the 3 e’s of customer experience


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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The 3 E’s of Customer Experience

All allow brands to form insights on their interaction with customers.

Mobile devices are now central to 29% consumers, while another 21% is set to

increase usage.

7 of 10 online customers use a smartphone to make purchases.

Even physical retail is affected.

By 2012, the percentage had

increased to 60%.

As per the Website UX Review,

only 40% of the website navigation evaluated passed

basic usability tests.

By 2014, the number

had risen to 69%.

Before 2014 less than 50% brands had easily navigated and

accessible websites.

From 1999 to 2012 the percentage of websites that accepted as effective in the Website

UX Review increased from 39%

to 59%. www

How can they overcome these challenges?

Effectiveness Ease Emotion

Is emotional experience creation a game-changer for brands?

Between 2011 and 2014 improved ease and effectiveness contributed a

13% point bump.

This was still far behind emotional

experiences, which offered a

40% point increase.

It is the biggest predictor of loyalty in customers.

45,000 people – 18 industries Emotion beat ease and effectiveness in 17 of 18

It is also a strong competitive differentiator.

The top 15 brands surveyed deliver 28

positive reviews for every negative review

Compared to a benchmark average of 13:1

But, how is the smartphone improving emotional connect with brands?

Tailor-made offerings

Convenience Real-time interaction

What are the challenges faced by brands?

Increased competition from rival brands

Real-time solutions

Tailor-made offerings from competitors

Data driven consumer understanding

Standardization of experience across all levels

The age of service/product delivery is over.

Brands and customers are constantly innovating to find new ways to connect with each other effectively.

Brands are trying to

In an effort to build customer loyalty.

Meet customer needs

Simplify interaction

Provide positive experiences