the 6 natural keys of managing diabetes


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Post on 25-Jul-2016




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The key to managing your diabetes is to keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. It sounds tough, but there are simple steps you can follow.


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The 6 Natural Keys Of

Managing Diabetes

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Diabetes has become a rampantly spreading disease among individuals throughout the world. Though there are

different types of diabetes, all are serious condi<ons in which can take a devasta<ng toll on your life if you let it. As with any disease or illness, there are myths that some believe and ques<ons that others have about

diabetes and what it actually is. Diabetes is characterized as a metabolic disorder, in which your body is unable to produce insulin to regulate your blood glucose

level. Though they are two separate types, both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are condi<ons in which insulin and the pancreas play a large role.

The pancreas produces insulin within your body, normally in

response to blood sugar levels. When you eat, your pancreas secretes insulin in order to regulate the absorp<on of sugar within your body. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body aDacks its own cells within the pancreas, rendering it unable to produce insulin on its own. Individuals with type 1 diabetes normally develop the disease during childhood and early adulthood. 15% of individuals with diabetes have type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is not preventable, and is fatal unless the individual takes insulin shots. Type 2 diabetes normally occurs later in an individual’s life.

Though the majority of type 2 diabetes’ sufferers are

overweight, it does not necessarily mean that the disease is strictly limited to those individuals. Type 2 diabetes is

insulin resistance or the absence of insulin altogether. Type 2 diabetes can be managed, controlled, and beaten with proper care. While type 1 diabetes is linked to gene<cs and other triggers that may cause the onset, type 2 diabetes is linked to gene<cs and your lifestyle. So while you may be predisposed to get the disease due to

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gene<cs, living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the onset of the disease.

Some individuals believe that diabetes is not that serious of a disease. Diabetes causes more deaths from complica<ons of the disease alone, than the deaths from breast cancer and aids combined. Complica<ons are serious, and when

diabetes is not managed it can wreak havoc on your body. When managed, individuals with diabetes can live healthy, normal lives. In order to manage symptoms, usually major lifestyle changes are in store for these individuals. When these individuals are diagnosed, a serious commitment has to be made in order to change the effect that diabetes can have.

Even though type 2 diabetes is largely affected by

lifestyle factors, the development of the disease is not solely based on the factors. Unfortunately, factors like gene<cs and family history, age, and ethnicity also

play a role in the disease. If you are struggling with your weight or have been overweight for an extended period of <me with most of the weight centralizing around

your midsec<on, you also put yourself at risk to develop the disease. Being overweight and ea<ng too much sugar are not the only precursors to developing the disease, contrary

to popular belief. Many overweight people, although

somewhat unhealthy, do not develop diabetes. As type 2 diabetes progresses, the body may become unable to secrete insulin as <me goes on. Reduc<on in

insulin secre<on does not necessarily mean that the individual is failing to treat and manage their diabetes. It is simply a progression of the disease that is unavoidable.

Some individuals may need to supplement their body’s insulin produc<on with insulin shots in order to control blood glucose.


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While you should work towards controlling your blood glucose, raising your blood glucose level is unavoidable. When you eat, your body metabolizes the food you consume, and secretes hormones and enzymes in response to that food. These hormones are responsible for a lot, including the feelings

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you get when you eat all the way to the fullness you feel aRer you’ve eaten. Individuals with diabetes should

try to limit what they can in order to control their blood sugar level. Obviously, your body needs fuel to work. Fueling your body with the right sources of whole foods, supplements, and other nutrients and vitamins is a good place to start. Avoiding foods that cause spikes in blood glucose levels can help you to control your diabetes.

Individuals diagnosed with diabetes should limit their intake of sugary foods and drinks. Intake of sugary beverages alone can put you over your healthy caloric intake levels, as well as cause your blood sugar to spike. Reducing your consump<on

of sugar, especially from beverages, can help you to control your diabetes by keeping your blood sugar at a steady state.. Highly sugar concentrated beverages include soda, iced teas, fruit juices, energy drinks, and sports drinks. Beverages

like these will cause your blood glucose levels to spike within minutes, and bog you down with the extra caloric intake.

Limi<ng sugary foods like donuts, desserts, candy, and

chocolate can also help you to avoid blood sugar spikes. However, those sugary foods are not the only ones that can cause blood sugar to spike unnecessarily. Many starchy foods, like

bread, pasta, rice, and some vegetables that are loaded with carbohydrates can also cause your blood sugar levels to rise. Diabe<cs are just as able to add a sugary snack into their diet as a normal person would, as long as

their diet allows for it. Healthy ea<ng is just the beginning, and learning what foods work well with your body and managing your diabetes is a lifelong journey. Individuals that

can learn to not only replace unhealthy foods with healthier op<ons, but also to control their por<on sizes will have

much success in managing their diabetes.

Diabe<cs some<mes have issues finding <me to sit down and

figure out how to best approach their diet.

Many people think they cannot enjoy the foods they once

previously enjoyed because it may have goDen them to the point they’re at. When taking insulin and other medicines for diabetes, it is recommended that individuals pay aDen<on to their blood glucose levels before indulging themselves. Though some foods can increase blood glucose

to a scary level, controlling por<ons and limi<ng cravings can help you from overea<ng and basing your diet on these foods. Indulging doesn’t necessarily mean ea<ng a piece of

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candy or chocolate, but it might include having a small side of pasta, bread, white rice or other carbohydrate-­­heavy food.

Balancing out foods you should normally limit with healthy op<ons and sides can help you sa<sfy the cravings you have, while making sure you get the nutrients you need. Weight loss plays a large role in a diabe<c’s life. Since most individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are normally found to be overweight, losing weight can help

jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. Though many people struggle to lose weight ini<ally, a common understanding of how weight plays a factor can help you understand how serious the situa<on is. Most importantly, the focus

on steadying your blood sugar levels comes before drama<cally changing your weight and other lifestyle factors. Steadying your blood sugar isn’t normally something you think about

while ea<ng.

Ea<ng certain foods and ea<ng the wrong amount of foods can trigger your blood sugar to rise drama<cally and quickly. Those foods are again, not necessarily sweets and sugary foods.

Carbohydrates are found in a variety of foods. They are responsible for giving you energy and helping you to feel full throughout the day. With the right balance, carbs are

a necessary and important part of your diet. Iden<fying what kinds of food you are ea<ng along with carbs can give you op<mal nutrients in your diet while giving you the control you need over cravings and hunger pangs. Adding in

the right types of proteins and healthy fats can help you to lose weight, steady your blood glucose level, and help you get healthy.

Many people think they are ea<ng healthy, when they actually

are taking in too many calories, even with the “right” foods. Try making only the amount of food you are supposed to eat prior to each meal and prepackage your meals ahead of <me to limit your cravings for fast food. Taking your own pre-­­por<oned food with you to work can also help you s<ck to ea<ng a smaller por<on. Ea<ng certain groups of foods can jumpstart healthy ea<ng for a


• Lean protein

• Whole grains

• Water

• Controlling por<on sizes

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Diabetes is largely linked to obesity, heart disease, and other health disorders. Sugar is actually found in almost

every food you eat. Reducing the amount of sugary beverages and treats you eat will guarantee a healthier body. You might be thinking that you already eat enough meat, and get plenty of protein. Lean protein however, is different than faDy cuts of meat. Most people think they are ea<ng healthy when consuming white rice or pasta, when

in reality pasta and rice is very high in carbohydrates and very low in nutrients. Whole grains can be easily subs<tuted in your diet for the foods you already eat. Water in your diet is essen<al. Increasing your intake of water or

replacing your soda, tea, lemonade, or caffeine intake with water will cut back calories, sugars, and ar<ficial flavorings.

The addi<on of healthy foods in your diet among other

changes can give your body the fuel it needs to help you maintain a healthy body and mind, as well as regain control over your disease. Certain whole foods can give your

body the nutrients it needs to fuel your body’s func<ons and energy needs. Considered diabetes superfoods, there are some foods that when added into your diet, can supplement

your need for sugary and unhealthy foods.

• Beans

• Citrus fruits and berries

• Sweet potatoes

• Whole grains

• Fat free dairy products

• Dark leafy greens and tomatoes

• Fish

• Nuts and seeds

Fiber within beans helps make you feel full, and binds foods together

within your diges<ve system. Fiber expands within your diges<ve system, helping to curb food cravings which can help you lose weight. Ounce for ounce, beans are one of the most nutri<ous foods you can eat. Citrus fruits and berries are packed with vitamin C and an<oxidants. All berries contain essen<al vitamins that every healthy individual should be sure to get in their diet. Sugary addi<ons

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to sweet potatoes are unnecessary because of their natural sweetness. Sweet potatoes are full of fiber and vitamin

A, which can help regulate hormone produc<on and boost your energy levels.

Whole grains contain more fiber, nutrients, and vitamins per serving compared to white grains like pasta, rice, and bread.

White processed grains like white bread and rice don’t contain the nutrients that whole grains do. Whole grains are loaded with fiber, magnesium, and potassium. For<fied dairy products are loaded with calcium and vitamin D. Dark leafy greens and tomatoes are both are low in calories and carbohydrates, and filling. Fish is full of healthy fats and

can be flavored to sa<sfy a usual meat dish.

Nuts and seeds, in modera<on, supply your body with more healthy fats essen<al for the development of skin, hair, nails and the nervous system.

Ea<ng to maintain your blood sugar can be difficult at first,

but can have great las<ng effects on managing your diabetes. When you eat, your body digests the food and takes the nutrients from the food to supply your body with the energy

to perform processes and func<ons. Without enough insulin produc<on, a hormone that regulates blood sugar, the levels of sugar in your body can bring on life threatening


An understanding of how blood sugar metabolizes within the body.

Some foods metabolize more slowly, while others metabolize quickly and cause blood sugar spikes. The glycemic index scale classifies food at either low or high, and some foods can be

between. A food that has a low glycemic index has the ability to be digested slowly, releasing sugar into the body over a long period of <me. High glycemic foods can cause a spike in blood sugar, giving you energy quickly but making your more fa<gued aRerwards. There are certain foods and even en<re food groups that you can eat in order to

feel full, supplement faDy or sugary foods, and help you maintain your blood sugar. Most whole foods contain nutrients that are beneficial to your body while slowly releasing carbohydrates and glycogen into your body.

• Nuts

• Whole grains

• Vegetables

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• Cinnamon

• Vinegar

Adding vinegar to your diet can help your body maintain homeostasis because of the pH level. Cinnamon intake can

also help boost the ability of your body to secrete insulin in response to sugar absorp<on. Skipping meals also slows your metabolism and can cause severe decreases in blood sugar levels. It is not advised, because while some people think you are actually cu‘ng back on calories, your body is going into a mode where it will conserve your energy

levels and nutrients within the body, storing them to poten<ally

u<lize later, if you were to con<nue to not eat.

Many natural nutrients that occur in herbs and supplements can help you lower your blood sugar, increase your metabolism, and increase your energy levels. These addi<ons to your diet

can maximize what food intake does for your body without the nega<ve effects of a spiking blood sugar. Many of these naturally occurring nutrients are found to be the

subjects of heavy diabetes research because of their ability to help fend off the disease.

• Gymnema sylvestre

• Magnesium

• Chromium • Ginseng

• Fenugreek

• Prickly pear

Gymnema sylvestre literally translates to “sugar destroyer,” because of its ability to lower blood sugar directly. Magnesium helps to directly lower your blood sugar as well. A magnesium deficiency can actually decrease the amount

of insulin your body produces while raising blood glucose


Increasing your intake of chromium has shown to enhance the ability of insulin to lower blood glucose levels, raise your

metabolism, and help you digest foods more thoroughly. Increasing chromium intake helps mostly when you are deficient. Ginseng not only helps you manage your diabetes by lowering blood sugar, but it also helps you resist colds, sicknesses, and common illnesses passed around. Fenugreek

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seeds are packed with fiber, which can expand in your diges<ve tract, helping your body to feel fuller than normal,

which can prevent overea<ng. Prickly pear can help lower blood sugar levels by slowing the rate of absorp<on of carbohydrates and sugars alike.


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Fitness is an incredibly important part of maintaining and

comba<ng your diabetes. As with any illness or disease, a large part of your mental focus can be focused on ge‘ng healthy or making yourself healthy again. Ge‘ng

fit and staying fit when diagnosed with diabetes can be mentally and physically tasking. Losing weight if overweight or obese and diagnosed with diabetes can make the disease much less damaging and easier to manage in the long run.

Being able to realize and achieve a fitness goal is a helpful step in beginning the journey to a healthier mind and body. Short term goals help to keep your mind focused on a goal that is readily achievable with

moderate effort in a shorter period of <me. Many people say “I want to lose 30 pounds by summer. A shorter term goal, focused on a more immediate future

can help you become more focused on fitness and die<ng. Changing your a‘tude about going to work on your

fitness can beneficial to staying mo<vated. Looking for other ways to boost your mo<va<on to stay on track with a fitness rou<ne includes finding an exercise buddy, recording your ac<vity at the gym, and staying fit doing what you enjoy to do. Make a pact with them to keep

at it while helping them achieve their goals.

Ge‘ng ac<ve if you are not already is the first step to making a difference in your blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, and weight decrease. Low to moderate intensity exercise is tolerable for most people at all fitness levels, and you don’t need much to start. Even taking a simple

walk around the

neighborhood daily can do wonders for your endurance, energy, and cardiovascular system. You will be able to build up in intensity once you have a solid fitness base to go off of. Exercise is proven to increase your energy

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levels, boost your mood, and do wondrous things for your body. If you are trying to increase your ac<vity level,

start with 5-­­10 minutes at a <me, and don’t overdo it. If you s<ck with it, you will be able to do more over <me as your body adapts.

Realis<cally, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five <mes per

week is recommended for diabe<cs. Individuals should aim for 150 minutes of exercise per week, spread out when possible. It isn’t recommended to go over two days in a row without exercising. A sedentary lifestyle is a large contributor to developing diabetes, so move while you can. Try to take the stairs at work, park in

the back of the parking lot at the store, and do some body weight ac<vi<es while wai<ng for dinner to be ready. Losing weight can be jumpstarted by adding in more ac<vity to your day than you are already doing.

Closer to 60 minutes of exercise five <mes per week is recommended for individuals that need to lose a significant amount of weight. Adding in exercise doesn’t mean

you need to spend money on a gym membership or workout clothes.

Moderate intensity exercise can be performed in several different ways:

• Brisk walking

• Climbing stairs

• Bicycling

• Dancing • Swimming

• Hiking

• Jogging

• Skiing

• Kayaking/rowing

• Gardening

• Golfing

• Tennis/racquetball

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Strength training is also recommended for individuals to integrate into their exercise plan. Strength training, also

referred to as resistance training, is using weights or resistance to increase the intensity of a movement. Resistance training should be added into your exercise rou<ne at least twice per week. Resistance training doesn’t have to be difficult, but it should be somewhat challenging. You can ease into a regimented workout to

strengthen your muscles and bones, or periodically add in some body weight exercises like sit-­­ups, pushups, jumping jacks, and squats. LiRing heavy items, even a gallon of milk or some canned goods during the day can help you

implement some strength training into your ac<vity. Mowing the lawn, gardening, and doing other types of yard work can combine both aerobic and resistance exercise to give

you a powerful combo for the day.

You can also try some organized resistance exercise, like classes or tutorials offered by fitness centers.

• Weight training machines

• Free weights (dumbbells, Olympic bar liRs)

• Body weight exercises

• Resistance bands

• Housework or items from home (canned goods, gallon of milk, case of water)

• Strength training classes

Yoga is another great way to add controlled fitness into your day. Yoga has both fitness and stress controlling

benefits that you need throughout the day. Yoga does not have to be strenuous to the body or mind. Many posi<ons can offer relief to aching joints and help you breathe deeply to combat stress. Yoga can be learned at a

class or even online. Many websites offer tutorials of how to begin adding in yoga to your exercise regimen. Try simple poses and posi<ons to offer a steady ra<o of relaxa<on and difficulty.

• Child’s pose

• Warrior pose

• Tree pose

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• Sun saluta<on

• Trunk twist

• Chest opener


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Stress can be caused by a variety of factors. Stress and diabetes are closely linked because diabetes does not let your body react to stress as a healthy body normally would. When stressed, your body enters a state of preparedness and readiness. Stress and diabetes go hand in hand. When stressed, your body goes through significant changes to either adapt to or overcome that stressful situa<on. Mental and physical stress can both cause high blood sugar levels.

People who are stressed about their diabetes and stressed because of other factors outside of their illness may oRen forget or not pay aDen<on to managing their symptoms.

Making sure to give yourself <me to put your health first will give you the ability to manage your diabetes symptoms as well as control stressful situa<ons.

Stress can also affect your diabetes directly through hormones.

When stressed, your body produces cor<sol, a hormone that is produced in response to stress by your adrenal glands. Your excess cor<sol hormone prepares your body for that “fight or flight stage,” which floods your body with

glucose, eleva<ng your blood sugar levels.

The most important factor in managing your stress levels while dealing with diabetes is being aware of your stressors. Being mindful in stressful situa<ons before you react like a situa<on is out of your control can greatly benefit the amount of stress in your life. Some<mes, developing

a new hobby can take your mind off of a stressful situa<on. Learning to cope with stress is also another huge factor. Having diabetes advocates, an understanding team of doctors and consultants, and being able to

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talk to others about your diabetes can help you tremendously.

Stress can manifest throughout the day for any kind of reason. When you have to balance diabetes with your everyday life, you may be faced with more than you feel able to handle at <mes. Along with exercise and proper

diet, there are ways you can try to both internally and externally control your stress level. Current literature on stress invites you to look at your thoughts like a train, and you can either ride the train or watch it go by. People who are normally stressed try to avoid riding along with the stressful situa<ons and ge‘ng through it, but instead

try to avoid the situa<ons altogether. Try these simple <ps to gain control of your stress levels.

• Keep a journal of your emo<onal triggers

• Listen and observe before responding stressfully

• Don’t boDle up emo<ons, but exert energy to combat stress

• Bring aDen<on to your breathing

• Meditate

• Eat mindfully

• Perform a chore mindfully

• Periodically “scan” your body for tense muscles in response to stress

A culmina<on of fitness, healthy ea<ng, and stress management will allow you to effec<vely combat and beat your diabetes. Maintaining the right a‘tude and a posi<ve outlook through the more challenging <mes you face can help you avoid unnecessary stress and complica<ons from diabetes. Adding

in fitness and being mindful of your diet are two key ways to prevent any poten<al complica<ons as well. There is no “quick fix,” to diabetes, and there will definitely be

stressful situa<ons that you face throughout the course of your treatment. Combining these three proven and effec<ve ways will control your symptoms and alter your diagnosis. With the right a‘tude, outlook, and understanding of how you can contribute to your health, your diabetes will play less and less of a role in your life.