the americas in the making: 18 th -19 th c. the americas: national expansion, regional imperialism...

The Americas in the Making: 18 th - 19 th C. The Americas: National Expansion, Regional Imperialism – the rise of the U.S.

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Page 1: The Americas in the Making: 18 th -19 th C. The Americas: National Expansion, Regional Imperialism – the rise of the U.S

The Americas in the Making: 18th-19th C.

The Americas:National Expansion,Regional Imperialism –the rise of the U.S.

Page 2: The Americas in the Making: 18 th -19 th C. The Americas: National Expansion, Regional Imperialism – the rise of the U.S

19th Century Developments

Continuing Patterns: Colonial (European) Interference, Influence

- Most important in Spanish, Portuguese former colonies: the Roman Catholic Church

- even after liberal upheavals in Europe, Church remained strong

- former colonies remained strongholds: clergy continued to be contenders for local power, equivalent to ‘class’ interests

Page 3: The Americas in the Making: 18 th -19 th C. The Americas: National Expansion, Regional Imperialism – the rise of the U.S

19th Century Developments

Church had ‘monopoly’ on education, intellectual life during colonial era: following Independence…

- ‘liberals’ wanted secular education, full separation between ‘Church and State’

- ‘conservatives’ supported the political role of the Church and wanted it built into new constitutions

Remained contentious issue throughout 19th century --Church influence still active in 20th century

Page 4: The Americas in the Making: 18 th -19 th C. The Americas: National Expansion, Regional Imperialism – the rise of the U.S

19th Century Developments

Direct challenges to South America:

- British, French naval blockades at different times, of Argentina

- Britain repeatedly violated Brazilian national waters in its efforts to end the slave trade slave trade

- French returned to ‘re-take’ Haiti 1801

Page 5: The Americas in the Making: 18 th -19 th C. The Americas: National Expansion, Regional Imperialism – the rise of the U.S

19th Century Developments

And to Mexico:

- Spanish invaded 1829

- French attacked Veracruz in 1838

- full-scale invasion 1862 [see discussion below, part of story of US Imperialism]

- Different circumstances, similar goals: the former to re-establish influence in the region, the latter to establish it [rebuilding what it had lost elsewhere in NA in 7-yrs war]

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19th Century Developments

Also to the United States: War of 1812

- Direct challenge by Britain: in 1814: occupied Washington, burned the Whitehouse and Capital

- British in Canada allied with ‘loyalist’ Amerindians who fought against US forces on side of British

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Damage to the Capital (above)And ‘White House’ (drawing)

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19th Century Developments

Continuing Patterns: failed attempts to ‘create’ nations of different regions, economies, ethnic groups

- Simon Bolivar: from freeing Venezuela – went on to create regional ‘confederation’ “Grand Columbia”

- Jose Antonio Paez: resisted Bolivar’s government-- in turn established Venezuelan 1829

- Led to break up of short-lived’ regional state’

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Created ‘Gran Colombia’: confederation Ecuador, New Granada, Venezuela

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19th Century Developments

Continuing Patterns: failed attempts to ‘create’ nations of different regions, economies, ethnic groups

- Similar situation elsewhere: United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, ‘loyalists’ in Uruguay and Bolivia, separatists in Paraguay –

All led local independence movements

- even Buenos Aires, Argentina had difficulty uniting, controlling far-flung regions

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19th Century Developments

All Achievements (Independence, Unification, Secession) – achieved by war, strong military leaders

- leaders often reluctant to give up ‘power’ enjoyed during process of independence – whether from colonial or local powers

- promised strength, stability to war-weakened societies

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19th Century Developments

All Achievements (Independence, Unification, Secession) – achieved by war, strong military leaders

- often supported by people initially

- later challenged when reluctant to respect democracy (give up authoritarian power)

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19th Century DevelopmentsExamples:

- Bolivar (Venezuela), de Iturbide (Mexico): their military reputations provided the foundation for personal political power – power based on personal ‘achievement’, charisma

- Can be easily challenged when political situation changes, when people seek different kind of ‘authority’ – or just another

- Paez (Venezuela): used personalized power to resist Bolivar’s government when it ceased to be popular

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19th Century Developments

Examples: United States

- Andrew Jackson: used it to win presidency as ‘popular’ candidate (defeating older, wealthy ‘political aristocracy’ )

- cut away at Constitutional powers of Congress and Supreme Court by increasing those of president

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Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)

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19th Century Developments

Examples: L’Ouverture (Haiti)

- 1800: L’Ouverture declared himself ‘Commander-in-Chief’ of the Island

- instituted policies to restore plantation society: required labour to regenerate economy

- seen as attempt by island slaves to re-introduce slavery

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19th Century Developments

1801 New Constitution: slavery, racial discrimination ‘abolished’ forever

- alienated Whites (who turned to Napoleon to re-establish former regime)

- and Coloureds who lost privileges

- mandatory labour, general ‘bourgeois values’ enshrined: alienated slaves

- 1801: massive uprising against L’Ouverture

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19th Century Developments

1801 Uprising:

- opened door to Napoleon’s ‘return’ to the island (French troops)

- ultimate defeat of French, victory of new regime that reacted against everything ‘French’ – from executed soldiers/officers to ‘collaborators’

-end of L’Ouverture’s ‘French Haiti’: in turn generated reactions among neighbours – including US.

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19th Century Developments

Continuing Patterns: slavery and abolition

- Britain’s abolition of the slave trade was not universal: continued into Spanish and Portuguese territories until mid- (even late) century

- Issue between Brazil and Britain (re: slave ships) but also domestically (cause of Pedro I’s abdication; focus of Pedro II in attempt to keep throne)

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19th Century Developments

Continuing Patterns: slavery and abolition

- Bolivar had taken ‘risk’ of alienating his own class to advocate abolition: why? To recruit slaves to ‘the cause’ of Independence

- And to assure support (military) of Haiti

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19th Century Developments


- Pedro I: ratified treaty ending importation slaves 1830 but trade continued into 1850s

- war with Paraguay (1865-70): opportunity for slaves to gain freedom by joining army

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19th Century Developments

Brazil:- convinced many of abolitionist cause

- runaways grew in number: little support for returning them

- Yet: 1888 before abolition achieved -- shows depth of belief in ‘slavery’ as natural social condition (with possibilities for integration)

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19th Century: United States

Rise of United States as Regional Imperial Power

-In context of ‘nationalisms’ throughout central/south America and Caribbean, US in best position to gain strength in region

- while regionally ‘unequally developed’ – South agricultural, slave labour, North industrial, wage labour – overall economy still stronger than any to its south (and west – Amerindian, Mexican)

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19th Century: United States

‘Manifest Destiny’:

-‘Divinely Ordained’: subjugation of indigenous ‘non-Christian’ people

- reinforced Westward movement

- Combined with ‘strongman leadership’: ‘United ‘ States held together longer than confederations elsewhere

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Manifest Destiny

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19th Century: United States

US-Mexico: 1820s – 1830s

- Mexicans invited Americans invited into northern provinces to help develop them: Mexicans had no investment ability – former colonial wealth in silver no longer viable

- Americans soon outnumbered Mexicans: resented their lack of political authority

- particular grievance: Mexican laws against slavery --Americans brought slaves as their labour force

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19th Century: United States

US and Mexico: 1835-36

- Mexican ‘liberals’ joined disgruntled Americans

- They rebelled: gained independence for ‘Texas’

- became US ‘slave state’ in 1845

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19th Century: United States

US and Mexico: 1835-36

-provoked outright war

-American forces captured Mexico City 1848

- forced cession of huge territory: New Mexico, Arizona, California in return for $15million ‘cash supplement’

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19th Century: United States

Mexico: liberals under Benito Juarez took control

- to re-establish stability: new Constitution imposed limiting power of Church and Military

-Conservatives retaliated: invited Napoleon III (France) to reinstate ‘their’ power

-Another example of Europe returning to the New World: Napoleon’s forces invaded Mexico 1862

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19th Century: United States

Competing Imperialisms: France vs US

-French installed Austrian Hungarian emperor in Mexico

-several years of war followed

- US used diplomatic pressure to restore Mexican president to power: established foothold in country

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Major French Assault; ‘taking of Republican Flag’; execution of Emperor

Napoleon requests Egyptian Troops

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19th Century: United States

United States Intervention Elsewhere in Latin America:

- Same time as interests/involvement with Mexico: US appropriated role of ‘defender of independence’

- “Monroe Doctrine” 1823: US ‘proclaimed’ it would keep European influence out of Latin America [ similar to Western Europe ‘declaring’ that any threat to the Ottoman Empire was a direct provocation to Europe]

- As in Europe/Ottoman situation: proclamation effectively made Latin America subject to US influence


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19th Century: United States

United States Intervention Elsewhere in Latin America:

- Latin America was “easiest way to connect the two sides of the continent” – in this way, creating ‘US sphere of influence’ was tied to ‘Manifest Destiny’

- Prior to completion of trans-national railroad, cheaper to sail south (to east or west coast of Mexico) and cross/ship goods at narrow point

- first railroad in region financed by US to facilitate this overland route [textbook p.840,1]


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19th Century: United States

United States Intervention: from investment to conquest- [parallel with European relations/Ottomans continues]:

- 1890s: group New York investors ‘’bought” foreign debt of Dominican Republic, took control gov’t main revenue sources to assure investors, creditors ‘repaid’

- When Dominican Republic government collapsed, US (under Theodore Roosevelt) stepped in with corollary to Monroe Doctrine

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19th Century: United StatesUnited States Intervention: from investment to conquest

- Stated [ textbook p.841]:

“the United States, as a civilized nation, would correct the ‘chronic wrongdoings’ of its neighbors, such as failure to protect US investments”

- Set the scene for shift from influence through investment to control through military intervention

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19th Century: United StatesUnited States Intervention: from investment to conquest

- 1903, 1904: US sent marines into Dominican Republic to ‘protect’ investments

- 1916: repeated – this time Marines occupied, governed until 1924

- Left legacy of ‘National Guard’: controlled through violence, defended local corruption [Textbook p.841]

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19th Century: United StatesUnited States Intervention: from investment to conquest

- Set precedent for repeated, similar interventions into 20th Century

- Haiti, Nicaragua: suffered military occupations, then continuing US military ‘back up’ for investments in bananas, sugar, railroads, mining etc. etc.

- Invariably: tactics of violent suppression of protest trained others to take over – history of Dictators left in place to serve US interests

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19th Century: United StatesIntervention Cuba: like Latin America but… Island still Spanish Colony

- Unlike most of Central/South American colonies that had successfully achieved some form of ‘independence’ from Spain [last lecture]: Cuba’s attempt had failed

- Renewed war 1895: tactic was to destroy economic base of colony – sugar

- Totally successful: locals willingly took ‘economic losses’ for promise of ‘political gains’

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19th Century: United StatesIntervention Cuba: like Latin America but… Island still Spanish Colony

- As Cubans on verge of succeeding: US intervened

- [textbook – many versions of story]: US sailed an over-armed battleship into Havana which exploded and sank as soon as it arrived (doing no damage to Havana)

- Purpose? US argued ‘Spanish Sabotage’; Spain argued ‘provocation’ – would seem it was an accident

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19th Century: United StatesIntervention Cuba: like Latin America but… Island still Spanish Colony

- Overlooks reason for ‘intervention’ in first place: to lay claim to what was sure to be a new, ‘revolutionary’ independent state just off US shores [ the Haiti situation all over – with slightly different ‘stakes’]

- Led to war between Spain and US: the almost-independent Cuba was once again a ‘colony’ for the taking

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19th Century: United StatesIntervention Cuba: like Latin America but… Island still Spanish Colony

- See “Reyita Castillo Bueno on Slavery and Feedom in Cuba” [Textbook pp.842,3]

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19th Century: United StatesIntervention Cuba: like Latin America but… Island still Spanish Colony

- larger, critical significance: by making this a war between Spain and the US ostensibly over Cuba, it also embraced Spain’s remaining colonies in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico) and in the Pacific (the Philippines, Guam) as ‘prizes’

- The war fought in spring, summer 1998 – the one inspiring Kipling’s ‘The White Man’s Burden’ – suddenly was an international one fought in both the Atlantic and Pacific

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19th Century: United StatesSpanish – American War: raised US presence from regional ‘sphere of influence’ to ‘new colonial power’

- US victorious: Puerto Rico and Guam – colonies directly ruled by US ‘colonial’ administrators [ just like Britain’s and France’s in Africa, Asia]

- Imposed similar rule in Philippines where a nationalist movement had already been opposing Spain: attempts to throw off US shackles unsuccessful

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19th Century: United StatesSpanish – American War: raised US presence from regional ‘sphere of influence’ to ‘new colonial power’

- Cuba’s nationalists better placed to resist US formal control: independence declared 1902

- But hugely ‘limited’ by US [textbook p.844]: military occupation as elsewhere 1906-8, 1912, 1917-22.

- Legal limitations even more important (including veto rights) and control of Guantanamo Bay [naval base, retained to this day – site of US human rights violations]

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19th Century: United StatesSpanish – American War: Cuba economic colony of US

- Economic devastation from war of Independence: opened door to US investment

- By 1919: US businesses owned half Cuba’s sugar mills

- Small (bankrupted) farms bought up, consolidated into massive estates: 22 US companies took over 20% land

- Coca-cola, Hershey (like many others) controlling sugar

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19th Century: United StatesSpanish – American War: Cuba ‘social’ colony of US

- [textbook p.844]: US imported its contemporary racial policies/attitudes into new Caribbean territories [see below on these]

- Cuba: encouragement to ‘exclude’ black Cubans – black ‘war veterans’ established own party

- Banned 1910: revolt in 1912 drew in US Marines - Led to widespread lynching of Blacks, just as in US itself

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19th Century: United StatesSpanish – American War: Puerto Rico

- ‘importation’ turn-of-century racism more explicit

- [Textbook p.844] re: Puerto Ricans becoming US citizens 1913: a federal Judge wrote:

“ [Puerto Ricans] have the Latin American excitability and I think Americans should go slowly in granting them anything like autonomy. Their civilization is not at all like ours yet’

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19th Century: United StatesThe issue later became more explicitly racial :

“The mixture of black and white in Porto Rico threatens to create a race of mongrels of no use to anyone, a race of Spanish American talkers. A governor of the South, or with knowledge of southern remedies for that trouble could, if a wise man, do much”

- The implicit suggestion that Puerto Rico represented the same ‘racial issues’ as post-Civil War US reflects the broader ways in which US ‘imperialism’ shaped its ‘sphere of influence

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19th Century: United States

Returning to the US: the ‘American Civil War 1861-5’

- problems posed by expansionism, “nationalism” (both domestic and regional) grew during early 19th C.

- new acquisitions of territory created not only conflict with Amerindians, neighbours (Mexico), elsewhere Latin Ameria (above) but created domestic political crisis

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19th Century: United States

Secession of US Southern States: ‘American Civil War 1861-5’

- with growing importance of slave-based southern agriculture (especially cotton) for industries (north and south) based on this production: political pressure grew to ensure that States created in new lands were ‘Slave States’

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19th Century: United States

Series of ‘negotiated legislations’ passed to mediate between different demands: ultimately led to War

- 1800: slave states majority

- Missouri Compromise 1820: Slavery prohibited north of latitude 36 degrees 30’

- 1821, 1837: ‘slave’ / ‘free’ states equal in number

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Slave-Free States 1837

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19th Century: United States

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19th Century: United States

Battle over Slavery continued: 1846 Slaves States gained majority of ONE

-precarious balance of states cause of concern for both anti- and pro-slave factions

-Kansas-Nebraska: became battleground (literally) for struggle

-‘pro-slavery’ settlers moved into region to assure vote

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19th Century: United States

“Bloody Kansas”: on-the-ground violence

-Government sent forces to support pro-slavery authorities; congress refused to recognize legality of State

-Revealed depth of cleavage in Government itself!- eventually enough anti-slavery voters moved into state to reverse position

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19th Century: United States

1861: Kansas admitted as ‘free state’

Just as Civil War began. . .

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19th Century: United States

Civil War: Secession of the South:

- federal policies (‘compromises’ not withstanding) ultimately alienated the Southern states

-As we have seen elsewhere: attempts to negotiate basic differences ultimately failed

-formed Confederate States of America: seceded in 1861

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19th Century: United States

American Civil War:

- President Lincoln handled Southern States same way other new national leaders handled problem: military force to remain part of new nation

- difference: all successful ‘secessions’ had taken place soon after War of Independence in Latin America: this attempt was almost a century later

-- too many vested (economic) interests to permit

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19th Century: United States

War Failed but Impact Long-Lasting:

- over 750,00 lives lost

-fought over ‘slavery’ but not really about slavery in sense of moral issue (abolitionist movement not central here – see below)

-About politics and economics: slave populations brought political representation, labour for production required by industry

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19th Century: United States

Origins of Abolition in US:

- in the US it was cotton (and its role in industrialization – Britain but also the US North) that drove early 19th century growth in slavery

- contrary to general impression, abolitionist activity not defined by region (north/south)

- - women, free/freed African Americans organized most anti-slavery activity throughout country

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Harriet Beecher Stowe

- teacher: wrote novelabout ‘life of slaves’ 1852- main character ‘UncleTom’, long-suffering slavearound whom othersstories revolved- hugely popular- caricatured by many

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19th Century: United States

Abolition of Slavery - Frederick Douglass (freed slave) one of most well known

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19th Century: United States

Secession Failed: but Impact Long-Lasting

- social impact: fed into late-19th century rise in racism, discrimination

- included ‘backlash’ vis-à-vis slavery: political issues never addressed by outcome of war

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19th Century: United States

Post Civil War: Emancipation not Equality

- legal freedom did not guarantee ‘equality’

- everywhere, ‘blacks’ faced discrimination and/or patronization

- in the South, pseudo slavery perpetuated through ‘Jim Crow’ laws: segregation in housing, transport, education

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“Jim Crow”: caricature

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“Jim Crow”: caricature

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19th Century: United StatesSouthern Paper [“Mobile Register", Alabama] editorial

June 19, 1897: "There is a feeling in the white man's mind that whoever of

the race not his own who attempts to defy this race instinct, and violently upset the physical line which nature has established, does by that act take his life in hand".

Estimated more than 2,500 in America 1882-1918

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19th Century: United StatesDiscrimination Not Only About ‘being black’:

- Post Civil War era one of economic growth and need for labour

- Southern reaction largely cultural but also economic

- Economic need for labour, combined with economic possibilities for developing ‘new west’ – including California –led to demands for immigrant labour

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19th Century: United States

Chinese Immigration:

- conditions in China [see earlier lecture on Asia]: overpopulation for available land, ‘homelessness’ – led to massive emigration

-By late century: 1870s-1880s - 100,000 into Peru

- 120,000 into Cuba- 50,000 into Canada

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19th Century: United States

Chinese Immigration: to the Us

- 300,000 by 1882: marked California Gold Rush

- Size of population change in such short period: bound to have impact

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Chinese Workers in California Gold Mines, c. 1860

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19th Century: United States

California’s Anti-Coolie Act of 1862:

“There is hereby levied on each person, male and female, of the Mongolian race, of the age of eighteen years and upwards, residing in this State, except such as shall, under laws now existing, or which may hereafter be enacted, take out licenses to work in the mines, or to prosecute some kind of business, a monthly capitation tax of two dollars and fifty cents, which tax shall be known as the Chinese Police Tax. . .”

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Chinese Immigration to US

Chinese emigration to America: sketch on board the steam-ship Alaska, bound for San Francisco. From "Views of Chinese"" published in The Graphic and Harper's Weekly. April 29, 1876

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19th Century: United States

Immigrants Intended ‘Short-term’ Stay but….

- situation in China difficult: money in US good

- many stayed much longer than anticipated: either by them or by Americans

- California knew actual race riots: 1882 “Chinese Exclusion Act” refused additional Chinese labourers

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19th Century: United States

- American ‘fears’ grew: Chinese portrayed as drug-using ‘aliens’

- grew as century moved on

- 1896, larger concerns with Immigrants and Immigration (in general) topic of major Public Concern

- 1907: closed borders to Asians extended to Japanese

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19th Century: United States

-The United States emerged into the 20th century ‘united’ but only by way of military force , legal repression and ethnic/racial discrimination

-While it retains an image of ‘democracy’ and special position in world politics c. 1900 – in fact it was no different than the colonial powers it had ‘escaped’ from

The 20th century began with the US testing its own colonial powers – regionally, internationally