the bradford legacy - asylum week 2

I’m back with a second installment of the asylum challenge I’m playing. No recap of the first week, other than there was a lot of chaos and Melanie did not find her LTW career in the paper so she skilled and made friends in preparation of getting it. Here’s part two of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: A Bradford Legacy Asylum Challenge.

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Page 1: The Bradford Legacy - Asylum Week 2

I’m back with a second installment of the asylum challenge I’m playing. No recap of the first week, other

than there was a lot of chaos and Melanie did not find her LTW career in the paper so she skilled and made

friends in preparation of getting it.

Here’s part two of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: A Bradford Legacy Asylum Challenge.

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I’ll start out by letting (almost) everyone sum things up in their own words. For the most part, people are

not too happy, other than Melanie. But she’s the controllable, and is Knowledge so all the skills she’s

getting for her job make her happy.

Rather than go chronologically, let’s touch on the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’ll be more fun that way.

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The Good

Jan is showing her true colors, and is being mean to everyone.

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Or is boring them with her lack of conversation skills.

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And everyone is having fun gossiping about her, as she used to gossip about other in the legacy.

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Their favorite item of gossip? That time she passed out on the floor.

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But right now we’re talking about the good. And there has been no more passing out, since the offending

bed hack is gone. Everyone’s on a pretty good rotation, and so far there’s only been one case of sofa

sleeping. This is good.

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A week in, everyone’s starting to be besties with everyone. Here’s Rebecca and Timothy with their happy


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…Timothy and Nicole…

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…Timothy and Prof Leonid (loving Nicole’s slouch in the background)…

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…Muriel and Nicole (as the Prof cries because I haven’t bought stuff for him)…

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…Timothy and Muriel…

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…and lastly Jan and the Prof. So for the most part, everyone’s getting along.

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The other good thing is that people are getting skill points. Here’s Jan, working on her creativity.

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After Melanie maxed her creativity (the easel was great for that because it allowed her to keep the others

from using it while she had a painting on it), I sold the easel and bought the synthesizer thing that came

with Free Time. Everyone seems to like that a lot more, and it allows everyone else to use it as well.

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And the Prof likes the telescope, and he’s earned us about $1000 by finding random stars.

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And after removing the custom foods from my DL folder, everyone’s been forced to use the stove, and no

one’s set the house on fire. And (almost) no one’s burned food (more on that later).

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And Melanie has been a real trooper. She checks the paper every day, and when the criminal career

doesn’t show up, she fixes a group meal or two and gets right to skilling. She’s getting really good at yoga.

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And she’s up to 4 friends outside the house, 2 of them best friends. I think Criminal Mastermind needs 8

friends, so she’s halfway there.

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She’s maxed her body skill, as you can see with the snazzy little doodad over her head.

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And I missed the head doodad, but here she is maxing mechanical. She’s also maxed creativity, so she

has all the skills (and then some) that she needs to reach the top of the career.

That’s all I have for the good. Let’s move on.

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The Bad

The dance sphere is still kicking everyone’s butt. Here’s Nicole getting booted, much to Jan’s approval.

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Rebecca’s about to fall out.

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And Jan took a spill as well too.

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The inmates are starting to have more trouble taking care of their needs. Here’s a stinky Rebecca, who’d

rather talk to Jan and complain about being stinky than use the empty shower.

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And the one toilet is starting to be an issue.

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Especially in the mornings…

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…Yeah, a real issue (and you can’t really tell it in this pic, but Timothy’s stinky here too).

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The only person who’s burned food so far is Melanie, and she’s probably got the most cooking points of

anyone. But no fires (yet).

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And then we have the worrying. Everyone’s doing it now. Nicole…

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…Nicole and Muriel, while Jan stinks in the background…

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…and Matthew. *evil grin*

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And Muriel. Poor, poor Muriel. She’s doing the worst of all.

And now, for the Ugly. Or, as I call it, the best part.

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The first of the two “uglies” is that Timothy had an accident. Right in front of the toilet.

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And then he grumbled that he was stinky until he took a shower. He’s been crying about it ever since.

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The second “ugly” involves poor Muriel. She’s not been happy at all. And then, without warning…

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…she busts out Mr. Lampshade. I have my first aspiration desperation of the asylum.

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And she got rather attached to Mr. Lampshade over the next few days.

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She wore it outside…

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…inside in the bedroom…

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…and I must admit, she’s got some pretty sweet moves. It suits her somehow.

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And then she got booted out of the dance sphere one too many times, and it was too much for the poor girl.

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“I can’t have bubble baths or a bubble blower or go to a community lot or go on an outing! Why?! WHY?!”

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Since I can’t select the inmates, I can’t show you the therapist who came to cure her. I was going to

show you the reactions of the other inmates but there was no one in the room. Why, you ask?

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Oh, because Rebecca decided to IGNORE the EMPTY shower, and take a sponge bath, shooing everyone

out. Lovely.

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So the therapist helped Muriel out, and she’s been okay since. I think she got a BFF want filled or

something, because she hasn’t done a worry action since.

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Two weeks completed, and still no criminal career. I’ve shut aging off, and my next goal is to get her

friends count up to 10 so there’s no question of her being promotable. I’m also going to have her work on

some skills, so she’s platinum when the job does come so she gets promoted faster.

It’s fun. I’m hoping that Matthew goes into aspiration desperation or failure, but I’m not holding out much

hope. He’s been watching movies, so his Film & Literature enthusiasm is up, and I keep seeing +500

aspiration points over his head, so I’m guessing it’s from watching movies.

That’s all for now. More to come.