the big picture. how does javascript interact with the browser?


Upload: jasper-may

Post on 29-Dec-2015




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Page 1: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?


Page 2: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

Page 3: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

What sort of things can we do with JavaScript?

We can use JavaScript to process and check data entered in forms.

Page 4: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

What sort of things can we do with JavaScript?

We can use JavaScript to store and read information in “cookies.”

Cookies are bits of data that are stored in the browser folder on the user’s local computer. They are used to track users (creepy) and are also usedto customize content (convenient).

Page 5: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

What sort of things can we do with JavaScript?

We can use JavaScript to dynamically show and hide content.

Page 6: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

What sort of things can we do with JavaScript?

We can use JavaScript to dynamically access any part of the document.

Page 7: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

Loops in JavaScript.

In Scratch we used loops to repeat a series of instructions for a fixed period of time.

In JavaScript, we can do the same thing with a “for” loop.

Page 8: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

Conditional statements in JavaScript.

In Scratch we use if and if-else statements to check if something was true.

In JavaScript, we can do the same thing with if and if-else statements.

Page 9: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

Variables in JavaScript.

In Scratch we use variables as information containers. They can hold numbers or letters (strings).

In JavaScript we create variables by giving them a name.

Page 10: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?


Page 11: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

1. Download the source files from TLEARN2: madlib.html and madlib.css

Page 12: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

2. Link your HTML file to an external JavaScript file by adding the <script> line in the <head>.

Page 13: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

3. Create a new file called madlib.js, and add the following code. Test by loading the page.

Use your name instead of my name for the function. For example: zackFunction, ellenFunction.

Page 14: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

4. Now, modify the page so the user will have to answer a question when the page loads.

Your output should look like this:


Page 15: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

5. NEXT: Ask the user for their name, and then greet them by name.

From now on, these reference code blocks will

show you the building blocks, will not give you the

exact answer about how your code should look.

Your output should look like this:


Page 16: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

6. NEXT: Berate the user if their name is too long.

Also, remember t


you can find out


length of a stri

ng with:



Your output should look like this:


Page 17: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?

7. NEXT: Ask the user their name and then change the name of the author on the madlib page. (See following slide for hints.)

Page 18: THE BIG PICTURE. How does JavaScript interact with the browser?