the alberta gazette · the alberta gazette, part i, april 30, 2014 - 407 - where fishing with gill...

The Alberta Gazette Part I Vol. 110 Edmonton, Wednesday, April 30, 2014 No. 08 APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Provincial Court Judge (Provincial Court Act) April 9, 2014 Gary Howard Cornfield, Q.C. GOVERNMENT NOTICES Culture Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the Period April 1 to June 30, 2013 Function: 110th Anniversary of Frank Slide Date: April 29, 2013 Amount: $844.00 Purpose: Frank Slide Interpretive Centre held a commemoratory ceremony, reception and special presentations in honor of the 110th Anniversary of Frank Slide. Location: Frank Slide Interpretive Centre, Crowsnest Pass, AB BU #: 022 Function: 34th Banff World Media Festival Date: June 8 – 13, 2013 Amount: $1,252.68 Purpose: The Government of Alberta is a grand patron for the 34th Banff World Media Festival which was created by the Alberta television production community and the Government of Alberta to promote the sustainability of the television production sector in Alberta and Canada to the international television community. Location: Banff, AB BU #: 022

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Page 1: The Alberta Gazette · THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, APRIL 30, 2014 - 407 - Where fishing with gill nets is permitted during an open season established by the Order, the gill net mesh

The Alberta Gazette Part I

Vol. 110 Edmonton, Wednesday, April 30, 2014 No. 08


Appointment of Provincial Court Judge

(Provincial Court Act)

April 9, 2014 Gary Howard Cornfield, Q.C.



Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the Period April 1 to June 30, 2013

Function: 110th Anniversary of Frank Slide Date: April 29, 2013

Amount: $844.00

Purpose: Frank Slide Interpretive Centre held a commemoratory ceremony, reception and special presentations in honor of the 110th Anniversary of Frank Slide. Location: Frank Slide Interpretive Centre, Crowsnest Pass, AB

BU #: 022

Function: 34th Banff World Media Festival Date: June 8 – 13, 2013

Amount: $1,252.68

Purpose: The Government of Alberta is a grand patron for the 34th Banff World Media Festival which was created by the Alberta television production community and the Government of Alberta to promote the sustainability of the television production sector in Alberta and Canada to the international television community. Location: Banff, AB

BU #: 022

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Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the Period July 1 to September 30, 2013

Function: Global Fest 2013 VIP Event Date: August 25, 2013

Amount: $2,487.10

Purpose: Recognition event for non-profit organizations impacted by the flood. Location: Calgary, AB

BU #: 022

Function: Provincial Archives of Alberta – Volunteer Pancake Breakfast Date: September 23, 2013

Amount: $676.14

Purpose: Recognition event for volunteers of the Provincial Archives of Alberta. Location: Provincial Archives of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

BU #: 022

Function: Premier’s Council on Culture Inaugural Meeting Date: September 25, 2013

Amount: $2,536.20

Purpose: Welcome dinner and meeting. Location: Government House, Edmonton, AB

BU #: 022


Declaration of Withdrawal from Unit Agreement

(Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Regulations)

The Minister of Energy on behalf of the Crown in Right of Alberta hereby declares and states that the Crown in right of Alberta has withdrawn as a party to the agreement entitled “Joffre D-3 Oil Unit No. 1” effective March 1, 2013.

Claudia Cooper, for Minister of Energy.

Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

Notice of Variation Order 01-2014

Commercial Fishing Seasons

The close times and quotas set out in Schedule 8 to the Alberta Fishery Regulations, 1998 in respect of the waters listed in the Schedule to this Notice have been varied by Variation Order 01-2014 by the Director of Fisheries Management in accordance with section 3 of the Alberta Fishery Regulations, 1998.

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Where fishing with gill nets is permitted during an open season established by the Order, the gill net mesh size has been specified in the Order.

Pursuant to Variation Order 01-2014 commercial fishing is permitted in accordance with the following schedule.


Item - 1 Column 1 Waters – In respect of: (74) Murray Lake (10-7-W4) Column 2 Gear - Gill net not less than 140 mm mesh Column 3 Open Time - 08:00 hours April 16, 2014 to 16:00 hours April 18, 2014. Column 4 Species and Quota - 1) Lake whitefish: 4,550 kg; 2) Walleye: 200 kg; 3) Yellow perch: 1 kg; 4) Northern pike: 450 kg; 5) Tullibee: 1 kg; 6) Lake trout: 1 kg.


Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the period January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014

Function: HIV Policy & Funding Consortium Meeting

Purpose: Three day meeting with participants representing several Government of Alberta Ministries, Alberta Health Services, the Public Health agency of Canada, Health Canada and populations affected by HIV and related communicalbe diseases. Amount: $912.75

Date of Function: January 15-17, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Shifting the Frame…. Changing the Conversation (on Wellness ) Workshop

Purpose: To engage stakeholders in a "Stategic Approach to Wellness"

Amount: $835.95

Date of Function: January 16, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Skin Cancer Screening Education Study (SCSES) Purpose: To host a discussion between members of the Association of Dermatological Prevention a group from Germany and Government of Alberta staff regarding skin cancer screening. Amount: $679.33

Date of Function: February 24, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Occupational Disease, Injury and Illness Prevention Symposium - Building Capacity

Purpose: Two days symposium to connect on the common goals of improving workplace wellness and ensuring that workers are healthy and well.

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Amount: $4,118.40

Date of Function: March 5-6, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Budget Reception meeting

Purpose: Discussion with health stakeholders regarding the Provincial Budget. Amount: $1,605.48

Date of Function: March 6, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Western Canadian Immunization Forum

Purpose: The second Western Immunization Forum hosted by Alberta and BC to bring together nurses, pharmacists and physicians from Canada's Western provinces to ensure the immunization knowledge of these partners is current, consistent and accurate. Amount: $19,164.02

Date of Function: March 5-6, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Building Communities that Create Health-Edmonton

Purpose: Regional session across the province, bringing together municipal and provincial government staff, architects, planners, transportation engineers, developers, real estate professionals, researchers, health professionals and community organizations to explore the ways buildings and communities in Alberta can be designed to better promote health. Amount: $3,838.01

Date of Function: February 10, 2014

Location: Edmonton, AB

Function: Building Communities that Create Health-Calgary

Purpose: Regional session across the province, bringing together municipal and provincial government staff, architects, planners, transportation engineers, developers, real estate professionals, researchers, health professionals and community organizations to explore the ways buildings and communities in Alberta can be designed to better promote health. Amount: $4,152.48

Date of Function: February 6, 2014

Location: Calgary, AB


Sale or Disposition of Land

(Government Organization Act)

Name of Purchaser: Beaverbrook St. Albert Ltd. Consideration: $5,470,000.000 plus Land Exchange on the following Lands:

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Firstly: All that Portion of the South West Quarter of Section Twenty-Nine (29), Township Fifty Three (53) Range Twenty-Five (25) West of the Fourth Meridian not covered by any of the waters of Big Lake, as shown on a Plan of Survey of the said Township signed at Ottawa on the 6th day of March, A.D. 1911, containing 65.4 Hectares (161.40 Acres) More or Less

Excepting thereout: Hectares (Acres) More or Less

(a) Plan 7310AG – Road 1.26 3.09

(b) Plan 2065EO – Road 1.609 3.98

(c) All that portion required for Power Line Right of Way, as Shown colored red on Right of Way Plan 2648MC containing 2.32 Hectares (5.74 Acres) More or Less

(d) Plan 3371NY – Subdivision 24.3 60.0

Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals


Meridian 4 Range 25 Township 53 Section 29 Quarter North West All that portion not covered by any of the waters of Big Lake, as shown on a Plan of Survey of the said Township signed at Ottawa on the 6th day of March, A.D. 1911, containing 46.78 Hectares (115.70 Acres) More or Less

Excepting thereout: Hectares (Acres) More or Less

(a) Plan 7310AG – Road 1.04 2.56

(b) Plan 2065EO – Road 1.56 3.87

(c) Plan 0928282 – Road 1.505 3.72

(d) Plan 1021870 – Descriptive 38.92 96.17

Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals


Merdian 4 Range 25 Township 53 Section 29 Quarter North East All that Portion West of Railway Right-of-Way Plan 9210S; Containing 49.67 Hectares (122.74 Acres) More or Less

Excepting thereout: Hectares (Acres) More or Less

(a) Plan 2648MC – Right of Way 2.23 5.52

(b) Plan 7310AG - Road 1.066 2.63

(c) Plan 052482 - Road 6.32 15.62

(d) Plan 0828697 – Subdivision 37.2 91.92

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(e) Plan 0928282 – Road 2.490 6.15

(f) Plan 1021870 – Descriptive 1.18 2.92

Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals

Land Description (Lands Sold):

Firstly: Plan 1222396

Block 1

Lot 1

Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals

Area: 19.9 Hectares (49.17 Acres) More or Less

Secondly: Plan 1222396

Block 1

Lot 2

Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals

Area: 3.37 Hectares (8.33 Acres) More or Less

Thirdly: Meridian 4 Range 23 Township 51 Section 30

All that Portion of the North West Quarter Which lies North and East of Transportation/Utility Corridor Right of Way Plan 8920346 and West of Right of Way Plan 4615TR Containing 12.20 Hectares (30.14 Acres) More or Less Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals


Name of Purchaser: Dennis Gerald Morrison and Mona Marie Morrison Consideration: $22,000.00 Land Description: Plan 1120540, Extra Road (SW 1-57-7-W5M). Excepting thereout all mines and minerals.


Name of Purchaser: Lorenzo Pasutto Consideration: $469,000.00 Land Description: Plan RN22B (XX11-B) Block Forty-Eight (48). The South half of Lot Twelve (12). Excepting thereout all mines and minerals. Located in the City of Edmonton


Name of Purchaser: Wayne Ragan Consideration: $1,050.00 Land Description: Plan 1786BA, Block 2, Lot 14. Excepting thereout all mines and minerals.

Plan 1786BA, Block 2, South half of Lot 15. Excepting thereout all mines and minerals and the right to work the same.

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Justice and Solicitor General

Designation of Qualified Technician Appointment (Intox EC/IR II)

Camrose Police Service

Mohan, Justin Owen Nicholas

(Date of Designation March 31, 2014)

RCMP “K” Division, Traffic Services

Bartman, Lyndon Kyle Bye, Michael Leonard

Carignan, Annick Marie Simonne Lucette Desmond, Patricia Ann Dickinson, Darrell Lynn

Ecker, Gordon Paul Evans, Shea Christopher Forsyth, Cory William

Gilroy, Christopher Leigh Lawrence Hoffman, Russell James

Holdway, Alexander Douglas Jones, Jeremiah Timothy Kirby, Christopher John

Koch, Kelvin Allan Pegg, Brittany Anne

Protasiwich, Tammy-Lee Ann Santschi, James Drew Schmidt, Trevor Allan

Schneider, Jeffrey Paul Geraud

(Date of Designation March 31, 2014)

Alberta Securities Commission




(Securities Act)

Made as a rule by the Alberta Securities Commission on November 13, 2013 pursuant to sections 223 and 224 of the Securities Act.

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1. National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and

Ongoing Registrant Obligations is amended by this Instrument.

2. Section 13.16 is replaced with the following:

13.16 Dispute resolution service

(1) In this section,

“complaint” means a complaint that

(a) relates to trading or advising activity of a registered firm

or a representative of the firm, and

(b) is received by the firm within 6 years of the day when

the client first knew or reasonably ought to have known

of an act or omission that is a cause of or contributed to

the complaint;

“OBSI” means the Ombudsman for Banking Services and


(2) If a registered firm receives a complaint from a client, the firm

must, as soon as possible, provide the client with a written

acknowledgement of the complaint that includes the following:

(a) a description of the firm’s obligations under this section;

(b) the steps that the client must take in order for an

independent dispute resolution or mediation service to be

made available to the client under subsection (4);

(c) the name of the independent dispute resolution or

mediation service that will be made available to the

client under subsection (4) and contact information for

the service.

(3) If a registered firm decides to reject a complaint or to make an

offer to resolve a complaint, the firm must, as soon as possible,

provide the client with written notice of the decision and

include the information referred to in subsection (2).

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(4) A registered firm must as soon as possible ensure that an

independent dispute resolution or mediation service is made

available to a client at the firm’s expense with respect to a

complaint if either of the following apply:

(a) after 90 days of the firm’s receipt of the complaint, the

firm has not given the client written notice of a decision

under subsection (3), and the client has notified the

independent dispute resolution or mediation service

specified under paragraph (2)(c) that the client wishes to

have the complaint considered by the service;

(b) within 180 days of the client’s receipt of written notice

of the firm’s decision under subsection (3), the client has

notified the independent dispute resolution or mediation

service specified under paragraph (2)(c) that the client

wishes to have the complaint considered by the service.

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply unless the client agrees that any

amount the client will claim for the purpose of the independent

dispute resolution or mediation service’s consideration of the

complaint will be no greater than $350,000.

(6) For the purposes of the requirement to make available an

independent dispute resolution or mediation service under

subsection (4), a registered firm must take reasonable steps to

ensure that OBSI will be the service that is made available to

the client.

(7) Subsection (6) does not apply in Québec.

(8) This section does not apply in respect of a complaint made by a

permitted client that is not an individual.

3. Paragraph 14.2(2)(j) is replaced with the following:

(j) disclosure of the firm’s obligations if a client has a complaint

contemplated under section 13.16 [dispute resolution service] and the

steps that the client must take in order for an independent dispute

resolution or mediation service to be made available to the client at

the firm’s expense;

4. Transition – firms that registered before September 29, 2009

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Except in Québec, section 13.16 of National Instrument 31-103 Registration

Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations, as amended by

this instrument, does not apply to a registered dealer or registered adviser if

(a) the dealer or adviser first registered in a jurisdiction of Canada before

September 29, 2009, and

(b) the complaint was received by the firm on or before August 1, 2014.

5. Transition – firms that registered between September 28, 2009 and April 30,


Section 13.16 of National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements,

Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations, as amended by this instrument,

does not apply to a registered dealer or registered adviser if

(a) the dealer or adviser first registered in a jurisdiction of Canada during

the period commencing on September 28, 2009 and ending on April

30, 2014,

(b) the complaint was received by the firm on or before August 1, 2014,


(c) the firm complies with section 13.16 of that National Instrument as

that provision was in force on April 30, 2014.

6. This Instrument comes into force on May 1, 2014.

Service Alberta

Certificate of Intent to Dissolve

(Cooperatives Act)

Lacombe Farm Fuel Co-operative Association Ltd

Notice is hereby given that a Certificate of Intent to Dissolve was issued to Lacombe

Farm Fuel Co-operative Association Ltd on April 10, 2014.

Dated at Edmonton, Alberta, April 10, 2014.

Mark Seville, Director of Cooperatives (as delegated).

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Vital Statistics

Notice of Change of Personal Name

(Change of Name Act)

March 3, 2014

Yagoub, Osman Mohamed A to Mohamed, Osman Zeng, Li Zhen to Chow, Teresa Li Zhen Sidhu, Navjot Kaur to Sidhu, Navi Kaur Blut, Hsa to Tha, Karen Sahblu De Bruin, Mary Louise to De Bruin, Marijke Louise Doell, Jody Arthur to Doell, Jordan Arthur Truong, Nga Le to Truong, Natalie Le, Y Van to Le, Thomas Genge, Nevaeh Skye to Green, Nevaeh Skye Genge, Natalie Mae to Green, Natalie Mae Forgrave, Jacobi James Brett to Rouleau, Jacobi William

March 4, 2014

Waraich-Zubair, Muhmmad Khaqan to Zubair, Mohammad Khaqan Javed-Waraich, Zuhaa Zubair to Zubair, Zuhaa Dunsbergen, Janella Rochelle to Dunsbergen-Verduijn, Janella Rochelle Dunsbergen, Erica Janee to Dunsbergen-Verduijn, Erica Janee DeJong-Dyck, Janais Robin to DeJong, Janais Robin Forget, Ellie Lyne to Boyce, Ellie Lyne Zhang, Runxi to Zhang, Cecilia Runxi Summers, Alyssa Rae Delores to Rumohr, Alyssa Rae Delores Noble Lamadrid, Alicia V to Noble Jensen, Alicia Red Crane, Florian to Melting Tallow, Floyd Melting Tallow-Hollo, Kyle Dylan to Melting Tallow, Kyle Dylan Melting Tallow, Riley Anthony to Melting Tallow, Rylee Anthony Ng, Claire Ching See to Ng-Lim, Claire Ching See Li, Yu Shan to Li, Elva Yu Wei, Jin Rong to Wei, Jinrong Hope Gao, Er Cong to Gao, Arthur Ercong Kandpelai, Papayan Poovanaswari to Kandpelai Papayan, Poovanaswari M, Siva Ranganath to Meenakshi, Siva Ranganath M, Rajeshwari to Meenakshi, Rajeshwari Abdi, Burhan Mohamed to Ali, Abdiweli Mohamud Hoang, Duc Dung to Hoang, Ben Duke, Boon Ching to Duke, Susan Boon Ching Wesley, Tanya-Rainne Janet to McFarlane, Tanya-Rainne Wesley Kaur, Jasveer to Bhullar, Jasveer Kaur Siwiski, Cam Harold to Bremner, Cam Harold Ndon, Sana Bassey to Asangusung, Sana Udeme Germain, Luke Dustin to Scoville, Luke Evan Virtue, Marian Jane to Virtue, Jane Marian Reid, Joseph David to Post, Joseph David Roasting, Kendall Cohan to Roasteing, Karey

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Anderson, Vivian May to De Santis, Vivian May Alsharaf, Rubab to Alsharaf, Ruby Wild, Laura Elizabeth to Wild, Laurah Elizabeth Engblom, T. J. Drew to Dahms, TJ Drew Carle, Raven Skyler to Carle, Victoria Sophie Harrington, Ronald Nikita to Heukeroth, Nicholas Elijah Dang, Ba Ngoc Tri to Tri, Alexis Skyler Tofike, Fereham Bereda to Mulugeta, Fereham Bereda Weninger, Nicolas Patrick to Weninger, Nicole Patricia Czechowskyj, Sarah Nicole to Czechowskyj, Samuel Nicholas Dhugga, Ajay Singh to Sangha, Ajay Villanueva, Liliana to Villanueva Nava, Liliana Scholze Junior, William to Scholze, William Sha, Lu Luh to Cho, Hsakhuwah Wang, Xin Chao to Wang, Chris Allaby-Woolcott, Bennett Carlos Lorne to Allaby, Bennett Carlos Lorne Solois, Joseph Gabriel to Solway, Gabriel Joseph Umoh, Ekaette to Umoh, Kate Udeme Reich, Bereket David to Reich, Bereket Samuel Mekonen Ruderman, Lisa Carol to Hawkins, Lisa Ruderman

March 10, 2014

Mohamoud Ali Duale F, Individual has only one name to Duale, Mohamoud Leila Ali Warsame, Individual has only one name to Warsame, Leila Adnan Mohamoud Ali D, Individual has only one name to Duale, Adnan Farah Mohamoud Ali, Individual has only one name to Duale, Farrah Aliya Mohamoud Ali D, Individual has only one name to Duale, Aliya Malchow, Marie Mélanie Lyne to Malchow, Mélanie Lyne Scherger, Brandon Leslie Allan to Bensmiller, Brandon Leslie Allan Binod Muraleedharan, Individual has only one name to Muraleedharan, Binod Sabitha Binod, Individual has only one name to Binod, Sabitha Adithya Binod, Individual has only one name to Binod, Adithya Abhiroop Binod, Individual has only one name to Binod, Abhiroop Castator, Jason Kevin to Carmody, Jason Edward

March 11, 2014

Kupkee, Samantha Mary to Kupkee, Samantha Burke Alinezhad, Alireza to Alinezhad, Daniel Alireza Cardinal, Janvier to Janvier-Cardinal, Summer Alghali-Phillips-Alghali, Etana Faresia Alari to Alghali, Etana Faresia Alari

March 12, 2014

Wilson, Amanda Smythe to Smythe-Wilson, Amanda Angela Watt, Taliah Mai to Basa Watt, Taliah Mai Vellery, Individual has only one name to Masih, Vellery Jennifer, Individual has only one name to Masih, Jennifer Phan, Van Hung to Yee, David Southwell, Memphis Riley to Hartwig, Memphis Riley Mizinski, Sheena Rae to Mizinski, Sheena-Rae Pauline Stuparyk, Nastia to Stuparyk, Nancy Nastia

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March 13, 2014

Zhang, Tang Chao to Zhang, Francis Tang Chao Wickham, Katie Anne to Murphy, Katie Anne Theberge, Ronald Lawrence George to Théberge, Ron Lawrence Hubbard, Jessica Lee to Maruszczak, Jessica Lee Nam, Hyunshik to Nam, Paul Hyunshik Nam, Seoyoung to Nam, Sharon Seoyoung Suricha, Individual has only one name to Duggal, Suricha Arzoo, Individual has only one name. to Duggal, Arzoo Avram, Elazar David to Kerr, Kalan Alaric Neudecker-Merpaw, Christian Hans to Neudecker, Christian Hans Andrushak, Kayla Skye to Webber, Kayla Skye Bigstone, Jason Lawrence to Young, Jason Lawrence Bigstone, Ryerson Kennedy to Young, Ryerson Kennedy Bigstone, Noah James to Young, Noah James Rashid, Yeasmin to Chowdhury, Mita Jafuruth, Abdul Suban to Jafuruth, Fareed Eshatu, Chalachew Meker to Eshetu, Chalachew Mekere Hussien, Sara Ali to Eshetu, Sara Ali Straube, Corwyn Rory to Petracek, Corwyn Rory Ahmad Ahsan, Bektash to Ehson, Bektosh Bushko, Theresa Anne to Bushko, Theresa Yvonne Mohammadi, Aatfah to Mohammadi, Aatifah Taylor-Haas, David Michael to Haas, David Michael Irvine-Krushelniski, Kaydence Elizibeth Evelyn Pearl to Krushelniski, Kaydence Elizibeth Evelyn Pearl Suley-Holloway, Alexander Philip to Holloway, Alexander Philip Cleroux, Marcel Michel Jason to Michaels, Marcel Michel Jason Highfield, Amy Rebecca to Highfield, Aymie Rebecca Coulombe, Brianne Janelle to Coulombe, Brie Anne Janelle Piche, Chelaine Margarette Julien to Dziurzynski, Chelaine Margarette Julien Stanger, Katy Jane to Stanger, Katijane Kim, Tae Yeob to Kim, Ty Taeyeob Foulds, Christopher Arron to Martens, Christopher Arron Kim, Bo Min to Kim, Rachel Bomin Ameema, Individual has only one name to Faisal, Umaima Khadija, Individual has only one name to Faisal, Khadija Brooks, Betty Ann to Brooks, Daisy Betty Ann Lafta, Ahmed to Shadhan, Ahmed Cardall, James David to Entras, Eric Jack Vynleane

March 14, 2014

Pawchuk, Stephanie Sunshine to Pawchuk, Sunshine Stephanie Woodhouse, Melanie Rose to Ramage, Melanie Rose Delisle, Josianne Jocelyne Marie to Delisla, Osianna Ly, Kieu Loan Thi to Giesbrecht, Brielle Autumn Kieu Loan Hojjatoleslami, Arsalan to Eslami, Arsalan Hojjatol Eslami, Faraz to Eslami, Faraz Hojjatol Eslami, Dorsa to Eslami, Dorsa Cocaj, Lutfi to Cocaj, Arsim

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Rahman, Nada Hamdi Hana Abdel to Rahman, Nadia Hamdi Hana Abdel Nolais, Nathan Raymond Edwin to Lovell, Nathan Raymond Edwin Dumontier, Michael John to Kencayd, Nathen Croft Liu, Yi Chun to Liu, Yue-Shin Giseleasie, Betaniya to Negasi, Betaniya Samuel, Essey to Amanuel, Essey Samuel Mills, Chistopher Keith to Mills, Christopher Keith Hoffman, Bailee Florida Colette to Proulx, Bailee Florida Colette Castrillo, Paris Shamar to Guenter, Paris Shamar Castrillo, Bree-Sage Alexandria to Guenter, Bree-Sage Alexandria Ahmed, Raina Shamailah to Ahmed, Aarya Shamailah Renaud, Gaetjens Jeudy to Jeudy, Ephesien Gaetjens Fozilova, Dilsora to Komil-Burley, Dilsora Friesen, Robyn Judith to Fraser, Rebecca Robyn Judith

March 17, 2014

Owinose, Michael to Ward, Michael Joseph Roode, Lester Andrew to Hendrickson, Bo Lester Kang, Hyunwoo to Kang, Kevin Hyunwoo Kang, Hyunseo to Kang, Rachel Hyunseo Dalton, Ashley Nicole Ellen to McClusky, Madison Nicole Faith Telford, Kayden James Robert to Lacroix, Kaden James Robert Singh, Daljit to Ghatrora, Daljit Singh She, Jian to She, Samuel Jian She, Ling Hui to She, Esther Linghui Allen, Roberta Dee to Allen, Roberta Shakti Wu, Min to Wu, Sandy Muhammad, Individual has only one name to Saqib, Muhammad

March 18, 2014

Choi, Seung Young to Choi, Angela Ly, Makaela Joy to Gonzales-Ly, Makaela Joy Sangeeta, Individual has only one name to Singh, Sangeeta Normandin, Pascale Sydney to Normandin - Dudley, Pascale Sydney Adatia, Nimet to Adatia, Nimet Diamond Ncube, Nomaqhawe to Quaid, Norma Naome Murenga, Thandiwe Shannon to Quaid, Thandiwe Shannon Morlidge-Chambers, Nathan Christopher Adam to Morlidge, Nathan Christopher Adam Haverchuk, Todd Robert to Hodgson, Todd Robert Roy, Rakeshwari to Roy, Riki Cheung, Mei Ngor to Cheung, Yan Yeu Hardy, Tera Yvette Lillian to Hardy, Tyler James Venkateswaralu, Malli Sreenivas to Venkatesan, Sreenivasan Sreenivasalu, Leelavathy to Sreenivasan, Leelavathy Sreenivasalu, Suresh to Sreenivasan, Suresh Sreenivasalu, Srilakshmi to Sreenivasan, Srilakshmi

March 19, 2014

Banamia, Saiyed Kamaruddin to Saiyed, Kamaruddin Banamia

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Yue, Qi Lin to Yue, Catherine Qilin Zhang, Shao Ying to Zhang, Shawn Ducharme, Brooklyn Marie Lemaigre to Lemaigre, Brooklyn Marie Mariano, Christian Paul to Thiessen, Christian Paul Brown, Danitra Alexandra to Brown, Danitra Darlene Alexandra Valdés Oropesa, Anthony Jacob to Valdés, Anthony Jacob Ye, Yan Fang to Ye, Sarah Yanfang Xu, Yuanbing to Xu, Vivian Yuanbing Pugliese, Alessandro to Kerr, Alex Jordan Pike, Jonathan Neil Wade to Bursey, Johnathan Neil Wade Venegas Olmos, Fabián Miguel to Venexen, Miguel Fabian Nixon, Gillian Margaret to Venexen, Gillian Margaret Mearns, Odin Daniel Logozar to Logozar Mearns, Odin Daniel Xiao, Ying Tong to Xiao, Kaylee Yingtong Kariyawasam Katukuli, Sandaruwan to Kariyawasam, Sandaruwan McCleary, Braeden John Brooke to Brooke, Braeden John Kilpatrick, Sadie Ann to Silverthorn, Sadie Ann Geldart, Annie Cecilia to O'Donoghue, Annie Cecilia McGregor, Makenna Marie to Unruh, Makenna Marie McGregor, Claire Ann to Unruh, Claire Ann Thomas, Tyreese Lamar to Yurchyshyn, Tyreese Lamar Thomas, Terrell Jevon to Yurchyshyn, Terrell Jevon Chalissery Lonappan, Lonappan Johnso to Chalissery, Johnson Tait, Kayleigh Adelaide Ann to Nowak, Kayleigh Adelaide Ann Woolf, Madelyn Rosetta to Woodward, Madelyn Jolayne Brown Junior, Dalyce Eldon to Brown, Dalyce Eldon Chen, Chi Jia to Chen, Allen Ringle, Elleigh Marjorie Mae to Ringle Barnfield, Elleigh Marjorie Mae Bobinec, Christopher John to Hempsey, Christopher John Brais, Eric Roy to Michelsen, Eric Roy Andreas Clinton Blessie, Andria Jones to Clinton Jones, Andria Clinton Blessie, Amria Jones to Clinton Jones, Amria Deiday-Meier, Cayden Ronald James to Meier, Cayden James Westhaver, Weston Reid to Ionita, Nicholai Weston Johnston, Daniel Wade to Johnston, Daniel Pratt Singh, Kiran Radha to Gibbs, Autumn Honour Dunn, John Neal to Dunn, Madison Rose Black, Elliott Zachary Thomas to Black, Samantha Grace Elliot, William Vernon to Hedberg, William Vernon Xian, Bo Jun to Xian, Evelyn Bo Jun Field, Ian Gordon Douglas to Field, Mustafa Ian

March 20, 2014

Jackson, Tineke Rae to Jackson, Tinneke Rae Chen, Ya-Wen to Isaac, Sadie YaWen Wangela, Lundu to Wharton, Amariah Grace Lundu Elmgren, Benjamin Ryan to Elmgren-Dyck, Benjamin Ryan Urdea, Dorah to Urdea, Dora McKereghan-Dares, Katherine Mary to Dares, Katherine Mary McKereghan Gregoire, Brecon Joe to Gregoire-Jenkins, Brecon Joe

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Clarabal, Juana Estoquia to Estoquia, Juana Nalaza Ezeano, Pell Star Uloma to Ezeano, Pearl Star Whitehead, Emersyn Leigh to Sparrow, Emersyn Leigh Homistace, Rambo Gideon to Nyirimihigo, Rambo Gideon Caude, Anju to Singh, Anju Du, Jing Jia to Du, Katie Jingjia Lem, Pascaline to Neba, Pascaline Lem Angel Manka'a, Individual has only one name to Manka'a, Angel Sasha DeBruin, Kristen Sierra to Morin, Kristen Ciara Rabbi, Fazle S M to Biswas, Fazle Gelle, Farah Ali to Yusuf, Selman Yunus West, Joseph Jonathan to McCaig, Joseph John West, Ava Marie to McCaig, Ava Marie Odokuma, Oghenero Philom to Odokuma, Philomina Oghenero Hussain, Zaed to Hamra, Zaed Cheng, Long Yee to Cheng, Evelyn Long Yee

March 21, 2014

Roxborough, Collin Richard to Evans, Collin Richard Edward Chen-Zheng, Serina Q to Zheng, Serina Reid, Ashtyn Elizabeth to Schaub, Ashtyn Elizabeth Reid, Britain Rae to Schaub, Britain Rae Suchla, Sydney Marie to Carbone, Sydney Marie Suchla, Britton James to Carbone, Britton James Krueger, Kolby Lee to Phillips, Kolby Lee Birnie, Calum Reid to Birnie Millions, Calum Reid Courtemanche, Cody Ivon to Madsen, Cody Ivon

March 24, 2014

Unwin, Adin David to Unwin, Adin Donald Phillip Zhang, Jun Hao to Zhang, Michael Junhao Al-Roubaie, Geafar to Al-Roubaie, Jafar Groenen Vickner, Leo Charles to Groenen, Leo Charles Ameccii, Tyler to Baker, Shawn Tyler Ameccii, Brooke Brianna to Baker, Brooke Brianna Ameccii, Faithe Adalyn to Baker, Faithe Adalyn Fremont, Braxton Maxwell to Reed, Braxton Maxwell Fremont Solidum, Bruce John Michael to Michael, Bruce John Pachal, Kevin Donald to Walsh, Kevin Donald Grant-Smith, Susan Caroline to Grant, Susan Caroline Grant-Smith, Alanna Lucy to Grant, Alanna Lucy Roscoe, Veronica Martha to Roscoe, Marjorie Veronica Moore, Jason Eric to Vincenzi, Jason Eric Toth, Wibbina Erzsebet to Toth, Elizabeth Wibbina Woods, Robert James to Rhein, Robert James Howton, Ayla-Marie to Howton Passenger, Ayla Marie Howton, Lexi Erin to Howton Passenger, Lexi Erin Hussein Liban, Imran to Hussein, Imran Liban Duale, Duale Jibrell to Jibrell, Duale Duale

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March 27, 2014

Bakatubia, Kamba Kamba to Kamba, Thierry Malik Panchyshyn, April to Tremain, April Manyok Alith, Alith to Alith, Alith Manyok Babar, Xuhhad to Xuhaad, Muhammad Babar, Fozan to Fauzaan, Muhammad Gilker, Lily Rhiannon Thalia to Gidyk, Lily Rhiannon Thalia Kopperud, Jordan Michael Donald to Carr, Jordan Michael Donald Coombs, Jordan Elaine Rowand Taylor to Mabey, Jordan Elaine Rowand Taylor Djogbenou, Natalis Thurga to Sinivasan, Aquila Thurgavati Chudi Ezeh, Zimuzor to Ezeh, Zimuzor Andre

March 28, 2014

Jones, Sierra Isabella to Szwed-Jones, Sierra Isabella Sullivan, Rylan James to Coates, Rylan Earl Lutzak, Grischa Cornell to Lutzak, Sergei Grisha Debel, Fenet Gemechu to Demise, Fenet Robel Shanmugam, Shravan to Surendran, Shravan Ajay Ruptash-Stauffer, Kassidy Leanne to Goh, Kassidy Leanne Davy, Dryden Cole to Corkle, Dryden Cole Chapman, Courtney Marie to Chapman, Alexander Sean

March 31, 2014

Simcock, Brandon Christopher to Maynard, Brandon Christopher Hart, Curties Allan Scott to Hart, Curties Allan Hart, Jonathan Edward Larry to Hart, Jonathan Curties Hart, Bailie Rose Amber to Hart, Bailie Rose Greene, Isabella Ava to Boddez, Isabella Ava Harrington, Dustan Michael to Halliday, Dustan Michael Davis, Amy Camacho to Davis, Amy Villaflor Meyer, Mia Shannon to Meyer-Fraser, Mia Shannon Hand, Teagan Shayne to Siwak, Teagan Shayne Bucyk, Lyle Bruce to Walker, Kazuto Mendoza, Amber Marie Francine to Stone, Amber Marie Francine Balderama Galigo, Aaliyah Mareigh to Galigo, Aaliyah Mareigh Balderama Toles, Kyle Allen to Rempfer, Kyle Sean Song, Heejeong to Song, Christine Heejeong Ganet Kidane, Asmalash to Asmelash, Genet Kidane Ganet Kidane, Offer to Kibrom, Offer Ganet Kidane, Betelihem to Kibrom, Betelihem King, Jason Lee to Glessing, Jason Lee Pollock, Jennifer Rosemary to Gartner, Jennifer Rosemary Goddard, Alexander Timothy to Keen, Alexander George Lenard Hu, Zhishan to Song, Shannon Hu Wells, Geneta Mary to Wells, Jenetta Mary

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Irrigation District Notice

Enforcement Return

(Irrigation Districts Act)

Bow River Irrigation District

Notice is hereby given that the Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of the Judicial District of Lethbridge has fixed Tuesday, May 6, 2014 as the day on which at 2:00 p.m., the court will sit in the Court House, Lethbridge, Alberta for the purpose of confirmation of the Rate Enforcement Return of the Bow River Irrigation District for the year 2012 and prior years.

Dated at Vauxhall, Alberta, March 26, 2014.

7-8 Richard Phillips, P. Eng., General Manager.


Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District

Notice is hereby given that the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta has fixed Tuesday, May 6, 2014 as the day on which at 2:00 p.m. the Court will sit in the Courthouse, 320 – 4 Street South, Lethbridge, Alberta for the purpose of confirmation of the Rate Enforcement Return for the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District covering rates assessed for the year 2012.

Dated at Lethbridge, Alberta, March 10, 2014.

7-8 Alan Harrold, General Manager.


Mountain View Irrigation District

Notice is hereby given that the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta has fixed Tuesday, May 6, 2014 as the day on which at 2:00 p.m. the Court will sit in the Courthouse, 320 – 4 Street South, Lethbridge, Alberta for the purpose of confirmation of the Rate Enforcement Return for the Mountain View Irrigation District covering rates assessed for the year 2012.

Dated at Mountain View, Alberta, March 13, 2014.

7-8 Jocelyn Wright, Secretary / Manager.

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Raymond Irrigation District

Notice is hereby given that the Trial Co-ordinator, Alberta Justice, has fixed Tuesday, May 6, 2014 as the day on which at 2:00 p.m., a Judge will sit at the Courthouse, 320 – 4 Street South, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 1Z8 for the purpose of confirmation of the 2014 Enforcement Return of the Raymond Irrigation District covering charges assessed for the year 2012 and subsequent penalties and GST charges.

Dated at Raymond, Alberta, February 28, 2014.

8-9 Gordon ZoBell, Manager.

Public Sale of Land

(Municipal Government Act)

Athabasca County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Athabasca County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Athabasca County Administration Building, 3602 – 48 Avenue, Athabasca, Alberta, on Monday, June 30th, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., the following lands:

Legal Description Acres Title Number

SW-24-71-17-4 150.41 072 283 927+1

Pt. NW-13-71-17-4 110.67 102 054 352+27

Pt. SW-13-71-17-4 127.57 102 054 352+28

Pt. NE-36-71-17-4 33.84 122 291 500

Pt. NW-36-71-17-4 149.94 122 291 500+2

Pt. NW-36-71-17-4, Plan 1020781, Block 1, Lot 1 8.01 122 291 500+1

Pt. SL-11-67-24-4, Plan 1110TR, Block 2, Lot 18 972 169 203

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Conditions: sale subject to approval of sales agreement

Athabasca County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: cash or certified cheque. 10% deposit and balance within 30 days of date of public auction. G.S.T. may apply.

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Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Athabasca, Alberta, April 16, 2014.

Brian Pysyk, Director of Corporate Services.


Flagstaff County

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Flagstaff County will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Flagstaff County Office, at 12435 TWP RD 442, Sedgewick, Alberta, on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, at 11:00 a.m., the following lands:

Pt. of


Sec. Twp. Rge. M. Acres Certificate

of Title

Pt. NW 20 42 14 4 6.30 972359544

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Terms: Cash, Certified Cheque or Bank Draft.

Flagstaff County may, after the public auction, become owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Redemption may be affected by certified payment of all arrears of taxes, penalties and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Sedgewick, Alberta, March 26, 2014.

S. Armstrong, Chief Administrative Officer.


Town of Calmar

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Calmar will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Calmar Town Council Chambers in Calmar, Alberta, located at 4901 – 50 Avenue, on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, at 9:00 a.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan C. of T.

1 1 0522859 082 416 485

2 1 0522859 082 416 486

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Each parcel will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.

The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the Town makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, vacant possession, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the Purchaser. No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms and conditions of sale will be considered other than those specified by the Town.

The Town of Calmar may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Terms: Cash, Money Order, or Certified Cheque

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Calmar, Alberta, April 14, 2014.

Kathy Rodberg, Chief Administrative Officer. _______________

Village of Donnelly

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Donnelly will offer for sale, by public auction, in the Village Office located at 5003 – 3rd Street, Donnelly, Alberta, on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at 1:30 p.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan

11 9 8620210

12 9 8620210

The parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Terms: CASH

The Village of Donnelly may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Donnelly, Alberta, April 10, 2014.

Lilliane Bessette, Municipal Administrator.

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Village of Elnora

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Elnora will offer for sale, by public auction, in the office of the Village of Elnora, 219 Main Street, Elnora, Alberta, on Monday, June 16th, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., the following land:

Lots Block Plan Certificate of Title

19-20 10 3151AT 40T252

The parcel will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.

The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the Village of Elnora makes no representations and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the successful bidder. No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms and conditions of sale will be considered other than those specified by the Village of Elnora.

Terms: 10% cash down on the day of auction, balance due by cash or certified cheque within 30 days of the public auction.

The Village of Elnora may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.

Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Elnora, Alberta, April 9, 2014. ______________

Village of Warburg

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Warburg will offer for sale, by public auction, to be held at the Village Office, Warburg, Alberta, on Thursday, June 26, 2014, at 2:00 p.m., the following lands:

Lot Block Plan Title Number

12 8 7722057 032188029 +1

23 6 597 HW 032448189

1 8 2182 MC 902163175

5; 3; 48; 36; SW 032218415

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Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.

Terms: 10% Cash deposit and balance payable by cash or certified cheque within 48 hours.

The Village of Warburg may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the date of the sale.

Dated at the Village of Warburg, Alberta, April 3, 2014.

Chris Pankewitz, Municipal Administrator.

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