the american soviet walk: ending an arms race nobody wants (brochure)

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  • 8/3/2019 The American Soviet Walk: ending an arms race nobody wants (Brochure)


  • 8/3/2019 The American Soviet Walk: ending an arms race nobody wants (Brochure)


    STATEMENT of PURPOSEThe purpose of TIlE AMERicAN SOViET WALk is to draw atte ntion to the need to end the arms race before It endsus. and to provide a posit ive mode l fo r the resolution of inte rnational and cross cultural conflict.As citizens. we cannot enact the legislation that wil l end the arms race. but we can hel p to crea te a climate In wh ichsuch legislation is increa singly likely. We walk as Americans and Soviets. togethe r. to demonstrate that people fromdifferent cultures. nations. Ideologies and generat ions can live and worlk together for common goals and on the com mon ground of our shared humanity. By walk ing. tal king and l lstenlnq to each ot her in diverse groups focused onour shared concerns. we ga ininsight and perspective into how ou r confl icts began. and how they might be resolved.We use walking first. as a metaphor for what we believe needs to happen:

    personal and physical involvementslowing downcomparing our act ions to their objectivestaking the time to unde rstand each otherand careful iy planning. together. our next move.But walking together as citizen diplomats is more than just a met aphor- It is also a process and a grounding . thevery act of wh ich l eads to the resolutions and understondings we seek .We be lieve that the arms race can be reversed. and that this ismost l ikely to take place in the cont ext of a dramaticimprovement of relations between the United Sates and the Soviet Union. We also believe that this change can beencou raged through significant civilian . cultural and trade exchanges; and that these will create a climate in whichact ion can be taken to end the moral. economic. and suicidal illogi c of the armsrace. If we are right. the walk weare developing will playa role In the evolution of civil ized relations between our two nations.

    Short term planningfearignorancegreedand unrestrained / unfocused technologyhave provided usw ith 60 .000 nuclear bombs-the equ ivalent explosive powe r of over a million Hlroshimas waitingto happen , or an equal allocat ion of over 4 TONS of TNT fo r every man . woman, and child on the face of the earth.Still. we spend our most precious resources building 6 morenuclear bombs each da y. and putting them on ever fasterand more accurate, automatic. long d istance, ha ir trigger. computer gUded de livery systems.

    There must be a better way to go abou t addressing legitimate security and de fense concerns than threatening toblow up our global home if we . or they, don't get things "o ur way:'It is time fo r a change.We propose -the pursuit of diplomacy In place of rhe toric and ho llow promi ses.of reductions instead of technological fixes.and of cooperation as an alternative to confrontation.Surelyif the worldwide resourceswe now use to project fear and propagate warwe re instead w isely applied towardsserving hum anity we would have less to fight about. less to be in want of, and less reason to be afraid.We must be custod ians and prot ectors of al l life on this earth if there is to be any human future.We need to start now.


    I/we would like tosupportThe American SovetWalko Pease send mean applicat ion to walko l/we endorse theacivities and purpose of The Internat ionalPeaceWalk. Inco Our organization endorses The Internat ional Peace Walk . Inco I can he lp publicizethe event through friends. newslettersand media connecions Put me on your mailing list for recevinginformationupdates.o I am interested in traveing toMoscow for the last week ofthewalk.Pease send information.o Enclosed is my contribution of 0 S .000 0 S500 0 S100o S50 0 S25 0 Other _Donations under $500 should bemadeoutto theInternational Peace Walk,Inc Becauseour501-C3 (taxexempt status) isnotyet approved. wehavemadearrangementsto have donatons over S500processed through theCal ifornia PeaceAcad emy. IItaxexemption iswanted, please make checks(over S500)payableto theCaliforn iaPeaceAcademyandsend them tousName _Organization (if applicable) _OHice Held _Our organza tion has a membershpofAddressCty _State Zip _Phone ( _

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    the International peace walk, Inc.

    BOARD OF DIRECTORS - internat ional peace walk , inc.Include. :Carolyn Coo mE x e c DrBdOr. Freeze Carnpa'9nOr. Mlchlo KakuTheoreocal P h y s ~ l S l Crty U"",,"'y 01 New YorkOr. Arthu r W lkowExecutrwe D ector, Sh lom CenterChip ReynoldaNatIOnalOreclOf. Freeze \lofer

    At. Rev. John T. Walker, Jr.Eposa>pal ChucrHlFounde