the action of digitoxin on some of the chemical constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. ·...

Loyola University Chicago Loyola eCommons Master's eses eses and Dissertations 1954 e Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of the Dog Myocardium John Rebar Loyola University Chicago is esis is brought to you for free and open access by the eses and Dissertations at Loyola eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Master's eses by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. is work is licensed under a Creative Commons Aribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. Copyright © 1954 John Rebar Recommended Citation Rebar, John, "e Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of the Dog Myocardium" (1954). Master's eses. Paper 861. hp://

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Page 1: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

Loyola University ChicagoLoyola eCommons

Master's Theses Theses and Dissertations


The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the ChemicalConstituents of the Dog MyocardiumJohn RebarLoyola University Chicago

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Loyola eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion inMaster's Theses by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected].

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.Copyright © 1954 John Rebar

Recommended CitationRebar, John, "The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of the Dog Myocardium" (1954). Master's Theses. Paper861.

Page 2: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

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Page 3: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

101m. an. JIt ... bon Sa -_Sill. MDm111'tU1a.

oe ___ M. 1_ •

.. .. ., ftCII ~ .. 8IIlocA .... .

1 ... aM ,.. R. J.lIIOCO'pl. eou .... Ue1e, nlSnole, ia ... .

1.1, ",e ...... of Ia.~ Gt Al't8.

Page 4: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S


... • ,,~ 1s b4e'bW • ~ laM Doe"- Ar~ ~tor h18 _ .. 1 .. , ed-.- 4,w1»l .. »at ,..,.

apaoual. .'Ilk." due _ Doo .. Ak1ra ~, tor hia

WUJGltlah ooopeets... \0 Doe .. ~1Ge ;pro.torla ftPI'4 to

hls Il4vl(Ui_~eolod.ud. pJt01)l_. aM 1;0 a\uelut ft. .....

tor he belJ Sa .~ out ... of ,he .., ~oe1 .......



Page 5: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

Cbaptv Pas. x. Ii~~Oli110nOl~ AJiID S!fATj2~t;::Jrf OJ' 1m .FfK}~ ,. \I .. " It ~ *' 1

l'ftlJm1MI7 ~kG .. .. • " t\ ' .. • .. .. .. • • .. "'. fi Do't~d.Da'lon Of ttO!9aee ••• ,. " ....... 111 • ., ., .. .1 .sn-e:r ut111_1tion ~M .n~r&y t~t1on ".. 'fIl .. *,.. a ;:\O~ ot oerltlao (l'J.ycotd(h!t. on _r~t7-rtell ~t8a. If • lit • .. ,. • ill " .. .. • .. .. • .. 'II. .

li. ""18' of oaMiGo 81Jo:oald$s on gl1f.~.n '~n4 laotic acid • .. • • • 111 • • 111 " t • • .. .. " .. • ~ .. 11

-.. A01iltm.·CJt oer4ao slycosiden on ~loctl"o.l.ttes ... " 11 G. Aot1t!fft of O$r.'d'itU). t~l:100td.d$8 on $:4._('nd.Jl~

":rlJ)bQsr.ibek •• (lSl.n) ..................... , .. l'

Ill., H~OC,W')tJlt~ JJID ~iOD$ .. .." " II!> " '" • .. .. .. .. .. .. l' " ill 11

A. a. action o:t 4161toz1A on myooart'U.$l phoaph$te ~'lOM ................. " ., •• ill. .. .. .... at

B. fte ao'lon of d~llto:tSn .~l mYOO6!"{!1(l1 ~ a. laotto ao14 .. .. .. • .. .. '*' • iii. .. • .. .. .. .... !I

o. !be •• "loa ot 41st Wd.n. onrQ'ocuJlr4bl el.tro-17t.e8 • • \J .. .. 9 .. .. " • .. ., .. • .. ., .. .. ,. .. ." •

D,.. ~b\e.........,.. .. If! .. ., .. .. • " .. .. .. .. " .. ... 19

" A. .lffeett .... or e·«mbll_t __ 41g1to;d.n .. " • ... .., B. ft. aotion ot 4,lgi'oxin on o"..rQfII\r1~h l1b~)ftPMto

_~bollwm ............... ,. .. It • '" .. '" ., .... "

o. .. 60'1(1) or 41ftltox1:a on f~~$ll and lnotle ae14 &a D. the eot.lonot 41$i\o:da on GGltrclytes • " ••• ., 52 JI. H1M8lle~ .~.- .. • • .. .. • .. • .. ... ., '" .... 68

Page 6: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

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Page 7: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

D05&. DWtATl.ON OF • • • • • • • '" II • • • • •

m. DOSl.t l)tIu\Tlo!i 01' B •••• .,,, ........ ,.,

Mili:Milla DUli;~Ql't O:r ."' ..... , ........ a

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n. ~_' "".9. DO.v nUl:ul;,TIOH OF 1Il:l;~1I~»:~~ t • • • .. .. .. " • • .. .. 4 • .. .. .. .. ..

• • un.

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iii ..

0' QLtc~ AlID LAoCn'C ACID DiT j)O()s ••• " .... $' •• "' .... II



Page 8: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

.. nIl.

.. fl' ................ . " , :008SS.DmiATJ;~i 01'

AY"d .. .• .. .. II *' • " .. " .. ,. III

N..tJ_1X DO.. .DURATIUB Q;r ..aJ1Dns~¥~ t • .. • .. .. • .. • .. .. ~ * .. .. • • •

.. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . XlX. fJOB~T~A~UKS ,.,.,-_) UP 0O.Dltf& AJ\iD .:lilt~~"~~IW

II Btl liJUBT'S 011 IOBiIlI~ ~ • • • .. " .. l!i' .. 'l' .. • " ., ..

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XUlI. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . • .. .. 11


Page 9: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

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1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU .. 1n an 1. 8S ,..tob-

80U.. ~ Vle 14_1 a»pr<Muta too 1m. 801l11\loa ·ot thla

pftbJ._ 1. to poi'Ue llMft ran .. 1a .~~k' __ 1 _s..18 ..

to bfts"saa_ "arlod .BpeoU of '1\0 al~ ,b,.101011'_ Up to

the ~, time, Vi. llJ'O'hm'loa of o~l. ta11u. Sa ut.1_. Wbleb _""4 l"'GOemb18 t.l1 •• In _a, baa ~ 4Ut1eult.._ a. 01\10.,..

A MOOl'J4 ap,..,h to th. pnblS 40H ac' A .. lIitItl r.~ ~~ eab_lab oeMlae :t.11... fil18 PffMt-u:N

~ ~1CUl_ Of W. ta •• tM' .... 4Jdn18~'1(.»D ot ...... 1-

•• a11oO$14. ~Oft. 'the taUlDc hMrt lnman. ." iaVoluolrc

th18 v~ lnt;o ~ &1\1au, aft, oba~ 1n ~lol..OQ -7 _­

S-, .. ~a1a o~ .ott_or \he 4rUI at14. aaultoMOu.e1y, ...

MObdS.. o~ .~iao teU... fbi" wU1 ... .. »roe. hit". wblOll

ww. M toll0we4 in \hI. illfta't1satloD.

cae .t1~r.:utJ;'lv. ~~:l. w1\h ftSQ'4 _ \be .. ban­

I_ of t_U.. 18 tllat ~ 1s ana.l'ea"'. 1n ..... _tal»­


Page 10: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S


US 4Mr..,.. h\ .. ,..te of r.-UoD fit ...,.,s.elASua ocapolUlla of \be Men,. 0 ..... tM1 .. , ... '1.11."_ or ..... vailable --87 ,. __ b'oe in \be ' An __ ,i.''108

of .. OODOtlB'RGt1aa, or .~1a 1a~a' e~ oou" •• _

_ ,. 81 ..... 01 .. _til ~I'\t to Vb. e.up in alWftl ,-bo-l1a. l' w1U "tile prrPQH f4 _I •• __ - ~._b

aMlT'loa1 ~. b Ualtoda .... te4 enJaala.

l' s.. Japol"taftt .. nOM \hat tM _lDis .. ,loA Oft

'lbenlMN"So ... 1)8 0' the ~ -7 00" rNta1' 1n u!R.aelle'"

pbJ.~u1 obanae. ala iIq. in tae., ........ , tor -a."I­au1te ,*"11 b4Y8 __ l'8~ 18 'tile ~ of' the eft .. , of

~p8\lU. fIID,OUte 0'1 _"tU.80 ~~u on phoepJaatG e~tmd.

or tM _ftrttwou~.:r. 1.1).. 1ft ,QJI6V .. 0'Y01e ~las

ala JOGalbl1! •• l' JJIIIII' be -"'8d1to ... ,. enlMla ttbloh haw

beD ........ with • _Mia. tl'V6 c.weJ' awenl .P. 1a" pnaen 1lmwttSp'toA 11.,.. 4al1i" to_ 'tIU.1 _ .... 1 ..

alo. wte.BSMle 81 .. ~u. -.bele aoa •• of ttl. traI. null,. l' 1a ~t to obooM ror •• 1l4y 1mo ohe1

.. 1 ..nlwe~ "tda wW 11e14 "\he moat JIfNm~tul reeu1~ ••

a. DOlt' 1m,...., eoapolUl48 to .~ Ia W. "..~ _7 'be the

eo -llal __ 81...."loh ~te _.p0qn4a. AI~1Be wlJb~

CAW' Im4 ~t.1M ,}to) ... __ sboWa to plat' ~a'

I'01ea in ........ '1_ pM8U8 no' WI' In eke131Mll. IIUfJOl.

(88nA_~. 81, •• 1,.'_ ..... ,.gt., 1M', ., Ja _ole

Page 11: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• •• well (~ka}Ulak. 11M, OlaOD 884 ~,11&1). A!fIi S.

eOMl4_N4 to be tbet l~late 8OUl"O. ~ till

mwlO." oouvao,loa and U 80\84 .pon _ aa ..,... Wh1o.b. ~

l_s,o. fm."~~1 bF 'ttle h~IUls of t;h.e 1l1eh ~ .PbOaplu~tea .•

R_pthes18 Oi" .\!lJI .... ot :Ii'O, Vh1o.b tuaotiou .a • h,...VO!r t4

~*noh pboep., .. , takes ~l~oe 4ur1f16 r&COVR,..

A 8Moat ~o$l, conet,l"tUnt ~oh 18 im;portent 1.

enz7fI8tle ~.8 "~i. tb1n t.he o~l.l 13 PO_(4$1G. X't bas ...

shown tlwtpo\8.$$1.#J'Pec1tloal1r inoroa ... tbe l!aw of or.,. pb.oGpbol7'lat.l00 (eo,.r ft. al •• ltd). ~~. Of pOta •• t­wa 1. --8U7 1». -ft7 ~ s:ra~ _loh t ... 1Il1I.

Muao18 8l7Oos- 18 en ~_ft" ~E;~tmC7 __ " ~

~1eal GUU" tOll the ,P'J104u.ot:loa ot ~l"loh pboapb.a\a8.

~P8 more 80 1a ear41ee -.01. tbaa 1a akoletal llisOle (8HJd.a

an4 1AY~.l9l2). I" we_ tel, ttw'tt laots.o 6014 ~ 81_ be

lnolW1 ___ ng till. ohem1oal .outl~'. 10 \Nt.~ b ....

it 1a ~ tbat 'b:~O\'m of' BlIOOS- resulta In ~a't1ol\

of la·,rtic a014 1n oar41ao taU.e.

i1I!!BD! !il."lQ!"Dll~ 81. __ ~un to ~l.o ilJ'Oo!l14e. tor: ~ pet!'l-

od$ ot ~lM S7 DOt. .. aurabl,. alter ... 'abo11a ot 1ib.e ~,

1t ._ tel' that aD 1rlteat!so,"10A ulns repeated 40_ 0'I'er

a loq :pvl04 ot time ... wel1 a. sinal_ 40.8 WOQl.4 .. valw:sble

lJl tile _'u47 of 'the MOliUla or tiottOll or tJle drus. 81nee

Page 12: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• prevlous tfOJ'kee lui". 1.t)rv •• tlg&1ie4 0ftlJ" Obe OlletUoal oono'l __ ~

~t a t;,hle. l'appe&r~ ,bat aoorap~l"" atu41 of 1norpn1o

pboa_ta, ... rtt~lob pht»pba.s. "J"~n ... an4 eleotro­

lyte. on th$ H.m8 nor~l 4~ heal'1;a ~ .14 2Jl a H'~ and ....

stemU,llIi ot th. aoU._ of O~l!'41a. ~oo1df)~ 011 t.he ~llan


Page 13: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

In llliall.DlD ItIIIIh oon_O'f'a"881 ._~ta ma, be tOWld. 1n the l1ter ..

1iun ,...,tc1n1n6 to tbe _tloo or OaHiao SlrOQsldU on SOI'rI of

the oho.m1oal OOD8t1twmtfJ, ~17 lDCJl"el$nto phoapbale(lP) •

• ~~1. pboGtW4tiJ$. a17006en,laotl0 .14, ana. $l"~'"

tweloke. 113fS1 W01l.~_, 1M9, GheliC_. l.9tOa UobSs. l1H01

ltlara, 1~1 Bapa, lSH, ~ and l!01ncl..-r. lMO, ~

u4 Jluarlaou., 1931; wet4. 1989). Al~ ~ .., ROt be

.otu1~'t ", .. the ftlJul1#. Of .rloul lnft8tl8atc-a.

It .. t be ~1* tlla, tbe .JL~1manW coa41tioDa. Ji8t.h04a of

eDGlJ'&h, eM '\he amount ot '\he ell'Qoa;aUe 61ven. .,..,- wlth ".he


B. .iI!tEilD.t\&sI.It~ J)eG:riq .. ,_ 81. (1941) be .. perfOfttGd. .:4 ... 1"

etudt_ w11ib oar41ae 81I'oo~d.4_ 111 4088 anA oata. ' metbod. of

Batcbar .. B'ro4,. (1110) ._ ue4. to eveluate tbe rd.n1mal1eb1

408. (liLD)wJdoh __ to\mll to be O • .a :&IS.I_. 1n the u' .. 0.8" liJi:hlq. 111 'ihe 408. It.. touM tbe. at .. edmwa.aUoa ,

Page 14: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• of III 8~. OJ' 41'ri4e4 toe_of .. 1&1). 61.,. O'MJ' • ,.104 of

.faG ... , DO 1Q'OH'J'41el 1 .. 1=-.~. D1.~lQal .'u41 ..

..... ... ett.w • mird.- f!tt .. 4qa tm4 • IaU:IrI\a or M 4.,...

Sldr' per cut KU) __ 81 ... U .. 81a&D .... prod.,.. 4etldttl

:m~1al lealoae .all thea' the t:re~"7 f4 188Sou .. ~_

lDel"M8G4 u tAG 81M or a .1l~ 4088 w_ 1~ ~ 80'/1 MtD.

BeN .1ealona ... no" tom.14 u'11 1 Oll'IfOI'O 4.,.. at .. _.

lnJ_'t1oD. !be au't1lol'e eonol. __ .. , e au.ltltU4. of c~

0 __ - tII!q "OW 'bvtor_ fX47'~"'."1. ~h01081c o~ 8n~e4.

In their e.q;JOlfs-e,. _ ~ floW lD 40se ..,.

~ "" or iiLl) .e a _l.ot.d.aW 'kJdo dOH aJ:l4 .... or KU) ..

.. ~ted ~petlUc 40_. f.btI Haul .. of ~. apeJ.MD_

Dow "bd~ ~peu'tle.Q8_ fit 41s1'hU8 414 not pIOdU. e aip

auloa' O!ul~ 1I1. ~ fl_ whv_ ~o dOUG 4 .... a ..

VIe oo~,. .t.1oW. ~nl.1 1uioDa .'Wf6I18 Ob ..... b all1Mla

Sa ~ 'the o~r7 flOW ' .. leep" bel.ow -. ~ lGfttl tv

18 4418 .. npeate4 1nJeo\.s.0D8.

Woo4 aDA .. '1M2) in ~ .~i._ b" 80"p1;84

•• • "t6l14Gr4 ror 'the tOMS of "" .. Nlac ~U.e 'he 4etl-

1\1Uc:m of .. ana 'ft~ (lilt). ftla 4etb1~ eta ... tbd

a toxtc d.e Of 4161'ki118 Is em. whl* prod __ card!"o ar­rb~s 1A tl'lo b_rtJ of tbII· ~Wuatl prepen'1ob.. WbU •

.. ~pwtlo 4_ 18 ODe wbtoh w111 ln~ •• 'lb. _ta:ftl81 me-

Page 15: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

, ObenlMl .,,101.1.7 of trbe Mert-ltmG Pft~ t,101l wlthou;, the

pl'04uotlO1'l ot oa1"'41_ 8ft'h"'~8 wi.SA .. "..104 of 150 m1Jlutae

at'Hr the ddDl."'loa ot 'tale uua. S"u.41.. heY. 'tiHD ... OIl eleO'k'oOaftt.osnpbloollafl&".

an. t.ll..,.peu.t.1e aH tod.o Aoaea of oa:r41ao glJ'ooaUM. tile

_la pupoaeot .... 8tW11a .baa .... to wae a1eo-'td'41o­

P'Gphlo C1hallS- ••• e:rlteloD of 4181tel.1a in'ta*'loa. !a 1923

Pen .. fI'OlI .'" atu41ee oa haan _,~ .. _ hfUt oonel.u4_ *' •• • haas- la ., ...... 001d4 ... us_ u • _.~ or tn. mlld.mal

etreoU... ..... ·ala,..k _8 ntute4 .,. ~ (1989). wbo

etu4t.e4 the 8ft__ of 'IV1oua PHP8n'louot 4161 .. 11. in a... ,..tie aD4 toxle 40 ... OIl tol8 a.n4 .. ft.. a1Me eou'M.t ...

PNNu. of '.f • ..,. 414 no' .. e. and. ao n ... tl ... , .... naulW.

~ he8 0.PP08- 'Vd'4.... 8uap"ttloa lo Wit8 .. ., _"" u

• _1-.1011 t. the etrH' otoanu.eo ll7Go.u...Bl'f.Ibm8' oem­

dueloabes Mea .,portei OJ' ~ .'''''1.. 'BraI»:aa lUl4 Qe~

MD, 11311 seh_ft_ anA •• lu. 191'). on UlfI otAG'Md. ~

.ndl1\~rt (1'19) be •• 881'''' 'tilth Pard... 1l'11,., ~

••• al. ott.e trbo~ bftat1pUou have 8lao OOIioluA04 .. ,

., ...... r .. 1. no1; .. _l't.eloa to'll 4181taUa bto;.d.caUrm ••

~ c~ or T _ft roll .......... pe'~ aftel- dldQ1.-

,"'1011 ot ___ PfN'tl0 ell .u ..tox1o 4OSU.

A aip or _ b4 wmlt,bI has __ 800ep" ttl'

... of JJw".ft~tO'r. as .. oritel"lon tor! a toxl. flo .. ,~

Page 16: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

8· •

ani Haft1.aon. lt11}.

A atu4,. ot .. 1ntlwsmoe of 41g1Wls in 'tbe ...

... 1;loa of laoJ.ate4 oa:r4lee _1. b ~ .... Mea ~

bJ' ."toll anA Gol4 '1_). JaolaMd l*,U1Q:7 .. 01_ of oa' h."b~ uoed in theGe u_1meata. At ..... tae6peu\U 40Me ot

oer41ao 81100814.. tb._ OPpeQ"8 'to lMI en lao1foaH of ... f ....

of e81'"4lGo ....... OonWM':J..oa. aw _S-.. ,obJeotliJa __ We

pnrpeJlo'loa .. the' \be 40_ W'J4.C' 'taG. OOD41'1ou .,. 41ft_

fItoa tbe 4O.e8 'CO be e1y •• _ late_, flA1tIe1.

0- "'1·,!l!iJl&Id&.".!t'.~ .IIDa»aat. .... t _Vil!:ias eft., ot .a'l'4lao 81~14 __ Vi.

taUlas Mart 18 taG at~tMnlns fJt l'.oOA'U'ao'U.le~. Ja

the AO-.1 h ..... oon_",111'" .9peoJl8 DO' to .. Mr~ al ....

_3._ W:d.o 40au an .1... ~11DI eat ~.N (liH)

.... le14 the M81s to~ ... atu47 ot 'il\e ~.'10. ,01 ~ taU'

hOa't by 4Gm01letntbs, .. aBo._1041 cmerv tHe. 18 ..

..... '10. of the heart 'epm4. "pcm 1'. Aill.toll. VOl.-. ThS.

s.. trb$ waU kt.\ollm. Law or tM~. A'. siva 4188\011. YOl.wu.e

tbe tal11n8 heart,ba.,ing ... _11_ MJG01"i" W petoal work haa

to !nona" 1. 41oto110 w,l-. ODd..- ooutan' ooa4i,'ou. t.lle _~oouWllPtion 0'1

tbe hen, W':d .• lae JaaeuGot tJo'tial. eaer§ \4"111_t1011. 1a

4.~ bJ 1'. (U .•• tol!O ~ no\ onl1 in \be DOJ.\'m8l bftl"\,

"'t .al8o 10. the ap:m\eneotlG .taUve of \be h~lw:tl Pl't!tper.'101l

Page 17: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• • AS .. ~ l8 ta111Q. ae .J'GU 8Q~GD lr1ereaa .. in

ol"d.v - _la_la ~ -- ~, or __ ' •• l!Jta IID4 'ft.H .....

l.tM). 01' ~ ~ oou...,tloa 1'4llIIIlu tbe _. __ 'ti1t.e

4ia8to.llq '1'01_ U ... t.' aDd ~. WOJ'"k Aeor-.a.... III botb

._ tn. ~loa1 ettl0:1GD07 18 f.~. .... t'U4$D1a

edooaelua1ou lle". be8fl oonrb.ue4 _,. 14M •• yu~ (1919).

~7 haft. ~. ltdB 4upaW<! b7 1:a\Z (1918) t W1'to .. ,..

peW GO lou Of .ohlm1o$1 .tS.elenoy1n t811un. xa ... 11 .... *' tU s..~?~' Of eave,. ~,s._ -7 be tho· .. 18

'rw 1'a11 ...

D. "Maulf' ,!V:.Al., BaII&41Ji,SA.,MsId& •. iaJel'Rlldll. '!be ~ .... or J!C IW4 ItJIll Sa ... OQB1dl'ao1i1oD tit

~l ... ardiac ~ ... ita H$OOlaU. with the trend ..

of ~Hl ...,. btoo ~l • ..,. bM ...... apte4 tor

a ~ o,t ,..r... to 4.te'~ 61>"81"8 to be no ~'7 of opmlon oa .. etteo$ of ·06_18e s170oald_ on ~ pb,oapb,a\e


V-lDs DOlt-was.. 40ft .. Of 4!sited-a. ..... ~ .no marked obane •• 1.1'1 PC •. 04 I/I'JJ 1n bt.oO".fliMJ. (1\ ..... &. 1 __ ,

18 _./itIc • .b. the I".'~ WOlleal'.MWS_. 1961).

U8b6 ""ftflpeuUe tOll •• of _I"(UAIC 81:fOOfI14_. Wolle­

btWGer (1968) t~ 1n .. h1."1 •• 1.7 ....re1l1 .. Uel't.-luaa

PftP8ftlt1oD J •• ~tl.aD" o~ 1a IlW Gr. »cooawat_ la

apoaw.uwoas teU._ ",nan-lnc 1a " boo,. .. lw:ae cUed' thO i'O cm4

Page 18: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

10 •

AJlJl' haOUoM 8lao r.,.U .awtSa1l.J' ~ (tI01lenboZtS-, 1M" . .

In the 18Olatot lAngendortf ~'1011~" with

B1Dg.'a _lu'1oa .... _ no _~~"GCl o.ll$ Sa " ani IIZJ? vt.

noa-tNlc tiOaM (0.03-0.01 ... Ike. 8'fA*opkaatbla. ".lOker, 1931) ..

8pontanootw, ttd.lve Of ,.be ~l1aD heart ~ witt. lAfIl;e

ao1u;,~\ 10 aGaoc!aiWKl wi. :I 4eol1ne in -16- o0a8uaptioa, ·Fe

ewl, A.'ft! (B0b4., 19UI lila •• 1133; .10ker, lealll

Mall:olstratJ.eOf.oar41ac&1."..148 •• 1;N~tlWl)H&JUl..1a.

8 J;"'G~ t4 ~.l con.-.o'U1'" wl ... 8OI"J."U~ lnot'WlM in ox __ .Qll~'lon 'hlokar, 19.). UD4u euh oon41'\ioa 1'0

eat\ AJfiI b r'o.,t0re4 to nor_l. In Spa_MOUe t.,11ure indued byenutbGtloe t.A ..

brM1"'t-1Wl8 ;p'GpG"tlon Il.otlo&eiJle on(u:'~u in .fO eM Uir ue ntrb

~ by l1On-toX1e 4 ... 8 ot eaMi •• 61100814 •• ,~ ... ,


With ftl8J'd to tol." <J.oa,e Of the dl:'Q8,Ghcmaaa .eo­

~~8 (1"') ~ ...... tu1e 4f,., Gt0aJ'41M sll'ooaUos

_ --.liaA l.leertat 1D 1.., 11O" adwuloe4 _.s-. 1s Oher4l(J~

1H4 b,. e 4epl."loa or t.l10 ene~loh 1*0._" 8tor.. 01",-81th_ A!at'.in or .-beiD lntuaSOU to 4__ (0 •• _./11& .• WOU.n*,~or, 1.1) 8 -!'~ dopletion or .PO OOOUl"G With 'ttl.

onpt of ",ulouJ.~ t'llJJ<111etlon, au. 'tho AW .on_ll~ 18 an 81gxdtlosJ11:17 el~. 'l'!uI _ .. ruul't.t be". ~tOWl4 111 the

b~Wl6 prepere'lcm or 'lb. ~n pohotl44 Wltb ouabain ..

Page 19: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

11 •

tU.soxin (lOlien~, 1948).. Xu t.he iao1~ted o8'h_~ petwJat.,

ri'tib R1npr'. aolutfion .. oon"re($t~produC1a8 doses of stro­

p.un~n oe.\WO $ &Q\ 1088 otPC et'dl .. _ a ~ .. l"e4uotloa Oft

lIi'1lf~ (O.l-Chli •• /4. $\ropbGAuu.n, waloka!*, 1_) .•

Wo ~r1_ studt.. 1't oan be _14 tM't; a DOn.

toal0 408$ of oadlec do,,eoa14ee 4(t1eaDO' .pp_r 1;0 e,lt~ the

OQuentr-etloa at l~ on4 AJf]J b intact animel 08 wU De m t:be

non-re11,1ne llMrt-lune or 1a01.tM ~H ~.tlcm. J.~

the bcmn in .1~ber o:t theM p.-epu'tlttlou tdtJ!i suob ~ _,

.. ~k" 48p18U_ of the ueu-rlob. ~pbe,". I" appear.

t..ba1l 1l:1 ., atwi, baa'ltot,1on or U10 4l'UI ___ .t.U4184 ....

• '1M perlO4.l lQD.iS- then ..... el ho •• , with 'be uoeptloa ot K~f e WO:l'~ U ... ) ..

,I, AU.; w2tJl!Dlt~ .OlDaUII. .1I"OAiLt .. HI MM. ~ the .dt.dQls~t1'* .t DOD-~ 40 __ ~

082'4180 61YCO$ldU. tbe e~ con,-' ot~. heer\. ...... n

~ 1;0 be WJ1MlI8;M '.bbl., OhRAtU. lMO)., ' .. neset

(ftbb1'. Liebig. liMO', f# DOt elp1t:lel1lDU7 .ba~ (re.t Xl.

mura, 1948). 1B tb. M'Gpar~ta 12 ffMj.I •• Pft At;}), r:d CliP­

tod.ft 111 FOwl .. clJOOl __ .g1.. ia •• ~1ioneelU t01l ~

4.0,.. AU. .... ~n1~ ... 1 __ .\l~ _i_u.s.a tha'

tu I11Ooaen8toref1 1ft heart.. 11 ... , a,n4 akelotal IlUOla al'e

'apt.ted In c:d.mala polsQDOI v4 'h .1'"4100 ~?l."O$ld.lI. A 4eoreue

Page 20: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

1n. tho &l1Cos:ctn OGAtent of ~ It .. ,. of n_ anA 4 ... a.ooutolr

pol.-e4 1I1\b. out .~~nthillo 1a Q~i(l'G4 w1th

• eort-a~PQn<U.~" ~haQ 3:'1_ 1D l&otlo •• 14 lObar .. " 1940).

Ol.UCO&- IWAld'Uo .014 u.\.UlatiOA 111 ~ bUrt 1n

., fte$bl.l prGptll"et1 .8 1IIlU d 1n a .~~~~lY 4e .. w-t.1n& hf)$rt-ltLUI pre:Pfd1'e'tlOQ 18 ~~kc41J' 1OO:.r~04f at. O,>f_taat. "JOB

l~·, by c~1d C1~14ea(Q~. 1£ND. *1'a~. 1M2).

AD. ~.tKl Qt. .. of l.ooUo ae1d b~' no" PJ'r.vlo

'0014 1n on Sael.aWd ftoI; u~'" in • aa41u.m oon_ml~ 41811814

.s O~8"e(i 'b1 "_<mea (1948). ~ ."tboroonolUi484 aI.nM \be

~ ",_k. ~1n ~~oo that 'the • __ leota_ OOa8~

1a DOt ul41~, but Ie cottve~ tlo glJ't}.e~.

fbe litetJ~ UNa $l.¥~r. to 1f441o*tiO ~, 8l.JO~

u.tUlzG'Ucn ., __ ~&!M4 •. de0rM8_ •. or UD.O~. awl laOtlo

.014 u'ttW.'iOa ., be 1Dorea~ 'b1 ~Pft;t.l. ~ot OU"4SAO

81~14... .An u.~ Sa 18cUo .-t4 :p:-04UG'Um =:t be _.

peo~. pe%"Uo~~17 Ct. \exto ltfge18 of \b.O ~ de naOhl4.,

•• AIlIQis.L4ltl!i&aA ,,~lAtL_,.A!ltaUla, ~ ~1mentl!ll ~u obtainfKl 'b7 .(bdn~to1·1~

~.peutlo 40"8 ot ~l'all. em. "..,. po .... l •• <Jt1,'.n. of ...

bean an OOD'trcnre2:'slral. AlGOj tbee 1 • ..,. 4.1oe~e~7 1D. tl»

1.1t.e:ture on the o1 .. ~ GOti.'Iantot tM 11_,., in p8tlenu

"flus 'Of b.eart tallt.U--e.

Page 21: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

13 .. A a\~ih" 4ao1" __ 01 quell1;1oDa'bl.ll .igaltl .... _ no

o~. in t:be 'POtos~tum o~ Ott til. in .. , 40C en04 lute"" Get.

Jlt.voeert\lum htl$ been ~ UWI" the aa!al .• Veii1oa ot a ~

petitio 40$. of' ~ oaft1.. 81.J'Oo..'il~. '01 ~ •• tla~

(1110) ftM 'by fIe44 (1941) napeo'i'ft1y, ~ natbp. ~.

&N no' _p~ '" Bo,,-or Gnll Folooutc'" tlNG). Who he". I"e-

1~e4 'that, ~Pft"l. 408iit1.N of 411{1ttllb hor_ •• t.. .. po..

_.ai_ .. 'Hat of tb.e ~ of lnteot oeta. 1ft ~.1r ~.

aen\8 U06'* _" ueed. a 01\\111101$ .... 4ifJltaliH4 wlthtod.o

40f.Me or4Saltolue 04 tho 40,. Of'tbe ~"1f'4t:m't. !t',bo otbe ..

• _ reoelTe4 1nve,.,~" 4.dJ.,. ~PR'l. dN&8 at 4131-

tal ... M_ 6 per1040t I to I 4$1' ••

After \he dmiQi.V,:~,.1oa 01' theJlOpwtl ...... or 4J.rJ.tal18 'tbe 1aloo4 ttM~ et ~ _ ... (1M8) bJ410ate

" loo8 .f po~l_ ftom Wle Man _ l~ 1ft a~~lIDg pr.,.. N'ion. 'tile 0S1"41" "toad_ .~ 1AtC~t ~d all'b1'

~ 1.,..._ 81'tv 't1ler.,.,Qtlo dOMS or 41elto:dD ~b1 -

t1'aJ13.e to fed 'af!J,./Pf ot-tf..h' :wi' ~(Ba&-,t IN'),, WhUe

..... C1M1) 0Wl4 40m0utl' alsnl1:1ee:h' Oh~ itt 'lbe po­

tuaSa ~"~nt1J.'l laolate4 $\;1'1,. or ~. ~r&. Ib.ue ....

tlle'l»8 ruul:t8 •• 4Utioul' to _plea .~ UDleq apeola

4Ut~ 01' ua. 4t.t;t...,. in. ~))aht1oa oen be inl'OlYM.

~ ttoBO of aieltalis Mue 8 4001"'_" 1n the po.t

••• 1_ GOnGen_a'loB or the· ~tI'1ouJ.N!t muouJ.etu:re of \be bee

Page 22: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

l.WlG ~"1_ (\'1004 on4 ~. 1 •• ), tM "«llls.MOrn ~ beG" of ft'bbl~ (BaSB. 1939), leola,,*, .trlps Of ..... lou.J.e

muoulature of turUe (we44. 1989). ant .t.rUte4 _"1.

(O."MU.$rA Goo4G1l. 10lf).

Jut a ~r131n& 13t8' .. n' 1t OM beu:SA the, art_ ~peut10 d~ of .:r418o IltllCOsid •• tho pottlsni. OOUt4nt a tbAt boal'"' .itt~_ ' •• u:uae •• ~~.a. or 1"er:*1D8 tJle _,WhUG

atte~ ~o 40ae thura 18 a det'iIllto 4ooftfJoe or tA1a oleotrol",e

G. M~iE ":,"~ .1'rialWlaM_." l4R:IM1.

It \\tUlzat1oA of ea.~ 18 iltpa1re4 k 0U41M

re11un u haa 'bGen oonWdad b:r iab (1100) tb1a .,. be ~

fleeted 'b7 the action of oardfAo glyo~a14ea on tJle ~ "ot$vi­

t, az $be J\~a. aaaoo1eted With oototQ"Qfd.J1.

la utrtlot.s 81t4 ~t_ or heart muaole " haa

'Men tOWld tbat oardao sl7oOld.dos t;', ,ttl cauee • aUf!;ht. !nor$&,"

1n the rete of of ill.fJ.:' by oa101ua-aotlftt44

a,olSA of i .. I~K-e" '~1.1. lt5l.). BowuvifJr. 1n oariU .• O ~1(J in

the pNeeJ100 oS A~8. WhlCh 1s not octlwW bl oalcium 'i~

anA J)uio1e. lK7} t1lA etfect or oat*dlac al1OOa14.a on ~'f1fJ!

eJ)lJ:t'ttns 18 bh1b1tc.»r,._ \'hi •• ~~ ., poa~lbly be n.u., au4

lIe,'s ~o81~~otlv8Hd ~~j-e •• (l .. 94a).

Page 23: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

A, "JliIB~,~ :ED OG' _ptU!'~_ we h."o ~ to use· therapeutlo.

ant 408 .. Wh1ell ~ IJ~ to ~ uaet hI' Deal:'bs. ___ , 1I.e1T1ot, 8fl4 Barnes (1943)" lor 0_ alna1e ~apeu'l.

'OM, lOS' or the ~s-l lA~ 4._ (0.'f6 fIJII,./1t.S. \)047 -1P') .. uM $tld tor ~ tau, ~fipw'10 40_, U.~ of the alt.iMl

u\ba1 ... CllJD) •• aOlld.ot.er84. Aa .. ~ ~;d.o 4oM. _

'd tM iSUl ._ .~t.e4 a1:t4 u • 4ell1 '\OUO 4 ... , _ Of '\be.

liLt) .. ,1'1'_ • .. 4iSlto:.d.A .. ob'talue4 tl'om AlJbO'" Lebon .. l_ In

the lora or • ~_. 70 mala tJl.e nee ••• n aolu\ion the powaer

.. lUst 418801 .... 1a el.eohol and ~.n~' to ~ wi. _t_. ,In .• _e1~ .P'O\lP CIt uper~w .~8 nt-a

..... 1 •. O¥'C" • perl04 0:1 , ... ,.. one ~ 01 4 __ r •• lvlnG

" .1~. ~PJU'io 40ae e,l14 'lbeoUl.. 4&111 the&peuUo 400 •••

tae 1nJM~ \"IC'e &lV8 lnto "h~U8 yem ., ,. ..-,. al.olr

J-e_. fte ~la wee ~1t'lMd 1A be. fP'oupe al. 3. 6, anG

, ure ... spootlve1)' eft_ the rlrst. lAJeot1.oa.l' WU 4eol4e4


Page 24: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• .. " 8 .. 6 tap 8bCMIW be ....... 1D .~lld.nI a.rWte1V

the eft .. " ., 4161toaia OIl the elleaioal oouU .. te 01 the

hean_ JD tile -.3- ~p ot .\Util .. \'IlaD swl_ of .,.1-

met<al t\.n.u.J.a wre 8tu41Gd ~. 0DtI ~81v1u4'lo

4 .... at.d tho other ~c dOH.,. lJa,ob •• 1"'1 __ 0 ~lY1ded lato

., -lJlsl7 end cki!lr J.nJeotod~. In eaCh croup, an1:Ml.. were

.... Ule_ en. 2 ad "4.,... ooo.vo1 u.1mau wore ~ .,

8ulteblo 1n~1 ••

m."trOO0r41~ \tOft 'uen boron ~ after the

~1.tratl<M of d!g1to::d.n. Up"n 8118l.1818, 'til. tt_rt. ra't4 1a

el'\hR Wl'liMUJ.e4, AMr._ed. or r~lu the ~. al.8o ftr1eble

,_" ObIU16QS '.r" ottaene4. Both theM ~U~ are 1n

aoeonGDO.e with the lltmNtt ... (Deur~.'.a1.t 1943). &lao.

\JUt reaults ...... 0 verla1)l.f)p the dOS,. mil) l'Mord1.nse wore no'

ue4 1D the wsluatJ.oa of ~ ett~f'.tlV6nOU.

A' tJl •• p~o1>rlato tkG, tll.o ~:toes ~. __ tMtlH4

with '.5'~ nsbU~l t5 ml./q.) lDtftip ... 1\O~ ... vach •

• _ o~ ant art1tle1alre.p1l"atiQu a.p»11.. !be oh.u\ 'f.a

O~t tn. pericord!.um BIll!.'. and. tho ~, •• exclHd '1111:1

"p14l1 and d::osP84 ato .. bMlUIr t'Ule4 .a a dry 1o_t~

frlnins; au~.

a. raat!U& .I£,,, ••• J1tI!1i ~ r',r.~,Af1IllI1J.a. At'tOI' t.boX'O~ at th& ~t .~pl.a or the

Page 25: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

" 4

len anA l'isbt .. trlel. ..... onlppet ott aDi "p' U 8aotheJ"

~ OODtalrdq tltG ~ ab, .... .w ~ ... 01 ....

or __ 1ft blood, papU1..,. muatle. ... epI.eel'41_.

AboUt 1.0 ... eeapl.N or Mob. 'ftmwle1e _n _~1W4 out tOl'" #l11Ooeen a_bale. !ll$Be B~}1"8 ¥-. glee_ lnto a tea,

tube oGllte1n1~ 6 14. of _ )Oteosla hy4rox148 (l:;;oa). AnO-. snm _pl.. to beuod ttlr 1041_ :aD4pouulum 4.",erm1_~tona

._ »laoed lnto • 41eu't1nC 'tUM aDd .'to~ tor 18'-~


the &~l. fer ~10 .~11.1. Ofphoapb~'4 ~.o'1ona,

.,1€,,h:t.n3 aootlt 2.5 'to 5.0 ,,~, \lIB. pl_,. 1n a preoooW ~

ana poa1;.l. OOl1t.a1n~ ..~ az~' of • trlOl~ora •• t10 ~14

(fCA,) ,aM _$ Cl1<ueJ1ed, ~h17.h Ol'uatte4 UM_ .S

tU'terM tbJ'ousha pJ:lO~»bO~ :rUMr papor bto • ooJA 80 Ill.

lNd_tocl &l~$loppel-04 0111Mw. '-ae i~_8 _abel ..... -

al t.J.:!»e 'wlt.h!CA. fAG filter ,.~~~ was f~ "'''pea''''17 wubal

ut11 • 'Vol~ of tbe f'11trflte Of sb:out ~eo d. _. reeOlle4.

~ rUtrato '.-'tUB rd.lWiI _11 bl uilJd.DS. ao .Ql~

I"8OOrd.~4 end M .11(11.101 of a f~ •• _ tHen ~or lAo,S.o $loi4 -_17-

.ta, vanererred to a teet tJube t1itl.d placed ill 'lb$ 1'"atI*l£';Gr;~tQ:r

tQ'l: 1n WI" ~~~lZll.d... ~e~i*Wne~ e4i.v$ot wa thetl

to pbtaH:JlptbAl.1n Wl'Wl ~ :f.:cH, 'bt'oUSh" to a vo1W18ot 50 tJa.

a. 8to~ 1n the r$fr1t;

SiMe ttl. pbosp,ba_ ftac'"0,t~8 aro 4(1 lub1.le. it 18

Page 26: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

.. lapol'tan' Viet 'the preportltloD OZ Ule aamplA be oomple$e4

. q:ulO}:iJ', 8M to prwenttne ~"fJl. Or __ (PC).

011 operetlons ,..... cteft'ld out !A a aMP flrcaeae •• 000.

o. ""CJ\lr .. ~\lt;m!& 1. Dl9l'lllll$!i" ~ • ...I

~ t~ phosphate det.erm.1netlons t".ee _nled

on: inorsuulc pJao~te lUl, tbepho$pharus of pb,08pbooJl'u'lM

(.PC) .. erJid the pboapnOrus ot denoeine polJ:pboarJbate (.A,lJJ;i). ~

4~atloa or inorGenl0 pbOephete 1. baaod on ~ oolor re­

a.'ion of: .181::0 8tl4 Su.Wb~ (1129). fte produot1on of s akb1e

001= WbeD molyb4a:te 13 reduced 1D th~ pre"nce Of' &c1.4 lu tbe

be-:s1s to:.- tll.1$ r •• tlon.

lnm'r:Md.o phospu:te 1a prM1p1tatGd as the celclUQ

salt_ '11:J 0.2 lll1. of It 10}$ca~J 1.0 rJ... ottbe extrac' 18 $\4_

.. mixed .,11. ~ atan41ng 5 td.nu3$ at room t$L\pero'bllt"' ••

'he 8~ple 1n a.rrt~ttu€:~d forl8 m1~~~.1t.()B. 4,..&11\"". $.n4 0.& ~. ot

a.$ GaOls 1. addM. ~. pr~c1pltate ia c9ral"Ul.l1 mS$e4, re­oetJ!f1tugl3.Kt m~d 'thO eUp$1"'M tent liquid ira 1tlOfl ott_ F1 YO 4rc,.

flit 10J' HCl d16801ves til" ptt'oolpitl'te and thQ aolllt1on is dilu.ted

wl Q 418tUl.ed l'tGt:::z; t.c 3 mt.

the tol~~~ color :re~ents are udded III orfler~

0." 1'4. ot 10 B 1faSO ... o.a =1. of ~.~ ~n1w4l mlybtt&te. 0.4 ~.

of tbA'i 1~_'U'1ns ~t. !1bc oonten'ta or. 'brOUi!l!bt to oi volUll:/O at

10 d •• nixed,end etter the full 4evelQpmsrit of tho cQlor (10

Page 27: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• ~ .. ). u.. umpl. •• eft ~4 aaf)W' • ~ m tm. 8..,.0-. p:bO~" ., a _ve l~. of GOO _U1m1~.

!he -' ___ U of PC b 4etfeftl1lw4. uSDa ~ ___

of J';i.Ue Gli4 SWlbaHW 'lv't) .. 'OJ' GUbtl'aoUDC ·tdle v84"'" tor tM

U tJ'om • yuue ObMDe4 a8 tol.lOWIU 1.0 14. or "'e .... , 1.

bNUl~' to 3.0 ••• G •• ml. ot 10 • JIa8O" fUI4 o.a _.Of a .. ~1_ t»l.,Tb4ate eH &C44d r_,peoU'fe11. '!Ihe "'_ ie ~

.. atont ." 1'0* ~.\UH r. 10 m1au1;as 1n __ ... eUott

t. tb.b~.U ot N. __ .Od 111.0: tho re4uouc ..-" 18 a44e4, ~,,. yoluaa (,10 Ill.) __ .~ .. color ~

clevelopel. Na4aaa1n H twlfGN.

Ibe _VlM .t JAJllaM (1_) la .,pUe4 tu ,he ..

~t.iOa Of ~ UJ! tra.'s... Mala. ~ ftlu. 1M 01)_'" lq' titt.enoe. Ul1e '$'" •• new. 'lDS ft1wt MUs .. 41tt~_

M~ a. ao ldBute mol.1*'- 11~1aS. WJ4 1me Q ~_ •• 14

~.1G. .. 18t;twu oanW wt •• t~. to 1.,0 JIll.

of ••• ~~ot. 1.0 ill. ot, • a 8 BCJ. U added and. plaoecl b

• --11D6 .-- be. r_ II r.d.mItu, ~ t;ubG8 aft fJOj))l._ to ...

~tNre ot.t4 t~ .... a(l4"', 1.0 .... Of .\81', the

__ · .. urd,. 'Of ~. o~ nata_ta UMtl pr.~l't t«indas otlll

.. .. tiMl 'fOl. ... ot 10 1'41. The 801,,'loa s.e tbfm. I'ed. 1a the

.peo~pbo"'hr •• M£ore.

a. BDIItI& a. 4.'~'loD ., sl1CopJl •• 11~ 18 'bue4 _

Page 28: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

eo •

tbe metho4 at 0004 ..... 1. (198) •• ~ ... leo» slttOOM ~boI

(1"'.. the tub., oon'ta1a1118 tM ..,1. U .. mu ta DOW

plaoG4 Sa .. -_. be .. t. e PIl"fAM o:t 1,5 ~ in ord_ to

4Ssaol.ft ~G 'laue., a.. oem __ \8 .e _en 1'11-.", ott, utDs

81aU 'WOOl, aDd bJ'Oup' ~ • YOlume 06 If) 14 • .n.,. fIl. elique_

"" taka to _1 •• 14. ot ... 1oobol S. __ 'to ,..1»1.'" •• 111OOP-. la od_ to Mya «IIiP101;e ,...lpitat1oA. \be b __

8ft. plaoed i •• __ .... beth tm4 .~ Uto_~ to • boU,. ."

\be po"''' of "111q, tnew._ U"8 ~UllaMlr 'HJt01'e4, ooole4.

oaUstuge4, .na 4niAe4 ott. two' a" 8 _11 au .. Ub,c ....

lrala toUO\lfm to 11bGft1Wt 81uooee bfoa g1~.

Attr;,z- •• ,,"11.'loD of 'he ao1utloa, 1.0 JIl. eUqtlOtIJ

..... ka ,. •• (Jl.~ 6.~'s.. ttl' the Mlaea pl'OGe4UN •

.. eH.ll all~, 1.0 111. ot " "rn,.. ~, ~ Sad4e4,

boll_ tor ... U7 • minu" .. oooJ.f!M1. one ml. or aN"­

tlOltb4ato r.g.,ladae4, ""MrI 6ft -.u. aAUea 80 1ihe t~

GOa .. _ .. ,.. dUu" to atluJ. YOlwe (I:r~IIll. Gl.4 tA_ en

l"e64aps,ut.b1eN.c h 'the .~pbo~ .. at 4\ ._ ~;tb ot

080 mUlk'dONll8. It __ ~U'4 ~u. 1$0 ol:ullOk 'the

MOQli'80Y ot the -.11818 '" a!.taulMaaou17 ~ .. "' of

.ten4e4 auooee aelu.tlou.

a. ,.,.,,»! Atlk Le.'io ulala 4.t~;.~~ &OOOl'd1ng to .. ao41tie4

_tkOi of aUler fm4 lamb (lt58). two tenths 01' • ml. of the

Page 29: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• tU""- 18 plaoe4 in e Ue&n, 42'1 .... , 'ubeto 111h1ob , tll. or ~. ~1; 111 a4dG4.,.,. eJ.,owl.,.. ..7<1_ af'ter thO aMl.loa

of \be 1m' a ml. , .. &zaG" ~, 18 .. ~, 1.0 l.lter

of oono.ntr .... BaSO. 18 &44 .. to 11' _. or -_. ".. ~ ~tve 1a ad484 o*, .u..tIt .qHOWlJ 8) OuSO.l ... _",,- 1.

beatel lD • boUlal _tor Nth tor • ~tee. 1m_ 0001eG -.0

'beloW SOOc in • I'WmSDS • __ lNIta. .. uopa ot 1 •• ,....,.I'C;JI-

4J.~ solution 1s 1l4dtJ4 btl ~_ the tubU ·QftWU .am. TAla I'M,,_' h Wled tor Uvi dWOl.o~t at trhe color ,...., ..

ee \ube& ee pJ.ece4 in 0 water beth ., aoOc tor a period or 30 a1autu. TIll. 1nouba'lcm 11WJ' ·be •• nted ou. 1n .... ri:.

"'mala. bel11D& • __ bflta fcUow tor a pe10d of to

aeoon4.~ Be ao1~l'loaa are eoole4 110: ~ ~tve cmI .....

Sa 'be ap$Otropho~\er a' a aye leDgth or 165 m.U.l~.

4'.~1 tb.e t1nue ~ __ ~ Otl", tor \11. el_~.

_.1,..18 ~ i11patGdebR't a ~"il In 5 ti. of CM~_.",

ao~ t.o ."e, smaU 'fOlUlll8 ,.bo\1\ lal..).

De 41gest 18 ~_n 4Uut.,. ". .. YOl.:w. of' ,II mi. .fJ1

10 111. of tbla d11ute4Mm-plo 1* UH4 tor 1me 4et4mlna'1_ of

8041_ en4 PG'.8& la tbe Mrld.a Il.tGe.r r~ pbO~tv •

.L1th1u laotote 18 WI84 in all ~l ..... n lnM~Ml ekn4al"C1.

'~n ani IJeYu. '1949)"

Page 30: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

A. !UAt!&a".~J9D ~,.~1I,1tI.t.U8II& ft ...... e"'1ou of' tbe pho.pb.a'- OOQpOWI14a of

eoatnl b~'t8 1. ~ in !'able X. ~J'Qd 'to \be re:.ulta or hllw:tbUS- W'bo also ._ml~ ap1oa1 t.iuue or tho lett .. _1-

ole '7 tbe __ o11cd.081 -~., the oonoentrot.1oa of lP la '

0.1 __ ~ ... :va 1$ 2.2 • ~. atKl 'ttho AilJ! 18 a., .. l~. lot' practioal purpo •• $.lt .,... ,ut ~ 18 DO _~eI

41tt_GOO. in \be'reaultia hoa,'the tw lebon_i_.

In ~b1q n ana In are :rep-orMd tl\e l"esu.1u oa tH

phosphate treo$,1ou oZ heal'~ fmal1Sed a ami *' 4818 at'.r

In.3_t lon of • single thR'apeutte dose ot UGltoda. 1. •• _

of tbA't JaJ). -'blee XV ad" .~1H tt~ ft8Ulta ot \be Pllo... tft.,,1ol:uJ ot h-na flmIl~ a ond 6 48,. ftll~ \be

48117 tnj""l00 of thGl"apeutl0 40«" .. 1, the .tr~ or _eh 1n-

3M'lon MiDI 1&-' o:t the~. NoM ot \beens.-l8 .tud1. bIltft

4104 ~OH tile 'time the hur_ wen to be ~ tv aaa1rale .•

theM rNulu ere in ootl~lo"lon with' t.b.oH of

lU.Dttra (194ia) • ...., .>\\&dled uU,. dOOGS ot 41a1~ (U as./ks.) on tho Nt tor • penod, of tJlne ,.,.. with 'the lOS b.~


Page 31: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

111 •

Pl'GJUGtloa of WOllon~ (1148). 0111 _\h tbOtM ot Wet.okor . (0.-.0,01 _.1);&. aU'OpMn~) on tbe ~1._1, 18018 ....

t.ansa~r 08' ~:ra"l_,.,..... • .. Blns-'·. dutJ.ou.

(J.UI). All thtI aboft bwetiaOto1:$ _w~" ~'n~.

4_ ~ 08X"418.~14_ dO DO' ~\l4). alpUl_' 01'Aaa8-

m PO aM It.IIP tn." __ . AI _Sa polD1; .... u~ wlab .. to .-.. 'tibo taot

.... ·80 '1~ oompal"1fJ'C1'1 oan lito .m.o48 be~:fl 'Ut. Haul'. r ..

po2r~ ~ amt \boHot \be .,.lOU luwos"-Wra _'1 .....

..,.. Ia ~ 1nVO.'lIeUons. uPG'S:rIIntel 0i:m41tl-.. ...

4~' aA4 4-untio. ot upe1llenta wlth ~ _plioft of U­

___ fa ... 11 ... n.tA_ abon , ... -.1 ...... , ... ). la U.

___ Ie ~,,, 4OM&8 18 --..14""'011 klp __ ~" ~_

.,.,1_ 41:tte:r... 18 fJAe 0Bl, .P:pu'(fl~' 4Ut.... Sa ....... aul._. A_tent ... ~ ..... ~t __ iMle t. lOt ead. 11

(table D. lV. end' HDpeotlwlJ") .... Ie 414.t o~ •

. ft1a -7" _tmte4fOJt b1 v. teot tlwt • ODe' ~. old PHJCI­

"8t.iOfi of Usltoaia .. in~"Wa .sa bdl ... w., Wle 4la1-

tub Ia Mlu.1oa 1_ .... of ita ... S:n" - ---illS (SoU-n.1 .. ). AU o~ _l~'1ou __ ... ~ ~~ ~.

n 18 of IIQIl.e 1n'l_.' t.o __ tbat \he I"ish' Yu.s.

ololnalaoa't au 1M ..... 0W8 1._ <I.up 18 »e "be .. ~

... .-1010, Wllb ~ to tU 4lt't ..... MtmlMm ......

Page 32: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

tour 4a, uS-.1.8 111 bo'til ~ •• tile tata CN· ~lo10nt ..

4tJtOOt any .1snlfl.fult ~.

In .bl_ n ad m .e ..... b .. the '981_ of tbe

p1t.oa,pbaM traoUou or Gl)er!.un:kl ~$. to .1oh a $1~.

toxie 40a. ot 4tcltoa1_. _ of JGJi. us __ .'.S,niate'rd. I\tItt

aDd to'U' 4&)'8 .t"'" ·tbe·lD.j .. "lcm ... altaala baM ____ s.-tloea. 1a Ul18 8ftUP • QQ' of '8 4~ died vd.tbln 1M 110 ... at •

.. -bls1- SnI_Uon. ACaIa \be PO traeUoa ~ " .rke4 4_~1 J,JlJI a. J:P IIboW' 81:," lu1p1tloat __ _ ~. ti\ e1l. ~ ..

roul.;'" are b "C~ca With tboae of CltM.\ aDA ~ .. tb.o leola ... nbbS:t ... n (191'1. 8114 _a tboee of WOll.., __ elMS). .., :t"ouad tt._ etf'Mt .t .Jtd,tel1. 4rup In tu,lo

408_ 1& thfI 4ce; bea~as prepen\loa .. won. 8. ill \he b_d

ulals •• dO .. '1") Me H ...... ,bat OOD'ft.'~ .. Sns ..... of a'WophaDt!d.a .Me Ii p_~ lou of APl? t.ll&D ;po In. tbe

1aolsted oat he,,' .~ wtth as~. _lu,&1_.

Beaulte of, to:d.o 1».3 __ '" of 4S&11iOda 61" I te,. .. nporte4ln ~1t1e mx. ~ 18 ~e4 ~J't A.P:f

e1~tl.,. 811. W 18 ·4 .......... :aao.. a ball ot tAo __ 1.

ft1:uo. Ja ~ ~ of a:niraol.., " cu' fit t ealmeb &lett an. ~ .. -' bloot1oa.

1- .a .... !apon81bla to ~.1n_&a tIop on -1.17 ~tll

b~ .. tlou tor .... ,. (loa' 11 M'O Of 134oce). a. ~1.

Page 33: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• b81ns $0 g .. , It •• 4801404 '&0 ,U.SOOD'1mle .i8 pou, ~ 'tt\e

a~"'l earlu, .14ell"11 the _,loa at tho toWl OnlOtm' fit

4lsU~O'tlb .am1n.1ste:ed i8 O~'1ft 61\4 •• too tauo "or the

anJ.a81s to "un1ft,.

b 8U111A17 «_ table lXIi' OD_ ata'. 'the' 1n aU

tho ~~~tU ~. PO b 8~lOdU1' 4~1 ~

apJ*!"f,J to be .. ~tmO,. t'or D ,..,. 1:atu'ft$. a:n4 l\.Wf 40. _, __

to be dear._tXt at eU ft_ b, toxic do._ crt d181toz1D,

a. .. Alli. st .ll.Id19lla .• 1mIlrJ!&Il11~ .IA\\..Jid!dlt 111141

GonWOl ftluh :tor 3l:fOOl- an.d 18ot10 •• 14 .. ,..

~ b Wable X. !beaG ftluO$ O~" wiW1 'baM In the U .... •

.... «naaobel'" aut liiUl4_. lt80.Gru1ekaMak aid 8JD"1 .......

1,"). It 8bOUl4 be _'*' \be" a 'fdA. range Of _lues 18 JOIIa1

te 8l~ -.,-,,_ abel- tlWtrepeu'lo 4eMot 41g1toda ...

a1nJ.a".re4 to 4068 'W'hl0 ero .orUlee4 a .. " «.,.. an. la.­

.1.Uoa. ~luce4 no oMMGln «1.1OG8- adelS6ht ~ la

lao'O.10 ac14 (Table Xl en4 XlI). ~peutl0 40 •• of 4l61",*1-

elva 4ltUr tor a lid .. tap 01_ 40 not a1 .... 6l.re08- ••

leot,10 0014 eonwtit Im'~ (Ta'blu XlII U4 XlY). It. ~.

OM ~"8 .,.-.ata t. 10. and 18, Wld01l weN ta.t_te4 ·with

u 014 4~lw:da 801,,\1 •• it appem:'8 the ...... 11 .. ~,

ttIIJ al100SU _ 4 ...... IIUI. aNt leo"!o .014 to ~e... fte n-

~. riaeln laotte ao14 1s b ~D" wi. au .. ~-

Page 34: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• gctozoe ~tlOD.f14 Pl"tW'loUGl,- :anA SlJOoeeA 4.or__ 18 OOA$lt1tent

"f!1.'th tb1e Ob3or'V.t101'1.

It _s s~,l.lD.i to ~ "Ch.' b 8441tion to 'the

1t.,,"" 1n 160\10 _14 ooncont;rat1oA alao 6llOocen oonte:tt;

(Table XV) riMa a1p1tl •• nU,1n ~l.. I -rs erte a s1ns1-

to:d.o 1:n3"tl_ of 41g1~la. fte a.nlmela 1n 'tIt" P'OUJ) llaVG

'beea _ ,10k ,bat tbey were u.'bl. to at ~u' uttre

~~ta1 ,.104. It haa bMa ftp011e4 1)1' ~ka~ U._" an6 Lackie,. (1M" ~a' tut~ will eaUBe an 1M",,_. 1ft ccr61_

1l1Ooge,. Oa the otbRhaB4. tM 61~ $n4 ld'S.. 8014 ....

Rltal trom. ardmue l1Yln8 " -16 attc a 81rta1- toxlo ~u.

8hOYt .. _.-keIt cbeage 1n .''''ooruJtlt~ (table 1.1'1). ..

a1_1. b \bta gOUt, W'$N .ppo~t1, .'1nB an. an Wtl$l

,...·104 0:1 t •• tlllc. .Aalu18~' reo.i .... ~te4 tn­S-tt_- I. I 4818 8hOWe4 DO o~. , .. b1. :ll'U).

~r1z1r.s aU \be I"erIUlta on G1~ an« laotto

8014 (Table XVIII) l' .p~ thtlt 418t~ 'MIlAs to Muee ..

~8. In l.acU" .. itt amt • t~. 1n ~ot1- it 'tbe ott .. _

Of taer'l~ ~ 'takeb\O aooouat.

o. .!AI.~_itJllI.~.l&&I"',~lH"~, O1.mtrol ftlUlM tor 8041_ ant po_slum 8ft toUfaA la

YablG XIX. ... .. lu •• ere oomparebl •• 1 ...... tOWl4 10 ..

UHI.'a'tV& (Be".. a;n4 Po1n4u~t lHOI WOO4 fm4 __ • 1lMB) •

. S041ta realM .moM or le8e OOU-ft' '!e~ ;g;,.xUI

Page 35: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

a, •

l_lui ... ) b·\he POllpe 611 .... e1asle .. -u.r 1a~_UoD of . "!'$PR,10 40._. Rota_i. "... \0 nH. neahJ.Dt& • .tau.. tleall,. e1plf1uD' bOrM. b. •• l'18ht Yenwl01e 1n 'tbG poup

or NI)Mt.d lnJeo'"one ot 'bb3HPfttlc d08.8 (TablA un). tilth

repeated lr.JMtio:ns 01: d1alto.:d.n tor 4 da)'S tbe pota.81um. conten'

1a til. lett ven'tr101e 4"~.u (2able uan), ,m11e f;be OOlwen­

"'loa b tbo rlSht YG'ar101. lnore ••• t fie ~ at Q .lr08$ to

.4']'101». t.lde .ba~. \'Ouo dose (.e. below) elao Gouae en in-

01"_" in tlaaue pOMsai_ .•

tfhe 1n~_ La :potlUulw:a oonteu't 10 1n G~t with

Sq_,_ l""port. (1959), Wl1.o bas 1*0un4 that tlleapG\ltlc do~ of

4!t;1tfl11a C8Wlie a tm1tam itl.M $~nlt1oM' rlH in thf.t votaaa1um

Oou:kn\ of leoltlt.Gd rabbit l\Ct&rts. ~ecs tod.o (looes prcdu.oe

• 4801"_$0 in pete.st_. lo1Cen4 j101n4ater(1960) al80 hew

"~te;;l tbat tl ~ller4l!ipwt10 40se of (U.git& 1norMs.e ~

potaea1um oont~t of tl~$ ~1"U ot 1::}.tG;ot 00'-_

SlQile tone 1nJOCt$.Oll ov.r ,2 wld " days pro4UCG8 t;be

toUow1ZlS cbeneosl eQdlun abo,. Q ~~ltoo dopleticm. bl ita Oontctlt

Wb,11e tl\\l:,e .p~rG to bo :& t.endellGT ta:r: poteoelta 'lllo lnc~$G

(Table nlV .:14. lQ;,'" 3iaU6l" t""ul.t~ ~ obaGnad ilt.b&tl tono

4 ... wee given 4a1l.7 tor a da!f$ (Ta'bl. nUl. ~r1:lt1ll$ trlle n8ulte or e1ecVol~$ ('fable ~~~V1Il.

It .. :r~ be~14 thot In all groupa :l:l041!J.lB te.n.(,'H~ to 4ecHasQ lfi:.1l.e

po~$S1W:l S~ to 1nol-use \i!lt.h tU$ 8J4ooptlon ot t:tls aroup 1n

Page 36: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

whlQ \be an1lala r"o1ved N:pe8t.Gd 1n~M'lons o.f ~peu'lo

40$" of 4~S:'odJ1 ror 4 aa,..aere. in the 18.f1, ftntl'lo1e,

poteAt_ oonG811trG1ilcm. 'eorea ...

Page 37: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

.J.)()U5 \fQOlff sa lID. f~.




• 18

10 It



• II

a ..














JI ,. • • • • • • • • II

• .,


1 ....





.9 •• ••• 0

a .. 30. 18.

•• 1

1& 4. 21.2 .. 16.1 li.4

u.. e ••

so., ls.a 13.6

14.0 14.0 10.0

lI.a 11.0 11.1

38.1 13'" U.I

,t.l 0.0 11.' 18" 11.1 U.o

•• t U.l '.f 14-.3 11.0U.'

•• 0 18.0 18.&

a'.' 15.8 n •• ae.o 10.9 11.6




.... 0 42.8

IS.I U.l

33.1 40.6

8.8.9 39.1

38.1 zo.e 18.1 •• 4

M.! 31.0

16.0 18"

86.1 ...

:u..3 as., 10.1 la.1

38.' 3ft.a so •• 80.8

Page 38: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

'r.A.BLS II. co}'!(,}a~1'!~Jlb~10Na '.-1 fJF Plm.."il11Aili QO,~d:;;;;UNlJg IN ~ti 11'" > i~' . OF ~ Ga "~~nlVll» A :lfH t1kfiA:tIY~l'C ' ""':.iJ'l/..rU"{ ~,' ':J ' J~' wl'M .' ':,_ §' ': ' Iii ,,,' DOltJ.I. DU~:U\~l'ION O,g' ~~:m~rr. ' '. Jr!-, '.

DOG mOl~ IICtoou all D PO IiW J~Oilt Q.

BY LV av LV Bl' LV , 11 1.4. ., -.a a&.a 4.8 . .- 43.' 42.8

• 18 8.J, II 10.8 14.1 10.' 8d 39.6 40.1 ),6 11 1.& • 83,t at.4 4.1. 1.6 40.5 :sa., • u 1.t3 • a6., 86.6 4.1 5.1 . .. oo.a It 14 1.6 1& ., .. H.l. f.6 3.8 39.1 85.0

9.dLI W. C01~(l&{'l~2I~ ,_) OF lFBtHl!1lAB OOLU''OlmDS llj ttm H&\Rm 01 llOOS ~lUVI1G A f"· ., ~)a. DUlAftOli OJ' ~P.~. iIIIIIIIii!I_

BY LV a1' LV

DOG \fUOli'f IfI/DOfai sa lP NO. q.

• J8 8.1 • lI.a 14.1 4.0 &.0 .. 0 14.1

U 11 I.e • 30.0 "8.8 6.0 0.0 If.a :sa.1 19 11 1. • M 10.4 31.1 8.1 5.1 31.1 M.' M 11 1.1 • 33.1 U.- 8 •• e.a a.a l8.t

II 10 1.1- • 16 ... •• 1 &.0 s •• 51.1 ... , I • I r, •• • j J ".n @ II • 'II," .... f fit ... 11 'n f '1 AI • I 1 "J/Jt 1"_._. ,1 ... # •• 1.' r WI" l.wte.tP It .. It IR .II, II , &2 it J I I •• -. • • .. • .. .. ,. • • .. • 10,1 10.1 ,.1 a.a II.' 31.0 s. a. of .... • .. .. • • .. 'ttl ... ~ .. *'0.9 ;to.1 ~.8 ;Q. •• P 'fal.ue. • .. *' • .. • .. • • <.01 <.01.

Page 39: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

'.fABLI D. CO~lA*flQ.i\"ia , .. ) 06 11' ("J; )iWJaAI~ OOlfWOUflDa II ~ ~ Olt DOO8 RiCJUVDiO 00SifS. J.iUBAUOB O' .a.PaD4lftl.

DOG &I.1f _/»OWl sa XP IO. 18.

BY .L' 16 1.0 ,. II. a.f .. 1.0 " at., a'l.1

16 1.0 • at .. lII.t

I 0.0 • M. -.s Ja 0.' » WI.1i a'_I

JO Afllt

aY t.y av LV • .& a.1 44.0 a.1

11"10.' -.0 at •• 0.1 a., .d • .0

'.I 3.1 38.' 10.-'I" .d 31.0 10.4

•• IJ It,· . Idlll.lnlll ••• J ! 11 r.JNIIll!lil.tlt'ittU QJ] I tnl J In 1.,11' l."IIll"·! ·11"11'~1"" •• '11 1 ..... 1

Jrf itT , 11 0.9 III ... 10.0 a.o 4.1 If.' .o., 11 I 0" • • .l- at., 14.1 0.0 ~.I 16.' 18 11 o.t a 10.8 •• 1 1.3 5.1 88.0 a., .. u o.a ., II.' at .. 7.0 1.6 M.4 a4.1

• 11 0" II a, •• M.I •• • d 10.0 a •• .Ilt I. .,. •. III r 1".11' " .. J l ' .... N • I • 11 .fli' (d n t" J iF I I I '" , •• If I I. 111, n J .1. ~. .. • • .. it • • • .... ,'.0 •• a a. at of _ ......... ... 6 pYelu ... 'I" • .. •• .. .. .01

Page 40: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

TAaLI n. OOIUEttTiU\"1.fJ,OD '--'I O'MiWa'wli.!j. ~UHDS IN 'l'PJI UAR~.S 08' .. .... oooa. DC.·. '~.;c.V.U .. D. A _ au DCa. llfJRA:fIO.R 07 :uRmt:ulIH'I •. Jal ., ..

DOG .~ _/DOn Wit D PO A:W BO. Ie. . • ~ & U D U . 10 14 40.1 II", ••• 0.0

1M 14 88.a If .. ,.a a .. .. 11 a.a Ii •• 3.- I..

ao u, 8'.1 a'.9 4.0 ad

faG l.O 6.0 8.' ltd It.8 .......... " r ¢ ..... i

WiIa m.

llOQ, Dl(mT ao. Est .. 18

" t

11 us. 88 10

" 10

Wt1IlJlUe •• $. If J -!!.e til" ....,., ~.s


OOJIC~tmJ1.TIOas ) 01 P.BOSalA~1 ~mm'" ' . 0 III TIEW li&\1{Ti,3 '011 1WGS VL~ A

, noa&. llVftATIO~ 011 JllPDlU&tf: " , ..

'IIe/DO'ffJI all Xl' »C Id9

BY LV 11' LV BV LY 0.0 • 1f.0 86.6 '.a '.0 18.0 •• a 4.1 • 1:7.& _.0 al'l e., U.I 16.1 0.1 II at.' 8'.4 I.a I •• 54.' 36.0

4 •• " .7_' 18.0 6'- •• 6 •• l 36.3

'.1 .. 85 •• ..1 6.8 6.0 1Jfoh9 33.'

Page 41: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

OOI~CB.U'mtlTION8 ) 01' ~ ~Ufms :m i9b; lmil.R~;. o;r UCl!llVllG ArWHI ~g DOk~sa. l)'W'U\,T10l'1 OF ~Sl~D~ • ... UJ~m ...

DOG WUGH'f ~ S1l1 D 110 UP BO. xa.

ltV 1.' BY LV av LV

11 8 a.1 • 89 •• 3S.0 10 •• f..1 U.f. 19.' ., 1" a.1 Ii 33.9 88.0 a.a 4.t 14., 60.0

46 11 4.1 .' at •• lI.a a.a e •• ..0 36.1 ., 1. 3.1 • h.' 3l •• e.8 8.1 sa.8 a.1 48 e a.6 " .,-, 1&.1 e.o 4 •• 10.1 Sf.1

"" I I '. .. Inl ••• U II ... lfn L Ii i' ,uti I i .'.I.Iit .... ' ... *I .'!IJd' n to" AI II fI-*, ., i r rw lIiI "vl _w 11 I'll 9J 11. tl • q UI 1 •• ln

_aif • • • • " .. .. • • .. a.1 31 •• ,. 1.1 ft·o tt=t ~ .. a. lI. .f/4 lIMn. • .. • • • • ";1;2.4 ii.1.1 11.3 ~.3 .a , YaJ.ue. .. • .. • *' • • • • .05 .08 <.01 < •• <.01

Page 42: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

m~ "'!BRMJ::UTIC ~.&. fJ!OO DAYS

S~ ~ll~"ij"tIC DOa;I. JtOUR DAta


SDnUfO" .. IC llOSI. roua DAm JlAlLY !QXlO 11OaI8, !,W DAYS


BY LV •• 8 at.a a9.8 at.1

ac.a 80.0

Me ;u»,p

B' LV l~V LV 11.1 18.1 M.V 35.1

6.1 4.1 19.8 3'.fI ,,01) 4't0l.) (.01)

7.1 a.a 38.. 32.( t::.01) t:.01)

5.2 3.1 •• t st.t t.01) ~ •. Ol) (.01)

'.0 6.1:M.256.S f(.Ol) ~Ol)

8S.2 31.8 ,.. o.a H.e 59~ (.01)(.01) t:.Gl) (.01) f.Ol~

Page 43: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

BY LV BY LV 1 fSI ,va 81.1 18.0

a '" ~ 16 •• 10.3 $ 100'1 ., 11.8 18.8

8 aM ., 16.' 19 . .8 •

13 1008 ~ 11.0 18.0

11 "0 888 11.1 18.8

19 ,. 166 11.' 14..4

as .1 891 16.' 1'.~ U 189 'oa 18.0 1'.0 88 f. t. lid 18.1 83 960 all 18.1 10.6

4l. '1' ·06' 13.8 14..0

45 • .fa 93 12.5 .).0.8 '.11 • ' It 11'1 IN'" Iiif: oW eJ II ,_ ,. ... vii' , .... (' t t 1 .. JM .1" ut I )'If. 1l'.IIM i."""I. ,Wi' •• ' •• I.~ j.*' I • " ..... -. • .. .. .. = :: ~:t. ~.' s. B. ot .... . .06

Page 44: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

T.A:BLI Xl. Q)1~C'&~:4lit\1':(O~m ) 0" O.uYCO~ AN!. ~\ctl'lC ADm D 1tll~ 0)'" .. ~.·V.1NO A.· lItti"iH'j~iq:GQ OOtJB. DUUATlOI 07 ~Jl1Q~t ..•

:000 tU,yoooa AUlD RO.


.. 611 6'" 30.$ _.8 9 101' a06 11.& 1'.1

14 818 '10 11.0 19.6

14.8 21.0

13.& U.8 .... .3 dll on·;., e _ * • ,1.1 II. __ i_il iI I J n ' ••• UiiVJtliIU'.Mt Me •• _'Ii P'_li .flIM' n'l

......... '*,. .. 8 • .1. or u.n ••• iii. p Naft. • • .. • •

co&,ra.~uo. '''-J OJ' GLt~ ~um LACua I"cm D .. mll ~m.· O:l~. s. ~1Vl1G 1M. ~ IISfD£ 000. DlmAflOB 01' maellL- • __ ... . ..


n ~ D ~

.'1 3" 16" 11.1 .. , fMI

.ft -616


m GIl

14.6 34.1

1''­lS.' Ul.1

II I'" J f IIfI 'l'Ut.,~·\';A.Ii!.ll!Ijf.'Jr J..,urJlIJ,aUJ.UII' lJj .' lit 1 UI nulft ........ u ••• lI .... , 11,1_""11'-:

Page 45: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

~~ UII. QOliC~~~~Ia.RS (.lid) OJ! QL~l AjJJ .LJ .. C~lOAOlJ) lli,~ 1~\l~~3QF llOOd ~~'O :Ifi¥.~1l4D OO£UUS. nmu"TIOl1f OF J.l.:Q1~1~. ' . , -1:;;.J.

DOOGL~LA.CTlC ACm tw. ltV LV av l.V

IJ 101

10 1180

15 "9 N . II!

:37 ne

......... " .. if. fe4 8. 11. of 1Iean. • • _ P _l~Ch .... ,. ..

e4 ., 507


11' n".1 • iiII' U .. IN " 11

1M ..

1' •• 31.0

11.S 10.1

11.6 .14.0

10.& 10 ••

18.s ,10., I • • f m I II I 1. 'j II- J." l$ ••

18.0 1:.8 ~.o .1

1'AaLI uv. 00,' ~,t7C,.J;J;l1,l','i!lU3:, I, WiS' laa6) O' QLJ'C()G, ' ' m,'~ AllD",l,AOTlC A,O",ID Il~ 'lfmmlAi~J 01 t.i;)(Ia RIOBlVDru .L~ DOSD. Dm~ o.r Jtw~. _~. DA .. .,

1)00. cu.:fOOGlr~ u(''TIO .&OlD NO.


, 110 atI 16.8 21.9

•• 18.;

1'.1 18.& 14.6 .,-, 10 •• 11.4

Page 46: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

~ XV.. Cl;t~C~\;'\ TI0I~ t~) OF Ol.YGt)(lEN AND LJlO1:""le ·ACD

uoo NO.






DOG 1;40·.






D~ .~.~ l:i&'u~Tt~ Ol'~ .DO(kJ i1~lG,iU,"nG A mlili ~ DQ;::;a. DURt~Tl()li Olf &~lfIjltD,~rlt .Ill DAYS. - ,


B' LV '148 861

803 til

1091 lJA8

1061 10M ta, MG


BV LV ,~ 175

i80 43\i

144 101 ,. 613

&M 192

=: .06






18.& 18.0









aa.& 1'_6


18.' 1'_4








Page 47: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S




l.O43 o. W?


HaGf,h • .. • • ... a84 8.&. of Heen. .. • tof' P .,.lu. • ., • • •

1., 9.







16.' •• 1

11 •• ".a 16 •• 13.1

16.4 .1JJ.5

11.' 16.0

Page 48: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S


BV l.V CtHJ:rdOL ~ ., eat

n~\\'1LYm~lJu>~'l'lC llo':3&. 1'&10 lIJl..'m '84 5M

DAlLY tft&:v;u' . .iOTIC DOaE. r~ijR DJI.r8 '59 '104

UN: «.01)

644 t.06) 7.



16 ••

16.' 16.1 ,


12.' 1&.e






23.5 «.01)

' U.8 (.01)



ao., (.01)

U.ti 4.06)


Page 49: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

JlO('; NO. SODImi .roi',ji~loOOltJl14.

BV LV 1\'1' LV 1 38.' 36.1 G4.4 . 60., S 3'.0 8'_' '0.1 09.8

a 44.0 36.5 6S.l 6&.3

e 80.0 ".1 fe.8 '4 •. ' 13 49.3 ~.o 69.8 53.0

11 35.4 M.S 66.3 09.-

11 46.a ao.a "-, 19.4

22 • .8 .a.1 9.0 0&.0

81 ".e 80.0 fl.1 DO.O P..6 46.1< 37.41 'a.6 68.1

85 •• e 53.0 '1.8 ' •• 1 Q 6th. 63 jIl IU;' ..1 .. 46.' sa.G '6.' 60.1 •••• 11. 'MIlt,." .lit Iii·. ,.1i"f ..... _jjPG~""'"'~~"".I1[. AU " :JIIr,.. .. ' ,,-·r .. " n ..

• ____ ~!'I ...

U 1. UtU'. :WI nt.llun •• '.

"',ft. • • • ., • • 44.3 ~.8 =.3 Ito 8. a of ~l • "41.6 .• 1 1:0 .. • lit ~.a

Page 50: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

000 OODlUK liO.


" _.8 9 45.a

14 23.' 38 10.1 at 48.6

_ ••• ,. ... it • (I G.i s. a. ~ _.. • • .. ta., , Value. 'Ill ..........


40 ••

stl.o at.~




',.a •• IS

ad 9&.' ... ,.t 611.8

73.8 7&.0

'3.9 '5.0

t-AILI nI. co:~'O,ilr1ilt\lJlIQm 'uq./~.) u:r ai~;vl1JM N~ J!O~.lASal­U1!i "D, mI: H'JIAH'Jl'}J Q, F 00" rul lU~GEU:m,"" ill,"" A, _~ ... ,I!I2UQ no~. Dtr£t.~'lI()l1ii Olt:iJiJ;lJlh~~~.~D <.;).

DOG SOli1. ~.At.1UIIi ;00.

• 11

l' H




U.8 39.,.





M.a 14.9

,,' .. I


B!I L" " .• ... .t. as .. 78.0 40.0

fl.' -.. 80.0 ".1

! .... utilI b q" ,I J Jllt-UMlI_

tg_. -, ~.1 " .s

Page 51: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

~ nIl. eO.l((J. ;E!.~~ i'i.. ''tJ.). ··\;.t,fIOm (,eq. ./Jrst..' •• ) 0. F.- . ".'lOD,~ JU'ID wti\i~SI" WI. 1l~ \l~~ iU~&~R~SOl~ bOOS it.iWBI -ilY,t1¥ 00:;3:15. l)m{i~~ml 01" ~m


S9.9 4Il., 8.0


.'1 .•



11.& ... Dl..s

.I1MUh. II. " " " •••• 1 a. I. ot • ,. • .. .8 p Jalue. II • • • • • •


36 •. 1


11.' 10.1

15.' ~.· .•. t ""I.e


•• 0


16 • .15



93.1 80.0

".4 40.5

'6.1 \69.t

'e.o '8.0

8l..~ 84.1 t I , .'.I! '[ '" If.

61.1 ~.1

'0.1 ~-.a







Page 52: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

f~ XlIV.. OOUC.\~N~lRATlO.IB ,.,. '1) OF sCmlW j\lll1) .ifQTAfml-UMJli TH~ RIt~~'l3. u;r. l1JM,;.'~.;;;;1":mo A Al1igu ,'Ifit"""tl!

·OOSE. nmtA:rION or m~mllid"." n,.r.~I~ J)OG OODlW ~l~ B.),

aY 1., av 1., 30 •• 41.1 58.' fa.' _.0 26.9 ,o.0 61.0

u.a 14.' 68.9 6'.3

11.0 31 •• Whit 80.0

16.0 38 •• '1.1 ,a.o

~ XXY. OOlltUjJJ~~ .. TIOlG c-q.lKa.) 0' SODIUM All) ~~-UK D ms lW~~f'd OJ" OO(la ~.lIVllVJ . .. DOSB. D'WU.WlON OJ' mw »



42.a 48.' 41.8

•• & to.a

seaa. ., • • • • " • ..'.1.) s. a. ot~. • •• ~.7 P Value. ., .. .. • ., ..



40 ••



76.0 84.1.

•• 0 46.' a •• '8.a

••• 11.0

'0.0 ea.4

Page 53: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

COl~C~iTID\TlOliS (-fl, .) Ul,i D~T!lli lilLUitD 0'21 l~CEIV' twJ,S.l\S. nV'dATION 0" "'Fm~~.


11V 1,1'

31.' 23.4

aa.? 23.8

3&.4 5'.0

34.' 24 ••

34.' 36.0


av LV

81.. 44.1




' •• 0





Page 54: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S


8OUlWI! ).J01'il.{;;;,{iIW


OOlirROL ~ > . 44..3 40 •• ea.1 6 •• 0

'''INGLE Tl~.lU':flC :OO,l:J.!. 41.8 40.4: fl.' ft.1 ~'';; , .' "' .. ,

two· DA'r&

sxr~ !!~~~1JTle DOa8. G..a 89.a '0. '1.1 ilQUi Oll.

DAlLY ~KufrIC J)OSJi, 41,. ea •• 81. '10.1 TiO tu .. m (.01)

D",,\.l.LY 1!!tm,~~O#1Il0 DOai. 46.1 83.8 eo .. fiI.1 :roUR IU\D (.01) (.01)

alll)l.,E 'Jm;.lO ooa.I. a7.1 ,~) ea.4 fI.e ~ 1),,\1'S (.01) (.Of5)

SI~ ~lC D03S. 4?8 64.3 va.- 72., »'OW J;)A,;rd (.os) (.01)

1).IULy toxIO DOaH. 83.6 11.1 fa., .'>.1 TIO 'oJ\. '(01) ~01)

Page 55: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

A. IU!!Sl!!a!U"it .. *'1"" ... ~ a~l..e of thO ~~ tdtb 81011 GIl .,..1-

.. , 18 OQD4UOtad., ·theft if/fiJI be .... que_tloa ... to ~ 'tbe

4e.lred UJ4trluntal 1ntluebOe u. Me off...,W. ....~.

_. ~ en ~ts~ ~ -7 be ~ur04 ha:I .. nllalJ1e

r!N., .. ~$tip~ ., ~ ... wntl7 i.Motl".te tb8 ~

plor to WIG •• e ••• , 1n tao', olla~ \b._ r_ul-. ••

.. moatll 014 solutioa Of 4181todA U a hili apelmeB_ •

.. tMl ree.onab17 ._tolD til., etteoUft 00 __

,"'1ou ot 4!61toxla wee WM41D 1tl1a .~1'. tbla 18 .. porte«

"'7 our _,re In baD4lln& the 4:ua prior t;o."tw,nuva'loa. t.b.O .

... UJH1J4 Obana.. Sa __ 'boll.. .. 'll'ie hl6b ~1'J' 'IIt1e toue lG'ftle OZ the 4J<ua ~ ep1o,.c.

B. at. M»sI alat, IIGl&IA sa .......,. •. at .... _~.i %D OJI'dotl' \0 8luol4e.. .. .-banta at •• J,ba Oi' .

Mr41ao P100td.4os. l' 18 ~eat to ~ the ...... 1D

.. :rQ _tebol1e 'the" __ 4rup _, MUM J.a aut· 11,,_ ~-1_. One apPI"Ofiob to tie prob:ua18 to ~ .. ooata' ~

o .. taln OMrQ-l"loh pb,ospbat.e oompoWl4e, a4enoalne ~pba" .,

Page 56: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S


tAPP)aat pbM~t1u. (.PC) It (81._ the aHl¥t1081 _tbOd

~,.ln QJ.a .""7 S-eooY8U .. labU. Jt 01 boWl a4~

wi,...,. a,n4 Upho.pbe., the .... ~_H ... u ....

ntte to both", ... ~.) ftUe ~ •• of

~ ~. u ._bolla Id.DH U.) the .. 110.1 .t ~.

""'lou *'8 .~. \be fOofl.'utta are dUM'*' .t tH .,...aJ.S ot 'lb." ~ a1l4 (II ...... ~ an .......... 17 .WMt4 .... tea of ... 10&1 .... ., _1. la -lJ.1A $.a

.. _bel' at ,.,.iol.Qalul Pl'OO_-. 8Q.Ob •• "'.1' .... '"." ... .. -3- t1a4bs in •• la'feaUptloae "~ sa We 1t.bea18 Ie \be, .... lee ~14M ............... Of

J!C n 40_ abOI" or lOde''''. MaOOiaMtl ma tlUa ObMnaid.oa

18 \be SDeNa .. 1& D 1a .., Au ....... \b.e of • __

ia 1tIJ!, ... pt at 'iOJdo ...... Be 4 ____ la \be lM'e1 Of ~1_ ~_

., _ 4_to .. aua't.HW of 81 .... "' .. poealb111U8.. 1111". _,. Nt bJ' ~ iMr_1D3 tile .te 0'1 \lUlla'''' WlaUe ....

rew Of' •. ptb.$ .... J.ns ftla'l~ ".~. A _oM poaal­

b111_ 18 .. , ~ " •• ot .paula -I' .,. iabllll1*111b1le tM

"Mot IlWIMtl.on rell81u nlAU'NlJ .. ~_. Al"", U llO' Sapos8ible tor))". "M __ be"'1"88d4_ 4~

at tot' ... te 'to ... e~ ., • 41ttGI'QDt " ..... tllU the otIl_. tmGe..l~'lv.s wU1 DOt be WIt. unl._ abpl,D 81Iplo.

Page 57: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

_'10M 40 _t 8Oft1" _

_ :pI ... Vie", 0'1 tile ___ u_ ..... la

...... 1Il. edfJ-.pUou -7 be lDYokIM to _OM __ . __ " l1tel1

ap1euu... -'1'''_ ta tbe ntie O't aJDVtMs.. 1. tm:I.SkalJ' Sa

.,.1_ ot ~ . .teo' tha, 1Iba oeNUe slrooe149. 1afmta .. .,.....

~ U4 ~_ a. laGta. tdll1.'1oa C""'a .. • ~. 1_. ~. lNGI Mlt~ •. 1Maj. • ..... , .. ft_ of ~1. ot .~. pbospUte .., .. "."... .... even

1 ... , ..... of en beHa'" ..,.. ..... '108 it •• _~S ..

of .a.a'loa .. "~la"1oa s.a f.mpctb-e4. Bleb ....... _.s.u til oaNiGo ~l4e .. tio\ ·~oal4a"" ~

.,latloa .. ocm1_ .. ~ (1110) ••• -.:u..--c_ (lt1ll.

It .... r.s~_ ...... ~, . .,. ... te .... to 1'Ae _I~

'" oaft1ao 31,..149. eAt. ill t ••• , . .,H 1~M4 18 l_ pr ___ •

oa _ o-.rbM4 ... utu. ... Uoa Of ..... ~

___ te • .,. 'be .I.tttr ... .a '''' _"'U ... &1100.14_. De e"d4~.

SA ~t or 1Ift18 la eoao ...... ttl .'W1!.e OIl tU • .,.. Pltepa.

au.. r:4 .llMn _ale. ..,.180 81JOOSid • .baft '*- fIIlOa to

........ allfJl'l ...... 18 the ft_ or 4.~l.a'ioA of

.. '" •• 1otum,.0" ___ 1IJ'08~" 'lIMe,., 1111), It ..

tau· __ -ugH". b7 8aar.l.!D (19il.) .. , .. 18 .,. ....

___ 1A &.lob ·ttua taU1Jla b.eal't 18 Mutlt4t "7 ....... '.0 ,,"_w..

Page 58: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

0-' .1;tr41..~'IinI 'he aolubl8 IUlfJlUl.,...'t1-

"-'. eal.ol ...... bh1blte4 A~ (Dell.e,. am4 .. ~, 1 .. )_

• pboaphatwaoo ~U1ob 1. not eo"'.__ bJ' oel.olc t~ anA

Ddo~. lt~') 1Dt.URM the .'loA ot ~ OU4h. ~14- oa \

AS •• ~~1l8Uoa 1e UI11t4~ Ut~ an« INDole, 104').

fteM .t-util ...... tlOt 1:»e ..-a4ic'tol7_ ... ee101 ...... ttw'*' ~8. ~ be IIMOOlli"'" wl'Ul tqO.d.Dana the coavaot1Oll pI'OOu ••

b oal.olwa-bh1bl~ ~G ., lMt nlste4 With b\hoeUula.

'.ph.oapbOr,.la'1ons wtt.b.O\l, .1Oll 'bh. ma_ bo11o Mobl»., ~

~ 8ou_a",. 1n the Hla'&lft17 Ns"lq ate... ., la,

.... , Va.. oons •• ' ~ end HSP-'U d A_, tu

_.en" 0Jt l.norpnlo _oap." t;, • ., ~. a "1'4"1'0 .. etten \tid_ oou:L4 "'1'b1' __ Ml1Sm (-~t 1M9). lb •• ou. Of

41sf,UlIa Ol\ boa of ... t~ <4A~"" HUJ4 un ~,

e4eptlft alpUle.ue.l't ., alaO aMD tbat Sa _ri1ee renuro the eo"Slm fit oal81~1nb1b1tot. AVe .. _., _____ t.baa


.. ttl_ N114IOU •. ~ .. ,. 01' 4J.a1toda ia

..... pe:rlftl __ U7 be oou14eN4 .., be OIl ~.1D8 tile n_

ot u~11i_'loll of __ ~rlOh phoa,uMe. ... ooaoluS .. 8ft

.lalla .. to tho •• of Wol1.enbera- (1111) WIIO ....... , 414 no' ~ •• , "ne8 la ~loh phoapU'Ia leftle wtG ..-toGo

AOMS ot 416Gb .. oulldD. •• late~Uou __ ..... _

allanee_ Whiob ... ~ in ~ .. 11.,. .... e ..a. ot tl)e

Page 59: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

4ne- W1. '-10 oonoaftla'lou, ~ 1a~_"10D or tile ...

aalta le cllttlow,t. 81noethe o~ 1. ~7-Z"10h pha8~\li~ _,.

1Ht en_ul t of \b;e tll.lHl..letlon a_ otb.e.r toxlo GMDSe.. rather

thtlJl of til(/) ~8~ 4!'US. per ••• ' ... OllaftaM obaeY04 lD

"hearts &1vu$tW.o emount$ r4 the 4rug ill 1IOU~'.

8 ... 1 .. WU'8 .Iallar to the ~,o 1A Ot.a" inVG8tlptloa sl ••

l\i:>n-1K'a1o •• well. •• toDO ___ • of tile drug.

It H of u;"MlNIUIt. to 'e'MnlUle tb.8 probable rN~

tv ~,. __ 'l.e "..,*1\$ obta1ne4 b1W011.n~_. the t:laJGll

41tt..-noe 1ft the _,..~ta rr. .. ~ ltJ~aw:r'_ .. 18

~ t1me of Ul'O." to thO drq. AlUt.o_ l' 18 aot uJl101111,.

•• ,_. l' 1MB:; be Uaw.4 he tbe & ... sty. ad "be rote_

6D1nl.'nUonot .. 4ftc, .. t 1a .. , of au 6qJWaea'ba .,.

b.eane WN flO' _po_ ... til. _rt1M 6110alu r.-~ than

.. hour. In ov ~' •• _,-.18 ... er.p0H4 .. _It"" 18Y~1. 01 tbe 42'us '01' ... ami toe _,.. It 1a quite 11ke11

tila\ tM elaa. imUO$4 Sa ~ ... uUbo1111a 1a .. __ ..

_t eu.ttiolGntl1' 1tIIf8t. _ Ollafta$ th. OOM.D._loa of ..... . _~B 1n flSan1tloll.' ,amoua'- •• opt a_ toalo COMa ~

~"'. the .,bot 01: ,1_ r~l 1_ tbe pan or the bear'

_lob •• ~ b<e .. 1781_ 18 aot prSJarU, illftl,..." etn.o.

the oc.moeab.'lona· ottlle ~Ml heal'to ~ atutaotorU, 1l'l

WOUeuHrs.'e fIm4 oe .. rlea. l' l.a ~. alao"'4J,soxlD

eM Gubat. __ , "ll.a~ 'WI84 _. 41e1tMs.a ..." in tJd.a

Page 60: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

at\1d7 ere tlOt aCt1citEd'1U,. 41tt"uet ~ 80 .. " ror \he 4s.n.­

... bthG~u.

c. at All&Ra,~1a ,&Ju._ . .I.iA l.IIUIMHa Ol,coe- OW.'l't*l'lt wnda to d:80ft886 a1l4 laot1Q _014

oODCen\ra tlcD t.1148 to 1aCf'OaM rol.lA~ tile Mktlu..n or asp.. taxilh, o~ work toes not Gpp6e to clee \he air GOaYlnolaslJ' .th r~ to the 8qmvooe1 resUlt. obte1lled ~ .tv _ theM

ohemloel ~a. ~1~ ,. haft an 1n8utt101.,, .nwabe of

atu.dl.. to diNl'i ~.

a. ...,41»5.£11,.1191&1 ......... daIi .Sth pt'ol.Ong.ed oomlni$Jt:re'tlon of 4181ta1n .. wltb

todo 40 ... G,.l41ta'tcmda to dMntaM .Ill po~_1_ 10ft ....

lMnaee b tih6 ~t t.l.~ue. 'lb. pota.1um Haul_·ue eoatu. -toI'7 or tho work or 10,. aDA loUt .... (1940) 1a btao'

oaw. a4 of the ..-it la J.ang0b4OJlf't pr.,...u.oa ~ 1r!be N*' ~..OV neulta bee 8" an 80 pa-oaoanee4 .. to .~,

lailnte 'tne 1n po ... i. WktOh migUt ... apeotd4.X-

we ~t .ur~l.1n& \0 .u that. tiaw. 8041_ '.r .... lB

• t.0&80S. l' mal' be poaelbl.e 'tbat. ',,-,;1'tiOXlA lae:na_ ...

"tUl.'loa 01 dl' Ie 1lhe ~ """ne.POJ"'ot ao4l- .8 Men

ahoW.rl to " U Htlw ~_. (Gollft7. 1M').

a. 1.H0~._!l. ae dlttwence "t~ a1.DGl$ e~ 481l1' 1D~.c'.l.ol.ta of

d~sltox1n _a llOtGUtflo1.,ntl., PMt .. ~, ftll1 tu ~

Page 61: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

• oonolua1c)mh a1lill.erl;r t tbe bJ.".1';)1l of t~np$U'10 sIll to:d.*

~U of dl"US iWutoot studied: ez\enslftly oz:..oush to ellow .tl.

nlte $tfi~1:its to be !Wnie. In ~~OUGr'U. tbO tone tlQs~a ~

more JIIrked ch8.r~{:j ....

It is 1nterestl1'16 'to ob ... " tM\ ttlO Ohe1160a oo,~

by 'therapeutio &:14 w:1o$t1ons are In 'be ... ·41raoUoa

!'hIs not DeOusaril,- 18 upoo,", aln" toxic oono __ \lcma ot

8tq 860nt mel o~u,so a saeralploture of to.Uo1~Y'. ~*

elMa 1t 1.$ obaol"'n4, 1t a~ne1.1 ~OGt8 thot 'tho ol1e.n&e

ettGOte4 in ~peu'10 fit~w.tta _y" aat"Xleir1S 1t lors_ ooae_ -"1<m or drus 1. si'V'en.

It 18 ~'t3ntto empbaslae '\bat our etutU.8$ lUll'"

no •• luci48~ed \be 81te .O't eotloa at ~ oardlBO~. aboo

Wo1lenbOl'ier o'baonOd "ftl1VloulOr t1brUlet1cn IlM Wle~d1a

before en..-s:,.-t*1Cfl PllOQute «O.P:PlJ' S8 "1}1.'Ml14 •. pl~f it

MY be po8elble the, SOM teotor wbid ~no" $be ,,'S.UMtloa

of &nCf~7-rloh phofJphete ., be 014'G' tho hctart 0.,11 lD

pea~ a~t. W34er the W1UellOG ot 41g1tox1::1.

~ r1Sh" ventricle M~ 'to be relc'lvelv re.lst~nt

~ thens- Sn enerey-r1ch pboa;pbtlH When ~1"e4 to the latt

ventrlole.Fel"h8ps, th16 1B r.18'~ to· the "lat1v817 8t~-tw

eeJOtlltJ' of the lett V.l~trlo1$ to utruM ~Q"-l"10h _J6pb.ate


Page 62: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S

1. alasl- ant 4&11.1 U'tIrtlftnou.e SJ:lJ"'1oa td a.M­

peuUo and \()no 40eu O'E 41eltoxb WON a4mlals~ to e4Ult.

4ca.. ~ tWA 10\# 4.,. .t'Mr '\he ruet 1a~"\loa, tthe an1llale

wore 88.rl~lood.

2. ~1a ot the tro .. tissue tor taors~n1G llW4

~r1oh pbospbatu. gl~.D. la.'lo 801d, ·awl ClU .. eotrol,...a


a. In al1.xptR~nta. pkoapb.oereatlne oon.nt •• 81sa1tlNnUl 400:r8884_

t. 1Jlttl ~p.u'10 4._. ,. "baDge in. Ult iTaG­

Uon •• ob8~ find. fmll a sliP' ~ of D ..... in

~.n1acla X"ece'.1n& 0111 40M8 ot 41ptod1l.

I. D_ .. slnrJ.e lll~o'ioa fit taxl0 a~ we

•• SftletGr«i, 'thO API' trooticm am1 U .... 13104 n ... 1. Xn ~

....,..tA41D3eet,tou. tbare wu • t.G;A.enG, of boWl Of 'the aboM

I:ho'1ou \0 1.1"ea80.

I. 01700.- oonoon-'ttoa _ • .a .......... ant

laotio 8014 .1sa1tlHnU, 1n~." s.a "-b aperlMDu

f'oUO!I'liDS the ~atra'l= of 4!dt.G:dli.


Page 63: The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of … · 2017. 1. 4. · DrliOllUC':rlUl~ At;) 'lUi· .lA*l~'f 07 *lim J!ROllLillt 1M .. _aiM of ~l.c .taU ..1n an 1.8S


'I. potase1um -. 81sn1t18anU, 4~ac &t'~tour

daya with 4.,111 tll.Gr~2IH~ut1c (loa_ or d1g!w:dJ,l.

a. With toxic 40ne. s1~lcant tU.mlnutlml or $ou1_ '.$ Obt!h)MOO 111 carteln wtanoea corea. pctaaal_ rises

_r.k8t111 if;. certain ~1mellt8.

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Io,.r,.l~ .• '1:" .• a_ Polra4UWI'tC.* A., fhO. lntl .... ot.DJ.glW15 on the. m.eo~te &ti4 W4\te lta14'ilnc$ of Uef.l't ~le. Am. Heart 1_. .t ~tl.1'):4Q.

Borer, 11. L. ~7," a. A., mi4 l»bUllpa. B. ,1J.& JUrtha 8tU41ea OD. ..... Role 0% ~1i4Ul_ en4 otMr %cM1n 'fmc llhospho-nletlc. of tile A48QlI.o ...... I. _01. ca..· t 1.'. 51 •• 1~.

~bme. w. A.I ftO Itt.- oZ llllita11a on the a1_tI*OO8rd~. an ~1mental SW41 on DOlt! aH Ca.. .A:I:'Oh. lnt. M84.t 43&6'0 t lilt.

BrehUf.!,: A.. _.n4 Qa~. P.: !he .1'''' or D~lklJ.s on .. ,. .. Of ~ ~vd1~ ell ~!aGU1 atutl' 18 ~n Be~ •• Aa. BeartJ., t, 604. lt3l..

~.lA ••• , ... 0114 I1W11EUrt, 8. 1..1 the *1n'tananoo Do_ ,or DSdtalu; .. JIlAe~:rd1 .. .Pb1o St.u4". J. A ...... \111 BOI, lUI_

ca~, J. A., tiJ= 1fUtl;*1.acm, 1'. B .... Btfta, of D1s1tAUa OIl .... PO_.I_ OoA'" Of oar41ao .. OlA .of' Dos8-'. Olm. In'ftst., 9: ~. 1931. .

o.lbo~ .... J. Alt, an4 Har:r:1aon. tt. a., ft. Itt.tot llldWia on .. 1."o1_ecm_lt Of 6a1"41Go MuaOl. of Doss. J.011n. Invest. t 10,; 111,1951.

cattaU, MltMUt _ 00lA. n.1 .. lUtlUtmCe of Di81taJ.1a .. the lOne fit uon.-•• "_ 0Jt .... 110 Gord1ae IIWtOlA. J. Pba~oo1. e:td ~. fherap_, lai Uti 1_.

Chen. ::J =~!i ~~ =t. 0::==:'''' "a • ..ea, 1169.


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., 4

Oti8JIk •• , A*.' 1.& a .. u1.to1wulmDS ..... ' Mr~e1. ...... Bet. UMS, It US-1.6'. 1*_ .

.....,. ... J •• axc~ of s, _ ... a XOM • .,. ... o.u. ... the .~t. Zl'1.~. MIl •• 1., 5: GtI-IOt. 1169_

oniekabsl*k • .I. it •• 8M "'.awRY., D. L.t ~1Got ZU\aJ,la oa .. ~ .aiI 'U\1UUtlOa 01 .. tM ldole'0e4 ~ all4 DI •• 'lO~. AWl. J. 101., tat 1", 1180. .

Cft1o~ .. *. lI. B.: ~* ___ bOlia. l~lo1. BeY., 1', &9f. Ut.l936.

1)Nrlttlt W. l:l., DarnM, A. a •• aM ...... 8 • .1.* ~lmt.m.u 8th GaJ.oule~ ~peuUe· aD4 ~le Do.- of 8181'-11 •• >

IX •• ,_\8 oa 1mo 1I1""00r4~8Zl1 ... Beel't i •• III 6&a-oeo, 1:M3.

~JI.bsf w. a-I Bar ..... a ... eat ..... 11 • .& •• ~r~1 1d.1Z .0., cul.ot.t ~poutl0 ftM l'UiG Do_ or DlI1~1. •• I. attOO1t8 _ \hO lIfOOeJ'41al Ml.l~ s""ure. M. ~J •• III ~.l.~.

fl. B., "'.t. B. a., liaI'1olc, tI ••• t aD4 ~. A. R. * aJ>eimim.ta w1,.. celoulete4 tb .. J)8t.l"J.8 ant TGX1e .... ot DlPul1a. m.. lIt'tecu .. the ~ lILoo4 ft_. Am. ~ I., •• '10-'38, ltQ.

-.n, E. ,A.. p_, ae 40,1_ or OU'bGJ.a em ~ Ao~. MtIl ~lo1. ~., all aso-aat. 1.960.

~nt X'to.' •• Id'A~~ ... P •• S 1:I»C'1,_t18, ,. '11, 1"981. 01_",. wou. .. ~ A. I • .Pbe.1.1r8ool. aM. at,... a..p •• 1081 lS&' 115, 1 •

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DIe ~ au.'l1El'," br J~)_ BsbU' h •• s b .. ned

Gmt .~ '0,. tbne .,...~ at ~t 0'1 ~lol.oQ.

the tlul 00'1'18.$ 1." boen ~ne4 1)1 ~ fU.reoto1" 0

the wOllda an4 1bo 8lsnatun vdUeh "p~J'e beltm .... '.t1e~ tlW

t •• " that tJ:ltS n_ee~HJJ!7 oht::f.r,eee beva bee ~te4 •. M\4

the th •• s.a is ~ S1TO fual a,~l Wi.~. to ooa'-' t~ at4~banl.~l eCtU.D"$/lt.

'!b. tIl •• l. 1s ~Q" d09P'1e4 in ~ M­

till_nt 0'1 'tt-A r.tltl~:t8 to~ 'th~ D~ of Master 01' 801 ...