the acrylic book - harding university · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a...


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Page 1: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

The Acrylic bookA comprehensive resource for Artists

Page 2: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

t A b l e o f c o n t e n t s

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k�

Chapter 1 IntroduCtIon & hIstory 5

Chapter 2 essentIal InformatIon 7 WhatIsAcrylicPaint? 7

ComponentsofAcrylicPaint 7

HowAcrylicsWork 8

CharacteristicsofAcrylicPaints 9

TechnicalInformation 10

MixingColor:MineralandModernPigments 13

LiquitexColorPalettes 14

Chapter 3 lIquItex® produCts 16 ColorRanges 16

ProfessionalArtistsAcrylicColor 16

9EssentialThingstoKnowAboutAcrylicColors 17

SoftBodyProfessionalArtistAcrylicColor 18

HeavyBodyProfessionalArtistAcrylicColor 19

SuperHeavyBodyProfessionalArtistAcrylicColor 20

DecorativeSeries 21

Liquitex®InterferenceColors 21

IridescentColors 22

LuorescentColors 22

Liquigems™AcrylicGlitterPaint 23

Glossies™AcrylicEnamelPaint 23

BasicsValueSeries 25

Basics 25

BasicsMatt 26

ChoosingtheRightColor:Artists’Colorvs ValueSeries 27

AcrylicMediums 29

prep 31 SurfacePrep 31

paint 34 FluidMediums 34

GelMediums 40

Effects 48

finish 57 Varnish 57

Chapter 4 applICatIons 62 AcrylicSheets 62

Airbrushing 64

Brushwork 68

Page 3: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k �

Knowledge is power.TheLiquitex®AcrylicBookisforartists,educatorsandstudentsofalllevels Theinformationinthisbookwillhelpyoubetterunderstandacrylicartmaterialsandwillexposeyoutoinnovativetechniquesandapplications TheLiquitex®AcrylicBookiswrittenbythepeoplewhohavemadeprofessionalwater-basedacrylicslongerthananyothermanufacturer Thisbookistheresultofmanylifetimesofexperienceandexpertise

Thiseasy-accessLiquitex®AcrylicBookhassixmainchapters:1 EssentialInformation2 LiquitexAcrylicProducts3 Applications4 FrequentlyAskedQuestions5 HealthandSafety6 ReferenceThe“FrequentlyAskedQuestions”willhelpyousolvecommonacrylicproblems,whilethe“Applications”sectionoffersfinearttechniquesandmanyideasforprojectsandapplications

Ifyouhaveanyspecificortechnicalquestionsthatarenotansweredinthisbook:• forcomprehensivetechnicalinformationonall


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•Callusat1.888.4ACRYLIC (North America Only).


a BrIef hIstory Inthelonghistoryofartmaterials,acrylicsarefairlynew Oilcolorsdatebacktothefifteenthcentury Temperaandencaustichavepedigreesthatarecountedinthethousandsofyears Andwatercolorwastheresultwhenprehistoricvisionariesdevelopedthebasicmodelforpaintthatstillservestoday:acombinationofpigment(earthcolorant),vehicle(fortheearliestartists,saliva),andbinder(prehistoricanimalfat)

Acrylicswerefirstdevelopedasasolvent-basedartists’colorintheearlypartofthetwentiethcentury Thefirstwater-borneacrylic(thekindweusetoday)wasdevelopedandlaunchedin1955 Inthatyear,acompanyinCincinnati,OhiocalledPermanentPigmentsthathadbeenmillingoilcolorssince1933(andrunbyamannamedHenryLevison,wholived,drank,

inTroducTion & hisTory





c h A p t e r 1 : i n t r o d u c t i o n & h i s t o r y

Page 4: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 1 : i n t r o d u c t i o n & h i s t o r y

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

slept,andbreathedartist’scolors)launchedanewproduct Thisnewartists’colorwasformulatedwithanacrylicpolymerresinthatwasemulsifiedwithwater Thenewcolorcouldgofromthicktothinandeverywhereinbetween;itwouldadheretojustaboutanything—fromcanvastopapertometaltowoodtoplastic–anditdriedquicklyforeasyre-working,layering,andmasking Mostimportant,itcouldbethinnedandcleanedupwithwater

Levisontriedtocomeupwithanamethatwouldcapturetheessenceofthemediumandthefactthatitcouldgofromfluidliquiditytoheavytexture Hecalledhisnewproduct“liquidtexture,”orliquitex®.

Levisonwasabletoencourageanumberofartiststotrytheproduct,butacceptancewasslow Acrylicsdidn’tgainfullacceptanceintheartistcommunityuntilLevisonfiguredoutaprinciplethatisstillinplacetoday:greatinformationisasimportantasgreatmaterials Baseduponthatprinciple,Levisonlaunchedalecturedemonstrationprograminwhichartistsofferedworkshopsandlecturesontheuseofacrylicstocollegestudentsandprofessors Withinafewyears,acrylicswerebeingusedconsistentlyincollegesanduniversitiesacrossthecountry Anditwasn’tlongbeforeLiquitex®wasbeingusedbysomeofthemostimportantartistsofthelate20thcentury:DavidHockney,HelenFrankenthaler,AndyWarholandothers Becauseofitsdurabilityandversatility,Liquitex®alsobecamethemediumofchoiceforlarge-scalepublicmuralsbyartistssuchasGaroAntreasianandThomasHartBenton Infact,it’sfairtosaythat,withoutLiquitex®andtheworkingpropertiesofwater-basedacrylics,20thcenturyartwouldhavebeencompletelydifferent

Bythe1980’s,acrylicshadbecomethemostpopularandwidelyusedofallpaintingmediums,surpassingbothwatercolorandoilbyawidemargin Thereason?TheinfinitevarietyofapplicationsofacrylicscoupledwiththespiritofinnovationfirstshownbyLiquitex®

Withoutquestion,thereisnomoreversatilecolorsystemintheworld Whilebothoilsandwatercolorrequirecarefulselectionofsurfacesandtechniquestoensuresuccessandstability,acrylicscanbeusedwithsomesimpleguidelinesonvirtuallyanything,toachievevirtuallyanyvisualorsculpturalresult Theycanbeusedoncanvas,onpaper,onfabric,onleather,onmetal,andonwood Acrylicscanbebrushed,troweled,sprayed,poured,splattered,scrapedorcarved Inshort,withalittlecareandtherightadditiveormedium,acrylicscandojustaboutanythingyoucanimagine

Acrylicsoffersuchgreatversatilitybecausetheydothreegreatthings:1. They stick.Toalmostanything Acrylicsoffergreatadhesiontoawidevarietyofsurfaces 2. They flex.Astheydryandage,acrylicstendtoremainfarmoreflexiblethanoils,allowing

themtobeusedwithoutcrackingonawiderarrayofsurfaces 3. They adjust.Throughthewondersofmodernchemistry,theworkingpropertiesofacrylics




Page 5: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

What Is aCrylIC paInt?Waterbasedacrylicpaintiscomposedofpigmentparticlesdispersedinanacrylicpolymeremulsion

Components of aCrylIC paInt•pigment

Adry,powderymaterialthatdoesnotdissolveandremainssuspendedwhenmixedwithacrylicpolymeremulsion Pigmentscanbeorganic,inorganic,naturalandsynthetic Theyhavelittleornoaffinityforthesurfacetowhichtheyareapplied


Acombinationofwaterandacrylicpolymerwhichcreateapolymeremulsion Oncethewaterleavesthesystemviaevaporationorabsorptionthepaintdriescreatingastablefilmtrappingthepigmentparticles


Acrylicpolymerwithoutthewater Bindergivesthepaintitshandlinganddurabilitycharacteristics


A“polymer”isalongchemicalchainmadeupofsmaller,oftenidenticalmolecules Whenfullyassembled,ithasthepotentialforaddedstrengthandstabilityasitlocksintoatightlyorderedstructure Thefinalacrylicpaintfilmismadeofastablepolymericstructurethatlocksthepigmentintoplace


Amixtureofwaterandacrylicpolymer Anemulsionisastablemixtureofcomponentsthatdonotnormallymixwelltogether (Oilandwater,forexample,canbemixedtogetherbutwillstillsettleoutandseparate )Chemicalemulsifiersareaddedtoforcethewaterandacrylicpolymerintoastablemixtureuntilthewatereitherevaporatesorisabsorbed

essenTiAl informATion





c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n


Page 6: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / A c r y l i c s

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

hoW aCrylICs WorkAcryliccolorsdryasaresultofwaterevaporation Here’swhatoccursaspigment,water,andacrylicaretransformedintoalast-for-agespaintfilm:

step 1 Squeezedfromthetube,orscoopedfromthejar,acrylicpaintisafinelybalanceddispersionofpigmentinanemulsionofacrylicpolymerandwater Thewaterservestokeeptheemulsionliquid,andactsasakindofchemical‘chaperone’preventingtheacrylicpolymerparticlesfromgettingcloseandpersonalandlockingupbeforetheartistisready

step 2 Whenexposedtotheatmosphere,waterintheemulsionevaporates,orisabsorbedintothepaintingsupport That’swhentheacrylicpolymerparticlescomeintodirectcontactandfusewitheachother

step 3 Thepolymerparticlesorganizethemselvesintoastable,hexagonalstructure,trappingthepigmentinplace Bingo!Thestablepaintfilm!

Itisimportanttonotethatacrylicsshouldneverbethinnedwithmorethan25%water Toomuchwaterwillspreadtheacrylicresinthinly,andinterferewiththeformationofthestablefilm AddinganAcrylicMedium,ratherthanwater,helpsmaintaincolorbrillianceandensuresthatthepaintfilmwillremainstable

Theacrylic/wateremulsionhasaslightlymilkycolorwhenwetthatclarifiesasthepaintdries Thismilkyappearancelightens(toaslightdegree)thevalueofthecolor Aswaterleavestheemulsion,andthebinderclarifies,thevalueofthecolordarkens Thiscolorchangeiscommonlycalledthewet-to-drycolorshiftandismostnoticeablewithdarktransparentpigments(suchasAlizarin)andlessnoticeablewithlightopaquepigments(suchasCadmiumYellow) Asacrylicchemistryadvances,Liquitex®continuouslymakesuseofnewacrylicresinsfromaroundtheworldthatofferfarbetterwetclaritythaneverbefore

s T e p 1 s T e p � s T e p �


Page 7: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / A c r y l i c s

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

CharaCterIstICs of aCrylIC paIntsBasIC CharaCterIstICs


• Permanent,waterinsoluble,flexiblecolorswhendry Builtupsurfaceswillremainfreeofcracksandchips Lessflexibleincoldweather Softerinwarmweather

• Shouldbethinnedwithaminimumofwater Tomaintainthestabilityofthefinalfilm,useacrylicmediumsoradditivestoadjusttheflowandworkingproperties

• Donotmixwithsolvents,turpentineoroils Mixonlywithotheracrylicemulsionpaintsormediums

•Keepbrusheswet Cleanupbrushes,handsandpalettewithsoapandwater

•Littleodor,nofumes,nonflammable Usesnon-toxicthinnersandmediums

• NOTEonflexibility:WhileLiquitex®Acryliccolorsandmediumswillremainflexibleovertime,allacrylicpaintfilmsbecomeincreasinglybrittleincoldweather Donotflex,roll,orunrollacrylicpaintingsintemperaturesbelow45ºF

dryInG CharaCterIstICs• Acrylicpaintdriesbyevaporationofitswatercomponent Thinpaintfilmswill


• Onporoussurfacesthewaterevaporatesfromboththepaintaswellastheundersideofthesupport

• Resinparticlescoalesceandtrappigmentsasthewaterevaporates Thepolymerresinbondsandfallsintoroughlyhexagonalpatterns Thecompletedprocessyieldsawaterinsoluble,flexible,non-yellowingpaintfilm

CleanInG up aCrylIC paInts• from hands:Wetordriedacrylicpaintcleanswithsoapandwater

• from brushes:Cleanwetbrusheswithsoap&water Cleandriedacrylicbrusheswithacetone,denaturedalcoholorequivalentproduct Thesecleaningsolutionsaretoxic Careshouldbetakenduringuse

• from clothing:Whilepaintiswet,cleanwithwaterand/orwindowcleaner Driedacrylicpaintispermanentonfabric

• from painting surface:Whilepaintiswet,wipewithdamprag,cleanwithwater Whenpaintisdry,simplypaintoversurfacewithdesiredcolorsandmotif Thesurfaceofadryacrylicpaintingcanbecleanedbygentlywashingwithsoapandwater


Page 8: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / A c r y l i c s

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

Thetransparency,translucencyandopacityofcolorsarebasedonthecharacteristicsofthepigmentsused AllLiquitex®colorsarelabeledTransparent(TP),Translucent(TL),orOpaque(O)onthelabelofeachproduct

•opaque Opaquecolorsdonotallowlighttopassthroughthecolorlayer Best“hidingpower”orcoverage Duplicatesgouacheeffects

•translucent Inbetweentransparentandopaque Allowssomelighttopassthroughthecolorlayer

•transparent Transparentcolorsallowlighttopassthroughtheircolorlayer Least“hidingpower ”Allowsunderneathcolortoshowthrough Bestsuitedforglazingandwatercolortechniques

hue, Value, Chroma

Hue,ValueandChromapositionsforeachcoloraredisplayedoneachlabel,foreveryLiquitex®color ThesedesignationsarebasedontheinternationallyrecognizedMunsellColorSystem

teChnICal InformatIonAllLiquitex®PaintsandMediumsaremanufacturedtohighqualityandperformancestandards

attrIButesLiquitex®AcrylicColorsandMediumsaremadeusingthehighestqualityacrylicresintoproduceacrylicpolymeremulsioncolorsandmediums Allcolorscontainpurepigments,ina100%acrylicpolymeremulsion Liquitex®AcrylicColorscontainnofillers,opacifiers,toners,dyes,emulsifiersoradditivesthatincreasevolumewithoutimpartingapositiveattributetothepaint Liquitex®AcrylicColorshavethegreatestpermanenceandlightfastnesspossible



laBel InformatIonThefollowinginformationisprovidedonlabelsofallLiquitex®AcrylicColors



Page 9: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / m u n s e l l c o l o r s y s .

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

munsell Color systemThereareavarietyofopticalsystemsthatcanbeusedtomeasuretherefractiveandphysicalpropertiesofcolor OneofthemostcommonlyusedinhelpingartistsandscientistsbetteridentifytheopticalcharacteristicsofcoloristheMunsellsystem Liquitex®labelsincludeMunsellnotationsforeachcolor Thecolorsystemisbrokendownwiththefollowingidentifyingcategories:hueColorcanbeorganizedtofollowtheflowofhuesorspectralfamilynames Asorganizedwithinacolorwheel,12huesareRedPurple,Red,RedOrange,Orange,YellowOrange,Yellow,YellowGreen,Green,BlueGreen,Blue,BluePurple,andPurple Withinthespectrum,thethreeprimarycolorsareRed,Yellow,andBlue AhueisthepreciseidentificationofeachcolorwithinaHuePositionBand Thespecifichueofacolormaybeatcenterorleantowardonespectralneighbororanother Forexample,CadmiumRedMediumcarriesaMunsellNotationof6 3R,andisindicatedasleaningtowardtheRedOrangehuecolumn

Complementary colorsstronglyenhancethecharacteroftheprimaries Forexample,placinggreennexttoredwillmakebothcolorsappearmoreintenseandvivid Greenoccupiesthepointdirectlyoppositeredonacolorwheel,andisconsideredtobethecomplementofred Orangeisthecomplementforblue,andvioletisthecomplementforyellow

split-complementarycolorsarethosethatresidedirectlytoeithersideofthecomplementarycolor Workingwithsplit-complementsallowstheartisttoexplorerelationshipsinwhichthetargetcolorcanbeenhancedbybeingplacednexttoornearasplit-complementarybutnotwiththesamedegreeofintensitythatcomeswithbeingpairedwithitsstraightcomplementarycolor Inaddition,themixingofasplit-complementwiththeoriginaltargetcolorwillyieldawell-balancedgray


tetradiccolorselectionsallowtheartisttoselectcolorsthatarebalancedandharmoniousbyvirtueoftheirequalspacinginquartersaroundthecolorwheel Morecomplexrelationshipswithbothtriadicandtetradicsystemscanbeexploredthroughdefininguniquecomplementariesandsplitcomplementarieswithintheuser’suniquelydefinedpalette

ValueAllcolorsvaryinvalue(therangefromlighttodark) Valuenumbersonthelabelgivethelightanddarkmeasureofacolor Thereare,infact,10theoreticalvaluestepsrangingfrompureblack(level0)topurewhite(level10) Thehigherthenumber,thelighterthecolor


Page 10: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / m u n s e l l c o l o r s y s .

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

ChromaBytheirverynature,somecolorsarequitebright(likecrimson)whileothersarenaturallydull(likeyellowochre) Therelativebrightnessorintensityofcolorscanbeidentifiedsystematically Chroma,orcolorintensity,isidentifiedbyanumberthatrangesfrom0to20 Neutralgrayisrated0,havingnotraceofchromaorhue Thisiscalled,“zerochroma,zerohue ”Thebrighterthecolor,thehigherthenumber CadmiumRedLightHue,forexample,hasachromanotationof13,whileBurntSiennahasachromanotationof4


LightfastnessI,II,IIIidentifytheratingofacoloranditsabilitytowithstandanycolorshiftingorfadingwhenexposedtoultravioletlight(i e sunlight) ThelightfastnessofallLiquitex®colorsarelistedaccordingtostandardsestablishedbytheAmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials(ASTM)

CategoryI Excellentlightfastness Thecolorwillexhibitnoappreciablecolorchangeaftertheequivalentof100yearsofindoormuseumexposure Bestsuitedforoutdoorinstallations(murals)

CategoryII Verygoodlightfastness Colorsaresuitedforallindoorapplications,butnotexteriorpaintingthatmayreceiveheavyexposuretoultravioletlight

CategoryIII Marginalpermanence “Fugitive”colorsthatmayfallbelowthelevelofpermanencyforartist’scolors Notrecommendedforpermanentwork

pIGment desIGnatIons

PigmentandColorIndexNamesarelistedforallLiquitex®colors Forspecificcolorinformation,pleaseseethereferencesectiononpage112


Page 11: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / m i x i n g c o l o r

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

mIxInG Color: mIneral and modern pIGments Inordertomixcolorwell,itisessentialtounderstandthepropertiesofthepigmentsusedtomakeeachcolor Everypigmenthasdifferentcharacteristics,whichultimatelyinfluencehowtheyinteractwitheachother Theuniqueopticalpropertiesofeachcolorcanrangefromtransparencytocompleteopacity Somepigmentshavestrongtintingstrengthwhichcreatescolormixesthatarecrispandbright,whileotherstendtograydownwhenmixed Knowingthedifferencebetweenmineralandmodern(organic)pigmentsisthekeytochoosingcolorsthatwillblendtogethertocreatethedesiredresults Threegeneralrulesgovernthedifferencesbetweentheirworkingproperties:

• Whenmixed,mineralcolorstendtomorecloselyreplicatethetonalitiesofthenaturalworld Becauseofthenatureofreflectedlightandshadow,weliveinaworldofpurecolorsthatcombineintorichshadesofgray Thephysicalandopticalpropertiesofinorganiccolors,quiteoften,morecloselycapturethosequalitiesofnaturallightandshadowedcolor

• Moderncolorsarebrighter,andtendtomakebrightermixes Becauseoftheirpurity,naturaltranslucencyandtintingstrength,organicpigmentsproducemixedcolorsthattendtoremainclosertothehighchromaoftheir“parent”primaries

• Thetwocanbeusedtogetherwithgoodresults Forexample:addingasmallamountofamoderncolortoamixtureofmineralpigmentthathasgottenmuddywillhelprestorelostchroma,withoutlosingthenaturalcharacterofthemix

Remembertheaboveareonlygeneralguidelines Theuniquenessofeachpigmentsometimescauses“modern”qualitiestoshowupin“mineral”colorsandviceversa

Historicallymineralpigmentssuchasyellowochreandrawumberhavebeenusedsincepre-historictimes Duringthenineteenthcenturyawidearrayofothermineralpigmentsbecameavailablewhentheindustrialrevolutionanddevelopmentsinchemistrymadeitpossibletocombinemetalslikecadmium,orcobaltwithothercompounds Theresultswerehighlystable,farlesspronetofading,andcouldbegroundintoasuspensionwithinavehicleforoilpaint Morerecently,pigmentchemistrywasrevolutionizedasmodernorganiccolorswereborninthelaboratory Thishasgivenrisetopigmentslikeanthraquinones,dioxazines,pyrroles,phthalocyanines,andbenzimidazalones,whichmakepossiblethewidevarietyofcolorsavailabletoartiststoday


Page 12: The Acrylic book - Harding University · 2008-09-04 · acrylic are transformed into a last-for-ages paint film: step 1 Squeezed from the tube, or scooped from the jar, acrylic paint

c h A p t e r 2 : e s s e n t i A l i n f o r m A t i o n / c o l o r p A l e t t e s

l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o kl i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k l i q u i t e x ® / t h e A c r y l i c b o o k

lIquItex® professIonal artIst aCrylIC Colors

3 Color primary palette:QuinacridoneCrimson(PrimaryRed)YellowMediumAzo(PrimaryYellow)PhthalocyanineBlue(PrimaryBlue)

6 Color palette:hue Based pigment Cadmium Based pigmentQuinacridoneMagenta single QuinacridoneMagenta singleCadmiumRedLightHue mixed CadmiumRedLight singleCadmiumYellowMediumHue mixed CadmiumYellowMedium singlePhthalocyanineBlue(GreenShade) single PhthalocyanineBlue(GreenShade) singleIvoryBlack single IvoryBlack singleTitaniumWhite single TitaniumWhite single

12 Color palette:hue Based pigment Cadmium Based pigmentQuinacridoneMagenta single QuinacridoneMagenta singleCadmiumRedMediumHue mixed CadmiumRedMedium singleCadmiumRedLightHue mixed CadmiumRedLight singleCadmiumYellowMediumHue mixed CadmiumYellowMedium singleBurntUmber single BurntUmber singlePermanentGreenLight mixed LightGreenPermanent mixedPhthalocyanineGreen single PhthalocyanineGreen singlePhthalocyanineBlue(GreenShade) single PhthalocyanineBlue(GreenShade) singleUltramarineBlue(GreenShade) single UltramarineBlue(GreenShade) singleDioxazinePurple single DioxazinePurple singleTitaniumWhite single TitaniumWhite singleIvoryBlack single IvoryBlack single

note: • “Hues” are used as replacements for cadmium, cobalt and other colors, when they are either unavailable, too expensive, or fugitive. Liquitex® "Hue" colors generally yield

higher intensities than the color they imitate.

• The “Hue Based Systems,” because they are based upon modern organic colors, will tend to mix with greater brightness and clarity.

• The “Cadmium Based systems” will tend to yield mixes that more closely approximate natural light, and that may be considered more suitable for traditional landscape, portrait, or still life representations.

lIquItex® Color palettesBelow are suggested color palettes for use with all liquitex acrylic color ranges
