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The Berean Searchlight Studying God’s Word, Rightly Divided September 2003

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  • The

    Berean SearchlightStudying God’s Word, Rightly Divided September 2003

  • 2 Berean Searchlight

    INSIDE THIS ISSUE September 2003

    The Berean Bible Society is an organization for the promotion of Bible study by meansof newspaper series, recorded Bible lessons, and the distribution of Bible study literature.It is a non-profit organization, a work of faith supported by the gifts of Christian friends.

    The Berean Searchlight is the official organ of the Berean Bible Society,and is sent free of charge to any who request it.

    Editor: Paul M. Sadler; Composition and Layout: Kevin J. Sadler

    Questions, comments, orders? You can reach us at:

    Berean Bible SocietyN112 W17761 Mequon Road

    PO Box 756Germantown, WI 53022

    Berean Bible Society Main Office: (262) 255-4750Berean Bible Society Fax Number: (262) 255-4195

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    Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., CST

    The Berean Searchlight (ISSN 0005-8890), September 2003. Vol. 64, Number 6.The Berean Searchlight is published monthly (except July) at no subscription price, by Be-rean Bible Society, N112 W17761 Mequon Rd., PO Box 756, Germantown, WI 53022-0756.Second-class postage paid at Germantown, WI. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toBerean Searchlight, N112 W17761 Mequon Rd., PO Box 756, Germantown, WI 53022-0756.

    Feature ArticlesPaul’s Desire and Prayer

    Pastor Paul M. Sadler ......................................... 5Beautiful Garden—The Paradise of God

    Pastor Cornelius R. Stam ................................... 13When Did the Gift of Tongues Cease? (Cont’d)

    Pastor Dennis Kiszonas ..................................... 19

    DepartmentsWho Am I? ............................................................... 4Question Box ........................................................... 23Pastor Stam’s Memoirs ........................................... 24From Our Mailbag .................................................. 26The BBI Byline ....................................................... 29News and Announcements ..................................... 30

  • September 2003 3

    Dearly Beloved,Our mailbag is always filled with an assortment

    of heartwarming correspondence from all aroundthe world. Letter after letter reflects the gratitudeof the saints to our heavenly Father for opening the

    eyes of their understanding to the preaching of Jesus Christ according tothe revelation of the Mystery. We do, however, receive our share of criticalresponses for our defense of Paul’s apostleship and message as the follow-ing letter from an Acts 2 pastor demonstrates:

    “I am writing to request you to stop sending the Berean Searchlight tomy home. I have been receiving your Searchlight for some time now, al-though not by my doing. I suppose someone wanted me to ‘know a secret.’Thanks, but I know the Lord Jesus Christ, and being that I fear God, Hissecret is already with me (Psa. 25:14). I am not trying to be cantanker-ous, nor offensive, for I don’t really know you all personally, but I am notsure why, or when, such fantastic dissections of God’s Word came on thescene, but at our church we have been praying for a revival for a longtime we continue to exalt and magnify the Lord Jesus Christ—not some theology fancied to be the truth no one else sees, whether it bedispensationalism, Calvinism, pentecostalism, etc. All is summed up inJesus Christ—the PERSON, not a theology supposedly about Him.

    “I know, I am just unenlightened, and refuse to believe the truth. I’veheard, and seen it all in modern Christianity—this is typical of a genera-tion who has ceased preaching Christ and His glory, trading Him for thingsabout Him, supposedly. Anyway, I don’t fancy myself as having all truth,but I know the One who is all truth—may we get back to preaching Jesus.”

    We wish this dear brother well, but we certainly take issue with manyof his unsound conclusions. The very heart of our ministry has alwaysbeen the proclamation of Christ and Him crucified. Christ is all that Heclaimed to be! We are complete in Him; He is all in all, the exalted Headof the Body. Having said this, Christ can never, however, be separatedfrom Pauline theology. To do so is a great injustice to the person andwork of Christ. The special revelation the Lord of glory gave to Paul wasof Himself (I Cor. 9:1 cf. Gal. 1:11,12).

    In regard to the charge of our “fantastic dissections of God’s Word,”are we not commanded to rightly divide the Word of truth? (II Tim. 2:15).Did not our Lord Himself properly dissect it? (Isa. 61:1,2 cf. Luke 4:16-21).The idea that no one else sees this wonderful truth is negated by the tensof thousands who read the Searchlight and correspond with us. We restour case!

    In defense of the truth,Paul M. Sadler, President

    From theEditor to You:

  • Who Am I?This puzzle was written by a lady in California in 1880 in response to

    a gentleman in Philadelphia, who had said that he would pay $1,000 toanyone who could write a puzzle that he couldn’t solve. He failed to doso, and paid the lady $1,000 (a great sum at that time). The answer isone word, with five letters, and only appears four times in the Scriptures!By the way, an eight year old boy figured out the puzzle. Are you up tothe challenge? In the event the riddle leaves you puzzled, the answerwill appear in the News and Announcements next month.

    God made Adam out of dust,But thought it best to make me first;

    So I was made before the man,According to God’s Holy plan.

    My whole body God made complete,Without arms or hands or feet.

    My ways and acts did God control,But in my body He placed no soul.

    A living being I became,And Adam gave to me a name.

    Then from his presence I withdrew,For this man Adam I never knew.

    All my Maker’s laws I do obey,And from these laws I never stray.

    Thousands of me go in fear,But seldom on the earth appear.

    Later, for a purpose God did see,He placed a living soul in me.

    But that soul of mine God had to claim,And from me took it back again.

    And when this soul from me had fled,I was the same as when first made;

    Without arms, legs, feet, or soulI travel on from pole to pole.

    My labors are from day to night,And to men I once furnished light.

    Thousands of people both young and oldDid by my death bright lights behold.

    No right or wrong can I conceive:The Bible and its teachings I can’t believe.

    The fear of death doesn’t trouble me;Pure happiness I will never see.

    And up in Heaven I can never go,Nor in the grave or Hell below.

    So get your Bible and read with care;You’ll find my name recorded there.

  • Paul’s Desire and PrayerBy Paul M. Sadler

    In the little town of Olney, En-gland stands a large granitetombstone. If you were to kneeldown in front of this stately stoneyou would read the followinginscription:

    “John Newton, clerk, once aninfidel and Libertine, a servantof slaves in Africa, was, by therich mercy of our Lord and Sav-ior Jesus Christ, preserved, re-stored, pardoned, and appointedto preach the faith he had longlabored to destroy.”1

    The story of John Newton’sconversion is quite remarkable.As a young man he lived a life ofutter debauchery and rebellionagainst God and his fellowman.During these years his motherprayed for him without ceasingand frequently shared the gospelwith him. At a very young agehe took over his father’s slavetrading business, transportingslaves between South Africa andEngland.

    He recounts how on one of thereturn voyages to England a stormcame up at sea in the middle ofthe night. Apparently, that oldship was nearly torn apart by theraging ocean, causing the vesselto take on water. As the wavesviolently swept over the bow of theship it appeared as though therewas little hope of surviving theordeal. In the midst of the storm,Newton retired to his cabin, surethat he would perish at sea thatfateful night. God has interest-ing ways of getting our attention!When we are faced with our ownmortality we quickly turn to spir-itual things.

    As Newton pondered his spir-itual condition, he reached intohis belongings and took out a lit-tle book entitled, “The Imitationof Christ,” by Thomas a Kempis,that his mother had given to himshortly before her death. Thatevening he read the entire bookfrom cover to cover and as a re-sult he trusted Christ as his per-sonal Savior. Soon thereafter hebegan to preach the faith he hadlong sought to destroy. Literallythousands came to hear this oldsea captain share how Christhad saved him from the depthsof sin. In addition to becomingan advocate for the abolition ofslavery, John Newton is probably

    The following message was delivered by your Editor at the 35th AnnualBerean Bible Fellowship Conference in Cedar Lake, Indiana. Due to timelimitations it was not possible to fully develop the passages assigned; there-fore, that which follows is the unabridged version of the message. —Ed.

  • 6 Berean Searchlight

    best known as the author of thebeloved hymn Amazing Grace.

    Amazing Grace how sweet thesound that saved a wretch like me!

    I once was lost but now amfound, was blind but now I see.

    It is truly amazing what thegrace of God can do in a life. Likethe Apostle Paul, John Newton hada burden for lost souls. They bothhad a longing desire that theircountrymen might be saved.

    PAUL’S HEART’S DESIRE“Brethren, my heart’s desire

    and prayer to God for Israel is,that they might be saved.”

    —Rom. 10:1As we know, Romans 9, 10, and

    11 are the dispensational chap-ters of the Book of Romans. Inchapter 9 we have Israel’s past—here we see Paul’s passion for theelect nation. The present state ofIsrael is the subject of chapter10—here we learn of her unbelief.Finally in chapter 11 we have whatis in store for future Israel—herethe apostle answers the question“Hath God cast away His people...which He foreknew?”

    The foregoing passage is onlyone of two passages where weare told to pray for the unsaved.All other references to prayer inPaul’s epistles concern the be-liever. Pastor Win Johnson and Iwere discussing this passage oneevening and I asked him why thelion’s share of passages on prayerhad to do with those who aresaved. He felt it was because thebeliever is in a warfare. We areengaged in a great spiritual con-flict with an enemy who’s seekingto destroy our Christian homes andmarriages. Satan often turns onebeliever against another, desiring

    to sow discord among the breth-ren. Beloved, the person sittingnext to you is not the enemy. Eventhough they may have woundedyou deeply, for the sake of the causeof Christ you are to forgive themas Christ forgave you. We shouldpray for one another without ceas-ing. After all, we are members ofHis Body, members one of another.

    But we should also pray for theunsaved. Paul’s heart’s desire andprayer for his countrymen was thatthey might be saved. I would ven-ture to say that before your con-version to Christ someone waspraying for the salvation of yoursoul. In my life, it was a godlyGreat Aunt who prayed for me fornearly twenty years. The day Itold her that I came to Christ shesaid that she was always confidentthat the Lord would save me. Thenshe added: “Now I am going to praythat the Lord will use you in awonderful way to the praise of Hisglory.” Brethren, not only shouldwe pray for the unbeliever, weshould also share the gospel withhim. This was Paul’s practice asthe following passages confirm.

    Romans 9, 10, and 11 deal pri-marily with Israel nationally andthe Gentile nations in relation toher. However, we must remem-ber that the apostle is dealingwith the present state of Israel inchapter 10. Therefore, seeing thatthe chosen nation has alreadybeen set aside in unbelief, Pauladdresses individual Israelites.

    “I say then, have they stumbledthat they should fall [that is, be-yond recovery]? God forbid: butrather through their fall salva-tion is come unto the Gentiles,for to provoke them to jealousy”(Rom. 11:11).

  • September 2003 7

    The stoning of Stephen was Is-rael’s Waterloo! This event markedthe fall of Israel, as far as God wasconcerned. But why was this par-ticular event so critical histori-cally? It served as the culminationof years of rebellion and rejectionwithin the chosen nation. Human-ly speaking, the casting away ofIsrael was a gradual process thattook place over a thirty-year pe-riod. By the time Paul penned thewords of Romans chapter 10, notonly had Israel fallen nationally,the diminishing of the nation wasalso drawing to a close. So the fi-nal curtain call for the waywardnation had already been made.

    With the introduction of a newdispensation, God graciously ex-tends the offer of salvation to in-dividual Israelites. Interestingly,Paul begins with the nation inRomans chapter 10 by using plu-ral pronouns “they” and “them,”but he shifts to singular pro-nouns later in the chapter as headdresses individual Israelites.

    “Brethren, my heart’s desireand prayer to God for Israel is,that they might be saved. For Ibear them record that they havea zeal of God” (Rom. 10:1,2).

    “The word is nigh thee, even inthy mouth, and in thy heart: thatis, the word of faith, which wepreach; That if thou shalt confesswith thy mouth the Lord Jesus,and shalt believe in thine heart

    that God hath raised Him fromthe dead, thou shalt be saved”(Rom. 10:8,9).

    ISRAEL DID IT HER WAY“For I bear them record that

    they have a zeal of God, but notaccording to knowledge. For theybeing ignorant of God’s righteous-ness, and going about to establishtheir own righteousness, havenot submitted themselves untothe righteousness of God” (Rom.10:2,3).

    Israel had a burning desire toserve the true and living God.She was on fire for the things ofthe Lord. The only problem washer zeal was not according toknowledge. There was a sensethat Paul could relate to his coun-trymen, having had the same de-sire prior to his conversion. Aftersetting forth an impressive list ofcredentials in Philippians 3, theapostle states: “Concerning zeal,persecuting the Church.” As Paulattempted to make himself accept-able to God through good deeds,he thought within himself that bypersecuting the Church, and lay-ing it waste, he was doing God afavor (John 16:2,3).

    Israel had the same attitude.As noted, her zeal was not ac-cording to knowledge. The term“knowledge” in this passage is theGreek word epignosis. It has theidea of having a fuller knowledgeor a more perfect understanding.Paul was the first to use thisterm, and he uses it often, for thisreason: he had received a specialrevelation from the Lord of glory,therefore, he had a fuller knowl-edge of God’s will. For example,with the abolition of the sacrifi-cial system, “we have redemption

    “The stoningof Stephenwas Israel’sWaterloo!”

  • 8 Berean Searchlight

    through His blood, the forgivenessof sins, according to the riches ofHis grace.” Today there is the newand living way—Christ!

    Sadly Israel, nationally, wasignorant of God’s righteousness.She failed to understand how righ-teous God truly is. He’s perfect inall things and those who step intoHis presence must be perfect. ButPastor, “Nobody’s perfect!” That’sthe problem—you must be perfectto live in God’s presence. Simplyby believing on the Lord JesusChrist the sinner is taken out ofAdam and placed into Christ. InHim alone is redemption; He isthe righteousness of God (I Cor.1:30).

    But Israel went about seekingto establish her own righteous-ness by trying to keep the law. Toillustrate what the apostle meanshere, we are indebted to our Lordfor the following parable.

    “And He spake this parableunto certain which trusted inthemselves that they were righ-teous, and despised others: Twomen went up into the temple topray; the one a Pharisee, and theother a publican. The Phariseestood and prayed thus with him-self, God, I thank thee, that I amnot as other men are, extortion-ers, unjust, adulterers, or even asthis publican. I fast twice in theweek, I give tithes of all that I pos-sess. And the publican, standingafar off, would not lift up so muchas his eyes unto heaven, but smoteupon his breast, saying, God bemerciful to me a sinner. I tellyou, this man went down to hishouse justified rather than theother: for every one that exaltethhimself shall be abased; and hethat humbleth himself shall beexalted” (Luke 18:9-14).

    This high and mighty Pharisee,a conservative religious leader atthat time, thought he was rightwith God since he had meticu-lously kept the letter of the law. Hefasted religiously and gave tithesdutifully as the law demanded. Heboasted before God that he wasgrateful he wasn’t like other menwho were ungodly sinners. He wasespecially thankful he wasn’t likethe publican who was also at thetemple offering up a prayer to God.Publicans were the offscouring ofthe earth. They would be akin toour street people today.

    Nevertheless, the publicanhumbled himself before God,praying that the Lord would bemerciful to him being a sinner.Interestingly the term “merciful”here looks back to the Old Testa-ment Mercy Seat where the bloodwas sprinkled for the atonementof sin. You see, the publican hadresponded to God in faith, pray-ing that God would have mercy onhim, as He did upon the nationwhen He looked upon the bloodon the Mercy Seat. Under the oldeconomy faith always obeyed thelaw, which served as an outwardexpression of a proper responseto God.

    The majority within the chosennation were like the Phariseewho sought to obtain a righteousstanding with God through the

  • September 2003 9

    works of the law. This is whatthe apostle had in mind when hesays that they were going aboutseeking to establish their ownrighteousness. They failed to un-derstand that the intent of thelaw was not to save them; rather,it was to give them a knowledgeof sin so they could, like the pub-lican, throw themselves upon themercy of God and bring a sacri-fice by faith.

    “But Israel, which followed af-ter the law of righteousness, hathnot attained to the law of righ-teousness. Wherefore? Becausethey sought it not by faith, butas it were by the works of thelaw” (Rom. 9:31,32).


    “[They] have not submittedthemselves unto the righteous-ness of God. For Christ is the endof the law for righteousness toevery one that believeth” (Rom.10:3,4).

    We believe Christ is the end ofthe law in two senses. First andforemost, the law was merely aschoolmaster, whose goal was tobring those under it to Christthat they might be justified byfaith. When Christ carried out Hisearthly ministry the goal of thelaw was accomplished, so Israelis no longer under the schoolmas-ter. Second, Christ came not todestroy the law and the prophetsbut to fulfill them. He perfectlyfulfilled every stipulation of thelaw in spirit and act; therefore,He also terminated it (Gal. 3:24,25cf. Col. 2:14). Christ, then, is therighteousness of God!

    “For Moses describeth the righ-teousness which is of the law, that

    the man which doeth those thingsshall live by them” (Rom. 10:5).

    Was the law of God righteous?Indeed! The problem, you see, wasnot with the law, it was with sinfulman who was unable to keep itperfectly. If a man breaks one ofthe laws of God he is a lawbreaker.This is the very point that Jamesmakes: “Whosoever shall keep thewhole law, and yet offend in onepoint, he is guilty of all” (James2:10). The law was powerless toimpart life; it pointed its bony fin-ger in the face of the accused andessentially pronounced a sentenceof condemnation. The eminentGreek scholar, Kenneth Wuest,made the following insightful po-etic verse regarding the law:

    Do this and live the law com-mands, but gives me neither feetnor hands,

    A better word the gospel brings,it bids me fly and gives me wings.

    “But the righteousness whichis of faith speaketh on this wise,Say not in thine heart, who shallascend into heaven? (that is, tobring Christ down from above:)Or, Who shall descend into thedeep? (that is, to bring up Christagain from the dead)” (Rom.10:6,7).

    In verses 5 through 8 Paul con-trasts the “way of the law” with“the way of faith.” Since Moseswas so revered in Israel, the apos-tle quotes the great Lawgiver, butrecasts his words under the direc-tion of the Holy Spirit. To prop-erly understand Paul’s argumentit will first be necessary to con-sider Moses’ original statement:

    “For this commandment whichI command thee this day, it is nothidden from thee, neither is it faroff. It is not in heaven, that thou

  • 10 Berean Searchlight

    shouldest say, Who shall go up forus to heaven, and bring it unto us,that we may hear it, and do it?Neither is it beyond the sea, thatthou shouldest say, Who shall goover the sea for us, and bring itunto us, that we may hear it, anddo it?” (Deut. 30:11-13).

    As Moses neared the end of hislife, the children of Israel werepainfully aware that he wouldonly be with them a short time.They knew Moses had spoken di-rectly to God on their behalf, butwho would minister to them afterthe Deliverer was gone? Mosesinstructs them accordingly: Don’tsay, who will ascend into heavenand bring us the revelation of God,or who will cross the sea to bringus a teacher? The will of God foryou is found in the Books of theLaw; you need to look no farther.It is within your reach—in yourmouth and in your heart.

    Paul refashions the words ofMoses to reveal that salvation bygrace through faith was nowavailable to individual Israelitesthrough Christ. There is no needfor someone to ascend into heaven,for that is to bring Christ down.This would crucify the Son ofMan afresh. God forbid! He al-ready came and offered Himselfas a once-for-all sacrifice for thesins of the world. Neither wasthere a need to inquire, “Who shall

    descend into the deep? (that is tobring up Christ again from thedead).” Christ had already con-quered sin and death and risenvictoriously over it. The work wasfinished!

    “The word is nigh thee, evenin thy mouth, and in thy heart:that is, the word of faith, whichwe preach” (Rom. 10:8). Note Paulsays, “The word of faith, whichwe preach.” What did the apostlepreach in order for a lost soul tobe saved? Simply this, Christ diedfor our sins, was buried, and roseagain, all three of which are im-plied in the foregoing passages.Essentially, Paul said to his coun-trymen that salvation is near, evenin their mouth as they read theWord, and in their heart if theybelieved it. Christ has abolishedthe performance system; simplyplace your faith in the Lord JesusChrist.

    CONFESSION AND BELIEF“That if thou shalt confess

    with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,and shalt believe in thine heartthat God hath raised Him fromthe dead, thou shalt be saved.For with the heart man believethunto righteousness; and with themouth confession is made untosalvation” (Rom. 10:9,10).

    This passage has been a stum-bling block for many dear saints.First, Paul is not speaking aboutpublic confession before men asa prerequisite to be saved. If thiswere the case salvation would beassociated with a work. The apos-tle uses the mouth and heart herein the spiritual sense. We shouldadd that both confession and be-lief are in harmony with one an-other. In fact, they are two sides

  • September 2003 11

    of the same coin. The context sub-stantiates Paul is referring to ourinnermost being. He says in verse6: “Say not in thine heart,” that is,say not to yourself who will ascendinto heaven, etc. In like mannerwhen we heard the gospel we saidto ourselves in our heart of hearts,I believe!

    Paul calls upon his country-men to confess or acknowledgethat the Lord Jesus died for theirsins and rose again. The apostlelays special emphasis upon theresurrection, because while manyof his readers were well awareChrist had been crucified, theymay not have been aware that Hehad conquered death and roseagain the third day. Salvationis in a person, and that personis the Lord Jesus Christ. Oncethe vertical relationship is estab-lished with the Savior by faith, itwill eventually touch all of ourhorizontal relationships that wehave with one another. Thus “ac-cording as it is written, I believed,and therefore have I spoken; wealso believe, and therefore speak”(II Cor. 4:13).

    “For the Scripture saith, Who-soever believeth on Him shall notbe ashamed. For there is no dif-ference between the Jew and theGreek: for the same Lord over allis rich unto all that call upon him.For whosoever shall call upon thename of the Lord shall be saved”(Rom. 10:11-13).

    Those who trust Christ willnever be ashamed or defeated.We are saved from the wrath tocome, not only in the coming tribu-lation period, but also from thejudgment to come. Thankfully, inChrist we are beyond the reachof God’s wrath.

    We also learn here that thereis no difference between the Jewsand the Gentiles today who callupon the Lord. This was unheardof under the former dispensationof the law. Once again, this isepignosis or that fuller knowl-edge of God’s will Paul spoke ofearlier. Before the foundation ofthe world God had foreordainedthe Church of this age, which isuniquely a Pauline truth. Conse-quently, in the administration ofGrace there is one Body which ismade up of Jews and Gentileswithout distinction.

    Even though the apostle quotesfrom the Old Testament when hestates, “For whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lord shallbe saved,” this passage must beinterpreted in light of Paul’s rev-elation. In time past, whosoevercalled upon the Lord was savedthrough Israel. Today, whosoeverbelieves is saved in spite of Israelsince she has been temporarilycast aside in unbelief (Isa. 49:6cf. Rom. 11:11,15,25).

    Have you called upon the Lordto be saved? If not, we beg you todo so without delay. You are dan-gling over the lake of fire by onethin thread of human existence.Soon the fires of God’s wrath willconsume you and the weight ofyour sins will plunge you into eter-nal darkness forever and ever. Fleefrom the wrath to come. Believeon the Lord Jesus Christ, who boreyour sins upon the Cross, and thoushalt be saved!

    Endnote1. 101 Hymn Stories by Kenneth W.

    Osbeck, Amazing Grace, page 28,Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids,Michigan.

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  • Beautiful GardenTHE PARADISE OF GOD

    By Cornelius R. Stam

    “And the Lord God planted a gar-den eastward in Eden; and there Heput the man whom He had formed.”

    —Gen. 2:8

    The Greek name for the Gardenof Eden is Paradise (Gr. paradeisos,“beautiful garden”). While this gar-den is not discussed in the New Tes-tament, it is surely alluded to severaltimes. In any case, we may be sure that if God planted the garden inEden it was indeed a “Paradise,” a beautiful garden.

    PARADISE LOSTLet us not blame God for the hideous scars this earth now bears.

    Blame man and his pride and greed. Blame his marching armies, hisguns and bombs. Blame his “intellectual achievements,” his ability

    to pollute its surface and its atmosphere withtoxic fumes and wastes, and with deafeningnoises—all in the name of progress. Blamehis irresponsibility in cluttering its habitablesurface with debris.

    God did not place man in such an atmo-sphere. Rather, “the Lord God planted a gar-den eastward in Eden, and there He put theman whom He had formed.” How breathtak-ingly beautiful, how ineffably delightful thesesurroundings must have been! Adam and Eve,in Eden, must have enjoyed each other’s com-pany here as no other wedded couple since,with only the light and pleasant responsibil-

    ity to “dress” and “keep” the garden1 (Gen. 2:15), and with the specialblessing of open fellowship with God, perhaps especially “in the coolof the day” (Gen. 2:19,22,23; 3:8).

    But when man fell, all creation fell with him. Man now had a fallen,sinful nature. The animal creation suddenly became wild and vicious,and as to the vegetable creation, God said to Adam: “Cursed is theground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, the sweatof thy face shalt thou eat bread...” (Gen. 3:17-19). And to the woman

  • 14 Berean Searchlight

    He said: “I will greatly multiplythy sorrow and thy conception;in sorrow thou shalt bring forthchildren...” (3:16). And even thismanner of living was to be cutshort at last by death and a “re-turn unto the ground; for out ofit,” said God, “wast thou taken: fordust thou art, and unto dust shaltthou return” (3:19). Indeed, lestman should now eat of the tree oflife and live forever, God “sent himforth from the garden of Eden, totill2 the ground from whence hewas taken” (Gen. 3:23). Thus it isthat we read in Romans 5:12:

    “ one man sinentered into the world, and deathby sin; and so death passed uponall3 men, for that all have sinned.”

    Ever since that dreadful day,man’s greatest problem has beenhis sin. This is what lies at theroot of all his trouble and misery,though the subject is not evendealt with in our great works onscience. Obvious as is the fact ofsin and its results, any consider-ation of this subject is brushedaside by the intellectuals of thisworld.


    The results of the fall were in-deed disastrous, changing man’shabitation from that of a beautiful

    garden to that of fields and for-ests that must be cleared and cul-tivated by laborious effort in theface of relentless opposition frommany quarters. For the redeemedwho departed this life, however,God again provided a beautifulgarden.

    In “Old Testament” times thegeneral designation for this placeof the departed was sheol (He-brew), with its Greek equivalenthades, both meaning “the unseen.”However, an examination of Luke16:19-31 reveals that sheol, orhades, was divided into two ar-eas, separated by “a great gulf”(Ver. 26). The term “Abraham’sbosom” (Ver. 22) describes one as-pect of the place where the re-deemed went. It was the placewhere Abraham, the “father ofbelievers,” welcomed all his dearchildren home, as it were. But an-other aspect of this wonderfulplace is described by the nameParadise: Beautiful Garden.

    In his youth this writer some-how envisioned hades as a greattwo-part cavernous region, dimlylit and mysterious. But our Lord’sdesignation of the blessed area as“Paradise” throws an entirely dif-ferent light upon it.

    How it must have touched theheart of the repentant thief cru-cified next to our Lord, to be as-sured by the Savior Himself:

    “Verily I say unto thee, Todayshalt thou be with Me in Paradise”(Luke 23:43).

    This assurance must havefilled him with comfort and joydespite the pain he suffered. Soonhe would be with Christ in a beau-tiful garden! Gardens are where

  • September 2003 15

    people go to rest and be refreshed,thus a garden of God’s plantingmust be infinitely more delightful,and to be in such a garden “withChrist”: what unspeakable joy!

    PARADISE RESTOREDBut according to the prophetic

    Scriptures, the Paradise of Edenwill one day be gloriously restoredand vastly enlarged. This will takeplace when the Lord Jesus Christreturns to earth to reign and Is-rael is saved and salvation andblessing flow from Jerusalem tothe ends of the earth. Here wecould cite literally scores of OldTestament passages in confirma-tion, but a few will suffice:

    “Out of Zion shall go forth thelaw,4 and the Word of the Lordfrom Jerusalem” (Isa. 2:3).

    “The Lord of hosts shall reignin mount Zion, and in Jerusalem”(Isa. 24:23).

    “Yea, all kings shall fall downbefore Him; all nations shall serveHim” (Psa. 72:11).

    “Yea, many people and strongnations shall come to seek theLord of hosts in Jerusalem, andto pray before the Lord” (Zech.8:22).

    Paul confirms this in his epistleto the Romans:

    “And so all Israel shall besaved; as it is written, There shallcome out of Sion the Deliverer,and shall turn away ungodlinessfrom Jacob” (Rom. 11:26).

    “Now I say that Jesus Christwas a minister of the circumci-sion for the truth of God, to con-firm the promises made unto thefathers;

    “And that the Gentiles mightglorify God for His mercy, as it iswritten...” (Rom. 15:8,9).

    The results of this spiritualtransformation will be far-reach-ing. No longer will man need totill a perverse soil and eat hisbread in the sweat of his brow, forthe curse will be removed from thevegetable creation:

    “The desert shall rejoice, andblossom as the rose. It shall blos-som abundantly...for in the wil-derness shall waters break out,and streams in the desert. Andthe parched ground shall be-come a pool, and the thirsty landsprings of water” (Isa. 35:1,2,6,7).

    The animal creation too willhave the curse removed:

    “The wolf also shall dwell withthe lamb, and the leopard shalllie down with the kid; and thecalf and the young lion and thefatling together; and a little childshall lead them. And the cow andthe bear shall feed; their youngones shall lie down together; andthe lion shall eat straw like theox. And the sucking child shallplay on the hole of the asp, andthe weaned child shall put hishand on the cockatrice’ den. Theyshall not hurt nor destroy in allMy holy mountain” (Isa. 11:6-9).

    And the curse shall be removedfrom mankind itself:

    “The eyes of the blind shall beopened, and the ears of the deafshall be unstopped. Then shall thelame man leap as an hart, and the

    “What is oursby grace we maynow appropriateby faith alone....”

  • 16 Berean Searchlight

    tongue of the dumb shall sing”(Isa. 35:5,6).

    “There shall be no more thencean infant of days, nor an old manthat hath not filled his days: forthe child shall die an hundredyears old;5 but the sinner beingan hundred years old shall beaccursed” (Isa. 65:20).

    Other aspects of the fall willalso be removed and reversed:

    Christ will be known by all:“The earth shall be full of theknowledge of the Lord, as thewaters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:9).

    Government will be purified:“A King shall reign and prosper,and shall execute judgment andjustice in the earth” (Jer. 23:5).

    War and bloodshed will be abol-ished: “And He shall judge amongthe nations, and shall rebuke manypeople: and they shall beat theirswords into plowshares, and theirspears into pruning hooks: nationshall not lift up sword against na-tion, neither shall they learn warany more” (Isa. 2:4).

    Israel’s suffering and sorrowwill then be over—and that of theother nations as well: “They shallobtain joy and gladness, and sor-row and sighing shall flee away”(Isa. 35:10 cf. 40:5; 60:3).

    These are the conditions thatwill prevail when our Lord, therightful King, reigns on earth for

    1000 years. This will indeed beParadise restored, and more.


    Thus far we have consideredParadise, the Garden of Eden,also the Paradise so graciouslyprepared for believers of formerages, and Eden’s Paradise glori-ously restored and enlarged dur-ing the kingdom reign of Christ.

    But what about the dispensa-tion under which we now live—adispensation which has now lastedfor almost 2,000 years? With re-gard to the delay in our Lord’s re-turn to reign and restore this poorstricken world, the Apostle Paulstates:

    “We know that the whole cre-ation groaneth and travaileth inpain together until now.6

    “And not only they, but our-selves also, which have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even weourselves groan within our-selves, waiting for the adoption,to wit, the redemption of ourbody” (Rom. 8:22,23).

    Ah, but the apostle also revealsa “mystery,” a secret not madeknown until the risen, glorifiedLord revealed it to him, not allat once, but by installments (SeeActs 26:16; II Cor. 12:1).

    This revelation concerns theposition, blessings and prospectof believers in the present “dis-pensation of the grace of God.” Itmust be that God reserved Hisgreatest blessings for those whoshould trust His Son during theage of His rejection—“this presentevil age” (Gal. 1:4), for Paul re-lates in II Corinthians 12:1-7 how

  • September 2003 17

    Endnotes1. This was before the vegetable creationwas cursed.2. Note: not to “dress” the garden, butto “till” the ground.3. All were in Adam and have come fromAdam.4. Now obeyed spontaneously, from theheart (Jer. 31:33).5. I.e., One who dies at 100 years of agewill be considered a mere child, and willdie only as a judgment upon sin, whichwill not be tolerated at that time.6. I.e., the curse has not yet been re-moved (because our Lord’s reign has beenrejected and awaits a future day).

    he was “caught up to the thirdheaven,” and he describes it as“Paradise”: beautiful garden!Think of it! the highest heaven(Gr., epouranios) a beautiful gar-den. This surely is Paradise ex-alted! Indeed, the apostle “heardunspeakable words” there, whicha man was not permitted to utter.Here he was in the presence ofGod Himself, seeing and hearingthings which we could not evenbegin to grasp. And so ineffablyglorious was this revelation thatGod sent a “messenger of Satan”to buffet him physically, with “athorn in the flesh,” lest he shouldbe exalted above measure, andhe repeats the reason twice foremphasis (See II Cor. 12:7).

    We cannot now grasp the glo-ries which are ours in the heav-enlies in Christ, but we can believeGod’s Word that this is our positionand these are our blessings (Eph.2:6; 1:3). What is ours by gracewe may now appropriate by faithalone, but the time will come whenwe will enjoy them actually, really.Then we shall see that the ideaswe had of God’s presence and sur-roundings as only blazing, dazzlingbrilliance, were most inadequate,for Paul was there and, with allits glory, described it as Paradise,a beautiful garden, far more beau-tiful, surely, than anything wecould even begin to imagine.

    THE PARADISE OF GODWe do not have space in this

    brief article to deal at length withwhat God has prepared for us inthe ages beyond the kingdom reignof Christ, nor why this writer be-lieves that gradually, during the

    millennium, and finally in fullperfection forever, the redeemednations of the earth and the re-deemed in heaven will have fulland open fellowship together.Then will be brought to pass thetruth of Ephesians 1:10.

    “That in the dispensation ofthe fulness of times He mightgather together in one all thingsin Christ, both which are in heav-en, and which are on earth; evenin Him.”

    Then “the paradise of God” onearth, referred to in Revelation2:7, will be opened to the para-dise in heaven! Who knows whatglories lie ahead for the childrenof God! We can only look forwardby faith to learning all about itby personal experience, for surelythese are some, only a few, of thethings “which God hath preparedfor them that love Him.” But atleast we know already that it isHis gracious purpose:

    “That in the ages to come Hemight show the exceeding richesof His grace in His kindness to-ward us through Christ Jesus”(Eph. 2:7).

  • 18 Berean Searchlight

    Berean Bible FellowshipFall Conference

    Hosted By:Grace Bible Church, Evansville, Indiana

    Location: Marriott Hotel7101 Highway 41 North

    Evansville, Indiana

    Dates: Thursday & Friday, October 9-10, 2003

    Theme: The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

    “There is no ministry more misunderstood and wrongly appliedthan that of the Holy Spirit. It is our prayer that through our studywe will come to a deeper appreciation of His work and ministry.”

    Guest Speakers:

    Pastor Mike Keshan, Kettle Moraine Bible Church, West Bend, WIPastor John Fredericksen, Grace Bible Church, Rapid City, SDPastor Ivan Burgener, Affton Grace Bible Church, St. Louis, MO

    Pastor Paul Sadler, Berean Bible Society, Milwaukee, WIPastor Dick Ware, Grace Bible Church, Oshkosh, WIPastor Joel Finck, Grace Bible Church, Yankton, SDPastor Ricky Kurth, Faith Bible Church, Steger, IL

    Pastor Floyd Baker, Orange City, FL

    For additional information or to receive a brochure,please contact:

    Pastor Ivan Burgener (618) 344-6741 orDavid Wasson (812) 867-0175 or

    Berean Bible Society (262) 255-4750

    For questions regarding accommodations, please contact:

    Jim and Julie Wade (812) 983-2685

    May we all be in prayer for the Lord’s blessingupon the ministry of the Word of God

    in light of Paul’s revelation!

  • September 2003 19

    When Did the Gift ofTongues Cease? (Cont’d)

    Why did the sign gifts cease?Having seen the pattern of truth regarding the gifts, we need to ask,why did the gifts cease at this time?Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:8-12—

    “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail;whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowl-edge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy inpart. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which isin part will be done away.“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, Ithought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childishthings. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. NowI know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”1

    The gift of tongues, prophecy and knowledge during the Acts periodwere only “in part”—they were incomplete, they did not communi-cate the full knowledge that the Lord had to reveal. But the Lordrevealed to Paul that “that which is perfect” was coming. In English,as in Greek, this is a neuter pronoun—“that thing which is perfect.”Paul was not writing about the coming of “He who is perfect” but ofthe coming of a “thing” which is perfect. When it came, then the giftswhich were only “in part” would cease.It would be like the difference between being a child and becominga grown man, or between seeing someone’s face reflected in a wavyancient mirror, and seeing the person face-to-face.Before the end of the Book of Acts, during the Acts period, and in theletters written during the Acts period, the Lord had only revealed partof the “dispensation of grace” (Eph. 3:2) to the Apostle Paul, but Hehad not yet revealed the entire message to him. It was still only “inpart” during the Acts period, but with the close of the Book of Acts,the Lord completed the revelation of the “Mystery” (see Eph. 3:3,4,9and Col. 1:26,27, etc.). “That which is perfect” was finally revealed inall its fullness to the Apostle Paul and at that moment, those thingswhich were only “in part” passed away from God’s program.Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:12—“Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”

    When Paul wrote “now I know in part,” he used the common word for“know,” the Greek word gnosis.

    When Did the Gift ofTongues Cease? (Cont’d)

    By Pastor Dennis Kiszonas

  • 20 Berean Searchlight

    But then, when he wrote “but thenI shall know...” he changes the wordfrom gnosis to epignosis, “to fullyknow.”We could paraphrase Paul’s state-ment: “Now, as I’m writing 1 Corin-thians in Acts 19, I have gnosis—Iknow, in part, what God’s messageis for us today in the dispensation

    of grace, but then—when that which is perfect has come—I shall haveepignosis—the full knowledge of God’s message of grace for us today.”All through the Book of Acts Paul had only “gnosis,” partial knowl-edge of the message of grace, but when we turn to the Prison Letterswe suddenly find Paul using that word “epignosis”—he had now re-ceived that “full knowledge” which he didn’t have when he wrote tothe Corinthians:

    “For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you andthose in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in theflesh, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together inlove, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understand-ing, to the knowledge (epignosis—full knowledge) of the mystery ofGod, both of the Father and of Christ” (Col. 2:1-2).“For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease topray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge(epignosis—full knowledge) of His will in all wisdom and spiritualunderstanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasingHim, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowl-edge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His gloriouspower, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks tothe Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritanceof the saints in the light” (Col. 1:9-12).

    In all the seven letters written after the close of the Book of Acts,Paul uses this word “epignosis”—the full knowledge. What he hadnot yet received in 1 Corinthians 13, he now has. That which is per-fect had come and so the sign gifts had passed away.

    The “sign gifts” were signs for God’s “sign people”The close of the Book of Acts was also the close of God’s dealings withthe nation of Israel for now nearly 2000 years. Acts 28:25-28 standsas God’s last words to the nation of Israel for nearly two millennia.The Jews sought after signs (1 Cor. 1:22) so God gave them signs—among the Gentiles!—in order to provoke Israel to jealousy (Rom.11:14). But with the close of Acts, God sets aside Israel for a time,and when God gave up on the “sign people” for a time, the sign giftspassed out of His program.

    “...when God gave upon the ‘sign people’for a time, the sign

    gifts passed outof His program.”

  • September 2003 21

    I speak in tongues, what should I do?Many Christians today have had an experience that they think is thescriptural gift of tongues. After studying Paul’s letters and the scrip-tural teaching concerning the cessation of the gift of tongues, they ask,“What should I do now?” There are several possible explanations forthe experience—it may be a psychological experience or even a spir-itual experience, but clearly, from the Word of God, it is not the Spirit’sgift of tongues.What should they do? Simply: Stop! Stop speaking in the tonguebecause it is not from the Holy Spirit.For many this is a great relief. They’ve been taught that a person hasto speak in tongues to prove that he is really saved, or that he reallyhas the Holy Spirit dwelling within. So they’ve “learned” to speak intongues, but when they see from Scripture that this gift is not inoperation from the Lord today, they can at last cease their effort toprove their salvation and start to walk by faith and not by sight.For some, Paul’s instructions to the prophets at Corinth will bepertinent:“If anything is revealed to another who sits by, let the first keepsilent. For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn andall may be encouraged. And the spirits of the prophets are subjectto the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion but of peace,as in all the churches of the saints” (1 Cor. 14:30-33).

    When we are having an experience that we learn from the Scripturesis not from the Lord, it is time to “keep silent,” and remember that ourspirits are to be under our own control—“the spirits of the prophetsare subject to the prophets.”

    The Lord’s warningThe Lord warned that experiences can be deceiving:“Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesiedin Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many won-ders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knewyou; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matt. 7:22-23).

    Yes, they really had had these experi-ences. They had prophesied in Jesus’name, they had cast out demons anddone miracles in His name. The Lorddoes not deny that they had donethese things. But then He tells themthat even while they were doing thesethings, He had never ever known them.It is important that our faith be based on the Word of God and not onexperiences because experiences can deceive us.

  • 22 Berean Searchlight

    A note about the gift of healingAs we have seen, Paul was able to heal many sick people all throughthe Book of Acts. He healed every sick person on the Island of Maltain Acts 28. And he wrote to the Corinthians about the gift of heal-ing that was operating in their church during the Acts period (1 Cor.12:9). But we have also seen that with the close of the Book of Acts,the gift of healing ceased to operate. Paul could no longer heal any-one—not Epaphroditus in Philippians 2, not Timothy in 1 Timothy5:23, not Trophimus in 2 Timothy 4:20. The gift of healing had ceasedto operate, along with the othersign gifts.Today God no longer gives the giftof healing, and there are no “heal-ers.” But we should not think thatGod Himself no longer heals! InPhilippians 2 we read of a healingthat God did after the gift of heal-ing had ceased to operate:“Yet I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, mybrother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier, but your messenger andthe one who ministered to my need; since he was longing for you all,and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick.“For indeed he was sick almost unto death; but God had mercy onhim, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrowupon sorrow.“Therefore I sent him the more eagerly, that when you see him againyou may rejoice, and I may be less sorrowful.“Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold suchmen in esteem; because for the work of Christ he came close to death,not regarding his life, to supply what was lacking in your servicetoward me” (Phil. 2:25-30).

    Paul commends Epaphroditus very highly for his faithfulness evenunto death. But when Epaphroditus fell sick—near to death—Paulwas no longer able to heal him because the gift of healing had ceasedto operate. But we read that Epaphroditus was healed—directly bythe Lord: “He was sick unto death but the Lord had mercy on him....”There is healing today, but there is no gift of healing, there are no“divine healers.” There is no gift of healing today but God still heals...sometimes. He healed Epaphroditus, but He did not heal Paul in 2 Co-rinthians 12:8-9 or in Galatians 4:13-15, or Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:23,or Trophimus in 2 Timothy 4:20. He heals according to His will today.But the promise that He gave to Paul is still our promise today in thedispensation of grace:“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect inweakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).

    “[God] never allows usto suffer somethingthat He doesn’t give

    us the strengthto live through.”

  • September 2003 23

    Endnote1. All references have been taken from the New King James Version.

    In addition to Pastor Kiszonas’ responsibilities at Grace For Today,Dennis has recently established a new Grace Assembly in NewYork City. If you would like more information about the radio minis-try, the new assembly, or a copy of the above article in booklet form,you can contact Brother Kiszonas directly at: Grace For Today, P.O.Box 798, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108. The ministrycan also be reached via the Internet:

    Whether we are well or sick, whether we are like Epaphroditus orlike Timothy, we can always claim this promise from the Lord that Hisgrace and strength are sufficient for us. He never allows us to suffersomething that He doesn’t give us the strength to live through.

    Question Box“Those who are skeptical of Paul’s gospel usually point to the

    Mysteries found in Matthew 13 as evidence that the Mystery wasforetold by our Lord, but more fully explained by Paul. What isthe most effective way to address this faulty interpretation?”

    Although the good news of the coming kingdom had beenprogressively revealed in time past, there were certain aspectsof this revelation that were hidden until our Lord’s earthly min-istry. Thus, the seven mysteries of the kingdom were merely afurther development of what had already been spoken of by theprophets. They reveal the proper order of redemptive events inrelation to the chosen nation, that is, the sufferings of Christand the glory that was to follow. These seven mysteries makeit clear that the kingdom would be established at the SecondComing of Christ, not during His first advent.

    When we turn to Paul’s epistles we learn for the first timeabout God’s eternal purpose for the Church, the Body of Christ.This new program with its “one Body” and “one baptism” is calledthe Mystery, which was kept secret from ages and generationspast (Rom. 16:25; Eph. 3:5,9; Col. 1:25,26). While Israel was toacknowledge the added revelation regarding the mysteries ofthe kingdom, we are responsible to proclaim a new message,the Mystery, to all nations for the obedience of faith.

    —Pastor Sadler

  • Coming Soon!

    Pastor Stam’s Memoirs

    This volume also gives a brief history of the Grace Movementfrom the standpoint of Pastor Stam’s ministry.

    Orders are now being received for an October release!

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    Introductory Offer: $12.00

    THIS OFFER ENDS SEPTEMBER 30, 2003(Extended 21 days for all foreign orders)

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    *Foreign orders must be remitted in U. S. currency!

    Orders: Berean Bible Society, PO Box 756, Germantown, WI 53022Phone: (262) 255-4750; Fax: (262) 255-4195

    Pastor Stam’s Boyhood The Stam Family






    The Good Fight of the Faith A Full Measure of Devotion

  • Introductory Works on the Grace of God

    THESE OFFERS END SEPTEMBER 30, 2003(Extended 21 days for all foreign orders)

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    Introductory Works on the Grace of God

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    The answer to the traditionsand commandments of men!


    SPECIAL PRICE: $9.00

    Paul, His Apostleshipand Message

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    Paul the Pattern

    Paul and Water Baptism

    Paul’s Acts Ministry

    The Preaching of the Cross

    We Should Have Listened


    SPECIAL PRICE: $9.00

  • 26 Berean Searchlight

    From Our MailbagActs 14:27

    From Washington:“I have never been so enthusias-

    tic in the study of God’s Word since Ihave come to see the Mystery, and tograsp the true meaning of ‘grace,’ andto see the uniqueness of Paul’s gos-pel. I want to continue to grow, andto put my remaining years left on thisearth (I’m 51 years old) to work get-ting this message of Grace out. Thebattle is just heating up. People don’tlike to hear this message. I’m excitedwhat the Lord is going to do in mylife. Thank you, and the Berean BibleSociety, for being part of this growth.”

    From South Dakota:“I praise God for Pastor Stam’s

    work of Acts—Dispensationally Con-sidered. Pastor Stam led me througha wonderful study of the Word.”

    From Michigan:“Pastor Stam was a mighty man

    in the Scriptures and was respon-sible for getting me and my folks intorightly dividing the Word of truth andwe will forever be grateful....It surelyclears up a lot of seeming contradic-tions and confusion in knowing howto live the Christian life today. Pas-tor Sadler, you have also played animportant role in putting the properemphasis on the general epistles inyour recent Searchlight issues overthe past year. I have always felt thatthese epistles had more to do withIsraelites who were scattered thanwith the message that the ApostlePaul preached.” (Lord willing, we hopeto do more on the Hebrew epistles inthe coming months. Ed.)

    From Ohio:“The March Searchlight was ex-

    traordinary, every article was su-perb. Thanks especially for the onepage contrast of the two ministries ofChrist. It makes me appreciate bothof them more.”


    From Minnesota:“My walk with the Lord was go-

    ing down, I was giving up because Icouldn’t make it work any more, un-til I started learning about right di-vision from the Searchlight.”

    From Florida:“I would like to thank you for your

    magazine. I learned about you bychance, as I am a U.S. letter carrierand one of my customers receives yourmagazine. I would like to know if itis possible to receive back issues....Thank you again for the hard workand devotion you put into your work.”(God sometimes works in wonderfulways to bring us to the truth! Ed.)

    From Alabama:“I’ve been reading some older is-

    sues of the Searchlight that have beengiven me by the pastor of the churchI’m currently attending. I like whatI’m reading and how everything islaid out so far.”

    From Illinois:“Thank you for all of the work that

    you do to teach the Word ‘Rightly Di-vided.’ I have been a ‘Grace Believer’for about 20 years now and much ofmy growth has been a result of yourhelp. The teaching of Jesus Christaccording to the Revelation of theMystery is the KEY. Thank you.”

    From Florida:“A friend handed me a book that

    he said I ought to take a look at. Thatbook was ‘The Mystery.’ I’ve been inand out of churches most of my lifeand I have always felt there wassomething missing or not quite right.After reading ‘The Mystery,’ I real-ized what it was. I had such a feel-ing of joy—I guess that would be thebest word for it—come over me thatthis was what was missing. I wouldlike to continue to study this.”

  • September 2003 27

    From the Internet:“God was presented to me as a

    faceless God who sat on His throneand cast people into hell. Then I wastaught that prayer about laying medown to sleep, and ‘if I die before Iwake’—that introduced the conceptof dying in my sleep, and facing a judg-mental God who would punish me forall my sins. I developed trouble sleep-ing at night, I was constantly ill, butthe doctors couldn’t figure out whatwas wrong with me. I didn’t tell any-one about anything for many, manyyears. I do believe with all I havethat God had mercy upon me and ledme to right division. It answered allthose nagging questions I had thatno one could answer. And I promiseyou, I was seeking the answers. Mod-ern Christianity just didn’t makeany sense. It was filled with contra-dictions, and they gave answers thatdidn’t satisfy or stick. That only cre-ated more confusion, and frustra-tion, and anger.” (Another desperatesoul finds peace in grace! Ed.)

    From Florida:“Thank you for the clarification

    and the education of the Mystery. Iappreciate being able to turn to youwhen questions come up. Praise theLord for the Berean Bible Society.This material will be presented Sun-day in the Sunday School class.”

    From the Internet:“I probably have a ton of questions

    as I get deeper into the grace truth.Thank you for corresponding with me.”

    From Ohio:“A friend brought in a copy of the

    Berean Searchlight and I enjoyed itvery much. Please place my nameon your mailing list.”

    From Germany:“Thank you for sending me the

    Searchlight. It is wunderful and in-spirational. Every month I wait forthe Searchlight. May GOD bless youand your staff.”

    From Nevada:“I am greatly thankful that the

    Lord has allowed my family and I tocome to the knowledge of the Mys-tery. I am halfway through PastorStam’s book entitled ‘Baptism andthe Bible,’ and I am greatly enjoyingit. Thank you Berean Bible Societyfor making these books available.”

    From Oklahoma:“We are getting the word out

    slowly but surely about the BereanBible Society and people have beenso excited to hear there is someonebesides our Les Feldick who teachesPauline doctrine. The Lord will surelyhear our prayers for someone to comeand pastor a church in our vicinity.There is such a need!...As people arefinding out that we plan to come upthere for schooling they are very ex-cited and we thank our Lord for thesupport! Thank you for respondingto our requests for the Searchlight.As each new one gets his/her packetthey are thrilled and talking aboutsharing with others. Keep up yourwonderful good work; we all appreci-ate you so much.” (Another dedicatedcouple willing to uproot their livesto come train for the ministry. Praisethe Lord! Ed.)

    From Wisconsin:“I have been enjoying your dis-

    pensational literature for over 10years and feel I have enough famil-iarity with it to attempt to make allmen see what is the Mystery!”

    “These [Bereans] were more noble than those in Thessalonica, inthat they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searchedthe Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” —Acts 17:11

  • 28 Berean Searchlight


    Midwest Bible ConferenceLocation: Grace Gospel Church

    5730 Adams AvenueAshtabula, Ohio

    Dates: October 24-26, 2003

    Speaker: Pastor Paul M. Sadler

    For directions and additional information, please contact:

    Pastor David Adams (440) 992-9008

    Northeast Fall Bible ConferenceLocation: Eastport Bible Church

    386 Montauk HighwayEastport, New York

    Dates: November 9-11, 2003

    Speaker: Pastor Paul M. Sadler

    For directions and additional information, please contact:

    Mr. Bob Tillinghast (631) 325-0525

    Lake Villa Bible ConferenceLocation: Grace Community Church

    37240 N. Granada Blvd.Venetian Village, Illinois

    Date: Saturday, September 13, 2003

    Guest Speakers:Pastor Dan Sheridan, Grace Community Church, Lake Villa, IL

    Harold Templeton, Cornerstone Financial Planners, Inc.Kevin Sadler, Berean Bible Society, Milwaukee, WI

    For more information, please contact:

    Pastor Dan Sheridan (847) 201-1060


  • September 2003 29

    A Staff Member’s PerspectiveBy Mrs. Jessica Sadler


    I started my job hereat BBI as a secretary inNovember of 1997. It hasbeen very encouragingand exciting for me to seehow eager the studentsare to learn God’s Word,rightly divided. Students havecome from various places, withdifferent backgrounds, but allwith the same goal: to make theGospel of Jesus Christ known.

    BBI has graduates who havegone on to ministries in which theymajored here at school, whetherit was to be a missionary, pastor,or a Sunday School teacher. We re-ceive letters regularly from Gracebelievers that are excited to havemore Grace ministers for theirchurches or Bible studies. Manyof our male students guest speakat churches in the area, and ourfemale students help teach in lo-cal churches, sharing the Biblewith the children.

    I’ve heard it said that thegreatest dedication is that of avolunteer, and that is what mostof BBI’s instructors have been.

    They give of their timeand knowledge to encour-age the students in thefaith, teaching the Graceministers of the future.Their tireless work on be-half of BBI and its stu-

    dents is a real testimony of God’sworking in their lives.

    The support of God’s people forBerean Bible Institute has en-abled it to proceed as far as it has,for which we are most thankful.The Lord has blessed BBI farbeyond all that we could ask orthink. When we needed a largerbuilding, the saints rejoiced withus and sent their donations to thenew building fund. The Lord’sways are truly marvelous! Whatbetter life could there be, than tobe in the service of our Lord JesusChrist. Working here at BBI hasbeen a rewarding experience forme, as I’ve seen the studentscome in ready to learn and leaveready to preach and teach, ser-vants of our Most High God, pro-claiming the Word of God, rightlydivided.

    Jessica works part-time as BBI’s librarian and the typesetter for the BBIBulletin. She lives in Saukville, Wisconsin with her husband, Kevin, andtheir 3 children: Cody, Katelyn, and Carissa, ages 4, 3, and 1.

    Don’t Forget! BBI has a new address and phone numbers!

    Berean Bible Institute, 116 S. Kettle Moraine Dr., P.O. Box 587, Slinger,WI 53086-0587, phone: (262) 644-5504, fax: (262) 644-5507.

  • 30 Berean Searchlight

    MISSIONS: There is a great need for Audio Cassette Recorders onthe foreign field. If you would like to donate a used recorder, kindly shipit to Barbara Schmidt, 224 Terrell Drive, Toccoa, GA 30577. Barbara canalso be reached at (706) 282-0495 should you needmore information. Please note: These recordersmust be in “good working order.” Thanks in advancefor your assistance!

    ORDERS: When placing an order for literature, please be sure to in-clude the additional charges for shipping and handling at the bottom of eachBook Advertisement. It is also important to use the current price list adoptedMay 1, 2003. On another front, don’t forget to clarify whether you want topurchase a hardcover book or a paperback, when applicable. On behalfof our staff, your compliance with the above is sincerely appreciated.

    BBS TAPE LENDING LIBRARY: Sam and Ruth Castrova are doingan outstanding job with our Audio Tape Lending Library and they wantyou to know that they’re there to serve you. All library tapes are availablefor loan at no charge. This offer does not apply to overseas requests.Good news! A number of new messages have been added to the collec-tion. To request a catalog or tapes from the Lending Library, simply write:Sam and Ruth Castrova, 7900 Barbour Store Road, Willow Springs, NC27592. They can also be reached via e-mail at: [email protected]. Bythe way, we have an urgent plea, if you have borrowed tapes more thana month ago from the Library, please return them as soon as possible tothe above address. This will insure that others don’t have to wait so longto receive their tapes.

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS are lasting! With this in mind, we are still in theprocess of updating the appearance of our literature. Great strides havealready been made, but we project it will take a number of years to completethe project. May we take this opportunity to thank you for your patience!

    *The picture of the lighthouse that appears on the front cover wastaken by Kevin and Jessica Sadler. The Eagle Bluff Lighthouse islocated in Fish Creek, Wisconsin. Built in 1868, this 43-foot tower wasone of the earliest navigational markers established on Green Bay toguide vessels travelling through the dangerous waters of “Death’sDoor” or Door County. Door County has the distinction of having morelighthouses (10) than any other U.S. county. Eagle Bluff Light is stillan active aid to navigation and its light has a range of 7 miles.

  • September 2003 31


    (Hardcover—Gold Stamped)Acts, (Commentary) Volumes I & II ...................................................... $20.00Acts, (Commentary) Volumes III & IV (w/Bible Index) ........................ 20.00Author’s Choice, The ................................................................................ 10.00Baptism and the Bible ............................................................................. 9.00Colossians (Commentary, w/Bible Index) ............................................... 13.00I Corinthians (Commentary) ................................................................... 11.00II Corinthians (Commentary) ................................................................. 11.00Divine Election and Human Responsibility .......................................... 9.00Galatians (Commentary, w/Bible Index) ................................................ 13.00Hebrews, Who Wrote It and Why? .......................................................... 9.00Holding Fast the Faithful Word (w/Bible Index) ................................... 13.00Lord’s Supper and the Bible, The............................................................ 8.00Man, His Nature and Destiny ................................................................. 11.00Moses and Paul (w/Bible Index) .............................................................. 8.00Pastoral Epistles (Commentary) ............................................................. 11.00Paul, His Apostleship and Message (w/Bible Index) ............................. 10.00Romans (Commentary) ............................................................................ 11.00Satan In Derision ..................................................................................... 10.00Sermon on the Mount, The ...................................................................... 9.00Suggestions for Young Pastors ................................................................ 9.00I & II Thessalonians (Commentary) ....................................................... 10.00Things That Differ (w/Bible Index) ......................................................... 11.00True Spirituality (w/Bible Index) ........................................................... 10.00Two-Fold Purpose of God, The (w/Bible Index) ...................................... 8.00Two Minutes With the Bible ................................................................... 11.00

    (Paperbacks)No Other Doctrine .................................................................................... $8.00Our Great Commission (w/Bible Index) ................................................. 8.00Present Peril, The ..................................................................................... 8.00Satan In Derision ..................................................................................... 8.00Things That Differ (w/Bible Index) ......................................................... 9.00

    WRITINGS BY PAUL M. SADLER—PRESIDENTExploring the Unsearchable Riches of Christ (HC, w/Bible Index) ..... $11.00Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (HC, Commentary, w/Bible Index)..... 15.00Triumph of His Grace, The (HC, w/Bible Index) .................................... 12.00Are You Secure? (Booklet) ....................................................................... 1.00Historical Beginning of the Church, The (Booklet) ............................... 3.00Institution of Marriage, The (Booklet) ................................................... 4.00Supernatural Sign Gifts of the Acts Period, The (Booklet) ................... 4.00Trials and Temptations (Booklet) ........................................................... 2.00

    SPECIAL OFFERSAll 26 Hardcover Books by C. R. Stam, Plus “No Other Doctrine,”

    “Our Great Commission,” and “The Present Peril” ...................... $240.00Set of Current Booklets by C. R. Stam ................................................. 40.00Set by C. R. Stam (Books and Booklets) ............................................... 280.00Set on Acts by C. R. Stam (w/Bible Index) ........................................... 35.00

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