the a the skin...will be presented at the academy of imusic, saturday matinee and night. seats will...

THE CHARLOTTE NEWS np 1 ft out A Wrt THE RQQSEVELTS I 1 ft is the Clearing House for Those Who Would Buy OFF FOR NAPLES SKIN r 66 99 and Those Who Would Sell By Associated Press. WANTED CONVENTION Desirable board and rooms, centrally located, 413 North Church. 39.1t Alexandria, March 30. Former President Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt, Save $2.50 to $5.00 Here Kermit and Miss Ethel, sailed for Naples this afternoon on- - the steamer Prinz Heinrich. l intt' or four rooms, vi!hout children, or vi:h garden. Will con-- . .utiae at bargain, i' care News. 30-- lt .! 6 to 10 weeks ui; number and price. 29-- 2t Great Crowd Gathered. There was a great crowd at the sta TOJ ECAUSE we sell Michael-Ster- n Rochester made SOME CLASS to the show at Ala- - 30-l- t J. Nl. DEES, Contractor and Builder. Estimates cheerfully given. 208 East Fifth. 'Phone 10S7. 20--8t IF YOU WANT to cry don't come to the Alamo. 30-- lt tion to witness the departure of the Suits, which has a world-wid- e reputation for lormer president, whose presence in the Egyptian capital has been of ab sorbing interest to all. Sir Elden Gorst, British agent for the consul general in Egypt, was not. present, but he sent second-han- d gcxnl ,V.AN L- - o buy ,1 stead in C." care SECOND-HAN- D surrev for sale cheap. J. B. Ivey, Piedmont. 29-- 3t General Maxwell to pay his respects, and to say that he was unable to ex- press hio appreciation of all that Mr. its superior quality tailoring, nt and snap at lou to $3.50 under others in same class and then we sell for cash only. That's how we save you $2.50 to $5.00 on every Suit. TRY OUR SYSTEM FOLLOW THE CROWDS to the Al sell business paying ,it i eaual capital. X. amo. "Some show." 30-- lt Roosevelt had done for civilization in Egypt. 29-- 2t The Khedive sent a representative mutKENDENCE a nd big fu to extend his compliments to the - in ra rrr tvt a . departing guest and the members of ii'AN vv , , Z YewT rincp on Pollars " for your - spare time- - investment. Particu- - lars on request. Excelsior Compound the diplomatic corps generally were co., umana, Neb. 7 4-- 3 0 7 4-- present. As the train drew out of the station a large party of Egyptians raised a cheer. -- oond hand bags and aul: any quantity, any- - IF Vnl I XAAM-T- - 1 V. j. v i; niun..! Bag CoT.? ; the Alamo. 30-- lt TUT T A BUGGY and combination horse for hv refined set-- ' option sale .phone 431 CUTICUR SOAP ANTI ; v.i xel housekeeper. An- - - of News office. shows ever ONE OF THE BEST presented at Alamo. 30--lt WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS WANTED at News office. . ' 9-- tf Hack or brown , thor-io- i. male, puppy; give Address "Gordon." 29-- 2t A Hearty Send Off. Cairo, March 30. The Roosevelt's were given a hearty send-of- f when they left here this morning by train for Alexandria. Among the communications receiv- ed bzy Colonel Roosevelt was one from the headquarters of the Ameri- can mission, thanking him for his generous acceding to the request that he visit the mission, and also for his aid in the worll of redeeming Egypt. The message continued: "We deeply appreciate the noble sentiments voiced throughout your address at the National University, which must have a most wholesome and lasting effect upon the life of this country. Your visit has made us dou BUILD MS STEWART A Riot at I McNALL& .the Alamo. 30-l- t 1604 ANTED Hoarders ivtli. Hackney Br os. Co WANTED To rent, small farm with GROCERS GROCERS PLUMBING AND HEATING. MIXED CHICKEN FEED JOBBERS IN SUPPLIES. bly proud and thankful that we are 33c peck. 50 lb. bags $1.25. 100 lb. FOR SALfc. In the treatment of affe- ctions of the skin and scalp, which torture, dis- figure, itch, burn, scale and destroy the hair, as well as for preserving and purifying the com- plexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap and Cuti-cu- ra Ointment are well-nig- h infallible. Sold thrmishout the world. Depots; Lon- don. 27. Charterhouse So-- : Paris. 5. live de la Palx; Australia. R. Towns !t Co.. Sydney : India, B. K. Paul. CalPUtUv; China. Hong Kong Drug Co.: Japan, Maruya. Ltd.. Tokio: So. Africa. Lennon, Ltd., Cape Town, etc.; UJ3.A Dru? fe Chem. Corp.. Sole Props.. 135 Columbus Ave., Boston. oy32-pag- e Cuticura Book, post free, sriving description, treatment and cure o torturing, dianeurin? huiaour3 of the eim and scalp. latest feature Bio- - bass $2.25. Fresh butter 30c. Smoked bacon sides 10 and 15-l- b. pieces IT t-- Don't miss the graph at Edisonia. MISCELLANEOUS ARTISTIC HAIR DRESSING Shampooing. Scalp Massage, Facial Massage, Children's Hair Cutting, Man- icuring. Full line of Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. MISS LEONA McGOVERN, Mgr. Rooms 500 and 502 Realty Building. C. V. FURR Dealer in Terra Cotta Pipe and Fit- tings, all sizes. Fire clay chimney lin EGGS. Just received a big shipment fresh country eggs. Let us supply you for Easter. Fresh country butter. Also Elgin Creamery; fine fat chickens. Another case Patridge brand Hams just opened. Prompt delivery. S. M. BURDELL & CO. 333 E. Trade. 'Phone 79. THE STAR CORN AND SEED MILL has been at 200 E. v - ,r ' and mon at. j- - 30-2t-e- Two Hundred Pound Club Hard at Work goats. See 29-- 2t vLE Young B. ward. Phones 312 and 1047. 6 and 8 W- - Fifth St.. Charlotte. N. C. FOR RENT One house 1011 E. Fourth, city water $10.00 FOR SALE 1 , flat, 16 W. 5th St., modern conveniences, possession April 1st. J. P. &. L. L. HACKNEY. 6 W. Fifth St. 'Phone 1047. MRS. CROSS Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Facial and Scalp Treatment, Singing, Dyeing, Manicuring. Full line Human Hair Goods. Sale agent for the celebrated Bertha Mays Maternity Corset. Custo- m-made Corsets. 18South Trvon St. Phone 2183 ft. BRI3GEKS & CO. 203 W. Trade St. CLUB HOUSE SALAD DRESSING is 3f ready-to-us- e Mayonnaise Dressing prepared from the purest spices, olive oil, etc., and possesses an unusually fine flavor. If you have not tried it order a bottle today 30c and 50c sizes. USHER BROTHERS Phone 341-35- 0 & 416. 33 N. College St. :qr SALE Good farm mule. Apply 29-t- f ing protects against hres Irom defec tive flues. Well Tubing, Farm Drain Morehead St. Will be ready for busi- ness April 1. Custom grindings solic- ited. W. M. CROWELL Tile, etc. We have a large stock at all FOR SALb tine lomaio piauis times. 'Phone 370. b. Tavior. 4uu a. ura- - 29-- 3t Office and Yards Cor. E. 8th St. & R. R. By Associated Press. New Orleans. March 30. The de- fense of the fat man against "unjuse criticism of flesh" may spread through- out the country. Announcement was made here today that hundreds of ap- plicants had signified their intention of joining the Two Hundred Pound Club, which is to be formally organized here April 2nd and that the propagan- da of weight is to be then sent broad- cast throughout the country. . "This canard that nobody loves a fat man has got to be stopped" the organizers of the proposed corpulent societv de- clare. Dues will be assessed at the FOR RENT GROCERY STORE FOR SALE As I am planning to return to Nova Scotia in and in order to get away as soon as possible I will sell my en- tire stock of fixtures at a large dis- - FOR STERLING QUALITY, "Tempest and Sunshine?" FOR RENT 1 -- room modern resi-W- . F. Dowd, convenience ana economy our peeled "Tempest and Sunshine" a dramati Liberty St. Part cash and good notes will Ox Tongue in glass are unsurpassed, I count. zation of Mary J. Holmes' popular It is one of the best SLICED TO ORDER. I have the finest grade of dried beef, breakfast bacon and bologna which 1 will slice to order in slices of regular thickness on my new American Slic- ing Machine, giving you a fresh ne article better and cneaper than th03e sold in tin or glass cans. One orde will make you my customer. ready at a moment's notice. (We keep ' be accepted. novel of the same name, by Lem B For Rent Homes stands in town. Adrress or call on them on ice). Slice what you want to use, cover, and :)lace jar on ice and Parker, has landed at one leap into FOR RE. r cottage, gar- - G. O. THIES, rate of one cent a pound. That the or 'Phone 119. Cor. Torrence &. E. 4th St. use when wanted. Only 95c per public favor. The play is a delightful i and water, on Elizabeth Heights, week. McD. Watkins. der will spread rapidly throughout the love story the scenes cf which are laid jar. modern house, 804 E. 4th St $25.00 cottage, bath, water, Wil- - mnnrp 14 00 country is me preuicuun ui uiuse at in Kentucky. There are two beautiful SMITHFIELD HAMS, 20c Tb. These hams average small sizes. the head or trie movement. gilis as tne principal figures in this ' fivamfl nnfl thev nro euro tr tmiVi a S. & B. HALT. 393. 215 'hones 111 E. Trade. ROOMS TO RENT lor light house 6room cottage, bath, water, ;;!:- -. -- a - range; fine location; pri-- i moorH 12j00 Fresh eggs and poultry always on hand. We have some nice mountain ran i y. Phone 722. 29-t- f R rnnma miprn s Trvnn Wil- - j dried apples and peaches. Don't forget FASHION NOTES. cord of tenderness in every heart. One night only at "Tempest and Sunshine" will be presented at the Academy of iMusic, Saturday matinee and night. Seats will be placed on sale tomorrow morning at Hawley's. Mullis's favorite, Princess Coffee. MULLIS GROCERY CO. moore 16.00 5 rooms, city water, 7 W. Bland St .. 12.00 6 rooms, modern, Jackson St., FOR KENT Five-roo- m cottage, all 404 S. Church :. A;.i !v J. T. Pennv. 28-3- t 203 N. College St. 'Phone 510 JUST ARRIVED I Piedmont is.uu 8 rooms, city water, stable, Marie Cahill. store 206 29-t- f FOR RENT Hasement llvm. W. R. Wiliman. Among the spring fabrics is a pretty light material called whalebone diag- onal, in mercerized cotton, very like the wool material of the same name. Fresh Evaporated Peaches, Apricots, MILLER-VA- N NESS CO. SLICED MEATS Sliced just as you want it. Any thickness will last better, ''will " taste better and is better than any ready sliced meats that you can buy. Or- der some sliced breakfast bacon and see if it is not economy to use sliced beef, beef that you will be delighted with. Sliced boiled ham that is cut right. Only a short time left to enjoy Sealshipt oysters; they are still fine. BLAKELY & POSTER FRESH VEGETABLES Tomatoes, Soup Beans, Celery, Let- tuce, Spinach, Onions. Fresh meats and groceries. CITY GROCERY CO. 'Phone 297. Morehead St. Bridge. Prunes, and Raisins. Philadelphia One of the big hits in "The Boys and Betty," the new musical play in which Marie Cahill will be seen at the Acad- - Cream Cheese, Shredded Cocoanut 408 N. McDowell 16.00 4 rooms, city water and lights, E. ' 17th 8.00 5 rooms, city water, 506 N. Mc- Dowell 10.09 Buttons are still a favorite trim Shredded Codfish, R. & R. canned FOR RENT From April 1st ivttf. muib-ii- ' Wood lawn Avenue, riio- i- 26-t- f are emy of. Music Monday night, is scored Chicken. L. & P. Sauce, Norway ming and many handsome ones shown for the summer gowns. Mackerel and Potted Beef, all of the by a character which appears on the program as "Richard, the canary." In FRESH OYSTERS We receive the finest oysters freak daily and serve wen in every knows style. GEM RESTAURANT ROOFS REPAIRED While the weatuer ib nice and dry let us fix the leaks in your roof. We repair slate, tin, iron and othr roofs, and make a specialty of new roo and all metal work required m roo Ing. C. F. SHU MAN 'Phone 111. 200 N. College THE LONGEST and Broadest and Fairest and Squares? guarantee Is behind the L. C. Smitk Typewriter. The makers know that It Is made right, know that it is mad of the best material obtainable aci stand behind it to your satisfaction J. E. CRAYTON & CO. finest quality. G. O. THIES of buttons it is well tne nrst act- - iiss Cahill, in the part While speaking FOR RENT Furnished room, first ':or, fair I lucks from square. Phone J. 29-t- f tr. rpmomhpr when epwin? thpm nn if i ueiLj, is presented witn a canary the knot is placed on the right side bird which phe hangs on a hook at of the cloth directly under the button back of the stage. The particular FOR RENT Two houses the thread will be less likelv to break Lua wmca sue 1S usmS is a most capa Union Loan & Realty Co. MORRIS E. TROTTER, MGR. 16 E. Trade St. 'Phone 349. and become loosened, and the button street between Sixth and One has city water and Kiie 14C1-J- . J. T. A. Lawing. ble songster and each night joins its piping notes to those of the humans in the cast. So well was Richard liked in New York and so famous did he be- come that on the occasion of the one Terrance & E. Ave. Phone 119 & 2116 REAL ESTATE " FOFl SALE 40-aer- e farm house, well wa- tered and plenty of wrood. Fine place for dairy ZV2 miles out. Price $40.00 per acre. See SHOEMAKER & WALLACE. Phone 243 or 444J. Office 225 N. Tryon St. will remain on longer. It. is said that a spring fashion will FRESH STRING BEANS Home-grow- n Lettuce and Spinach. Florida Celery and Cabbage. S. R. LENT2 Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St 'Phone 251. be the wearing of a bow of bright-co- l 1 J 3i-- .X-- ' J. TIT,. 11 1 FOR RENT Modern house i E. St. Apply Selwyn Bar-- k Shot). 25-t- f Chicken Fever ored velvet at the neck. This should , ""uu,euiu ""'r"1 wunac.vs contrast with the gown or match the Theatre, a souvenir periormance was nat ;given and live canary birds were dis- - tributed to the audience. The affair was a great success in every way. - is a disease that is likely to strike any FOR RENT Store room, 223 No-- 1 one at this time of the year. This dis-To- r. Pu.tssion May 1st. W. 1. ease is not fatal when you have at -- sutrion. . oii a nnc.TfYR at the first svmn- - LILESVILLE TO BE REBUILT. ! All questions pertaining to health ' and happiness are answered here: makes people feel as they felt in full FOR RENT Desirable residence, fee in. .;:jr, !ier month. Apply to Dr. Special to The News. isa? L Alexander. Realty Bldz. ii-- toms. We are the Doctors we guarantee to cure you. Let us hatch you some CHICKS. Send your EGGS today. In lots of 25 to 600 Eggs We hatch by the Hot Water Process. East Charlotte Poultry Yards. 805 North Davidson St. INCUBATOR FOR SALE, 200 EGGS. in full blooded youth; soothes ana cures while you sleep. That's w-h- Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Start on the road to health this Spring; do it tonight. Woo Jail & Sheppard. Just Received 25 Sideboards which we bought at a bargain for spot cash. We will sell them away below the regular price while they last. Now is the time to get your wife that Board you have been telling her you would, when you could buy one at a low price. We have them from $10.50 to $40.00. Herring & Denton 16 N. COLLEGE ST. J We carry the largest line of medium Furniture in the city. FOR RENT. -- Best located woody ard a the city of Charlotte. Apply W. at News office. 11-- 1 tl Wadesboro, N. C, March 30. Citizens of Lilesville here today state that the burned town will be immediately rebuilt. Material is now being secured and placed on the ground. This time the town will not permit any frame struc- - tures in the business section un- - less metal covered and a new and better Lilesville will rise from the ashes of the terrible fire of Saturday night. Capt. J. H. Crowley and daughter, Miss Mary F. Crowley, leave w on their long trip out West. They will be gone six months or more. FOR RENT 'six rooms, $16.00, bath, U conveniences, nicely papered. Pied-Jon- ? Park. F. C. Abbott Co., Trust Building. 17-t- f ROOMS TO RENT Private family, ath Tryon St., close in. Address 6," Xmv.s oSc. 29-t- f AWNiNG TENTS Everything in vas. window shades, etc. Place Kur ord rr at home and get the best. L. C. Herndon. 26 W. Trade. Honor. "Some men," said Andrew Carnegie at a dinner, "have very queer ideas of honor. "I was once riding from Pittsburg to Philadelphia in the smoking com- partment of a Pullman. There were perhaps six of us in the compartment, smoking and reading. All of a sudden a door banged and the conductor s voice cried: " 'All tickets, please!' "Then one of the men in the com- partment leaped to his feet, scanned the faces of the rest of us and said, slowly and impressively: "'Gentlemen, I trust to your Materials For Builders Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A 3 T O R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A H : I.' 1 if it: FOR RENT-- New bungalow in K'rMtV Slirlo- Phrvna 194 93-- tf "And he dived under the seat ana remained there in a small, silent knot till the conductor was safely gone." FOR RENT 7 and 10-roo- m steam tel brick apartments, $25, $30. W. Dow-d- . 12-3- 0t FIELDING BRASS CO, brass, Minneapolis Journal. When Two or Three Are Gathered Win ltf 'Phone 1684 Stella "Two is company and three Meaning everything used in tne construction of a tailding from foundation to roof. Your advantages in buying from us are You buy everything at one pla.e, have one transaction and one bill. That saves detail you get the price concessions due to large purchasers, That saves you money. We deliver your ma-teria- ls the day you buy them. That saves delay. Come and let us tell you of other Advantages of Buying From Us. SCHLOSS THEATRE CIRCUIT is ' Bella "Divorce." New York Sun. Fort Wayne In- diana on Fire With Enthusiasm Over a Wonderful Discovery A well known scientists, recently in- troduced to the people of Fort Wayne a discovery resulting from years of hard study, extensive travel and much experimenting that has become the talk of thousands and has set that city on fire with enthusiasm over the many wonderful things it has done. Scores of people who have suffered for years with some chronic ailment have been restored to perfect health after using this discovery a short while. The dis- covery is principally composed of a collection of roots that are soaked in hot water, then the juice is ex- tracted from them. It is called Root Juice. Many say that the energizing effects of one swallow of the juice is almost instantaneous. It seems that it relieves almost any trouble of the stomach,, bowels, kidneys and ' liver and that its eoothing, healing and tonic action on the digestive and sec- retory organs is so rapid that even some of the worst cases of indigestion, constipation and nervousness, kidney troubles and rheumatism are precepti-bl- y benefited from the very start. ?,R RtNT-T- wo "brick emi;, 604 and 60g N Church u ij.i,, Terrace. .in the jjggt part I). P. Hutchison. 14-t- f Found Wanting. So he has lost faith in deep breath- - 9" ing MISCELLANEOUS Yes: it wouldn't keep his hair from falling out. Houston unronicie. lIfCv'fE T0 THE ALAMO. Happy v.;ji (iljVe away your blues. Bio Don't mis? the latest feature graph at Edisonia. One Night, Monday, April 4th. Daniel V. Arthur Presents America's Premier Comedienne Marie Cahill In Her Newest Musical Play "THE BOYS AND BETTY" Book by Geo. V. Hobart. Music by Silvie Hern Complete Cast and Production and the Famous Cahill Chorus (All Girls) Seat sale starts Friday, April 1st. Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50. F?Er A MAN OF IRON NERVE ED and settled lady would Indomitable will ana tremendous en cf -- nnanion ptih ho to Charlotte Builders Supply Co. ' for drier person or couple. Ex- - ergy are never found where Stomach, , ( ' and Bowels are out of ; ue.ei ences. udres , Liver , Kidneys vul f,ws. 30-- lt order. If vou want these qualities rhov hriner. use Dr, . aim iitc oui.v. 5iiGLe AND doiiri p Tmr, ti,i Klns's New Life Pills, the matchless Corner Colleae and Third Sts. Phone 845. Charlotte, N. C Will ' :'M new. Will sell cehan. reeulators. for keen Drain uiium uhb oil j .' i si. 29-2- t body. 25c at W. L. Hand & Co. s.

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Page 1: THE A THE SKIN...will be presented at the Academy of iMusic, Saturday matinee and night. Seats will be placed on sale tomorrow morning at Hawley's. Mullis's favorite, Princess Coffee


np 1 ft out A Wrt THE RQQSEVELTSI 1 ft

is the Clearing House for Those Who Would Buy OFF FOR NAPLES SKIN r 6 6 99and Those Who Would Sell

By Associated Press.WANTED CONVENTION Desirable boardand rooms, centrally located, 413North Church. 39.1tAlexandria, March 30. Former

President Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt, Save $2.50 to $5.00 HereKermit and Miss Ethel, sailed forNaples this afternoon on- - the steamerPrinz Heinrich.

l intt' or four rooms,vi!hout children, orvi:h garden. Will con-- .

.utiae at bargain,i' care News. 30-- lt

.! 6 to 10 weeksui; number and price.

29-- 2t

Great Crowd Gathered.There was a great crowd at the sta TOJ ECAUSE we sell Michael-Ster- n Rochester made

SOME CLASS to the show at Ala- -

30-l- t

J. Nl. DEES, Contractor and Builder.Estimates cheerfully given. 208 EastFifth. 'Phone 10S7. 20--8t

IF YOU WANT to cry don't cometo the Alamo. 30-- lt

tion to witness the departure of the Suits, which has a world-wid- e reputation forlormer president, whose presence inthe Egyptian capital has been of absorbing interest to all. Sir Elden Gorst,British agent for the consul generalin Egypt, was not. present, but he sent

second-han- d

gcxnl,V.AN L- -o buy,1 stead inC." care SECOND-HAN- D surrev for salecheap. J. B. Ivey, Piedmont. 29-- 3t

General Maxwell to pay his respects,and to say that he was unable to ex-press hio appreciation of all that Mr.

its superior quality tailoring, nt and snap at lou to$3.50 under others in same class and then we sellfor cash only. That's how we save you $2.50 to$5.00 on every Suit.


FOLLOW THE CROWDS to the Alsell business paying,it i eaual capital. X. amo. "Some show." 30-- lt

Roosevelt had done for civilization inEgypt.

29-- 2t

The Khedive sent a representativemutKENDENCE a nd big fu to extend his compliments to the- in ra rrr tvt a .

departing guest and the members ofii'AN vv,

, Z YewTrincpon Pollars


for your-

spare time- -

investment.Particu- -

lars on request. Excelsior Compound the diplomatic corps generally wereco., umana, Neb. 7 4-- 3 0 7 4--

present. As the train drew out of thestation a large party of Egyptiansraised a cheer.

-- oond hand bags andaul: any quantity, any- - IF Vnl I XAAM-T- - 1 V. j. v i;niun..! Bag CoT.? ; the Alamo. 30-- lt TUT TA

BUGGY and combination horse forhv refined set-- 'option sale .phone 431



; v.ixel housekeeper. An- -

- of News office. shows everONE OF THE BESTpresented at Alamo. 30--lt


'9-- tf

Hack or brown , thor-io- i.

male, puppy; giveAddress "Gordon."

29-- 2t

A Hearty Send Off.Cairo, March 30. The Roosevelt's

were given a hearty send-of- f whenthey left here this morning by trainfor Alexandria.

Among the communications receiv-ed bzy Colonel Roosevelt was onefrom the headquarters of the Ameri-can mission, thanking him for hisgenerous acceding to the request thathe visit the mission, and also for hisaid in the worll of redeeming Egypt.The message continued:

"We deeply appreciate the noblesentiments voiced throughout youraddress at the National University,which must have a most wholesomeand lasting effect upon the life of thiscountry. Your visit has made us dou

BUILDMSSTEWART A Riot atI McNALL&.the Alamo. 30-l- t

1604ANTED Hoardersivtli.

Hackney Br os. CoWANTED To rent, small farm with GROCERS GROCERSPLUMBING AND HEATING. MIXED CHICKEN FEEDJOBBERS IN SUPPLIES. bly proud and thankful that we are

33c peck. 50 lb. bags $1.25. 100 lb.FOR SALfc.

In the treatment of affe-ctions of the skin andscalp, which torture, dis-figure, itch, burn, scaleand destroy the hair, aswell as for preservingand purifying the com-plexion, hands and hair,Cuticura Soap and Cuti-cu- ra

Ointment are well-nig- h

infallible.Sold thrmishout the world. Depots; Lon-

don. 27. Charterhouse So-- : Paris. 5. live de laPalx; Australia. R. Towns !t Co.. Sydney :India, B. K. Paul. CalPUtUv; China. Hong KongDrug Co.: Japan, Maruya. Ltd.. Tokio: So.Africa. Lennon, Ltd., Cape Town, etc.; UJ3.A

Dru? fe Chem. Corp.. Sole Props.. 135Columbus Ave., Boston.

oy32-pag- e Cuticura Book, post free, srivingdescription, treatment and cure o torturing,dianeurin? huiaour3 of the eim and scalp.

latest feature Bio- - bass $2.25. Fresh butter 30c. Smokedbacon sides 10 and 15-l- b. pieces IT t--

Don't miss thegraph at Edisonia.


ARTISTIC HAIR DRESSINGShampooing. Scalp Massage, FacialMassage, Children's Hair Cutting, Man-icuring. Full line of Hair Goods andToilet Articles.

MISS LEONA McGOVERN, Mgr.Rooms 500 and 502 Realty Building.


Dealer in Terra Cotta Pipe and Fit-tings, all sizes. Fire clay chimney lin

EGGS.Just received a big shipment fresh

country eggs. Let us supply you forEaster. Fresh country butter. AlsoElgin Creamery; fine fat chickens.Another case Patridge brand Hamsjust opened. Prompt delivery.

S. M. BURDELL & CO.333 E. Trade. 'Phone 79.


has been at 200 E.

v - ,r ' and mon at. j- -

30-2t-e- Two Hundred PoundClub Hard at Workgoats. See

29-- 2t

vLE YoungB.ward.

Phones 312 and 1047.6 and 8 W- - Fifth St.. Charlotte. N. C.

FOR RENTOne house 1011 E. Fourth,

city water $10.00FOR SALE

1 , flat, 16 W. 5th St., modernconveniences, possession April 1st.

J. P. &. L. L. HACKNEY.6 W. Fifth St. 'Phone 1047.

MRS. CROSSHair Dressing, Shampooing, Facialand Scalp Treatment, Singing, Dyeing,Manicuring. Full line Human HairGoods. Sale agent for the celebratedBertha Mays Maternity Corset. Custo-

m-made Corsets.18South Trvon St. Phone 2183


BRI3GEKS & CO.203 W. Trade St.


is 3f ready-to-us- e Mayonnaise Dressingprepared from the purest spices, oliveoil, etc., and possesses an unusuallyfine flavor. If you have not tried itorder a bottle today 30c and 50c sizes.

USHER BROTHERSPhone 341-35- 0 & 416. 33 N. College St.

:qr SALE Good farm mule. Apply29-t- f

ing protects against hres Irom defective flues. Well Tubing, Farm DrainMorehead St. Will be ready for busi-

ness April 1. Custom grindings solic-ited.

W. M. CROWELLTile, etc. We have a large stock at all

FOR SALb tine lomaio piauis times.'Phone 370.b. Tavior. 4uu a. ura--

29-- 3t Office and Yards Cor. E. 8th St. & R. R.

By Associated Press.New Orleans. March 30. The de-

fense of the fat man against "unjusecriticism of flesh" may spread through-out the country. Announcement wasmade here today that hundreds of ap-

plicants had signified their intentionof joining the Two Hundred PoundClub, which is to be formally organizedhere April 2nd and that the propagan-da of weight is to be then sent broad-cast throughout the country. . "Thiscanard that nobody loves a fat manhas got to be stopped" the organizersof the proposed corpulent societv de-

clare. Dues will be assessed at the


As I am planning to return to NovaScotia in and in order to get awayas soon as possible I will sell my en-

tire stock of fixtures at a large dis--

FOR STERLING QUALITY,"Tempest and Sunshine?"FOR RENT 1

-- room modern resi-W- .F. Dowd, convenience ana economy our peeled"Tempest and Sunshine" a dramatiLiberty St. Part cash and good notes willOx Tongue in glass are unsurpassed, I count.zation of Mary J. Holmes' popular

It is one of the best


I have the finest grade of dried beef,breakfast bacon and bologna which 1

will slice to order in slices of regularthickness on my new American Slic-

ing Machine, giving you a fresh nearticle better and cneaper than th03esold in tin or glass cans. One ordewill make you my customer.

ready at a moment's notice. (We keep ' be accepted.novel of the same name, by Lem BFor Rent Homes stands in town. Adrress or call onthem on ice). Slice what you want touse, cover, and :)lace jar on ice andParker, has landed at one leap intoFOR RE. r cottage, gar- - G. O. THIES,

rate of one cent a pound. That the or 'Phone 119. Cor. Torrence &. E. 4th St.use when wanted. Only 95c perpublic favor. The play is a delightfuli and water, on Elizabeth Heights,week. McD. Watkins. der will spread rapidly throughout the love story the scenes cf which are laid jar.

modern house, 804 E.4th St $25.00

cottage, bath, water, Wil- -

mnnrp 14 00

country is me preuicuun ui uiuse at in Kentucky. There are two beautiful SMITHFIELD HAMS, 20c Tb.

These hams average small sizes.the head or trie movement. gilis as tne principal figures in this' fivamfl nnfl thev nro euro tr tmiVi a


B. HALT.393. 215'hones 111 E. Trade.ROOMS TO RENT lor light house 6room cottage, bath, water,

;;!:- -. -- a - range; fine location; pri-- i moorH 12j00Fresh eggs and poultry always onhand. We have some nice mountain

ran i y. Phone 722. 29-t- f R rnnma miprn s Trvnn Wil- - j dried apples and peaches. Don't forgetFASHION NOTES.

cord of tenderness in every heart. Onenight only at "Tempest and Sunshine"will be presented at the Academy ofiMusic, Saturday matinee and night.Seats will be placed on sale tomorrowmorning at Hawley's.

Mullis's favorite, Princess Coffee.MULLIS GROCERY CO.

moore 16.005 rooms, city water, 7 W.

Bland St . . 12.006 rooms, modern, Jackson St.,

FOR KENT Five-roo- m cottage, all404 S. Church

:. A;.i !v J. T. Pennv. 28-3- t203 N. College St. 'Phone 510

JUST ARRIVEDI Piedmont is.uu8 rooms, city water, stable, Marie 206

29-t- f

FOR RENT Hasementllvm. W. R. Wiliman.

Among the spring fabrics is a prettylight material called whalebone diag-onal, in mercerized cotton, very likethe wool material of the same name.

Fresh Evaporated Peaches, Apricots,


SLICED MEATSSliced just as you want it. Anythickness will last better, ''will " tastebetter and is better than any readysliced meats that you can buy. Or-

der some sliced breakfast bacon andsee if it is not economy to use slicedbeef, beef that you will be delightedwith. Sliced boiled ham that is cutright. Only a short time left to enjoySealshipt oysters; they are still fine.


FRESH VEGETABLESTomatoes, Soup Beans, Celery, Let-

tuce, Spinach, Onions. Fresh meatsand groceries.

CITY GROCERY CO.'Phone 297. Morehead St. Bridge.

Prunes, and Raisins. PhiladelphiaOne of the big hits in "The Boys andBetty," the new musical play in whichMarie Cahill will be seen at the Acad- -

Cream Cheese, Shredded Cocoanut

408 N. McDowell 16.004 rooms, city water and lights,

E. ' 17th 8.005 rooms, city water, 506 N. Mc-

Dowell 10.09

Buttons are still a favorite trim Shredded Codfish, R. & R. cannedFOR RENT From April 1st

ivttf. muib-ii- ' Wood lawn Avenue,riio- i- 26-t- f are emy of. Music Monday night, is scored Chicken. L. & P. Sauce, Norwayming and many handsome ones

shown for the summer gowns. Mackerel and Potted Beef, all of theby a character which appears on theprogram as "Richard, the canary." In


We receive the finest oysters freakdaily and serve wen in every knowsstyle.


ROOFS REPAIREDWhile the weatuer ib nice and dry

let us fix the leaks in your roof. Werepair slate, tin, iron and othr roofs,and make a specialty of new rooand all metal work required m rooIng.

C. F. SHU MAN'Phone 111. 200 N. College

THE LONGESTand Broadest and Fairest and Squares?guarantee Is behind the L. C. SmitkTypewriter. The makers know that ItIs made right, know that it is madof the best material obtainable acistand behind it to your satisfaction


finest quality.G. O. THIESof buttons it is well tne nrst act- - iiss Cahill, in the partWhile speaking

FOR RENT Furnished room, first':or, fair I lucks from square. Phone

J. 29-t- f tr. rpmomhpr when epwin? thpm nn if i ueiLj, is presented witn a canarythe knot is placed on the right side bird which phe hangs on a hook atof the cloth directly under the button back of the stage. The particular

FOR RENT Two housesthe thread will be less likelv to break Lua wmca sue 1S usmS is a most capa

Union Loan& Realty Co.

MORRIS E. TROTTER, MGR.16 E. Trade St. 'Phone 349.

and become loosened, and the buttonstreet between Sixth and

One has city water andKiie 14C1-J- . J. T. A. Lawing.

ble songster and each night joins itspiping notes to those of the humansin the cast. So well was Richard likedin New York and so famous did he be-come that on the occasion of the one

Terrance & E. Ave. Phone 119 & 2116

REAL ESTATE" FOFl SALE40-aer- e farm house, well wa-tered and plenty of wrood. Fine placefor dairy ZV2 miles out. Price $40.00per acre. See

SHOEMAKER & WALLACE.Phone 243 or 444J.

Office 225 N. Tryon St.

will remain on longer.

It. is said that a spring fashion will

FRESH STRING BEANSHome-grow- n Lettuce and Spinach.

Florida Celery and Cabbage.S. R. LENT2

Fred Cochrane, Mgr.315 N. Tryon St 'Phone 251.

be the wearing of a bow of bright-co- l1 J 3i-- .X--' J. TIT,. 1 1 1

FOR RENT Modern housei E. St. Apply Selwyn Bar--k

Shot). 25-t- f Chicken Fever ored velvet at the neck. This should ,""uu,euiu ""'r"1 wunac.vs

contrast with the gown or match the Theatre, a souvenir periormance wasnat ;given and live canary birds were dis- -

tributed to the audience. The affairwas a great success in every way.

- is a disease that is likely to strike anyFOR RENT Store room, 223 No-- 1 one at this time of the year. This dis-To- r.

Pu.tssion May 1st. W. 1. ease is not fatal when you have at--sutrion. . oii a nnc.TfYR at the first svmn--

LILESVILLE TO BE REBUILT.! All questions pertaining to health'and happiness are answered here:makes people feel as they felt in full

FOR RENT Desirable residence,fee in. .;:jr, !ier month. Apply to Dr. Special to The News.

isa? L Alexander. Realty Bldz.ii--

toms.We are the Doctors we guarantee

to cure you. Let us hatch you someCHICKS. Send your EGGS today.

In lots of 25 to 600 EggsWe hatch by the Hot Water Process.

East Charlotte Poultry Yards.805 North Davidson St.


in full blooded youth; soothes anacures while you sleep. That's w-h-

Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea willdo. Start on the road to health thisSpring; do it tonight. Woo Jail &Sheppard.

Just Received 25 Sideboardswhich we bought at a bargain for spot cash. We will sell themaway below the regular price while they last.

Now is the time to get your wife that Board you have beentelling her you would, when you could buy one at a low price.

We have them from $10.50 to $40.00.

Herring & Denton16 N. COLLEGE ST.


We carry the largest line of medium Furniture in the city.

FOR RENT. --Best located woodyarda the city of Charlotte. Apply W.

at News office. 11-- 1 tl

Wadesboro, N. C, March 30.Citizens of Lilesville here todaystate that the burned town will beimmediately rebuilt. Material isnow being secured and placed onthe ground. This time the townwill not permit any frame struc- -

tures in the business section un--

less metal covered and a newand better Lilesville will rise fromthe ashes of the terrible fire ofSaturday night.

Capt. J. H. Crowley and daughter,Miss Mary F. Crowley, leave w

on their long trip out West.They will be gone six months ormore.

FOR RENT 'six rooms, $16.00, bath,U conveniences, nicely papered. Pied-Jon- ?

Park. F. C. Abbott Co., TrustBuilding. 17-t-f

ROOMS TO RENT Private family,ath Tryon St., close in. Address

6," Xmv.s oSc. 29-t-f

AWNiNG TENTS Everything invas. window shades, etc. Place

Kur ord rr at home and get the best.L. C. Herndon. 26 W. Trade.

Honor."Some men," said Andrew Carnegie

at a dinner, "have very queer ideasof honor.

"I was once riding from Pittsburgto Philadelphia in the smoking com-partment of a Pullman. There wereperhaps six of us in the compartment,smoking and reading. All of a suddena door banged and the conductor svoice cried:

" 'All tickets, please!'"Then one of the men in the com-

partment leaped to his feet, scannedthe faces of the rest of us and said,slowly and impressively:

"'Gentlemen, I trust to your

Materials For BuildersChildren Cry


O A 3 T O R I AChildren Cry


O ASTO R I AChildren Cry








FOR RENT-- New bungalow in

K'rMtV Slirlo- Phrvna 194 93-- tf

"And he dived under the seat anaremained there in a small, silent knottill the conductor was safely gone."

FOR RENT 7 and 10-roo- m steamtel brick apartments, $25, $30. W.

Dow-d- .

12-3- 0t

FIELDING BRASS CO, brass,Minneapolis Journal.

When Two or Three Are Gathered Winltf'Phone 1684Stella "Two is company and three

Meaning everything used in tne construction of a tailding from foundation to roof.

Your advantages in buying from us are You buy everything at one pla.e, have

one transaction and one bill. That saves detail you get the price concessions

due to large purchasers, That saves you money. We deliver your ma-teria- ls

the day you buy them. That saves delay.

Come and let us tell you of other Advantagesof Buying From Us.

SCHLOSS THEATRE CIRCUITis 'Bella "Divorce." New York Sun.

Fort Wayne In-

diana on Fire

With Enthusiasm Over aWonderful Discovery

A well known scientists, recently in-

troduced to the people of Fort Waynea discovery resulting from years ofhard study, extensive travel and muchexperimenting that has become thetalk of thousands and has set that cityon fire with enthusiasm over the manywonderful things it has done. Scoresof people who have suffered for yearswith some chronic ailment have beenrestored to perfect health after usingthis discovery a short while. The dis-

covery is principally composed of acollection of roots that are soakedin hot water, then the juice is ex-

tracted from them. It is called RootJuice. Many say that the energizingeffects of one swallow of the juice isalmost instantaneous. It seems thatit relieves almost any trouble of thestomach,, bowels, kidneys and ' liverand that its eoothing, healing andtonic action on the digestive and sec-

retory organs is so rapid that evensome of the worst cases of indigestion,constipation and nervousness, kidneytroubles and rheumatism are precepti-bl- y

benefited from the very start.

?,R RtNT-T- wo "brickemi;, 604 and 60g N Churchu ij.i,, Terrace. .in the jjggt part

I). P. Hutchison. 14-t-f Found Wanting.So he has lost faith in deep breath- -

9"ingMISCELLANEOUS Yes: it wouldn't keep his hair fromfalling out. Houston unronicie.

lIfCv'fE T0 THE ALAMO. Happyv.;ji (iljVe away your blues. BioDon't mis? the latest feature

graph at Edisonia.

One Night, Monday, April 4th.Daniel V. Arthur Presents

America's Premier Comedienne

Marie CahillIn Her Newest Musical Play"THE BOYS AND BETTY"

Book by Geo. V. Hobart. Music bySilvie Hern

Complete Cast and Production andthe Famous Cahill Chorus (All Girls)

Seat sale starts Friday, April 1st.Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50.

F?Er A MAN OF IRON NERVEED and settled lady wouldIndomitable will ana tremendous encf --nnanion ptih hoto Charlotte Builders Supply Co.' for drier person or couple. Ex-- ergy are never found where Stomach,

, ( ' and Bowels are out of; ue.ei ences. udres , Liver , Kidneysvul

f,ws. 30-- lt order. If vou want these qualitiesrhov hriner. use Dr,. aim iitc oui.v.5iiGLe AND doiiri p Tmr, ti,i Klns's New Life Pills, the matchless Corner Colleae and Third Sts. Phone 845. Charlotte, N. C

Will' :'M new. Will sell cehan. reeulators. for keen Drain uiium uhb

oil j .'i si. 29-2- t body. 25c at W. L. Hand & Co. s.