the bible foundations explained.pdf

 1 The Bible Foundations Explained By Robert E. Waples The Old King James Bible is one of the first translations of text to English and what I chose to use. I believe it is n ot as encumbered with what people want it to read as current translations. This is not telling you there are not errors in this t ranslation as well but I hope that we explain why those err ors exist. I believe the Bible begins by establishing foundation. Please try t o look past the excepted truths of y our culture. We need to ta ke a fresh new look as if we are reading the Bible for the first time. The truth is what is important. The truth does not always tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. So with this I would like to dive r ight in. The water is fine. To understand the bible we must understand the beginning so that is what we are going to do. We will start with Genesis Chapter I , verse 1 and it plainly s tates “In the beginning God created the heavens and the e arth” This statement is summarizing the creation and explaining who was responsible for creation, God. It is stating that God existed before everything else. In other words before our physical universe or what we call our physical dimension. So God existed before our physical realm. In this statement the Bible is stating that God is not a three dimensional being because this dimension or universe had not been created yet. So this should hopefully get you to question what kind of being is God if he is not physical and how were we created in his image if he is not a physical being and we will get to that in just a little bit. 2- “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon t he f ace of the waters”.  The earth does not exist at this time nor does the expanse we call heaven. The thing to note is that God’s Spirit or thought moved which means he put into motion or took a ction. The face of the waters signifies a reflection of self and realization of self, I am that I am. 3- “And God said “let there be l ight; and there was light”.  And God said, is the vision. And there was light is the conformation of God’s vision because faith without action has no life. This is God bringing the vision to life. This is what s cience presently calls The Big Bang  but tomorrow may give it another title, name or description. This is the creation of our dimension and al l that it consist of, this is what we call our universe. The light is the immense amount of energy generated to create our dimension. 4- “And God “saw the light that it was good”;  and God “divided the light from the darkness”.  5- “And God

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The Bible Foundations ExplainedBy Robert E. Waples

The Old King James Bible is one of the first translations of text to English and what I

chose to use. I believe it is not as encumbered with what people want it to read as currenttranslations. This is not telling you there are not errors in this translation as well but I

hope that we explain why those errors exist. I believe the Bible begins by establishing

foundation. Please try to look past the excepted truths of your culture. We need to take afresh new look as if we are reading the Bible for the first time. The truth is what is

important. The truth does not always tell you what you want to hear but what you need

to hear. So with this I would like to dive right in. The water is fine.

To understand the bible we must understand the beginning so that is what we are going to

do. We will start with Genesis Chapter I, verse 1 and it plainly states “In the beginning

God created the heavens and the earth” This statement is summarizing the creation and

explaining who was responsible for creation, God. It is stating that God existed before

everything else. In other words before our physical universe or what we call our physical

dimension. So God existed before our physical realm. In this statement the Bible is stating

that God is not a three dimensional being because this dimension or universe had not been

created yet. So this should hopefully get you to question what kind of being is God if he is

not physical and how were we created in his image if he is not a physical being and we will

get to that in just a little bit. 2- “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness

was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”. 

The earth does not exist at this time nor does the expanse we call heaven. The thing to note

is that God’s Spirit or thought moved which means he put into motion or took action. The

face of the waters signifies a reflection of self and realization of self, I am that I am. 3-

“And God said, “let there be light; and there was light”. And God said, is the vision. And

there was light is the conformation of God’s vision because faith without action has no life.

This is God bringing the vision to life. This is what science presently calls The Big Bang

 but tomorrow may give it another title, name or description. This is the creation of our 

dimension and all that it consist of, this is what we call our universe. The light is the

immense amount of energy generated to create our dimension. 4- “And God “saw the

light, that it was good”; and God “divided the light from the darkness”. 5- “And God

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“called the light Day and the darkness he called Night”. And the evening and the

morning were the first day.” At this point there were no planets, no suns or stars, they

had not formed yet, but the basic elements that make up our universe had been created. The

elements began to collect together with likes attracting likes. Some of the elements formed

into clouds or nebulas, which is light separating from the darkness. It is interesting to note

the day begins with the evening and ends with the morning. This is significant because it is

telling you the old was being replaced with a new dawning of a new age or new day, a new


6- And God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide

the waters from the waters”. This is such an incredible statement. It is stating that the

Heaven we see divides the waters. The water above our physical heaven is the Holy Spirit

of God or and what Christ called the water of Life. The water below heaven is what allows

for physical life, one is Spiritual in nature and the other is physical in nature. The

manifestation of the spiritual side into the physical is so impressive.

Genesis Chapter 1 verse 7- “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which

were under firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8- And God called “the firmament heaven”. And the evening and the morning were the

second day”. This is what we just discussed in verse 6. God envisioned in verse 6 what he

makes happen in verse 7. At this point there are still no stars but the elements are forming

together with likes attracting likes.

9- “And God said “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place,

and let dry land appear: and it was so”.  10. “And God “called the dry land Earth; and

the gathering together of the waters called he Seas”; and God said “it was good”.  First

this references a focus of vision for the division of the waters and completes the division of 

waters (physical and spiritual). Secondly from this focus, God develops the larger picture

of how this is to be accomplished. The third thing I would have you think about is what this

 book is about and that is the relationship of us with God our Father. It is not about the

sciences or about history or any other life forms it is about God and us. It is not about how

something was done but why it was done. It is about a relationship between a Father and

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us, his children. So please do not be confused. Remember that man until just recently

 believed that our planet was the center of the universe. And that all things were built

around it. The sun, moon and stars circled the earth so earth was the center of the heavens

or universe. This is evident throughout history and in these passages. If the third and forth

days are reversed in order it all fits just as science has described. Now there are those that

say you can’t just change the Word of God to fit what ever you want. This is true. If God

meant something different then it would be different. What I am saying is that the

 perceptions of man are evident throughout the whole bible. For example many people

today associate the day spoken of here as a literal 24 hour day which is a function of the

earth’s rotation. As the earth rotates on it’s axis in relationship to the Sun, we count that

time to equal a day. As the earth revolves around the sun we count as a year but these

sequences of time are for us, not God. The stars and suns were not even created until the

fourth day. This tells me that Gods days are much different from mine. My days are set in

Genesis Chapter 1 verse 14 were Gods days are described in II Peter Chapter 3 verse 8-

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this on thing, that one day is with the Lord as a

thousand years, and a thousand years as a day.”  What is meant by this is that time is

relevant to those who it is applied to. It states that a day to God is as a thousand years not

that it is a thousand years. The days are for our relationship with time, not God’s, for his

time is without end. The point of this is that lines 9 – 13 should have come after the

creation of the Sun and the moon. Instead the order is reversed not because what God said

 but how man thought as well as what he saw. Man saw that everything in heaven circled

around his world and so he believed the earth was the center of the universe. His

understanding was limited to those perceptions and because of this he interprets truths to fit

those perceptions. So, man believed what he saw, that the Earth was the center of the

universe and all things were built around the earth, hence the reverse of order. Now I know

 people will think that what I am saying is counter to the word. I believe what was written is

a perception that was carried down throughout the ages. It is no different than what we

have done in our age. Look at what happened with Galileo. All of this fits together but

again our perceptions get in the way just as they have in the past. I want to make something

very clear. I am not advocating that we change the order as written. What I am stating are

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the reasons of the order. Remember if you do not learn from the past then you will repeat

the same errors of the past.

One of the major errors of the past is that people are afraid. They are afraid to except

change, so they become trapped by their fears. Even though the Israelites saw miraculous

wonders, which allowed them to physically escape Egypt their fears or thoughts held them

to Egypt and so they built a calf of Gold, a reference to the age of Taurus the Bull, which is

holding on to the past. It was fear that also held Israel to cling to the letter of the law and

with that crucified the word made living, Christ. I want to remind you that when I say

Christ became the living word that it is still God’s word that he embodied. Today the word

is living and evolving in us.

I also want to point out that people will say you cannot change the word that the Bible is not

for Private interpretation but the Bible does not say that. As a matter of fact each branch of 

the church such as Catholic, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and a hundred other churches

have done just that. They have all interpreted the Bible differently. The wordings of today’s

Bibles are so much different than the Old King James. It was a group of individuals that

decided what books were to be included in the Bible as well as how it was to be said or 

interpreted. However the Bible does state that Prophecy is not for private interpretation

 but here we are not talking about prophecy. What we hope we are doing is to add a

different perspective to thinking. We are not stating that this is wrong or right but the

difference of perspective just as with the teachings of Moses to what Christ taught. During

Moses time the law was an eye for an eye while Christ taught to turn the cheek. Moses

taught from the perspective that if you stole or harmed someone the punishment was severe

or at a minimum equal to the harm. And Christ on the other hand taught to not seek revenge

or compensation for harm or theft but to turn the other cheek. What is important to

understand is the order of these teachings. Moses set an expectation to convince the

 perpetrator not to do something under the threat of knowing the cost if caught would be

severe. Christ taught not from the perspective of the one doing the harm but to the one

receiving the harm. Christ asked them not to bind themselves to the one harming them. Let

him without sin cast the first stone. Nor should they bind themselves to the things of this

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world. For if you bind yourself to this world then you are weighted by it. Remember the

camel and the eye of a needle. Think of it this way if you were in swimming race would it

make sense to wear the stone tablets around your neck for display or do you display them in

your heart and mind. We have a choice to make, do we cling to the word as written in stone

or do we give the word life within us. I want you to understand the word is written to fit

the perspective of the time to address what was needed at that time. The truths are the same

it is just the perspective that changes. I believe there are so many wanting to understand the

Bible and they are looking for direction but do not know where to turn for that help. We

live in a time of information over load or at least it seems that way at times. The word of 

God is the same today as it was when written but the perspective from which it is seen is

what changes.

Genesis Chapter one begins as a summary of the vision which is the blue print or plan. This

is followed up by an order and the details. All then followed up by the Construction. It is

an evolutional process of development that requires a vision and a plan before you build.

Once you have a plan then you can build. Hopefully you will build your house on solid

ground. Once you have a foundation then you can begin the many stages of development.

Just as a house is built in stages with the whole being equal to the sum of the parts and all of 

which must be built in an orderly fashion. The foundation is built before walls or floors and

the plumbing goes in before you pour a slab. If you want the connivances of electricity,

 plumbing and heating then you will want to put these in before you put up the drywall.

This is the same for the Bible it is written with foundations at the beginning and from there

the house is built. If you do not understand the beginning how can you understand the end?

We are all living in houses, the body is just a house and you are a spirit placed within that

vessel. We were created in the image of God, and God is Spirit just as you are. The

difference being is that God is Holy Spirit or Whole Spirit and we were created in his image

or a reflection of God but given life in a vessel of clay. We are tied to the physical or water 

 below heaven until you are born again which is the water above heaven. The choices you

make determine which path you take and where you end up. Remember Cain’s choice

affected his brother, your choices affect others; you have a responsibility to help not harm


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Genesis Chapter 1 verse 11- “And God said. Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb

yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself,

upon the earth; and it was so.”  Verse 11 is the vision. 12-

“And the earth brought forthgrass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was

in itself, after his kind; and God saw it was good.”  This the summation of the vision. 13-

“And the evening and the morning were the third day.” Now I ask you look at Genesis

Chapter 2 verses 4 and 5. 4- “These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when

they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and heavens,” 5- “And

every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew:

for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till

the ground”. What is being said here is that there is a difference between creation which is

the vision or plan and the actual making or forming of something. The Word states

Creation took generations not earth days. Generations are very long spans of time. And I

hope that people understand just because it did not happen in seven of our days that it does

not make it any less grand. For what we have been given, is extremely rare. Because of 

the moon we have a polar axis which allows for the stability of seasons and climate.

Because of our iron core and magnetic field we have a shield from solar radiation. Life is

 based on so many variables that have to be just so. As stated this took time (generations) to

 build to create stable conditions which we enjoy. What did Mark 7: 22 say about

foolishness. Do not let your pride get in your way of understanding.

14- “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of Heaven to divide the day

from the night; and Let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years;” 

And God said is the vision. 15- “And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven

to give light upon the earth; and it was so”.  The creation of the sun and moon is what I

would have thought would have taken place on the third day and would have followed what

science tells us as the natural sequence of order. But as I have already stated until recently

we thought we were the center of the universe, perceptions. 16- “And God made two great

lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the

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stars also”. Here we see that what God thought or envisioned in verses 14 and 15 and made

in verse 16. I also wish to point out something about our perceptions. The two lights

described here are the sun and the moon and we all know the sun is a light but the moon on

the other hand is a body that reflects light. So, I suppose, because it does reflect light it can

 be called a light but technically it is not a light. The point of this is not to nit pick but to

state the obvious, our understandings and perceptions have changed not our faith.

Today’s understanding is based on understanding the foundations of the past but

tomorrow’s understanding is based on what we build on those foundations today.

17- “And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth”, 18-

“And to rule over the day and rule over the night, and divide the light from the

darkness; and God saw that it was good”.   19- “And the evening and the morning were

the forth day”.  Again what we see here is the thought that all things circle the earth even

the sun and the moon. But if we exchange the day happenings of day three and four then it

all fits. The point of these thoughts is for us to do just that, think. The more we think and

question then the more we will come to understand and the more we understand the stronger 

our foundation becomes. This in no way takes away from the Word of God, remember men

have imposed their perspective or understanding within the Word as it relates to those they

are teaching at the time. This is why the word is constant in its foundations but ever 

changing in perspective.

 Now I am going to get side tracked here. Please be patient with me. The first chapter of 

Genesis is told from the perspective of God and the second chapter is told from the

 perspective of man separated from God. This is distinguished in the description of God

verses Lord God. The second chapter goes back into the first chapter and clarifies some of 

the creation, which is relative to the generations of the heavens and the earth being created

and then made. I want to point out that these are two different things creating and making.

Creating is a thought process and making is a process of developing the creation. I also

would like too reiterate it state’s generations, which encompasses long spans of time. It

then describes some of the sequence of time line in relation to developing the conditions on

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earth to bring forth life and the forming of Adam and Eve. What is stated here is just what

the theorist has stated about the shaping of the heavens and the earth. It took place over 

generations of time to develop and provide us a world with the proper atmosphere and

stable environment for our specific needs. In Chapter 1 verse 27 and 28 God stated: “So

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and

female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and

multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the

sea, and over the fowl of the air an over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”. 

First of all I will reiterate that God created both Adam and Eve in his image, which is Spirit.

Then he blessed them and told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and

subdue it and have dominion over all living things. The word replenish was used. Why?

What does replenish mean? The dictionary describes the word as to make full or complete

again. Again this is the important concept. To me it means life existed before this time and

it may be an assumption but it does seem to lead me to believe that whatever the

 predominate life form was wiped off the earth providing a clean slate to begin again. I am

not saying all life was wiped away but I am saying that the life of the predominant species

was. There would be no reason for God to discuss this because there is no real relevance to

discussing it. But I do believe it relates to the generations it took to develop a somewhat

stable environment for us to exist. I know it states that God created them male and female

and telling us to be fruitful but you need to remember all this was God’s master plan. God

created is the thought and the order of things. We are spiritual beings here. Created in the

image of God, which is Spirit. We were not formed until Chapter 2 verse 7.

In Genesis Chapter 1: 26. “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our

likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,

and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth

upon the earth”. The likeness and image of God is characterized by the description of the

Fruit of the Spirit. Man was given dominion over all the earth, which is control. But once

we betrayed that responsibility and took a life we lost that privilege. It was at this point that

we gave our dominion to the Serpent or Tempter, Devil or Satan. This dominion was ours

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and we traded it for this enlightenment of knowing the difference between good and evil.

Thus what God stated after this original sin was again, not a punishment, but the effect of 

our actions. We gave to the serpent / devil our dominion over this world for the knowledge

of good and evil, which is separation from God. Luke 4: 5. “And the devil, taking him up

into a high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of

time. 6. And the devil said onto him, All this power will I give to thee, and the glory of

them: for that was delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. 7. If thou

therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.” The devil is stating that someone gave him

the dominion, which was ours. The only one that could have done this is the one that had it,

which of course was us. Thus the paradise of Eden was lost. In this we are stating that we

traded dominion of this world so that we would know the difference between good and evil.

What we did not understand or realize at that time was the cost of being separated from

God. In separation from God there is death. In separation we lost dominion of this world.

In separation we opened the door for opposites, cause and effect. This means if there was

good, then now there was evil or separation from God. If there was love, then now there

was hate. I guess what I am trying to say is that it wasn’t God punishing us, but cause and


The other part of this is that the whole Bible tries to explain to us how we can get back to

this consciousness which, Christ showed us. He is the example of our birth right as Gods

children. It was with Adam that we lost our birth right and was by Jesus that we gained it

 back. Jesus was the sacrifice signified in the lambs blood placed upon the doors to protect

the first born at the time of Moses. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son that he waited a

life time for. A sacrifice that he was not required to fulfill but to know just how painful

such a loss was and yet be willing. This represented the sacrifice God made in Christ. It

was because of prophesy (which is the promise) and by faith that Christ came into thisworld. Please realize Jesus was not God on earth but God’s word made living. Our Father 

was so proud that after so long a man was born that fulfilled the promise and walked the

walk of a son. He was the promise born in faith and from the seed of Abraham and was the

sacrifice, the Lamb of God that was spared of Abraham. It is for this reason that he came

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into this world, to fulfill the prophecy. Christ was the promise that paid the debt of innocent

 blood for innocent blood.

 Now I would like to explain what the Bible is saying when it talks of Adam and Eve. God

told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for in the day thou

eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. God told Adam the day you eat of this tree you will

die. Well we all know that Adam lived for hundreds of years after this. So what is this

truly stating? Did Adam die the day he ate the forbidden tree. I think he did, but not in the

way we think of death. What happened was Adam became separated from God. It is in

separation there is death. “Now the serpent came to Eve and STATED the question hath

God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the

serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree

which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall

thou touch it, least ye die”. For some reason Eve misquoted what God said. God said

nothing about touching the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God just

commanded that they were not permitted to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

I think it is important to bring something up that we tend to associate with. Most of the

 pictures throughout history have depicted Eve at the base of a tree with the serpent in the

tree telling her it was ok to take from the tree. This is just a depiction or a rendering, an

interpretation. This tree with this fruit is a figurative tree. In literature and history the tree

has been used to represent the family tree or the connection. What I am saying is that this

tree represents a branch from the Tree of Life and even though all life is connected to this

one tree it is called out as a specific Tree. Now the family tree has many variations or 

 branches but this tree is from the midst of the garden. It is important to understand they

took from the tree of knowledge of Good and evil, and this is the tree of all animal life. All

animals have and are given knowledge, and this knowledge is used to provide choice and

the ability to nurture their young. So when the bible states that they took from the tree of 

knowledge of good and evil then it is simply stating that they took from the fruit of this tree,

which is animal life. And the fruit of this tree would be literarily an offspring or egg of a

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 particular tree or branch of animal life. I am using the egg as an example only, we do not

know what creature they killed. Why I am using the egg is because it resembles the shape

of a fruit and is pleasant to the eye and would be easily handed to ones partner just as any

other fruit and is the fruit of the union of certain species in the branch of the tree of 

knowledge. The reason why this makes sense is there is an old saying that you reap what

you sow. If they took a life of a creature then it would be under the old school of thought;

an eye for an eye. They took a life and so they would loose life. I also believe the Bible

literarily tells us that it wasn’t literally a tree as we have had it depicted throughout history.

Chapter 1 verses 29 and 30 tell us that. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every

herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is

the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the

earth, and every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepth upon the earth, where in

there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so”. As it states here every

tree and plant were given to us and every other creature for meat. So once they took a life

all things changed. The bible does not talk about it but it is obvious from this point onward

everything changed. What is important is that we understand is the principle. When we

took a life we lost life which was (Holy Spirit, Whole Consciousness) our connection to

God. We became dead which for all intents and purposes means we were separated from

God. It was at this time we realized that we were naked. Another interesting fact is that

we gave away our dominion (the authority and power to rule) over the fish, fowls and every

living thing that moved upon the earth. First, this was a privilege that we should have lost

once we took the life of one of our charges. When one is given the power over others to

rule then we have the responsibility to serve and protect. Secondly, we chose to give this

away in trade to know good and evil, to be as God and the one we gave it to, was the great


I want to take the time to point out that Genesis Chapter 1 verses 29 and 30 was stated on

the sixth day which obviously is before the seventh day when God rested and all of which

was before God formed man from the dust of the earth and we were given physical form.

So again I point out the order of things. Is this a point in time that was before we took form

or after?

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 Now we know what evil is. Evil is the separation from God. Before we took from the tree

of knowledge of good and evil our spirit was connected to God, with what is later described

as the Holy Spirit. Throughout the bible God blessed a chosen few with this connection that

was lost but it only was bought back by the blood and sacrifice of Christ and not given to us

until the out pouring of Pentecost. So we lost our connection to God by shedding innocent

 blood and we gained it back by the shedding innocent blood. Now I hope you understand

why the sacrifice of Christ.

The Bible tells us that God is Spirit. So, what is it he can give to us, a part of himself, Holy

Spirit. This is the clothing we lost. Next we need to understand just because Holy Spirit is

given to us it in no way controls us nor does it change us, on the contrary, it is the change in

us that allows the seed to take root in us. We are the earth in which the seed is planted and

the seed will only grow if it is nurtured. That is our responsibility to provide the proper soil.

Remember we are dust and to dust we will return but we are also created in our Fathers

image, Spirit. All creatures have spirit but what God wants are children.

I hope you understand the thought of what happened. By taking life we separated

ourselves from God. Now we can see that this is where we chose independence. The

choice was ours to make and we chose to separate our selves from God. We believed that

we could become just like our father, a God. And if this fruit would do so, it was indeed a

 prize. Genesis 3:4-7 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For

God doth know that in that day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye

shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was

good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one

wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her;and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked;

and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. This is important to

understand because it is saying a multitude of things. First the serpent is telling Eve just the

opposite of what God has told them. They will not die. So he is telling Eve that God has

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lied to them. What you need to understand is at this point death was foreign to them

 because they did not die. They were living forever at this point. Death was foreign to them

 but they had to understand what death was by observation. They would have seen plants

and animals die and understood the concept but it was still foreign to them. Secondly he is

stating that they will be like Gods knowing good and evil. Before this point they only knew

good because they were connected to God, who is all good. Evil on the other hand is

separation from God. In Luke 11: 11-13; “If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a

father, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how

to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly father give

the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Jesus describes us as evil yet referencing how we

can do good. I think you noticed that the woman saw the fruit was good for food. This

means the serpent showed Eve it was good for food, in other words he ate of the tree first.

And she could see he wasn’t dead. This is why he seemed so wise. How else would she

have seen it was good for food? She saw that it was pleasant to the eyes is also a reference

to the fact she was using her physical senses over her connection to God. The tree was to be

desired to make one wise as Gods also says something toward lust and envy which relates to

the works of the flesh as stated in Galatians 5: 19. “Now the works of the Flesh are

manifest, which are these; Adultery, fortification, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20.

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21.

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings and such like:” This separation is sin. It

is this condition of being separated from God that caused death. Death was not a

 punishment of God, but causality. Once we chose this separation we became naked. Before

this point they were clothed in Gods Holy Spirit but once we took from the tree of 

knowledge of good and evil we lost the Holy Spirit our connection to God and without the

connection we became naked, hence the substitution of clothing. The whole of the matter is

that this was their choice, which means that we chose to separate ourselves from God. Did

we know what we were doing? No. Do we yet? What I will state is it was at this time we

gave our dominion over this world to the Tempter.

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I think it is important to note as soon as Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of 

good and evil they were driven out of the garden least they eat also from the tree of life and

live forever. It might be a good time to ask, what was the purpose of the tree of life? I say

this because; before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil they

were already living forever. This is a change in condition that was of no concern until after 

Adam and Eve learned the difference between good and evil.

Something I believe is very important to understand that will infuriate most of you but you

need to understand. Chapter two of Genesis begins with the seventh day, a day of rest from

all God had created and made. Verse 4 of Chapter 2 tells you again these days were the

generations of the heavens and earth. Verse 5 goes on to tell you that even with all that had

happened in Chapter 1 there still was not a physical man on the earth nor was there even a

 plant at this time. As a matter of fact it says it had not even rained as yet. So the again the

stability of our system had not yet occurred. In verse 6 of Chapter 2 it rains. In verse 7

Man is formed. You need to understand this is not a science book. Even though these

events happened one after the other there was still large time frames between them. This

 book is not a history book but a book about us and our relationship to our father. There was

a tremendous amount of time between the events as well as other life. Remember God told

them to replenish the earth this would mean what ever was before them was wiped off the


Most of you take it literal when the Bible says God formed man but man was formed no

differently than all the rest of life. Man’s physical form is also a product of evolution. But

that is not what made Adam or Eve so special. What made them special was God took a

man whom we call Adam and a woman whom we call Eve and placed them in a garden

isolating them from the world around them. He also placed within them his Holy Spirit.

The water of life. And it was for this reason they became the father and mother of the sons

of God. At this point in time they did not die. Yet those outside the garden could not say

the same, they would have been lucky to have lived in a range of 30 to 40 years. But once

Adam and Eve lost the Holy Spirit which is the connection to God they were cast out of the

Garden and they too began to physically die. This is so important for you to understand that

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once they lost the Holy Spirit they were dead to God. The Bible tells you this but most do

not understand. Their physical form on the other hand took hundreds of years to die. This

was because they had been filled with the water of life, the same water that poured out of 

Christ on the Cross. This had an impact on their genetics. As the Children of Adam and

Eve took wives of the daughters of Man their blood became mingled from one generation to

the next. Adams children would have seemed as Gods to most men. This is why Cain was

marked so no other man would kill him. This is how he took a wife and had children. This

is why he built a City. The form we have is a product of generations and evolution. It is

not our physical form that was created in the image of God. It is our spirit that is a

reflection of God’s. We are sort of like the moon. We have it in us to reflect the image of 

our father. Christ told you this. Are you that vain to think this flesh was hand sculpted by

God? What does the word of God say about the flesh? Is it not enmity to the spirit.

Before I get into the topic of Noah I would like to talk about Cain. I do not think people

understand. Yes, I think they understand that Cain killed his brother and was sent away

from his parents but I don’t think most of us have picked up on some the facts stated in the

Bible. Genesis 4; 13, And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can

bear. 14, behold thou has driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from

thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and itshall come to pass , that every one that findeth me shall slay me. 15, And the Lord said

unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.

And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. 16, And

Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of

Eden. 17. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare E’noch: and he builded

a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, E’noch. First, I

 believe it is important to hear that Cain was sent out and away from his family. Cain states

that he was driven from the face of the earth and from the face of God. Cain was a man of 

the earth, a tiller of the ground so this references that he was driven from ground that

 produced a rich bounty of fruit and seed. God has turned his face from Cain so to God Cain

would not be acknowledged as a child of his. God marked him and plainly states that

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whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. Clearly, the mark 

was used to warn other men not to kill Cain. Cain states that he has become a fugitive and

a vagabond. The dictionary describes a vagabond as one who wanders from place to place

without any settled home. Leading an unsettled or carefree life. Also described as

disreputable; worthless; shiftless in nature. My bet it is that the latter description fits Cain

since he built a City. All this seems to paint a bleak picture for Cain but he wanders into

the Land of Nod. This telling you that he wandered into the land of a people called Nod. It

is here that Cain takes a wife in this new land and has a son. Cain then builds a city, which

he names after his son. Normally a city references a large population and I believe it does

here as well but if that is the case where did they come from. Where did his wife come

from? I believe many believe that Adam and Eve had daughters that were not mentioned

and Cain just took one with him but this is not the case. Cain was sent out into the world

where he thought other humans would kill him. This is why he was marked. So those

finding him would know not to kill him. I think it is important to understand that he found a

wife in this new land and that he built a city. A city is only constructed so a population can

co-exist. Now I want you to think about this Cain was punished. Cain was sent away from

the face of God but he prospered in the world, he had children and built a City. This is

something done by Kings or rulers. So how could this be? I just ask you to remember who

the world was given to? This means that even though the Bible focus is on Adam and Eveand their heirs there were other humans on the earth. Now the Bible does not specify or 

describe them any more than the sons and daughters of man. So we can speculate all you

want as to who they were but we do not know. What we do know is that they existed both

the Bible and Science tell you this. If not then Cain could not have had a Son. Nor would

he have worried about someone killing him. I want you remember this because it comes

into play in Genesis 6; 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,

when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,

the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. I know I am repeating

myself but this is important to understand God’s word states very plainly that there was a

mixing between the Sons of God with the Daughters of Man. The primary difference was

that the Sons of God (Adam and Eve’s children) lived hundreds of years while the

daughters of man lived a fraction of that time. Remember God created us in his image

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which means that all men have a spirit or soul but it is only when that spirit or soul is

connected to God we have life for without that connection we are dead. It is when we are

separated from God that we are dead. Adam and Eve were the children of God which

 became corrupted the day they ate from the Tree of knowledge. But because they had

walked with God for so long before this point that they had become genetically much

different than those outside the Garden. This is why their bodies lived for hundreds of years

even after they had spiritually died. So when their bodies finally did die they were gone.

The only way this condition changed is with the resurrection of Christ. Your only

connection to the Holy Spirit is through your faith in the resurrection of Christ. But you

need to understand the resurrection of Christ was two fold because in the resurrection of 

Christ the body was given life but that was only a symbolic gesture because it is not the

 body that has the connection to God but our consciousness of thought or spirit that is

created in the image of God. And it was at this point that was then reconnected to God,

something that had not been since the time of Adam.

When Cain went out into the world he met with other human life that did not have the

longevity of life because they had never been connect to God by the Holy Spirit. These are

the sons of man and it was the blending of the Sons of God with the sons of man that

 produced the mixing of strains that produced mutations some giants some with extra

ordinary strength and abilities. Just imagine how Cain or Seth would have seemed to those

they came in contact with, almost as Gods themselves. And with the mixing of these blood

lines that the life spans became shorter and shorter and the Sons of God became one and the

same with the Sons of Man. With this in mind I hope you understand that God placed his

Holy Spirit into one physical form of a man, Adam. This is not when he breathed in and

 became a living soul but when he separated him from the rest of mankind and placed him in

the Garden of Eden. Most people assume that God is molding Adam out of the clay of the

earth like you would a pot but this is not the case. All creatures come from the clay of the

earth. This just distinguishes the physical form from the spiritual form which is in Gods

image. God separated Adam and placed him in a protected area. God put within Adam his

Holy Spirit, this was done to one human form we know as Adam and God walked with

Adam for some time before he gave Adam the companion Eve. They were the children of 

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God. Yet all man was created in the image of God and that is your soul. Even though our 

soul is but a reflection of God’s Spirit it is still created in God’s image, sort of like the sun

and the moon. The children of God were separated from the children of man and given

God’s Holy Spirit which interned gave them the connection to God and life. The Bible

focuses on the giving of Holy Spirit to one man, Adam, in the beginning and that was lost

until it was won back by one man. When we look at it this way we see the world has

always been at odds with the Spirit of God. Now I want to make it clear that the flood

changed everything. I believe this makes it much clearer when the Bible references Christ

as the Son of God and the Son of Man. Indeed we all are.

People tell me they just can’t believe in the flood or the topic of Noah and the Ark. There

is no way that these animals could have got to the Ark from around the world let alone live

in the Ark for all that time. And science says there is no proof the flood ever happened and

there should be. Science also states that if that much water had covered the earth then we

would have lost our atmosphere and everything on the Ark would have died as well. Yet

the stories of the Ark come from all over the world not just the Bible. I guess what I am

saying is people make choices everyday and for some reason they choose to believe in

something that they can imagine. And we all have an imagination. But because we are all

different we can’t and don’t see the same things. This is probably a good thing. Wouldn’t

it be horrible if we all were the same?

The story of Noah and the Ark is an amazing act of faith but not only because of the faith of 

 Noah but the faith of his whole family. I know most people focus on the animals and how

could this be possible but I think the animal part was not near as incredible as the family

 portion. I want to point out that Noah took his immediate family, his children and their 

wives not his parents nor his grandparents, not brothers or sisters not his father-in-law or 

mother-in-law. So why didn’t God or Noah include any of his brothers or sisters on what

was happening? I believe Noah probably did but they on the other hand did not put much

trust in what Noah was saying. Remember the construction of this ship took a tremendous

amount of time not only from Noah but from his children, who followed Noah blindly,

while his siblings did not. Noah and his immediate family must have seemed like such an

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oddity and you know we all want to fit in and be accepted to be popular but that path may

not be the best path to take. We all might benefit from taking a step back and collecting our 

thoughts before we jump in and follow the path most traveled. Just think about how

incredible that was. What if that would have happened today, what do think would happen?

Probably not the same result. Do you think he would have been given a building permit?

His wife and sons and there spouses all worked to help Noah complete a task, a task that

today would have probably put him in an asylum or at least on 6:00 news. Most families

today have trouble coming together for a Holiday let alone staying together for how many

years. Just think about it, each of his children and their families working to build something

on faith. But their faith was in Noah. Noah told his family that God spoke to him and told

him to build this huge boat “the Ark” and they did. So lets think about this, the Ark was not

 built over night and the Family had to be under constant persecution from there neighbors

let alone the sight seer’s from word of mouth. If you just think about it I believe you will

get the picture. They were building a tremendous structure, one that had to have an impact

on all that saw it. I know the Bible doesn’t say anything about the interaction with others

 but there had to be at least a basic communication. He probably even told them what he

was doing and why and more than likely they just laughed.

I believe I should point out that the time of Noah starts in the fifth chapter of Genesis and is

last mentioned in the tenth Chapter of Genesis. But there are other references to the flood

and to Noah but they are just references, such as II Peter Chapter 2. Verse 5. And spared

not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness,

bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. It states that God caused a flood

upon the world of the ungodly. I believe this was a tremendous flood with the intent of 

wiping out the world of the ungodly and with them all other creatures within the world of 

the ungodly. I mentioned this because again we get confused by statements within the

Bible. The purpose of the flood was to wipe out the ungodly. Genesis Chapter 6 verse 12.

- And God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted

his way upon the earth. 13 - And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come

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before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold I will destroy

them with the earth.  Both the Old and New Testaments tell us that God caused a flood to

end all flesh. The Old Testament reference both man and beast because of their violence

 but it would seem that flesh is a reference to man and the beast is included because of their 

 proximity to man. Man was created in the image of God and God is Spirit so man has a

spiritual side as well as the flesh. Both are at odds with each other. You must make a

choice to serve one or the other. You can serve the Spirit or the Beast. What you do and

how you think determines who you serve. You can serve God or you can serve the beast.

During the time of Noah the concern was man’s violence toward each other and the

inhabitants they shared the world with. Man served the flesh, losing sight of his spiritual

side. The Old Testament says the whole earth but the New Testament says the world of the

ungodly. The purpose of the flood was to wash away the corruption and the corruption was

man not the world. God used the world to destroy man. Whether you believe it was the

whole world or a region described as the world of the ungodly the flood was immense and

devastating and incredible.  To me it just seemed that it would have been confined to the

region of man for it was with man that God took issue with. In Genesis Chapter 6 verse 13

- it states that God said I will destroy them with the earth. This could have easily said by

the flood but I believe this is inclusive in that he used both the flood and the earth. Again

whether you choose to believe the whole world or just the whole world of Man do not loose

sight of how devastating an event this was.

Another point of interest here is that it tells you that Noah was the eighth person. I know

when most people read this and they interpret this to say that Noah was just one of the eight

saved, Noah’s wife and three sons with their wives. I am not sure that this is what it is

referring too. I would like to reference Jude Verse 14. And Enoch also, the seventh from

Adam, prophesied of these sayings, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of hissaints. Not only is Noah counted as the eighth but Enoch is counted as the seventh. But

how could this be by what is stated? First thing to do is look at the lineage. But I do want

to make sure that you do not get caught up in lineage as used for a time frame. The bible

warns you of this but here we are not using it for such. We are using it to make a point that

you need to understand. So, we start with 1-Adam then 2-Eve, 3- Abel who is killed by his

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Brother 4-Cain, who is then sent away but builds a city for his wife and son, followed by 5-

Seth. Seth has only one of his sons mentioned, 6-Enos but the Bible states he has other sons

and daughters, which are not mentioned. Enos had a son named 7-Cainan which had a son

named 8-Mahalaleel who fathered 9-Jared, who had a son named 10-Enoch who had 11-

Methuseah followed by his son 12-Lamech , who had a son named 13- Noah. Let’s count

the names mentioned. I count 13 persons that are at least named but there are those that are

 just mentioned as other sons and daughters. So how did we get from what seems like a

handful of people to a whole world of ungodly. The Bible is about the children of God and

thereby references the lineage of Adam. So as we have stated earlier and what we are

saying is just because you belong to select group here on earth does not guarantee you

anything in the eye of God. Of a world of ungodly there are only thirteen mentioned and

only eight of those are counted. So what of all those other souls? I believe this is food for 


 Noah was five hundred years old when he started having children. Noah had three sons

named, Shem, Ham and Japheth that is two more named than any before him accept for 

Adam. Well the point to this is you have to do more than just be born if you want to be

counted. Noah was about six hundred when they entered into the Ark. The Bible tells us

that his father lived only about 595 years after Noah was born so it would seem that would

explain why he wasn’t included but what of his mother or brothers and sisters. Can you

imagine how hard that would have been? We see illustrations of the animals entering into

the Ark and yes it is amazing but I want you to think about a couple other stories in the

Bible and ask you to weigh it out. What of Daniel in the Lions Den, the parting of the Red

Sea, of Christ feeding a multitude of people with just a few loafs of bread and a few fish?

What I guess I am trying to get people to acknowledge is that the Bible is a composite of 

miracles and miracles are nothing more than acts of faith, and faith is nothing more than the

manifestation of believing. This is what so many activities are based on, a vision. If you

look at this earth you will see it is a composite of miracles, so I ask you not to loose site of 


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Abraham was the father of the Hebrew nation. The promise was established with him. The

 point I am trying to make is that the Bible goes back much further than this and the men of 

God were not just Hebrews. Noah for example was not a Hebrew but he was a man of God.

Enoch was a man of God but he was not a Hebrew. I think it is important remember these

things. The point of this is that there was a tremendous amount of time that passed after the

time of Adam and Eve until Abraham all which is covered in just thirteen chapters of 

Genesis. The Bible explains that man was created so God could have children but it has

always been our choice to become one or not. I ask you to think about Christ as our 

example of how we should be and what we are capable of becoming but for this to be you

must believe. I would take this a step further and state that all life was created with one

 purpose in mind and that was so God might have children. The Bible is written with the

 purpose of developing children but the path and choice is up to us. Each of us is as a seed

 planted in the ground and is as the parable that Christ told. The seed is singular because it is

Christ, which is a type of thought and it is with our thoughts that we bind ourselves to either 

serve the flesh or God. The Bible only points you in the right direction and allows you to

make the choice. The Bible would apply to any world where life can evolve into beings

understanding the principals taught within.

I would like to take this time to point out that many today believe that they are justified by

their works. What I mean by this that they think no one religion or belief is correct and I

would not argue with them. But even though you treat others as you would be treated you

must understand the sacrifice and know that it was with this sacrifice that the gift of life was

given back to us and the spirit was poured out that you may be reborn in God’s Holy Spirit.

This was the same spirit that was lost by Adam and Eve. What I would say to those that

are justified by your own works, then Christ is just a prophet and the Bible is just a book 

that means no more than any other book. First you need to understand the sacrifice of 

innocent blood for innocent blood. If you do away with the sacrifice of Christ then you are

claiming that God sees in you a son or daughter because he sees himself in you. I hope the

 best for you. What I am saying is the Bible differentiates itself from all others because it

talks of children. What I am saying again is that there is a difference between being a son

or daughter and being a servant. The differences we are talking about are discussed in both

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the new and old testaments but I will reference the children of Abraham. Abraham had two

children one which was born of a bondmaid and the other born of his wife. The bondmaid

and her son were sent away. The bondmaid’s child did not share in the heritage with his

 brother. The same is true today. What I am saying is that you have a choice to make and

the choice is this, do you believe Christ sacrifice was for you or not. I would like to point

out something at this time that I do not think most people understand. The whole Bible is

about the separation of man from God and then his connection back to God and it is through

Christ that this connection was completed. It is Christ that determines who are his brothers

and sisters are, not anyone else. And yes you should live a life after the model of Christ but

no man can or will be redeemed because he is justified by works of the law. Either you

have life in the faith of Christ and believe in the promise or you are of the flesh and your 

life is defined by your breath. We are adopted children redeemed in the sacrifice of Christ

not by our works but by faith. For death was conquered not by our faith but by Christ. And

we who are weak in faith are justified in his faith. It is through one that we were separated

from God and it through one that we are justified. Galatians 3 – 6. “Now to Abraham and

his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as many; but as one, And

to thy seed which is Christ.” 

I know I just seem to be going on and on from one thought to another but I think all of these

topics are important. Another topic that is important to understand is the Trinity.

First of all you need to understand is that Jesus was not God and neither is the Holy Spirit.

God is one. God did not become a man and then become the Holy Spirit. God is, how ever 

Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was poured out at the time of Pentecost, the water of Life and

is the same spirit that was given to the prophets and to Jesus which is the same spirit we lost

at the time of Adam and Eve. This is the clothing or bond we lost which was only bought

 back for us by the spilling of innocent blood, Jesus blood. This Holy Spirit is what Jesus

talked to Nicodemus about. Holy Spirit is the comforter, the seed from the tree of life, if 

you but provide the proper ground and you are the ground that determines whether the seed

grows or withers.

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I know many cling to the thought that Jesus was God. They quote John, Hebrews and

Revelations but we have looked at these and tell you truly that this is not the case. I have

 just explained John so let’s look at Hebrews. 1:1 “God, who at sundry times and divers

manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,” 1: 2 “Hath in these last

days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom

he made the worlds:” In this statement God is telling us that he Spoke to us through the

 prophets in the past but now God has spoken to us through his Son who he hath appointed

as heir to all things. The confusion comes with the word by. This word should be

translated for  which then reads correctly “for whom he made the ages.” Remember he has

 just made his son heir so if you read it for whom he made the ages it makes sense and if you

read it as by then you diminish the power of God. Then you are stating that God is making

Jesus heir to what Jesus created. Remember God is One. The word worlds should also be

translated as ages not worlds. This is because the inheritance is eternity not places. Jesus

was born at a particular time and did not exist other than as a promise until he was born. No

different than you or me. 1:3 “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express

image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had

himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;” Who

reflected and personified the essence of God’s creation in man, and the manifestation of the

relationship that God has always wanted with us as father and child, giving life to the

written word and having fulfilled the prophesies, purged our sins, and earned a seat on the

right side of God our father. 1:4. Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath

by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.” 1:5. “For unto which of the

angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?” “And

again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?” 1: 6 “And again, when he

bringeth in the first begotten into this world, he saith, and let the angels worship him.”

1:7 “And the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame

of fire.” 1: 8 “But unto the Son he saith, thy throne, O God is forever and ever: a sceptre

of righteousness is the sceptre of thy Kingdom.” These are exaltations given to Christ

who God has been given a seat to his right and stated that indeed you are my son and have

earned your inheritance and as heir the son becomes as his father a God. Likes beget likes.

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 Now this takes place after Christ conquers death and ascends to heaven not before. He had

to fulfill the scripture to earn this seat and privilege. 1: 9 “Thou hast loved righteousness,

and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of

gladness above thy fellows.”  Above thy fellows references us. Remember the Lord’s

Prayer. How does it begin “Our Father”. 1:10 “And, thou, Lord in the beginning hast

laid the Foundation of the earth; and heavens are the work of thine hands:” This

statement is referencing God’s work not Christ and that God’s work which was the creation

of the earth and heavens will wax old and perish but Christ will not because he has taken his

rightful seat as a son to the right side of his father and is heir to the ages which is time and

time does not wax old like the physical. This is further explained in Chapter 2:7. “Thou

madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownesdst him with glory and honour,didst set him over the works of thy hands;”  The works of God’s hands not Christ. The

works of Christ is the fulfillment of the prophecies, the fulfillment of God’s word, the

sacrifice of innocent blood, faith and resurrection. God’s word does not contradict itself it

is just our perceptions and interpretations. God is One.

There are those that also quote Revelations 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the

beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is tocome, the Almighty.” This statement comes after the word amen in the previous verse and

the word amen is used at the end of a statement not the continuation of one. So what John

is referencing is God not Christ. The previous verses referenced Christ and concluded with

amen and this then references God the father of Christ. God is the almighty the beginning

and end, the Almighty. Let me put to you this way. Sometimes association seems help.

Think of the Sun and the Moon. The sun generates the light we see and the warmth we feel.

The moon reflects only a small portion of the suns light. This is the difference in God and

Christ. But Christ is the promise and fulfillment of the promise. Which is the beginning

and the end of the fulfillment of the prophesy or promise but not the almighty. With that

said, I will state that those that say this references Christ as God. Again they error not

understanding the body of Christ. Christ is the first and the last because we are justified in

him. Not because of the creation. He is the head of the body and we are but parts within

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this body. Therefore he is the first and last but he is not the almighty that is God. Christ is

the redeemer. Not you, not me or your minister, or church. Christ determines whether you

are a part of his body and it is him and him alone that has earned this right. And he did earn

it. We can choose to be children of faith in Christ or children justified by self. What I mean

 by this is either you allow Christ to carry your sins and burdens or you carry them and

 justify yourself to God. One should ask the question. Do you believe you can justify

yourself to God? For you to be able to do this then you would be subject to the law and

would be obligated to complete the task that Christ completed. Again I will remind you that

sin is the separation from God. This is what happened in the pursuit of self at the time of 

Adam and Eve. I think it is important to also explain Jesus statement in John 6: 38 “I come

down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me.” And 6: 62

“What if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before” These statements

are not literal but referencing the promise. Christ was and is the promise from God and as

the promise came from God who is in heaven. The only difference is that he came from

heaven as a promise and returned to heaven as the fulfillment of the promise. Again I will

remind those that state Christ was God on Earth. You are correct in the fact that Christ did

the work of his Father and because of this you see God in him but he was not God in the

literal sense. It was by man that we became separated from God and in separation came

death and it was by man that we became connected and in this connection death was

conquered. Remember here we are talking about conquering death and death has never had

a hold of God just over man so it was up to man and man alone to change what he had done,

not God. Had it been up to God he could and would have changed it immediately but it was

not up to him, it was up to us because we created the separation. The separation had to be

 bridged and that could only be done by man. That bridge was built by faith.

 Now I think we need to discuss the importance of faith. Faith is what was described in the

 beginning of Genesis Chapters 1 and 2. This is part of the key to understanding our 

relationship with God our Father. Creation took generations to complete but it was also the

act of faith or believing. It was envisioned first and then came into manifestation or given

life by faith. So when the Bible talks of the children of God then it is in this ability of 

taking a leap faith that we either manifest or we don’t. What I saying is that God planted

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the seed of life in the pursuit of children. The Bible describes God and I hope you

remember what we said earlier, God is Spirit. And as stated before the Bible describes this

consciousness and this is what his children must be, of the same a consciousness. This is

the purpose of life to evolve into this consciousness, which relates to becoming a child of 

God. If you see yourself as just a piece of clay then that is what you are. As you see

yourself so are you. This is the principle that Christ taught us “Be it unto you as you belief”

“your faith has made you whole” these truths are a foundation. This is also why Christ said

that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter 

into the kingdom of heaven. This is because this man has bound himself to the clay. This

can be expanded. Where the heart is so is the mind and we are heart and mind. Yes we

have bodies but the heart and mind is what makes you the person you are. Now if you see

yourself strictly as a physical creature then that is what you are. There is nothing wrong

with that but that is what you are. So when you have lost that physical you have lost your 

connection to life because that is how you see yourself as a physical body; “Be it unto to

you as you believe.” On the other hand if you see yourself as more than just a physical

creature then you may find yourself another home or shelter. The difference of these houses

is what determines sustainability or life. Christ conquered death. You have not. I think 

that you need to remember also that God is the God of the living so when you die then you

must be attached to the Living. What other way is there to do this than through Christ, who

conquered death?

So you need to ask yourself what makes sense. Do you believe or not. Now there are those

that will say if I am spirit then why do I need a house? A house is a vessel that provides

support. Just as your mother and father care for you as you develop from a baby into a man

or woman. So does God our Father but just as all parents you can point your children in a

direction and encourage them, it still does not guarantee they will choose the path you

hoped they would take. Our father would prefer to lead us but it is our choices that

determine the path we follow. Just think of the chaos that would happen if God had

children as we do.

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I want to address I John Chapter 5: 7. –  For there are three that bear record in heaven; the

Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8.- And there are three that

bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in

one.” There are those that state this is a foundation for the belief in a trinity. I will state itagain the Lord God is One. God is not a trinity. God is not divided. I ask you to remember 

a statement made by Jesus. When he stated that “For I have given them the words that thou

has given me; for they are thine.” So in this statement Jesus is telling us that it is God’s

Word that he has given us not his own. Jesus gave life to God’s word. Jesus received the

Holy Spirit at his baptism. Jesus received God’s Spirit and spoke what the Spirit of truth

gave him. Remember Matthew Chapter 26: 39.- ”And he went a little further, and fell on

his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” This is stating that Christ accepted the cup that

was given him. He walked the path that fulfilled the prophesies full knowing where the

 path was taking him. What I hope you see here is that Jesus received the Holy Spirit and

with the Spirit of Truth, the word of God which he in turn gave to us. Jesus was not

 possessed he made choices and those choices were not always easy. Jesus was not God on

earth but he gave life to God’s word and made the choice to do so. He honestly put God

first above self. Do not divide God, he is one. It is because of Jesus faith and hisfulfillment of the prophesies that death was conquered and the Holy Spirit was poured out

to all that believe, to the children of faith.

I would like people to think about the topic of belief. Most people do not have a clear idea

of what they believe. I do believe there are many people in this world that are religious.

What I mean by this is that they are superstitious. They are people that are caught up more

in the tradition of something rather than the understanding of it. Because I believe it is

easier to sometimes see the mistake of others than ourselves. I will reference the Hebrew

nation during the time of Jesus rather than point out those today in hope we see the

similarities. The bond with the Hebrew nation was born of faith. Abraham had faith and

held to the promise by faith. Moses was the law giver but he stood before the Pharaoh of 

Egypt in faith, while the spiritual leaders during the time of Jesus based their teachings not

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on faith but the laws that were given only as a guide of good practices. I would hope that

these laws remain as tools or guides as how to treat not only your friends but all people.

But at the same time know that they are only tools and guides. The difference is the

children of God are of faith. When Jesus taught the word to the Hebrew nation he had to

fulfill the prophesies of the bible, so on the whole he taught by parables. In this way he

could teach the truth but hide it at the same time. This was done to fulfill the prophesies.

Truths were given to simple fisherman, to straight forward men, to men of the season,

Pisces. Jesus did not give these truths to be analyzed and approved by men of power but

accepted on faith. Faith is not a science or philosophy. Faith is not learned or earned, it

does not require a degree, faith requires no task or sacrifice. One need not become a

 philosopher or theologian to have faith. Faith is child like. Faith is not hopeful. It is. The

truths of God are not given to men in trances, God does not take over a person nor do his

messengers. All one has to do is read the word and the examples are there, then just think 

about it and the picture will become clear. God has never taken control of anyone but there

are those that would and Christ showed us these. Do not think these are not real. Just as

God has Angels which serve him and are messengers and protectors to us there are others

that knowingly separated themselves from God. God’s word shows so many examples.

So, what happened to the Hebrew nation is they became a people justified not by their faith

 but by their history and by their laws. But because none could meet the standard of the law,

they began to buy and sell salvation. The Synagogue focused on service to those who

could afford salvation and who could support the temple which was more of a monument to

man rather than to God. God has no need for Cathedrals or monuments. His Cathedral is

you. What greater monument is there to a father than a child he is proud of? The Pharisees

knew the word and the law but there was no life in the law, just empty sacrifices, the

sacrifices of servants not children, blind and obedient with no understanding of the word.

The word became only a book of philosophy and history, used more as a tool to control the

social order of the people not much different than what has happened in our time. It seems

that we are not much different, our hearts have been hardened. We justify ourselves just as

they justified themselves calling themselves the chosen of God. We call ourselves

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Christians and believe we are justified because we call ourselves Christians. But what

makes a Christian a Christian? The dictionary describes a Christian as Christ like. So what

is Christ like? You need to answer this question. The Bible provides many examples of a

wide assortment of characters. Do you see yourself as any of them? There are so many

different sects of Christians. All teaching variations of what they interpret the Bible to say.

It is no different than then. What I ask you to do is to question and determine for yourselves

if what you are being told makes sense. Does it teach that you can be a son or daughter of 

God or just a servant? Remember the Lords prayer, it states our father not my father.

Injustice is injustice toward any one. When you use or abuse someone then you are doing

such to yourself. You just don’t see it yet. Some may never see it at least while they are

 physically alive. We develop scares that harden our hearts and impair our vision so we

 justify repeating the wrongs done to ourselves and others. This becomes a norm an

accepted disease. So we pass on our disease from one generation to the next. Do not

assume that God justifies as we do. Do not think that you are justified because you believe

in a history book and you are a good servant. God does not need servants he wants

children. This is what Christ has shown us.

I would like to take this time to point out again that many today believe that they are

 justified by their works. What I mean by this that they think no one religion or belief is

correct so they treat others as they want to be treated and believe that is what matters to God

and only that. What I would say to those is that if you are justified by such, then Christ is

 just a prophet and the Bible is just a book that means no more than any other book. What I

am saying is the Bible differentiates itself from all others because it talks of children. What

I am saying again is that there is a difference between being a son or daughter and being a

servant. The differences we are talking about are discussed in both the new and old

testaments but I will reference the children of Abraham. Abraham had two children one

which was born of a bondmaid and the other born of his wife. The bondmaid and her son

were sent away. The bondmaid’s child did not share in the heritage with his brother. The

same is true today. What I am saying is that you have a choice to make and the choice is

this, do you believe Christ sacrifice was for you or not. I would like to point out something

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at this time that I do not think most people understand. The whole Bible is about the

separation of man from God and then his connection back to God and it is through Christ

that this connection was completed. It is Christ that determines who are his brothers and

sisters are, not anyone else. And yes you should live a life after the model of Christ but no

man can or will be redeemed because he is justified by works of the law. Either you have

life in the faith of Christ and believe in the promise or you are of the flesh and your life is

defined by your breath. We are adopted children redeemed in the sacrifice of Christ not by

our works but by faith. For death was conquered not by our faith but by Christ. And we

who are weak in faith are justified in his faith. It is through one that we were separated

from God and it through one that we are justified. Galatians 3 – 6 “Now to Abraham and

his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as many; but as one, And

to thy seed which is Christ.” 

I hear so much fear these days. People are dwelling on the negative things happening in

this world rather than the positive. Jesus did not preach fear or doom and gloom. Jesus

exemplified the characteristics in Galatians 5; 22. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,

peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,” 23. “Meekness, temperance; against

such there is no law.”  Jesus taught the truth, he did not preach fear. I will again ask 

 people to remem ber what Jesus stated so much “be it unto to you as you believe.” With this

in mind I tell you that if you preach doom and gloom and people accept this then they and

you will receive it.

Stone throwers are not just people with rocks. So I caution you not to pick-up words and

 beat someone down with those words.

I know many believe that we immediately go to heaven when we die because this is

comforting. People want to feel comfortable. They also want to be told they and their 

loved ones are alright. The one thing I would remind people is that they need to understand

what the Bible is telling you. It states in Romans 10; 9, “That if you confess with thy

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mouth Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the

dead, thou shalt be saved.” With that being said the Bible also states that people with

certain characteristics will not enter into heaven. So is the bible divided? No it is not. It is

 just misinterpreted or not understood. In Romans it is stating that two criteria need to be

done. One is to confess with the mouth which is an outward action. Secondly you must

 believe with the heart or in other words with your core that God raised him from the dead.

You can lie to another man but you cannot lie to God. So if you do not believe God raised

Jesus from the dead then it does not matter if you proclaim Jesus is Lord. This requires two

 parts to be complete. First you must believe. Secondly your faith is justified by the action

of confessing by mouth that God raised our Lord Jesus Christ. You are providing an action

to the faith. Faith without action has no life. So what about the characteristics?

Many misquote what Christ said on the cross, but all one has to do is think about it and it

will become obvious, it is not the way it is. Remember Christ conquered death after three

days in the grave and not before. After he rose from the dead he even told Mary, not to

touch him because he had not ascended yet, so how could the thieves have ascended to

heaven before him. How could they have ascended before death had been conquered?

Remember what he said was, I go to make a place for you. In other words it had not been

done yet.

What is spiritual form, is it not consciousness? When Moses asked God who are you his

answer was “I am that I am”. What was this statement? Was this a name or description? It

was obviously for Moses benefit. To me this is a statement of understanding self.

Complete yet without physical form. This is the image of God. God is complete in that he

is Consciousness or thought. So this means that all consciousness is a part of him. It is in

his image that we were created. All consciousness is a part of him. Holy Spirit, Wholly

Spirit or Wholly Consciousness are all the same. The whole point of creation is for God to

have children, so that is the point of all life as well. It is the development and evolution of 

consciousness that gives birth to the children of God. This is what the Bible tells us. But

 because of our perceptions we have twist truth. Most of our perceptions are the excepted

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norms of our cultures and they may be grounded with good intentions but others are not so

good. It is with time and a lack of understanding that truths get twisted and lost.

In Genesis God created but when it came to creating Man he stated: Let us create man in

our image. Now this can be taken as a statement of omnificent which by the way God is but

it can also be seen as inclusive on in other words our image as in plural. This is probably a

very hard concept to understand but it is important to understand. It is because of this that

we have individuality and it is because of this that we can be born again, which is being

connected to God. This is the receiving of Holy Spirit or Wholly Spirit of the whole which

is the connection to God and life. This is what we lost with Adam and Eve and was made

available by the sacrifice of Christ. I have explained this in another paper as well. It is my

hope you understand God is not the physical being created in the image of man. We were

created in God’s image, which is consciousness. It is by this physical form we become a

living individual consciousness. Once we have taken our first breath. But consciousness is

more than being a physical being or serving the flesh for if that is all you are then what

more are you that the rest of the beast we share this world with. What a waste of the gift we

have been given. The Bible tells us this but I do not believe we see. This is because our 

idea of norm is the norm accepted by the majority. The majority is the way of what, the

world. This is the path walked by whom? If we see ourselves as just the physical being

then we see are selves as what? Yet it is that idea that sows the corruption and keeps us at

distance from our father and perpetuates the servitude to the flesh. When is the mark of the

 beast stamped upon your hand? When you serve the works of the flesh as described in

Galatians. The hand represents what you do while the forehead represents your mind set or 

way of thinking. It is our actions (hands) and thoughts (forehead) that mark us as described

in Revelations. I am sure I have told you Spirit is thought and that thought creates a


The Bible describes what an acceptable consciousness as opposed to what serves the beast

as opposed to what Christ exemplified in consciousness. He was and is the example of a

son of God. And yes and no as to him being an exception. Yes he is the exception in that

we have not lived up to his example but no as to the exception of what is possible for us to

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 be. I say this but hope you understand that we are not Christ but we have it in us to put on

his mind set and be a brother to him as he is a brother to us. It is through his sacrifice and

resurrection that we are justified for it is he and he alone that conquered death. If we say

that we are Christians then one should think that this would be a person that is Christ like or 

at a minimum follows the teachings and walks the path that Christ taught. I say this but I do

not see it. I see nothing has changed in thousands of years. What I see is piety in the hearts

of man. A people that wear decorative symbols representing the crucifixion of Christ yet

show none of his conviction. So why do we fixate on his death and not his resurrection.

Why are you a Christian? Is it because being a Christian is the socially acceptable thing to

do? I see an outward gesture but not an inward value or core. As a matter of fact I believe

most Christians are just social Christians. In other words if they had been born in another 

culture they would be what ever the norm of that culture is. For the most part we follow the

 path of our parents. So, I ask you again are you blindly tracing the footsteps of your parents

and grandparents? Is it because this is what we have always done it? At the most I see

servants and this is what we were before Christ coming. After his coming we were

supposed to have realized what God was wanting of us, which are children not servants.

Do we not have examples showing us? Is there not a parable covering this topic?

Life as we know on this planet is based on the continual development of life and some may

define this as evolution. But when we think of evolution we think physical in nature. But

the truth of the matter is that the physical aspect is only an attribute of evolution. Each form

of life is trying to sustain its own existence and propagate its seed for the continual

 preservation of self. This is instinctive in all life as a basic thought. The thing to remember 

is that it is a thought and it is thought that drives all of us. It is our perceptions or thoughts

that shape us as to how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. There are many

different ways to see ourselves. One of those ways is to see ourselves strictly as a physical

creature. And because all life that we know of is physical in nature then this becomes our 

frame of association. We see others, as we see ourselves, physical. And it is true life is

 based on being born and with that birth we begin to develop our perspectives of our world

and self. What we seem to focus on is the obvious which is the physical, primarily because

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it is our instinctive nature. What I mean by instinctive is our base animal nature. The

Bible on the hand try’s to ask us to look beyond the physical to our spiritual side. I thought

I made it clear but in case I did not I will try again. The spirit of anything is its thought.

So as we develop it is our thoughts that either binds us to the physical or lifts us up and

 beyond the restraints of this world. The restraints are our thoughts, our perceptions. The

next time you pick up the Bible try reading it with this perspective and see if it becomes

clearer. If you understand this then you will understand what it was that Adam and Eve did

that was wrong and why it was wrong. If you don’t understand the beginning how can you

understand the ending?

The Bible differentiates thoughts that are base from that which are higher in nature. I know

I have shown you this in the Paper Thoughts (40) but it is important so I will repeat it.

Galatians 15. But if you bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed

one of another. 16. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the

flesh, 17. For the flesh lusted against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are

contrary one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18. But if ye be led

of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which

are these; Adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone

other than his or her lawful spouse.  Marriage represents the bond  between two beings becoming one. So when we commit adultery we are breaking that bond. This represents

the  breaking of the Bond between God and man. Fornication: voluntary sexual intercourse

 between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other. This represents

act of lust and loss of self control and giving yourself to the beast or animal lust.

Uncleanness: having a physical or moral blemish so as to make impure according to the

laws. This covers a wide range of acts and thoughts that affect the health and the well being

of the body and the soul. Lasciviousness: inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd: alascivious, girl/boy-chasing old man or woman. The Bible has many examples such as

Herod with his brother’s daughter. 20. Idolatry: the religious worship of idols, excessive

or blind adoration, reverence, devotion. This can be given to men and women as well as

items. Witchcraft: the art or practices of a witch; sorcery; magic, voodoo, amulets and

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charms. Any practice of the dark arts that is used with the intent to invoke control or fear in

others. Hatred: the feeling of one who hates; intense dislike or extreme aversion or 

hostility. This is a destructive binding to you and your focus just as love is binding.

Variance: a departure from the cause of action originally stated in the complaint such as the

twisting of the truth for one’s personal benefit. Emulations: jealous rivalry that is

destructive in nature; an example would be Cain with Abel but is not confined to an

individual. Wrath: vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger; when people are

hurt by others they can strike out at either the point of focus or an association of the focus

which is usually destructive to all concerned. Strife: vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or 

antagonism; this is not internal but external toward others. Seditions: any action, esp. in

speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion; this is an action that promotes justifying the use of harm to others because of differences in race, gender, religious and

 political believes and such. Heresies: opinion or doctrine at variance with the written

doctrine twisting truth to fit a lie.  Envying: a feeling of discontent or covetousness with

regard to another's advantages, success, possessions; Murders: the killing of another human; Drunkenness: given to drunkenness; the loss of control of one self by the use of alcohol

and drugs. Revellings: to make merry; indulge in boisterous festivities, to indulge in

luxury, a party animal. Remember that even though all these are directed toward the

individuals they all apply to groups, organizations, political entities and religious entities as

well. What I mean by that is that there are those that have sown weeds into what was fertile

ground that they have been natured and taken root in organizations. And such like: of

which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such

things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. 22. But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, a

feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. Love

is not lustful, nor is it turned off and on like a faucet but flows freely and is given without

condition it is the sum of all the rest of the fruit of the spirit. Joy, the emotion of great

delight or happiness joy is filling to overflowing so that it is shared. Peace, freedom of the

mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, or obsession, providing comfort to others.

Longsuffering, is long and patient endurance of injury, trouble, or provocation, looking not

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to the present for immediate gratifications but always looking toward the future seeking

long term solutions and rewards ; Gentleness, not severe, rough, or violent in actions or 

words; does not force; goodness, kindly feeling; kindness; generosity; faith, belief that is

not based on proof . Meekness, humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others;receptive to and open to direction and correction; temperance, moderation or self-restraint

in action, statement and self-control: against such things there is no law.  What did

Christ mean by being born again? When we look at these list what is it we see? I believe

we see the difference between self indulgence and selflessness. There are many leadership

classes to day that are trying to apply these principles to sports training and management

classes. That is because the principles apply to every aspect of life. It does not matter if 

you are a teacher, a fireman or business man the principles have always been the same.Treat others as you wish to be treated. See yourself in others. Just because the world is

harsh or unfair does not mean you need to be. We tend to always get caught up in our own

world rather than think of those less fortunate. God has never tried to control us; as a

matter of fact he is just the opposite. He has given us more freedom than what your 

 biological parents have given you. This freedom can also be something that is abused by

us, because of our perception of self. If we view ourselves in a light less than a son or 

daughter of God then we will see everyone else that same way which would be less than a

child of God. We may even see others as less than ourselves and thereby treat them more

like any other animal because we see ourselves as an animal. What we need to do is see

each other as not as animals but creatures of thought because that is what God sees us as. If 

you look at the manifestations of the flesh and the manifestations of the spirit you see that

 both are ways of thinking, consciousness. One binds you to the flesh and servitude of the

 beast and the other to a higher consciousness. God ask you to not serve the beast but

follow the example of Christ. If you serve the beast then it is in your way of thinking which

is why the Bible says you will have the mark of the beast on your forehead or on your hand

for your works or actions. Remember we were created in the image of God then placed into

a body. God is Spirit or thought, a consciousness. So if we are also consciousness then

we are apart of him. Again I ask you to remember the Lords prayer. It begins with Our 

Father which is inclusive.

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It is our physical form that allows us the freedom to develop our capacity to either mimic

our Father or the beast. What I am trying to get to is that I believe we are thought and we

are flesh. And for us life is built on our physical existence so long as we have the breath of 

life in us then our consciousness is awake. This is explained in Ephesians and Hebrew. So

what is this that Christ talked of about being born again? It is about receiving the Wholly

(Holy) Spirit. This is the spirit (consciousness) that we lost with Adam and Eve. The day

they died to God. Not physically dead but spiritually dead. So what is this? What I guess

I am saying is we have been looking at the physical side of life because that is how we see

ourselves but if we look at life as the development of consciousness then we can see the

world around us as not only a physical world but a world of consciousness a world of 

thought. What was it God said to Mosses “I am that I am”. This is a statement of 

Consciousness. A consciousness that is described in Galations. But he is not in need of 

servants but heirs and you cannot have heirs without children. I tell you this because this is

what Christ has told you. So he has given us guidelines and a path to follow. The path he

has given us is a narrow one with many other paths attached to it as well as fields of 

distractions, temptations and alternatives that lead to dead ends. It is our responsibility to

stay on the path and not go wandering. It is hard because we see so many leaving the path

and we want to fit in with this group or that one. We justify ourselves and say it is only

human nature. But I think we mean it is our animal nature. So even though we do not

want to admit it we all have two sides to us. Like a coin. One side of us is physical the

other side of is mental or consciousness, which is spirit. I think the major problem is

discerning between the two sides. First is what I would call the norm. Completely tied to

the physical world we grow up with. We learn to use the physical tools we have been

given. Our body provides us the opportunity to develop and expand upon the boundaries

that we establish by our perceptions. Some times the world consumes us so all we see is the

 physical side. It’s pain, pleasures and everyday activities. We become consumed by our 

consumption or find ourselves absorbed by the actions of others as they draw us into their 

consumption. Sometimes even the earth itself swallows you up. So how do we pick a

 path to walk. How do we know which path is the correct one and what are the signs we

should look for to distinguish it from others. I would like to believe it is well defined but if 

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that were true then why would so many be lost. I guess the first place to begin is to

question is why I am here. What do you believe? If you believe you are strictly a physical

creature then you probably believe you are nothing more than an evolutional product. You

may see yourself as either fortunate or unfortunate when it comes to abilities. But you

 probably see no difference between yourself and the other animals we share this world with

and for the most part you would be correct. But there is a difference between man and the

other creatures we share our world. It is our ability to choose between what is right and

what is wrong. So this is what is discussed all throughout the Bible. Eve was deceived by

the serpent but Adam was not deceived. He knowing chose the wrong path and the Bible

gives you example after example of errant decisions. It is these choices that form us and

shape us into what we are. When we see each other we may see the flesh but is the thinking

of the individual that we either relate to or not.

God cannot just go out and have children as we do. Can you imagine the chaos? So the

only way he can is sort of like the caterpillar and the butterfly. There has to be a transition

 but the transition from one state to the other only happens when certain criteria has been

met other wise you remain the caterpillar. The criteria we spoke of begins by

understanding the Bible and begins by establishing guidelines that children can understand

and ends with instructions for adults. And when I reference adults I am referencing stages

of learning. In other words understanding the foundations given to us as children, so as we

grow we are not just regurgitating the words but building upon the principles. What I mean

 by this is that we are given the words but it is our choice to give them life. This is what

Christ did and what he taught and showed us. He gave life to the word of God. This is

what we are to learn, how to give life to his word. So what we are given is the freedom of 

choice to either apply the principles to our life or not. This is what determines whether you

are invited into God’s house. Our decisions determine whether we can be br ought into the

house or if we should be left outside. As I have stated before this is the purpose of all life,

it is for God to have children. This is true for here or any other planet and any life form that

can grasp the principles and truths taught in the Bible.

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Christ gave life to God’s Word and he gave us an example to emulate. Christ received the

same Holy Spirit when he was baptized by John that was poured out at Pentecost or what

was given to all the prophets. He provided the fertile soil for the seed to blossom to its

fullest. And because of his sacrifice we have been given the privilege to receive the same

Holy Spirit that was given to Christ. I say privilege because before Christ only a selected

few ever received it. But this changed because of the sacrifice of Christ, Innocent blood for 

Innocent blood. This is all an effort for God to have children. My wish is that you

understand this principle and benefit from it. Remember God is Holy Spirit (Wholly

Consciousness) and we were created in his image not him in ours. We were then placed in

these houses that we call our bodies. Also, I want you to remember what Christ said about

 being born again. Understand he was not talking about reincarnation. He was referring to

receiving the Holy Spirit (Wholly Consciousness). Again I will reference the first paper I

wrote which explains this. It is your choice to either serve the Spirit or the beast. I want

you to understand that just because someone wares a cross and calls themselves a Christian

does not mean they are. Even the fallen angels believe in Christ but that does not save

them. One of the stories told in the Bible is of Christ carrying on a conversation with a

spirit and asking what was he called and the spirit answered as one but called itself Legion

for he said we are many. The spirit asked not to be cast without but allowed a place to go

to. So Christ allowed them to enter into a herd of swine which then ran into a body of water 

and drowned. So why is this important? Especially when all the swine did was just run

into the sea and drown. Had Christ cast them out then they would have been adrift. I want

you to think about what I told you in a previous paper about spirit and consciousness or 

thought. I want you think about what Christ told you about going to prepare a house with

many rooms. The house is a type of vessel and the rooms are individual vessels much like

we have here but not necessarily what you know now. This is not important but what is

important is that we will be incorruptible and that is a step toward God.

I would like to try to explain the difference between Christians and other faiths. A

Christian is apart of the body of Christ. That is extremely important because there is not

another faith out there that teaches you are a child of God, all others teach servitude. In no

other faith have you already been resurrected as in Christianity you are now a part of the

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 body of Christ and the resurrection. Christ taught a parable referencing three servants that

were given talents (money) and even though he explained it I do not believe many have

taken it to heart. So I thought we might revisit it. The first servant was given five talents

and the second servant was given two talents and the last was given one talent. The first

took the five and made it ten while the second took his two and doubled them but the

servant that was given just one talent took it and buried it. The point of this is that the more

you are given then the more that is expected from you. In other words the more you

understand then the more responsibility you have to help others. Also if you are given the

gift and you do nothing with it then you need to understand it will wither away. So, I am

asking you to think about what you have been given and what you have done with it. You

 begin by being born again. Consider this as receiving a talent. Now what have you done

with it. What kind of soil are you and what have you done with what you have been given.

Have you buried the talent or have you multiplied it?

I would like to try to expand a little on a statement made by Jesus; “it is easier for a Camel

to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of 

Heaven”. I will start by posing some questions? First, was Jesus friend Lazarus

considered a rich man? Would he be included in this statement of the camel and the eye of 

a needle? What of David and Solomon. What is a rich man? What of Abraham the father 

of the Hebrew Nation was he a rich man? Is he not considered as the father of the seed in

who the world was blessed? So why would it be for all practical purposes next to

impossible for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? Why would it be any

different for a rich man than for poor man? I believe the answer is the same today as it was

then. What Christ was stating was what we stated in the paper “Thoughts (40)”. If you

 bind yourself to something then you are bound to it. In other words, if your thought is

focused on the gain of worldly possessions then your heart is also there. Another way to

think of this is that a man is consumed by what he consumes. So, if you think of it this way

then you will see the rich person is not a billionaire or a millionaire but anyone that

measures the value of life by what they posses. When this occurs the possessions of this

world becomes a weight around your neck, binding you to what you serve. So now you see

it is not the wealth itself but the love of it that binds you. Your heart is given to what you

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 possess, or at least to what you think you possess. Remember you cannot take anything

you possess with you. The only thing that goes with you is your consciousness because

that is what you are. You are the sum of what and how you think. This is not to say you

cannot have possessions. Abraham had possessions. But he was not consumed by his

consumption. When I speak of consumptions, I am referring to worldly consumptions.

 Now the Bible gives us many examples of how we become consumed by our consumptions

or those things that we wish to possess. Cain, Saw, David, Sampson, all show us different

aspects of this as well as the impacts to ourselves and those around us. These are examples

of what can happen to us. What Christ showed us is our potential. A person that is thankful

for everything received and looks not to be occupied by the trappings of this world but a

fruitful son or daughter of God. Now a child of God is a servant but not to God, but to

man. Christ showed us this. Again I refer to Abraham and his two sons. Ishmael was the

child of the servant and it was for this reason that he was sent away. This was a symbolic

gesture. God does not want servants but children. Isaac was the child of Abraham’s wife,

not the child of a servant. The point of this is to emphasize the relationship that God wants.

He does not want nor need servants but he does want children. This is the whole point of 

creation. I am getting repetitive. The point is not whether you are rich or poor. What

matters is whether you are a man trapped by your trappings. Where is the Kingdom of 

Heaven? It is within you. If you seek the Kingdom of Heaven you must look within

otherwise you will not find it, at least not in this world.

I will tell you that God is not a respecter of persons. So it does not matter if you are a King,

a president, a priest or whatever your title is. It is what is within you that matters. You can

fool others but you cannot fool God. It does not matter if you can move mountains or if 

you just believe in the promise. What was it Jesus taught? Mathew 7:21, Not everyone 

that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shal l enter in to the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth 

the wil l of my Father whi ch art in heaven. 22, Many will say to me in that day, Lord,

Lord have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devil s? And in 

thy name done many wonderf ul works? 23, And then wi ll I profess unto them, I never 

knew you; depart f rom me, ye that work in iquity. Iniquity is defined as a gross injustice or 

wickedness, a violation of right or duty; wicked act; sin. I will remind you of Adam and

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Eve and what I described to you as a violation of right. A violation of right is not written in

stone but is relative to what you understand. In other words the more you understand the

more accountable you are. So do not judge yourself by those around you. You cannot

always see into the heart of others and you have not earned the right to judge anyone.

Know that a violation of right is not in black and white but different for each of us. Why is

this true, because we all grasp the truth from a different perspective, making our 

understanding different than the individual standing next to you. This is because each of 

us is different. You are special because you are unique, one of a kind.

Abraham was a rich man yet he believed God and was justified by his faith and love for 

God. He believed God’s promise of a son and was given Isaac when Sarah should have

 been barren and secondly when he was willing to sacrifice Isaac. This is not to say you are

to offer your sons and daughters as Abraham did with Isaac, you are not Abraham. God

never intended for Abraham to sacrifice his son. The intent was to see if Abraham put God

 before everything that he valued in this world and he did. God set the stage of what would

happen to his son Jesus and just how painful it is to loose your son. These were

tremendous acts of faith but acts of faith can be as simple as loving your neighbor as

yourself. If you can forgive yourself when you make a mistake then you should be able to

do the same for your neighbor? Who is your neighbor? Is it the person next door or the

individual in the country on the other side of the world? Treat others as you would like to

 be treated. Not just those that love you but those that would harm you. What did Christ say

on the cross? Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. He was not talking just

about just the Romans that beat him and then nailed him to a cross. Or the Hebrew Priest

that demanded his death. This statement went beyond those that tortured him to death.

This statement included all those that turned their backs to him as well as those that plotted

to harm him just to protect their position of state and church. It even includes you and me.

Yet he asked God to forgive us, all of us. The same truths apply today. There are those that

have not found the truth but believe they are justified by their passion. Remember the

Pharisees were passionate but passion does not make one right or wrong nor does

completing this task or that one. You are not justified by naming God. You are not

 justified by carrying a cross or even wearing one. You are not justified by mutilating

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yourself on a cross or tempting vipers. When Christ was taken to a mountain top and the

devil told him to throw himself off because he knew that God would have his angles catch

him. What did he say “it is written though shall not tempt the Lord thy God”. So if Christ

taught this why would you do just the opposite? You are not innocent blood. Christ was

the sacrifice not you. There are those that believe these acts show their faith but I tell you

that it does not. Christ asked only one thing and that was to love each other and help each

other. So, be patient with others and help them. Do not force feed people. We are all

 blind in some fashion so show patients. As we grow in the Spirit the more we will see.

The war is against principalities and the battle is constant. It is a war with many battles.

The choice is up to you, no one else. Either we sow the works of the flesh or produce the

fruit of the spirit. Remember treat others as you would be treated and you will do well.

Do not abuse your temples. This is the only one you will be given at least in this world.

The world is more than willing to beat you down; you do not need to help it. The promise

is given to all and all that is asked of you is that you have compassion one for another and

have faith in the promise. Know that faith does not waiver, nor is it tossed this way and

that way. For if that describes your faith then you have not found faith and you are nothing

more than dust in the wind. Think of the parable of the seeds that Christ talked of and

where the seeds landed. You are one of those soils. The flesh you are given is dust and will

return to dust. But you are also our father’s child and he created everything that you see

and know by faith, love and patience. Know, faith without works has no life in it. When

you took your first breath to become a living entity, you did so without thinking about it,

you just did it. Faith is like that, it is child like. Jesus showed us an example of what we

can be, as a child of God. This is the potential within each of us. When the Bible says we

are the body and Christ is the head it means each of us must put on the mind set of Christ.

The First born but not the last if we but put on his mind set. Our responsibility is to believe,

to have faith and love each other.

I hope you understand that just because you put on the Christ consciousness it does not

make you Christ. Each of us is different. Each of us makes up apart of the body. This is

 because as we put on the mind of Christ and except God as our father that we are re-born as

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sons and daughters. We are to emulate our brother Christ as he did our Father. Everything

we think and do either brings us either closer to God or pushes us away from him. It is

choice, our choice to either believe or not. Next it is important to understand if faith is

 power then love is empowering. In other words it is through love that we connect not only

to God but to ourselves and each other. It is for this reason that we must wear the armor of 

God as described in Ephesians.

I am not sure if this is of interest to others but I thought it was very neat the way we are told

it. In the story of Cain and Abel we are told that God found Abel’s gift as pleasing and

Cain’s was not. So what was the difference? The difference is as it always is, in the

thought of it. Cain’s sacrifice was not made because he wanted to but because he thought

he had to, an obligation and nothing more. In other words his heart was hardened and the

sacrifice was a burden. Abel on the hand sacrificed a firstling and the fat there of. This is

stating what the whole Bible states. If you put God first then all things will be added unto

you. The firstling is doing just that. This is the first born of his herd which is usually the

 prized one of a litter. The opposite of this would be last born which is usually the runt of 

the litter. Now this is not always the way it is but it is symbolic. Just as Christ is the first


Another topic that is very emotional and has the people divided as to what is right and

wrong and one that people are debating as a church against state issue is the topic of 

abortion and choice. I believe this topic has a double edged sword attached to it. One

group is saying it is my body and my right to decide about what happens to it and no one

else should have that right but me. The other side is stating that those who choose to

terminate a pregnancy are murders. I would remind those that wish to dictate to others that

even though they may have good intentions, they should remember that they have enough to

do within their own house rather than worrying about another’s house. I know that there are

those that believe it is murder to have an abortion and even though it may not be what you

would do it is not your right to decide for others. What I think we should ask is what does

God’s word say about when you become a living soul. Is it different than science? Genesis

2, 7. - “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  What this is saying to me is

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that even though we have a completely formed man, we do not become a living soul until

we take our first breath. At the point we receive the breath of life we also receive our soul

or consciousness. It is at this point that we become an individual. Until this point the

 physical body is totally dependent on the womb to supply all substance. In other words the

life within the mother is the mothers. This is the building of a temple that will house the

soul. The body is the house not the being. The being is what was created in the image of 

God and what is God? He is Spirit. It is when we take our first breath that we breathe in

the breath of life and become a living soul. It is what we do while we are here that

determines whether you follow the path of life or not. I know many will argue this point

 because they have seen the fetus move and respond to stimulation. What I am saying is that

God’s Word says you are a living soul only after you breathe in the breath of life not before.

I guess the hard part of this is that because of technology today we are given access to

visually connect with the fetus. And we associate with what we see. What I think people

need to understand is the mother already has breath life so if there is a choice between the

two it should always be in favor of the living soul rather than the body being prepared for a

soul. People need to remember though that if given the opportunity the fetus will come to

term and be born. Once this is done and the baby takes its first breath then the baby is given

a soul and is officially a human being not before. I know many will try to argue this point

 but I am just telling you what God’s word is saying. Science may differ and so may many

of the churches but I am just quoting scripture and this is scripture to be taken as literal. I

 believe man associates life as physical but life is more than the physical. Remember we

were created in the image of God and God is Spirit. Our essence is spirit and that is given

to a body when the body takes its first breath, the breath of life. Think of it as God pouring

you into a body, a vessel that is your home while you are here. I hope you remember what I

told you about what happens after you have taken your last breath because this is the way

you will remain until the prophesies have been fulfilled. I will also remind you of the

 passage in Genesis Chapter 6, 3. –  “And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive

with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” 

Here God states that man is also flesh in contrast to the spirit which is the image of God.

The spirit and the flesh are at odds with each other. The flesh is what we see in the

mother’s womb and the spirit is what is breathed in at your first breath and gives the body

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life and consciousness. I know science will tell you the child in the womb is conscious

and reacts to the parents talking to them. I guess an analogy might be a car. It is an

amazing piece of machinery. But it is built for a driver and even though you may not be

in it, it can respond to outside forces. For example if someone tried to break into it then it

might set off an alarm. Now this is a response to outside forces but it still needs the

driver. Our bodies are like that. God is spirit and we were created in his image, which is

spirit, the driver that provides the spark of life that illuminates the body or your shell. It

is the spirit that is gathered up at the resurrection not the shell or body. The body returns

to the clay from which it was formed.

In Isaiah chapter 14 the Bible mentions Lucifer and this name has always been associated

with Lucifer as the light bearer but I do not believe this is correct. Lucifer in the Bible

was a man not Satan. Verse 16 of Chapter 14 in Isaiah: They that see thee shall

narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying. Is this the man that made the

earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; This is the only time the name Lucifer is

used in the Bible. He appears to be a king of Babylon that was wiped from the history

 books for the desolation he caused.

I want people to understand that when the Bible talks of people burning in hell it is

referencing you not as a physical being but at spiritual being. I know I have probably

repeated this many times but it is important to understand. The fire is a desire or thought

that will not go away, much like a thirst that can’t be quenched.

I would like to explain another topic I believe is important to understand. In Matthew

Jesus asked his disciples “Whom do men say that I am?” “And they said, some say that

thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.” “He

saith unto them, but whom say ye that I am?” “And Simon Peter answered and said,

“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” “And Jesus answered and said into him,

 blessed art thou, Simon Bar- jo’na: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but

my Father which is in heaven.” And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon

this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” And I

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will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind

on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be

loosed in heaven. I believe these statements have been greatly misunderstood. First

thing we need to understand is that the rock Christ was referencing is not Peter but the

truth he spoke of. Jesus is the son of God. It is upon this truth that the church was to be

 built. I want you to again remember the prayer Christ taught. It begins with Our Father 

not My Father. This is the truth the church is to be built upon. So if you believe Christ

and you believe he is the son of God then you should also believe that you are also a son

or daughter of God. This is the foundation of the Church, the rock. Next I want you to

understand the statement referencing the giving of the keys to Peter. This is important to

understand. This statement is not making Peter the Gate keeper of Heaven but references

what this understanding accomplishes. It is with this understanding that you hold the key

to heaven. What you do with the key is up to you. Remember where heaven is. It is

within you. Since this is true then it is not Peter that is the Key holder but those that

understand the truth. Just a few lines down in this same chapter, Peter rebuked Jesus for 

telling the disciples the things he must suffer. Telling Jesus these things were not true

and would not happen to him. Jesus then turned to Peter and addressed him as Satan.

This was the Man that was just given the keys to heaven. I think it is important to

understand this. Peter became a vessel used by Satan. How can this be? I believe there

are examples of this all throughout the Bible. It is said that Satan wanders this world as

a roaring lion and always searching for those he can devour? And what is it he uses to

devour us with. I have answered this already so you should understand. But for those

that have not read it, I will try to briefly summarize some paths. I would say that there

are five traits that open the door to many more paths or ways of thinking and these would

 be fear, pride, lust, greed and envy. So which one of those gates do you think Peter 

opened? As I have said, God is Spirit and is defined as types of thought as is Satan.

Each thought foreign to the other sort of like magnetic poles. What is hard for us to

understand and to relate to is that we tend to place our own weakness of thought to both

Christ and God. This is seen in Job. When the Word says we wrestle against

 principalities it is referencing the term principality, “which is also sometimes used

generically for any small monarchy, especially for small sovereign states ruled by a

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monarch of a lesser rank than the King”, such as a Prince, hence the term principality. It

was man that traded this sovereign power away for the understanding of good and evil. It

was with this understanding we became separated from God and with separation came

death. You must understand this leads us to the parable of the son that was lost. The

Bible provides the direction back to God but not as servants. We have been given the

opportunity to become his children just as our example which is Christ. This is the whole

 point of the Bible for God to have children. So if Christ was the first then what of all

those before him. How are we justified? Through faith is the promise kept but it was

through Christ that faith was given life in the resurrection. There by becoming the

 promise, for all that believed before and after him.

I have had some question on the stance I have taken about the topic of reincarnation,

stating Christ taught such. So, even though it may be a waste of time I will still take the

time to walk you through the passage used as a reference that Christ believed and taught


Let’s start with the passages in Matthew Chapter 11: 10, For this is he, of whom it is

written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way

before thee. 11, Verily I say unto you, among them born of women there hath not risen

a greater than John the Baptist: not withstanding he that is least in the kingdom ofheaven is greater than he. 12, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the

kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 13, For all the

prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14, And if you will receive it, this is

Elias, which was for to come. 15, He that hath ears to hear let him hear.

It appears to me that there are three main options to understanding these statements. One

option is Jesus was stating that John the Baptist is Elias, the reincarnate of Elijah, a

second option would be that Jesus was referencing the same Holy Spirit that was in Elijah

that was in John, and the third option is stating the prophecy of Elijah has been fulfilled

in John. Now for the first to be true, then either Elijah never died or what is stated in

Ecclesiastics and Hebrews is not true. Ecclesiastes chapter 3, verse19 “For that which

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befalleth the sons of men befalleth beast; even one thing befalleth them: they all have

one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. Verse

20 “All go unto one place; all are of dust and all turn to dust again.” This speaks for 

the physical side of us and Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 verses 4, 5 and 6 “For to him that isjoined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the

living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they

any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love and their

hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more portion for ever in

anything that is done under the sun.” Hebrews Chapter 9: 27 “And it is appointed 

unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”  The stance that I have is, the Bible

does not contradict itself but I do believe our understanding of it does. This being said I

 believe that there have been mistakes in translations. You have to remember that

translations were conducted by patriarchs that paid for the service of interrupting the

script from one or more languages to their own. Even those that were conscientious in

their duties of translation did so from a different time and a different culture with

different perspectives. This means that both the patriarch and the scribe applied their 

 perceptions to the translation and there by imposing their own interpretations of a

translation, causing a misdirection of understanding. At one point in time the Church didnot even want the Bible to even be translated. The Church wanted the people to come to

them for that. This was a power held over the people and the Kings. I am sure some

think that God would never allow his word to be misinterpreted. But I want you to think 

about just how many different sects of Christians there are in this world, each with their 

own interpretations. I want you realize the past was no different. Think of the wars.

I believe the thought of reincarnation was something taught by other religions and it had

worked its way into certain fractions of Judaism just as it has in certain fractions of 

Christianity today. However truths are not tossed one direction then another. Nor would

Christ teach a contradiction, because he was the word made living. All throughout the

 passages, Christ tells us these words and actions were not his but those given to him by

our Father. So with that in mind I ask you; why would he teach something that was the

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opposite without an explanation? To me this rules out reincarnation unless you believe

that Elijah never died. If Elijah never died then he would have to come back to fulfill the

statement in Hebrews. The issue I take with this is that death is a transition from our 

 physical form. A second option would be Jesus was referencing kindred affiliation of 

John the Baptist and the spirit of Elias. Elias is the Greek version of Hebrew name for 

Elijah. The name means “The Lord is my God”. John lived this name and exemplified

it in all his breath. John and Elijah both were filled with Holy Spirit. The best fit to

understanding this meaning is to not let our imaginations fill in the blanks but to look at

the text. Both Elijah and John were men of God that lived and preached repentance from

the wilderness. This is what I believe Christ was referencing. What is important about

this is the wilderness. The wilderness represents a state of mind or perception of 

awareness. This is the perception that gave way to the teachings of Christ. Both Elijah

and John were great men of faith but Christ brought the enlightenment of being a son. He

walked the talk of being a son. He told us that we were sons and daughters and that all

we need do is claim that birth right. I’ve gotten side tracked again. We were discussing

reincarnation. I know those that want to believe in the third option of reincarnation are

still going to and that is their choice. The bottom line of this is that we have no

guarantees about tomorrow, let alone another life. So I recommend you live your life like

there is no tomorrow or any other life and treat all as you would be treated. I would also

remind you of the time that Jesus took Peter, James and John to a mountain. Who was

that they saw with Jesus. It was and Elias. Again I want to make it clear this was a

vision. There were no photos of Moses and Elias for disciples to recognize them by but

impressions that they could associate with. This vision was for the benefit of the

disciples. The vision was a comparison between these historical figures that had been

 placed on pedestals and the Christ, who they followed. I want you realize that John the

Baptist had already come and gone so if John and Elias were one and the same and Christ

had already stated that there was no greater prophet than John, then why would they not

have seen and recognized Elias as John. I say all this with the hope you understand that

the body is just a house for you and is not you. I have explained this in other writings.

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I believe we all understand that our physical form returns to dust when we die, but, what of 

our spiritual form? The Bible tells us but I don’t believe that we believe it. We have so

many people talking about ghost and reincarnation. Some tell of romantic stories of ghost

while others talk of horror tales but the Bible tells us something different than what the

world telling you. I will again quote what Ecclesiastics tells us in chapter 3, verse19 “For

that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beast; even one thing befalleth them: they

all have one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.  

Verse 20 “All go unto one place; all are of dust and all turn to dust again.” This speaks

for the physical side of us and Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 verses 4, 5 and 6 “For to him that is

joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the

living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they anymore reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love and their hatred, and

their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more portion for ever in anything that

is done under the sun.” Hebrews Chapter 9: 27 “And it is appointed unto men once to

die, but after this the judgment:”  So here are quotes from both the old and new

testaments that state the same that you only die once. The body returns to dust. Your love,

hatred and envy are all gone and they have no more portion for ever under the sun. You do

not cling on to this world or those around you. So does this paint a bleak picture for us?Well it would if it were not that the Bible also tells us what does happen. The bible teaches

us that consciousness falls into a sleep and is only gathered up at one specific time, the time

of judgment. It was for this reason that Christ came into this world to be the sacrifice of 

innocent blood for the innocent blood spilled by Adam and Eve. Christ is the sacrifice, he

is our redemption for with his sacrifice life was poured out to us. The life I am speaking of 

is the same life that we lost with Adam and Eve, Holy Spirit. It is this Holy Spirit that

 provides the connection to God and it is only with this connection we have life. Without it

we have no connection to God and are there by dead. You may say that you feel alive and

that you haven’t quit breathing yet. And you would be correct in that as long as you have

 breath you have physical life and this provides you with the opportunity to be born again or 

in other words to receive the Holy Spirit.

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 Now the Sadducees not believing in the resurrection asked Christ a question about the

resurrection concerning marriage of a woman to seven brothers. Christ answered them in

the following way. Luke 20, 34: And Jesus answering said unto them, the children of

this world marry, and are given in marriage: 35: But they which will be accounted

worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are

given in marriage: 36: Neither can they die any more: for they are equal to the angels;

and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. Matthew 24, 31:

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather

together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

 Now I would like to present some different thoughts about what Christ stated about going toheaven and preparing houses for us. I ask you consider that you are now occupying a

house. The Physical Shell, our body is our house. So when Christ stated that he was going

to prepare a house for us, he meant that we have steps to take and that what we are taking

now is only a step on a stairway that leads to different levels of consciousness? What I am

suggesting is each level allows us growth of consciousness which in turn brings us closer to

God’s consciousness. What I am saying is that this first step is critical for in it we become

as the angles, spiritual beings and Children of the resurrection. I know it does not say but I

 believe the consciousness of the angles are only a step forward and not complete. We are

children of the resurrection which here was made possible through the faith of Christ and I

ask you take note it states singular not plural. So could the angels be beings that have gone

through the same process we are going through as well only not of this world. What does it

say in Matthew the gathering will take place from the four winds and from one end of 

heaven to the other? If we were only the children of our world alone it would state this

world rather than heaven but it does not. It is also important to see we are obtaining a

world. This tells me we are inheriting a new world unlike the one we are in, a world that is

incorruptible but never less still a world. And when I think of a world then I think of the

world as a safe environment in which a seed is planted and nurtured to grow, develop and

evolve. This means steps to me. I think of this as positive. All creation is connected and

each atom connects to another and provides the building blocks that support the

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development and evolution of life, a process that gives rise to the birth of children, which is

the purpose of all creation. We must remember God is Spirit and for him to have children

must be through the spark of life that gives rise to the development consciousness. I know

we see ourselves as the ultimate development of life but we are only for this world at this

time. I believe this same process is happening throughout the heavens with the same

 purpose in mind, of having children, kindred spirits and this may be what angels are,

kindred spirits, beings of another time and another place and have gone through the same

 process but we are not told. It is not the form of life that is important but the consciousness;

it is the Spirit within life that either evolves or becomes extinct. All life is valuable because

all life is built on one life giving its life so that another life may live, continually

developing, changing and evolving. Look at yourself, you are a miniature of this process.

Are you the same as when you were born? Of course not. We evolve, grow, learn and have

our own children which in turn repeat the process. All life does this. It is in this process

throughout the heavens that allows God to have children.

The purpose of all creation is so God could have children. God does not care what world

they come from and not all worlds give rise to children. Remember the time of Noah and

how many souls were counted. This is a process of the development of consciousness that

is kindred to God’s. It is a process of evolution that steps past the physical to the spirit

within and acknowledging

“Be it unto you as you believe”. 

I would like to take some time to explain one of many questions

I would like to reference some issues of the times because I don’t think people understand

what the thought was when the bible tells us. One of these issues is that man shall not have

sexual intercourse with another man and that doing so is an abomination. First I think we

need to go to the dictionary to get a definition for Abomination: Anything greatly disliked

or abhorred. 2. Intense aversion or loathing; detestation. 3. Vile, shameful, or detestable

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action, condition, habit. Syn. 2. Hatred 3. Corruption, depravity. There is a thought

 behind this and it is based on nature. What I mean is for any species to survive it must be

 productive. In other words it must mate with the opposite sex. If it does not then the seed

within it will die and vice versa the female’s egg will not be productive which leads to the

end of that lineage. This is not healthy for a species whether it is man or any creature

 because if we do not reproduce then the species will not survive. In other words it is an act

against nature, ergo it is an abomination.

In the Bible sex is considered as a climatic act between a husband and wife but if the couple

is the same sex then it cannot be productive and if it is not productive then it becomes

corrupted. There are two ways this basically can happen one is when the genetic code

 becomes messed up basically a wiring issue and the other is when the mind itself gets

messed up which is a software clinch, either way it is not natural nor the way it is supposed

to be. This is just one of so many things that happen in the process of evolution. In the

 process of evolution there are always clinches some that work to a species favor and some

do not and nature takes its course. If someone isn’t the way they should be, do we

condemn them. Should we stone them? Would Christ? I am not saying you have to except

the condition as a norm but if you hate, then you are now manifesting a work of the flesh

and what does the Word say of this. You need to remember as we as a species grow in

 population you will find more and more anomalies, most of which are not of benefit. As we

drift from the Spirit of God the more we see ourselves as just the physical and the physical

only decays. Also remember that the works of the flesh only serve the flesh not the spirit

and are contrary to the spirit. The Bible tells us that we have a choice to make. One to

 build a kingdom in a material world and take the chance of being consumed by your 

consumptions or to put on the mind set of Christ and a child of God.

Galatians 5: 19. “Now the works of the Flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery,

fortification, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance,

emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21. Envyings, murders, drunkenness,

revellings and such like:”  And such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told

you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

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I reference the works of the flesh again because I see so many that call themselves Christian

 but are acting as beast and serving the beast all in the name of Christ. The works of the

flesh are not justified and have no part within the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not let this

world twist the truth within your mind or heart. None of these acts are acceptable and

understand that these are not just acts but types of thought which are foreign to God. And I

ask you to never lose site that the Bible is a guideline. Do not get caught in absolutes.

Absolute can be a weight and harden the heart. It is in the heart of something that makes

the difference between from being a child verses a servant and you know the servant was

sent away. Know that prayer is giving thanks not wishful thinking. It is giving thanks to

your father so think of God as your father not a stranger; you were created in his image. So

if and when you see God as your father then you have put the mind set of Christ and it is at

this point that you become Christian. And know that being a Christian is not a religion; it is

 just a mind set.

As you realize that you are a creature of thought you should also see others in this way and

hopefully you will see God in them and in you. If on the other hand you cannot, then you

will not be able to say you were not told. Do not bury your talents. This is what this paper 

is about, understanding and making a choice with your eyes wide open.

I believe it will become common sense.

Robert E. Waples