the awesome benefits of probiotics

The Benefits of Probiotics

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Post on 20-Feb-2017



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Page 1: The Awesome Benefits of Probiotics

The Benefits of Probiotics

Page 2: The Awesome Benefits of Probiotics

• According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Institute there 60 - 70 million Americans suffering by digestive disorders and diseases, costing the US over $100 billion per year

• However, our gut health affects much more than just our digestive health and has an impact on virtually every physiological function in the body

• Over 80% of our entire immune system is located in our digestive tract

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• It’s also contains the largest collection of Neurons after our brain, and it often termed our second brain. The saying a ‘gut feeling’, is actually something real

• Our gut bacteria also have an important role in helping our bodies absorb nutrients like vitamins A, D and E, and minerals like calcium, iron and chromium, and producing the vitamins B12, folic acid and vitamin K

• The secret to restoring and maintaining our gut health is to balance the good and bad bacteria

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• Throughout history, humans have always eaten fermented foods, but thanks to the invention of the refrigerator that’s no longer the case. Although it’s obviously got lots of advantages, it’s not great for our gut. When you combine that with a diet high in sugar and processed foods, and the stress of our daily lives, the gut bacteria can easily get out of balance

• Probiotics can help redress this balance, and bring balance to our gut microflora

• This means there are more harmful bacteria than there should be.

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Bowel Benefits

• Probiotics can help treat the diarrhoea caused by antibiotics, including the life threatening C Difficile, as well as fighting against infectious diarrhoea

• They can also ease and treat the flatulance, pain and discomfort of irritable bowel syndrome

• There can also be improvements in other inflammatory conditions of the bowel such as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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Immune System Benefits

• Probiotics stimulate the secretion of IgA (immunoglobulin A) an antibody that plays a vital role in immune function

• Probiotics also stimulate the production of T cells, a type of white blood cell

• Studies have also shown that supplementation with probiotics also reduces colds, gastrointestinal infections and respiratory illnesses

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Lactose Intolerance

• If you’re lactose intolerance but still miss dairy, probiotics and in particular Lactobacillus Acidophilus can help and even treat the stomach cramps, flatulence and diarrhoea from lactose intolerance


• Probiotics can help improve acne and rosacea. Early studies have also suggested probiotics may even help fine lines and wrinkles

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Fighting Allergies and Eczema

• There is research evidence that the reduction in inflammation from probiotic supplementation can fight allergies and eczema, especially in babies and young children

Protecting the Premature

• There’s good evidence that probiotics can help babies who are born prematurely. Premature babies are at risk from a condition called necrotising enterocolitis, where the bowel becomes inflamed and starts to die off. Studies have shown probiotics can prevent this in babies under 1.5kg

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Healthy Teeth and Gums

• There is growing research showing that probiotics can help prevent and treat oral infections, and prevent cavities, gum disease and bad breath

And Much More

• New research is being published all the time, and current studies are looking at Probiotic’s ability to treat liver disease, manage autism, prevent kidney stones, treat stomach ulcers, treat infant colic, battle cancer, treat obesity (yes really!) and help mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, (95% of the body’s serotonin is produced by our gut bacteria!)

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• For more information and to read the original article with cited studies on our blog, please click on this link. To see the latest deals on our high quality probiotic supplement, please see our sales page on the Intelligent Labs site