the addams family -...

1 THE ADDAMS FAMILY Audition Packet Show Dates: March 21-24, 2018 (4 shows) Audition Dates: Tuesday August 15, 2017 (from 3:45 pm) Thursday August 17, 2017 (from 3:45 pm) See Google Sheets link for times

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Page 1: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare



Audition Packet

Show Dates: March 21-24, 2018 (4 shows)

Audition Dates:

Tuesday August 15, 2017 (from 3:45 pm)

Thursday August 17, 2017 (from 3:45 pm)

See Google Sheets link for times

Page 2: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare


Cast List Gomez Addams: A man of Spanish descent who takes great pride in his family and revels in all it means to be an “Addams.” He struggles with having to keep his daughters secret from his wife, whom he adores more than death. Smart, comedic actor with tenor vocals.

Morticia Addams: The strength of the family. An easy comedic actress with a dry wit. Feels her husband is hiding something from her and will use any tactic to lure the secret out. A strong dancer/mover with alto/mezzo soprano vocals.

Uncle Fester: The androgynous family member who serves as the musicals narrator. He is larger than life, an energetic, joyous, child-like presence. A vaudeville style comedian with tenor vocals.

Grandma: She is a feisty, 102-year-old woman. Fun and quirky, but don’t mess with Grandma. Comedic actress with strong character vocals.

Wednesday Addams: Wednesday has the same dry wit and sensibility of her mother. Finds love with a “normal” boy (Lucas) and wants to introduce his family to hers. Experiences the youthful drama that comes with first love. Lucas can actually put a smile on her face. Strong pop belt vocals.

Pugsley Addams: 12 years old. A charming, funny boy who loves being tortured by his sister. He wants to ensure he won’t lose his sister to her new boyfriend so he takes matters into his own hands. Strong, high vocals. Voice not yet changed.

Lurch: A very tall male character, the Addams butler who knows all. He speaks in moans and groans without becoming a cartoon version of

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himself. His movement is always very slow Character actor with a low bass vocals.

Mal Beineke: Stuffy father of 19-year old Lucas and exasperated husband to his rhyming wife, Alice. At one time was a follower of The Grateful Dead but has lost that side of himself. Always looking out for his family. Male actor with high baritone/ tenor vocals.

Alice Beineke: Mother of 19-year old Lucas, devoted to her family so she puts aside her own desires. Quirky female who often speaks in rhyme. While at the Addams Family dinner party, she drinks a potion that causes her to let her hair down and speak her truth. Comedic actress with soprano / belt vocals.

Lucas Beineke: Fell in love with Wednesday Addams and plans to marry her. Experiences the youthful pain and drama of young love and struggles with the differences between his family and the Addams family. Contemporary pop tenor vocals.

10 (approx.) Core Dancers: Strong tap and character dancers. Knowledge of tango and flamenco dancing a plus.

The Addams Family Ancestors (Ensemble): Male and female ensemble singer/dancers who are smart performers. Actors who sing and dance and have a fun, quirky sensibility.

Summary THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. A man her parents have never met. And if that weren't

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upsetting enough, she confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he's never done before - keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday's "normal" boyfriend and his parents.


Audition- Singing

Girls: Pulled, Just Around the Corner, & Waiting

Boys: Crazier Than You, The Moon and Me, & Not Today

Pugsley: What If

Refer to the Broadway production for preparation: (piano accompaniment provided at auditions)

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THE ADDAMS FAMILY Audition - Acting

Prepare ONE of the monologues below:

NB: Actors will be required to employ U.S. (specifically New York and Ohio ☺) and Spanish accents according to character.

FEMALE Monologues:


(To Gomez) Humiliated, Shamed, Mortified. I told that Beineke woman we kept nothing from each other. You say Wednesday didn’t want to worry me about the boy, so you didn’t dare tell me, because I’m such a terrible mother. Look at the thanks I get. I gave up my dreams for the sake of this family. I wanted to travel. I wanted to see Paris! I never saw the sewers of Paris! And now it’ll never happen! So that’s how it ends… alone and forgotten in a tiny room, living on cat food and broken dreams – that’s what happens to mothers. Look at yours. She came for the weekend, the weeks turned into months, it’s twelve years later and she’s still up there: Deceived. Deluded. Smoking weed in the attic. A grandma. Well, I’m not going to end up like your mother. You lied to me, I can’t live with that. No. Don’t try to hold me. Not. Today… Out.

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My mother was condescending, judgmental, and withholding, and loved nothing more than stirring up trouble. Oh God, I’ve turned into my mother. Well, it seems I’ve been outvoted. So – dinner it is. Drinks, and then, The Game. No? But it’s a family tradition. It may be your dinner Wednesday, but it’s my house, darling. Dinner, and The Game. What do you mean act normal? Normal is an illusion, darling. What’s normal for the spider is a calamity for the fly.

ALICE (To Morticia) Did you get the flowers? And the poem? I wrote it. “When I’m depressed or feeling blessed, A poem will get it off my chest. They come to me, they take no time, They just pop put, and always rhyme.” My poems are always about the one thing everyone needs and so few have. Why, love, of course. What’s this? (She picks up wedding photo) A wedding picture with something written on it. Your wedding vows, that’s so romantic. (Reading) “We promise to tango at least three times a week”. “We promise to tell each other everything.” Everything? And you’re still married? Boy, it sure doesn’t work that way in our house. Well, according to Mal – “What’s good for the gander is a nice quiet goose: If I told Mal all my secrets, all hell would break loose.” ...It’s been a long marriage. GRANDMA (To Alice) Whew! Boy, is it normal out there! Hi, I just came from the hospital. Cardiac ward. Boy, they are dropping like flies over there. I hope you’re staying in shape. Grains, fresh fruit, 40 minutes on the treadmill? No? Well the you’re gonna die honey. Oooh, the

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chalice! Me! Me! Me! Age before beauty! (Drinks and looks at Pugsley) The kid and I had a little heart to heart before. I told him to use his time wisely. Look who’s talking – how much time have I got left? I’m a hundred and two, I have shingles, and arthritis, and when I break wind it could start the windmills on an Old Dutch painting. But I’ve still got one more round in me. Call me Cougar, but five’ll get you ten there’s a couple of 90-year-old hotties out there just waiting for this Grandma. Full Disclo… Full Disclo… (realises something)… I just peed. WEDNESDAY (To Gomez) Daddy, I have something very important to tell you. Can you keep a secret? (She produces an engagement ring from around her neck) Look, it’s an engagement ring. Oh, Daddy, Lucas wants to marry me, and I think I want to marry him too. Well, I’ve never met his parents, and he’s never met mine, and – I just need to be sure… that the families can get along. I mean, he has to know what he’s getting into. I’m saying we’re who we are and they’re from Ohio. But Daddy, we can’t tell mother. Daddy please! She’ll ask a lot of embarrassing questions and wreck the whole thing. After dinner and we’re all friends, then we’ll tell her. Daddy, please! If you love me. Do you love me Daddy? Daddy, one tiny little secret. Please. Please. Oh, thank you, Daddy! Our little secret, right? WEDNESDAY (To Pugsley) This dinner has to go OK. Oh Pugsley – ever since I met him, I wanna laugh and cry and everything seems wrong at the same time and then sometimes I just want to rip his flesh off and eat him up until there’s nothing left. (A tad wired) OK, family meeting. About tonight. Now. Here’s the schedule. First, we have drinks, like, “Hi, nice to meet you” – OK. And then they’ll want to see the house, and then at eight we’ll have dinner and they can be back at their hotel by nine-thirty. What do you mean you’re having second thoughts, about what? The dinner, it’s not QUICK – oh please Daddy. It’s just a dinner, and they’re dying to meet you – and I promised Lucas, and you know how I hate to break a promise. Daddy, I am your only daughter and your eldest child and if you can’t do this one thing for me, then I just don’t want to know!

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MALE Monologues:


(To Wednesday) Love still conquers all. It even conquered you, my adorable Attila. You had to go and grow up. So many memories… Wednesday, eating her first worm. Wednesday, sealing her baby brother in the wall. Wednesday, setting fire to the Jehovah’s Witness… And I think, “Where did the years go?” And I am sad. But then I see this lovely young woman, and I am happy. Happy, sad, happy sad. Like the bull when the Matador puts the sword into him, and he looks at the Matador and say, “Nice job. I hate you.”


(To Mal) Mr. Malcolm Beineke, I presume, and the lovely Mrs. Malcolm Beineke, (pointing his blade at Lucas) and this must be the young Lucas (back to Mal then to Lucas) unless of course you (Lucas) are the father and you – (Mal) are the son, with a massive thyroid problem. (Laughs, then) I go too far. No matter, the night, she is young. Welcome to our extremely normal home. Gomez Florencia Addams, at your service. Allow me to present my wife, la duena, mother of my children, el amor de mi vida… the love of my life, Morticia! (Takes Mal away with him from the group) It is an interesting chair. Fifteenth century. “The Heretic’s Chair.” Once owned by Tomas de Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Madrid. It is my hobby. A man must have his hobbies. Some play cards, some play golf. Me. I collect “instruments of persuasion.” “Why?” you ask. (Pause) Go on, ask. Ask! MAL (To Alice) Boy, they really got to you, that doesn’t even rhyme. I did not raise my son to be kidnapped by a bunch of creeped out left-wing Spanish weirdos. Don’t look at me like that, of course I raised him, and I worked. I was at the office for you. For him. I had plans for the boy! Love?! Follow his heart? That’s crazy! Lemme get this straight – your son, you’re only son, wants to marry someone named for the day of the week and runs around Central Park with a crossbow - and you’re O.K. with all of that? Well, you better come to your senses or I’m gonna have to take steps. What? What?

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LUCAS (With his parents) Wait, I know where we are! It’s where I first saw her! I was lost in the park and a pigeon dropped at my feet with an arrow in it! And I looked up and there she was – Wednesday, with a crossbow. A crossbow. You know. It’s OK dad she has a permit. (They exit) Come on. (Wednesday enters) You realise they’re gonna freak out when we tell them? Why won’t your father freak out? What? You told your father? Your father, with the sword? You told him we were getting married just like that? I thought we were gonna tell them all together! I don’t understand why you want your parents blessing. You’re right, it is old fashioned. Of course I love you, but why do you keep talking about a plan. What plan? There is no plan. You’re really crazy. LUCAS I work after school at the bookstore. And on weekends I tutor kids at charter school. And summers I work at my uncle’s grocery store. Most of that is true. And with my time off, mostly I think about Wednesday and how much I love her and how we could have a wonderful life together. And when I grow up I want to be a writer or a medical examiner because you get to look at the inside of people’s bodies and they don’t mind because they’re dead. PUGSLEY Wednesday and Lucas sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G, first comes love… Wednesday’s dinner will go OK, if she’d let me blow up this Lucas guy. Grandma – what if there was this girl who met this person and he’s all like, “Hey, it’s the Pugster. What up, little man?” and she’s like “golly” and “we’re gonna go now” and they’re running away together. What concoction would you give her? What if she doesn’t get rid of him? What if all the good times are already behind me? FESTER Never fails. You let nature take its course – chaos. I mean, is this the way to end an act? Actually, yes. But it’d be better if the guests couldn’t leave just yet, dontya think? OK dead people – gimme some weather. It’s a tornado, you’ll never make it out of the park alive. Storms passed. Think I’ll get a little moon. Ladies, hello Yoohoo, where are you hiding? Are you playing with me, my only one? (Sees moon) There you are! Look at her. Lovely, is she not? And so far away. Yes, in matters of love my dears, distance is our friend. Closeness? No thank you. Quarter of a million miles away – that’s a good

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distance for romance. We never fight, each waning is a heartbreaking separation… Each meeting – a happy reunion. LURCH (Warning) GRNH, (his backstory) GRRNGH!

Audition – Dance


THE ADDAMS FAMILY Music and Lyrics: Andrew Lippa

Book: Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice

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Director: Ms Colette Brus

Musical Director and Producer: Ms Leanne Roobol

Choreographer: Ms Joanne Wysel


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Page 24: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
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Page 26: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
Page 27: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
Page 28: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
Page 29: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
Page 30: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
Page 31: THE ADDAMS FAMILY - · THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare
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