the bookworms of europe - a pratctical guide. mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read...

The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide.  Mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read more!  Reason:  reading skills are declining in Norway

The Bookworms of Europe- A pratctical guide

Page 4: The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide.  Mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read more!  Reason:  reading skills are declining in Norway

Library open at lunch breakAt lunch break, the library is open to those who will; Loan and deliver books Reading Browse a book and talking softly

Regular good behavior is necessary for the library to be kept open during the lunch break, and these rules apply to the library:1 We sit on the couch and fine on benches and puffer when we are at the library, and furniture should be where they are - do not move around.2 Chairs with wheels should be in place.3 Put the book in place when you finish reading it.4 The red binder to be used by teachers and library assistants.5 It is not allowed to eat or drink in the library.6 If you need help finding a book, lend or deliver, so ask one of the assistants.

If you want to talk loud and enjoy with your friends, go to the cafeteria, large amphitheater or the schoolyard.

Yours, Anne M. (school librarian)

The Bookworms of Europe

Page 6: The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide.  Mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read more!  Reason:  reading skills are declining in Norway

The Bookworms of Europe

Mostue, Sigbjørn Alvetegnet 1; Gravbøygen våkner


Fantasy. Spenning. Norske eventyrskikkelser. Espen har f ått et viktig oppdrag: Han må redde Gammalskauen f ra å bli hogd ned. Ved hjelp av en nøkkel f øres Espen inn i en parallell verden der han møter, nisser, alver og skrømt. Men Espen vegrer seg. Han har alltid gått utenom problemene. Heldigvis dukker Eva opp. 3 bøker i serie.

Paver, Michelle Åndevandrer: Ulvebror


Historisk. Steinalderen. Spenning. Vennskap. Demonbjørnen har drept Fa, og Torak er alene. Men Fa gir ham et oppdrag før han dør: Torak må dra til Verdensåndens f jell f or å redde klanene f ra Demonbjørnen. På veien f år han venner, men også mange fiender. Det er 6 bøker i serien om Torak.

Scheen, Kjersti Emma3 og ToreHund


Nettchatting. Vennskap. Emma f øler seg ensom, og søker etter en venn på nettet. Hun gir seg ut f or å være kulere enn det hun er. Løgner f ører of te med seg vanskeligheter, f or hva skal hun gjøre når hun da treff er gutten hun har chattet med?

Page 7: The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide.  Mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read more!  Reason:  reading skills are declining in Norway

The Bookworms of EuropeBOKKORT: Tittel og bilde av bokas forside

J oseph Delaney

Kort handlingsreferat (hovedpersoner, alder,hovedkomplott): Thomas Ward er den syvende sønn av den syvende sønn og har magiske/ spesielle evner. Dette gjør han skikket for å bli en vokter som beskytter mot hekser, gjenferd og onde makter. Han blir en lærling, noe som er et farefullt oppdrag. Boken har et underliggende tema om å våge å være annerledes, tørre å stå opp for sannheten og det som er rett og om å elske det som er sant! Thomas snubler og klarer å sette fri mor Malkin, en ond heks og må ta konsekvensene av dette, noe som kan brukes i RLE om ulike former for etikk. Boken får en litt annen vinkling enn andre bøker i samme genre ved at den tar opp flere temaer som det kan være lett å







8-10 trinn

Språk/ egner seg for høyt-lesning?

Lett språk, men til tider litt uoversiktlig. Ganske sikker på at denne boken er bedre på orginalspråket. Egner seg ikke for høytlesning

Sidetall Sider som kan leses høyt:




Godt sitat: «Du må bli hardere, ellers vil du ikke overleve!»

Metaforer: Mye! Annet: Grei fantasy


Page 8: The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide.  Mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read more!  Reason:  reading skills are declining in Norway

To _______________ s parents


Based on the reading test taken in class and work in the subjects until now, pick some students to participate in the reading course . We run two courses on 8.trinn this autumn , and your son / daughter has been selected for this second course .The course will run for five weeks and was added 4 and 5 on Monday 19th November to 17 December .Students from both A and C are together on the course this time .

In this course we will be even more aware of their own reading skills and work with various strategies related to reading. We will also play various games and create a good climate around reading activities .Students making a deal with me that they should read at least 20 minutes in a fictional book every day for the whole course . Please take a look at the booklet pupil and to include the course. Here you will also find the form pupils to fill out every time he / she has read .- They do this to monitor their own reading and adding to the habit of reading a little each day .When the course comes to an end , we run a new reading test to see if the course has had no effect, and the students also fills out a feedback form to me as instructor on how they think it has been part of this.

Is there anything you at home wondering , it's just to make contact.

- fair greeting

Anne Merete Hestadfjorden SvenningsenTel No School : 38 07 95 30 / My mob: 41 61 53 59E - mail: anne.h.svenningsen @

PSTo you who are attending classes :Meet at the base of 9.trinn at . 11:45 Monday 19 November . Bring your book shelf

The Bookworms of Europe

Page 9: The Bookworms of Europe - A pratctical guide.  Mission: to get students to enjoy reading and read more!  Reason:  reading skills are declining in Norway

The Bookworms of Europe