the abbeville press and banner (abbeville, s.c ...€¦ · fill hi) v s

FILL HI) V s<* ENOCH HAS now io Store FULL ANU Goo<]p, each !u their rcspeclivo THE DRY GOO lwrti * r«.t> a A UA£ EMBRACES HEAVY DOMESTIC 6001 GOODS,* SHAWLS, Boots and Shoes, Men's ENOC Ocf. 14,1S69. m TEW m 2 GR Is now filled with every novc Xatcst and Most Fasliiona Hats, Velvets, Ribbo: Caiii. wii Frieuda ihe different btyk* ui guud* it] % IN THE GROG v, isro. 3 "Will bfl found a full line of G1 CROCKERY, SADDLERY. 3ES23.04 Oct. 14, 1809, 25. tf QUARL I»I ARM mw KEGEX1 WHIG FT THEY PROPOSE 1 TIMES. EVERYTHING LADIES' B BKB8BSS ALL WOOL Dl W 01111, Plaids ! ; mm Z H © SHOES. SHIB DRESS TRIMMIh CUFFS AND ia: Ladies' Double Shau Oloalis, And a good variety of many oil QXTARLES, October 13, 18G9. McDonald, 23 iLtotoev HAVE NOW IN S RECEIVING AD! aa- or ©« HARDWARE STAPLE C»©? W8IB Ml 1 ^ i v ADA everything kept in * : lection, at prices JtW We respectfully invite Fafmei fitooks sad wo will iliow thetn thai it i 4 K \ : - : % \ . October 10,18C0,2^..if f n, n . « Ml $69. SMlLSOiy COMPLETE STOCKS of Fall hr»d "Winter branches. Tv ^ T\ Yl T\ 1 "Tk nm> «- - D3 UJiiFAitiiVIEJNT, LNIT1 RANGE, A LARGE LINE OF US, FEINTS, LADIES' DRESS r CLOAKS, FURS, &C. 5 Ilats, Rcady-Mudc Clothing. ^EC NELSON. aHITE ftANGE, Ify of lli« Season, in tlio wny of tlio blc Styles of Millinery, Bonnets, ns, riowcrs, Ornaments, &c. ulways tiikc ptousuic in showing licr La<ly ber line. ENOCH NELSON. EHY DEPARTMENT, .NITE TIAKCi It!, IOCEI;II:S, i-novisiONS, iiakdwaue. 3li J>iT clson. & 7ISG A FULL STOCK OF O *3L» .* 'o st?/;z rnrcEs to suit the DESIRABLE IN T11E WAY OF HESS GOODS, K f* wt, & % ILAINES, MERINOS, Hiflli, Plaids ! ff<k /9A Mill GOODS, * £&¥$. tTS, NOTIONS, SGS AND BUTTONS, COLLARS, &C., &C., DIES' ARAB SHAWLS, rls. Ladies' Single Shawls, Fu.r Capes, or « - w. ...vivico wii ue uuifiuieu ai lue store of PERRIN & CO. forwoocl & Co., ill©, Sf. O., TORE, AND ARE DAILY 9ITI0NAL SUPPLIES AND CUTLERY, mv annus JL/JLC -L UUV/iyU) ?«XB©S v. first class storo, of the best eethat defy competition, s and Planters to give us a call, examine our their interest to "patronize us. MATTHEW McDOWAIX, JAS. A. NORWOOD, WH. H. PARKER. ' | 1 Ml I ROBERT R. HEMPHILL, V ATTORNEY AT LAW AND ff SOLICITOR IN EQ UITY. ABBEVILLE C. II., S. C.[ Office on Lnw Itnngft. formerly occupied by Messrs. Perrin & Cot.hran. "Oct 22, 1309.20-tf NATIONAL HOTEL, 1 ROBERT JOYNER, Proprietor. P. 11. JOYNER, Superintendent. 1 BOARD PER DAY. $2.00. j' Tlike Joyuer's Omnibus Line, which ill ^ convey you, free of oharge, lo aud from the National Hotel. k IforseR, Buggies, Carriages, <bc, for him on reasonable terms. Gulls promptly attended to. Oot. 29, 1869,27. tf JUST RECEIVED. rpOOTIT BRUSHES, , L litiir Brushes, i Combs, Plain and Fancy Soaps, llHodki'ivhief Exlrneia, l.ily White and other toilet artieles, White I.end :il> 1 other Puiutd, 1 tterV Hi tin s, Plantitt ion lliili>N, ; And a large ujuiliueut of f«csh Drugs mul Medicines, ut Parker & Thomson's Sept 17, iil tf .nu J USTTi ECETV EITBY [ WHIT BROTHERS, i ' i |3 Bales Borneo Bagging. 1 (Very wide and heavy,) 3,000 Lbs. Arrow Tics, 1 Tierce Carolina Rice. Sept. 10, 1SG0, 20, tf i THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA , AH13EVILLE COUNTY. I ^ r ^ i n i in, riiuUA'l'K 101KT. John K. Holiday nnd wife nnd others vs. rii-iies C. M hi tin, administrator, Win. A. Crosier and wife and other, dist libit toes of the estate of l'liarus Martin, deceased. Petition for partition of lands nnd accounts and tellituienL of Estate. I [X appearing lo my satisfaction that Wil- < J iiain Cooper and Evelitio his wife, William MeCelvy and Lula his wife and Jolin Tur- ] nor, distributees of this estate, reside out of and beyond the limits of this Stale, On motion of Peirin & Gutliran, sols. ( for petitioners, it is ordered tliat the said patties do appear in this Court and plead ] to or answer t!io said petititiou within forty days of the publication hereof, or the said petition will be taken pro confesso against there. It is also ordered that all persons hav ing any interest in the matter do appear it: my office at Abbeville Court House on the i- < t-. oi^uiii uay 01 i»eceinner next l>y ten o'clock to defend tlioir interests, as on lliut ^ lay llie Court will be holden to lieur and adjudge the rights of the parties and to -eitle the Btiid WILLIAM DILL, J, I'KO., A. C. Oct. 16, 1869. 20.6t The State of South Carolina. ABB EV1LLE COUUTY. In the Court of Prolate. t Nathan A. Edwards, Adra'r, &c., vs. t Ndrciasa Pursely, AtnaDdu Juhnaoo, 1 and others. ® Petition to Sell the Zand and Stttle g the Estate of Wm. 0. Pursley,dec'd. v 0 P ON MOTION of Perrin «fc Cothran, r Sols for Petitioner, It is Ordered, tbat ^ the creditors of W. O. Tursley, dee'd, do 1 present and prove their demands before uie on or before the seventh day of December next, (1869) being the day np- f pointed to hear, adjudge and settle the ^ Estate; and all the creditors and others interebttd io the estate are required to appear in my office at Abbeville Court House on the dav n.fnrAc«>ift nnJ J . . <v»t MUU UC1CI1U iheir interests; ad on that'day a settlement of the estate will be made, and the £ Administrator di? charged from his bond, r unless good cause to the contrary is shown. WILLTAM HILL, J. Pro. A. C. . Ootober 12, 1869, 25, 6t THEABBEVlLLE vmmkm mop, i SEAL, SIGN & ROBERTSON, PEOPEIETOES. THE eubscrihers would respectfully inform the public that they are prepared with skillful workmen, and all tbe j necessary materials for the manufacturing of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and W AG* ONS, and all other work peitaiuing to tbeir business. r All new work warranted for twelve ^ inouthB, and fold nt the lowest figures possible, for CASH, which we make for g the purchaser's interest. PAINTING & TRIMMING DEPA R T M EN'T. Particular attention will be given to tbe r P»iuting and Trimming of Carriages and Buggies, and all contracts faithfully car- _ IWU VUW £ { SMITH DEPARTMENT. c We have in our employ an efficient workI man in all (lie branches of this business. We buve a Patent Tire-Shrinker, ^ with which we can shrink lires with perfect accuracy without cutting, making the a weakest places stronger than before, and without damaging the wheel in the leaat. L( I'tj'sons who hfcve ties that need shrinking A would do well to remember that one»half the wheels fere ruined or materially injur- pc ed by catting fend shrinking iai the usual ih way. Satisfaction > guaranteed in every ° oh wh«r* 1I1U - -.J _ ^ ». v M.WWIUV ! WDCU. # ' OTHSMJemtY ®N MAM®, ~ NEW BUQ01B8 of tti« 6ett material. SI Also, Metalio C**e», Imitation Rotawood, Walnot and Drop Black Coffina. The hearse will attend funeral# punctually at the appointed time, and personal attention T givea whan d«aired. X Oct. 8, 1889, Olson's Mill a Success | "hose who wish Fine Family Flour I: SHOULD TAKE THEIR GRAIN TO ' wmawra PW Mill LI 11 II ill III LI. [T has recently boon flttod up with new Smutter, now Separator, now iolting Cloth and new Maohinery of ho best kind now in use in the Unicd States, 3IUGII WILSON. Sept. 15, 1868, T. F. URODIE. R. a. nUDGINS. H. C. UUDOIH3. BRODIE & CO., factors aiii Commission Mentals, North Allunlic IVharf\ Charleston, S. C. [liberal Advances on Consignments in Hand, REFERENCES.. Andrew Sirnonds, Et-q , 'resident First Nntio.-ml Hunk, Charleston, t>. J. ; Mesi»rn. Cumt'on. Barley & Co, Charleston ». C.; II. T. Poake, Eeq.. General Su|ieriutenlent S. C. H. It. Charleston, ri. C. ; Messrs, lower, Cox, ilnvkley it Co., Gree.nville, S. C.; Ion. James Fallow, Spnrinnliiinr, S. C. ; Ion. 1$. F. Crnyinn. Anderson, S. C. September .'5, 1SOO, 10.(>m WANTED [,000 lbs Washed Wool!; TIIE highest market prico in trado will bu given for the above. WHITE BROTHERS. k July 9, iSGO, IwlH STO'Ri" ANDFOR SALE. ROC2 ISLAND JEANS, " " CASSIMERES, Graniteville 7-8 SHIRTING, RICHMOND^OSNABURGS. Quarles, Perrin & Co. Sept. 10, 18G9, DENTISTRY ffM. C. fARDLAf, M. D, D.D. S Office orer Dr. Parker's Drag Store. Abbeville C. H. S. C. February 26, 1869, 44, tf GEO. W. CARPENTER'S Compound Fluid Extract of Barsaparilla. GEO. W. CARPENTER'S Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu. rHESE Celebrated, Preparations, originally inttoduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under lie patronage of the medical faculty; have icen so long extensively used by phyaiciauB nd others that they are g ...orally known for heir intrinsic value, and can be relied on as eing most valuable remedies iu all cases where arsaparilla or Buohu are applioable, and canot be loo highly recommended. They are preared in a highly concentrated form, to ai to euder the dose small and convenient. Orders >y n aii or otherwise will receive prompt attenion. w " «- wv« f* VH«|rauiU| AlCUBtOT V/0«| Wholesale Chemscal Warehouse, No. *}S7 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale by Parker dc Thomson, and W. T. 'enney, Abbeville. Dowie A Moise, Wholesale Lgenta, Charleston, S. C. [Ool* 15, 1869, 25-ly CLOVER SEED. LBS. BEST RED CLOVEIL SE1£D for Bale by WHITE BROTHERSOct 16, 1869, 25.If To Mill Owners. MILL STONES, BOLTING /LOTH, SMUT MACHINES, all .inds of Mill Findings, for sale attho 3west cash price by WM. BIIEXjSER, 197 Broad Street, Augusta, IJa. April 2, 18U9.<19-12m HARDWARE. nKOLTSII HARDWARE of direct imporLli tut ion: American Ilnnlwnre of all kinds WholeBalo and Retail. Agencies. rHE subscriber is ibe Agent for the sate o "Walter A. Wood's MOWING and EATING Machines. Oulleil'u Patent Steel Brash COTTON 'INS. Brinley's Patent Kentucky PLOUGHS. A FULL SUPPLY of Agricultural IrapleA. menta always on Itund, for aalo low, C. GRAVELEY, 2 East Bay, South of the Old Post Office CiUULESTON, S. C. Iharlotte & South Carolina and olumbia & Augusta R. R. Co. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, j Colukbia. April 10, 1809. GOING NOUTU. save Graniteville, S. C., at ...0,45 a m « Columbia, S. C., at .2.00 p in rrive at Charlotte, N. C., 8.15 p rn , coMixo soirrn. save Charlotte, N. C , 5.45 a m " Colombia, 8. G. 12.10 a m rrive'at Graniteville, 8. C 4.10 p m Through TiokaU on sale for the principal 4 tints North and Bonih. Biggage checkttfl J reogh.* Olcee oatloOow eonfremiens tnadl rth and South. Passengers rsseh August* 16 p n». ' CALEB BOUKNIGHT? «" June 4, 1»W. «.If Sopenntende*!. ' ; T~I :.'j t noes, Hat*, calico's, Pant Stuff; Ofthaburgs, Shirtings / and Factory Turn. jX)R nUby ' . J. KNOX * C*., May Tt I860, * Phoenix Iron Works, Columbia, S. C., (Maul & Kinfl. Proprietor A LL kind* of if ill dustings, (Saw and Or LX. Railing* for Houses, Gardens, Gi tfards bugar Mills, Boilers, Machine »nd Agricultural Implements manufoctu STe manufacture the Brooks Revolving Go Prosa. Orders are solicited and executed :feeap terras, M. GOLD3MITI Oct, 29, 1BC9,12m] M. KIND. Cotton Ties. Beards patent lock ties, «n passed by any Tie yet maiiufsctu For neatneps, strength and durability this has no equal. Having sold them fur the three years we feel that we con cordially omm«nd them to all Planters as the m they wont. For tale by eo. f. Williams & Co., Fact Aug. 20, I860,17, 3m. Charleston, PHONOGRAPHY. PERSONS wishing to become adepl the useful art of short hand wri'.ini enclosing ten $10 dollars to tbe undersi will reoeive, by mail, one letsson, with full ntructions, every week for thirty (30) eu< eive weeks.Two (2) hours praotico eacl will suffice to master e:>cl» lesson. Money sent by mail must be registered, REFERENCES : Capt. Brown Hi Lake City, Fin., Editors Abbeville J'rest (}. Osteen. Sumpter News, F. G. DeFont Cliarlestou* Address Wm. II* Wilaon, Weborn, Editors wishing the above, witli this n< to the amount of ten dollarp, and a co| paper eent me, will receive instructions t mentioned. Wm. H. WILSOI Oct. 1, 1809, PETER BRENNER, PIANO MAKE A]S1) Agent tor the sale of The ( brated Pianos Manufaotuvec Chickering & Sons , Geo. -Sleek & Wm. Knube it Co., nnd others. Parlor and Church Organs, and deal all kinds of Musical Inslru'ncnts, Str &c. 3'22 Iirond Street, opposite Plai Hotel, AUGUSTA, CiA. May 28,18(>0, FREE TICKS To Tlift Slim* - ^ ^ ALL persons indebted to the subsf will "<lo well" to call and sell lliey will receive a freo ticket to the whiuhwill be opeued by tbc"E.S«j of ibe village. J. J. CUNNINGHAM April 30, 1S00, 1, tf fish! BLLS Mackerel, 1-2 BIU Blue 1-2 " * 1-2 " Whit 1-4 " " 1-2 » Pickled lie: Kits, u Boxes smoked " Cod, (( Hallibut, On hand and for sale by J. KNOX & C May 1, 1869, M. J 11 « * « . oaaaies, jsriaies, Harness,1 lars and Saddle Bags. FR sale by J. knox & May 7, 1869, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Li Cheese Pepper, Spice, I: digo. FOR tale by J. KNOX & C May 7, 1869, CROCKER Y, G L A S S Wu HARDWARE and POCKET CU LERY FR sale by J. knox & c May 7, 1869, BACON. CR. SIDES, SHOULDERS, C VASSED HAMS, VENISON, Jubt received by J. KNOX & C May 7, 1869, LEATHER. Hemlock upper, OAK TAN french c skins. harness lining skins, <fea, Just re ;eived by j knox &c May 7. 18o9, NOTICE! CERTAIN Notes nnd Aocotwla, belo to the Estate of Dr. E. E. Preesly, are in tbe hands of the undersigned foi eclion. Parties concerned would do w heed this notice. THOMSON & FA Nov 20, 15C8, SOUTH CAROLINA LAND Wffi The sou rii Carolina la COMPANY has been organ for tbo purchaso and salo of lieal lato. All persons having lands 9alo or wishing to purchaso, will it to their interest to apply at offico of this Company in (Jreonw< 3. C. All communications shoulc addressed to Capt. J. T. PARKS Fresidg W. K. BLAKE, Sec'y, Greenwood, S. C., Aug. 27, 18JMtBf! _BABLEY HBRIUU FOB SALE BY ifler ft Ma Aug. rr, 1M9,18.if NOTICE. °* 1 J. F. MID, Uou J S f0D DRUGGIST. I I ~ COKESBURY, S. C.f 1 1%%rUUJ<P inform hia friend* and tho publio 1 TT that he has just received a full assort- C g^r ment of tho very beBt j I DRUGS, PAINTS, .OILS, > reo- fl lid1 Vanishes, Dye Ms, Soaps, * OrS, Extracts, Perfumeries, . PAPER, ENVELOPES, ( HAIR DIES AND RESTORATIVES OF |jJJ :> in THE BEST QUALITY- I U, by 008 gned And all articles usually kept by Druggist, VVJ in- which he offers on the most reasonable terms, 3C08- hia whole stock beinp just selected by DR. W. i day 0. NORWOOD, in Baltimore and New York. In addition to hia very complete stock of j Dru^H and Chemicals, he keeps constantly igan, u supply of the very best qualities of "t BRANDY, I otice, 7 :L"WI1 AND WHISKEY, For the siok, nnd family use, beine recom- \JT mended anil tested by the physicitms generally. l'liysi'Mans' preacriptioi s and all orders filled with exaelin'3.*, an>l eny article j called for not <>n huud promptly ordered. T? Thnnkfo! '*»r the very liberal patronage be-I ® stowed upt_u him duiing the past year he Hulo- hopes by the most strict attention, to merit a 1 by continuance of the same, promising to kee|>1 <_. q0 constantly a supply of ull nrlicles needed by ' ' . I ^ the pu'illu irelleraily. KeaueClfully, .er id S J, F. TOWNStND. Feb 12, 1 fir,9, ^ w NOTICE TO PLAWW. '' i ? rI~ J" i X HE undersigned who is well known to' tho citizens of Abbeville, gives notice to' its planters generally that he is prepared! to tnake advancements to tho extent of! j or three-fourlhs of the value of produce conshow signed to Ilough, Clendunning & Co., gi uire" Baltimore, Md., and hold sul joct to order. Address him at Cokesbury S. C. iB G. W. CONNOR. A vi Oct. 1st 1800, 23.If. A1 ' WM. M. LAWTON^ " Cotton. l^actor Fish. AND Li COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHARLESTON, S. G. R BGL. Liberal advances made on consignments, and on producc shipped to ,0 Liverpool, &c. nj n Sept. 24, 1869, 22.3m. J Cor NOTICE, 3 no « » th Co * E] ' A LL persons having demands egainst XA- the late JohnH. Wilson deceased, j will present copies of their demands pro- ^ ' perly probated to the undersigned, as soon n" aa convenient. I R. E. BOWIE, « L. C. WILSON, _ >0 Administrators. '' May 7, 1868, r CARRIAGE AND WAGON | SHOP. 1 . CHARLES COX AN- T3 E3PECTFULLY informs the public that ¥ B. JL\< he is prepared to build to order, BUG- § G1ES and LIGHT ROCKAWAYS, and to do | all kinds of CARRIAGE and WAGON WORK || 0 at rhort notice; ond on reasonable terms. All * new work warranted for twelve months. February 25, 1869, 44, tf ! WOOL! WOOL!! WOOL!! The Highest Market Pricos £5 i>aid roB jf .5 WOOL, the ® 30d, IN EXCHANGE FOK GOODS J 1 bo I THF wool must be free from bars and foreign " matter. Will be taken either washed or 2 unwaahed* 2 nt- MILLER & ROBERTSON, a June 5,1868, 6, tf ,. xl -tf. - mil . CANS, OYSTERS, TOMATOES Jfei | | and 00JW, SARDINES, P/C7T- f"1 XJgT^r, PEPPER-SAUCE j g nfTTftTAPTi n_. yV' TjJOR sale by . Sui Jo o J* KNOX & Co.' m lfay>7,186M~tf deli, SCYTHES . AND < CRADLES REAP BOOKS 4*, A SUPERIOR lot just receirei by J. KNOX 6 <>. M»y 7r186» 2,.tf J i OCERIES, PROVISIONS, HA: TII O S. I » now receiving auppliea of tbg following i ugar, Cofleo and Molasses. (aeon, Sides, Shoulders and IIam«, <ard, best kettle, takers, Spiders, Oven9 and Pot», L large lot of extra Cover?, (rooms, Buckets and Tubs, Jast and Plow Steel, Iorse and Mula Shoe*. ' Iorse Sboe Nails, rot), all sizes, 00 sacks Liverpool Salt, 15 bbls. Elour, LW0H8 Qf is Best selection, from the lov Rollins' Axe?, Long Handle Shovels, Fork >t Guns, Leather and Shoo Finding?, Coi b many other articles uselcs to mention, f Persons indebted are required to pay is should bo added to their accounts, lb LL bo rosorted to, if seltlemont is not w IHBOfl ?cb 19, 1869, lawkins Willi Cotton ] .A. 1ST ENERAL COM MISS 105 WEST LOMBARD S Messrs. J). Jl. Sondlcy «fc Co., thorized agents and will make Cash 1 References : Col. B. 1). TO\VNSE> II, S. C, Major W. B. CiULlCK, Cat C., Col. \VM. JOX11STOX, n. WA I)E ll AM PTOX, Columbia, S. 10 Hi KN HAVE'JTJST RECEIVI FAMILY I CONSISTING of EVER * FIRST CLASS Grocc Den selcctcd with carc and L We will not be undersold oods arc taken into consider am®. k: ir, 18 59, 50.If Might EPAIRERS OF COTTON GIN! HOUSE CARPENTEI pHE subscribers would iuforin their frier |_ prepared, wi'.h competent workmen ar )tton Gius, Threshers and Faus, and di om their long experience in the various br their ability to give satisfaction, and true >w receiving a supply of GIN MATERIAL at. line. Work will be done on the most RY. They will always keep on hand a good sui AK COFFINS. rOHN ENRIGrHT. .u<»us t 19, 1809, tf CONGAREE RON WORKS Oolumtoia, 8. O. iiiiiii, Proprietor. Sole Manufacturer of the REAT SOTTTHERN CAST ION, SELF SKIMMING 7AP0RAT0RS for South Carina. e complete Set of Evaporators, $80 70 Furnaces, all Iron, complete, $80 ringing Pipes, &o 15 to $175. J I make superior CANE MILLS and al | icmnery requisite tor making Sugar and rup. Rollers 14 inches diameter $80 « 12 " " $70 " 10 " " $co < 14 « ioo ( « 12 " " $15 8 " 10 " M 835 i ri BOVE prices complete with frame. : L Without frame $10 less on eAch i. Also, Steam Engines, Boilers, MiJl c »ring of *11 Mole, Grist and Saw Mills, ^ utters, Ac. Agents, &c., for L. & P. K. * ierick's Hay and Cotton Presses, which F Iso manufacture. All ^izea of Qin * »riflgV«oft«t<Dtly on band. A'30 horse J lionary Steam Engine and Boiler, on " d, for tale cheap, for CASH. 1 l11 work warranted. Term*.Cash on 4 rery. *> n JOfitH EKRIGHT, Ag% * _ Abbeville C. S. t* l u1jlf,18M>u-tf p< 111 Cfi RDWARE, AND CTJTLE^Y EAKIN irticlea, which are oQored at law prico*: 20 bbla. Planting Potatoes. Table, and Pocket Cutlery, Hook and But Hinges, Hand Saws, Drawing Kuue»t Screws, of all sizes, Sitters, Brass Kettles &c. Fine Smoking and CbewingTobacco^ Tunenline and Toilet Son da. S la rob, Sods, Powder, Lead and ahpt, Canned Goods of all kind?, Cheese and Maccaroni, Mackerol, in kits, 1-4 and 1-2 bblt. Ma HMDS. rest to the higbnat price. :s and Spades, Wash Boards and Scrubs,, I, Trace, Breast and Dogs Chains, &c.h ill of wbicb will bo sold low for Casb. up, Indulgence will not be granted. Its ev can only blame themselves. The law ado immediately. i. nm iamson & Co., Factors D ;iON MERCHANTS, treet, baltimore. Abbeville C. IT., S. C., arc our duly Advances on all consignments to us. U), President C. & S. ]{. J'., Society diicr First National J^ank, Columbia it C. C. & A. It. 11-, Charlotte, N. C. C. Sept. 10, 1869, 20.-3in ITTm. :d a full stock or SUPPLIES, YTIIING usually kept in a :ry &tcre, all of-which have ought for CASH. rhen the (QUALITY of our ation. [Give us a call. bs@;E 0@o 3, THRESHERS AND FANS, IS AND BUILDERS. ids and the public generally that they are id an abundance of material, to REPAllt a all work in the lino of Carpentering, anches of their business, they feel confident t to merit the public patronage. The? ara j, and are prepared to execute all work in reasonable terms.CASII ON DELiVof READY MADE "WALNUT and D. B. SMITH. CITIZENS' SAYINGS BANK O F SOUTH CAROLINA. Officc Bank Building, Abbeville C. II. Current Deposits of $1.00 and upwards Received. Gold Deposits payable in gold, received by agreement with the Assistant Cashier. Interest allowed al the rate of Six ircr ucnt. per annum, compounded ever-y Six Months. PRINCIPAL and Interest, or any part thereof, may be witbdiawn at any lirno.tbo Dank reserving- the right (though it will be rarely exercised) lo demand fourteen days' notice if ibe amount is under 81,000 ; twenty daya if over $1,000 and under 85,000, or thirty days if over 85,000. OFFICERS. WADE HAMPTON, President. TAIIV i * w"«> "rr* .* jv.riin i). i'AJjMiiit, v ice-i'resident. THOMAS E. OKEQG, Caebier. D. L. WA11DLAVV, Assistant Cashier. DIBECTORS. WADE HAMPTON", Columbia. WILLIAM MARTIN, Columbia. F. W. McMA&TEIt, Columbia. A. C, 1IASKELL, Columbia. J. P. THOMAS, Columbia. E. H. HEINITSH. Columbia. JOHN B. PALMER, Columbia. THOMAS E. GREGG, Colombia. J. ELI GREGG, Marlon. j G. T. SCOIT, Nowber»aty/ir W. G. MAYES, Kewbwyif ~ B. H. RUTLEDGE, Charleston. DANIEL RAYENEL, JR.j Chcrleston Mechanics, Laborers, Clerks, Widow#, )rphans and others may here deposit their avings and draw a liberal rate of intereit hereon. Planters, Professional Men and Trustees wishing to draw interest on their unds until they require them for business >r other purpose*. Parents desiring to j | el apart small sums for their t&ifdren, and / larried Women aiid Minora (.whose d^>osita can only be withdrawn by. them- eltea, or, in case of death, by their legal 1 epreeenUti^,) wishing to lay aside fande 1 Jr be^J^rd^^o^^r- | anity of depo*iiifa ,*&. «* hey will rapidly swsiaulaU. and at the \ ime lima, be subject to with<friwel mkto \ Codfrt nil «biw: a *09110 ai <I Sept. 10,188G, I'd a/'/"!/'-i I 5F tim OtiMM ivill* county, fit* BftUa*, UH MUm HB giilaturc, Rppliettioi will be jD+d» t*LMW)rai« said villtfg*. Oct. TO,UVf*4«B. I

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Page 1: The Abbeville press and banner (Abbeville, S.C ...€¦ · FILL HI) V s



Goo<]p, each !u their rcspeclivo

THE DRY GOOlwrti * r«.t> a




Boots and Shoes, Men'sENOCOcf. 14,1S69.

m TEWm 2 GR

Is now filled with every novc

Xatcst and Most FasliionaHats, Velvets, Ribbo:

Caiii. wiiFrieuda ihe different btyk* ui guud* it]


IN THE GROGv, isro. 3

"Will bfl found a full line of G1CROCKERY, SADDLERY.

3ES23.04Oct. 14, 1809, 25. tf





ALL WOOL DlW01111,Plaids !

;mmZH ©



Ladies' Double ShauOloalis,

And a good variety of many oil

QXTARLES,October 13, 18G9.

McDonald, 23iLtotoev


aa- or ©«HARDWARE


W8IBMl 1^ i v

ADA everything kept in * :

lection, at pricesJtW We respectfully invite Fafmei

fitooks sad wo will iliow thetn thai it i

4K \ : -


%\ .

October 10,18C0,2^..if


n, n .

« Ml$69.SMlLSOiy

COMPLETE STOCKS of Fall hr»d "Winterbranches.Tv ^ T\Yl T\ 1 "Tk nm> «- -


US, FEINTS, LADIES' DRESSr CLOAKS, FURS, &C.5 Ilats, Rcady-Mudc Clothing.^EC NELSON.

aHITE ftANGE,Ify of lli« Season, in tlio wny of tlio

blc Styles of Millinery, Bonnets,ns, riowcrs, Ornaments, &c.ulways tiikc ptousuic in showing licr La<lyber line.


3li J>iTclson.


O *3L» .*'o st?/;z rnrcEs to suit theDESIRABLE IN T11E WAY OF

HESS GOODS,K f* wt, & %

ILAINES, MERINOS,Hiflli,Plaids !

ff<k /9A


rls. Ladies' Single Shawls,Fu.r Capes,or « -w. ...vivico wii ue uuifiuieu ai lue store of


forwoocl & Co.,ill©, Sf. O.,TORE, AND ARE DAILY9ITI0NAL SUPPLIES



first class storo, of the best eethatdefy competition,s and Planters to give us a call, examine ourtheir interest to "patronize us.



| 1 Ml I



ABBEVILLE C. II., S. C.[Office on Lnw Itnngft. formerly occupiedby Messrs. Perrin & Cot.hran."Oct 22, 1309.20-tf


ROBERT JOYNER, Proprietor.P. 11. JOYNER, Superintendent. 1

BOARD PER DAY. $2.00. j'Tlike Joyuer's Omnibus Line, which v» ill ^convey you, free of oharge, lo aud from theNational Hotel. k

IforseR, Buggies, Carriages, <bc, for him onreasonable terms. Gulls promptly attended to.

Oot. 29, 1869,27. tf


Combs,Plain and Fancy Soaps,llHodki'ivhief Exlrneia,l.ily White and other toilet artieles,White I.end :il> 1 other Puiutd,1 tterV Hi tin s,Plantitt ion lliili>N, ;And a large ujuiliueut of f«csh Drugs mulMedicines, ut

Parker & Thomson'sSept 17, iil


|3 Bales Borneo Bagging. 1

(Very wide and heavy,)3,000 Lbs. Arrow Tics,1 Tierce Carolina Rice.

Sept. 10, 1SG0, 20, tf i


I ^ r ^

i n i in, riiuUA'l'K 101KT.John K. Holiday nnd wife nnd others vs.

rii-iies C. M hi tin, administrator, Win.A.Crosier and wife and other, dist libittoes of the estate of l'liarus Martin,deceased.

Petition for partition of lands nnd accountsand tellituienL of Estate.

I [X appearing lo my satisfaction that Wil- <J iiain Cooper and Evelitio his wife, WilliamMeCelvy and Lula his wife and Jolin Tur- ]nor, distributees of this estate, reside outof and beyond the limits of this Stale,On motion of Peirin & Gutliran, sols. (for petitioners, it is ordered tliat the saidpatties do appear in this Court and plead ]to or answer t!io said petititiou within fortydays of the publication hereof, or the saidpetition will be taken pro confesso againstthere.

It is also ordered that all persons having any interest in the matter do appear it:my office at Abbeville Court House on the

i- < t-.oi^uiii uay 01 i»eceinner next l>y teno'clock to defend tlioir interests, as on lliut ^lay llie Court will be holden to lieur andadjudge the rights of the parties and to-eitle the Btiid

WILLIAM DILL,J, I'KO., A. C.Oct. 16, 1869. 20.6t

The State of South Carolina.ABB EV1LLE COUUTY.In the Court of Prolate. t

Nathan A. Edwards, Adra'r, &c., vs. tNdrciasa Pursely, AtnaDdu Juhnaoo, 1and others. ®

Petition to Sell the Zand and Stttle gthe Estate of Wm. 0. Pursley,dec'd. v 0

PON MOTION of Perrin «fc Cothran, rSols for Petitioner, It is Ordered, tbat ^the creditors of W. O. Tursley, dee'd, do 1

present and prove their demands beforeuie on or before the seventh day of Decembernext, (1869) being the day np- fpointed to hear, adjudge and settle the ^Estate; and all the creditors and othersinterebttd io the estate are required to appearin my office at Abbeville CourtHouse on the dav n.fnrAc«>ift nnJ

J . . <v»t MUU UC1CI1Uiheir interests; ad on that'day a settlementof the estate will be made, and the £Administrator di? charged from his bond, runless good cause to the contrary isshown.


Ootober 12, 1869, 25, 6t

THEABBEVlLLEvmmkm mop, i


THE eubscrihers would respectfully informthe public that they are preparedwith skillful workmen, and all tbe jnecessary materials for the manufacturingof CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and W AG*ONS, and all other work peitaiuing totbeir business. r

All new work warranted for twelve ^inouthB, and fold nt the lowest figurespossible, for CASH, which we make for gthe purchaser's interest.


Particular attention will be given to tbe rP»iuting and Trimming of Carriages andBuggies, and all contracts faithfully car-_


£{ SMITH DEPARTMENT. cWe have in our employ an efficient workIman in all (lie branches of this business.We buve a Patent Tire-Shrinker, ^with which we can shrink lires with perfectaccuracy without cutting, making the aweakest places stronger than before, andwithout damaging the wheel in the leaat. L(I'tj'sons who hfcve ties that need shrinking Awould do well to remember that one»halfthe wheels fere ruined or materially injur- pced by catting fend shrinking iai the usual ihway. Satisfaction> guaranteed in every °oh wh«r* 1I1U - -.J_ ^ ». v M.WWIUV ! WDCU.




NEW BUQ01B8 of tti« 6ett material. SIAlso, Metalio C**e», Imitation Rotawood,Walnot and Drop Black Coffina. Thehearse will attend funeral# punctually atthe appointed time, and personal attention Tgivea whan d«aired. XOct. 8, 1889,

Olson's Mill a Success |

"hose who wish FineFamily Flour I:


wmawraPW MillLI 11 II ill III LI.[T has recently boon flttod up with

new Smutter, now Separator, nowiolting Cloth and new Maohinery ofho best kind now in use in the UnicdStates,

3IUGII WILSON.Sept. 15, 1868, 43.tfT. F. URODIE. R. a. nUDGINS. H. C. UUDOIH3.

BRODIE & CO.,factors aiii Commission Mentals,

North Allunlic IVharf\Charleston, S. C.

[liberal Advances on Consignmentsin Hand,

REFERENCES.. Andrew Sirnonds, Et-q ,'resident First Nntio.-ml Hunk, Charleston, t>.J. ; Mesi»rn. Cumt'on. Barley & Co, Charleston». C.; II. T. Poake, Eeq.. General Su|ieriutenlentS. C. H. It. Charleston, ri. C. ; Messrs,lower, Cox, ilnvkley it Co., Gree.nville, S. C.;Ion. James Fallow, Spnrinnliiinr, S. C. ;Ion. 1$. F. Crnyinn. Anderson, S. C.

September .'5, 1SOO, 10.(>m

WANTED[,000 lbs Washed Wool!;

TIIE highest market prico in trado willbu given for the above.


IwlH STO'Ri"



Quarles, Perrin & Co.Sept. 10, 18G9,


ffM. C. fARDLAf, M. D, D.D. SOffice orer Dr. Parker's Drag Store.

Abbeville C. H. S. C.February 26, 1869, 44, tfGEO. W. CARPENTER'S

Compound Fluid Extract of Barsaparilla.GEO. W. CARPENTER'SCompound Fluid Extract of Buchu.

rHESE Celebrated, Preparations, originallyinttoduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, underlie patronage of the medical faculty; haveicen so long extensively used by phyaiciauBnd others that they are g ...orally known forheir intrinsic value, and can be relied on aseing most valuable remedies iu all cases wherearsaparilla or Buohu are applioable, and canotbe loo highly recommended. They are prearedin a highly concentrated form, to ai toeuder the dose small and convenient. Orders>y n aii or otherwise will receive prompt attenion.w " «-wv« f* VH«|rauiU| AlCUBtOT V/0«|Wholesale Chemscal Warehouse,No. *}S7 Market street, Philadelphia.For sale by Parker dc Thomson, and W. T.'enney, Abbeville. Dowie A Moise, WholesaleLgenta, Charleston, S. C. [Ool* 15, 1869, 25-ly


WHITE BROTHERSOct16, 1869, 25.If


.inds of Mill Findings, for sale attho3west cash price by

WM. BIIEXjSER,197 Broad Street, Augusta, IJa.April 2, 18U9.<19-12m

HARDWARE.nKOLTSII HARDWARE of direct imporLlitut ion: American Ilnnlwnre of all kinds

WholeBalo and Retail.

Agencies.rHE subscriber is ibe Agent for the sate o"Walter A. Wood's MOWING andEATING Machines.Oulleil'u Patent Steel Brash COTTON'INS.Brinley's Patent Kentucky PLOUGHS.A FULL SUPPLY of Agricultural IrapleA.menta always on Itund, for aalo low,

C. GRAVELEY,2 East Bay, South of the Old Post Office


Iharlotte & South Carolina andolumbia & Augusta R. R. Co.


save Graniteville, S. C., at ...0,45 a m« Columbia, S. C., at .2.00 p inrrive at Charlotte, N. C., 8.15 p rn,coMixo soirrn.

save Charlotte, N. C , 5.45 a m" Colombia, 8. G. 12.10 a mrrive'at Graniteville, 8. C 4.10 p mThrough TiokaU on sale for the principal 4tints North and Bonih. Biggage checkttfl Jreogh.* Olcee oatloOow eonfremiens tnadlrth and South. Passengers rsseh August*16 p n». ' CALEB BOUKNIGHT? «"

June 4, 1»W. «.If Sopenntende*!. '

;T~I :.'j tnoes, Hat*, calico's, PantStuff; Ofthaburgs, Shirtings /and Factory Turn.jX)R nUby'

.J. KNOX * C*.,May Tt I860, *

Phoenix Iron Works,Columbia, S. C.,

(Maul & Kinfl. ProprietorA LL kind* of if ill dustings, (Saw and OrLX. Railing* for Houses, Gardens, Gitfards bugar Mills, Boilers, Machine W»»nd Agricultural Implements manufoctuSTe manufacture the Brooks Revolving GoProsa. Orders are solicited and executed:feeap terras, M. GOLD3MITIOct, 29, 1BC9,12m] M. KIND.

Cotton Ties.Beards patent lock ties, «n

passed by any Tie yet maiiufsctuFor neatneps, strength and durability thishas no equal. Having sold them fur thethree years we feel that we con cordiallyomm«nd them to all Planters as the mthey wont. For tale byeo. f. Williams & Co., FactAug. 20, I860,17, 3m. Charleston,

PHONOGRAPHY.PERSONS wishing to become adeplthe useful art of short hand wri'.inienclosing ten $10 dollars to tbe undersiwill reoeive, by mail, one letsson, with fullntructions, every week for thirty (30) eu<eive weeks.Two (2) hours praotico eaclwill suffice to master e:>cl» lesson.Money sent by mail must be registered,REFERENCES : Capt. Brown HiLake City, Fin., Editors Abbeville J'rest(}. Osteen. Sumpter News, F. G. DeFontCliarlestou*Address Wm. II* Wilaon, Weborn,Editors wishing the above, witli this n<to the amount of ten dollarp, and a co|paper eent me, will receive instructions tmentioned.

Wm. H. WILSOIOct. 1, 1809,

PETER BRENNER,PIANO MAKEA]S1) Agent tor the sale of The (

brated Pianos ManufaotuvecChickering & Sons , Geo. -Sleek &Wm. Knube it Co., nnd others.Parlor and Church Organs, and dealall kinds of Musical Inslru'ncnts, Str&c. 3'22 Iirond Street, opposite PlaiHotel, AUGUSTA, CiA.May 28,18(>0,

FREE TICKSTo Tlift Slim*

- ^ ^

ALL persons indebted to the subsfwill "<lo well" to call and sell

lliey will receive a freo ticket to thewhiuhwill be opeued by tbc"E.S«jof ibe village.

J. J. CUNNINGHAMApril 30, 1S00, 1, tf

fish!BLLS Mackerel, 1-2 BIU Blue

1-2 " * 1-2 " Whit1-4 " " 1-2 » Pickled lie:Kits, u Boxes smoked

" Cod,(( Hallibut,On hand and for sale byJ. KNOX & C

May 1, 1869,2.tfM. J 11 « * « .

oaaaies, jsriaies, Harness,1lars and Saddle Bags.

FR sale byJ. knox &

May 7, 1869,

Sugar, Coffee, Tea, LiCheese Pepper, Spice, I:

digo.FOR tale by

J. KNOX & CMay 7, 1869,



FR sale byJ. knox & c

May 7, 1869,



Jubt received byJ. KNOX & C

May 7, 1869,

LEATHER.Hemlock upper,

OAK TAN french cskins.

harness lining skins, <fea,Just re ;eived byj knox &c

May 7. 18o9,

NOTICE!CERTAIN Notes nnd Aocotwla, belo

to the Estate of Dr. E. E. Preesly,are in tbe hands of the undersigned foieclion. Parties concerned would do wheed this notice.THOMSON & FA

Nov 20, 15C8,


LAND WffiThe souriiCarolina la

COMPANY has been organfor tbo purchaso and salo of lieallato. All persons having lands9alo or wishing to purchaso, willit to their interest to apply atoffico of this Company in (Jreonw<3. C. All communications shoulcaddressed to

Capt. J. T. PARKSFresidgW. K. BLAKE, Sec'y,

Greenwood, S. C., Aug. 27, 18JMtBf!



ifler ft MaAug. rr, 1M9,18.if




1%%rUUJ<P inform hia friend* and tho publio 1TT that he has just received a full assort- Cg^r ment of tho very beBt jI DRUGS, PAINTS, .OILS, >reo-

fllid1 Vanishes, Dye Ms, Soaps, *

OrS, Extracts, Perfumeries,. PAPER, ENVELOPES, (

HAIR DIES AND RESTORATIVES OF |jJJ:> in THE BEST QUALITY- IU,by 008gned And all articles usually kept by Druggist, VVJin- which he offers on the most reasonable terms,3C08- hia whole stock beinp just selected by DR. W.i day 0. NORWOOD, in Baltimore and New York.In addition to hia very complete stock of jDru^H and Chemicals, he keeps constantlyigan, u supply of the very best qualities of

"t BRANDY, Iotice, 7

:L"WI1 AND WHISKEY,For the siok, nnd family use, beine recom- \JTmended anil tested by the physicitms generally.l'liysi'Mans' preacriptioi s and all ordersfilled with exaelin'3.*, an>l eny article jcalled for not <>n huud promptly ordered.T? Thnnkfo! '*»r the very liberal patronage be-I® stowed upt_u him duiing the past year heHulo- hopes by the most strict attention, to merit a1 by continuance of the same, promising to kee|>1 <_.q0 constantly a supply of ull nrlicles needed by ' '

. I ^ the pu'illu irelleraily.KeaueClfully, .erid

S J, F. TOWNStND.Feb 12, 1 fir,9, ^

w NOTICE TO PLAWW.'' i? rI~J" i X HE undersigned who is well known to'

tho citizens of Abbeville, gives notice to'its planters generally that he is prepared!to tnake advancements to tho extent of!

j or three-fourlhs of the value of produce conshowsigned to Ilough, Clendunning & Co., giuire" Baltimore, Md., and hold sul joct to order.Address him at Cokesbury S. C.iB G. W. CONNOR.

Avi Oct. 1st 1800, 23.If. A1'


Cotton. l^actorFish. AND

Li COMMISSION MERCHANT,CHARLESTON, S. G. RBGL. Liberal advances made on consignments,and on producc shipped to

,0 Liverpool, &c. njn Sept. 24, 1869, 22.3m. JCor NOTICE, 3

no« » th

Co *

E]' A LL persons having demands egainstXA- the late JohnH. Wilson deceased,

j will present copies of their demands pro- ^' perly probated to the undersigned, as soonn" aa convenient. I

R. E. BOWIE, «


>0Administrators.'' May 7, 1868,

r CARRIAGE AND WAGON |SHOP. 1. CHARLES COXAN- T3 E3PECTFULLY informs the public that ¥B. JL\< he is prepared to build to order, BUG- §G1ES and LIGHT ROCKAWAYS, and to do |all kinds of CARRIAGE and WAGON WORK ||

0 at rhort notice; ond on reasonable terms. All*

new work warranted for twelve months.February 25, 1869, 44, tf

! WOOL! WOOL!! WOOL!!The Highest Market Pricos

£5 i>aid roB jf.5 WOOL,the ®

30d, IN EXCHANGE FOK GOODS J1 bo ITHF wool must be free from bars and foreign"

matter. Will be taken either washed or 2>» unwaahed* 2nt- MILLER & ROBERTSON, a

June 5,1868, 6, tf ,. xl-tf. - mil. CANS, OYSTERS, TOMATOES Jfei| | and 00JW, SARDINES, P/C7T- f"1


yV' TjJOR sale by .

SuiJo o J* KNOX & Co.' mlfay>7,186M~tfdeli,SCYTHES . AND <CRADLES

REAP BOOKS 4*,A SUPERIOR lot just receirei by

J. KNOX 6 <>.M»y 7r186» 2,.tf J



TII O S. I» now receiving auppliea of tbg following i

ugar, Cofleo and Molasses.(aeon, Sides, Shoulders and IIam«,<ard, best kettle,takers, Spiders, Oven9 and Pot»,L large lot of extra Cover?,(rooms, Buckets and Tubs,Jast and Plow Steel,Iorse and Mula Shoe*. '

Iorse Sboe Nails,rot), all sizes,00 sacks Liverpool Salt,15 bbls. Elour,

LW0H8 Qf isBest selection, from the lov

Rollins' Axe?, Long Handle Shovels, Fork>t Guns, Leather and Shoo Finding?, Coib many other articles uselcs to mention, f

Persons indebted are required to payis should bo added to their accounts, lbLL bo rosorted to, if seltlemont is not w

IHBOfl?cb 19, 1869,

lawkins WilliCotton ]


105 WEST LOMBARD SMessrs. J). Jl. Sondlcy «fc Co.,thorized agents and will make Cash 1

References : Col. B. 1). TO\VNSE>II, S. C, Major W. B. CiULlCK, CatC., Col. \VM. JOX11STOX, WA I)E ll AM PTOX, Columbia, S.


FAMILY ICONSISTING of EVER* FIRST CLASS GroccDen selcctcd with carc and LWe will not be undersoldoods arc taken into consider

am®. k:ir, 18 59, 50.If


HOUSE CARPENTEIpHE subscribers would iuforin their frier|_ prepared, wi'.h competent workmen ar)tton Gius, Threshers and Faus, and diom their long experience in the various brtheir ability to give satisfaction, and true

>w receiving a supply of GIN MATERIALat. line. Work will be done on the mostRY.They will always keep on hand a good suiAK COFFINS.

rOHN ENRIGrHT..u<»us t 19, 1809, tf


RON WORKSOolumtoia, 8. O.


Sole Manufacturer of theREAT SOTTTHERN CASTION, SELF SKIMMING7AP0RAT0RS for South Carina.e complete Set of Evaporators, $8070 Furnaces, all Iron, complete, $80ringing Pipes, &o 15 to $175. JI make superior CANE MILLS and al |icmnery requisite tor making Sugar andrup.

Rollers 14 inches diameter $80« 12 " " $70" 10 " " $co< 14 « .« ioo (« 12 " " $15 8" 10 " M 835 i

riBOVE prices complete with frame. :L Without frame $10 less on eAchi. Also, Steam Engines, Boilers, MiJl c

»ring of *11 Mole, Grist and Saw Mills, ^utters, Ac. Agents, &c., for L. & P. K. *ierick's Hay and Cotton Presses, which FIso manufacture. All ^izea of Qin *

»riflgV«oft«t<Dtly on band. A'30 horse Jlionary Steam Engine and Boiler, on "

d, for tale cheap, for CASH. 1l11 work warranted. Term*.Cash on 4rery. *>




Abbeville C. S. t*lu1jlf,18M>u-tf p<

111 Cfi


EAKINirticlea, which are oQored at law prico*:20 bbla. Planting Potatoes.Table, and Pocket Cutlery,Hook and But Hinges,Hand Saws, Drawing Kuue»tScrews, of all sizes,Sitters, Brass Kettles &c.Fine Smoking and CbewingTobacco^Tunenline and Toilet Son da.

Slarob, Sods, Powder, Lead and ahpt,Canned Goods of all kind?,Cheese and Maccaroni,Mackerol, in kits, 1-4 and 1-2 bblt.

Ma to the higbnat price.:s and Spades, Wash Boards and Scrubs,,I, Trace, Breast and Dogs Chains, &c.hill of wbicb will bo sold low for Casb.up, Indulgence will not be granted. Itsev can only blame themselves. The lawado immediately.

i. nm

iamson & Co.,FactorsD

;iON MERCHANTS,treet, baltimore.Abbeville C. IT., S. C., arc our dulyAdvances on all consignments to us.

U), President C. & S. ]{. J'., Societydiicr First National J^ank, Columbiait C. C. & A. It. 11-, Charlotte, N. C.C. Sept. 10, 1869, 20.-3in

ITTm.:d a full stock or

SUPPLIES,YTIIING usually kept in a

:ry &tcre, all of-which haveought for CASH.rhen the (QUALITY of ouration. [Give us a call.

bs@;E 0@o

3, THRESHERS AND FANS,IS AND BUILDERS.ids and the public generally that they areid an abundance of material, to REPAllta all work in the lino of Carpentering,anches of their business, they feel confidentt to merit the public patronage. The? araj, and are prepared to execute all work inreasonable terms.CASII ON DELiVof




SOUTH CAROLINA.Officc Bank Building, Abbeville C. II.

Current Deposits of $1.00 andupwards Received. Gold

Deposits payable ingold, received by

agreementwith the Assistant Cashier.Interest allowed al the rate of Six

ircr ucnt. per annum, compoundedever-y Six Months.

PRINCIPAL and Interest, or any partthereof, may be witbdiawn at anylirno.tbo Dank reserving- the right (thoughit will be rarely exercised) lo demand fourteendays' notice if ibe amount is under81,000 ; twenty daya if over $1,000 andunder 85,000, or thirty days if over85,000.

OFFICERS.WADE HAMPTON, President.TAIIV T» r» i * w"«> "rr* .*jv.riin i). i'AJjMiiit, v ice-i'resident.THOMAS E. OKEQG, Caebier.D. L. WA11DLAVV, Assistant Cashier.DIBECTORS.

WADE HAMPTON", Columbia.WILLIAM MARTIN, Columbia.F. W. McMA&TEIt, Columbia.A. C, 1IASKELL, Columbia.J. P. THOMAS, Columbia.E. H. HEINITSH. Columbia.JOHN B. PALMER, Columbia.THOMAS E. GREGG, Colombia.J. ELI GREGG, Marlon. jG. T. SCOIT, Nowber»aty/irW. G. MAYES, Kewbwyif ~

B. H. RUTLEDGE, Charleston.DANIEL RAYENEL, JR.j ChcrlestonMechanics, Laborers, Clerks, Widow#,)rphans and others may here deposit their

avings and draw a liberal rate of intereithereon. Planters, Professional Men andTrustees wishing to draw interest on theirunds until they require them for business>r other purpose*. Parents desiring to j |el apart small sums for their t&ifdren, and /larried Women aiid Minora (.whose d^>ositacan only be withdrawn by. them-eltea, or, in case of death, by their legal 1epreeenUti^,) wishing to lay aside fande 1

Jr be^J^rd^^o^^r- |anity of depo*iiifa ,*&. «*hey will rapidly swsiaulaU. and at the \ime lima, be subject to with<friwel mkto \Codfrt nil «biw: a *09110 ai <I

Sept. 10,188G, I'd a/'/"!/'-i I5Ftim OtiMMivill* county, fit* BftUa*, UH MUm HBgiilaturc, Rppliettioi will be jD+d» t*LMW)rai«said villtfg*. Oct. TO,UVf*4«B.