly successful personal training business, but the competitor in him desired more than business success.

Wade discovered that there was a rapid growth in drug tested bodybuilding and fitness shows. His pursuit of physical perfection led him to study the Ancient Meditation techniques of the East.

He discovered that thousands of years ago eastern masters possessed incredible knowledge of physiology, psychology, and nutrition. He rapidly accelerated his knowledge and inner journey by following the teachings of an eastern mystic and began to incorporate meditation in his life.

Since practicing meditation Wade had stopped eating meat. Conventional knowledge in bodybuilding is that vegetarians have no chance in bodybuilding. Wade decided to shatter that myth by competing as a vegetarian, and without using drugs. In today’s drug obsessed, meat-eating sport this was certainly a novel idea that few persons would dare try. Note: Although Wade doesn’t eat meat his training programs work for meat eaters and vegetarians alike.


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Wade then spent the next year packing on even more mass to prepare for his assault on the National World Qualifiers in 2003.Wade blew away the competition in the Western Canadian Bodybuilding Championships winning the light heavyweight title and the overall title.

Like Bill Pearl, Wade was disappointed by the rampant drug use at the World Championships: “I mean it was totally ridiculous, many of the competitors who got tested failed, there was bribing of judges, and testers etc. It was a total circus and a real mockery of ‘Drug free natural bodybuilding”.

Wade was saddened by the current state of the sport and felt deep concern for the well being of the athletes. Having won competitions in 5 different weight categories, four overall championships including a National Championship, Wade decided he would not sacrifice his ideals of remaining drug free just to win the World Championships.

Upon returning from the World Championships in Bombay and a tour of Europe ,Wade expressed his desire to help out as many people as he could build muscles without drugs to his friend Matt Gallant. Matt helped Wade to organize and record all his training secrets and put them into a complete, step-by-step training course that anyone can use.

After about 12 months of interviews, writing, organizing and recording Wade and Matt had compiled ALL OF THE SECRETS THAT ALLOWED WADE TO PACK ON OVER 100 POUNDS OF MUSCLE. The result of their work is called the FREAKY BIG NATURALLY TRAINING SYSTEM.

“I know how confusing it can be trying to get big naturally. Magazines, universities, media and promoters of other systems often leave out the fact that the athletes in their ads, training programs and sport teams are using performance enhancing drugs.”

Freaky Big Naturally is all about creating a new kind of bodybuilder that builds his body without drugs but through scientific training, wholesome foods, premium grade supplements, and, most of all, plain old fashioned hard work done in an intelligent systematized fashion.

Fortunately, you now can get as BIG as you want and as RIPPED as you want NATURALLY with the Freaky Big Naturally training system.

Wade is a living example that you can build BIG muscles without using health destroying chemicals. Wade currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is available for one-on-one personal training.


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The Greatest Waste Of Money

Is Something That Wastes Your Time

Imagine 2 scenarios… First, you do a training program for 6 months and gain 5 pounds of muscle. At that pace, you would put on 25 lbs of muscle in 2 and a half years. Next, you do Freaky Big Naturally and you put on 25 lbs in 6 months… What is that extra 20 lbs of muscle worth to you? What about the 2 years of pain and suffering you saved? Can you even put a price on it? Fortunately for you, the 3 training programs inside of Freaky Big Naturally will NOT costs you $1500, or $500 or even $300… Check out the order page below to get your hands on this system so you can turn on the “growth switch” and be prepared to freaky yourself out when you see yourself in the mirror. To Get Your Hands On the Freaky Big Naturally,Please CLICK HERE