the bolivar bulletin. (bolivar, tennessee) 1893-09-08 [p ]. · bolivar bulletin tion, are in accord...

taxes WOUld become less blir - l of Iier trunk. Such devilish butchery BOLIVAR BULLETIN tion, are in accord with the grand old man. The meas- ure, however, will not become V? 'i -- j'J. r V P A C t S E IT WIL L NOTT--- UF1 E. f 3 BOWLING GREEN BUSINESS COLLEGE AND LITERARY INSTITUTE rums can jexteu at .txr tjiie. tau j oai lAitE iAtn The Business, Short-Han- Teachers' Training. 'Vi, r ipl.y, IVr-nitir.yhi- anlTyjie Writing Courses are thoroughly taught. Hundred of arsenates he-I- in' Sue p;aiiiotia Students assisted to jxwitionH. Fifty-tw- o Pae Catalogue fiee. Addicw:- - CMIERKY'mtOS, Proprietors, Bowling Green, Ky. UOTICEf this season or your old one If you want a new GIjS needs Repairing, write to MEMPHIS T. J. FARGAS0N, 0. B. President POLK, Vice-Pre- s. Memphis Trust Company, CAPITA!, STCCK, $B89D. Acis as Executor, Atolnistratcr. Guardian, Tnstes, Assignee. Recieyer. -- Agents for the Investment of Funds in any Fiduciary Capac- ity. Loans Negotiated. 42 Madison Street, : MEMPHIS, TEJMT. M UPJTSVILLE FESV3ALE COLLEGE HUNTSVILLE. ALA. ,rrtr:'"th Session betdn. Wneadar, September , 1K33. H.althj, wall cation thoroturUv tenoht . t.t? . r?r"'ed, twenty Officer! and Tenchern. Ail dspartmnnt. of Fatnale Kdu- - hoT s for Cf " oeinnoes, iiteratars anil ltommmil tvu Uiiargas rMonbl. Vor Oatalosueo. etc., apply to Kev. A. M. JOXKM. ! was probably never before perpetra- - ted in a civilized country-- , wo- - man ctiulil not tell the 'fequence of events after ghe fell, but the condi tion of her body left i,o doubt about the general character of the crime. Wilkerson is known in the cora munilv in which the tragedy occur- red. A very full description of him is given, as follows; Weight, 150 pounds; height, 5 feet 6 inches, very black, red eyes, bump;: chin, wore a black' hat. blue, shirt, light pants, with stripes, fine shoes :iearly worn out. There are many negroes in the vi- cinity in which the crime occurred, and they are aroused to an intense pitch ot excitemeut. Every able-bodie- d male for mile3 aiound has turned out to hunt down the mur- derer. Even at LaGrange, 15 miles distant, there is great excitement Wilkerson, if caught, will be lynch- ed by peopld of I113 own race, and those who are engaged in the chase S'ate also that his body will be burned Memphis Commercial. m mm mm St. James Hall. The trustees of this pchool have been in correspondence with various parties in crdet to secure a principal ia place of Miss Warder, who has re- signed. They will elect a principal in a day or two and announcement will be made m the next issue of the Bulletin. The school will hardly, however, open before the 18ih or 20th. Non-Reside- nt Notice. In the County Court of Hardeman County, - Tennessee, Mrs. Harriett Snc McCom-- . tnou, et aU. vs. Hugh Yilli.nis, et ali. . Petition to pull land. No. 1372. In this cause it appearing trom the peti- tion that Hush Williams i a non-reside- of the State Tennessee, it is ordered that publication he made for four successive weeks in the Eolivar Bulletin, a newspaper published at I'olivr, Teun., requiring said non-reside- defendant to enter his appear- ance herein by or within the first three days of the October term 1893 ot the Coun- ty Court of Hardeman County, Tennessee, to be held at the court hou-- e in Liolivar on Monday, the second day of October, 1893, and plead, answer or demur to the petition in this or the same will be taken for confessed as to hiru 'and set for hearing ex parte. This the 7th day A. D., 1 S93. V. W. Farley, C & M. Wood & McNeil, Sol's for petitioner. Why pay ?1.00 tor chill cure when you can buy Plantation Cidil Cure of us at 50c fcold bv Savage & Liuerson, B. V. Hud son, Bolivar; W. J. Ccr, Saulsbury; Black & At buckle, Hickory Valley, J. D o.isser rYV .B. Shearin, Aliddleton. Insolvent Notice- - The undersigned has this day suggested to the clerk ot the County Court of Harue man county, lennessee, the insolvency o the estate of Mrs. Emma Doyle, dee'd All iersonf having claims against said es tate wilt prove the same and hie them wit the said clerk on or before the first day o March. 1894, or they will be barred in law and equity. John K. Doyle, Administrator of Emma Doyle, dee'd This August 31st, 1893. We refund money in every instance when Plantation Chill & Fever Cure fails. Sold by Savage t Emerson, II V. Hudson, Bol iyar: W. J. Cox, Sauls bury; Black & Ar buckle, Hickory Valley; J. D. iSasser, V. IS. Sheann, Aliddleton. Among the incidents of childhood tha Ma nd out in bold relict, as our memory reverts to the days when we we-- e young none are more prominent than severe sick nenf. the young mother vividly remem bers that it wa Chamberlains Coo Remedy that cured her of croup, and m turn administers it to her own offspring and always in the best result. Sold by .Savage Jimer!on. "Amonff tho Ozarks" 'The Land of Big lied Apples' ia the title of an attractive and highly interesting book recently issued. It is handsomely il Imtrated with views ot South Missouri Rcenery, including the famous Olden frui farm of 3,000 acres in Howell county. I pertains entirely to Jruit-raisin- g in that great fruit belt of America, the southern slope ot the Ozarks, and will prove of gres value, not only to fruit-erower- s, but to ev ery ltrnier and home-seek- er in other states looking for a farm and a home. Mailed free. Addrens, J. E. Ixckwood, Kansas City, Mo. 13 your lite worth 50 cent!?? Dumb Chill, Ague, Congesttvo Chill, Death. This is the evolution ot that malarial chiily sensation. Stop it in time. Plantation Chill Cure will do if, or it will est von nothing: Savage E nerson, B. V. Hudson, Bolivar, W. J. Cox, Saulsbury, Back & Arbuckle, Hickory Valley, J. D. Saser, W. B. Shearin, Mid dletou. For Sale. Nov is your chance to get bargains in household eods cinsiatimr of crockery, bedding, pillows, bed' springs, oak chairs, folding beds, etc. Auply at once at St James Hall. Plantation Chill Core stops chills, stops Vm quick, and they never come back. It you don't believe it, try it. It it don't ftop "em ask for your money back, you'll trei it. Sold by Savage & Emerson, B- - V. Hudson, Bolivar; W. J. Cox, Sau If nury. Black & Ar-- i buckle, Hickory Valley, J. D. feaeser, W. B. Shearin, Miidleton. oil 5 nnd lO years tit 2 and 3 per cent, per an num.. Ir crest paid in advance. Apply tc . J B- - CASSELBERRY, Hickory. Valley, Tenn( We would not urge an article with- out merit. We urire and guarantee Plantation Chill (Jure. Hold by Sav- - !ge& Emerson, jj. y Hudson, B li tX'T.'. 6er, W, L. Shearin, Middletou. 3l;iiiy Persons Are broken dawn from overwork or household Brown's Iron Hitters rebnlMs the sytera, aids digestion, remore er-c-e of bile, and curw malaria. Get Ibe genuine. densome. In fact, there is need of reformation all along the line. March of Epedemics. Cholera has made its appearance at Jersey City, N. J. Martin Crowe, an immigrant,' died Wednesday, and a microscopic examination ot bi9 in testines showed unmistakable evidence of the disease. A conference was held at Holyhead quarters Friday eve ning to devise means of stamping out the Cholera. It was attended by Actiug Mayor Simpson and Corpo- ration Counsel William D. Edwards on behalf of the city. Surgeon Gen era! Wyman and Drs. Kougoun ai.d Pailhachuf, ot the federal liovern- - ment, Dr. Jenkins, of the State of ftew York, Dra. Con vers and Varick of the county Health Board, Dr. A. C. Uuut and President Henry, of the Jersey City Health Board. Mayor bimpson aid tne city bad a cholera fund ot $3,000 left ironi last year, and was ready to expend it. It was also ready to co-ope- rate with the Federtl Govermeot. Surgeon General Wyman said that the government vrould do all it could to stop the ppread of the disease, and would tur- - iiish money if it was uecesiarv to quarantine the city. 'i-- i : i- - .j- - . l) : .1, mere is mucu uieirrsa ai jji uubwicr., Ga., as a result of the Ye'lw 'ever scare and the consequent exodus. Food is scarce, and there is no bus iness, and no way to make a liveli- hood. The Relief Committee has is- sued the following: "To the people of the United States The Brunswick Ga., Keliet Committee desires to place before the county the actual condition of aflairs at tnis place. While there have been hut three cases of cho'era at this place. nd it is hoped there will be no other. tho deftiluMou and suffering entailer are as cieat as it it were an epidemic. Our every avenue of sustenance is cut off, our workshops are closed, our factories are deserted, our entire bus sii'.ess prostrated, and, under the most favorable conditions, some time must elapse before a resumption of bus inesp. We reluctantly appeal to the aeuerosily ot a charitable people to sustain us mrougn me ruem. me hituation has been thoroughly can- vassed, and the appeal is not prema- ture. We are here to stay, come what, may." ? An epidemic of smallpox has been riging at Muocie, Ind., for some flays. Siuce the disease was first discover ed there have been eighty cases, and the epidemic shows no signs of abat ing. Just how many jieraoDS have been exposed to the disease the Board of Health can not say, but the Sec- retary believes that hundreds" of the middle classes have been in close proximity to persons who had it, and that the majority of these will be af- fected. At present the efforts of the authorities are directed to keeping the disease within a certain limit, and as fast as cases develop they are moved to the affected district. The guards who have been watching the plauge-strick- en houses struck Tuesday for higher pay, and the houses are left unguarded. The port of Grimsby, in Linco'n shire, England has been declare 1 to be infected with cholera, and traffic betwen it snd other British ports has been prohibited. During August there was eighty deaths at Grimsby, irom what was called at first diar rhoea and later choleraic disease. The general belief now is that many of thes deaths wfere due to cholera. Ex. NEGROES WILL LYNCH HI2I. Murder, Outrage and Brutal Mutila tion Charged Ag&In&t Hint. There is every prospect for Tennes see to experience another lynching. ith pyrotechnic accompaniments, within a day or two. Eola, a town not far from Mem phis, on the Midland Railroad, 19 the scene of the crime and will like y be the scene of the sequel. This case will differ from all others of its kind that have preceded it, for negroes will be the ones to take the law into their own hands, the crimi- nal being a nero and his victim, whom he murdered, outraged and mutilated in a horrible and sickening manner, a negress. The murder and its accompanying barbarities were committed last Tues- day at about noon. Etta Ivey, a married colored woman, who lived near Eola, bad gone a short distance irom her home. When she was found a few minuies latei she was lvint; m a thicket unconscious. Her head was oeateu in,' and a heavy fence rail tving near, covered with blood to which the han adhered, left no doubt about the instrument that was used. There were two bul'et noles in her neck, and hr body was muti'ated, not so scientifically but much more horri-b- y than were the vietims of the my terious Jack the Ripper, whose atro cities startled the denizens of the Whitechnpel district of London. The woman died a few hours after she was tound, but she recovered con sciousness long enough to give the story of the crime. . While so con- scious she suffered earful agonies, and it was between gasps of pain that she told the story. bhe said that when she entered the woods she was set upon by Andrew Wilkerson, whom she knew and who bad evidently been waiting for net. She screamed, and in order to silence her he struck her repeatedly over the head with the fence rail, using it as lb. ground, br head .11 g..rr .! f coDsciousne'S cone, Wiikeraoo OUl- - raged her. Having satiated his lust the brute emptied two chambers of nit revolver into her throat, and pon ably il was then he used his knife to hack and hew away the lower portion Published Every Friday. Mt Mi MkvJi ....... ! ....-- .. Kei?ort3 from tho storm-strick- en districts along the Atlantic coast, disclose the loss of over 1000 lives and of inestimable damage to prop- erty. The National bank circula- tion increased during the month of August ?2G,332,-0.- 1, the circulation on the first of the month being $198,-831,88- 1. President Cleveland is said to be in favor of the re- peal of the prohibition tax on State banks.- - He could not be a consistent Democrat and hold to contrary views on that subjects. Ox the first of this month the gold reserve fund had been reduced to $07,000,000. But as the Treasury Depart ment resumed the payment of paper money on that day, the $100,000,000 mark will iirobablv be soon reached again. In regard to West Tennes see appointments, thecorres nondent to the Nashville A American says: "In West Tennp3:ee tho Rppub!i cans will have but little further time lo draw salaries under a Democratic administration. The j ostm tstpr at Mfmphi will Ikj the first appoint- ment made. In this contest Br Ar- mour will win in i walk. It's almost equally assure that ,1. A. Mansjn of Hardeman, will be appointed Ma- rtial. Judge McCorrv h slated tr District Attorney ami his appoint- ment U practically agreed upon." The official statement of the receipts and expenditures of the United States issued from the Treasury depart- ment shows that the receipts for August were $7,000,000 less than for July, while the expenditures were 0,000,000 less, but the expenditures for the two months of the pres- ent fiscal year exceeded the receipts $17,000,000. The only encouraging portion of the report is in the item of pensions, which was ii,000,-00- 0 less for the month of August than for July. Tin: Grand Army of the Republic paraded at Indian- apolis, Ind., Tuesday. In the middle of the line there weie 100 or more men sing- ing ""We'll hang Hoke Smith on a sour apple tree," and the song was cheered to the echo by the lookers-o- n. The cause of the displeasure of the G. A. R. is on account of the rulings of the secretary on the law governing pen- sions which has resulted in the government rations of some ot the G. A. R. being cut short off. Such parties no doubt feel somewhat sour- ed, and while in such a frame of mind, it is but natural for them to prefer singing sour songs, but the fulsome music will 'hardly bo instrumental in causing the secretary to re voke or change his rulings. To-da- y Premier Gladstone is the most imposing person-acr- e of modern times. His long and useful life has been devoted to the cause of hu inanity. The crowning act of his life is his effort to re- lease down-trodde- n Ireland from the manacles that have deprived her citizens of liber ty for lo these many years. The decisive vote on the Home Rule bill for Ireland, which resulted hi a majority of 3-- for the measure, is an evidence that the majority of Parliament, upon that qucs- - a law unless the House of Lords concur with Parlia ment, which is indeed doubt fill. They have the prerog ative of again sending the question back to the people in a parliamentary election. But it is manifest that a great majority of the English peo ple favor the Home Rule bill, and that if the House of Lords refuse to pass themeas ure, the deliverance of Ire land from bondage .will be only impeded temporarily. Duiun'G a speech deliver ed in the House of Represen- tatives on the silver question by Hon. John A. Pickler, a Republican from Dakota, he expressed himself as follows: "And how do Republicans, who are in favor of protection of home industries and the protection of American labor refuse any protection to the great silver mining industry in this country and refuse protection to the labor in the mines also? And not only refuse protection, but actual- ly join in legislation that ruins the industry?" Very patriotic, indeed, does Mr. Pickler appear. It would not be out of place for our South cm representatives to remind that honorable gentleman that there was a time when the South expended many millions for negroes, and that many thousands were pur chased from Northern citi zens, and that the negro in dustry was not only not pro tected, but destroyed alto- gether; and that many mil lion dollars is now being as- sessed against the South to pay those who were wounded and somewhat scratched, and a few who lost their hair be cause of fright caused by the relxel soldier's bullets whilo engaged in the patriotic duty of freeing negroes that they had sold to Southern citizens. Xeither would it be out of place to remind the Northern patriots that it is a poor rule that does not work both ways; that if one industry should be protected, all should be; that if it is the duty of the government to protecfthe in terests of those who invested their money in mines, it is also its duty to protect by paying back to those who lost, by engaging in the ne- - nro industry, the cost of those who were ireea. it is a sig- nificant fact that every sena tor and representative from the silver producing states fa vor free silver. This is con 1 1 .!., elusive eviuence tnat it is a local question of great magni tude to them. As before stated, we do not attribute, primarily, the stringency in the money market to the ne- cessity of an increase in cir culation. The depletion of the United States Treasury, the increase in taxation and the exportation of gold from this country by bankers are more potent causes than the need of more money. The want of confidence in the ability of the government to redeem silver with gold, if the Sherman law was not re pealed, no doubt had its weight in bringing about the panic, but in our opinion no one cause can be justly at- tributed as being wholly re sponsible for the present state of affairs. If the rate of tax ation was decreased instead of a balance of trade against us it would, as heretofore, be in our favor. And with a decrease in the expenses of running this government tho .An agreeable laxative anaSTsre Tonic. zchi bv Droi-gist- s cr sent by mail. 25c., 5Cc sii'l $1.00 per pucka go. Saisplc3 free. SO For Sale by B.'V. Hudson. TAKE 23 "T A5 THE sQEST I rir N. 25cts.. 1.00 Bottle. Oneceatadcse, Tma Clmni f!rmn firms nrom nr.i v exareA Where all others faiL Cough,. Croup, Sore Threat, Hoarseness, Whoopiarr Cough and Asthma. For Consumption It taa no rival: hHS cured thousands, and wiil CUES YOU if tal;cn in time. So! i by Drug-gist- s on a gimr-snte-e. For a Laiae Tack or Chest, on EIIILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTEKJoC. it are you vawivh V a remedy is nioran-iatttoc;i7eyo- u. iY5ce. 4c!3. In lector free. For Sale by B. V. Hudson. Position Guaranteed. If you will take a full course in Book ke?pin, Shorthand, and Typewriting, in Draosrhon's Consolidated Busi- ness College, Nashville, Tenu., yon will on entering be guaranteed a good pot-i-tio- Only half the tu tion required until the place is secured. If you cannot take two branches, the next best thing is to either enter for Book-keepin- g, Shorthand, Typewriting or Telegraphy. Send for special guarantee circular. Address, J. F. Dkauguon, Pre't., Nashville, Tenn. Meutiou this Daoer.) J. A. FOSTER, ATTORNEY - AT-L- A IV, Bolivar, Tenn. Vi practice in the Courts of Hardeman and adjoin- ing Counties. OFFICE In Court House. IF TO Vlt JIA CSC A C TIES Or you are all worn out, really good for nothing it is general debility. Try TiJlOHN'S 1ROX Ji ITT JUltS. It will cure you, and give a good appetite. Sold iTy all dealers in medicine. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY 7, 1893. SOUTH BOUND. Passenger No. 1 5.35 p.m r asaenorer No. 3 - - - - am Local (daily except Sunday) - 10.32 a m NORTH BOUND. Passenger No. 2 - - - 8.53 8 in Passenger No. 4 - ... 1.58 a.m Local (daily except Sunday) - 3.00 p. m All paspeuaer tram? stop at Bolivar No. 3 makes clone connection at Holly bpringsfor Memphis. W. F. McCaklky, Agt. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to gve perfect eatislac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents der box. For sale by Savage & Emerson Bolivar and Dunbar & Robinson Grand Junction. WR MARKET HOUSE, My market house is now opentd everv day in the week, where I will keep on hand FREtl MEATS, PORK. MUT ION, GOAT, GAME, FISH, etc., and sell same at lowe3t prices. Will also pay HIGHEST MARKET PRICES , for Good Beef-cattl- e, Pork, Hides, Tallow, Furs, JPoul try, etc. N. C. NUCKOLLS, SPECIAL CARD. We desire to call our readers at tention to the elegant illustrated catalogue ot Mulford. the Memphis Jeweler, and cheerfully commend with pleasure and pride this old re liable houfe to their confidence. One of the catalogues will be sent at your request. We have know n Mr. 31 ul ford m tim&lely for year?;-h- e has been engaged in the jewelry business of Memphis, Tenn,, and unhesitating y say that you cau depend on what he states as being ex actly so plain and easily understood. You take no chance in ordering rora J. N ..Mulford. as your money will be promptly refunded (without any expense) if not pleased with the goods received. Mention Bolivar Bulletin. Neuralgic Jersona And those troubled with nervousness resulting from care or overwork will be relieved by taking Tti-Mti- it Tvnn TtittBTSm cmhM haa trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper, j CO. TENNESSEE. AUSTIN MILLER, General Manager. N. rtm. A tjhn.tlaii frc.ldcat. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointme&t Is a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyeaj Granulated Eye Lid.s, Sore Nipples, 1'ilea, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and fcscald Head, 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists. TO HOKSEOWNEKS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con- dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powder. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Ravage & Emerson. ook'sCottonlloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully wed monthly bv thoutandt of safo and reliable medlclno dis covered. Beware of unprincipled druggist who offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, tako no tubtiU Me, or Inclose (1 and 6 cents ia pcttago In letter and we wIU send, scaled, by return mail. Full sealed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, Address Pond Lily Company. Ko. 3 I lBher Block. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Bolivar and everywhere by all! druggists. University of Tennessee. ACADEMIC, LAW AND TEACHERS' DEPARTMENTS. Session opens Sept. 14th. Entrance ex- amination Sepf. 11. All who pass will re- ceive Stale scholarships witli free tuition. Women 17 years of age admitted to all de- partments and privileges on same terms aa men. Expenses very moderate. Write for illustrated announcement. President University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn 7 ran tutz blood, Weakness, Miliaria, Indigestion and Biliousness, tnke liliOWX S ir.OX HITTERS, It euros quickly. Fur sale by all deaien in medicine, (iet the f nuiae. It Snculi 19 ia Every Horse, J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay Htrett, Sharps-bur- g, Pa., says he will not be without Dr- iving's New Discovery for 'on.umj)tionr Coughs and Colds', tlint it cured hi wife,, who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of La Grippe, when various-- , other rem-die- s and several physicians hadi done her no good, Ko!ert IWWr, f Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. Kin Weir Discovery ha done him more good than anything he ever ued for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. lV-- e trial bot- tles at Savage A EuierMonV, iiolivjir, and Dunbar's. Grand Junction. f 4 Scientific American Agency for- - Jf Ji TRADE MARKS, MS DESIGN PATENTS, COPY RIGHTS, toJ I, For Information and free Handbook write to MlliN A CO Bkoadwat, Nw Yoar. Oldest bureau for Becunnjr patents in A merles. Krerr patent taken out by lis is brought be for the public by a notioe fivea Irea of charge in to mntiftc weMcait trcest cfrenlatlbn of any scientific paper in the world, fcnlendidlr Illustrated. No inrellifrat. man should be without tu Weekly, A3. OO s years f 1M six months. Addrea WUNN ic CO Vckushjcks, 3 til Broadway, Hew York City. Electric 2itters. This remedy in becoming nd we'l kmwn and i0 popular an to need noiecial men tion. All who have noed Electric Bit- ters Hins the same wing of praise. A purer medicine doe not exinf, and it ia trnaranteed to do all that i claimed. Electric Kitteri will cure all diwase of the liver and kidney., will remove pim- ple, boil, :dt rheum and other affec- tions canned by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the avstein and pre- vent as well as cure all nialarml fver. Forcnre of headache, constipation and inditjcfthm try Electric RitlT--- . Entire satisfaction or mont-- refund ed. Pric 5(k; an i ?1 (ht Ixittle at eav- - r, p.--.l- 'a I'.linjr nml 2)nrih:r'a - Grand J un etion. O CL 3Eiller AtTORNEY-AT-LA- W, BOLIVAR, : : TEXNT. OflSce over Neelj Bnildlug, South Side Public Square. Any one purchasing 81.50 worth of Plantatiou Remidea is entitle to the Appeal-- A valance, weekly, until Jan- uary 1, 1894. or $1.00, retail, the Memphis Scimitar, weekly, for the same lenght of lime. These remedies are guaranteed to cure or nouey re- funded by merchants of whom pur- chased. Plantation Pharmaoal (Jo., 345 Second St., Memphis, Tenn. IL V awl RAILROAD CO. Keduced World's n Fair Rate Commencing Tuesday, August 1st, 1893, we will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, III., and return at $17.20. Tickets to be continuous pawsage in each direction, final return limited 30 days from date of sale. 1 he present World s Fair rate, limited to November 15th, will be continued in effect. VV. F. McCarley, Agt. A. IT. Hanson, .T. W. Coleman, a. JP. A. A. O. 1 A. Have you tried Plantation Liver Pills tor habitual constipation? They are pertectly delightful ana a sure cure. Price 25ol. Sold by Savapje & Emerson, 13. V . Hudson, Bolivar, W. J. Cox, Saulsbury; Black & Aa buckle. Hickory Valley: J. D Sas ser, W. B. Shearin, Middletou. rora lame oacK or ior a pain in the side or chest, try xaturating a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm na binding it onto the anected parte. Ibis treatment will cure any crdinary cane in one or two day. Pain Balm ,alio curen rheumatism. 50 cent botiles for Bale by Savage & Fraerwn. Iff OF THS WORLD'S FAIR IO-pr- f Send two cents in postage to F. B. Bowed. General Northern Paienppr Aeent. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. 14 Clark street, Chicago, III., for a free copy of a lart;e, colored bird's-ey- e view of the world's fair and ncinitr. It is mounted on rollers for hanging up and will be found of value as a sourenir and for reference. Plantation Chill Cure is guaranteed. It it don't cure go and get your mon ey back; Ask your merchants about it. Price 50cfa. Sold by Savage & Emerson, B. V.Hudson. Bo'ivi; W. J. Cox, Saulsbury; Black & Arbuckle, Hickory Valley; J. D. Sasaer, W. B. Shearin, Middleton. A Good Thing to Keep at Hand. Trom the Troy (Kansas) Chief. Home years ago we were verv miicti hud- - jct to severe spells of cholera morbus; and now when we feel any of the symptoms that usually precede that ailment, auch 33 sickness at the stomach, diarrluea, etc., we become scarv. We have found Chamber lain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Kmedy the vcrv thing to straighten one out in such ca, and always keep it about. We are not writing tins tor pay testimo nial, but tout our readers know what is a good thing to keep handy in the lioufe. For sale by Savage & Jbmerson. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. EEDUCED RATES TO CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. Ticket now on Salt at Bolivar Station to Chicago and return at $23.63 for the round trip; ale te continue daily until Oct. 15, 1893. inclusive; gooi to return until Nov. 15, 1893. Remember that the Ontnl Rout ia the onlr Kailroad from the South whose traina enter Chicago without trofer or de- tour.- in full Tiew of the Kxpoeitioii Boildlnua ana make regular atope at the World'a Fair G atea. World'a Fair KUtion Midway rJallnce.; For further Darticulrra. ticket, etc.. call on or addreaa your local cr'neareat I. f. it. iw ticaet ot a. iL flANSo. a. P. A., Caicag

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Page 1: The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tennessee) 1893-09-08 [p ]. · BOLIVAR BULLETIN tion, are in accord with the taxes WOUld become less blir- l of Iier trunk. Such devilish butchery

taxes WOUld become less blir - l of Iier trunk. Such devilish butcheryBOLIVAR BULLETIN tion, are in accord with thegrand old man. The meas-

ure, however, will not become

V? 'i --j'J. r V P A C t S E IT WIL L NOTT--- UF1 E. f3


rums can jexteu at .txr tjiie. tau j oai lAitE iAtnThe Business, Short-Han- Teachers' Training. 'Vi, r ipl.y, IVr-nitir.yhi- anlTyjieWriting Courses are thoroughly taught. Hundred of arsenates he-I- in' Sue p;aiiiotia

Students assisted to jxwitionH. Fifty-tw- o Pae Catalogue fiee. Addicw:- -

CMIERKY'mtOS, Proprietors,Bowling Green, Ky.

UOTICEfthis season or your old oneIf you want a new GIjS

needs Repairing, write to


T. J. FARGAS0N, 0. B.President

POLK,Vice-Pre- s.

Memphis Trust Company,

CAPITA!, STCCK, $B89D.Acis as Executor, Atolnistratcr. Guardian, Tnstes, Assignee. Recieyer.

--Agents for the Investment of Funds in any Fiduciary Capac-ity. Loans Negotiated.

42 Madison Street, : MEMPHIS, TEJMT.

M UPJTSVILLE FESV3ALE COLLEGEHUNTSVILLE. ALA. ,rrtr:'"th Session betdn. Wneadar, September , 1K33. H.althj, wall

cation thoroturUv tenoht . t.t? .r?r"'ed, twenty Officer! and Tenchern. Ail dspartmnnt. of Fatnale Kdu- -hoT s for Cf " oeinnoes, iiteratars anil ltommmil Uiiargas rMonbl. Vor Oatalosueo. etc., apply to Kev. A. M. JOXKM.

! was probably never before perpetra- -ted in a civilized country-- , wo- -man ctiulil not tell the 'fequence ofevents after ghe fell, but the condition of her body left i,o doubt aboutthe general character of the crime.

Wilkerson is known in the coramunilv in which the tragedy occur-red. A very full description of himis given, as follows; Weight, 150pounds; height, 5 feet 6 inches, veryblack, red eyes, bump;: chin, wore ablack' hat. blue, shirt, light pants,with stripes, fine shoes :iearly wornout.

There are many negroes in the vi-

cinity in which the crime occurred,and they are aroused to an intensepitch ot excitemeut. Every able-bodie- d

male for mile3 aiound hasturned out to hunt down the mur-derer. Even at LaGrange, 15 milesdistant, there is great excitementWilkerson, if caught, will be lynch-ed by peopld of I113 own race, andthose who are engaged in the chaseS'ate also that his body will beburned Memphis Commercial.

m mm mm

St. James Hall.The trustees of this pchool have

been in correspondence with variousparties in crdet to secure a principalia place of Miss Warder, who has re-

signed. They will elect a principalin a day or two and announcementwill be made m the next issue of theBulletin. The school will hardly,however, open before the 18ih or 20th.

Non-Reside- nt Notice.In the County Court of Hardeman County,

- Tennessee, Mrs. Harriett Snc McCom-- .tnou, et aU. vs. Hugh Yilli.nis, et ali.

. Petition to pull land. No. 1372.In this cause it appearing trom the peti-

tion that Hush Williams i a non-reside-

of the State Tennessee, it is ordered thatpublication he made for four successiveweeks in the Eolivar Bulletin, a newspaperpublished at I'olivr, Teun., requiring saidnon-reside- defendant to enter his appear-ance herein by or within the first threedays of the October term 1893 ot the Coun-ty Court of Hardeman County, Tennessee,to be held at the court hou-- e in Liolivar onMonday, the second day of October, 1893,and plead, answer or demur to the petitionin this or the same will be taken forconfessed as to hiru 'and set for hearing exparte. This the 7th day A.D., 1 S93. V. W. Farley, C & M.

Wood & McNeil, Sol's for petitioner.

Why pay ?1.00 tor chill cure when youcan buy Plantation Cidil Cure of us at 50cfcold bv Savage & Liuerson, B. V. Hudson, Bolivar; W. J. Ccr, Saulsbury; Black& At buckle, Hickory Valley, J. D o.isser

rYV .B. Shearin, Aliddleton.

Insolvent Notice- -The undersigned has this day suggested

to the clerk ot the County Court of Harueman county, lennessee, the insolvency othe estate of Mrs. Emma Doyle, dee'dAll iersonf having claims against said estate wilt prove the same and hie them witthe said clerk on or before the first day oMarch. 1894, or they will be barred in lawand equity. John K. Doyle,

Administrator of Emma Doyle, dee'dThis August 31st, 1893.

We refund money in every instance whenPlantation Chill & Fever Cure fails. Soldby Savage t Emerson, II V. Hudson, Boliyar: W. J. Cox, Sauls bury; Black & Arbuckle, Hickory Valley; J. D. iSasser, V.IS. Sheann, Aliddleton.

Among the incidents of childhood thaMa nd out in bold relict, as our memoryreverts to the days when we we-- e youngnone are more prominent than severe sicknenf. the young mother vividly remembers that it wa Chamberlains CooRemedy that cured her of croup, and m turnadministers it to her own offspring andalways in the best result. Sold by .Savage


"Amonff tho Ozarks"'The Land of Big lied Apples' ia the

title of an attractive and highly interestingbook recently issued. It is handsomely ilImtrated with views ot South MissouriRcenery, including the famous Olden fruifarm of 3,000 acres in Howell county. Ipertains entirely to Jruit-raisin- g in thatgreat fruit belt of America, the southernslope ot the Ozarks, and will prove of gresvalue, not only to fruit-erower- s, but to every ltrnier and home-seek- er in other stateslooking for a farm and a home. Mailedfree. Addrens, J. E. Ixckwood,

Kansas City, Mo.

13 your lite worth 50 cent!??Dumb Chill, Ague, Congesttvo Chill,Death. This is the evolution ot thatmalarial chiily sensation. Stop it intime. Plantation Chill Cure will doif, or it will est von nothing:Savage E nerson, B. V. Hudson,Bolivar, W. J. Cox, Saulsbury,Back & Arbuckle, Hickory Valley,J. D. Saser, W. B. Shearin, Middletou.

For Sale.

Nov is your chance to get bargainsin household eods cinsiatimr ofcrockery, bedding, pillows, bed'springs, oak chairs, folding beds, etc.Auply at once at St James Hall.

Plantation Chill Core stops chills,stops Vm quick, and they never comeback. It you don't believe it, try it. Itit don't ftop "em ask for your moneyback, you'll trei it. Sold by Savage& Emerson, B- - V. Hudson, Bolivar;W. J. Cox, Sau If nury. Black & Ar-- i

buckle, Hickory Valley, J. D. feaeser,W. B. Shearin, Miidleton.

oil 5 nnd lO years tit2 and 3 per cent, per an

num..Ir crest paid in advance. Apply

tc . J B- - CASSELBERRY,Hickory. Valley, Tenn(

We would not urge an article with-out merit. We urire and guaranteePlantation Chill (Jure. Hold by Sav- -

!ge& Emerson, jj. y Hudson, B li

tX'T.'.6er, W, L. Shearin, Middletou.

3l;iiiy PersonsAre broken dawn from overwork or household

Brown's Iron HittersrebnlMs the sytera, aids digestion, remore er-c-e

of bile, and curw malaria. Get Ibe genuine.

densome. In fact, there isneed of reformation all alongthe line.

March of Epedemics.Cholera has made its appearance at

Jersey City, N. J. Martin Crowe, animmigrant,' died Wednesday, anda microscopic examination ot bi9 intestines showed unmistakable evidenceof the disease. A conference washeld at Holyhead quarters Friday evening to devise means of stamping outthe Cholera. It was attended byActiug Mayor Simpson and Corpo-ration Counsel William D. Edwardson behalf of the city. Surgeon Genera! Wyman and Drs. Kougoun ai.dPailhachuf, ot the federal liovern- -ment, Dr. Jenkins, of the State offtew York, Dra. Con vers and Varickof the county Health Board, Dr. A.C. Uuut and President Henry, ofthe Jersey City Health Board.

Mayor bimpson aid tne city bad acholera fund ot $3,000 left ironi lastyear, and was ready to expend it. Itwas also ready to co-ope- rate with theFedertl Govermeot. Surgeon GeneralWyman said that the governmentvrould do all it could to stop theppread of the disease, and would tur- -

iiish money if it was uecesiarv toquarantine the city.

'i--i : i- - .j- - . l) : .1,mere is mucu uieirrsa ai jji uubwicr.,Ga., as a result of the Ye'lw 'everscare and the consequent exodus.Food is scarce, and there is no business, and no way to make a liveli-hood. The Relief Committee has is-

sued the following:"To the people of the United

States The Brunswick Ga., KelietCommittee desires to place before thecounty the actual condition of aflairsat tnis place. While there have beenhut three cases of cho'era at this place.nd it is hoped there will be no other.

tho deftiluMou and suffering entailerare as cieat as it it were an epidemic.Our every avenue of sustenance iscut off, our workshops are closed, ourfactories are deserted, our entire bussii'.ess prostrated, and, under the mostfavorable conditions, some time mustelapse before a resumption of businesp. We reluctantly appeal to theaeuerosily ot a charitable people tosustain us mrougn me ruem. mehituation has been thoroughly can-

vassed, and the appeal is not prema-ture. We are here to stay, comewhat, may." ?

An epidemic of smallpox has beenriging at Muocie, Ind., for some flays.Siuce the disease was first discovered there have been eighty cases, andthe epidemic shows no signs of abating. Just how many jieraoDS havebeen exposed to the disease the Boardof Health can not say, but the Sec-retary believes that hundreds" of themiddle classes have been in closeproximity to persons who had it, andthat the majority of these will be af-

fected. At present the efforts of theauthorities are directed to keepingthe disease within a certain limit,and as fast as cases develop they aremoved to the affected district. Theguards who have been watching theplauge-strick- en houses struck Tuesdayfor higher pay, and the houses areleft unguarded.

The port of Grimsby, in Linco'nshire, England has been declare 1 tobe infected with cholera, and trafficbetwen it snd other British ports hasbeen prohibited. During Augustthere was eighty deaths at Grimsby,irom what was called at first diarrhoea and later choleraic disease. Thegeneral belief now is that many ofthes deaths wfere due to cholera.Ex.


Murder, Outrage and Brutal Mutilation Charged Ag&In&t Hint.

There is every prospect for Tennessee to experience another lynching.

ith pyrotechnic accompaniments,within a day or two.

Eola, a town not far from Memphis, on the Midland Railroad, 19 thescene of the crime and will like y bethe scene of the sequel.

This case will differ from all othersof its kind that have preceded it, fornegroes will be the ones to take thelaw into their own hands, the crimi-nal being a nero and his victim,whom he murdered, outraged andmutilated in a horrible and sickeningmanner, a negress.

The murder and its accompanyingbarbarities were committed last Tues-day at about noon. Etta Ivey, amarried colored woman, who livednear Eola, bad gone a short distanceirom her home. When she was founda few minuies latei she was lvint; ma thicket unconscious. Her head wasoeateu in,' and a heavy fence railtving near, covered with blood towhich the han adhered, left no doubtabout the instrument that was used.

There were two bul'et noles in herneck, and hr body was muti'ated, notso scientifically but much more horri-b- y

than were the vietims of the myterious Jack the Ripper, whose atrocities startled the denizens of theWhitechnpel district of London.

The woman died a few hours aftershe was tound, but she recovered consciousness long enough to give thestory of the crime. . While so con-scious she suffered earful agonies,and it was between gasps of painthat she told the story.

bhe said that when she entered thewoods she was set upon by AndrewWilkerson, whom she knew and whobad evidently been waiting for net.She screamed, and in order to silenceher he struck her repeatedly over thehead with the fence rail, using it as

lb. ground, br head .11 g..rr .! f

coDsciousne'S cone, Wiikeraoo OUl- -

raged her. Having satiated his lustthe brute emptied two chambers ofnit revolver into her throat, and ponably il was then he used his knife tohack and hew away the lower portion

Published Every Friday.

Mt Mi MkvJi ....... ! ....-- ..

Kei?ort3 from tho storm-strick- en

districts along theAtlantic coast, disclose theloss of over 1000 lives and ofinestimable damage to prop-


The National bank circula-

tion increased during themonth of August ?2G,332,-0.- 1,

the circulation on thefirst of the month being $198,-831,88- 1.

President Cleveland issaid to be in favor of the re-

peal of the prohibition tax on

State banks.- - He could notbe a consistent Democrat andhold to contrary views onthat subjects.

Ox the first of this monththe gold reserve fund hadbeen reduced to $07,000,000.But as the Treasury Department resumed the paymentof paper money on that day,the $100,000,000 mark williirobablv be soon reachedagain.

In regard to West Tennessee appointments, thecorresnondent to the NashvilleA

American says:"In West Tennp3:ee tho Rppub!i

cans will have but little further timelo draw salaries under a Democraticadministration. The j ostm tstpr atMfmphi will Ikj the first appoint-ment made. In this contest Br Ar-

mour will win in i walk. It's almostequally assure that ,1. A. Mansjn of

Hardeman, will be appointed Ma-rtial. Judge McCorrv h slated trDistrict Attorney ami his appoint-ment U practically agreed upon."

The official statement ofthe receipts and expendituresof the United States issuedfrom the Treasury depart-ment shows that the receiptsfor August were $7,000,000less than for July, while theexpenditures were 0,000,000less, but the expenditures forthe two months of the pres-

ent fiscal year exceeded thereceipts $17,000,000. Theonly encouraging portion ofthe report is in the item ofpensions, which was ii,000,-00- 0

less for the month ofAugust than for July.

Tin: Grand Army of theRepublic paraded at Indian-apolis, Ind., Tuesday. Inthe middle of the line thereweie 100 or more men sing-

ing ""We'll hang Hoke Smithon a sour apple tree," andthe song was cheered to theecho by the lookers-o- n. Thecause of the displeasure ofthe G. A. R. is on account ofthe rulings of the secretaryon the law governing pen-

sions which has resulted inthe government rations ofsome ot the G. A. R. beingcut short off. Such partiesno doubt feel somewhat sour-ed, and while in such a frameof mind, it is but natural forthem to prefer singing soursongs, but the fulsome musicwill 'hardly bo instrumentalin causing the secretary to revoke or change his rulings.

To-da- y Premier Gladstoneis the most imposing person-acr- e

of modern times. Hislong and useful life has beendevoted to the cause of huinanity. The crowning actof his life is his effort to re-

lease down-trodde- n Irelandfrom the manacles that havedeprived her citizens of liberty for lo these many years.The decisive vote on theHome Rule bill for Ireland,which resulted hi a majorityof 3-- for the measure, is anevidence that the majority ofParliament, upon that qucs- -

a law unless the House ofLords concur with Parliament, which is indeed doubtfill. They have the prerogative of again sending thequestion back to the peoplein a parliamentary election.But it is manifest that a greatmajority of the English people favor the Home Rule bill,and that if the House ofLords refuse to pass themeasure, the deliverance of Ireland from bondage .will beonly impeded temporarily.

Duiun'G a speech delivered in the House of Represen-tatives on the silver questionby Hon. John A. Pickler, aRepublican from Dakota, heexpressed himself as follows:"And how do Republicans,who are in favor of protectionof home industries and theprotection of American laborrefuse any protection to thegreat silver mining industryin this country and refuseprotection to the labor in themines also? And not onlyrefuse protection, but actual-ly join in legislation thatruins the industry?" Verypatriotic, indeed, does Mr.Pickler appear. It would notbe out of place for our Southcm representatives to remindthat honorable gentlemanthat there was a time whenthe South expended manymillions for negroes, and thatmany thousands were purchased from Northern citizens, and that the negro industry was not only not protected, but destroyed alto-

gether; and that many million dollars is now being as-

sessed against the South topay those who were woundedand somewhat scratched, anda few who lost their hair because of fright caused by therelxel soldier's bullets whiloengaged in the patriotic dutyof freeing negroes that theyhad sold to Southern citizens.Xeither would it be out ofplace to remind the Northernpatriots that it is a poor rulethat does not work both ways;that if one industry shouldbe protected, all should be;that if it is the duty of thegovernment to protecfthe interests of those who investedtheir money in mines, it isalso its duty to protect bypaying back to those wholost, by engaging in the ne- -nro industry, the cost of thosewho were ireea. it is a sig-nificant fact that every senator and representative fromthe silver producing states favor free silver. This is con

1 1 .!.,elusive eviuence tnat it is alocal question of great magnitude to them. As beforestated, we do not attribute,primarily, the stringency inthe money market to the ne-

cessity of an increase in circulation. The depletion ofthe United States Treasury,the increase in taxation andthe exportation of gold fromthis country by bankers aremore potent causes than theneed of more money. Thewant of confidence in theability of the government toredeem silver with gold, ifthe Sherman law was not repealed, no doubt had itsweight in bringing about thepanic, but in our opinion noone cause can be justly at-

tributed as being wholly responsible for the present stateof affairs. If the rate of taxation was decreased insteadof a balance of trade againstus it would, as heretofore,be in our favor. And witha decrease in the expenses ofrunning this government tho

.An agreeable laxative anaSTsre Tonic.zchi bv Droi-gist-s cr sent by mail. 25c., 5Ccsii'l $1.00 per pucka go. Saisplc3 free.

SOFor Sale by B.'V. Hudson.



I rir N.


1.00 Bottle.Oneceatadcse,Tma Clmni f!rmn firms nrom nr.i v exareA

Where all others faiL Cough,. Croup, SoreThreat, Hoarseness, Whoopiarr Cough andAsthma. For Consumption It taa no rival:hHS cured thousands, and wiil CUES YOU iftal;cn in time. So! i by Drug-gist- s on a gimr-snte-e.


itare you vawivh Va remedy is nioran-iatttoc;i7eyo- u.

iY5ce. 4c!3. In lector free.For Sale by B. V. Hudson.

Position Guaranteed.If you will take a full course in Book

ke?pin, Shorthand, and Typewriting, inDraosrhon's Consolidated Busi-ness College, Nashville, Tenu., yon willon entering be guaranteed a good pot-i-tio-

Only half the tu tion required untilthe place is secured. If you cannot taketwo branches, the next best thing is toeither enter for Book-keepin- g, Shorthand,Typewriting or Telegraphy. Send forspecial guarantee circular. Address,

J. F. Dkauguon, Pre't.,Nashville, Tenn.

Meutiou this Daoer.)


Bolivar, Tenn.

Vi practice in the Courtsof Hardeman and adjoin-ing Counties.

OFFICE In Court House.

IF TO Vlt JIA CSC A C TIESOr you are all worn out, really good for nothing

it is general debility. TryTiJlOHN'S 1ROX JiITTJUltS.

It will cure you, and give a good appetite. SoldiTy all dealers in medicine.

When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.



Passenger No. 1 5.35 asaenorer No. 3 - - - - a mLocal (daily except Sunday) - 10.32 a m

NORTH BOUND.Passenger No. 2 - - - 8.53 8 inPassenger No. 4 - ... 1.58 a.mLocal (daily except Sunday) - 3.00 p. m

All paspeuaer tram? stop at BolivarNo. 3 makes clone connection at Hollybpringsfor Memphis.

W. F. McCaklky, Agt.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.The best Salve in the world for cuts

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feversores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblainscorns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay requiredIt is guaranteed to gve perfect eatislaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centsder box. For sale by Savage & EmersonBolivar and Dunbar & Robinson GrandJunction.


My market house is now opentdeverv day in the week, where I willkeep on hand FREtl MEATS,PORK. MUT ION, GOAT, GAME,FISH, etc., and sell same at lowe3tprices. Will also pay

HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, for Good Beef-cattl- e,

Pork, Hides, Tallow, Furs, JPoul try,etc.


We desire to call our readers attention to the elegant illustratedcatalogue ot Mulford. the MemphisJeweler, and cheerfully commendwith pleasure and pride this old reliable houfe to their confidence. Oneof the catalogues will be sent at yourrequest.

We have know n Mr. 31 ul ford mtim&lely for year?;-h- e has beenengaged in the jewelry business ofMemphis, Tenn,, and unhesitatingy say that you cau depend onwhat he states as being ex actly so

plain and easily understood.You take no chance in orderingrora J. N ..Mulford. as your money

will be promptly refunded (withoutany expense) if not pleased with thegoods received.

Mention Bolivar Bulletin.

Neuralgic JersonaAnd those troubled with nervousness resultingfrom care or overwork will be relieved by taking

Tti-Mti- it Tvnn TtittBTSm cmhMhaa trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper, j


AUSTIN MILLER,General Manager.


rtm. A tjhn.tlaiifrc.ldcat.

Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointme&tIs a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyeaj

Granulated Eye Lid.s, Sore Nipples, 1'ilea,Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and fcscald Head,25 cents per box. For sale by druggists.

TO HOKSEOWNEKS.For putting a horse in a fine healthy con-

dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powder.They tone up the system, aid digestion, cureloss of appetite, relieve constipation, correctkidney disorders and destroy worms, givingnew life to an old or over worked horse. 25cents per package. For sale by druggists.Ravage & Emerson.


COMPOUND.A recent discovery by an oldphysician. Successfully wedmonthly bv thoutandt of

safo and reliable medlclno discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggist whooffer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask forCook's Cotton Root Compound, tako no tubtiUMe, or Inclose (1 and 6 cents ia pcttago In letterand we wIU send, scaled, by return mail. Full sealedparticulars In plain envelope, to ladles only,

Address Pond Lily Company.Ko. 3 I lBher Block. Detroit. Mich.

Sold in Bolivar and everywhere by all!druggists.

University of Tennessee.



Session opens Sept. 14th. Entrance ex-amination Sepf. 11. All who pass will re-ceive Stale scholarships witli free tuition.Women 17 years of age admitted to all de-partments and privileges on same terms aamen. Expenses very moderate. Writefor illustrated announcement.

President University of Tennessee,Knoxville, Tenn

7 ran tutz blood,Weakness, Miliaria, Indigestion and

Biliousness, tnkeliliOWX S ir.OX HITTERS,

It euros quickly. Fur sale by all deaien inmedicine, (iet the f nuiae.

It Snculi 19 ia Every Horse,J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay Htrett, Sharps-bur- g,

Pa., says he will not be without Dr-iving's New Discovery for 'on.umj)tionrCoughs and Colds', tlint it cured hi wife,,who was threatened with pneumonia afteran attack of La Grippe, when various-- ,

other rem-die- s and several physicians hadidone her no good, Ko!ert IWWr, fCooksport, Pa., claims Dr. Kin WeirDiscovery ha done him more good thananything he ever ued for lung trouble.Nothing like it. Try it. lV-- e trial bot-tles at Savage A EuierMonV, iiolivjir, andDunbar's. Grand Junction. f

4 Scientific AmericanAgency for- -


For Information and free Handbook write toMlliN A CO Bkoadwat, Nw Yoar.

Oldest bureau for Becunnjr patents in A merles.Krerr patent taken out by lis is brought be forthe public by a notioe fivea Irea of charge in to

mntiftc weMcaittrcest cfrenlatlbn of any scientific paper in theworld, fcnlendidlr Illustrated. No should be without tu Weekly, A3. OO syears f 1M six months. Addrea WUNN ic COVckushjcks, 3 til Broadway, Hew York City.

Electric 2itters.This remedy in becoming nd we'l kmwn

and i0 popular an to need noiecial mention. All who have noed Electric Bit-

ters Hins the same wing of praise. Apurer medicine doe not exinf, and it iatrnaranteed to do all that i claimed.Electric Kitteri will cure all diwase ofthe liver and kidney., will remove pim-

ple, boil, :dt rheum and other affec-

tions canned by impure blood. Willdrive malaria from the avstein and pre-

vent as well as cure all nialarml fver.Forcnre of headache, constipation andinditjcfthm try Electric RitlT--- . Entiresatisfaction or mont-- refunded. Pric 5(k; an i ?1 (ht Ixittle at eav- -

r, p.--.l- 'a I'.linjr nml 2)nrih:r'a-Grand J un etion. O




OflSce over Neelj Bnildlug, South SidePublic Square.

Any one purchasing 81.50 worthof Plantatiou Remidea is entitle to theAppeal-- A valance, weekly, until Jan-uary 1, 1894. or $1.00, retail, theMemphis Scimitar, weekly, for thesame lenght of lime. These remediesare guaranteed to cure or nouey re-funded by merchants of whom pur-chased.

Plantation Pharmaoal (Jo.,345 Second St., Memphis, Tenn.


Keduced World's nFair RateCommencing Tuesday, August 1st, 1893,

we will sell round trip tickets to Chicago,III., and return at $17.20. Tickets to becontinuous pawsage in each direction, finalreturn limited 30 days from date of sale.

1 he present World s Fair rate, limitedto November 15th, will be continued ineffect. VV. F. McCarley, Agt.A. IT. Hanson, .T. W. Coleman,

a. JP. A. A. O. 1 A.

Have you tried Plantation LiverPills tor habitual constipation? Theyare pertectly delightful ana a surecure. Price 25ol. Sold by Savapje& Emerson, 13. V . Hudson, Bolivar,W. J. Cox, Saulsbury; Black & Aabuckle. Hickory Valley: J. D Sasser, W. B. Shearin, Middletou.

rora lame oacK or ior a pain in theside or chest, try xaturating a piece offlannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm

na binding it onto the anected parte.Ibis treatment will cure any crdinarycane in one or two day. Pain Balm,alio curen rheumatism. 50 cent botilesfor Bale by Savage & Fraerwn.


IO-pr-f Send two cents in postage to F. B.

Bowed. General Northern PaienpprAeent. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. 14Clark street, Chicago, III., for a free copy of a lart;e,colored bird's-ey- e view of the world's fair andncinitr. It is mounted on rollers for hanging upand will be found of value as a sourenir and forreference.

Plantation Chill Cure is guaranteed.It it don't cure go and get your money back; Ask your merchants aboutit. Price 50cfa. Sold by Savage &Emerson, B. V.Hudson. Bo'ivi; W.J. Cox, Saulsbury; Black & Arbuckle,Hickory Valley; J. D. Sasaer, W. B.Shearin, Middleton.

A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.Trom the Troy (Kansas) Chief.

Home years ago we were verv miicti hud- -

jct to severe spells of cholera morbus; andnow when we feel any of the symptomsthat usually precede that ailment, auch 33sickness at the stomach, diarrluea, etc., webecome scarv. We have found Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Kmedythe vcrv thing to straighten one out insuch ca, and always keep it about.We are not writing tins tor pay testimonial, but tout our readers know what is agood thing to keep handy in the lioufe.For sale by Savage & Jbmerson.



Ticket now on Salt at Bolivar Station to Chicagoand return at $23.63 for the round trip; ale tecontinue daily until Oct. 15, 1893. inclusive; gooito return until Nov. 15, 1893. Remember that theOntnl Rout ia the onlr Kailroad from the Southwhose traina enter Chicago without trofer or de-tour.- in full Tiew of the Kxpoeitioii Boildlnua anamake regular atope at the World'a Fair G atea.

World'a Fair KUtion Midway rJallnce.;For further Darticulrra. ticket, etc.. call on or

addreaa your local cr'neareat I. f. it. iw ticaetot a. iL flANSo. a. P. A., Caicag