the anglo-saxons 499-1066

Period 3B Part 2 THE ANGLO- SAXONS 499-1066

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The Anglo-Saxons 499-1066. Period 3 B Part 2. anglo-saxon art & artifacts. The Treasure of Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxons Treasures (620-626 A.D.). Time Era was Just after 620 A.D. Found in a Suffolk on a farm There were multiple treasures buried in the field - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Period 3B

Part 2



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The Treasure of Sutton HooAnglo-Saxons Treasures (620-626 A.D.)

• Time Era was Just after 620 A.D.

• Found in a Suffolk on a farm

• There were multiple treasures buried in the field

• Most of the other treasures had been robed

• The largest mound contained a large boat

• This boat was 86 feet long and contained a burial room

• There is evidence of a decayed body

• Only items found were made of gold or hard metals because everything had decayed

• A metal barbaric helmet was found witch were very rare for the time

• They also discovered a roman like shoulder clasp that represented leadership and power

“The objects in the burial were carefully chosen to reflect the king's high rank and equip him for the Afterlife. Many of them, even to the modern eye, are extraordinary and they allow us a glimpse into a life that was barbaric yet sumptuous and sophisticated - a lifestyle that is described in the poem Beowulf, which although written down a couple of centuries after the burial, vividly brings to life this earlier heroic period.” -British Museum

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• The jewelry was mostly made of gold, silver and bronze.

• Bronze was the most frequently used metal. Gold and silver were used for higher class people.

• Girdle hangers- something women wore around their waist to show that they were the head of their house.

• Necklaces were made with stones, beads, and crosses.

• Important females usually wore pendants shaped like small weapons.

• Females often wore bangles, neck-rings and bracelets.

• Men would wear bore tusks set in a sleeve of copper alloy to show off his successful hunting.

• Fancy broaches were usually worn to hold together their cloaks.

• Jewelry was often very colorful and were carefully made.

• Rock crystal pendants were believed to have special properties in the eyes of a Pagan Saxon.

• “Anglo saxon jewelry occupies an exceedingly important position in then history of the goldsmtihs art. Its beauty lies in its delicate gold work and peculiarly harmonious blending of colors.” ( )

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• This was a heroic age, the greatest virtue was loyalty to one’s lord.

• The spear was the principle weapon of the Anglo-Saxons.

• Spearheads were anywhere from a few inches to two feet or more.

• The overall length of the spear was around 6’6”- 8’ and the end was often covered by a metal cap.

• A Scramasax is a relatively cheap single edged knife earlier blades were shorter (8-14”) and later ( 22-32’’)

• These blades were attached to a decorative pommel of wood or horn.

• Although less common swords and axes were also used by the Anglo-Saxons.

• The least common weapon was the bow and arrow.

• The shield was the main defensive item of the Anglo-Saxon warrior.

• Helms were worn by the more wealthy, they consisted of four or more segments and often had cheek guards.

• Body armor of linked mail was only worn by the wealthiest of warriors. When wearing this they adorned padded leather undergarments.

“In Anglo-Saxon culture and literature, to be a hero was to be a warrior. A hero had to be strong, intelligent, and courageous. Warriors had to be willing to face any odds, and fight to the death for their glory and people. The Anglo-Saxon hero was able to be all of these and still be humble and kind.” (Garcia)

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The Anglo-Saxon people had no buttons or zips so brooches were used to hold clothing in place.

The Anglo-Saxons used precious metals and enamel to make jewelry. Cattle and horses were used as way of transportation for goods and people. Oxen were most important for the purpose of pulling the plough to prepare the fields for

planting. The tools used by Anglo-Saxon farmers were vital to keep their farming operations going to

be able to get the most out of each harvest. Iron would be smelted near the ore source, and later the blooms would be made into bars

for supply to the blacksmiths. Many common tools used by the Anglo-Saxons were ploughs, axes, scythes and spikes. The first homes were built from timber and thatch. (wood sides with straw roofs) Buildings were eventually made out of stone and brick, as well as reused materials from

early roman buildings.Anglo-Saxon farmers were very resourceful and used whatever was available to them in time of need.

"to wend his way to the same road where I cut the props (and) load his waggons with fair rods that he may weave a fine wall, and set up many a goodly house." –King Aelfred (ruled 871-899)

Tools of the Anglo-SaxonsItems used to make life more simple

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SussexThe Isolated Kingdom Sussex is also known as South Saxon and Suth Seaxe.

Lead by Ælle, the Saxons settled in the area of Selsey Bill which is between Kent and Portsmouth.

Ælle was one of the leaders in Mons Badonicus, but the battle was lost and Ælle soon lost the throne.

After the defeat at Mons Badonicus, the Kingdom of Sussex drifted into obscurity for 150 years.

Æthelwalh marries the daughter of Eanfrith of Hwicce and is baptized a Christian in 685 AD marking the re-emergence of the Kingdom of Sussex.

During the late 8th century, Sussex has been taken over and is being ruled by Mercia.

In 825 AD, Wessex takes over Mercia and gaining control over all the kingdoms Mercia ruled including Sussex. Thus Sussex has become nothing more than a providence in Wessex.

“In this year Aelle came to Britain with his three sons Cymen, Wlencing and Cissa with three ships at the place which is called Cymenesora and there slew many Britons and drove some into flight into the wood which is called Andredsleag” (Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for the year AD 477) The first literacy account of Sussex.

Aaron Pettit

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ST. PATRICKEvangelist in Ireland

He was born around 387 in Scotland.

At age 14 he was captured taken to Ireland to slave as a shepherd.

At age 20 he had a dream from God that he should escape, so he left Britain and was reunited with his family.

He began studying for priesthood under St. Germanous, Bishop of Auxerre.

After 15 years of studying, St. Patrick was ordained a bishop and was sent to spread the gospel in Ireland.

He and his followers converted many Christianity, including kings and kingdoms, and built many churches.

He used symbols, like the shamrock resembling the trinity, to make his teachings easier to understand.

He was arrested by the Celtic Druids many times, but always escaped.

He died in Saul, where he built his first church, on March 17, 46.

Today we still celebrate his legacy on St. Patrick’s day every March 17th.

“If I have any worth, it is to live my life for God so as to teach these people; even though some of them still look down on me.” –St. Patrick

Samantha Soltis 3B

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Synod of Whitby

The Synod of Whitby was a meeting held by the Christian church of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria in 663/664 to decide whether to follow Celtic or Roman usages.

The meeting was called by King Oswy, primarily in the matter of recognizing the date of Easter.

The Roman and Celts determined the date of Easter based off different cycles.

King Oswy observed Celtic practice and celebrated Easter on April 14.

His wife followed Roman practice; for the Queen, April 14 was Palm Sunday and she wouldn’t celebrate Easter for another week.

King Oswy sided with the Roman usages because he believed Rome followed the teaching of St. Peter, the holder of the keys in heaven, and was afraid that if he sided with the Celts St. Peter would not let him in the gates.

The English church would be associated with the Romans in the main stream of Western European Christianity.

“King Oswy opened by observing that all who served the One God should observe one rule of life, and since they all hoped for one kingdom in heaven, they should not differ in celebrating the sacraments of heaven. The synod now had the task of determining which was the truest tradition, and this should be loyally accepted by all.“ -Bede

A vital turning point in the development of the church in England

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• The book originated in the early 8th century, which makes the book over 1.200 years old.

• It was written in the Isle of Iona, Scotland.

• The original copy of the book was written in Latin.

• The book contains the Four Gospels of the Christian scriptures.

• In the 9th century, the book was stolen and returned a few months later, everything remained intact except for the cover, which has been missing ever since.

• In 1541, the book was taken by the Roman Catholic Church for safekeeping and was returned to Ireland during the 17th century.

• The book was believed to have a sacramental use and would be held at the top of alters.

• The illustrations of humans, animals, and mythical creatures were used as symbol to indicate important passages

• The books illustrations are based upon art from the La Tene art period

• Only 1,480 copies of the book have been created.

• “The only thing to which they can be compared is a bed of many coloured crocuses and tulips or the very finest stained glass window, which they equal in beauty of colouring and rival in delicacy of ornament and drawing.”

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The Book of Durrow 7th Century Gospel Manuscript

• Contained the works of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.• Made up of 247 vellum folios and six carpet pages. • In the 17th century the book was dipped into a trough for sick cattle to drink

from, as it was believed to have curative powers.• It is believed to be the earliest surviving fully decorated Insular gospel

manuscript. • The interlaced patterns used were thought to have apotropaic powers. • The Book of Durrow was started in 650 BC. • The manuscript measures 247 by 228 mm. • It is believed that the Book of Durrow had a cumdach. (book shrine)• Within the pages were full page miniatures of all four evangelist symbols.• The first letter of the text is large and decorated.

Bede reports that in the latter part of the seventh century many Angles went to Ireland for a time to study, so that by the end of that century there were no doubt in Britain a number of monastic artists who were trained to carry on the miniature painting of the Irish illuminators, as well as actual Irish manuscripts to serve them as models.

By Brigham Grimes