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    The 2012 Scenario

    UFO/ET Disclosure, First Contact, NESARA, Accountability,

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    2012 HISTORY





    Ben Fulford to Ron Paul: Abolish the Federal


    2010 December 20

    tags: Abolish Federal Reserve, Benjamin Fulford to Ron Paul

    by Steve Beckow

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    This is an interesting initiative. Ben Fulford has addressed an open

    letter to Ron Paul. It may not be a matter of open knowledge but Ron Paul is one of the architects of the

    NESARA law. Itll be interesting to see if Ron responds and how. The original letter was posted on Rumo

    Mill News. Thanks to Sarah for bringing it to my attention.

    So what youre hearing is a partial, NESARA-like plan being proposed by one who opposes the Federal

    Reserve to one of NESARAs authors, who is now in charge of overseeing the corrupt Federal Reserve

    and also opposes it.

    Certainly the thrust of the plan is in the direction were destined to go anyways. However SaLuSa has

    said that the actual transition to NESARA is planned to follow disclosure:

    Disclosure still remains as an important development that must precede the Abundance programs.

    (Jan. 27, 2010.)

    Therefore this particular initiative may not in fact prove the decisive one, even if it foreshadows it --

    unless disclosure were to happen forthwith.

    If youd like to hear Ron Pauls views on the Federal Reserve, watch the 2007 video at the bottom of theletter, in which he roasts the secretive central bank.

    An open letter to Representative Ron Paul from Benjamin Fulford


    Dear Representative Paul,

    My name is Benjamin Fulford. I am a spokesperson for the Black, White and Golden Dragon societies as well as

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    for the Red and the Green. These ancient secret societies have a global command structure, partially visible in

    your local martial arts societies, that is capable of mobilizing a 100-million-person army on very short notice in

    case of an emergency.

    These ancient societies have gone from dormant to semi-active mode because, through the successful

    wiretapping of meetings of your elite, they have learned of plans to start World War 3, kill at least 4 billion

    people and destroy much of the Northern hemisphere. You may confirm with your Pentagon or CIA sources tha

    this is all very real.

    The reason we are writing an open letter to you is to explain why the Federal Reserve Board needs to be

    abolished and the global financial architecture needs to be revamped. The United States government is bankrupt

    and has been kept running along these past decades by the goodwill of the peoples of the planet. That good will

    is running out.

    Your financial elite have proposed either devaluing the US dollar or carrying out a hidden devaluation by

    replacing it with a new currency called the Amero. Both proposals have been rejected. The reason is that by far

    most US dollars ever created are no longer owned by Americans. Many, often poor, people would suffer

    enormously if these dollars suddenly lost half of their value.

    Our groups have proposed an alternative plan. We have offered to pay back all US debt owed to China by

    returning gold that was stolen from there during the 20th century. In addition, we plan to write off US debt to the

    rest of the world by taking the US dollars owned by non-Americans, backing them with gold and putting them

    under the control of a new international meritocratic organization. This organization would never create any fiat

    currency but merely act as a neutral clearing house for governments, corporations and plutocrats.

    The newly debtless United States government would then be free to issue its own government-controlled

    currency. Such a currency would have a lower international purchasing power than the US dollar now has. The

    result will be that Chinese goods will become more expensive for Americans while US exports will regain theircompetitiveness. This will allow the US to rebuild its real economy.

    However, as the history of the yen and the Plaza Accord show, devaluation alone will not solve the USs chronic

    external deficit problem. The US deficit is also a structural problem caused by the fact that the military-industrial

    complex does not produce trade-able goods. Pentagon officials have also made it clear to us they would rather

    start a war than end up like Soviet-era generals who suddenly found themselves driving taxis.

    We therefore propose that the peoples of the world finance a gradual swords-to-plowshares transition of the

    military-industrial complex. According to the American Association of Scientists, over 6,000 patents have been

    suppressed for national security reasons. We believe an expert review of those patents would unearth a high-tech bonanza for the American people and the US economy that would help ease this transition.

    We are also proposing the creation of a global economic planning agency. This agency would be run by the

    motto We stand between desires and reality. The organization would try to surpass the sorry records of the

    World Bank and the IMF by carrying out an intensive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction

    and set humanity on the course for exponential expansion into the future. There would be no burden placed on

    the American people and no threat to US sovereignty posed by this organization. Rather it should provide vast

    new opportunities for American individuals and corporations.

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    Finally, although this is purely an American domestic issue, we strongly recommend that you confiscate the funds

    stolen from the American people this past century by amoral, criminal financiers and return them to their rightful

    owners. Vladimir Putin was able to quintuple Russian living standards when he did a similar thing in Russia.

    The final point we wish to make is that the peoples of the world desire peace. The desperate criminal cabal

    behind the Federal Reserve Board still wields enormous power and is still trying to start World War 3. We

    would like to request the help of the American peoples in ending this perverse threat to humanity and the planet.

    Sincerely yours,

    Benjamin Fulford

    PS: If you would like the hear more, contact me through the US embassy in Tokyo.

    from Abundance Program, Federal Reserve,NESARA, Overthrow of the Illuminati, Predatory Capitalism,

    Putting the Cabal Out of Business

    2 Responses leave one


    Doug Burnspermalink

    December 20, 2010

    Heres an idea for the U.S. economy: a return to quality crafted products at a reasonable price,

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    manufactured by relatively small groups of people, locally owned and operated and environmentally safe.

    If we went back to buying products designed to last instead of being disposable, we would not need to

    create so much crap just to keep the economy juggernaut moving. It would reduce the pillaging of our

    raw materials, the build up of garbage, the need for so much energy and the enslavement of labor.

    Bucky Fuller wrote extensively on this in his masterful book, Critical Path.

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    December 21, 2010


    Thanks for continuing to post Bens stuff. Personally, I find these posts the best and the content is very

    practical, objective and down to earth.


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    Twin Flame Calling


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    Limits on Knowing and Sharing

    Sharing = Communication + Listening


    A Fork in the RoadConfessions of a Lightworker Lemming

    ESSAYS ON 2012

    The 2012 Scenario

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    A Spaceship is a Spaceship is a Spaceship

    A Decloaking Did Occur on Oct. 13, 2010

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    To Summarize.

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    Who Are the Extraterrestrials?

    The Galactic Federation Serves God

    Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan

    The Galactics Serve the Divine Plan

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    A Benevolent Reptilian Civilization

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    We Gaians

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    The Importance of Disclosure Part 1/3

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    SaLuSa's Recent Messages on Earth Changes (Sept. 2010)

    The Time of Separation and Differences in Dimensions

    Should We Leave the United States Now?

    No War is Going to Happen

    The Atomic Age Ended Soon After It Began

    Rumors Fly But No Need to Worry

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    On the Causes of Intractable Conflicts

    No Armageddon for the World

    Newspapers Collapsing with Economy

    Global Warming and Other Earth Changes Part 1/4

    Global Warming and Other Earth Changes Part 2/4

    Global Warming and Other Earth Changes Part 3/4

    Global Warming and Other Earth Changes Part 4/4

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    Need We Fear Dark Extraterrestrials? Part 1/3

    Need We Fear Dark Extraterrestrials? Part 2/3

    Need We Fear Dark Extraterrestrials? Part 3/3

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    On the Little Greys (Zeta Reticulans)


    Examples of Disinformation Sites Part 1 Restore America Plan

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    Examples of Disinformation Sites Part 4 Casper

    More on the Allies of Humanity 1/2

    More on the Allies of Humanity 2/2

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    Comment on Sorcha Faal


    I Declare Peace. The Day of Goliath is Over

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    Global Oneness as an Aspiration



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    David Wilcock: What is Ascension?

    Lisa Renee: The Ascension Process (2005)

    What Will Ascension Bring?

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    Sol Luckman: The Shift in Human Consciousness Part 2/2

    Richard Gabriel: Humanitys Origins and Ascension

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    I Serve Ascension

    What is Ascension?

    You Stand at the Threshold of Ascension

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    Will I Ascend?

    Ascension is Enlightenment Plus Part 1

    Ascension is Enlightenment Plus Part 2

    How Ascension Might Occur Part 1/2

    How Ascension Might Occur Part 2/2

    Clarification About Ascension

    Passport to Ascension

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    The Mediation of Energy and Enlightenment Part 1/2

    The Mediation of Energy and Enlightenment Part 2/2

    The Arcturians on Ascension Part 1/2

    The Arcturians on Ascension Part 2/2


    Matthew Ward: The Fate of Those Who Do Not Ascend

    What of Those Who Leave Early?

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    Weve Always Known Wed Ascend

    Mary Mageau: Preparing for Ascension

    Michael Brown: Recognizing and Navigating the Portal

    Back to the Origin

    Trimming Down for Paradigm Shifts

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    Dealing with Stored Emotional Trauma

    I Know I Came Here to Communicate This

    OK, I Feel Upset. Oh, Great!

    To Be With and Observe

    Presence Dissolves Issues

    Running the Process

    Positive Thinking, Negative Thinking, and the Truth

    Distortion and Reflection

    EmergenceWhat is Emergence?

    Ascension Guidelines

    I Just Want to Know the Truth

    I am Ready and Willing to Ascend Now

    Sharing the Truth

    All Shares Are Born Equal

    Karma and Issues Are Not the Same

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    Time to Complete Old Issues Part 2. We Must Heal the Barrriers to Love

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    Time to Complete Old Issues Part 4. How to Clear Old Issues and Upsets

    Time to Complete Old Issues Part 5. What Can Go Wrong?

    Time to Complete Old Issues Part 6. Philosophical Considerations

    Conclusion to Time to Complete Old Issues

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    Yayayayay! Were Reactivated!

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    What is Accountability? Part 2/5

    What is Accountability? Part 3/5

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    What is Accountability Part 5/5

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    Derivatives: The Elephant on the Breakfast Table

    Matthias Chang: America is Insolvent. Why Would China's Rating Agency Rate US

    Sovereign Debt AA When It is No Better than Junk?Goldman-Sachs: The Great American Bubble Machine

    Goldman Admits It Had Bigger Role in AIG Deals

    Elizabeth Warren Uncovered What the Govt. Did to 'Rescue' AIG, and It Ain't Pretty

    Ellen Brown: How Financial Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation

    of Markets Into Casinos

    Mortgage Foreclosures Hit Record as Job Losses Strain Budgets

    The Big Short: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street

    'Financial warfare' triggers global economic crisis (1997)

    Andrew Gavin Marshall: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and theFederal Reserve

    Global Poverty in the Late 20th Century (1998)

    Matthias Chang: Financial Fraud and the Global Derivative Casino

    Ellen Brown on Foreclosuregate

    Tanya Cariina Hsu: The Beginning of the End of the American Empire

    A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives


    Stephen Lendman: Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a

    Global Pandemic

    Swine Flu and VaccinationsDr. Russell Blaylock: Swine Flu One of the Most Massive Cover-

    ups in American History

    Whats in Your H1N1 Vaccine?

    Big Pharma Promotes Illegal Off-Label Drug Uses

    Dumbing Down Society Part 1/2

    Dumbing Down Society Part 2/2

    Jane Burgermeister: Kafkaesque Interrogation at Vienna Court: Are the Baxter

    Charges behind This?

    World Health Organization: Whole-of-Society Pandemic Readiness

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    Matthew Ward on Global Warming and Weather Warfare Part 1/2

    Matthew Ward on Global Warming and Weather Warfare Part 2/2

    HAARP: Is It Weather or Government Terror?

    Scalar-Wave Weapons: Is Much of What is Happening Due to Them?

    Scalar Weapons Used in Iraq, Britain

    Was Hurricane Katrina Steered to Louisiana?

    Joe Vialls: Was the Tsunami Caused by a Bomb?Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and

    Chemical Aerosols on Human Health

    Calls for Massive Chemtrail Spraying Spark Worldwide Mobilization

    Chemtrails Documentary: What in the World Are They Spraying?


    Backgrounder on BP and Oil Companies Generally

    Lindsey Williams: Its the Toxic Fumes that Could Cause Death

    Ready-Reference Guide to the Gulf Oil Spill


    Actually, Really, Why Does FEMA Exist?The Myth of the "National Security State"

    Andrew Gavin Marshall: Revolution and Repression in America


    Tim Swartz: Backgrounder: How the Media Treats UFOs

    Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media

    Newsman Caught Telling the Truth about UFOs


    The Weaponization of Space: Corporate Driven Military Unleashes Pre-emptive

    WarsRick Rozoff: America Threatens Russia

    Rick Rozoff: U.S. and NATO Accelerate Military Build-Up In Black Sea Region

    Rick Rozoff: The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis with China

    Eric Walberg: Russia-America: Rediscovering Realpolitik

    Michel Chossudovsky: Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran

    Why The U.S. Would be Ill-Advised to Go to War with Iran

    The Illuminatis Plan for World War III


    Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran


    Chinese Hackers Play Havoc with American Military

    How Chinese Military Hackers Took Over a Nuclear-Armed B52 (2007)

    2007 B-52 Black Op Saw Several Airmen Die in Probable Cover-up

    Faulty Chips Could Cripple U.S. Military (2007)

    Possible Confirmation that U.S. Military Microchips are Compromised

    Russian Missile a "Carrier Killer"


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    Does the Reactivation of Tenth Fleet Hide a Takeover of Northern Command?

    June 20, 2008: The Day the Earth Stood Still

    Is the Military Awakening to the "Earth Allies"?


    Background on Pfc Bradley Mannings Release of Documents to Wikileak

    Top Secret America Top Disappointment

    Secret Service Agent Andrew Bolden on the Kennedy Assassination

    Dead Scientists and MicrobiologistsMichel Chossudovsky Sorts Wikileaks Issues Out

    Wikileaks the Movie

    Andrew Gavin Marshall: Wikileaks and the WorldWide Information War


    Cloning Part 1/5 The Process

    Cloning Part 2/5 World Leaders

    Cloning Part 3/5 The Question of a Soul

    Cloning Part 4/5 Origins of Cloning

    Cloning Part 5/5 Gods Attitude to Cloning

    Pleiadian Starseed Ellie Miser Discusses Life Extension through CloningNESARA OR THE ABUNDANCE PROGRAM

    What is NESARA?

    What is the Abundance Program?

    Saul: The New Worldwide Monetary and Financial System

    SaLuSa on the Spiritual Hierarchy and NESARA


    Ch. 1. Introduction

    Ch. 2. NESARA's History

    Ch. 3. Recent TimesCh. 4. Earth Allies

    Ch. 5. NESARA's Benefits

    Ch. 6. NESARA's Range

    Ch. 7. Economic Meltdown

    Ch. 8. Remaining Work

    Yes, Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars are Being Stored. Gold too.

    Matthew Ward: Special NESARA Edition, 2003 and 2005

    2012 HISTORY

    Beinsa Douno's "New Epoch"

    Silver Birch's "New World"Imperators New Revelation

    1977 Broadcast from the Ashtar Galactic Command

    As I See It

    Carl Johann Calleman: The Thirteen Heavens as a Creative Progression

    Little Things

    The Game of Predictions


    A Call to End Persecution Against Women Globally by August 1, 2011

    A Call to End Gender Persecution Globally by Jan. 1, 2020 (2007)

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    An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy

    Who Am I?

    The Basic Spiritual Movement

    A Divine Syntax

    Christianity and Hinduism are One

    A Note to Hindu Readers on "the Christ"

    Did the Buddha Believe in God?On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit

    In the Beginning Was the Word

    Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life

    What Might Jesus Have Meant by Saying "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"?

    The Biblical Code

    We are Already Immortal

    The Last Word on Death

    Reducing the Ego is the Real Difference We Make

    My Own Herd Instinct

    Putting Humpty Together AgainThe Punch and Judy Show

    The Game is Rigged

    Unparalled Free Will

    A Balanced Androgyny

    A Respecter of Principle

    Higher Dimensionality

    Sorting Out the Confusion

    Who are My Ancestors? Who are My Children?

    No Humdrum Heaven: An InterviewNew Maps of Heaven

    The Parallel Between Free Energy and Spirituality

    The Ultimate Failure of Our Current Popular Culture

    Karmic Knots and Soul Asignments

    A Group Process Has Started (on Galactic Roundtable)

    Unparalleled Free Will

    What Stops Me?

    Next Question: What is the Truth for You


    Sharing What, How, and Why?Needle Scratches on the Mind

    Watching a Tree Grow

    Waking Up from a Dream Within a Dream

    Was Jesus an Incarnation of God?


    Understanding Soul Contracts Part 1

    Understanding Soul Contracts Part 2

    Understanding Soul Contracts Part 3

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    Understanding Soul Contracts Part 4

    Understanding Soul Contracts Part 5

    The Judgment: Evaluating Our Lives After Death

    The Judgement: Matthew Ward on the Lifeprint Review

    The Review vs. the Judgment

    SaLuSa: All Souls will Take Their Place in Accord with Their Life Plans

    The Difficulty of Commenting on Karma

    THE PURPOSE OF LIFEWho Am I and What Do I Want?

    Who Am I and What Do I Want?

    The Game of Life

    Life No Matter Where, No Matter When

    To Know God is the Purpose of Life

    What is the Divine Plan for Life? Part 1/2

    What is the Divine Plan for Life? Part 2/2

    SaLuSa and the Souls Journey

    SaLuSa and the Greater Picture

    This is But a Stepping StoneThe Purpose of Life is Enlightenment

    Ch. 1 Introduction

    Ch. 2 Is There a Plan to Life?

    Ch. 3 The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment

    Ch. 4 When God Meets God

    Ch. 5 Who Will Know God

    Ch. 6 What Paths Lead to God?

    Ch. 7 The Longing for Liberation

    Ch. 8 Turn From the World to GodCh. 9 One Journey, Many Lives

    Ch. 10 Beyond God-Realization

    Ch. 11 Enlightenment is Virtually Endless

    Ch. 12 Epilogue

    Ch. 13 Bibliography


    Toward a World That Works for Everyone

    Judgmentalness vs. Good Judgment

    Werner Erhard: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come

    John Enright DictionaryThe Principles of Largescale Employment Projects

    Steve Beckow Links

    Ascension and the Golden Age

    Ending the Global Persecution of Women (2007)

    First Contact

    From Darkness Unto Light: A Cross-Cultural Dictionary of Enlightenment

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    Lao Tzu, The Way of Life

    New Maps of Heaven: The Conditions of Life on the Spirit Planes

    OpEdNews Article Page for Steve Beckow

    Selections from the Teachings of Franklin Merrell-Wolff

    Selections from the Teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti

    Selections from the Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna

    Spiritual Essays

    Sri Ramana Maharshi on Self-EnquiryThe Bhagavad-Gita

    The Impact of Automation on Work

    The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment

    The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-Chi (Rinzai)

    What is Happening in America?

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    Has Net Neutrality Been Compromised?

    Im following this story and dont knowwhether this version of it is fully reliable ornot. Reader discernment is advised. Myoverarching assumption is that we are too farinto accountability for initiatives like this tomake any significant difference to the overalloutcome of

    source: 2012 Scenariolink: Full Article.. .

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    Steve Greer writes: Mr.William Pawelec was a U.S.Air Force computer

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