the 4 unconscious ego agreements

YOUR 4 UNCONSCIOUS EGO AGREEMENTS THAT STOPS YOUR MANIFESTATIONS OF ABUNDANCE Unconsciously; you have been placed in a state of fear by the EGO-Minus Man; who says that there are not enough resources in the world to go around, and definitely not enough for YOU to get your share. Unconsciously. You have been put in a state of fear by the EGO-Minus Man into believing you are not enough; and that you are not good enough to be or to do state of mind. Unconsciously, Your EGO has gotten you to believe that GOD MESSED UP, that GOD can lose and so can you. Your EGO has gotten you to believe that there is not enough time and that you are too old or too young do get what you need or want in life. 5 HABITS OF YOUR EGO- (Maniac) or Minus Man Causing Suffering in Your Life 1. Comparing – The EGO-Maniac has you constantly suffering inferiority by comparing yourself to other people, big events versus smaller events in your life, past good times versus future good times and so on. This Ego mindset will have you suffering lack and poverty in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people, doing the wrong thing for your destiny and well being. Everything, every person, every timeline and every event is SUPPOSE to unique and different; otherwise we would live in a terribly boring world. Life needs to have SPICE. 2. Pleasing – The EGO-Minus Man causing you suffering by telling you that you are Not Enough, therefore, you go around accepting crap from others because you feel you are not good enough or not rich enough or not pretty enough, smart enough or not strong enough, or not black/white enough, etc. You become a walking kick me sign. You should never please anyone but yourself. Pleasing yourself IS accepting and loving yourself. Even if you think you are pleasing someone who is an asshole, they NEVER see it that way. They can ONLY see their own self-hatred and self-inflicted inferiority complex. 3. Criticizing - The Ego-Minus Man has you judging and criticizing others expression of themselves. Your opinions don’t count for squat concerning another’s life. Their choices and their life is their business not yours. A criticizing person hates LAUGHTER. If you continue to judge and condemn, you will suffer when their problems will shift from their life to yours. You criticize because you are cowardly in expressing your true self or your true beliefs confidently with grace and ease. You are afraid to, because you can’t take their judging and condemnation of you. So you hide who you really are. You never realize this is wasted fear, because people judge and condemn everything you do anyway. BE COURAGEOUS! BE JOY! LAUGH OUT LOUD! BE FREE! 4. Proving – The EGO-Mania Man has you trying to prove you are right and everyone else is wrong even about the smallest, tiniest, unimportant thing or issue in life. Trying to make others look and feel bad about themselves. “I am righter than you, you are wrong, wrong, wrong you say to others all the time. This is all based on your refusal to take responsibility for your beliefs and life with grace and ease about them. This EGO mindset & attitude shows up as disrespectful to others and disrespect for their choices in life. You disrespects and put down everyone else’s ideas, opinions and their perceptions of life

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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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Your Ego is not your enemy. But, due to lack of understanding the Ego, we all walk into the wall of life and into bad situations that we could easily get out of if we understood the 4 Ego Agreements and the 5 Unconscious human habits that lead us into unhappiness and poverty.


Page 1: The 4 Unconscious Ego Agreements


Unconsciously; you have been placed in a state of fear by the EGO-Minus Man; who says that there are not enough resources in the world to go around, and definitely not enough for YOU to get your share.

Unconsciously. You have been put in a state of fear by the EGO-Minus Man into believing you are not enough; and that you are not good enough to be or to do state of mind.

Unconsciously, Your EGO has gotten you to believe that GOD MESSED UP, that GOD can lose and so can you. Your EGO has gotten you to believe that there is not enough time and that you are too old or too young do get what you need or want

in life.

5 HABITS OF YOUR EGO- (Maniac) or Minus Man Causing Suffering in Your Life

1. Comparing – The EGO-Maniac has you constantly suffering inferiority by comparing yourself to other people, big events versus smaller events in your life, past good times versus future good times and so on. This Ego mindset will have you suffering lack and poverty in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people, doing the wrong thing for your destiny and well being. Everything, every person, every timeline and every event is SUPPOSE to unique and different; otherwise we would live in a terribly boring world. Life needs to have SPICE.

2. Pleasing – The EGO-Minus Man causing you suffering by telling you that you are Not Enough, therefore, you go around accepting crap from others because you feel you are not good enough or not rich enough or not pretty enough, smart enough or not strong enough, or not black/white enough, etc. You become a walking kick me sign. You should never please anyone but yourself. Pleasing yourself IS accepting and loving yourself. Even if you think you are pleasing someone who is an asshole, they NEVER see it that way. They can ONLY see their own self-hatred and self-inflicted inferiority complex.

3. Criticizing - The Ego-Minus Man has you judging and criticizing others expression of themselves. Your opinions don’t count for squat concerning another’s life. Their choices and their life is their business not yours. A criticizing person hates LAUGHTER. If you continue to judge and condemn, you will suffer when their problems will shift from their life to yours. You criticize because you are cowardly in expressing your true self or your true beliefs confidently with grace and ease. You are afraid to, because you can’t take their judging and condemnation of you. So you hide who you really are. You never realize this is wasted fear, because people judge and condemn everything you do anyway. BE COURAGEOUS! BE JOY! LAUGH OUT LOUD! BE FREE!

4. Proving – The EGO-Mania Man has you trying to prove you are right and everyone else is wrong even about the smallest, tiniest, unimportant thing or issue in life. Trying to make others look and feel bad about themselves. “I am righter than you, you are wrong, wrong, wrong you say to others all the time. This is all based on your refusal to take responsibility for your beliefs and life with grace and ease about them. This EGO mindset & attitude shows up as disrespectful to others and disrespect for their choices in life. You disrespects and put down everyone else’s ideas, opinions and their perceptions of life trying to PROVE yours are better and theirs is bad, wrong and inferior; therefore attempting to make them accept themselves as bad, wrong, and inferior. All you have shown and awake person is that YOU feel bad, wrong and inferior. A weak-asleep person WILL be damaged by this type of EGO-Maniac Man.

5. Competing – This Ego mindset creates suffering for the one competing. It keeps you pushing and pushing against others continually. It is a sick, twisted and ugly energy. It is a dark and hateful jealous and envious attitude at its worst. You are distracted from your own goals, dreams and desires. You are most miserable and will only suffer to come in last place all the time. What’s really hilarious, about this person, is that most people sees them coming and goes the other way. HA! HA! Loneliness will be your greatest pain.

Solutions to all this madness You have over 10,000 ancestors and angel surrounding you at all time waiting for you to acknowledge them and ask for help. What are

you waiting for? Hurry up and start asking for help. They do hear, and they DO RESPOND. There is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING wrong with you. Know this!! Take responsibility for your beliefs, your goals, your dreams, your present situation, your coward within, your fears, etc. by calmly and

courageously embracing all of these openly, without apology or shame. Take back you life and your freedom others and their ugly condemning and judging attitudes. There is no need to discuss with anyone the reasons for your choices or for your beliefs. It is none of their business and they cannot and will not live your life for you. They are not going to pay your bills. There is nothing wrong with you.

You are an individuated aspect of the One God, having experiences for your Soul growth and experience. End of story. This is the only true way to evolve and ascend up out of this madness and confusion. Take responsibility for your life and beliefs and

move on up!By Dr.Tamara Coleman-Ascension Tools for Ascension School