the ancient history of kazakh (nomads) yurt (m.kursabaev)

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kazakh Steppe is bithplease of the nomads yurt in the world (M. Kursabaev), Kazakhstan, Astana, 2013


  • 1. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Astana 15.12.2013 %D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%89% asmagambetov N.I, ubakirov ., Dzaparova G., Sydykov .B, Mazbayev .B, Gabdullina .H, yapbekova ., mzabekuly D, imagambetov Zh, , Robin Bendrey, Magdi Norssi Yoyssef, Sabyraimov Zh, Berdongarov , benov ., nzhaliev , Saidahmetov B.S, Baltabaev .S, ydyrbayuly , Nurgalieva .S, Baityshev G., Samarkhanov K, Sergalieva R., Dysembinova R., Baktybayeva N, Karataeva , Sagyndyk N, nal , rmek S, Dautov .T, lisherkyzy , yrzashev , Tleugali A, Sadykov .G, mankul THE KAZAKH HIGH LAND (STEPPE) NOMADS YURT BIRTHPLACE OF THE WORLD Author idea by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev

2. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Astana 15.12.2013 %D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%89% Ancient nomads of the Great Eurasian Steppe said: "Heaven - Creator" and "Earth Mother."And so, people believed that the very first cover and the savior of life on earth was Earth. 3. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev In the context of globalization ( social and economic crisis ) and the introduction of large-scale industrial and innovative technologies in the world dramatically increased positive continental integration between states. In the process of global integration and mass formation occur (modernization ) and merge the new company and a consortium , social and economic interests that are related to biodiversity environmental , historical and cultural values of the society . On the background of huge economic and achieve positive results in Kazakhstan and in the world, mankind has often faced with many environmental problems and technological factors that determines the combined efforts for a comprehensive solution to these problems on a global scale . To solve these problems, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev made a number of specific progressive ideas that are implemented on a global scale . One of those issues are history, culture and "green technology" 4. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev The main objectives : - based on scientific input and empirical folk (non-traditional) knowledge about the environment to develop a model yurts of nomads (Yurtorda & Yurtoshaq) world as ethno-cultural phenomenon , tourist and archaeological recreational building and effective tool saving technology in the world tourism industry; - design a modern system of tourist product on the basis of classical architectural design yurts of nomads world (kazakh, mongol, kyrgyz, yakyt, iran, turkmen, tatar, karakalpak, escimos, indigenous, kalmyk) and other nomads of the world; Main tasks: - Accommodation ( classic design , construction, reconstruction ) tipi (district) in the World Exhibition " EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan, in major cities Ethno- Aul and tourist centers , promoting the idea of Global yurt tourism in the world; - The creation of a museum of history yurts of nomads world The Museum yurt of nomad's in the world ( draft attached) to hold an international symposium Kazakh High land (Steppe) nomads yurt birthplace of the world" ; - Issue of electronic and scientific teaching aids for students and skhoolchildrens Yurtorda & Yurtoshaq; 5. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Brief description One of the most effective models of historical and cultural values and biodiversity and natural landscape as well as forming in the minds of the younger generation of environmental culture is the development and promotion (placement in the major cities and tourist centers) yurts of nomads of the world as an effective tool preservation and revival of ethnic values and energy-saving technology as a standard " Green technology " in the world . Opening Botai culture scientists of the world (Botai culture in Kazakhstan) about the early domestication of horses and the development of technology " kumys " directly associated with early housing designs yurt botay-settlement Yurt-oshaq. For many centuries, "yurt -nomad's yurt and yurtorda constantly improving become a unique value of spiritual and material culture ancientkazah and steppe peoples ( Aryans , Huns , Saka- Scythian and ancient Turkic tribes ) . 6. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Outlook and philosophical and historical yurt cognitological concept became the object of research by many scientists in the world , where the main component is the mathematical modeling of structures, which are made with environmentally friendly materials (wood, biological waste animals , wool , bone, shrub , skin) . Today's world is the object of tourist yurt business. In Alaska (USA), in England, Australia and many countries have developed business plans to promote tourism yurt as an effective tool of historical and cultural values and energy-saving technology . 7. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Kazakhstan as the birthplace of yurts of nomads world should become the leader of this project. Yurt as unique design is inextricably linked with associative integral components : national cuisine ethnomusical instruments , national costumes and ornaments , jewelry and applied arts , dining and armor, traditions and customs and folklore and are followed in the course of this project. Consider appropriate promotion of the project in the society using centuries old experience and ethnic and cultural heritage of nomadic ethnic groups around the world (Kazakhs , Kyrgyz, Mongols , Uzbeks , Kalmyks, Turkmen, Afghan , American Indian , African tribes , Eskimos , etc.) and as an effective solution to the problem " greening of society "in order to make to implement a global program of" green technology. " 8. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Expected results -Grounded theoretical and methodological concept geochronological genesis and development of human civilization becoming home to the global aspect of becoming a social formation ; Identified and proposed scientific use the term Yurtorda and Yurtoshaq; - Created scientific platform for the development of a training manual EthnoGlobalYurt tourism; -The ways of organizing and analyzing scientific papers, research projects and other application resources geochronological genesis and formation of the housing development of human civilization on the example geoheritage nomadic peoples of the world ; - On the basis of the world's scientific achievement in the field of philosophy, history , culture , archeology, linguistics , ethnography, historical geography, education and psychology, and science ethnoecology was defined phenomenon of social , material and consumer culture of the nomads of the world as an object geoheritage peoples of the world ; - Identified tourist , recreational , ethnocultural , regionology , archaeological potential of ancient dwelling of the nomads of the world; - Compiled geoarchaeological electronic map geochronological genesis and development of human civilization becoming dwelling; - Revealed scientific background and offered alternative ideas about recognition site Kazakh Hihg Land (Eurasian Steppe) - the birthplace of the earliest dwellings (Ancient nomads yurt) nomads of the world; - Offer the organizers of the World Exhibition EXPO 2017 Astana-Kazakhstan about rooms in tourist and archaeological camping EthnoGlobalYurt (EGY) yurts of nomads (Kazakh, mongol, kyrghiz, iran, indigenous, spian palloza, russian izba, yakyt and escimos Tippy, turkmen , afghan, bushmen village, tatar, bashcurort, uyghur, kalmyk) world; 9. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Geologic and geochronical evolution of the origin of the yurt 10. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Geologic and geochronical evolution of the origin of the yurt Million years ago, early humans lived in a warm equatorial belt of Africa , Australia, China and other continents. The mild climate, the availability of sufficient quantities of food , wild plants and fruits as well as parking and cave became favorable factors for life. When they learned to use fire and life conditions of people's lives changed dramatically .Years passed . Around the camps and caves where they lived wild animals, birds and edible plants became less.These difficult situations caused mass migration of primitive people in search of better housing , and provided food production . %D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%89% 11. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Geologic and geochronical evolution of the origin of the yurt In the field, primitive people had to adapt to the harsh and difficult conditions. People have realized that the collective action of all members of a cohesive group benefit them and success. Hunting of wild animals they had planned earlier. Usually they are made before the hunt religious ritual staged group hunting on large and dangerous animals.From the cave to the forest-steppe zone, they have come a long and painful road. Go back to the cave was impossible and very dangerous. istorija/016-Okhota-i-rybolovstvo.html 12. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Geologic and geochronical evolution of the origin of the yurt The very first shelter from heat, cold and rain were broken off long branches of trees and shrubs. First dwelling had oval circles, where the lower part of the branches (uyq) attached to the grass. The upper parts of the branches folded crusts cut off from the trunks of trees fresh. Sometimes used instead of branches long fangs mammoths. On the floor made the dry twigs and hay vegetation. Dwelling itself enveloped skins of wild animals, lush ferns branches. religija_kultura/p5.php 13. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Geologic and geochronical evolution of the origin of the yurt Gradually, people realized that the design collection of wooden dwelling occupies a small part of their time, allowing them to move freely in space and time. Soon they were able to construct a more comfortable home. All designs dwellings were temporary shelter. In the case of a long voyage in search of food, they could, if necessary, to build temporary housing. Thus, many of the primitive community cross continental boundaries of Africa, India-China and other continents. religija_kultura/p5.php 14. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Map movement primitive communities in continental margins Africa China-India 15. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev M ovem ent of prehistoric m an in the Eurasian continent 16. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Movement of prehistoric man in the Eurasian continent Many historians and archaeologists of the world are united in the opinion that ancient man started his camping trip in the Eurasian continent from Africa and India-China Peninsula. They moved north in search of food. The process was long and dangerous. When adaptation and acclimatization in an unfamiliar environment, they are often faced with various diseases and other unexpected natural phenomena. 17. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Movement of prehistoric man in the Eurasian continent Special place while moving the climate played. People accustomed to the warm equatorial climate conditions seriously transferred mountain or desert terrain. But the presence of the rich variety of animals and birds, lakes, rivers and especially the fauna and flora of foreign territory attracted them. Sometimes harsh climate forced them to adapt quickly to the conditions of life and uninhabited oasis landscape. 18. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Movement of prehistoric man in the Eurasian continent Long branches which they had constructed could not get warm shelter from the cold. The presence of many animals skins become indispensable materials that were trimmed around the home (tent, skin). They soon learned that carefully crafted withered bull buffalo skin or can be valuable materials for life and home. pervobyitnyie-lyudi 19. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Movement of prehistoric man in the Eurasian continent Sometimes the bones of large animals, especially mammoth served object temporary housing. Bone around the shelter to fold big Mammoth skin. Dwelling itself was held at long standoffs birches and pines. Spread out on the floor of the large leaves of the trees and dry hay various field and forest plants. 20. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Movement of prehistoric man in the Eurasian continent In warm and sub-equatorial zones, particularly in floodplains and lakes, primitive people often sets the temporary dwellings. They are often used by anglers. Human activities are not limited to catching fish, as in the neighborhood lived a different species of birds and wild animals. 21. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Movement of prehistoric man in the Eurasian continent In the process of moving some people prefer to live in caves. Near the cave they fixed abode. Inside or outside the cave they painted stone figures on various topics. Had a special place totemic themes related to the life of wild animals. 22. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes 23. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes In Kazakhstan, stone drawings (Petroglyphs) are located in mountainous areas Tamgali, Tau, Arpauzen, Ulitau Altyn Emel and Taskesken. Analyzing theme stone figures can be assumed that primitive people were enthusiastic about the many species of wild animals, birds and animals. Special attention is paid to the topic of pets. People have realized that the domestication of wild animals to domestic conditions - the key to prosperity and way of solving the food security. To contain and tame wild animals to the hands had to be permanent parking for the dwelling. - . Articles by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Kazakhstan, Astana, page 130 24. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes Most threads stone figures were devoted to the study of the mysteries of the origin of wild animals. Topics hunting mammoths and other wild animals are represented in almost all the cave paintings and petroglyphs from Australia, the Eurasian Steppe and to Latinas America. Pervobytnye-hudozhniki-risovali-zhivymi-kraskami 25. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes According to the archeologist Zhaken Taimagambetov ancient people lived mountain plains of the Altai Range and oases Irtysh River Basin. As a result of the excavations of ancient sites (East Kazakhstan, Shulbinsk) found traces of stone fireplace (stove) and housing (25 thousand years) that have similar shape with Kazakh-Tippy (Tippe) North American Eskimos and pomset Siberian Sakha-Yakut (Chumm). www/2012/work/bogdanov/narod.html 26. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes During the First Congress of the Kazakhstan National Geographic Society (9.10.2013, Nazarbayev University) Congress Zhaken Taimagambetov, Zeinolla Samashev Victor Zaibert, Ordenbek Mazbaev (first Kazakh conquered Antarctica) discussed the problem of the origin of dwellings (yurts) primitive people inhabiting the territory of Kazakhstan. According to the result of the excavation of the archaeological expedition (The Ertis River, Chulbinsk, East Kazakhstan), led by professor Zh.Taymagambetov on-site parking ancient stone found traces of primitive people dwelling (25 thousand years ago). fbid=648052648572130&set=pcb.648054701905258 &type=1&theater 27. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes According to well-known archaeologists Victor Zaibert and Zeynolla Samashev about 4 thousand years ago on the territory of Kazakhstan (Botai culture, Northern Kazakhstan) in the process of domestication of wild horses were first dwelling nomads classical type. As a result of ancient herdsmen decided to build a convenient and safe housing for the purpose of breeding and other agronomic crops for longer period. 28. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes In Kazakhstan in the settlement Botai (Cental and North Kazakhstan), scientists have found archaeological artifacts that evidence of early domestication of wild horses (domestication in the Eneolithic Botai Culture of Kazakhstan, dating to about 3500 BCE, uk /archaeology/about /staff / r-bendrey.aspx) and some materials which are fixed on the bases of global scientific and technical information ons.dtl (The Earliest Horse Harnessing and Milking. Alan K. Outram, Natalie A. Stear, Robin Bendrey, Sandra Olsen, Alexei Kasparov, Victor Zaibert, Nick Thorpe, Richard P. Evershed) . 29. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Moving primitive man to the territory of the Kazakh Steppes Opening Botai dwelling (Zaibert V, Zakariyanov E) scientists of the world culture (Botai culture in Kazakhstan) about the early domestication of horses and the development of technology "kumys" directly associated with early housing designs yurt Botais man zhertole or yurtoshaq. For many centuries, "nomad's yurt constantly improving become a unique value of spiritual and material culture ancient-kazah and steppe peoples (Aryans, Huns, Saka- Scythian and ancient Turkic tribes). fbid=648052648572130&set=pcb.648054701905258 &type=1&theater 30. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Proceedings of the international Internet conference Studying the materials we noticed that , in the course of research methods were used scientific experimental and scientific- analytical direction (choice of research topics, analyzing , classifying scientific developments and research in the fixation of similar themes and experimental work , visiting museums, a sociological survey , analyzing comments , conversation and questionnaires , participate in discussions and webinars , etc.). As a result, we have developed a project on a global forum on the theme 126 The Kazakh High Land (Steppe) - the native land of felt dwellings Nomad of the world at the University "Turan- Astana . " Selene and Alex Cole RR#1 1459 White Rock Roa Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R1 Phone: (902) 670-4556 Website: Email: [email protected] 31. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Nomads yurt as object scientific reaserch 32. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America 33. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America By hypothesis, scientists (Goebel, Ted; Waters, Michael R.; O'Rourke, Dennis H. (2008). "The Late Pleistocene dispersal of modern humans in the Americas". Science 319 (5869): 1497- 1502. Doi: 10.1126/science.1153569. PMID 18339930. Retrieved 2010. Jump up ^ Gremillion, David H. (2008). Archaeolog: Pre Siberian Human Migration to America: Possible validation by HTLV-1 mutation analysis. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000078. Retrieved 2010-10-12) and other researchers the migration of the peoples of Asia and the Americas occurred 40-17 thousand years ago. It is likely that at the turn of the social formation ancient people moved freely between the two supercontinents 34. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America According to the survey (Michael Balter (October 2013). "Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe". Science 342 (6157) : 409-410. Doi: 10.1126/science.342.6157.409.) And other scientists genetic code HG "R "(Y-DNA) HG" Q "(Y-DNA) match between the inhabitants of the Americas, Eurasia, and in particular Central Asia and Kazakhstan. This version says that many centuries ago across the Bering Strait many tribes actively migrated between the two continents. genous_peoples_of_the_Americas 35. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America .. pp 593-603 - T. Douglas Price et al. - Prehistoric human migration in the Linearbandkeramik of Central Europe. T. Douglas Price1, R. Alexander Bentley1, Jens Lning2, Detlef Gronenborn2 and Joachim Wahl3. Ant/075/Ant0750593.htm %20human%20migration&fp=0&pos=5&rpt=simage&lr=163&uinfo=ww- 1349-wh-623-fw-1124-fh-448-pd-1& 36. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America As you can see in the picture shows the felt dwelling of the nomads of North America. They are called Indian Nomad's Shelter. They hihg practical cost-effective and environmentally friendly natural and harmonious with the environment. The parts are made of wood, harboring material made from the skins of wild animals home ilm. In this regard, we propose a variant of a museum felt nomadic dwellings in all countries where there early cattlemen or other representatives of the ancient steppe civilization. Scene from the movie "Winnetou son Appachi" 37. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America Interestingly, the design technology Indian Nomad's Shelter has an amazing resemblance to the dwellings of the Yakuts northern Russia. This suggests that many thousands of years ago the Eskimos of Alaska and northern Russia without hindrance Yakuts crossed the Bering Strait ice plain. Therefore, material culture and other technologies making felt dwellings of parallel civilization should be considered and examined carefully. Scene from the movie "Winnetou son Appachi" 38. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America Comparative analysis of both structures gives the notion that the difference between them in the first place with different natural and climatic characteristics of the region and the presence of the inhabitants of the deer and horses. To my great happiness Yakuts and Native America still retained felted design technology and other dwellings. Although the design is simple home decoration items , but the history of the dwelling ancestors for them to this day remains unique material herttge . Surprising that Lloyd Kahn is not up to the level of attention to these kinds of ancient dwellings.Villge Residence Yakuts Northern Russia 39. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Bering Strait - golden bridge ethnic migration in Asia and America Scientific and technical information resources sparsely disposes of materials and research projects related to the construction of dwellings and Yakuts Russian Eskimos of America and Canada. Proposed model for reconstruction of dwelling Inuit of Canada and America is evidence that many people really care about the fate of the planet unique material cultures of the nomadic peoples of the world. In Kazakhstan, on the initiative of scientists and volunteers (Marat Nabiev, Sadybek Tugel) will soon create a museum History and culture Kazakh Greate Steppe, where we proposed project The Museum History nomads yurt of the world. According to the plans of our colleagues one of the main elements of the museum should be a history of the felt dwelling Yakuts and Eskimos housing-from-the-bark-of-the-indigenous- populations-of-asia-and-america.html 40. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurt-Orda center of society-economic and spiritual culture Koumiss as the national drink of the peoples of the Eurasian steppe zone has attracted a lot of attention over the American researchers. In 1877 in San Francisco A. Meyers published a monograph for details opisavalis nekotrye manufacturing technology equine milk. It is difficult to imagine that the process of nomadic yurt design (ancient kazkh tribes) was the primary, although many scientists are unanimous primacy domestication horses in Kazakhstan. In this regard, one should note that the nomads of Botai settlement before planning habituation of wild horses , first built his house . 41. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurt-Orda center of society-economic and spiritual culture Archaeological findings have led the way to the truth about the first manufacturing technologies kumys (horse milk) and the design of a mobile dwelling nomads Felt (yurt, yurtorda) and the early stage of domestication of wild animals that have common roots associations. Under the association we understand all human action associated with the process when designing the home or shelter. They are connected with the life and behavior of society, with natural and climatic conditions, material and spiritual orientations, mythological representations, everyday objects and rituals , religion and geoheritage, traditions and customs, economy and art, and other spiritual and cultural values. 42. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev : , , , , (). . , . . , , , , , . , , , 1991 43. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Wikipedia Archaeological investigations of the Botai culture of ancient Kazakstan have revealed traces of milk in bowls from the site of Botai, suggesting the domestication of the animal.No specific evidence for its fermentation has yet been found, but considering the location of the Botai culture and the nutritional properties of mare's milk, the possibility is high. Kumis is an ancient beverage. Herodotus, in his fifth-century BC Histories, describes the Scythians processing of mare's milk, . , Marco Polo, William of Rubruck, . . %D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5+ %D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5%D0www.ancientcraft.archeolo g 44. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Wikipedia Archaeological investigations of the Botai culture of ancient Kazakstan have revealed traces of milk in bowls from the site of Botai, suggesting the domestication of the animal.No specific evidence for its fermentation has yet been found, but considering the location of the Botai culture and the nutritional properties of mare's milk, the possibility is high. Kumis is an ancient beverage. Herodotus, in his fifth-century BC Histories, describes the Scythians processing of mare's milk, . , Marco Polo, William of Rubruck, . . %D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5+ %D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5%D0www.ancientcraft.archeolo g 45. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev () . PostBotai culture ( ) . - . . - . . . . %D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5+ %D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5%D0www.ancientcraft.archeolo g 46. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . - (2800 - 2000 ) . () . Yurtoshaq Yurtorda. : (), , , , , . HTTP://WWW.TATFORUM.INFO/FORUM/LOFIVERSION /INDEX.PHP?T7141.HTML 47. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . ay/posts/10151892332103695?comment Native American- Turanian Brotherhood: FIRST NATIONS First , . . GLOBAL KZAKH YURT TOURISM (M.Kursabaev) 48. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () (- ) - . () , . , , . 49. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () 2017 . . , , . 152- , , EXPO 2017 Astana-Kazakhstan . 50. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . , . . . , . , , , . 2017 - . ( .) 51. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . , . Lloyd Kahn, ( , , ) [24]. 52. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Shelter Publications . , , . Lloyd Kahn (born 1935) is the founding editor-in-chief of Shelter Publications, Inc., and is the former Shelter editor of the Whole Earth Catalog. He is also an author, photographer, and pioneer of the green building and green architecture movements, Lloyd Kahn [24]. Kahn/dp/0936070331/ref=la_B001JS1BQY_1_3? ie=UTF8&qid=1367398711&sr=1-3 53. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , . - . Lloyd Kahn (born 1935). Kahn/dp/0936070331/ref=la_B001JS1BQY_1_3? ie=UTF8&qid=1367398711&sr=1-3 54. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () - - (- ) . . , , , , , . 55. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . ( The Kazakh High Land (Steppe) the native land of felt dwellings Nomad of the world) - , , () . ( ) . . GLOBAL KZAKH YURT TOURISM (M.Kursabaev). http:// . 56. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () ( arhar-myiz) . - ( ouy-ornek) . , , , . , , . . 57. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . (petroglyphs) (geoglyphs). - Ouy-ornek. , , . 58. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () ( ). - , - . , . . 7- . , . . KursabaevMuhamedrahim THE TASKESKENS PETROGLIPHS. Articles by professor MuhamedrahimKursabaev. /post/243516/ 59. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . . , ( , , , , ) , . - , - . 60. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () (The Kazakh high land Steppe). - - , . , , . 61. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , , . .. (oshaq) , (tezek). (kerege) , (bakan) - , (shanyrak) - , - . . 62. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . R.Bendrey , . , . . . 63. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . . , . - Oli-ara . ( ). . 64. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . , (, , , , , ) , , . ( ) ( ). tenge alu, audaryspak, Kokpar. ( ) . 65. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - () . . . 4-5 (kulyn). kulyn-baby. , - . B , , . , 20- . . 66. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . . . . , , , , , . . 67. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . Lloyd Kahn . Zher-tole. Zher- tole . Uyq . , . Zher-tole Dingek. Kazakh yurt 68. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . , Alkey Margulan. . 69. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurt syiek - . Kerege - (1), Uyq - (2), Shanyrak - (3) Esik. 70. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Kerege . Kerege Zheli (1). Eris Balashyq, Saganaq. 71. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Shanyrak . . 2 . Aq-kaiyn ( ) Sambi tal . Kuldreuish 3 8 (2). Togyn (1) Kozi (4) . Beriktik (3) Shanyrak. 72. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Uyq - Dogalay (1) Uyqbau (5) Uyq iygy (2). Uyq Shanyrak Kary (3) Shanyrak Qalam. 73. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Esik Sykyrlauyq Mandaisha (1) Bosaga, Zhaktau (4) Tabaldyryk (5). Tabaldyryk . . , Tabalduryqty baspa. Tabaldyryk - , . 74. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . , . Aq-kaiyn ( ) Sambi tal , , . , . 75. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . , , . , , . 76. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . 2012 (East Kazakhstan) (Tasboget city, Kyzyl-Orda region, Jun 1992) . Kazakh yurt tourism . . 77. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , Kazakh yurt tourism. , , , , , , Kazakh Tazy-dog, , . Presentation East Kazakhstan Report part, Iter Persona Kosmos (IPK) Barbara Postel, Rudolf Vinands (Germany). 78. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . - , . (yurt tourism). (Ger-Mongol yurt) . - Thomson Reuters, AAAS, Springer, Elsevier, Wikipedia . yurt Wikipedia. . The American Association for the Advancement of Science 79. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , The American Association for the Advancement of Science. - Thomson Reuters Elsevier. - Wikipedia . The American Association for the Advancement of Science 80. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , Impact-factor . . University of Reading (England) Robin Bendrey t/staff/r-bendrey.aspx - () - . 81. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev University of Reading (England) Robin Bendrey , , . . . , , . bendrey.aspx 82. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev ,, . , , . , ., 83. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , Rudolf Vienands (Germany) . - Thomson Reuters, AAAS, Springer, Elsevier, British Library, Wordpress , . Selene and Alex Cole RR#1 1459 White Rock Roa Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R1 Phone: (902) 670-4556 Website: Email: [email protected] 84. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . -s G-Global, Global ethnics. net Your . . Selene and Alex Cole RR#1 1459 White Rock Roa Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R1 Phone: (902) 670-4556 Website: Email: [email protected] 85. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . 200 , . , . . , , . Alkey Margulan. . Kazakh yurt 86. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev yurt tourism Alaska . , . . , . , . 87. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , . . . , . 88. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , , . . . , , . , . . 369 Parkway Lane SouthFloyd, VA 24091(540) 745- 7458,[email protected] ,[email protected] 89. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Kazakh Yurts in an Organic Desert Garden Feeling jaded from all the holidays in this country, we decided to retreat to the desert for Shabbat (the Jewish day of rest). And this was no ordinary retreat: arriving into Moshav Dekel, in the Eshkol region of the Negev (bordering on the Gaza Strip), our spirits lift when we see our destination: 36 Figs A Kazakh Yurt Desert Experience. Following on from previous Green Prophet posts about other yurt destinations in Israel, as a sometime ger/yurt builder myself, having spent time living in them with nomads in Mongolia, I have long wanted to get out 90. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Kazakh Yurts in an Organic Desert Garden His eco-tourism venture, 36 Figs, comprises of 6 original Kazakh yurts, dotted around a stunning and tranquil organic plant garden and fruit grove, all planted and tended by Boris and his family. Our first meeting with him was when he popped out from behind a tree as we settled in to our yurt bearing freshly picked fruit he doesnt know its name, but its a kind of exotic cherry, tasting of caramel and coffee. Other fruits he showed us, and that we sampled, over 24 hours, include guava, passion fruit, mango (both made into jams and liquers on the premises) lemons, mandarin oranges, pomegranates, lychees, green carobs, and what I think is a cacoa pod, or a chocolate fruit! The yurts are huge, warm, and very restful spaces. He chose Kazakh bridal yurts, which are bigger than normal, and come decorated with original Kazakh embroideries, full of spiritual, religious and sensual significance. Dekel. 91. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev The yaranga is a tent-like traditional mobile home of some nomadic Northern indigenous peoples of Russia, such as the Chukchi and Siberian Yupik. Its outer appearance is similar to the yurts and gers of Central Asia, but the inside is structured somewhat differently. The Chukchi yarangas are built of a light wooden frame, cone-shaped or rounded, and covered with reindeer hides sewn together. A medium-size yaranga requires about 50 skins, with as many as 80 being used for larger sizes. A large yaranga is hard to heat completely in winter; there is a smaller cabin, a polog, built inside, that can be kept warm where people sleep (Dinets 2006). The Chaplino Eskimos (Ungazighmiit), Siberian Yupik peoples, also use yarangas for winter. They have a framework made of posts and covered with canvas ( 1954: 515) The yaranga is surrounded by sod or planking at the lower part. There is a smaller cabin inside at the back, used for sleeping and living, separated from the outer, cooler parts of the yaranga with haired reindeer skins and grass supported by a cage-like framework. The household work is done in the main section of the yaranga in front of this inner building, and many household utensils are kept there; during winter storms and at night the dogs are also there 92. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Dinets, Vladimir. 2006. Chukchi art. Vladimir Dinets Homepage. Retrieved November 18, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2001. YurtsRound and Unbound. Alternatives Magazine 18. Retrieved November 16, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2006. Yurts: Living in the Round. Gibbs Smith, Publisher. ISBN 978-1586858919. King, Paul. 2002. The Complete Yurt Handbook. Eco-Logic Books. ISBN 1899233083. Kuehn, Dan Frank. 2006. Mongolian Cloud Houses: How to Make a Yurt and Live Comfortably. Shelter Publications. ISBN 978-0936070391. Pearson, David. 2001. Circle Houses: Yurts, Tipis and Benders (The House That Jack Built). Chelsea Green. ISBN 1890132861. Raitt, David. 2006. History. Vital Designs. Retrieved November 16, 2008. (Rubcova), . . 1954. ( ) (Materials on the Language and Folklore of the Eskimos, Vol. I: Chaplino Dialect). : (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences). :SB_- _Inside_a_Kazakh_yurt.jpg://www.newworldency 93. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurt - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A yurt is a portable, bent dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia as their home. The structure comprises a crown or compression wheel, usually steam bent, supported by roof ribs which are bent down at the end where they meet the lattice wall (again, steam bent). The top of the wall is prevented from spreading by means of a tension band which opposes the force of the roof ribs. The structure is usually covered by layers of fabric and sheep's wool felt for insulation and weatherproofing. Yurt - originally from a Turkic word referring to the imprint left in the ground by a moved yurt, and by extension, sometimes a person's homeland, kinsmen, or feudal appanage. The term came to be used in reference to the physical tent-like dwellings only in other languages. In modern Turkish the word "yurt" is used as the synonym of homeland or a dormitory. 94. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Western yurts pioneered by William Coperthwaite in the 1960s, Enthusiasts in other countries have taken the visual idea of the yurta round, semi-permanent tentand have adapted it to their cultural needs. Although those structures may be copied to some extent from the originals found in Central Asia, they often have some different features in their design that adapt them to different climate and use. In the United States and Canada, yurts are made using hi-tech materials. They are highly engineered and built for extreme weather conditions. In addition, erecting one can take days and they are not intended to be moved often. These North American yurts are better named yurt derivations, as they are no longer round felt homes that are easy to mount, dismount and transport. North American yurts and yurt derivations were pioneered by William Coperthwaite in the 1960s, after he was inspired to build them by a National Geographic article about Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas's visit to Mongolia. 95. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Palloza From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A palloza also known as pallouza or pallaza) is a traditional construction of the Serra dos Ancares of northwest Spain. A circular or oval, of ten to twenty meters in diameter, with stone walls and a conical roof composed of stalks of rye. Intended in part to house and in part to block for the cattle, its structure was ideal to withstand the harsh wIs of pre-Roman origin, presumably Celtic. The pallozas have similarities with the round houses of the Iron Age in Great Britain or the buildings of the Castro culture. As an anecdotal note worth mentioning that the village of Asterix, the Gaul, is composed, in part, by pallozas. Detail of one of the buildings. Inside can see the home.The Palloza name is actually a corruption of the Galician word "pallaza", first included in the late 19th century by ethnographers such as German Fritz Krger, referring to the material that was used to make the roof of the building. The traditional name of these buildings is in fact casa de teito or casa de teitu. exist. 96. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Palloza From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia They were used until the second half of the 20th century, when improved communications have facilitated the arrival of modern building materials to the area. Today these are in Galicia, comarca of Os Ancares, and they remain in several areas of the municipality of Candn and western Asturias. The remarkable set of pallozas in the Bierzan town of Campo del Agua was largely destroyed by a large fire in the mid 1980's. The most famous of them may be that of Piornedo, which since the 70's has been an ethnographic museum. There has long been building of new pallozas used mainly as holiday homes, even in remote areas, where they did not traditionally exist. 97. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Nomads in the inhospitable regions of the world had no chance to settle and develop agriculture. The steppes and tundras are cold windswept, and barren. To survive, they developed shelters that were close to nature and supported the necessities of human life The yurt and similar structures are "perfec lessons in appropriate design and sustainable building. Refined over generations, they are simple yet sophisticated, beautiful, and comfortable" (Pearson 2001). The word yurt is originally from the Turkic word meaning "dwelling place" in the sense of "homeland;" the term came to be used in reference to the physical tent-like structures only in othe languages. In Kazakh (and Uyghur) the term for the structure is kiyiz y ( , lit. "fel home"). In Kyrgyz the term is boz ( ) literally "grey house," because of the color o the felt used in its construction. The origina word for nomad came from a word for felt making them the "felt people" (Kemery 2006) 98. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Kyrghiz family in front of yurt near Issyk-Kul lake, Kyrgyzstan Dinets, Vladimir. 2006. Chukchi art. Vladimir Dinets Homepage. Retrieved November 18, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2001. YurtsRound and Unbound. Alternatives Magazine 18. Retrieved November 16, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2006. Yurts: Living in the Round. Gibbs Smith, Publisher. ISBN 978-1586858919. King, Paul. 2002. The Complete Yurt Handbook. Eco-Logic Books. ISBN 1899233083. Kuehn, Dan Frank. 2006. Mongolian Cloud Houses: How to Make a Yurt and Live Comfortably. Shelter Publications. ISBN 978-0936070391. Pearson, David. 2001. Circle Houses: Yurts, Tipis and Benders (The House That Jack Built). Chelsea Green. ISBN 1890132861. Raitt, David. 2006. History. Vital Designs. Retrieved November 16, 2008. (Rubcova), . . 1954. ( ) (Materials on the Language and Folklore of the Eskimos, Vol. I: Chaplino Dialect). : (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences). e:YurtIssykFamily.jpg 99. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev The only place online you'll find original and unique designs to express your Yurt Love. Whether you are a nomad, an adventurer, a traveler, an off-grid dweller, or simply a free- spirited individual, you will be charmed by this circular domed dwelling that is portable, self-supporting, and environmentally friendly and sustainable. It can be used as a home, a vacation spot, a cafe, a retreat, or anything you can dream of. We invite you to explore Yurtopia and discover yurt-inspired items to help you declare your love for the yurt! "We adore your designs! You're just our kind of yurt hugger & we wear our Yurtopia very proudly." - Yurts Truly, Thomasina Charney, Rossman Yurts & Retreats 100. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev The only place online you'll find original and unique designs to express your Yurt Love. Welcome to Yurtopia, the only place online you'll find unique and exciting designs to express your passion for yurts and sustainable, green living. Yurtopia offers a line of products and apparel for yurt and off the grid dwellers and enthusiasts! As defined by Wikipedia, a yurt is "a portable, felt-covered, wood lattice-framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia...more home-like than a tent in shape and build, with thicker walls...popular amongst nomads." The traditional yurt form is based on the Mongolian yurt, which developed to incorporate elements of Buddhist culture. Maybe you've never heard of a yurt before, but if you've ever stayed in a cabin, tent, or even a tipi, you are familiar with the thrill of being so close to nature, protected by a simple and cozy structure. A yurt, highly engineered and durable, is far more exotic and beautiful! 101. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Mongolian Cloud Houses: How to Make a Yurt and Live Comfortably Written for those interested in alternative lifestyles, outdoor living, camping, and do-it-yourself projects, this lively book recounts the author's experiences building his first yurt. Dan Frank Kuehn carefully guides readers through every step of the creation of a 13' diameter, 10' tall model. He covers everything 102. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Customers viewing this page may be interested in these sponsored links Customers viewing this page may be interested in these sponsored links (What's this?)M o n g o l i a n a - The Information Guide for Mongolia Guide to Tourism, Culture, Cheap Cloud Hosting - list of affordable cloud web hosts with reviews and discount coupons Answers - Search for Information Here Look Up Quick Results Now! See a problem with these advertisements? Let us know Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought tag=yurtopia- 20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1 &creativeASIN=0936070390&adid=0D85TN68 103. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Review Your Purchases To submit a customer review: you need to use an Amazon account that has successfully been charged for the purchase of a physical or digital item. Free digital downloads don't qualify. You don't need to have purchased the product you're reviewing. There's a 48- hour waiting period after your first physical order has been completely shipped, or your digital item has been purchased, before you'll be able to submit your review. Learn more about writing customer review . If your purchase was completed more than 48 hours ago, let us know here. If you have another account and you have already used it to make a purchase, you can sign into that account to write a review. 104. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Edit Your Profile Edit Your Profile You can manage your personal information and privacy settings for your Profile. To edit your Profile: Go to your Profile page at and log into your account if requested. Click Edit Your Profile in the top right- hand corner of the page. Update your personal information or any other settings that appear on the page. Choose the appropriate "viewable by" option from available options under the desired category. Privateonly you will see this information.Everyoneeveryone will see your latest activity on your Profile page, and Amazon Friends and people who have marked you as a Favorite person will also see your activity on their Profile pages. Click Save Your Profile when finished. 105. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Visit Amazon's Becky Kemery Page Author becky kemery was born in the Philippines to a British father and American mother. At age 6, after living in India for 5 years and circling the globe 2 1/2 times, she moved with her family to the States and continued her peripatetic lifestyle, ending with a Master's Degree from the University of British Columbia. In the early 90's becky moved into her first yurt and fell in love with both the structure and the yurt lifestyle. In 2001 she began writing about natural building and sustainability for regional publications, continuing with a book designed to educate people about yurts and their potential as a mortgage-free, simple and green shelter solution. "YURTS: Living in the Round" was updated for its third printing in 2009 and remains a standard text for those exploring shelter options in the face of economic instability. 106. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Add New Post Expected results -Grounded theoretical and methodological concept geochronological genesis and development of human civilization becoming home to the global aspect of becoming a social formation ; Identified and proposed scientific use the term Yurtorda and Yurtoshaq; - Created scientific platform for the development of a training manual EthnoGlobalYurt tourism; -The ways of organizing and analyzing scientific papers, research projects and other application resources geochronological genesis and formation of the housing development of human civilization on the example geoheritage nomadic peoples of the world ; 107. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Insert Media - Identified tourist , recreational , ethnocultural , regionology , archaeological potential of ancient dwelling of the nomads of the world; - Compiled geoarchaeological electronic map geochronological genesis and development of human civilization becoming dwelling; - Revealed scientific background and offered alternative ideas about recognition site Kazakh Hihg Land (Eurasian Steppe) - the birthplace of the earliest dwellings (Ancient nomads yurt) nomads of the world; - Offer the organizers of the World Exhibition EXPO 2017 Astana-Kazakhstan about rooms in tourist and archaeological camping EthnoGlobalYurt (EGY) yurts of nomads (Kazakh, mongol, kyrghiz, iran, indigenous, spian palloza, russian izba, yakyt and escimos Tippy, turkmen , afghan, bushmen village, tatar, bashcurort, uyghur, kalmyk) world; 108. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurt Gazetesi , Turkey Yurt, yeniliki ve nc olduu kadar, drst, namuslu, bamsz, gerein ve halkn gazetesidir. Yurt Manet. Gn'n Karikatr-Serdar Gnbilen. 109. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Welcome to Yurt Info Welcome to Yurt Info, your online resource for all things yurt. Brought to you by the author of Living in the Round. We have compiled some of the most extensive materials about yurts on this site. My name is Jeff Capron and I am a yurt enthusiast and owner. When I was researching yurts a few years ago, was the one resource I leaned on to answer many of the questions I had about them. I read much of the authors materials and without it, I would have never been comfortable buying a yurt. I started my own forum at so I could share my experiences and pass on what I had learned. In August of 2012, the original author of this site, Becky Kemery passed away. I was so concerned that all of her information would suddenly vanish that I contacted her estate and we made arrangements that I would take over the upkeep of I hope I can do half as well as she did sharing the knowledge of these wonderful structures. 110. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurtstory: the history of yurts ancient and modern Many, many years ago-centuries ago, in fact-there lived a people with oak colored skin and almond eyes, herders on horseback and camel who followed sheep and goats and yak across ancient grasslands at the top of the world. Theirs was a land of bitter extremes, wind-swept steppes bounded by jagged peaks, long winters cold beyond imagining that melted into short green grassy summers when the herds multiplied and there was milk and meat in abundance. Long before the time of Christ, before Buddha and Mohammed, these tribes held a belief in the sacredness of all things and the need to keep a balance-balance between the world of people and the world of nature, and with the worlds above and below. Everything they did reflected this belief. 111. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Yurtstory: the history of yurts ancient and modern Many, many years ago-centuries ago, in fact- there lived a people with oak colored skin and almond eyes, herders on horseback and camel who followed sheep and goats and yak across ancient grasslands at the top of the world. Theirs was a land of bitter extremes, wind-swept steppes bounded by jagged peaks, long winters cold beyond imagining that melted into short green grassy summers when the herds multiplied and there was milk and meat in abundance. Long before the time of Christ, before Buddha and Mohammed, these tribes held a belief in the sacredness of all things and the need to keep a balance-balance between the world of people and the world of nature, and with the worlds above and below. Everything they did reflected this belief. house-Kursabaev/467665003298375?fref=ts 112. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . ( ) . . yurtology. 113. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , William S. Coperthwaite (1930-2013), a native of Maine, U.S., pioneered yurt building in the United States.[1] For his book A Handmade Life: In Search of Simplicity, he received the Nautilus Book Award.[2] fbid=267247506620123&set=a.267054339972773.76476 .254587994552741&type=1&theater :// 114. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , William S. Coperthwaite (1930-2013), a native of Maine, U.S., pioneered yurt building in the United States.[1] For his book A Handmade Life: In Search of Simplicity, he received the Nautilus Book Award.[2] fbid=267525579925649&set=a.267054339972773.7647 6.254587994552741&type=1&theater 115. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , William S. Coperthwaite (1930-2013), a native of Maine, U.S., pioneered yurt building in the United States.[1] For his book A Handmade Life: In Search of Simplicity, he received the Nautilus Book Award.[2] 116. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , . 117. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , . 118. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , . Turanian-Brotherhood-FIRST-NATIONS- First/254587994552741 119. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , . , , , . Turanian-Brotherhood-FIRST-NATIONS- First/254587994552741 120. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , tive-American-Turanian-Brotherhood- FIRST-NATIONS- First/254587994552741 . Turanian-Brotherhood-FIRST-NATIONS- First/254587994552741 121. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , , , (Kazakh word-Sambital). Facebook. . , . , , , ( ). professors/rudolf-wienands/ 122. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , Facebook. , . , mer-professors/rudolf-wienands/ Rudolf Vienands Kazakh yurt city Ertis (East kazakhstan). 123. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , , . , . . . 124. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , Rudolf Vienands (Germany) . - Thomson Reuters, AAAS, Springer, Elsevier, British Library , . Selene and Alex Cole RR#1 1459 White Rock Roa Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R1 Phone: (902) 670-4556 Website: Email: [email protected] 125. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , , , . : / [email protected] [email protected] ,[email protected] www.lfy.caEmail: [email protected],, [email protected] - . (Taskesken tanbalary jane Naiman-qala tarihy). Articles by professor MuhamedrahimKursabaev, 126. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev 1. 2. 3. Roger Jones Golf & Leisure Ltd (USA), Innovative Tourisn Advisors (THR), , , System Plan for Tourism Development in the Kenderli Area,SKS Studio+SB Architects+Roger Jones Golf & Leisure Ltd, 16.11.2012 4. , , System Plan for Tourism Development in the Kenderli Area,SKS Studio+SB Architects+Roger Jones Golf & Leisure Ltd, 16.11.2012) 5. - , Presentation East Kazakhstan Report part, Iter Persona Kosmos (IPK) Barbara Postel, Rudolf Vinands (Germany), 6. 7. 8. 9. . .. , , 2017 . , 2013, 325 . 10. The Kazakh High Land (Steppe) the native land of felt dwellings Nomad of the world. ., ., ., - (29.01.2013). 11. : - . : ... ., 1990 ISBN 5-89800-008-9 12. - : / . .., . - : . 2007.-29 1 . ISBN 9965-08-234-0 13. . . . , 2005 ISBN 9965-17-272-2 14. 15. 16. 17. .. , : 1970 18. Google Earth. Data SIO, NOVA, US Navy NGA, GEBCO. US Dept. of State Geographer 2013, Image LandSat. 20. 127. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Dinets, Vladimir. 2006. Chukchi art. Vladimir Dinets Homepage. Retrieved November 18, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2001. YurtsRound and Unbound. Alternatives Magazine 18. Retrieved November 16, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2006. Yurts: Living in the Round. Gibbs Smith, Publisher. ISBN 978-1586858919. King, Paul. 2002. The Complete Yurt Handbook. Eco- Logic Books. ISBN 1899233083. Kuehn, Dan Frank. 2006. Mongolian Cloud Houses: How to Make a Yurt and Live Comfortably. Shelter Publications. ISBN 978-0936070391. Pearson, David. 2001. Circle Houses: Yurts, Tipis and Benders (The House That Jack Built). Chelsea Green. ISBN 1890132861. Raitt, David. 2006. History. Vital Designs. Retrieved November 16, 2008. (Rubcova), . . 1954. ( ) (Materials on the Language and Folklore of the Eskimos, Vol. I: Chaplino Dialect). : (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences). 128. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Dinets, Vladimir. 2006. Chukchi art. Vladimir Dinets Homepage. Retrieved November 18, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2001. YurtsRound and Unbound. Alternatives Magazine 18. Retrieved November 16, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2006. Yurts: Living in the Round. Gibbs Smith, Publisher. ISBN 978-1586858919. King, Paul. 2002. The Complete Yurt Handbook. Eco- Logic Books. ISBN 1899233083. Kuehn, Dan Frank. 2006. Mongolian Cloud Houses: How to Make a Yurt and Live Comfortably. Shelter Publications. ISBN 978-0936070391. Pearson, David. 2001. Circle Houses: Yurts, Tipis and Benders (The House That Jack Built). Chelsea Green. ISBN 1890132861. Raitt, David. 2006. History. Vital Designs. Retrieved November 16, 2008. (Rubcova), . . 1954. ( ) (Materials on the Language and Folklore of the Eskimos, Vol. I: Chaplino Dialect). : (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences). 129. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Dinets, Vladimir. 2006. Chukchi art. Vladimir Dinets Homepage. Retrieved November 18, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2001. YurtsRound and Unbound. Alternatives Magazine 18. Retrieved November 16, 2008. Kemery, Becky. 2006. Yurts: Living in the Round. Gibbs Smith, Publisher. ISBN 978-1586858919. King, Paul. 2002. The Complete Yurt Handbook. Eco-Logic Books. ISBN 1899233083. Kuehn, Dan Frank. 2006. Mongolian Cloud Houses: How to Make a Yurt and Live Comfortably. Shelter Publications. ISBN 978-0936070391. Pearson, David. 2001. Circle Houses: Yurts, Tipis and Benders (The House That Jack Built). Chelsea Green. ISBN 1890132861. Raitt, David. 2006. History. Vital Designs. Retrieved November 16, 2008. (Rubcova), . . 1954. ( ) (Materials on the Language and Folklore of the Eskimos, Vol. I: Chaplino Dialect). : (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences). 130. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Encyclopedia yurt tentlike Central Asian nomad's dwelling, erected on wooden poles and covered with skin, felt, or handwoven textiles in bright colours. The interior is simply furnished with brightly coloured rugs (red often predominating) decorated with geometric or stylized animal patterns. The knotted pile rug, first known from a nomad burial at the foot of the Altai Mountains (5th-3rd century BC), probably developed as a fur substitute to provide warmth and sleeping comfort in the yurt. Learn more about yurt with a free trial on 131. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev 132. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev 133. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev 134. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , , . .., - Dr. Winfried Boeing Fairquote Cooperative (Switzerland) 12.12.2013 - . New Silk Road s=kursabaev&filter= %2Ccomment&comment_sort=DESC 135. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - . . . 136. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - . Impact factor . Muhamedrahim Kursabaev URZHAR SKYTHIAN WOMEN QUEEN OBJECT OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH. Received: 16.06.2013 ID: 263 Is under review. European Researcher is international multidisciplinary bilingual scientific journal. It was established to encourage dialogue among European researchers. ISSN 2219-8229. E-ISSN 2224-0136 137. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev - . Impact factor . blogID=5929494560252076768#editor/target=post;postI D=7397793343937653200;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onC losedMenu=allposts;postNum=6;src=postname 138. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev , yurt tourism . , . . . fb_action_ids=503696579674405&fb_action_types=og .likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=246 965925417366 139. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev Welcome to the Yurt Forum - A Yurt Community. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. 140. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev 141. Astana 15.12.2013 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev . . . , . , . , . . Selene and Alex Cole RR#1 1459 White Rock Roa Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R1 Phone: (902) 670-4556 Website: Email: [email protected]