the ‘big picture’ - current issues in...

Part of Public Health England Diabetic Eye The ‘Big Picture’ - current Issues in screening Patrick Rankin, Education and Training Manager Lynne Lacey, National Programme Manager NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme Young Person and Adult Screening Programmes Jo Jacomelli, Data and Information Manager World Sight Day 9 October 2014

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Page 1: The ‘Big Picture’ - current Issues in · IEPP OPERATIONS Robert Sherriff QA Sue Cohen Policy ANNB YPA

Part of Public Health England

Diabetic Eye

The ‘Big Picture’ - current

Issues in screening

Patrick Rankin, Education and Training Manager

Lynne Lacey, National Programme Manager

NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme

Young Person and Adult Screening Programmes

Jo Jacomelli, Data and Information Manager

World Sight Day 9 October 2014

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The Big Picture

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Itinerary for Today

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• Organisation

• Common Pathway

• Information and Documentation

• Grading Management

• What else is happening in the land of DES?

• Education

• Reporting

• Time for Questions

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It’s complicated


Local programme

National programme





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supplier HES


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Strategic Reviews


Local programme

National programme





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supplier HES


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YPA DES Flow Chart

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Research Group

PHE (Duncan Selbie)

Health & Wellbeing (Kevin Fenton)

Screening (non cancer) & UKNSCAnne Mackie


QASue Cohen


ANNB YPAAnne Stevenson


Regional QA National QA

DESLynne Lacey

AAALisa Summers

JOINT ACTION MEETING- delivery of shared objectives/work streams- interface with local, regional and national delivery

Advisory Group

Support forwork streams

Task andfinish groups

Expert ReferenceGroups

- management accountability- governance - joint delivery- advisory- information and escalationInformation Sharing Forum

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The past year

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Pathway Upgrade Progress

83 programmes

72 upgraded

10 scheduled

1 deferred

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Dates booked forupgrade


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Common Assurance Process (CAP)

• Formal process for software assurance where there are

different software solutions being used. ALL suppliers are

required to follow this process. 3 main stages:

1. Suppliers test their own software to our specification

2. NDESP observe the software in use in a test


3. Local programmes re-check the software after


Testing reporting accuracy to enable comparative and

reliable data is key

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Post implementation event

Thursday 15 January 2015

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• PM and Failsafe officer each programme

• QA, National programme

• Software suppliers

• Questions in advance

• Registration on line

• Similar event for SILS and Commissioners Feb or March

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Publication date Nov 2014

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Almost there

New patient information leaflets

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Almost there too

• Aimed at GPs and others in primary


• A4 double sided

• Who we are and what we do

• Grading results and what they


• Editorial Board

• Survey – young people; adults

• Patient focus groups

• Professional focus groups

• Editorial Board review

• PHE Gateway

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Grading Quality

• Grading Management and Reporting Workshop

• Test and Training reviewed – 120 images pa

• TaT reporting based on sensitivity and specificity

• Sensitivity - finding the cases you need to

• Specificity – only finding the cases you need to

• TaT is only one part of measuring grading quality

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Testing - Are we agreeing ?

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Plot of test results for 1215 Graders v College

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What’s next in grading

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Training in Managing Grading

Report Interpretation Guidance

Support Guidance

Performance Standards

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What else is happening in the land of DES?

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Website transition for all UK NSC


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19 The Big Picture WSD 2014

• Annual review



• Published ~November

• Basis of commissioning

• Standardising service spec templates

Service Specification

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• GPES produced specification for data extract for national

cohort system

• GPES working with GP practice system software


• Timeframe currently dependent on GP system suppliers

• Details of what programmes should/should not do re

extract in September newsletter

• Information to ensure any existing extract system has

correct parameters

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Reports , Reviews and Collaboration

• Screening intervals report and cost effectiveness study

to UK NSC November 2014

• HTA OCT cost effectiveness – April 2015

• Standards review and standard operating procedure


• National Diabetes Audit Project

• Qualification provision

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What else is happening in the land of DES?

• Screening intervals report and cost effectiveness study


• HTA OCT cost effectiveness – April 2015

• Standards review and standard operating procedure


• Qualification provision

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Part of Public Health England

Diabetic Eye

Education and Training Update

Patrick Rankin Education and Training Manager

World Sight Day 9 October 2014

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Education and Training Update

• Health Education England

• City and Guilds

• Screening Qualification

• Induction Resource

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Health Education England

• Became operational in 2013

• Special health authority within the NHS, full executive agency 2015

• Combination of training and education expertise from SHA’s, PCT, deaneries

• Responsible for providing national leadership for planning and developing

the whole healthcare and public health workforce

• Promoting and provision of high quality education and training which is

responsive to the changing needs of patients and services

• Allocating and accounting for NHS education and training resources

• Ensuring security of supply of the professionally qualified clinical workforce

• Experts in the commissioning and structuring of education in healthcare


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HEE and DESP • HEE will become responsible for the provision of education and training

of the screening workforce from April 2015

• Currently just non-professionally regulated staff groups

• Includes DESP, AAA and newborn hearing screening technician staff

• Potentially professionally regulated staff in the future

• NDESP will determine and control content

• HEE will provide the educational aspect via awarding body

• Ability to make changes to training with ongoing feedback/policy changes

• Effect on programmes should be minimal

• Programmes should be aware of the change

• NDESP will update programmes regularly

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City and Guilds • City and Guilds current and ongoing education provider

• Currently contracted until Dec 2016

• Supported until Dec 2018

• Any staff registered up until that date will be entered onto course and

have continued support from C and G

• Presently no changes

• Post Dec 2016 re-commission qualification, HEE will determine most

appropriate education provider

• NDESP to determine content

• Based on national occupation standards/qualification and credit


• Remain modular based

• Simplify units for different staff groups

• C and G still has full support from NDESP

• Business as usual

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Screening Qualification • As part of the on-going work with HEE and UK NSC

• Potential to develop an overarching screener qualification

• Aimed at new staff in screening and staff in AfC 2-3 roles

• Admin and non-technical staff

• Level 2-3 on the qualifications and credit framework (GCSE/A level)

• Cover basic elements of screening, encompassing similarities across

screening programmes

• Provide understanding of other programmes

• Transferrable across screening programmes if required

• National recognised qualification that will ensure a standard of knowledge

and understanding of screening is attained and appropriate credits

• Additional study will be required to obtain specific knowledge and

competency within individual screening programmes

• Current qualifications will remain level 3-4 on the QCF

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Induction Resource

• Useful for staff new to screening

• Redesigned, updated and improved.

• Includes

• essential screening facts

• practical information

• Can be used online or printed as a handout.

• Find out more at:

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Part of Public Health England

Diabetic Eye

National Reporting

World Sight Day 9 October 2014

Jo Jacomelli Data and Information Manager

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Where have we come from?

83 programmes operating differently

Quality assurance standards reported on annually

Calculated differently

Unreliable reporting systems

Result: data that is not comparable and not publishable

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Current status

A comprehensive defined dataset

Quality assurance standards

A common pathway


Not all programmes are on the common pathway

Reporting on an annual basis

Result: data that is not comparable and not publishable

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New reporting process

Same timeframe as national KPI reporting

Programmes to send reports to the national team


Receive back KPIs and quality assurance standards

Review at Programme Boards

Programme responsibility to share with stakeholders

Quarterly data will not be published

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New reporting process

Annual data due by 31 October

Partial year

Data quality checking only

Annual 2013/14 data will not be published

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Benefits of the new reporting system

Calculated in the same way

Everyone receives the same information back

Produce national and regional summaries, intelligent


Identify widespread reporting issues and local reporting


If a reason/solution is identified then this information

can be shared

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Aims for 2014/15

Priority number 1 – improve data quality

» Regular reporting

» Report faults in the reports

» Improve and clarify definitions

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Future developments

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Publish annual data

Provide benchmarking data

Public Health Outcomes Framework

Supplement other information

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Contact Details

NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme

[email protected]

0300 422 4468

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