the beginning of a prolific season…

The beginning of a prolific season… BAHARAN

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Page 1: The beginning of a prolific season…

The beginning of a prolific season…


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Page 2: The beginning of a prolific season…

Baharan the beginning of a prolific season

Baharan company was established in 1989, after a decade of study in Isfahan Agricultural Research Center to formulate the Micronutrient fertilizers according to our wide variety of soil structure of the country .This was the reason of Remarkable success in Micronutrients Market and lead us to develop the products basket to single and multi Macro elements.

Baharan’s Products should start the mass product and lunch after several advance laboratory test and field trial on fruit trees, vegetables & crops and Green house (hydroponic in some cases). Baharan Complex stated in the Iran’s biggest chemical Town within 7,000 m2 involved Q.C lab, R&D lab and business development team.

Baharan Products Brand contain : “Baharan” ,“FERMOLFE”, “HUMOLIFE”“Bahran” brand dedicated to Fe ,Zn chelated and Micronutrients Fertilizers“FERMOLIFE” qualified & certified through Blgg company of Netherland. It

cover powder NPKs , complete list of Single elements of sulfates, Nitrates and phosphates to prepare wide basket of complete plant nutritive list.

Page 3: The beginning of a prolific season…

IndexBaharan Brand:

Fe, Zn Chelate Mineral Micronutrients Mineral Micro-Potash


All purpose (20-20-20) + TE Starter (10-52-10) + TE High phosphate (15-30-15 + TE) Hydro-potash (15-5-30 + MgO+ TE) Generative (12-12-36 + MgO+ TE) Vegetative (28-14-14)+ TE

Single Elements MAP (12-61-0) MKP (0-52-34) Potassium sulfate (0-0-52-46 SO3Neutral & Acid) Potassium Nitrate (13-0-46) Soluzinc (43 ZnO + 42 So3) Magnesium sulfate powder & Crystal (16MgO + 32 SO3 & 16 MgO + 60 SO3) Calcium Nitrate (16-0-0 + 26 CaO)

Acidic Fertilizer Balance Acid NPK (20-20-20) + TE Generative Acid NPK (12-11-30) + TE

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Fe + Zn C H E L A T E

Mineral Micronutrients

Mineral Micro-potash

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Fe + Zn Chelate (liquid)

• Cultivating in calcareous soils usually face plants with deficiency of Fe & Zn. Baharan Fe+ZN Chelate supply plant demand even in pH≈8.5 and resolve the deficiency readily to increase growing, flowering and fruiting of different products also their quality, fragrance, flavor and yield improvement.

Supply Alkaline Soil absorbed ferric & Zinc chelate.Plant demand Express provider of ferrous and Zinc. Contain 15gr Fe + 7 gr Zn per liter + Organic compounds Enriched .

Application for

Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 4-6 lit/ha

Falling petals,initial fruit forming

Irrigation/ Fertigation 20-30 lit/ha

Hole Mulching

0.3-0.4 lit/young Tree0.6-0.8 lit/Mature tree


Foliar Spray 4-6 lit/ha Vegetative: Stem elongationGenerative: Flowering & Heading

Irrigation/ Fertigation 20-30 lit/ha

Packaging: 1,4 ,20 lit

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Mineral Micronutrients (powder)

Micronutrients A typeMicronutrients B type

• Baharan Micronutrients Fertilizer supply Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B in mineral form Also contain N, Mg & S, to improve the growth, yielding and quality of products.• Accurate test on raw material , formulation and solubility of products granted the foliar spray application.

Crystal purity, Extreme Absorption and solubility

Application for

Application type Application rate Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray0.3-0.4 % x 2 application*

Late February, Early MarchLate spring ( Mid June)Irrigation/

Fertigation 12-18 kg/ha

Hole Mulching 100-300 gr/Tree

CropsFoliar Spray

0.4-0.6 % x 2 application Beginning of cultivation &

Vegetative growth beginning of Generative levelIrrigation/

Fertigation 12-18 kg/ha

Packaging: 6 Kg each A ,B

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Mineral Micro-Potash (powder)

• Baharan Micro-Potash Fertilizer distinct in Hard, Bicarbonate and saline Water as precipitation resistance. The Organic acid & Chelating agents compound in the product cause the lower pH, and increase solution transparency and efficiency of nutrient absorption.• Micro-Potash positive effect on growing, flowering and fruiting of different

plants proved and lead to the quality, fragrance, flavor and yield improvement.

Formulated to keep high solubility and absorption in Hard and Bicarbonate Water

Application for

Application type Application rate Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray0.3-0.4 % x 2 application*

Late February, Early MarchLate spring ( Mid June)Irrigation/

Fertigation 12-18 kg/ha

Hole Mulching 100-300 gr/Tree

CropsFoliar Spray

0.4-0.6 % x 2 application Beginning of cultivation &

Vegetative growth beginning of Generative levelIrrigation/

Fertigation 12-18 kg/ha

Packaging: 6 Kg

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Mineral Micro-Potash (powder)

• Baharan Micro-Potash Fertilizer distinct in Hard, Bicarbonate and saline Water as precipitation resistance. The Organic acid & Chelating agents compound in the product cause the lower pH, and increase solution transparency and efficiency of nutrient absorption.• Micro-Potash positive effect on growing, flowering and fruiting of different

plants proved and lead to the quality, fragrance, flavor and yield improvement.

Formulated to keep high solubility and absorption in Hard and Bicarbonate Water

Packaging: 6 KgELEMENT Type A Type B Micro-potash

Nitrogen (N) 11.2 % 11.8 % 7.2 %Sulfur (S) 20 % 20.6 % 21.3 %Iron (Fe) 4.7 % 6.8 % 4.4 %

Magnesium (MgO) 3.0 % 1.2 % 3.0 %Zinc (Zn) 1.7 % 1.5 % 3.7 %

Manganese (Mn) 1.9 % 0.8 % 2.8 %Copper (Cu) 0.4 % 0.18 % 0.5 %

Boron (B) 0.07 % 0.07 % 0.07 %Potassium (K2O) 0.0 % 0.0 % 3.0 %

Appearance white powder with micro-element particlesWater insolubles Max. 0.5%

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Mineral Micro-Potash (powder)

Formulated to keep high solubility and absorption in Hard and Bicarbonate Water

Application for

Application type Application rate Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray0.3-0.4 % x 2 application*

Late February, Early MarchLate spring ( Mid June)Irrigation/

Fertigation 12-18 kg/ha

Hole Mulching 100-300 gr/Tree

CropsFoliar Spray

0.4-0.6 % x 2 application Beginning of cultivation &

Vegetative growth beginning of Generative levelIrrigation/

Fertigation 12-18 kg/ha

Packaging: 6 Kg

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NPK + Trace Element

S ing le E lements

Ac id i c Fe r t i l i ze r

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All Purpose 20-20-20+TE NPK(powder)

• Complete Balance Fertilizer Contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium + chelated TE• Complete chelate micro nutritive elements: (MgO 500 ppm),

(Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) , (Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

Balance Formulation to increase vegetative growth in beginning of season.Crystal Purity + Chelated TE

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

Since Flower bud swelling to Pit hardening*

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

50-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1-0.2 %Vegetative growth (4th week to 9th week)Irrigation/

Fertigation2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.3-0.5 % Beginning of cultivation &

Vegetative growth beginning of Generative level

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Packaging: 2,10,25 Kg

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Starter 10-52-10+TE NPK(powder)

• Complete Balance Fertilizer Contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium + chelated TE• Complete chelate micro nutritive elements: (MgO 500 ppm),

(Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) , (Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

Highest phosphorus content for root growth and development in seedling and transplanting.Gentle formulation for plant initialization + Chelated TE

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.15-0.2 %

FebruaryIrrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

50-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 %Germinating stageIrrigation/

Fertigation2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

1st – 4th Early weeksIrrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Packaging: 10 Kg

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High Phosphate 15-30-15+TE NPK(powder)

• Contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous (high content) and Potassium + chelated TE• Complete chelate micro nutritive elements: (MgO 500 ppm),

(Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) , (Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

High phosphorus content for low soluble phosphorous content soils specialized for root growth .Gentle formulation for plant initialization + Chelated TE

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.15-0.2 %

FebruaryIrrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

50-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 %Germinating stageIrrigation/

Fertigation2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

1st – 4th Early weeksIrrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Packaging: 10 Kg

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Hydro-Potash 15-5-30+ MgO +TE NPK(powder)

• Contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (high content) + chelated TE• Complete chelate micro nutritive elements: (MgO 2000ppm),

(Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) , (Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

High potassium content for flowering and yieldingSpecific formulation for Hydroponic culture

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

Fruit formation and fruit cell enlargement

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

60-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.2 %

flowering to heading stage + Grain filling1st – 4th Early weeks

Irrigation/ Fertigation

2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.3-0.5 %

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10 kg/ha

Packaging: 25Kg

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Generative 12-12-36+ MgO +TE NPK(powder)

• Contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (high content) + chelated TE• Complete chelate micro nutritive elements: (MgO 5000ppm),

(Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) , (Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

Highest potassium percent Generative growth stimulation , flowering and yield quality improvement , anti chilling stress

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

Fruit formation till 5 weeks before harvest

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10-15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

40-60 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.2 %

Late vegetative , Early Generative Stage

Irrigation/ Fertigation

2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

Irrigation/ Fertigation 7-10 kg/ha

Packaging: 2,10,25Kg

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Vegetative 28-14-14+ TE NPK(powder)

• Contain Nitrogen (high content), Phosphorous and Potassium + chelated TE• Complete chelate micro nutritive elements: (MgO 500ppm), (Fe-

EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) , (Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

Highest Nitrogen content for early season vegetative growth stimulation

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.15-0.2 %

Early spring (late march, Early April )

Irrigation/ Fertigation

10 - 15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

30-60 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.2 %

Initialization of vegetative stage

Irrigation/ Fertigation

2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

Irrigation/ Fertigation 7-10 kg/ha

Packaging: 25Kg

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NPK + Trace Element S ing le E lements

Ac id i c Fe r t i l i ze r

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Mono Ammonium Phosphate 0-52-34(powder)

• MAP’s low EC (~0.7ms/cm) , pH (~4.5) and very high phosphate content make it ideal for transplanting and seedling root development stage.• Recommended for all irrigation system & hydroponic.

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10 kg/ha

FebruaryHole Mulching

50-70 gr/Tree


Irrigation/ Fertigation

3-5 kg/ 1000 m2 First month

Crops Irrigation/ Fertigation 5-10 kg/ha Germinating & Tillering

Packaging: 25Kg

Highest Phosphorus content and Ammonium nitrogen supply, High soluble

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Mono potassium Phosphate 12-61-0(powder)

• MKP’s low EC (~0.7ms/cm) , pH (~4.5) and very high phosphate content make it ideal for generative stage either initial vegetative stage.• Recommended for all irrigation system & hydroponic

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Irrigation/ Fertigation

10 -15 kg/ha

Late February after fruit formation - fruit coloring after harvestHole

Mulching40-50 gr/Tree


Irrigation/ Fertigation

3-5 kg/ 1000 m2

during 8th weeks till 24th week , divide in 3 application

Crops Irrigation/ Fertigation 5-10 kg/ha Early season & generative


Packaging: 25Kg

High purity Phosphorus & Potassium supply

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potassium sulfate 0-0-52+46 SO3 (powder)

• Stimulating the generative phase (flowering)• Increasing the Plant resistance to drought, pathogens,

chilling.• Powdery Mildew treatment as foliar application• Rhizosphere Acidifier property increase solubility of TE • Dripper anti blocking agent• Calcium Magnesium fertilizer compatible

Packaging: 10 , 25Kg

Highest Potassium and sulfur supply , Soil Acidifier property

potassium sulfate 0-0-52+46 SO3 + ACID (powder)

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.3-0.4 % After falling petal , fruiting , fruit maturityIrrigation/

Fertigation15 - 30 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

60-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.2 – 0.3 %Late vegetative / Early generative stageIrrigation/

Fertigation2 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.3 % Stem elongation , end of

flowering , Tuber formation, Heading , Grain filling

Irrigation/ Fertigation 12-15 kg/ha

Please check final solution pH not less than 4 in foliar application

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Potassium Nitrate 13-0-46 (powder)

• Proper ratio to stimulating the flowering and maturity • Increase Calcium and Magnesium absorption• No Clogging & Chlorine free

Packaging: 25Kg

Potassium and Nitrogen supply , Anti-stress

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

flowering, fruiting , maturityIrrigation/ Fertigation

15 - 20 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

60-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.15 – 0.2 %

second vegetative phasegenerative stage

Irrigation/ Fertigation

2 – 3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.4 %

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10 kg/ha

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Calcium Nitrate 16-0-0 + 26 CaO (granule ,

powder, liquid)

• Improve fruit mesocarp the flowering and maturity • Decrease fruit post harvest damage• Pure , No Clogging & extreme soluble• prevent root corruption

Packaging: 25Kg

Soluble & Pure Calcium supply , Hydroponic culture Increase Fruit post harvest Quality & pathogen tolerance

For Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit TreesFoliar Spray 0.1-0.15 % Pit hardening -

maturity Minimum 2 application

Irrigation/ Fertigation 8 - 12 kg/ha


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.15 %Mid spring – early summerIrrigation/

Fertigation4 – 6 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.1 - 0.2 % Second vegetative

phasegenerative stage

Irrigation/ Fertigation 15 -20 kg/ha

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Soluzinc 43 ZnO + 42 SO3 (readily powder soluble)

• Prevent dwarf stem, flatten woody fruits, rosette long lasting• Improve yield quality

• no Heavy metal residue • Hydroponic culture compatible

Packaging: 10 , 25Kg

Double Concentration , crystal pure and extreme absorptionPlant & Fruit Quality improvement

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.15-0.2 %

bud swelling to Pit hardeningIrrigation/ Fertigation 10 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

30-50 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.15 %

During whole seasonIrrigation/ Fertigation

7 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2 %

Primary Vegetative growthIrrigation/ Fertigation 7 kg/ha

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Magnesium sulfate

(readily powder , Crystalline soluble)

• Prevent leaf loss• Improve yield quantity and quality

• no Heavy metal residue • Hydroponic culture compatible

Packaging: 25Kg

Extreme purity, fast absorptionphotosynthesis enhancer , Growth and yield improvement

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.15-0.2 %

bud swelling to Pit hardeningIrrigation/ Fertigation 10 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

30-50 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.15 %

During whole seasonIrrigation/ Fertigation

7 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2 %

Primary Vegetative growthIrrigation/ Fertigation 7 kg/ha

16 MgO + 32 SO3

24 MgO + 48 SO3

30 MgO + 60 SO3

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NPK + Trace Element

S ing le E lements Ac id i c Fe r t i l i ze r

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Acid 20-20-20+TE NPK (powder)

• Extreme solubility • Increase fertilizer efficiency• Soil micro element solubility in Rhizosphere

• no Heavy metal residue • Reduce saline stress

Packaging: 10Kg

Early plant growth promotion, Rhizosphere acidic activityDripper Anti clogging , calcium fertilizer content compatible

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.1-0.3 %

bud swelling to Pit hardeningIrrigation/ Fertigation 10 -15 kg/ha

Hole Mulching

50-80 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.2 %During whole seasonIrrigation/

Fertigation2 - 3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.1 – 0.2 %

Primary Vegetative growthIrrigation/ Fertigation

10 - 15 kg/ha

• Chelated TE : (MgO 500 ppm), (Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) ,(Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

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Acid Generative 12-11-30+TE NPK (powder)

• Extreme solubility • Increase fertilizer efficiency• Soil micro element solubility in Rhizosphere

• no Heavy metal residue • Reduce saline stress

Packaging: 10Kg

Maximum Acidic potassium content, Flowering promotion , Fruit quality enhancer, Rhizosphere acidic activity ,Dripper Anti clogging , calcium fertilizer content compatible

• Chelated TE : (MgO 500 ppm), (Fe-EDTA 1000ppm), (Zn-EDTA 500 ppm) ,(Mn-EDTA 500 ppm), (Cu-EDTA 200 ppm), (B 50 ppm), (Mo 10 ppm)

for Application type

Application rate

Application time

Fruit Trees

Foliar Spray 0.1-0.3 %

Fruit formation till 5 weeks before harvest

Irrigation/ Fertigation 10 kg/ha

Hole Mulching 40-60 gr/Tree


Foliar Spray 0.1 – 0.2 %

Late vegetative , Early Generative Stage

Irrigation/ Fertigation

2-3 kg/ 1000 m2

CropsFoliar Spray 0.2-0.3 %

Irrigation/ Fertigation 7-10 kg/ha

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Should we add following products to the catalog ?• Calci mag, Calci Bor• Ever Sol P44