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The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 11, No.3, July/Aug/Sept 1973

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The Arl(ansas Family Historian

Volume 11, No.3, July/Aug/Sept 1973

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, .


puhlished Quarterly

. By


BOX 283



Mrs. Willma H. Newton, President Hampton, Arkansas

Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., Vice-Pres. Little Rock

[11[5. M. A. Neel, Rec. Sec. - Treas. Hazen

Miss Annie Laurie Spencer-Cor. Sec. ElDorado

Dr. James S. Upton, Historian Conway

Capt. John C. Hammock, Herald Dermott


Mrs. Duncan B. Brown, Jr.,Little Rock Alonzo D. Camp, Little Rock Mrs. H. R. Garner, Rison Mrs. F. O. Grj.ffi.n, Sr., Helena Mrs. Johnita Glover, Pine Bluff Capt. John C. Hammock, Dermott Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis, Camden Mrs. Robert ,G. Hubbard, Hot Springs Mrs. Mark T. Jordan, Little Rock Miss Jennie Belle Lyle, Little Heck Mrs. Lillian McGowan, ElDorado Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Hot Springs Major Perkins Nunnally, Pine Bluff Mrs. Leister E. Presley, Searcy


Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. MTS. Miss

Mario B. Cia, Sr., 4200 "A" St. Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Hershel R. Garner~ 700 E. Magnolia St., Rison, Arkansas 71665 M. A. Neel, Box 2~3, Hazen, Arkansas 72064 F. O. Griffin, Sr., Route 1 Box 125, Helena, Arkansas 72342 Robert G. Hubbard, Route 6 Box 238, Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901 Annie Laurie Spencer, Box 429, ElDorado, Arkansas 71730

---._--, -------_ .. ----_._--CONTENTS: Page

NO'I'ICE OF ANNUAL MEETJ;NG - OCTOBER 14, 1973......................... 86 lilROM THE PRESIDENT ....... " ......... "",, .. ,,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 87 THE HISTORY OF THE CARDEN-SIMPSON LINES IN STONE COUNTY, ARKANSAS ••• 88 STRICKLAND FAMILY OF POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 93 1850 LETTER FROM WILLIAM WHIT (WHITT) DE KALB COUNTY, ALABAMA ••••••• 10l UNION COUNTY COUNTY MARRIAGES (Con't from page 75-June Issue) ••••••• 102 TOWNS IN CARROLL COUNTY, ARKANSAS ..•••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I08 CARROLL COUNTY CENSUS FOR 1850 (with family numbers) •••••••••••••••• 109 ADAMS CEMETERY, LINCOLN COUNTY, ARKANSAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 113 HEFLIN CEMETERY, LINCOLN COUNTY, ARKANSAS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 113 T..AMRF,RT FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS" .. " .. " .. " " .. " .. , " " " " "" " " """ " •• ,," """""""" "." .lll~ BOOK REVIEW - MARRIAGE RECORDS 1843-1859, CRITTENDEN COUNTY, ARK •••• 115 ANCESTOR CHART -KERMIT STELL- .. "" .. """"" .. ,,",, ... ,,""""""""""""""""""",," .116 1902 LETTER FROM J. C. PYRON of Fountain Hill, Ashley Co., Ark •••••• 1l7 LETTER TO ALL GENEALOGICAL, HISTORICAL, & LINEAGE SOCJ;ETIES ••••••••• 118 J<.iA:ru-1I.W E,S REPORTED IN THE EARLY FILES OF THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE ••••••• 119 FAMILY hECORDS OF THE STERLING MAY LUTON FAMILY ••••••••••••••••••••• 120 l.'"JLEASANT LINES 1 ..... " .. " ................................................... 120 OLD DR. JONES CEMETERY, (Howard-Hempstead County Line) ••••••••••••••• 121 (~UERIES •••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 122

Copyright 1973 - Arkansas Genealogical SOCiety, Box 283, Hazen, REMEMBER THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING


Ark .. 72064





The B.oard of Directors will meet at 10:,00 a.m. Following this, there will be a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. for the general membership (Orders may be placed individually for the Special Luncheon, priced.from$1.60 to $2.60 per person.) The annual business meeting will follow. Speakers for the program will be:

MRS. MARGARET R,OSS,. Staff Historian of the Arkansas Gazette "SKELE'I'ONS IN THE CLOSET" .

MISS ANNIE LAURIE SPENCER, Past-President of Arkansas Genealogical Society and present Corresponding Secretary "RESEARCHING IN ENGLAND"

DR •. T. HARRI BAKER, Director of Innovative. Programs, University of Arkansas at Little Rock "HISTORY AND GENEALOGY"

Each of the talks will be about twenty minutes, with a 10 minute period for .questions.

Do plan to attend--you will enjoy this meeting. You will have an opportunity to become better acquainted with your fellow members and the society as a whole. AND AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM!!!!!

REMEMBER this is an open meeting and we welcome everyone who is interested in preserving the Family History in Arkansas. You do not have to 'be a member, but come anyway, you might like to join!


'as,much notice as possible so the necessary arrangements can be made for this Eleventh Annual Meeting.of the Arkansas Geneal­ogical Society.

RESERVATIONS FOR THE DUTCH TREAT LUNCHEON MAY BE MADE BY WRITING EITHER: , Mrs. Gerald B. McLane 112 Leach Street Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901

or Mrs. Robert G. Hubbard Route 6, Box 238 Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901

-'---------------------------------------------------- -------------~

PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR: NAME, ______________________________________________________ __

ADDRESS ________________ ----____________________________ ___

MEMBER, ________________________ G,UESTS ______________________ ___



" As the 2nd Quarterly went to press in June, your president was felled by a bout with virus ppeumonia, and therefore had no message.

As we go to press this time, all are busy preparing for the Annual Meeting to be held in Hot Springs at the Royal Vista Inn, 2204 Central Avenue, on Sunday October 14. Look for more detailed plans elsewhere in this Quarterly.

There is one change in the Constitution to be voted on at the Annual Meeting:

ARTICLE VI b. (ELECTIONS) reads: "The Society shall elect five members to the nominating committee at the annual meeting. The nominating committee shall then select and report five names for election to the Board at the Annual Meeting. Addi­tional nominations to the Board may be made from the floor."

In our study of the constitution this year, many of the Dir­ectors felt that this Article needed clarification. At the June meeting of the Board, the following re-wording of this ARTICLE was recommended for adoption at the Annual Meeting.

"At the Annual Meeting each year, the Society shall elect five members to the nominating committee, to serve for the follow­ing year. This nominating committee shall then select and report five names for election to the Board of Directors, at the next Annual meeting. Additional nominations to the Board may be made from the floor."

Our Vice-President and Program Chairman, Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., has worked out a varied program for the Annual Meeting and there should be some interesting reports from our very active committees, which will acquaint everyone with the inner work­ings of our society.

The Dutch Treat Luncheon before the Meeting will give us time to renew old ties and make new friends.

I am looking forward to seeing each of you in Hot Springs on October 14th.


if~??~ President

September, 1973




Sometime before 1860 (probably around 1857) Joseph Simpson, (born 23 February 1826, NC. - died 31 October 1915, Oklahoma,)and his wife Synthia Tl'o11inger,(born 10 February 1827, NC, died 17 September 1890., Arkansas) moved to Arkan­sas from Manchester Tennessee, where the Simpsons and Gardens had lived in mass for years. They first lived in a town call­ed Ozark where in 1862 their child Docto:r Franklin was born. This could have been the early name of M01lIJtain View, or they could have moved again. Anyway Joseph Simpson bought a farm of several hundred acres there. He was a blacksmith and far­mer. Grandmother said he gave several acres for the town of Mountain View to be formally laJ.d out. As he was the first in this area, this could be true. The other family in the area was Haileys and they are inter,-related in my lines. Here they raised their children and saw them settle nearby. Sometime after 1890 Doctor Franklin one of the children and his wife Isabel moved to Choctaw, Oklahoma. Later still Joseph Simpson and his second wife Ro Co Rawlet (married 15 October 1891, died 7 September 1930) moved to Oklahoma and resided with Doctor Franklin Simpson until their deaths. They are buried there while the first wife Synthia(Trollinger) Simpson is believed to have been buried in Tennessee in the family burial grounds.

From the Family Bible comes tills information: John Simpson was born October 15, 1800, 6led August 23, 1869 Sara Simpson was born October 15, 1802, dled August 16, 1891 Their children, born i,n Siloam, Worth Ca,rolina were: Alexander Simpson was born Ma.y 15, 182J.i Joseph Simpson was born February 23" 1826, d:ted October 31, 1915 John Mo Simpson was born June 26. lli2(3 Thomas Simpson was born December 16, 1830, died June 27, 1864 Elizabeth Simpson was born April 30, 1833 (she married L. Summers) Peter Simpson was born July 28, 1835, died_September 17, 1865 Pherabal Calline Simpson was born August 16, 1837, died FebruarY

27, 1871 (marrled James Carden) Nancy O. Simpson was born December 28, 1839 (she married John

McQuire) .

Joseph Simpson( February 23, 1826 - October 31, 1915) married Synthia Trolinger (February 10, 182'{ .. September 17, 1890) on January 22, 1851

Their children: 1. Sarah Ernaline Simpson, born June 20, lf352 2. T. Mo Carline Simpson, was one of :female triplets that were

born May 13, 1855. She alone survived and married S. H.Mil;ler December 10, 1876. He died January 10, 1898. She died April 2~ 1834. s. H. Miser served in Co. G. 7th Arkansas from June Id61 to Aprll 1865.

3. James H. Simpson, born January 11, 1857. Died June 15, 1911. Married Mary Melvina Jane F,.a,lley on April 20, 1876


4. Martha J. Simpson, born September 30, 1860~ died April 22, 1935. Married S. D. Lynn on May 29, 1~82

5. Doctor Franklin Simpson born October 10, 1862, died April 22, 1935. Married Tennessee Duke on February 11, 1883. She died July 11, 1933

Josepp Simpson married R. Catherine Rawlet on October 15, .1891. R. C. (Rawlet) Simpson died September 7, 1930

James H. Simpson (January 11, 1857-June 15{ 1911) married Mar~ Melvina Jane Haley (nickname - Babe) (September 18, 1858 - April 8. 1944) on April 20, 1876.

Their children: Cora B. Simpson, born April 8, 1877, died November 7, 1905.

Married Henry H. Hinkle Bertie Simpson, born August 10, 1879, died May 29, 1938.

Married Owen Gowens Hattie L. Simpson, born September 29, 1881, died September

24, 1904. Married John Wesley Hill Austin Simpson born February 25, 1884, died December 7, 1907.

Married Pharaba Carden (he was killed in a hunting accident by my grandfather Carden, whose wife was Austin's sister Minnie) Pharaba (Carden) Simpson, Austin's wife was my grandfather Carden's sister. .

Pearl Simpson born February 20, 1886, married Aschel Sansom Minnie Lee Simpson, born June 9, 1890, married Green Willis

Carden Deal Simpson, born February 25, 1892, died , married Jim

Bates Lena Simpson, born September 1894, married Ray Hodges Ray Simpson, born March 5, 1900, married Elsie Montgomery

Minnie Lee Simpson married Green Willis Carden on June 29, 1907 Their children: Evaleen Carden, born February 28, 1909 died April 12, 1972.

Married Leighton C. Smith, no children. Owen Carden, born July 12, 1910 A batchelor. Lillie Pearl Carden, born December 23, 1913, married Jay Grant,

no children. James Rea Carden, born October 1, 1915, married Emozene Fergerson. Their children:

James Willis Carden Gerald Rea Carden Charlotte May(Carden) Newbel'n Betty Jean(Carden)Stout Donald Lee Carden

Mary Willis Carden, born June 14, 1926. She is not married. Her mother lives with her (1973)


From various sources, this information on the CARDEN FAMILY is peiced together. James CARDEN, born 1747 in England, moved to Virginia. He is known to have later settled in North Carolina and still later and shortly before his death he moved to Manchester Tennessee with his children. He died in 1842 and is burieCl in Manchester. His wife's name, birth or death date iE:! still unknown. She must have died sometime before the move to TePn­essee. His children were: 1. James Carden 2. Lewis Carden, born May 17. 1908" still living in 1887.

He married Catherine Simpson (ld13-l869) 3. Joseph Carden

Lewis and Catherine (Simpson) Carden lived near James Carden (his father) in Tennessee. Then 1I{hen they were married (around 1835) they moved to ManChester .. Tennessee, where he obtained several hundred acres of land and later became known as a leading citlzen of t!le area. He is mentioned. in History of Tennessee (Coffee County). At their com:i,ng of age, he gave each son 125 acres of land.

Thelr children were: l"·'James' Carden, born 1831 2. Eliza Carden, born 1834 3. Ernaline Carden, born 1836 4. Amanda Carden, born 1838 5. WHliam Carden. born 1840 6. Leander Carden: born 1842 .7. Mary Carden, born 1846 8., John Carden, born 1848 9. and 10. Robert and Sarah" borI! 1855 11. Anderson Carden, born Id59 12. Joseph Carden, no date )c .. nawn

James C,ARDEN, born 28 September 1831, Manchester Tennessee died 10 October 1898 in Mt. View, Stone County, Arkansas. Buried In Bickles Cove. Before moving to Arkansas in the' late 1860s he farmed ln Manchester ~rennessee. He served five months in the Confederate Army, before being woundep. and discharged. After moving to Arkansas he resumed farm.,. ing near Mountain View. He marri.ed Pharaba Calling Simpson (born 16 August 1859, died 27 F'ebruary 1871) on January 18. 1855. She was the daughter of John and Sarah Simpson mep., tioned earlier.

They had the following childr'en according to the family bible: 1. Peter Rhlne Carden (1855-1930) married 1<lary Martln 2. William A. Carden (1857-1884) dled unmarried. 3. Joseph Starnes Carden (12-1-1859" died 3-8-1919 Buried in

Bickles Cove. Married flrst Rosetta Frazler (born 9-8-:\.890, died 2-18-1898) second Flora Estille White.

4. Robert Leander Carden (1864-1900) marrled Norma Farrar


5. Eva Catherine Carden (1864-1883) died unmarried 6. Emily Jane Carden (1867-1930) 7. Sarah Ernaline Carden (1869-1952) 8. Dora Carden (1872-1941) married Henry ? Darnell 9. John Anderson Carden (1874-1959) Married 10. Mary Lilly Carden (1$76-1949) ma.rried --;B .... e-c..,-kma--n 11. Thomas Franklin Carden (1877, died som-e't'im-e~around 1969)

unmarried. 12. Minnie Orlena Carden (1882-1908) married Darnell

Joseph Starnes CARDEN married Rosetta Frazier in 1883, she was born in Tennessee.

They had the following children: 1. Pharaba Carden, born March 13, 1889, died June 11, 1911

Married Austin Simpson 2. Nellie Carden, born April 21, 1893, died 1924 3. Thomas Carden, no information 4. Virt Dexter Carden, born October 14, 1884, died March 22, 1885

Rosetta (Frazier) Carden died in 1898 and he remarried to Miss Flora Estille White.

They had one child: Curtis Lee Carden, born August 26, 1919. His mother (Flora

(White) Carden died shortly after he was born and his fath­er died before he was born. He was raised by Greene Willis Carden his brother

5. Greene Willis Carden, born May 8, 1887, died July 19, 1935. Married Minnie Lee Simpson. He had a parcel of land (200+ acres) in Mountain View but chose to move to Texas and fin­ally settled in Rio Hondo. He died there and is buried at Mont Meta Cemetery near I..a Feria. His wife still controls the land in Mountain View, which is in trust for her child­ren.

The Haileys were early comers to Arkansas and Mary Melviney Jane Haley or Hailey (nicknamed Babe) married into this family. James A. HAILEY, born 2-2-1834, died March 21, 1896. Buried in Bickles Cove. Married first~ OctOber 2, 1858 to Rebecca George (born 8-11-1835, died 6-24-1~64). Second to Liza Anne (born 8-11-1855, died 5-8-1907). All three of them are~b~u=rTi~ed~ at Bickles Cove, Stone County, Arkansas.

From the Family Bible: Children of James and Rebecca George Hailey were: 1. Mary Melvina Jane Hailey, born 8-18--1859, died 4-8-1944

Married James H. Simpson (mentioned previously) 2. Henry Floyd Hailey, born 9-9-1861, died 7-1-1907. He never


Children of James and Liza Ann Hailey were: 1. A. M. Hailey, born 4-1-1877 2. D. M. Hailey, born 6-27-1881, died 7-14-1902


3. Ada Hailey, born May 25, 1885, died 9-ll?date not clear) 4. M. ·M. Hailey, born 9-29-1888 5. M. C. Hailey, born 12-24-1868 6. William Walker Hailey, born 4-19-1866, died 2-6-1940.

Married Isabel Their children~:--------Mrs. Newton Kemp Mrs. Clarence Freeze Mrs. Ed Risner Dave Hailey Jeff Hailey

7. S. B. Hailey, born 7-26-1870

In the death colum is also mentioned the name A. Monroe Elliott but the date is too faded to be read. This iSllro­bably the A. M. Haley above. Although initials were used:. and it is not known for sure, what the names were in order. It is thought that M. M. was Myrtle and M. C. was Mankins.

Rebecca George's parents are beleived to have moved to Mt. View also about 1870, as the 1870 census lists James George, born 1805 in Tennessee and his wife Margaret 1807 in Georgia. Rebecca was born in Tennessee but I h~ve not been able to find a GEORGE FAMILY with a daughter Rebecca. I would love to hear from anyone who might have this information.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Our thanks to Betty Jean Stout, 1922 E. Ja.ckson. Harlingen, Texas 78550. .

Much information was received by Betty Jean Stout, from two ladies, (her grandmother - Mrs. Minnie Lee Simpson Carden and her first cousin, - Mrs. Roscoe Harrison.) Both are into their eighties but still bright and with fair memories. She obtained copies of the information from the Haley Bible and the Simpson Bible Family sheets. Then supplemented theinfor­mation given there by writing many letters. Some information of the early family is available through the Tennessee State Library and Archives. For that information much credit must be given to Mrs. Hermione Embry, now retired.

One of the CARDEN ancestors is mentioned in Goodspped's History of Tennessee--Coffee County. From this information was obtained about the early movements of the family. Then a letter was written to a great great uncle who was about 95 at the time. He gave much information about the original bro­thers who came from England. He was a grandson of one of them and had heard the family story as a child. He was a gold mine of information.

Please write Betty Jean Stout if. you are working on any of these families or if you know. of anyone who is working on any of them.

NOTICE: Betty Jean Stout has a four volume set of books containing biographies of Tennessee people (about four thousand) and will be glad to check them for our members, DON'T FORGET TO SEND A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE! & full names & general date at least.


by Margaret Cowart

Frederick Strickland, the progenitor of the early Stricklands of Pope County, Arkansas was born 1736/41 in Hillsboro, Wake County, North Carolina and died November I, 1825 in Lawrence County, Tennessee. He married Mary Gibson, who was about the same age. He was in the North Carolina Continental Line in the Reyolutionary War and fought at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina. He is listed in the 1820 Giles County, Tennessee Census. After that year the boundary line changed and he was in Lawrence County, without moving. His father could have been Frederick Uriah Strickland, found living in Wake Co., in 1725. His children were: Warren Gibson Strickland, born about 1775, NC, married

Mary D. Anderson Malachi Strickland Ruth Strickland Zachariah Strickland, born about 1770.. married Elizabeth James Strickland, JOM Strickland, born probably 1776

Zachariah Strickland is the only child that we have absolute proff showing relationship to Frederick (Rev. War Pension). Some records say Zachariah was born in 1770 in Kentucky (if so, Kentucky is very interested, as there is no record of a white child born there that early, and this

.must be an error). He died about 1841 in Lawrenceburg, Tenn. His wife, Elizabeth , was born about 1780 in South Car­olina., and died after 1850 in Pope County, Arkansas. Their children were: John G. strickland, born about 1801/3. South Carolina, marr­

ied Gracy Campbell Archibald I. Strickland, born about 1804, married Margaret

Foster. He remained in Tennessee. James C. Strickland, born about 1800/10, married Margaret A.

Craig. Samuel S. Strickland, born , married Sintha Ann Elizabeth Hamilton Strickland, born January 31, 1805, Ky.,

married Robert D. Ashmore Zachariah Mathew Strickland, born about 1811, Ky., married

Savle Vick M. M. Strickland, born about 1810/21, married William Carroll Warren W. Strickland, born 1818, Tennessee married Sarah, __ _

Family tradition is that four brothers came from Tenn­essee to Arkansas from 1825 to 1835. They were John G., James C., Z. Mathew, and Warren W. Strickland. Also a cou­sin who settled in Faulkner County, Arkansas. They were sons of Zachariah and grandsons of Frederick.

John G. Strickland was in 1840 Pope County, Arkansas Census, married Gracy Campbell and they had: Lucinda Strickland, born about 1830 in Arkansas, married N.

W. Copeland


Susll,n, Strickland, born about 1831/3, Arkansas, married John T. Willson

Williamson Strickland, born about 1834, Arkansas Malissa Strickland, born about 1842. Arkansas

James C. Strickland was in 1840 Pope County, Arkansas Census as: 1 male 20/30, 1 female under 5, 1 female 30/40. I believe this is the father of my Mary E. Strickland, born about 1837 in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, and married Andrew Mason (Dick) Matthews. In 1850 Mary E. (Strickland Matthews was living in the James B. Craig home. James C. Strickland married Margaret A. Craig, 29 August 1833, in Lawrence" County, Tennessee. Family tradition says Mary E. was orphaned young.

Elizabeth H. Strickland born 31 January 31, 1805 married Robert Doke Ashmore and had: Mary M. Ashmore Joshua A. Ashmore Samuel R. Ashmore Lucena Ashmore Cinda A. Ashmore Cynthia A. Ashmore Robbin D. Ashmore

(Elizabeth (Strickland) Ashmore's mother Elizabeth Strickland aged 70 lived with her in 1850).

Zachariah Mathew Strickland, born 1811 Kentucky died 1870 Pope County, Arkansas, married Savle Vick, who was born about 1811 South Carolina, and had: Eliza Jane Strickland Zachariah Samuel Strickland Marshall Strickland Elizabeth Strickland

Warren W. Strickland, born 1818 Tennessee married Sarah and had:

~J~o~hn--F~.-S~t~r~ickland Elizabeth Catherine Strickland Maranda E. Strickland Lucinda P. Strickland

Stephen Matthews, born about 1805 Tennessee was probably the son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Slaughter) Matthews. He grew up in Lawrence County Tennessee and married Sarah (Sallie) Perkins, who was born about 1805 in Humphrey County, Kentucky (according to her obituary, but there has never been an Hum­phrey County, Kentucky. There is an Humphrey County, Tenn­essee, but all censuses say she was born in Kentucky 111) She died June 9, 1882. They were in 1840 Marion County, Arkansas Census and in Pope County, Arkansas by 1842. They had: Daniel Matthews, born about 1830, married first to Eliza

Strickland, Second to Sarah Wilson Leroy Matthews4 born Sept 4, 1830, married Lavena Jane Harrelson,

16 March 185. Pope County Marriage Record Book B, page 92.


Andrew Mason (Dick) Matthews. born 14 September 1834, Lawrence­burg, Tenn., married Mary A. Strickland, 4 Oct. 1853 Pope Co., Ark. B-82

John Wesley Matthews, born 6 March 1842, Arkansas, married Margaret C. Gray, 13 Sept. 1865 (Pope Co. Ark. BookD-10l)

William L. Matthews, born about 1840 Arkansas Josinor Matthews, born 10 December 1826, married William

Reynolds . Elizabeth Matthews, born about 1828

Joan Matthews Mary Jane Matthews, born about 1836, Tennessee, married William

J. Burris Sarah Ann Matthews, born about 1838, Tennessee, married William

H. Stout, 20 June 1858 at residence of Richard Matthews, Pope County, Ark. BookC-126

Andrew Mason (Dick) Matthews, born 14 September 1834 in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee and died 6 June 1916 in Atkins, Ark., married 4 October 1853 to Mary A. Strickland, Second marriage to Sarah Lloyd, Third marriage to Mrs. Falls. Children by first wife only:

Evaline Matthews, born about 1855 and married Elam Robinson Daniel Webster Matthews, born 21 February 1861 married Eliza

Catherine Dixon John J. Matthews married First ______________________ __

Married Second Naomi ______ ~~~~--, Seena Elizabeth Matthews married First, Thomas Nelson,

Married Second, Plez W. Torrence Stephen Matthews Julia Matthews married William McLaughlin James M. Matthews died young Margaret F. Matthews married Sherman Wooten


State of Tennessee Lawrence County Court August Term 1818 Fredrick Strickland appeared in open court and upon his app­lication was admitted together with Zechiriah Stricklin to make affidavit that he Fredrick Stricklin was a private sol­dier in the regular Survice in the United States in .the revol­utionary war. It is therefore ordered by the court that the affidavits of the said Fredrick gtpiekliR and Zechiriah be entered of record and that a Certified Copy thereof be sent onto the war office of the United States to entitle him to a pension which affidavits are in the words and figures follow­ing - Lawrence County Court August Term 1818 Fredrick Stricklin maketh. oath that some time about the year 1782 or 3 it being the last year of the war he enlisted in the North Carolina Line of Continentals under Captain Winn Dickson and one Dixon being Col his first name not recolected, & Nathaniel Green being Commanding General of the Division that he was enlisted for twelve month that he was mustered into service at Hillsborough in N. Carolina and served his said time of twelve months in the State of North Carolina and South Carolina that at the


expiration of said time he was discharged by one Colonel Armstrong but that said discharge has long since been lost or distroyed, this affidavit further states that he is in indigent Circumstances and that he needs the assistance and support of his country and that he knows of ?llOW person by whome he can PJ;'ove the aforesaid facts that he has never received a pension of the United States on any account and that he doth hereby release all rights to or interest in any and all pension or pensions that he heretofore hits or here­after may have Except the present signed and sworn to in open court this, 5th August 1~18 his

Fredrick X Stricklin Test mark H. H. Buchanon A Copy Test H •. H. Buchanon

State of Tennessee Lawrence County Court August Term 1818 Zecheriah Stricklin maketh oath that the facts set forth in the annexed affidavit of ;Fredrick Stricklin are l<'.1lown to him Except the fact of his being at that time in the army and service if the revolution and annexed to the North Carolina Continental Line and that he was absent from home in saId survice about the time m,ent:j.oned in his affidavit and the From the time he left home it was about thirteen months be-fore his return-- his

Zechiriah X Stricklin mark

Signed and sworned in open Court Test. H. H. Buchanan

State of Tennessee January Term 1824 Lawrence County Court

On the 10th day of January 1824, personally appeared in open court being a court of record for said county, Fredrick Stricklin resident in said county eighty two years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following de­claration for a pension under the provisions of a.ct of congress of 18th of March 1818 and o;f May 1st 1820 that he the said .F. Stricklin enlisted for the Term of twelve months on the 7th day of May 1781 or 80 in the state of North Carolina in Wake County in the company cOlllll14nded by Winn Dickson and i.n the Regiment commanded by Col. Dickson in the line of the State N. Carolina of the Continental establishment and continued to serve until the June after Wallis was taken when he was dis­charged in the State of North Carolina at Guilford by Col. .Armstrong which he haS 19!!t that he was in the battle of the Eutaw Springs led by Green, he has no evidence in his power> except his own oath and the oath of his son ti~/~ Z $j which is here with transmitted that he applied for a pension Wider the law of 1818 at term 1818 but never had any return

and in pursuance of the act of the 1st of May 1820 I do soleumly swear that I was a resident citizen of the Uni.ted


States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale, or any other manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring mr,self within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled 'an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and Naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" passed on the 18th of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or terminating contracts or debts due to me nor

, have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule he'reunto annexed and by me subscribed, and that I was a farm­er by occupation, but that I have not been able to do anything whatever for eight years and have been wholYsupported by the chari ty of my son Z Stricklin and my wH'e Mary about my own age, and W40lY unable to do anything foner support both of us being supported by the labour of our son Zachariah for about eight years his


Frederick X Stricklin mark

My whole property consists of 1 skl11et, 1 puter dish, half dozen of plates 4 knives & forks 1 chest. We are furn­ished with little house by our son and I have nothing more of my own except my bed cloaths his

--- Frederick X Stricklin mark

Sworn to and subscribed in open court this 9th day of January 1824 H. H. Buchanan clk

WAR DEPARTMENT Revolutionary Claim

I certify that, in conformity with the Laws of the United States, of the 18th of March, 1818, May 1st 1820, & March 1st 1823, Frederick Stricklin late a Private in the Army of the Revolution, is inscribed on the Pension List, Roll of the West Tennessee Agency, at the rate of eight per month, ~ commence on the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.

Given at the War Office of the United States, this Sixth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.

J. C. Calhoon Secretary of War


Frederick Stricklin of Lawrence Cy in the state ofW TertlleSSee who was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Dixon of' the regiment com­manded by Colonel Dixon in the N. Caroline, for the term of one year

Inscribed on the Roll of West Tenessee at the rate of 8 Dollars per month, to commence the 10 of January 1824



Certificate of Pension issued the 6th of Feb-,r 1824 and sent to M. H. Buchanan -- "

Lawrencebur~ Ten tHiiLU7f,iJ7Ut11¢t Part of Semi anL all' ce ending 4 March 1824 $14.70

S 6.70

Revolu.tionary cltdm Acts March 18, 1818 and JV'.ay I, 1.'320. & rJ-arch 1 .. 1823

Final Payment Voucher Received from GAO

State of Tennessee - Lawrence County, set. At a court of pleas and quarter sessions, began and held for the county aforesaid, on the fj_rst Monds,y ~_n ~anuary 18 27, It appearing to the satisfaction of this court, that Fredr; Stricklin late of the said county, is deceased, and hath made no will - and whereas, Zachiriah Stricklin made applic­ation to this court, he may be admitted to admini.ster on the estate of the said Fred!'ick Stricklin deceased, and that lett­ers of administration to him may issue. --Therefore, it is ordered by the said court~that lettel'fl of ac1"lLinistration on the estate of the said Fredrick Stricklin deee8,sed, may issue to Zecheriah Stricklin of all and s:Lngu18,l", the goods and chattels, rights and credits of the said Fredr:Lck Stricklin deceased, and that he take possession ,",hereave:" to be found in'the state aforesaid and a true and perfect inventory on oath, to make and return into our ensuing court, and all just debts of the sa:i,d Fredrick deceased, to pay as far as the estate may extend or amount to. Witness -- M. H. Buchanan, clerk of our said court at office, this first Monday in January 1827

M. Ho Eucl:..e~:nan elk ? Deputy II. W. Pwrrpass

Final Payment Voucher Nashville West Tennessee 4th day of ;fuly 1827 Received of Thomas Crutcher agent for paying pensions. Fifteen dollars - Being for one and twen't:y eight days pension. due Frederick Stricklen and from the 4th day of September 1825 to the first day of November 1825. for which I have signed dup-licate receipts - Zachariah X his mark Strickland $15 Adm:LnistratoX' of

F'redel'ick Strickland Deceased

Final Payment Voucher State of Termessee Lawrence·County Personally appeared before me MansD, Crisp one of the acting Justices of the Peace_ for said county of I~aWTence. Zacheriah Strickland and Hannah Crisp and made oath 5.11 due i'orm of law that on the first day of November 1825 tha,t F'rederick Stricklin late a Revolutionary Rensioner departed thls life his Sworn to & Subscribed before me Zachar.'j8,h X Strickland this 12th day of Oct 1826 mark Mansel Crisp JP F-annah her mark Crisp


Pope County us Census 1850 Dwelling 630 STRICKLAND, Harrison(fmr) 38 m Pa

Catharine 50 f Ky Edward 16 m Mo Catharine 13 f " Cynthia A. 11 f " Albert 10 m "

Sears, Henry 22 m Tenn

Thomas STRICKLAND to Rebecca ROSS, 6 July 1837 by John Brewton, MG, Book A-page 25

Pope County 1860 US Census Gum Log Township, Dwellin~ 1101 STRICKLAND, Zachariah J. tfmr)

Sophronia 25 f Henry J. 3 mArk

Dwelling 1149, STRICKLAND, F.

Saru ? James M

Vick, Winnie Love, J.

Gum Log Twp. M. (fmr)50 m Tenn

50 f " 21 m " 55 f NC 29 m Tenn

Dwelling 1159, Gum Log Twp. STRICKLAND, Warren W. (C.P.C1gy)

41 m Tenn Sarah 41 f " Miranda E. 16 f Ark James 8 m " Robert D. 4 m " Finis E. 2 m " Elizabeth C 20 f "

Marriage Records: HAMBLETON (Hamilton) 011iver, 19, to Emmaly STRICKLAND, 19, 11 Sept. 1849, by Wm. A. Barker, MG, Book A-page 137

William R. SPRUCE, 27, of Conway Co. to Margaret Avo1ine STRICKLIN, 27, 23 Oct. 1845, at residence of Margaret Avaline Stricklin, by M. D. Tackett, JP, Book A, page 86

L'welling 1102, Gum Log STRICKLAND, William A.

Mary M. Nancy E. J. Linda A.M.A. John G.

Twp. 24 mArk 30 f Ten 6 f Ark 1 f "

60m NC

Marriage Records: Robert Nathaniel ADAMS to Winnie Elizabeth STRICKLAND, 23 June 1859 by Zachariah Keeton, MG, Book C, page 167

N, W, COPELAND, 20 to Lucinda STRICKLAND, 20, 28 July 1851 by Wm, Reynolds, JP, Book B, Page 32

Andrew M. MATHEWS, 19, to Mary Ann STRICKLAND, 16, 4 Oct. 1853 by P. Tackett, MG, Book B, page 82

Daniel MATTHEWS to Eliza STRICKLAND, 8 Sept 1853 by Wm. Stout, MG, Book B page 78

John T. WILLSON, 27 to Susan STRICKLAND, 18, 24 Sept. 1851 by Wm. Stout, MG, Book B page 36

Samuel STRICKLAND, 21, to Miss Sophroney NICKLES, 27, 3 Jan. 1856, res. of Nancy Nickles, by W. W, Strickland, MG, C-36

Williamson A. STRICKLAND, 18 to Mary M, ASHMORE, 25, 19 Dec. 1852, at res. of R. D. Ashmore, by Anderson Cox, JP, B-65



State of Tennessee Lawrence County

May 26, 1829

Be it known that before me Enoch Tucker an acting Justice of the peace in and for said County personally appeared Archibald T. Strickland and Elizabeth Strickland and after being SWOrn according to law sayeth that they were well acquainted with Frederick Strickland late a pensioner that he departed this life on the 1st day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty five and that they were pre­sent at the time he died Sworn to and subscribed to the date above Before me the date above Enoch Tucker a Justice of the peace for Lawrence County



T. Strickland her X Strickland


******* Editor's note: Our thanks to Mrs. Margaret Cowart, 204 Win­

throp Drive, S.W., Huntsville, Alabama 35801 for sharing all this Strickland Family information with us.

Pope County, Arkansas US Census for 1850 Dwelling 67 CRAIG, James B. (fmr) 30 m Tenn

Barbra 38 f " William J. 12 m " Maranda J. 10 f " Mary C. 7 f Ark John W. 4 m II

David N. 2 m II

Ashmore, Mary 70 f NC Strickland. Mary E. 13 f Tenn HilliS, Willie G.(fmr)26 mAla

Dwelling 329 STRICKLAND, Warren

Sarah John F. Elizabeth C. Maranda E. Mary M. Lucinda P.

W.(fmr) 32 m 32 f Tenn 12 m " 10 f " 8 f Ark 5 f" 1 f 'II

Dwelling 265 ASHMORE, R. D. (fmr) 49 m Tenn

43 f Ky 20 f Tenn 19 m "

EU,zabeth Mary M. ,Toshua A. Samuel R. Lucena Cinda A. Cynthia A. Robbin D.

18 m " 16 t II

13 f II

10 f Ark 8 m II

Strickland, Elizabeth70 f SC


Dwelling 336 STRICKLAND, James


Dwelling 368

(fmr)64 m Ten ,52 f II'

STRICKLAND, z. M.(fmr) 39 m Ky Dwelling 367 Se.bil 39 t SC STRICKLAND, John G.(fmr) 49m SC Eliza Jane 19 f Teqn

Gracy 49 f NC Z. Samuel 16 m " Lucind 20 f Ark Marshall 11 m " Susan 17 f" Elizabeth 7 f " Williamson A. 16 m" Vick, Winny 70 f NC Malissa 8 f II Jane 25 f Ten

Wilson, John (sch. tchr)25 m Ky Eliza 22 t " EDITOR'S NOTE: Our thanks to Mrs. ~Qgene G. Cowart, 204

Winthrop Drive S. W., HuntSVille. Alabama 35801 for sharing with us. Additional inf0rmation on this family will be appreciated by Mrs. Cowart.


DeKalb County ) April the 29th

Dear daughter Nancy. I now Irnbrace the present opportunity of writing you a few lines to J.nform you of my present health and condition at present. I am in a Low state of health at present But I am yet so I can go about a Little yet a survivor of the grave but how long I shall Rema,in on this Earth I can­not Tell. I want to see you and the children Verry bad but it is out of my power at present. I hope that these few lines may reach your hands in safety and find you and your children Enjoying good health. As the rest of the connection can Rite for themselves I will just say the connection i:s in Tolerable health at present & A doing tolerably well. They all send their best love and Respects to you aJ.1 that we have not for­gotten although we Live so fare apart our love and prosperity for you still remaining the same. As this is the only way we have to converse with each other on this Earth. I have noth­ing very interesting to write to you particular only we have a Distressting time of water now & the people is most behind wi th their crops I ever seed them in this c01L1'ltry. There fences & farms be:Lng in,jured and most all mills is broke and washed away in the county.

Nancy I have a request to Make ;To your children and I want them all to here this Letter, Read, and that is, I want them to take good care of you in your old age & not forget you nor forsake you in your old age. Ch1.1dren this is my Last Request To you to take good care of your mother And not let her suffer -----

And you Nancy I have sent you a Letter for you to Look Apon that you may field a farther.9 Love when he is ded and gone. If you go on the serv the Lord a.s you have nm" Begun; you sh.all walk safety a:Ll wa:\,s until your Life is done. God grant you so To End your days as he may think it Best. that I shall meet you all in Heaven Where I do hope to Rest. Fare well my Loving Child farewell.

My Letter Ends Amen. I want you to Keep t.his Letter to Hemember me when I

am ded and gone. Fare well: Whit

(Whitt) Direct your Letter to Gadsden Cherokee Cou.nty, Alabama

Gadsden POt:t Office

EDITOR'S NOTE: The foregoing pa.thet.:l.e message was furnished the Arkansas Family HistoriG,n by A.:onzo D. Camp, one of our Arkansas Genealogical Soci.ety I1oilord Members.

WILLIAM WHITT of Gadsden, Alabama was Mr. Camp's great-great grandfather. NANCY his great grandmother. The old letter has indeed beeT .. presE;r-ved, and handed down from generation to genel"atior,. WILLIAM WHITT'S prayer has been kept fai thful1~· dm,l, th..rough the years. Nancy was indeed taken good care of' by her children, but never saw her father again. Mr-. Camp has the original, and he will pass it down to tile l"l6xt generation.

-102-UNION COUNTY MARRIAGES (Con't page 6) (Please see page 79 of Vol. XI No. 2--April-May-June 1973 for previous Union Co. etc)

2. Angus G. Kelly, 24, Anna G. Buie, 19. 3 March 1870, Tho M. Boyd, at home of Neil Buie

3. Aaron J. White, Certificate of Ordaimation -Baptist Church of Christ of the Primitive Order at Bethel, Union Co., Ark. (Colored Aaron J. White) T (or F) J. Foster Moderator

Page 163

1. Juluis A. Barnes, 23, Florence S. Coit, 17, 21 April, A. D. 1870, D. E. Eagleton

2. William 1870,

Page 164

Robinson, 21, Malinda Crockett, 19 April his

Joseph X Henry marl}

1. D. W. Buie, 23, S. Ann Kelly, 18, 14 April 1870, Thorn M. Boyd, Presbyterian Church at residence of Hugh Kelly (Daniel Webster & Sarah Ann Kelly)

2. Edmund Buie, 21, Maria Bussey, 20, 19 March 1870, Joseph X Henry

3. James L. Brasher, 20, Sarah L. Desharo (?) 17, 29 April 1870, J. P. Everett, MG

Page 165

1. w. T. Foster, 22, Laura Lovethal. 16, 10 April 1870, Filed April 30, 1870, J. P. Everett, MG

2. Frank Harper, 19. Cornelia Johnson, 17, 10 March 1870, Filed April 30, 1870, J. P. Everett, MG

Page 166

1. George Newton Cobb, 20, Irene F. Fitzgerald, 18, 21 April, 1870, J. P. Everett, MG

2. Richard Gardner, 42, Malinda Thomas, 30, both of Union County, Ark., 23 April 1870, Baily George

3. Anderson Price, 35, Julia A. Smith, 16, both of Union Co., Ark. 26 April 1870, Ira L. Wilson, JP

Page 167

1. D. D. Dawkins of Union Parish. La., Martha Norris of Union Co., Ark. 4 May 1870, filed 10 May 1870, Thomas Gray JP

-103-UNION COUNTY MARRIAGES (Con't page 7)

Page 167

2. Peter Charrion, 52, Nancy Eddy, 28, both of Union Co., Ark. 23 April 1870, filed May 10, 1870, Thomas Gray, JP

Page 168

1. J. P. Hunter, 22, M. A. Slaughter, 21, 20 April A.D. 1870, filed May 7, 1870, D. N. Mullins, Baptist Church

2. M. J. Cook - Miss M. V. Larance, both of lawful age, 15 May lR70, D. N. Mullins, his credentials in Hampton, Calhoun Co., Ark.

3. W. S. Hill, 32, M. R. Jones, 22 - 14 May 1870, Wm. H. Gathright, MG

4. John T. Hughes, 24, of Bradley Co., Ark. (Colored) Jane Davis, 27, of Union Co., Ark. Colored) Pigeon Hill, Ark., 4 April 1870, Vernon Allen, J. P.

Page 169

1. Berry Rayburn, 26, Sarah C. Peterson, 16, 20 Apr. 1870, Vernon Allen, JP

2. James Seaborn, 37, Mrs. E. T. McCullar, 27, 11 May A.D. 1870, filed June 6, 1870, J. P. Everett, MG

Page 170

1. Ellis Honeycut, 24, Sallie A. Turner, 16, 22 May 1870, filed June 7, 1870, J. Po Everett, MG

2. William T. Taylor, 23, Miss A. J. Foster, 16, both of Union Co., Ark., 5 May 1870, filed June 7, 1870, J. P. Everett, MG

3. Fredrick Bradford, 19, Miss Alis Fay 22, both of Union Co., Ark., 15 May 1870, filed 13 June 1870, John Keating, MG

Page 171

1. Jaspher McGraw., 20, Harriett Reeves, 19, 1st May 1870, Consent of his mother and her peing present. James W. Howard, JP, filed June 20, 1870

2. James R. Cole, 21, Sarah A. A. Norsworthy, 19, both of Union Coo, Ark., 6 June 1870, filed June 20,1870, o. F. Bolding, Minister


Page 172


1. George H. Thompson, 37, Mary Atkins, 23, both of Union Co., Ark., 12 May 1870, James Greelee, JP, filed June 25, 1870

2. William Alexandred, 35, Lucian Bronton, 20, all of Claiborne Parish, La., 19 June 1870, Geo. A. Thompson, JP, Filed June 27, 1870

3. Alfred Boon, 22, of Union Co., Ark., Mary Tobin, 17, 2 July 1870, Filed July 8, 1870, his

Joseph X Henry mark

4. Armstead Willis, 52, Annabella Marvel, 32, both of Union Co., Ark., July 7, 1870, filed July 8, 1870

his Joseph X Henry


Page 173

1. Charles Gardner, 18, Eliza Charrier, 18, both of Union Co., Ark., 10 July 1870, Ira L. Wilson, JP, Filed July 19, 1870

2. J. G. Barksdale, 35, Mary E. Williams, 19, both of Union Co., Ark., 13 July 1870, John S. Thomas, Elder, Filed July 21, 1870

Page 174

1. James L. Jackson 21, Allis Welch, 18, both of Union Co., Ark. 5 June 1870, J. S. Thoffias, Elder, Filed July 21, 1870

2. Josiah B. Thompson, 23, Sarah A. Babb, 16, both of Union Co., Ark., 14 July 1870, James G. McCain, MG

3. Alexander Perdue, 22, Eudora Dumas, 16- 12 July AD. 1870, James G. McCain, MG (Catherine Eudora Dumas) Filed July 29, AD, 1870

Page 175

1. William Hix, or Nix 20, Sarah Langford, 29, both of Union Co., Ark., 21 July AD 1870, James G. McCain, MG, filed July 29, 1870

2. Wj.lliam D. B. Radford, 29, Miss Martha E. Poole, 18, July 31, 18'70, G. E. Eagleton, MG

-105-UNION COUNTY MARRIAGES (Con't page 9)

Page 176 1. Charles W.

Union Co., Filed Aug.

Pitts 21 - Nancy J. Bennett 19, both of Ark. - 3 Aug 1870- Vernon Allen JP -22, 1870

2. Nora Fike - Lucinda Norman, both of lawful age- In the Baptist Church at London in the above State and Co. - 21 Aug. 1870 - Armsted Willis - Filed 31, 1870

3. Charles E. Stell about 24 - Lucretia Clay Askew about 18, 1 Sept. 1870 - Augustus R. Winfield Minister, his Credentials, Independence Cb. State of Ark. Filed Sept. 2, 1870, Both of Union Co. Ark.

Page 177 1. Robert D. Newton of lawful age - Miss Sudie Marrable

22 - 21 July 1870 - J. P. Everett, MG, both of Union Co., Ark. Filed Sept. 5, 1870

2. John A. Knox 23 - Mrs. Elizabeth 20, 24 Aug. 1870 - O. F. Bolding, Minister, at residence of Mr. Allin Martin of Union Co. Ark. Filed Sept. 9, 1870

Page 178


1. Hardy Montgomery - Ordaination Credentials - 20 Aug. 1870 by Joseph Henry Cold. Church of Christ - Joseph Stewart - Cold.

2. Randall White 45 - Mary Brisco 50, both of Union Co. Ark. - 12 July 1870 - James G. McCain, MG - Filed Sept. 12, 1870

172 1. State of Ark. Co. od Union, Aug. 4, 1870 - Mr. Daton

Balfour 22 - Miss Mary Yarbrough 19 - Recorded 13 Sept.13, 1870- W. A. Gathright, MG - Filed Sept. 19, 1870

2. State of Ark. Co. of Un,ion - Henry Nodanght 28 - Mrs. Mary Jane Voris, 27, Married Sept 7. 1870 - Recorded Sept. 13, 1870. w. A. Gathright, MG - Filed Sept. 19,


Page 180 1. J, W. Murphy - Miss M. E. Thompson, both of lawful age

27 July le70 - Dutt Mullins Filed Sept. 19, 1870

2. See Page 184 # 1 - Joseph Howard - Miss Martha J. Kelley

3. Nathan Merritt 40 - Catharine J. Black, 30, both of Union Co. Ark. - 8 Sept. 1870 - Vernon Allen, JP Filed 26, Sept. 1870

-106-UNION COUNTY MARJ!"IAGES (Con I t page 10)

i •••• ,

Page 181 1. Mr. J.M.Collina 21 - Miss E. E. Newton 22 - 6 Oct.

A.D. 1870 - J. P. Everett, MG Filed 7 Oct. 1870

2. William T. Harris, 39 - Mary F. Weathers, 35 - 20 Sept. l870,ij. P. Britt Filed 8 Oct. 1870

Page 182


1. Ordaination Credentials - James Cooye a man of color, for Baptist Church at London Union Co. Ark. 26 Sept. A. D. 1870 - Armistead Willis - Filed Oct. 11, 1870 Handy Montgomery

2. Jesse Lyon, 39 - Jane Reed, 35 - Sept. 18, 1870 Joseph X ijenry Filed 8 Oct. 1870

183 1. W. H. Langford,

Union Co. Ark. 15 Oct. 1870

23 - Miss Mat Whitby, 17, both of 15 Sept. 1870, J. M. Hart Filed

2. Jno. G. Stevenson, 20 - Sarah Langford, 18, both of Union Co. Ark. 15 Sept. 1870, J. M. Hart - Filed 15 Oct. 1870

Page 184



1. Joseph Howard 39, Martha J. Kelley - 15 Sept. 1870 O. F. Bolding, Minister at residence of Mr. Samuel Dollar

2. Haywood Smith (Cold) 28 - Caroline Benton (Cold) 32-16 Oct. A. D. 1870 - w. H. Gathright

3. Richmond Gilbert, Credentials by James A. Shorter Bishop - 2 Oct. 1870 et Helena, Arkansas, African M. E. Church(for El Dorado Mission)

185 1. Ned Harper 21 - Rachel Simmons 20 - 20 Oct. A. D.

1870 - J. P. Everett, MG Filed 5 Nov. 1870

186 1. John Hayden Thomas 37, of Pine Bluff, Ark. Miss Alice

Newton, 27 of Union Co. Ark. 10 Nov. 1870 - Thomas M. Boyd. Filed 10 Nov. 1870 - Thomas M. BOyd, his Cred­entials, Washington, Hempstead Co. Ark. Thomas Boyd of Presbyterian Church

2. George McGee, 22 of Union Co. Ark. Missouri Jolly 22 17 Oct. 1870 - John Keating, MG Filed Nov. 18, 1870

3. Artermus Brown 47, Sarah Eliza Alexander, 22 - 15 Nov. 1870 -G. E. Eagleton, MG Filed Nov 25, 1870

,..107-UNION COUNTY MARRIAGES (Con't pagell)




187 1. Albert Augustus Ward 19 - Mary Alcie ,Miller 19 .:. 31

Aug. 1870 - Jas. G,. McCain, MG ,.Filed Nov. 25, 1870

188 1. Abraham Anderson, 2.3 of Union Co. Ark. Rose Knighton,

20 - 5 Sept. 1870 - George' H. Thompson JP Filed 26 Nov. 1870

2., w. G. Kinard - M. E.Wamble,both of lawful age - 17 Nov. 1870 - S. T. Cobb, MG Filed 3 Dec. 1870

3. A. P. Henderson - Mary Arington, both of lawful age, 30 Nov. A. D. 1870 - S. T. Cobb Fil~d 8 Dec. 1870

189 1. William Therilkiln (?) 22 - Frances McGee, 27 or ,21 -

20 Nov. 1870 - John Keating, MGFiled,19 Dec. 1870

2. Thomas Frisby 64 - Mrs. Mary E. Smith, 38, 27 Nov. 1870, J. P. Everett, MG of Missionary Baptist Church Filed 20,Pec. 1870

~P~a~g~e~1~9~0~ , 1. John W. Johnson, Ordaination Credentials - Methodist

Episcopal Church South - 4 Dec. 1870 by John C. ,Keener



Fi:).ed 14 Dec. 1870 ' ", '

2. Benjamin Hammell, 19 - Mary J. Caver,,20 - 21 Dec. 1870 by Daniel Novls a Minister of African Methodist Church

191 1. Robert B. Woolley, 27 - Miss Mary F. Hearing, 18 -

17 Noy. 1870 - Thos. Gray, JP Filed 26 Dec. 1870

2. Samuel Reed, 24 ',- ,;Lucy M. Nettler, 17 - 27 Nov. 1870-Joseph X. Henry,MG

192, 1.Will:i,amB~nl>ston, 22 - Sarah Davidson, 26, 25 Dec. 1870

Levi Tanner, JP Filed 27 Dec. 1870

2. George,.w. Sawyer. 27 Nov. 1870 - Certificate of Ordina­tion Missionary Baptist, Jeff Hart ~, Attest John F. Meek GG - Recorded 28 J,an, 1871

Page 19J 1. Mr. Tull Wood - Miss M. T. Primm, both of lawful age­

, 12 Jan., 1871, D. N., Mullin, MG" "

2. Charlie G. Britt, 25 - Nancy Cole, 17 - 22 Dec. 1870-, H. T~Britt, ,MG Filed 7 Jan 1871

(Continued in a future issue • Ed.)


From the 1885 Edition of the Rand McNally Atlas

BEAVER - 8 miles northwest of Eureka Springs. BEAVER FERRY - mail delivered to Eureka Springs. BERRYVILLE - population 253 - money order postoffice. BLUE SPRINGS- mail delivered to Berryville. CARROLLTON - population 148.


DENVER - 14·miles northeast of Berryville. DRY FORK - population 10 EUREKA SPRINGS - population 3,984 - Eureka Springs Railroad

(Eureka Springs to Seligman, Mo. ) - money order post­office, telegraph, Adams Express.

FAIRVIEW - mail to Carrollton. GASKINS - Eureka Springs Railroad - mail to Eureka Springs,

Adams Express. GREEN FOREST - population 34. INDIAN CREEK - population 36. JACKSONBURGH - population 100 ~ maU·delivered to Eureka

Springs. JACKSON'S STRAND - mail to Eureka Springs. KING'S RIVER - 5 miles southwest of Osage-mail to Dry Fork. KIRTLEY - mail to Berryville . LEATHERWOOD - mail to Eureka Springs - Eureka Springs Railroad,

Adams Express. LITTLE STAR MUNDELL - 8 miles southwest of Clifty. NUNNALLY - mail delivered to Little Star. OAK GROVE - population 28. OAK HILL POLO RAMEY - mail delivered to Eureka Springs. RULE SKELIDONS - Eureka Springs Railroad, Adams Express, mail to

Eureka Springs. SPRING.LAWN - mail delivered to Clifty. THE NARROWS - 6 miles northwest of Eureka Springs, Eureka

Springs Railroad, Adams Express, mail delivered to Eureka Springs

THOMPSONVILLE-mail delivered to Eureka Springs. WALDEN - Eureka Spri.ngs Railroad, Adams Express, mail delivered

to Eureka Springs. WINONA SPRINGS - 10 miles west of Berryville. YOCUM - 3 miles northwest of Little Star.

Edi tor's Note: Our many thanks to Mrs. Leister E. Presley for this contribution.


(with family numbers)

AHen 657 A11Ted 232, 268, 281, 293 A1eocander 587 Anderson 27, 315, 380 Armstrong 79, 225, 250, 302 Arnold 310 Asher 579 Askens 313 Ayecrs 136

Brumbelow 619, 620 Blythe 612 Brannan 600 Brackett 1 Brannum 4, 319 Berry 22, 39, 317, 563, 653 Buchanan 23 Boyd 36, 44, 120, 123, 125, 126 Brown 52, 81, 82 But~er 66, 393, 423, 425 Bunch 77, 271 Bow!ls 88 Boyls 97 Brantlett 99 Boatright 104 Ballinger 108 Baker 120, 316, 336, 358, 369,

386, 561, 562 Bates 127, 129, 135 Bean 658 Barker 437 Berryman 348 Baughman 669, 677, 678 Bryant 147 Blevins 162, 165, 168, 209, 618 Bird 164 Bridgeman 210 Bohanan 255, 381 Be1bry 257 Burleson 292 Bussy 342 Braswell 365, 415, 417 Biggerstaff 376 Burnes 377, 496 Boren 394, 421, 439 Burks 437 Beech 442~ 491 Brumley 448 Berks, 453, 455, 515 Belcher 456 Barger 461 Boswell 463

Bell 484 Blanton 486 Beller 538, 543, 594 Banes 552 Bruton 556, 557 Byrne 566 Beck 567 Bristow 595 Bush 631

Cullen 8 Crouch 23 Chaney 34, 227, 228 Chism 35 Call 56 Catten 62 Curtis 88 Carr 110, 441 Callen 114, 180 Collier 112, 139 Carroll 116, 632 Crossno 118 Chandler 128 Cox 175 Cobb 203 Coker 210, 213, 236, 525 Cisco 240, 242 . Campbell 282, 410, 498, 506,

539, 579, 583 Crawford 292 Clark 300, 301, 305, 333,

387, 400, 431 Carter 323 Clinkenbeard 330, 458 Crabaugh 363 Chambers 466 Came on 502 Capps 510 Corden 537 Criner 540 Chatham 548, 549 Crane 597 Cape1er 628 Copeland 101

Dunlap 12, 41, 55, 71, 74, 90, 388

Doo1y 61 Doolin 87 Denton 104, 131 DeShields 109 Donaldson 150

CARROLL COUNTY (Con't page 2)

Dickerson 260, 262 Doak 272 Denning 292, 547 Denny 339, 342, 449 Dedman 340 Davis 344, 3814 412, 413~ 423

424, 423, 42 , 436, 43b, 440 483, 484

Dugan 395 Danley 447 Daugherty 463 Dawson 467 Drake 491 Dillion 534 Daniel 560 Dobbs 564 Dean 574, 575

Estis 33 Edy 68, 133 Eubanks 89 Ellis 169 Eaton 190 Ervin 314 Earnest 373 Ely 535, 578 Ester 574, 575 Eoff 5844 586, 589, 590, 610,

622, 6 1 Ewing 592 Everett 614

Frazier 67, 69, 140 Fancher 100, 236 Farming 109, *124 Flippo 193 Fluty 318 *Fauning 352 Fanning *378, 452 Finny 437 Fergerson 475~ 566 Featherston 648 Freeman 613, 675 Foggy 511, 624 Farmer 382

Gaskins 93, 385 Garrison 132 Gaddy 143, 183 Gregg 164 Gofourth 176, 177 Glover 214, 215 Gage 229, 531 Gains 247


Gardenhire 284, 469, 470 Galyon 435 Green 443 Gentry 446 Griffith 285 Gossage 477, 482 Gilliam 480, 606 Galaway 489 Gaither 523, 569, 570 Greer 543 Gilliham 567 Grigg 581 Gilmore 621 Goodman 664

Hicks 18 Hughey 25 Hood 30 Hargess 45 Hulsey 58, 119, 125, 148, 149 Hargus 75 Hulbert 100 Harris 111, 186, 391 Hutcheson 117, 187, 189, 554

607, 628 Henry 133, 134, 306' Hurst 141 Hodge 142, 242 r~mpton 153, 175, 179, 336 Hubbard 231 Hudspeth 258 Howard 261, 263, 264 Hawkins 286 Holeford 311 Hale 337 Hayhurst 353, 384, 422 Hobbs 356, 360, 364 Hurley 361, 519 Homsley 367 Hagerman 374 Hall 379, 392 High 4194 420, 473 Houston 51 Hill 465 Ho1.t 550, 501, 509, 616, 617 Hefley 533 Hudson 541, 542, 496, 626 Harrel 589 Holmes 623, 625 House 627 Hamilton 646 Hardin 667 Hale 667, 685 Hendrix 664

-111-CARROLL COUN17 (Con' t page 3)

Ingram 580 Mi.l1er 91., 241, 280, 312, 347, !~68. 505, 609

Joru1son 161 K~ttock 91 JOMston 50)-1- May 145, 155, 159, 321, 521 Job 488 Mattox 151 Joy 269 Myers 152 Jones 108, 174, 194, 315, 3)n, Moreland 179

359, 400, 401, 499, 509, 575, l!fartin 182, 493, 647, 663 608, 653 Matlock 191, 195, 196, 219,

Jackson 174, 198, 199, 238, 273, 3L~8, 1.1·72 481 Matney 201, 202

Klepper 604 Kelly 553 Key 503 Kirkpatrick L~92 Keeland 418 Karnes 338~ 462 Kendall 30LJ­Kirby 297 Kenner 225 King 197 Kennon 80 Killian 54, 102

Loyd 10 Lipps 26, 28 Lewis 32 Leathers 43, 48 Lassty 53 Lafferty 86, 98 Long 283 Lerocy 34.8 Looper 471, 494· Lucus 512 Leonard 536 Laffoon 551, 665, Little 85

McBee 662 McBride 205 McCloud 218 McCoy 186 McDaniel 46L~ *McGehee 478 McGill 275 McKelroy 5 McKinney 520


McMellon 227, 303, 313, 526, 601

Meek 8, 42, 4.6, 47, 1.>9 Massingale 21 *Methvin 31 Mathis 42, 99., 351, 565, 684 Morr~s 85, 297, 309

Moore 294, 518 Montgomery 321.1., L~59 Magill 3L~9 Manes 431 Mahan 4 3L~, 445 Moody 457 Mitchell 546, 547 Murphy 558, 559, 603 Mendenhall 5'71 Vdligin 660 Miliam 6'T9, 682

Nethery 106 Nichols 582, 591 Norwood 543' Norrod 513, 593 Nelson 3T9~ 398 Newberry 2 /+6 Nobles 220 Nowlin 31 Neese 7

Oakley 488 Officer 59 Oliver 105 O'Neal 178, 181, Orrell 11, 13

Patton 6[)2

383, 390

Potts 507, 508 Parker 524, 529, 532 Pings ton 324 Petty 433, 637-010 Pyle 396, )~09 Perryman 357, 3'75 *Pwnb1ee 32'(, 328 Phillips 230, 281

528, Prior 22,( Pierson 185 Page 167, 634 Pri.nce 121, 1)-1-4 Peel 115 PopUn 96 Pass 83, fllj

CARROLL COUNTY (Con't page 4)

Potts 63, 171 Pennington 60 Patty 9, 108 Paynor 24, 172, 289

Qualls 245, 246, 252, 259, 270

Queene 427

Roper 320 Roland 644 Roberson 630 Rutledge 577 Rudired 571 Russell 568, 670 Robison 555 Ross 552 Rodgers 531 Ragsdale 527, 609, 681 Reed 400, 476, 477 Rudd 295 Riddles 287, 288, 339, 371 Ramsey 237, 239, 265, 660 Roswell 211, 212 Roark 184, 599 Rains 170, 296 Roberts 160, 224, 290, 310 Roten 113 Reeves 70 Rush 40~ 78, 507, 575, 598, 686 Reese 3b Rose 29 Roggers 14 Ranes 2, 3 Richeson 676

Stiffler 572 Speer 576 Simms 607, 632, 659 Stroud 612, 635 Samford 649, 651 Spaun 5 Steel 15, 50, 146 Snow 17 Sharp 37 Shipman 51, 52, 126, 172 Spears 57, 61, 656 Scott 72, 74 92, 94, 497 Smith 73, 234, 235, 251~ 274,

276, 278, 291, 299, 3b9, 402 434, 661

Sneed 103, 130, 221-224 Stone 109 Snelson 192, 218, 521, 524, 530

Stoops 200 Snow 226, 233, 244 Sikes 249 Sugg 253 Sitz 256 Sizemore 279 Stephens 298, 460


Standlee 322, 368, 405-408, 411, 414

Shahan 354 Simmons 355 Shaw 426, 428 Scates 429 Swearengin 490 *Stp1es 522 Stinnet 548 Son 573 Sharp 668, 673 Sloan 671 Shelton 680

Tabor 95, 350 Tillery 107 Teague 181, 205, 207, 208 Thrasher 206 Thomas 329, 362, 399, 633 *Thorn 354 Temple 372 Turner 397 Taylor 404~ 629, 650, 652, 663 Thompson 4b5 Terry 495 Trotter 515-517 Todd 527 Turney 602, 604, 636 Teneson (Tenneson) 514, 515

Vance 658

Watkins 6, 308, 520 Wirrick 14, 20 Wilburn 16, 654, 661, 672 Wilson 19, 58, 154, 240, 243,

248, 61~, 6~2, 6~3 Weaver, 38, 76 Wade 166 W1:d_ te 73, 216, 217 Wyatt 189 Williams 204, 430, 432, 545,

611 Walker 194, 254, 287, 343,

374, 467, 474, 487 Wood 254, 326, 331, 332, 335 Wnite1ey 265-267, 274, 345,


-113-CARROLL COUNTY (Con't page 5)

Wise 325, 395, 403 Ward 334 Wright 341, 370, 440, 550, 645 Weldon 366 Workman 450 Walters 466 Wilmoth 486 Wasson 514


Wooddy 588, 605 Watson 655 Willingham 664 Waldrop 684

Young 674 Yocumb 206 Youngblood 64, 65,

137, 138, 277 78, 117,

Editor's Note: Many Many thanks to Mrs. Leister E. Presley, 1708 West Center Avenue, Searcy, Arkansas 72143. Mrs. Presley has all the Counties for 1850 in print, for additional information, please write to the above add­ress.


ADAMS CEMETERY Lincoln County, Arkansas

Located on the W. A. Adams place near Star City, Lincoln County, Arkansas. Copied Saturday, November 2, 1957 by Misses Jennie Belle and Henry Lyle and Addie May Edmonds (Mrs. Douglas) Ligon.

W. A. Adams, 8-18-1835 4-16-1916 Martha Emma Adams, 6-8-1836 12-27-1918 Lizzie, Daughter of W. A. and M. E. Adams: Sept. 4, 1863

Josie Adams: 9-6-1880 Martha L. Adams: 2-16-1875 Earnest Adams: 12-5-1876 Albert; Son of W. A. & M. E.

Aug. 15, 1906 9-23-1880

5-14-1876 - 12-1.1-1876

Adams; 12-10-1869;



The following was copied from Heflin Cemetery, near Star City

William (Doc) J. (Joshua) Adams: 1859 - 1938 Mary F. (Harris) Adams; 1868 - 19lj·3 (Doc's wife) John T. Adams; 5-17-1856 10-16-1891 Mediah O. (Bud) Adams; lj-3-1861 12-17-1936 Pearl E. (Hellums) Adams; 10-21-1870 11-19-1940 (Bud's wife)



(Added notes) JEREMIAH LAMBERT married to SARAH CAGLE, Feb. 17, 1820

Jeremiah Lambert- 1800 - Sept. 21 1879 (b. Ga.) (both Sarah Cagle 1799 -Oct 14, 1879 (died Pickens Co.Ga.)

Mary Painter Lambert -Dec. 6 1820 Elijah II -Junf! 14, 1822 - Aug. 25, 1824 David Cagle" -Apr. 29, 1824 1902 John "-June 12, 1826 Wilson " -Mar. 2, 1828 William Jerry" -June 27, 1830 Joseph " -Apr. 28, 1832 Sara Queen " -May 4, 1834 -Nov. 14, Rebecca Linzia II -Sept. 21, 1836 Robert " -July 24, 1838-Sept. 27, 1838 Sampson Haygood Pinkney Lampert-Feb. 4, 1840 Clark Montgomery Lambert-Aug. 1, 1842-Apr. 28, 1843

(b. Henry ( It "


Co. , II

Ga. ) ". )

This was copied from the JEREMIAH LAMBERT FAMILY BIBLE, presently owned by Mrs. Amy Cowart, Ringgold, Georgia. She is of the Joseph Lambert Line.

This contribution was made by Helen Brownd, 1000 West 5th Street, Tempe, Arizona, 85281. She is of the David Cagle Lambert Line and also contributed the following information which she has compiled from Bible Records and the 1850 Census of Cherokee County, Georgia.

David Cagle Lambert.- Apr. 29, 1824 in Ga. -June 5, 1902, 'Moulton, Ala.

Mary Ann Black - 1820 in S. C. - about 1858

David Cagle Lambert married Mary Ann Black about 1853 John Clark Lambert - Jan. 9, 1844, born in Ga.

,married Permelia Vervelia (He has grand-daughters in Mena, Arkansas)

Jeremiah James Lambert-Oct. 12, 1845 - Nov. 13, 1846 Francis M. Lambert-1847 Sarah M. Lambert -1849 Elender Mack Lambert-Aug. 3, 1851 - Sept •. 20, 1865 Minton Joseph Lambert-Aug. 12, 1853 William Carson Lambert - Feb. 20, 1855 Zebulon Lambert - Apr. 12, 1857

David was married three times and had children by each wife~ The above are the children by the first marriage.

Family papers. prove Jeremiah Lambert was a Primitive Baptist Preacher and Clerk .ofthe Inferior Court of Pickens County, Ga. in 1860.

Editor's Note: Mrs. Brownd would like to hear from others interested in the Lambert Lines.


VOLUME A 1843 1859



This excellent publication of marriage records contains 430 Marriages with Grooms listed in alphabetical order and Bride's imdex. The age and county of residence is given in most cases as well as the person performing the ceremony and the date of the cermony.

This material will be of interest to researchers of the Memphis, Tennessee area since many couples came across the Mississippi River which forms the County Line to marry in Arkansas.

Over 12 percent of the total marriages during this period were couples from Shelby County, Tennessee.

This book has the names of the County Clerks who served in Crittenden County during this period (1843-1859).

Certificates of Ordination were filed on Four men and are included at the end of the Marriages.

Allist of the Justices of the Peace or other persons who performed marriages is very helpful to the Researcher.

The Author laboriously copied these records from a wonder­ful but very hard to read Old Hand-written unindexed volume in the office of the Crittenden County Clerk.

All of us owe this Author a debt for making this material available and especially for the index.

The Printed Beckett Antique Cover makes this volume very attractive.

Thank you, Mrs. Brown for this contribution to Arkansas Genealogical SOCiety Library.

Evelyn Brake Mosle~ Librarian (retired)

Edi tor's Note: We thank Mrs. Mosley for this very good book review.

For additional information on this book Mrs. Br,own has given to our A.G.S. LibrarY, please write to Mr,s. Pat Isabel Brown, 2013 Park Street, SE., Decatur, Ala. 35601. Many thanks to Mrs. Brown for this gift.

Name of Compiler Kermit Stell

Address 719 La Zelle st • . , City, StateS

Date 18

turgiG, S. D.

Jul:!: 1973 & Prior Time

4 T. ,~ "'"~~n" ~ .. ~" b. 26 Jan.

1852 (Father of No. 2)

p.b. Mississippi

AlI«4tM lJ~t Person No. 1 on this chart is the same person as No on chart N 0. __ • ._-

8 Robert J. Stell

1818 (Father of No. 4)

b. p.b. Alabama m. Ca. 1838 d. 1882 p.d Ashley Co., J\rk. b. Date of Birth

p.ll. Pillee of Birth m. Dart! of Marrt.~e d. Date of Death pod. Place of Death

mnel1a Frances Haley 1882 9 Ellzabeth Bruner d.27 Feb. 1915 p.d Pul,oski Co. , i\rk. (?)

2 ,Tames 'Grave"-s.....,!?S-x.t.51e .... l .. l'c-~ __

1879 (Father of No.1)

b. 1 J,IO. p.b " shley Co P rk ." . , • m. Jessie Ellla Pyron 20 Mar. d. p.d


1 f,ug. 1923 Rusk, Texas

r Della Frances Haley (Mother of No.2)

b.23 April 1854 p.b.f.shley Co., ... ~rk. d. 25 Nov. 1939 p.d. Hamburg, Ark.

1 Kermit Stell

b. 28 Jan. 1905 . , l' p.b.Ashley Co • rk • 'ce ~~E M~r~¥e ~l Son) ery • e n No ch11d) m. &._~lB

d. p.d.

6 William Alonza pyron

(Father of No. 3)

b. 1819 p.b. d. 1899 p.d

(Mother of No.4)

1904 10 Thomas A. Haley

(F'atllo:r of No.5)

b.21 Jan. 1824 p.b. Miss. m.5 Jan. 1853 d. 5 Mar. 1912 p.d Hamburg, Ark.

11 Marv Cook (MOl her of No.5)

b.3 April 1831 p.b. Miss. d. 26 Nov. 1911 p.d. A shley Co., A.rk.

12 John Calvin Pyron (Father of No. 6)

b.26 Jan. 1825 p.b. Mecklenburg, N. C. m.8 Jan. 1852

b.30 Jan.1855, Rianzi, Miss. d~6 Mar. 1913

,-1 M

M!2 p.b.

p.b. Rianzi, Miss. m. )ftary Eliz. Locke (?) 13 d. 19 May 1949 p.d Hamburg, Ark.

3 Jessie Ellla Pyron (Mother of No.1)

b.10 Dec. 1881, _. p.b. P.shley Co., Ark. d. Living 1973 14 p.d.

7 ~:nrv Eliz. Locke

b.30 Nov. 1860 (Moth" "N~ 3)

p.b. ? Mississippi d. 21 Mar. 1942 15 p.d.Hamburg, Ark.

(Like a vaccinC'ltion. Didn't Take. o ne (~I!!.l>CNo. l{ son) Lives in DeadwqP.d,

No children . p.d.

s. D.

p.d Ashley Co., Ark.

MaI'V Isabella Carlock (Mother of No.6)

b. 28 June 1834 p.b. Mecklenburg, N. C. d,30 May 1924 p.d. Hamburg, Ark.

Richard J. Locke (Falher of No. 7)

b. 1828 p.b. Green Co., Alabama m. d. 20 Aug. 1880 p.d Ft. Hill, Ark.

Sarah A.J .0'WlNEL (Mother of No. 7)

b. 1830 p.b. d. 18 Aug. 1861 p.d. Ashley Co., Ark.

Chart No. _1 __ 16 George W. Stell





11>: Ca. (P.lther of No.8,

m. 10/25/1818 Cont. on chart No. __

Amelia Co. Va d.

Elizabeth Runnels

b.1789 d.

II>. m. d.

b. d.

Morgan Co.,

(Molher of No. 8, Cont. on chart No. --.

Ga. ?

Bruner (Father of No. 9. Cont. on chart No. ___ :

? (Mother of No. 9, Conr. on charI No. ---l

20 T. A. Haley












b.Lqrn Co., Cork." nd, Cont. on chart No. _. ___ )

m. d. Ch~rokee/Choctaw Squaw

(Mother of No. 10, b. Cant. on chart No. ___ )


Cook b. (Fat~r of No. II,

Cont. on chart No. ___ )

m. d.

(Mother of No. II.

b. Coot. on chart No. __ .)


• , Vim Pyron Jr • b.l"(,;!)/lOUU Un1al')o~~oN1~C.

Coot. on charI No._~ m. ft.4 Nov. 1841 or 1844

Eliza Phillips

b. 17 Apr. 8 (Mother of No. 12, 1 03 Cont.. on chart Noo_· ___ l

d. ( ?)',Iilliam Cerlock

b. ? (Father of No. 13, Cont. on chart No. ____ )

m. Ca. 1817 d.

Er:-1nces Q.o.rlock (Mother of No. 13,

b. 1799 NC or Tema '" ,h.rt N~ __ -> d.

lb· m. ~.

b. d.

b. m. d.

b. d.

Locke (Father of No. 14, Com:. on chart No. ___ )

Cherokee/Choctaw Squaw (Mother of No. 14, Coni. on chari No. ,_~)

O'Danel (Father of No. 15, Cont. on chart No. _ -l

Chnrokee/Choctaw Squaw Mother of ( No. IS.

Cont. on chart No. _~ ·-l

COP Y Exact spelling, punctuation, etc, aa writtea long-hand- 1902

October 14, 1902

FountRin Hill, Ashley Co. Ark.

R. M. Pyron, Bexar, Texas

Dear Nephue your vary welcom letter to hand contents noted was glad to Learn

your address thpt i might corespond with you as i am old 78 years old next

January I doo not expect to corispond with anyone much longer was truly

glad to he"r that you were prospers in life my children are all married

and scattered my wife and myself are living alone we are living 4 miles

east Fountain Hill we hav 4 dauutors 2 sons second girl at Harison

oaklamer married man by name of Baker 1 dauter at Dewitt, Ark. 1 dauter and

1 son in Dreue Co. Ark my oldest son and dauter lives nearby me they are all

geting along tolerabel well we had 2 dry sumers in sucesion therefore the

cropps hav ben short the last espechely grin cropps

i liv 10 mils North of Hamburg their is a rail rode runing from the

missippy river to Hamburg crossing the valey road at montrose in Ashley

county i hope that you will make contemp Illvisit to us in the near future

you said you wanted a byo~~by of the Pyron faaley i will giv you the

staring point and wen you visit us i will tell you all i now a bout them

a man by our WAS in the colenesey in virginey he had 3 sons named

John William and Chprls

John pyron folloed Chocktsw indians and died among them in Alabamie

\~illiam my granfauther setteld in North Caralina

Charla Pyron located in what is now the state of Tenesee all the pyrons

thGt I have any knollage of came with the collonay of Jamstoun Virginia;

i will close this letter by s~ying my wife joins me in Love to you and

famle hoping to heer from you soon th~t y6u will visit in the near future

yours RS ever J. C. Pyron

The above is a true copy of a letter writteD by my Gr. Grandfather, Calvin Pyron. Permission is granted to publish it- as written.

11 July 1973 ~T -r./fi-q-Box 514 Sturgis, South Dakota 57785


-us­This is a letter we received, and is submitted for your use and information.

Arkansas Genealogical Society

P.O. Box 5259 Titusville, Florida



Thisl'etter will introduce to you Lowell A. Barker. I am a professional genealogical researcher, specializing in colonial and royal research.

I am currently preparing for publication a book entitled, "A Genealogical History of the American people," This book is scheduled to be published in July of 1976, and will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the united States of America.

I am writing to your organization asking for your support, in the form of genealogical contributions. I am inviting your members to send copies of their lineages for publi­cation in this work. I am interested in receiving any genealogical records that extend into the colonial period or any that might connect with any royal family.

It would be greatly appreciated if your organization would make this offer known in your area. I do have a deadline of December 1973 for material to be submitted.

Thank you for your kind cooperation in this endeavor, I am;

Sincerely yours;


Lowell A. Barker



continued from previous issues 1830

Feb. 14

March 3

Allen Harrington by Wigton King James C. Collins

and Clarissa McKinzie,

and Levina Gates,L.R.;

March 4 Samuel Reyburn and Eliza Jane woodward, county

Jefferson county; March 2

by S. S .Hall March 9


Mar. 25 James Humes and Cloe Atchison, Pyeatt TWp.;

Mar. 25 Mar. 31 April 5

R.N. Roland Joseph Stillwell and Sina Cook, Pulaski count~ Thomas Trent and Miss Click, Hempstead County Benj.F. Potter and Louisa B. Dodd, vicinity of L.R.; by P.T. Crutchfield

Apr. 27 John Patterson and Mary Jones,Richland twp.;

May 2

July 1

July 6

Wigton King Austin Kendrick and Martha L. Porter, Helena; Geo. W. Martin James Waters and Sarah Wise,Pennington twp., Union County; by Charles H. seay Lemuel Tinnin and Mary Wood,Bachelor twp., Washington county; by Rev. Andrew Buchanan

July 18 Meshech Titsworth and Milisa Tucker, conway County; by Rev. S.T.Tencray

Aug. 12 John Morrison and Edney Daniel,pyeatt twp.; W.P.Thompson

"Recently" Allen B. Lackland and Lydia White,Hempstead County

Sept. 16 John Buchanan and Ellander Crawford,cane Hill twp.;washington county; by John C. Blair

sept.24 Dr. Colbert Baker and Mrs. Ann Thompson ..

Oct. 7 Miller County; by William Wright Thomas B. McIlwee and Elizabeth A. Humphreys, Point Remove Twp.,Conway County; by N.Menefee

Oct. 28 Rev.James Wilson Moore and Elizabeth G .. Green Birmingham,near Trenton,New Jersey; by the Rev. Eli F. Cooley

Nov. 23 Joseph Hardin and sally Caruthers,Clark Co.; Nicholas Keith

Nov. 25 Wm. pyburn,35, and Elizabeth Smith,ll,Cache

March 30

April 6 April 6 April 13

April 13

May 25

May 18

July 28

July 28

Aug. 11

Aug. 18

Sept. 1

Sept. 29

Oct. 20

Oct. 20

Dec. 15

Dec. 15

Twp. ,Monroe Co. Dec. 8 Dec. 2 Dec. 2

Dec. 5

Dec. 24

Dec. 30

John Smith and Martha Lemon,LR;by P.T.Crutchfield Dec.8 Abraham Wells and Elizabeth Logan,clark Co.; Isaac Ward Dec. 15

County; Thos.R.Cherry and Lucreasy Lowden,Conway by William G. Saffold Dec. 15 James Cornwell and Lavicia Taylor,Conway Co.; W.G.Saffold Jan. 26 James Smith and Alvacinda Reed,near Washington Jan. 12

Editor's Note: These records will be continued in Vol. XI No.4. (December 1973)


Sterling May Luton, b 11 January 1854 Lauderdale County, Tenn.

Emma Jane Nelson,b 29 February 1856

Married 26 February 1873 by Reverand Jonathon Richardson

This information was written at Lightfoot, Tenn. in 1904

First bornd Walter Lee 17 August 1874

Next Eddie May 24 April 1877

Next John Franklin 13 February 1881

Next Berrel Alen 22 May 1884

Next daughter Sevela Victorine 22 September 1886

Next son Cecil Ellehue 13 October 1889

Next daughter Mattie Lue 2 September 1892

Next Frances E. Willard 11 March 1901

All children before Willard were born 4 miles west of Ripley in Lauderdale County, Tenn., in the same house

Editor's Note: Our thanks to Mrs. Johnita Holmes Glover, 4008 Holly, Pine Bluff, Ark., 71601.

*********** PLEASANT LINES!

Laugh a.nd the world laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone. }i'or the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of tt.s own •.• Amertcan Poet ••• Ella Wheeler,

(1850-1~19) Penned the familtar words in a poem called "Solitude. I

*********** Idleness is the bane of the body and mind, The nurse of naughtiness, Step-mother of discipline, 1'he chief author of all mischief' One of the deadly sins,. The sole cause of this and many other maladies, The Devills cushion, His pillow a.nd chief reposal. .•• Robert Burton



Located on Ott Ingram Place, through pastures and woods. Howard Hempstead line - recorded - Fall, 1969 by Mr. & Mrs. Winfred Tollett, 507 West Henderson, Nashville, Ark., 71852

Castalman, Amos E. F., son of J. T. & L. E. born Jan. 12,1912 died July 1, 1918

Clanton, Artanissa T. C., born Oct. 28, 1860 - Sept. 3, 1881

Clanton, James B., born March 18, 1848 - died Apr. 1, 1876

Green, Alma M. (dau. of J. D. & H. A.) born July 8, 1890 died Oct. 9, 1894

Lamb, W. T. born Aug. 29, 1843, died Oct. 2, 1889

Lindsay, James W. (son of L. C. & L. M.) born Aug. 8, 1887 died Oct. 20, 1887

Reaves, F. W. born Dec. 6, 1854, died Nov. 23, 1886

Reaves, John T. son of F. W. & M., born Aug. 29, 1884, died Mar. 8, 1887

Reed, Andrew V., born Jan. 21, 1849, died June 7, 1934

Reed, Chassie E. (wife of A. V.) born Sept. 2, 1850 died April 6, 1864 (error in death, as they had Rufus in 1888)

Reed, J. W., born Oct. 20, 1861, died Nov. 9, 1862

Reed, James C., born Aug. 9, 1834, died Dec. 12, 1882

Reed, Rufus J. son of A. V. &. C. E., born May 14, 1888 Died June 1, 1889

Reed, Sarah, born Mar. 31, 1869, died 12, 1874

Reed, Thomas A. , born Feb. 12, 1876, died Dec. 7, 1876

Reed, Walter L., born May 10, 1886, died Mar. 7, 1911

Russell, William C., born July 25, 1856, died Jan. 20, 1895

Schirmer, Lenora A.S died Oct. 19, 188

(Wife of J. F.) born Sept. 26, 1865

Editor's Note: Our thanks to: Mrs. Jo Billings, Star Rt. Box 30, Nashville, Arkansas 71852, for sharing this information with others in the Arkansas Genealogical SOCiety.

.. QUERIES -122-

Where do you stop counting your kin? If you are search­ing for a great-great grandfather your great-great uncle is the same kin to him as your great grandfather and you may find there was someone in his line that showed enough interest in the family to le.ave a re.cord. The following Query came for tOis, publication:

"Could you help me locate the town of WOODSTOCK, ARK.? My husband's great grandfather had two brothers who went to Ark. around 1870. South Carolina Court records show Thomas Lemaster lived in Woodstock and Robert W. Lemaster lived in Little Rock in 1877. Have found Robert in 1880 census but can not find Thomas." . Mr's. Herbert Lindsey, Jr., 139 Seven Oaks Dr., Greenville, S. c. 29605 , '

Robert W. Lemaster had a biograpoy in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Central Arkansas- Goodspeed ~blishing Company - 1890. In this biography he named his father, Wesley, grandfather, Richard, and great~grandfather, Geor~e and also gave the name of his mother, Orpha (Lemaster also). He stat­ed the family moved to Georgia in 1853.

The name of the mother was known and proves this is the right RobertW. Lemaster. The names of the father, grandfath­er, and great-grandfather were not known. To add three gen­erations by the investigation of a great-great Uncle is pretty good.

A check of the 1884 Rand McNally Atlas does not reveal a Woodstock, Arkansas. Since Robert mentioned living in Geor­gia it. seemed logical to check that state--and sure enough-­There is Woodstock, Ga. (Cherokee County and Oglethorpe Co.) also Woodstock Mills, Ga. (Appling County.) So brother Thomas may not have been in Arkansas.

There are many mistakes in these Goodspeed Histories and the,above still has to be checked but Mrs. Lindsey is very happy and has new clues to work, but she would still like to contact descendants of Robert and they are possibly still in the Little Rock area.

The Genealogical Assistance Committee will answer all letters enclosing a SASE, and give suggestions on Arkansas material, researchers, etc. They do not offer free research.

Mrs. Leister E. Presley 1708 West Center. Street Searcy, Arkansas 72143 (for North Arkansas)

A.G.S. '

Mrs. Jeff Wade, Jr. A.G.S. Route #1 Box 66 Bragg City, Missouri 63827 (for Northeast Arkansas)

Capt. John C. Hammock, USNR 506 South Pecan Street Dermott, Arkansas 71638 (For Southeast Arkansas)

Mrs. H. P.Hollis A.G.S. 628 Banner Street Camden, Arkansas 71701 (for South Arkansas)

A.G.S. ,


Mrs. J. Garrett, Res. Petit HYdra G-6, Alger, Algerie. Need information regarding Charles Lucus, born in Memphis, Tenn. ca 1840, and his wife Nancy Blackburn b. War Eagle Arkansas. Children: Dora m. (1) John Kincannon, 1B92, Logan Co., Ark., m. (2) Franklin G.

McCormack. Helen m. ? Summers. Would appreciate names of par­ents, place and date of birth, burial place of John McCalestin Kincannon, b. about 1870, died Apr. 7, 1900. (possibly Logan, Scott or Sebastian County, Arkansas).


Mrs. Dennis Rohlfing, 293 No. Ashwood Ave., Ventura, Calif. 93003 - Will exchange on the following. Need marriage date, death dates and names of parents of Hiram Haskins and Elizabeth (Betsy) Blair who moved to Independence Co., Ark. (Batesville) from Monroe

Co., Tenn. On 1850 Independence Co. Census. Wife and children: Betsy Jane, Sally, Samuel, John, Thomas, Hiram L., David Hugh are on 1860. Need marriage date, death dates, parents of William Copher and Rebecca Henderson who came from Madison Co., Tenn, to Independence Co. before 1860. Children: John, Henry, Stephen, Benia (Po1ina) and Benjamin Franklin.

NEWTON Lawrence D. Caldwell, 18825 E. Armstead, Azusa, Ca. WRIGHT 91702 - Isaac Newton was born in N.C. about 1817, m.

Mariam? , b. about 1818 in Ga., Children: Melvina J. b. ca. 1838, Joseph b. ca. 1840, Ala. W. J. b. ca. 1842, Ala., Isaac W. 1845, Ala., Elizabeth b. ca. 1848, Miss., Scott b. ca. 1851 in La. ' Was in Union Co., Ark. 1860. Bought 1,280 acre farm in Ashley Co. about 20 miles from Lake Village. Married again after death of first wife and had one son who died age 21, also had step-daughter. Was elected to Arkansas Legislature and helped write the 1870 State Constitution. Moved to Hamburg and probably died there. Malinda J. Newton (my great-grandmother) married Samuel A. Wright, Nov. 25, 1858 in Union Ro, information on this family or find descendants.




Mrs. Gene Harris, 1404 Borger St., Plainview, Tex. 79072 - Wil1im McKind1ey (b. 1796 in Ga.) m. Mary (b. 1794 in N.C.) They lived in Ga. 1822 - 1839, Dau., Elizabeth Jane (b. 1822 in Ga.) m. Hugh Smith Creamer (b. 1819 in Ga.) Both the McKindleys and Creamers moved to Lafayette Co., Ark., by 1850 and were in Col-

umbia Co. in 1860. In Ark., other children married into the lines of Lewis, Holdridge, Evans, Copeland, I would like to exchange information on these lines.

Mrs. Herbert Lindsay, Jr. 139 Seven Oaks Dr., Green­ville, S. C. 29605 - Clement P. Thompson m. Nanc~ Lindsay (b. 1830 and 1832 respectively, in S. C.)

She was sister of James Edward Lindsay. They were living in Dardanelle in 1866 and he was Magistrate there. Would like to contact members of this family or others interested in this line, especially the Lindsay line.


-124-Lucinda R. Smith, 4120 51st Street, San Diego, Calif. 92105 - Want ancestors of Thomas Leach b. ca. 1790 in N.C. Where? Married When? Who?

Children probably were: Nancy b. ca. 1811, N. C.; Elizabeth b. ca. 1817, Ala.; Ambrose b. ca. 1819, Tenn.; Thomas b. ca 1820, N.C.; Delilah b. ca 1826, where? John b. ca. 1828, Ala.; Richard b. ca 1841; Sarah b. ca. 1846; Mary b. ca 1848; James b. ca 1849; the last four born in Washington Co., Ark. and the above infor­mation is from 1850 census of Washington Co. Ambrose (above) married (when?) Mary? -b. Ca 1820 in Illinois. Children all born in Washington Co., Ark., eldest, Margaret, b. Mar. 20, 1842, m. Milton Smith, Jan. 5, 1859 in Washington Co. Want the dates, parents, etc. of James Milton Peadley Smith, b. ca 1835 in Phillips Co., Ark. (according to Military record). Children: (Born in Washington Co., Ark.) Walter Tra.vis b.Oct. 16, 1869, Reuben A., Daniel E., Getty M., Emma Alice b. Feb. 15, 1875, Violet, May, Asa b. Nov. 30, 1882, one other. The family migrated to King Co., Washington in the late 1880's.


Rueben Knight and wife, ? Attebery (with daughter Arpie) migrated from Ill. to Van Buren Co., Ark., ca 1883. Other children were born in Arkansas, Arpie, my mother, met Thomas Wilson (Jack) Watts, in Dennard

and was married there in 1901. We lived there until in our teens then moved to Okla. We lost track of relatives but there were many on each side and they are to be buried in the Old Dennard Cemetery near a Church. Would like help in collecting this in­formation. - Hazel Watts Carmichael, 4615 Lula, Wichita, Kan. 67216

VanNATTA C. L. VanNatta, 3100 Wooster Rd. Rocky River, Ohio HILL 44116 - Would like to contact anyone with informa-

tion on VanNatta, especially Samuel, of Fulton Co., Ark. Born 1832, he was the son of James, grandson of Christopher, and came from Bedford Co., Tenn., to North Arkansas in the 1850's, He married Elizabeth Hill, daughter of William E. Hill. Elizabeth was listed with three Children on the 1870 census of Fulton Co.; Thomas age 11, William age 7, Martha age 3. William E. Hill was an early settler of Izard County Arkansas.


E. R. Walker III, 503-A College St., Newport, Tenn. 37821 - I am interested in corresponding with all descendants of John C," Henderson (Dec. 31, 1812-Feb. 18 1884) and wife, Elizabeth Davis (Jan. 5,

1811 - Apr. 6, 1890~WhO came from Tenn. to Faulkner Co., Ark. Especially interested in their son, William Patton Henderson (1841 -1918) and his wives - Catherine (1841 - 1886) and Mary Ellen Bush (1859 ~ 1932),

If you can help on any of these, PLEASE ANSWER. You never know what you may receive in return.


Joyce Baldwin, 2300 Park Place, Apt. 12, Ft. Worth, Tex. 76110 - Would like any additional informa­on the following s.tory. Harriett Jane (Barnes ?) b. ca. 1829 in Ind. mao Frances Cullum (Van Buren Co., Ark.?) m. 2nd to Andrew Jackson Row, m. 3rd to John W. Gray, Jan. 22, 1869, Van Buren Co., Ark. She died shortly after 1870. Had sons George Cullum and John Davis Row. Andrew Jackson Row was the son

of John and Susanah Row who were in Van Buren by 1840. He was born about 1838, served in Co. D, 31st Ark. Inf. of Confederate Army with rank of 3rd Lt. and he and his friend, Dave Daugherty were killed by bushwhackers between 1865 and 1870. He had bro­thers Lewis C., John C., William D. His son, John Davis Row left Arkansas when he was age 17 years after he had found out who murdered his father. Need dates, marriages, descendants of the Row brothers, full information on the murder, or any infor­mation related to this family. How were the Fletchers and Comptons related?


Mrs. Dorothy M. Deck, 924 East Elm St., Springfield, Mo. 65806 - My great, great grandmother came here to Mo., from Tenn., in 1830. I have been told she had 7 brothers and sisters but I have only found

four. Her brother Alvin C. Oliver (b. ca 1812) and Lucinda (Wilson) Oliver. are on the 1860 and 1870 census of Carroll Co., Ark. (Carroll Twp. and Prairie Twp.) Children: Rebecca, Patrick H., Alfred J., Susan E., William J., Lucinda A. Oliver. Would like to contact anyone working on this Oliver family, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and North Carolina.

PRICE Mary Price Reed, 808 North Palm, Apt. 8, Little Rock, ECHOLS Arkansas 72205 - s. D. Price, a Civil War doctor,

Altus, Franklin County, Ark., b. July 5, 1824, d. Mar. 23, 1893, buried in Nichols Chapel Cemetery, Altus, Ark., m. Mary Catherine Echols. (buried Nichols Chapel). Would like to know when he came to Arkansas and from what part of Tenn., marriage date, when he returned from the Civil War and where his company was disbanded.


Elva Pearl Merriott, 2351 Etiwanda St., San Diego, Calif. 92107 - I would like to exchange information on Michael Dodd b. in Ga. 1779, d. Yell Co., Ark., between 1860 and 1870 census. Married 3rd to Sallie

Price, son Michael Jr., b. Jennings Falls, Ark. m. Nancy Eliza­beth English, dau. of John English, they are buried in Salem Cem­etery, Plainview, Ark. Michael Sr. lived in Mo. and Ill. and at one time had 12 listed in his household but only 4 came to Ark. Who were the first two wives? Where born? Where was John English born? Any information on Michael Jr. What happened to the other 8 in the household? Need parents of Michael Sr. and Sallie.


Stephen A. Smith, 624 Alta Ave., Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 - Would like to know the parents, brothers and sisters of Thomas J. Childres (b. 1821 in Ala.) and his wife, Amanda M. Porter. Married in Phillips Co.,

Ark., in 1841. Believe Amanda to be the daughter of Benjamin A. Porter of Phillips County, Arkansas.

-126-COWGILL Mrs. R. L. McCurchan, 5835 Ann Arbor N.E., Seattle,

Wash. 98105 - Searching for information on Cowgill family. John M. Cowgill served in the Civil War with Missouri Scouts. Lived at Bright Star, Ark. Where is Bright Star? (Editor's Note: Try Miller County)


Mrs. Lois L. Stuck, P. O. Box 160, Grapevine, Tex. 76051 - Would like to contact others with informa­tion on the names listed. Location is Craighead County (Jonesboro), Arkansas.

(Editor's Note: I will use this space to point out the need to give the information you need or at least identify your family and give time. There must be several Martin and Thompson families in the area.)

And following names in Randolph and Clay Counties.

(You will get more replies if your query is easy to answer. )

TAYLOR Mrs. Everett Cunningham, Route # 1 Box 132, Snyder, CUNNINGHAM Okla. 73566 - William Taylor left Tenn., at the age

16 or 17 and went to Mo. m. Mary Fortenberry. Two children, Milledge and John were born in Mo., William moved to Lawrence Co., Ark., in 1816. Where was he born - in Tenn? Mill­edge Taylor m. Hester A. (on 1850 census of Strawberry Twp., Lawrence Co., Ark.) What was her last name? Where were they married? Need parents, brothers and sisters of Lee Cunningham, b. Va. 1829. Lived in Sharp Co., Ark., from 1854 - 1898.

MOSS Mrs. Jacob A. Miller, 2604 Beaty, Odessa, Tex. 79763-BURTON Desire to exchange data and will answer all letters.

Jackson Carroll Moss, b. Feb. 26, 1815, Christian Co., Ky., m. Oct. 8, 1840 to Emily Ann Burton, d. Apr. 27, 1904, Shreveport, La., buried in Jack County, Tex. Children: Thomas Ballard, b. Aug. 12, 1843, m. Susan Jane Bates; Mar~ J. b. May 31, 1845, m. E. A. Burns; Margaret E. b. Feb. 21, 1847, m. R. T. Roberts; Lucy A. b. Sept. 15, 1848, m. J. P. Owens; Nancy Cath­erine b. Dec. 10, 1849, m. Cicero Columbus Bates; these were born in Franklin Co., Ala. The following were born in Columbia Co., Ark.: Jackson Robert b. Nov 19, 1851, m. Nancy McDaniel; Walter Scott b. Oct. 27, 1854, m. Eliza Jane Walker; Andrew Jackson b. Apr. 3, 1856, m. Eva 1; 2 infant sons. Who were the parents of Jackson Carroll Moss?



Emile J. Gex, Jr. 620 Stovall Ave., Picayune, Miss. 39466 - My grandmother Eliza Malinda Rawls, b. Apr. 6, 1843 (Bradley Co. ?~ m. Joseph L. Plunkett. Will

information or research time.


Fan Alexander Cochran, 3200 N. W. 35th St., Okla­homa City, Okla. 73112 - Garrett Milton Walthall and wife, Celia Brannon celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and an article appeared in the Arkansas

Democrat, Feb. 12, 1922 (with picture). Her family had been in the area very early but Walthall came with his father in 1870. I believe this is the half-brother of my grandfather, Rufus Peyton Walthall. Andrew Jackson Walthall married Nancy Randolph in Ga., children: Rufus Peyton and Elizabeth. Nancy died soon after the birth of Elizabeth and the children were reared by the maternal grandparents, Peyton Skipwith Randolph in Miss. We were always told the father went to the gold fields. Did he come to Arkansas? Would like to contact descendants of G. M. Walthall, in Conway, Arkansas, 1922.

KELLY Steve S. Kelly, Route # 4 Box 67-B, Denham Springs, La. 70726 - Need help with the Civil War records of John

Kelly b. ca 1826 in Tenn., wife Rebecca b. ca 1824. Listed in 1860 census Hot Spring Co., Ark., Saline Twp. with 5 children age 12 years to one month (latter my great great-grandfather, Isaac Huston Kelly.) Nancy was born about 1862 making 6 children. The mother and children were still here in 1870. Rebecca died about 1905 in Traskwood, Arkansas. Have conflicting pension reports and do not have enough information to select the right John Kelly from the number listed in the records.

BENEUX Mrs. M. K. Quesenbury, 1603 N. Harrison, Little Rock, QUESENBURY Arkansas 72207 - Justin Felix Beneux, b. in France, ALSTON 1806, arrived in United States in 1831, m. Sarah

Alston, b. in France. Where and when did they marr~? They settled in Crawford Co., in 1832 (later Franklin Co., Ark.) son, J. Beneux married Martha Quesenbury in 1866. Also other in­teresting marriages of Alston, Quesenbury and Beneux.


Mrs. John B. Kennedy, 404 E. Key Blvd., Midwest City, Okla. 73110 - Would like grave location and informa­tion from the stones for the following: Mary Cargill b. ca 1825, d. after 1880 (Lonoke Co.,. Ark. Eagle Twp.?) John D. Kennedy b. ca 1858. Last known, Welborn Twp. Conway, Co., Ark. 1880.

William Riley Bounds, d. before 1870. Last known near Warren, Ark. Janie, or Jenny (Nancy Jane) Hopkins, d. after 1880. Last known living near Hurricane, Ark. Husband, William Hopkins preceeded her in death. Orin Francis Massey, b. Feb. 22, 1849, d. ca. 1892. (Appleton or Ada, Ark.?) John D. Wisenhunt, b. ca. 1853, last known in the area of Gillham or King, Polk Co., Ark.

EDITOR'S NOTE: You know your ZIP CODE. I don't! ON YOU LETTER. It is easier for you to write me to hunt it and then write it.

PLEASE PUT IT it than for

Now you have read the QUERIES. Anything on your lines? Now is the time to answer.

~128-LEE Mrs. Joyce Thomasson, Rt. 2 Box 188, Camden, Ark-COOK ansas 71701 - Who were parents of John Henry Lee,

born Jan. 2, 1827? He lived part of his life in Desha and Drew Counties, Arkansas, and married Malissa COOk, born July 28, 1828. Who were parents of her father, Joshua Cook, born May 2, 1805, and where was he born? Who were par­ents of her mother Susanah ( ) Cook, born Jan. 13, 1811? Joshua and Susanah Cook lived in Southwestern Arkansas.


Who were parents of Lewis L. Holmes, born April 30, 1850, probably in Arkansas? He died 1902 and is buried in Sardis Cemetery near Sparkman, Arkansas.

Who were parents of Mary Elizabeth Hodge, born December 5, 1843 probably in Arkansas? She married Lewis L. Holmes and they made their home in the Dallas and Ouachita Counties area. (Arkansas) Mrs. Chester Garrett, 2955 Bower A.venue, Camden, Arkansas 71701


Does anyone have knowledge of the KEELING FAMILY of Elbert County, Georgia in 1830 and members of which moved to Arkansas later. Leonard Worthy Keeling

married Mary Davidson, January 1, 1842, in Union County, Arkan­sas: lived near Camden about 1869 and moved from there to Falls County, Texas. Have birthdates for thirteen of this family be­ginning in 1800 and thru 1824.

YOUNG Mrs. Bula ]\iJ. Young, % Jayco Insurance Agency, 909~ PIPKIN University, Fort Worth, Texas 76107 - A.m searching

for information concerning marriage of 1Hlliam Ceiton Young, Sr., and Mary S. C. Pipkin in Columbia County, Arkansas in October 1857. Was advised there was no record in Columbia County of this marriage. William Ceiton Young, Sr., was appointed to the Methodist ministry in Paducah, Kentucky, in 1849. He was in Pulaski County, Arkansas in 1855. Who has any information concerning this couple?


Mrs. H. P. Hollis, 628 Banner Street, Camden, Ark­ansas 71701 - Where and when did Wiley M. Mitchell, bOrn in Georgia marry CarOline Lancaster? They

were married probably about 1847-48, as the second child was born January 1, 1850. They lived most of their married life in Ouachita County, Arkansas, but were not there in 1850 census. Where were they? '

HALTOM Mrs. Joseph C. Bryant, 9157 Donnybrook Lane, Dallas, loJATKINS Texas 7521'7 - Need information on children of John

Haltom, born 1790 in North Carolina, died in Oua­chita County, Arkansas. One child Ezekiel Haltom was my great grandfather and his wife was Emeline Watkins.

MC CLENDON Mrs. Paul E. Howard, 1641 Illinois Street, Lawrence, BRASHEAR Kansas 660h4 - Am trying to find burial place of

William Keeton McClendon, born ca. 182h, unmarried living in Camden, Arkansas in 1851, where he "lvas engaged in the shipping, receiving and advancing on cotton business. He is supposed to have died in or near BentonVille, Arkansas before 1854 where he had supposedly gone to visit Brashear relatives. Could this have been Benton, Arkansas? Does anyone have know­ledge of Brashear relatives in either town?


Mrs. Katy M. Ansbaugh, 301 N. E. 17th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 - Does anyone have know­ledge of the burial dates and places of Jackson K.

Griffin and his wife Corelia A. Sanders Griffin, probably in Hempstead County, Arkansas, before the turn of the present cen­tury. This couple were parents of Martha Cathryn Griffin, born July 1, 1838, and Mary Elizabeth Griffin, born April 6th, 1846.

GRIGGS Mrs. E. J. Stutsman, Box 86, Greenwood, Louisiana, SMITH 71033 -Who were the parents of my great great grand-

father Rhodam S. Griggs, buried in Oakland (Old Confederate) Cemetery in Camden, Arkansas. The inscription reads--born July 17, 1796, died Sept. 12, 1849. He married Charlotte Smith, daughter of Col. Francis Smith of Baldwin Co­unty, Georgia, who died in 1821.

RIDGELL Mrs. Bertie Ridgell Brown, P. O. Box 167, Montrose, URSERY Arkansas 71658 - Does anyone have any information

concerning the family of Andrew Ridgell, born March 31, 1844, died April 12, 1903. The old Ridgell homestead was located out from Chidester, Ouachita County, Arkansas near Red Hill Community. He married Caroline Jones Ursery. She had been married to a Mr. Ursery (who?) and she was born in Alabama. Who were the parents of Caroline Jones? Who were the parents of Andrew Ridgell, born 1844.

LIVINGSTON I am still pursuing my hunt for the parents of Hyram E. LiVingston. Would like to have knowledge of an

obituary article on his death. Would like to know where infor­mation on residents of Indian Territory is kept? Byram E. Liv­ington died September 11, 1895 at Tucker, Pickens County, Chick­asaw Nation, Indian Territory according to his army records. Mrs. Richard E. McElroy, 2350 West 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46260


I would like to contact someone who is working on the Chism Family. My grandfather was John Richard Chism, born 1849. Married Sarah Freeman, age 23, in Pope Co. (Griffin Twp.) Ark. Also I have been

searching for the marriage date of John Henry Goff to Fanny Tidwell, 12 April 1856. I will pay a fee for the search and a copy. Mrs. Carl Goff, 405 S. California, San Gabriel, Calif., 91776.

KETCHERSID Samuel Willard Ketchersid, Jr., 6327 N. 65th Drive, KETCHERSIDE Glendale, Arizona 85301 - Would to exchange infor-

mation with someone who is working on the Ketcher­side (Ketchersid) Family. My uncle R. B. Ketchersid worked on Ketchersid Genealogy for over 40 years, and then I took over. I have a large amount of names, some history. Much Ketcherside information, but in a lot of instances valuable information is lacking. I plan to publish what I have as soon as a few more peices are put together. Currently I have over a thousand Ketcherside names plus all the names they are married into.