the 16th annual pegasus conference leading beyond the...

Leading Beyond the Horizon: Strategies for Bringing Tomorrow into Today’s Choices the 16th annual pegasus conference November 13–15, 2006 Westin Waltham-Boston Waltham, Massachusetts PEGasus COMMUNICATIONS EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN) and author of Powerful Times: Rising to the Challenge of Our Uncertain World. DAWNA MARKOVA Renowned educator, researcher, organizational consultant, and author of The SMART Parenting Revolution and I Will Not Die an Unlived Life. ROGER SAILLANT President and CEO of Plug Power, an innovative hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer that is changing the way energy is harnessed, distributed, and used. The best meetings are not where we just get together to think and talk about important things, but obviously where something happens and something emerges. This is the quality we’ve come to expect at the Pegasus Conference.— Peter Senge JOBS FOR THE FUTURE A nonprofit research, consulting, and advocacy organization that works to strengthen our society by creating educational and economic opportunity for those who need it most. Register now and SAVE! PETER SENGE Founding chair of SoL, Society for Organizational Learning, acclaimed author of The Fifth Discipline, and coauthor of Presence: An Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society.

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Page 1: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)

Leading Beyond the Horizon:Strategies for Bringing Tomorrow

into Today’s Choices

t h e 1 6 t h a n n u a l p e g a s u s c o n f e r e n c e

November 13–15, 2006Westin Waltham-Boston

Waltham, Massachusetts


EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network(GBN) and author of Powerful Times: Rising to the Challengeof Our Uncertain World.

DAWNA MARKOVA Renowned educator, researcher,organizational consultant, and author of The SMARTParenting Revolution and I Will Not Die an Unlived Life.

ROGER SAILLANT President and CEO of PlugPower, an innovative hydrogen fuel cell manufacturerthat is changing the way energy is harnessed, distributed,and used.

“The best meetings are not where we just get together to think and talk aboutimportant things, but obviously where something happens and something emerges.This is the quality we’ve come to expect at the Pegasus Conference.”

— Peter Senge

JOBS FOR THE FUTURE A nonprofit research,consulting, and advocacy organization that works tostrengthen our society by creating educational and economic opportunity for those who need it most.

Register now and SAVE!

PETER SENGE Founding chair of SoL, Society forOrganizational Learning, acclaimed author of The FifthDiscipline, and coauthor of Presence: An Exploration ofProfound Change in People, Organizations, and Society.

Page 2: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)

Level II SponsorsGeneron

isee systems

Organization Systems RenewalGraduate Program—SeattleUniversity

SoL, Society for OrganizationalLearning

Systems Thinking

The World Café

Level I SponsorsAntioch University Seattle,Center for Creative

The Berkana



Saybrook Graduate School andResearch

System Dynamics


Leading Beyond the Horizon:Strategies for Bringing Tomorrow

into Today’s Choices

Aboriginal Leadership InstituteAgricultural Leadership

Foundation, HawaiiAlberta Energy & Utilities BoardAmerican Family InsuranceAurora HealthcareBasell North AmericaBeaufort County School DistrictBassett HealthcareThe Berkana InstituteThe Boeing CompanyBonneville Power AdministrationBristol-Myers SquibbBrooklyn Public LibraryBucknell UniversityBusiness for Social ResponsibilityCalifornia State University, San

MarcosCanadian Pharmacists AssociationCardinal Stritch UniversityCarrollton Police DepartmentCaterpillarCentegra Health SystemCenter for Science Education at

UC Berkeley Space ScienceLaboratory

Children’s Hospital of EasternOntario

Civil Service College, SingaporeColonial PipelineCreative Learning ExchangeDePaul UniversityEastman ChemicalFord Motor CompanyFrankfort Independent Board of

EducationFranklin University MBA ProgramGerber Memorial Health ServicesGlaxoSmithKlineGonzaga UniversityGothenburg University,

Department of EducationHarvard Graduate SchoolHershey Medical CenterHewlett-PackardifPeopleIn2:InThinkingIntelInternational Finance Corp. (IFC)IntuitLaron IncorporatedMinnesota Department of HealthNational Security AgencyNaval Air Warfare Center Weapons


Ninth HouseNational Oceanic and Atmospheric

AdministrationOmaha Public SchoolsOntario Nurses’ AssociationOracleOrange County Public SchoolsThe Patriot-NewsPenn State Children’s HospitalPenn State Milton S. Hershey

Medical CenterPhilip Morris USAPhilips Lighting, BVPhilips Medical SystemsPlanned ParenthoodPratt & Whitney RocketdynePSCU Financial ServicesPublic Health Agency of CanadaRegis UniversitySouth Pasadena Unified School

DistrictSafewaySaint Louis UniversitySandia National LaboratoriesSaudi AramcoSaybrook Graduate SchoolSeattle University, Organization

Systems RenewalShellSoftware Engineering InstituteSoL, Society for Organizational

LearningSustainability InstituteSystem Dynamics SocietySystems Thinking CollaborativeUnited WayUniversity of ColoradoUniversity of Nebraska, LincolnUniversity of Wisconsin ExtensionUniversity of HawaiiUniversity of Nevada, RenoUniversity of Texas at AustinUS Postal ServiceUtah State UniversityUT-Austin Charles A. Dana CenterVancity Savings Credit UnionW.K. Kellogg FoundationWashoe County School DistrictWest Vancouver School DistrictWGBHWorcester Polytechnic InstituteThe World Café


The cover photo is an artist’s modification of “View West from Desert View Point, Grand Canyon National Park” by Mark Lellouch, N.P.S.

Most of us know how to find our way home. When folk musician Anne Hills sings, “Followthat road; back through time, back through distance, back to me,” we easily conjure upimages of the people and places that we’ve left behind. But when we are called on to traversetime and distance in the other direction, using our imaginations instead of our memories, thetask is, understandably, much harder.

Yet every day, we make decisions that require us to make assumptions about the future, oftenminimizing our risk by sticking to a horizon that’s close enough to see—the next fiscal quar-ter, the next standardized testing cycle, the next election. As leaders in a time of unprece-dented complexity, we know we must expand our comfort zone. In matters as vast as globalclimate change and as immediate as our own organizational lives, our capacity for graspingthe landscape of the future is critical to the quality of the choices we make now.

At this conference, we will celebrate systems thinking as a way of being and as a practicaltoolset that helps us measure and understand the time and distance that separate us from theconsequences of our actions. With stories, ideas, and practices, we will embolden each otherwith the courage and humility to look farther down that road ahead and to accept our sharedresponsibility for shaping a tomorrow we will be proud to hand off to our children and thechildren of our neighbors around the globe.

See you in November!

“The diversity of attendees, presenters,

and applications I’ve encountered at the

Pegasus Conference every year brings me

back for more.”—Bill Bellows, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

Page 3: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)

Keynote Sessions For more detailed information, go to

Powerful Times: Making Sense of an Uncertain WorldEAMONN KELLY

The unknown, unexpected, and unimagined have longbeen central to the human drama, and yet the level ofuncertainty today is radically higher than ever before. Over the past five centuries, the industrialized world hasdeveloped certain bedrock assumptions—assumptions thatare now crumbling around us through massive techno-logical, political, and social changes. As Eamonn exploresin this keynote session, the practice of scenario thinkingoffers a way to prepare for what’s coming—and transformthis moment of uncertainty into unprecedented opportuni-ty. By integrating traditional approaches with those thatrely on intuition, collective insight, emotional and spiritualintelligence, morality, and wisdom, we can move toward anew future with conviction and sustained attention ratherthan with fear.

Living and Leading on theDeveloping EdgeROGER SAILLANT

What are the conditions that allow people in organizationsto confidently set course for an unknown horizon? As CEOof Plug Power, one of the first independent commercial producers of hydrogen fuel cells, Roger has found thatopenness, accountability, and authenticity are indispensableto building trust and engagement in a rapidly evolvingenvironment. When people can rely on those values beingpresent despite the prevailing uncertainties of the businessthey’re pursuing, they generate a different kind of energytogether. In this session, Roger will share stories from thedeveloping edge about the commitment required to create aculture of inquiry capable of relentlessly pushing towardwhat’s emerging next.

Risking Your SignificanceDAWNA MARKOVA

We live in a fragmented world where the strengths inherentin our diversity go largely ignored. And yet, healthy systemsrequire diversity to remain stable, adaptable, flexible, andenergized. Only when we appreciate the unique gifts thateach of us has to offer do we open ourselves to the full potential of what we can achieve collectively. In this lively,interactive session, Dawna will use storytelling and music to lead us in an exploration of what it takes to createcoherent communities of change in which people can thinkwell together, with the purpose of cultivating wisdom.

Jobs for the Future: Investing in Tomorrow’s SuccessA PANEL PRESENTATION

As a global community, how do we create a workforce that meets the demands of a changing economy? And froma human standpoint, how do we make sure that all youngpeople make a successful transition to adulthood and thatall adults have the education and skills they need toadvance in family-supporting careers? Through partnershipswith communities, foundations, and other organizations,the nonprofit Jobs for the Future works to strengthen society by accelerating the adoption of what’s new, what’sneeded, and what works in helping youth and adultsacquire the skills that employers require. In this session,hear from leaders on the frontlines of creating tomorrow’sworkforce.

We’ve Never Been Here BeforePETER SENGE

Our difficulty in confronting today’s problems—from organizational issues to global warming—is that they arefundamentally more complex than those of the past. With the ever-increasing pace of change, our ability to seeand understand this alien territory demands renewed faithin our underutilized capacity for thinking systemically. As he has done so provocatively in each of the past 15years, Peter will draw on the emergent themes of the conference to help us frame the questions that will inspireus to take wiser, more effective action in our organizationsand in the world.

Enhancing the Conference Experience

Getting the most out of this conference involves not just thenumber of sessions you attend, but your own intention to be fully involved with other participants and the overall conference environment. We’ve called upon the talents of several people to set the stage for learning.

LINDA BOOTH SWEENEY provides the weaving and thematic integration through-out the program, framing and context-ualizing the sessions to enable deeper learning and understanding. A researcher

and systems educator, Linda has a doctorate fromHarvard’s Graduate School of Education, and is thecoauthor of The Systems Thinking Playbook and theauthor of When a Butterfly Sneezes.

MICHELLE BOOS-STONE, founder/principalof Gecko Graphics, captures the plenary sessions through mind-mapping graphics,conveying the emotional and intellectualessence of the presentations with captivatingdrawings.

“I have found my people! Because of my previous mental models about how one applies principlesand tools, I couldn't ‘get’ how to use systems thinking. I kept looking at it as a ‘solution generator,’instead of a way of describing an issue and a way of investing in trust—trust that those talking about theissue together can find a solution. There is no silver bullet, but there is a silver lining—working together,we can accomplish amazing things. See you in 2006!” —Peg Carlson-Bowen, 2005 Conference Participant

Page 4: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)

FUTURE SEARCH:USING THE WISDOM OF THE WHOLE SYSTEMRichard M. Lent, Brownfield & Lent; and Nancy Aronson,Arsht/Aronson

How do you get a diverse group of stakeholderswith different perspectives and opinions commit-ted to a common vision and actions? Hundredsof businesses, governmental agencies, educationalinstitutions, and communities have used FutureSearch, a large-group, interactive planningprocess, to achieve shared goals and fast actionaround complex issues. In this session, Rick andNancy will draw on their experience running

dozens of future searches across a variety of sectors to sharetheir learning. Learn about how Future Search works, get first-hand experience with a few of its tools, and hear aboutspecific applications in education.

PARTNERING TO CREATE TOMORROW’S LEADERS:THE TWIN CITIES LATINO COALITIONSayra Pinto, Twin Cities Latino Coalition; Daniel Asquino,Mt. Wachusett Community College; Ed Cronin, Fitchburg, MAPolice Department; and Other Coalition Partners

Over the past several decades, the Latino population of the “twin cities” of Fitchburg andLeominster, Massachusetts, has grown expo-nentially. Nevertheless, dynamics of racism andpoverty have limited the integration of Latinosinto the mainstream community. The TwinCities Latino Coalition has been applying systems thinking concepts in building cross-sectoral alliances with the aim of ensuring thatLatino families achieve their highest potential.Focusing on organizational structures alreadyengaged in some kind of systemic change effort,organizers have introduced dialogue and values

alignment to help stakeholders talk with and understand eachother. Hear from community leaders as they tell how diverseinstitutions have come together to build leadership capacityin the Latino community.

RE-EVOLUTION: YOUTH ARE THE EXPERTS ON YOUTHDeborah Frieze, The Berkana Institute; Tim Merry, The Shire;and the Re-evolution Youth

What does it take to engage young people in thecritical issues of our time? In many of today’sdominant systems, young people feel theiractions have little or no impact. How can wesupport young people in shifting from breakdownor apathy to peer leadership and self-reliance?How can we amplify the youth leadership that isalready there? This session will be co-hosted byfive grassroots youth leaders who are stepping

forward to make a difference in their community. Using aleadership model called the “Art of Hosting,” participate inconversations around how to engage youth in your own community and organization.

UNCOVERING THE WILL TO CREATE THE FUTURE WEWANT: THE “U-PROCESS” IN PRACTICE AT NISSANTracy Huston, Nissan; and Sherry Immediato, Society forOrganizational Learning (SoL)

How do we develop both the capacity and thewill for change, in harmony with the changingglobal context and our own aspirations? ForNissan and other members of the Society forOrganizational Learning, one key may be the “U-Process” of transformational change discussed inthe book Presence, by Peter Senge, C. OttoScharmer, Joseph Jaworski, and Betty SueFlowers. Learn about Nissan’s innovative

leadership development work with a cross-cultural group ofexecutives, who are entering this “presencing” space touncover the individual and collective will to both adapt toand shape the future.

Speakers are subject to change without notice.

Forum Sessions For more detailed information, go







�� �


Rhyming for a Reason

An evening of poetry, song, and celebration

Monday, November 13, 20068:00–10:30 PM, $50

Join Meg Wheatley, Tim Merry, and other performers for a celebration of the power of the arts to create socialchange. Held in the glorious José Mateo’s Ballet Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts, this evening of originalpoetry and live music promises to be a fun and spirited way to wrap up the first day of the conference.

Proceeds will help support the Berkana Institute, a non-profit organization that connects pioneering leaders who are committed to strengthening their communities’leadership capacity and self-reliance by working with the wisdom and wealth already present in its people, traditions, and environment.

Buses will be provided from the WestinWaltham-BostonHotel to Cambridge and back.


“Not a day goes by in Saudi Arabia that one of the conversations I had at the Pegasus conference doesn't come back to me and then come forward in a new conversation in some threaded form.” —James Davidson, Saudi Aramco



Page 5: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)


7:30–9:00 PM





Sunday, Nov. 12 Monday, November 13 Tuesday, November 14 Wednesday, November 15

RHYMING FOR A REASONAn evening of poetry, song, and celebration(optional)





9:00 AM–5:00 PM


8:00–10:15 AM Opening/WeavingRISKING YOUR SIGNIFICANCE Dawna Markova

8:00 AM–12:15 PM Opening/WeavingFORUMS

8:00–10:30 AM

10:45 AM–12:15 PM

4:00–5:30 PM

1:45–3:15 PM

8:00–10:30 PM


4:00–5:30 PM

11:15 AM–1:00 PM

2:00–5:00 PM

10:15–10:45 AM


LUNCH12:15–1:45 PM

BREAK3:15–4:00 PM


LUNCH12:15–1:45 PM

BREAK3:15–4:00 PM

BREAK10:30–11:15 AM

Among the confirmed concurrent sessions:� Ancient Wisdom, Inspired Futures: Philosophy and Practice in East

Asia Samantha Tan, Stephen Meng, and Sheila Damodaran� Building Theories of Change: Prospective Systems Thinking at the

Kellogg Foundation David Peter Stroh, Michael Goodman, Oran Hesterman, and Kathleen Zurcher

� Changing the Future by Changing Our Conversations Leslie Becknell

� Creating Common Desired Futures Through Storytelling Bob Dickman

� Dynamic Scenarios: Anticipating the Future of Work Anika Schriefer, Michael Sales, and Rick Karash

� Finding a New Path: Renewing the Appalachian Trail ConservancyThrough Collective Foresight Pamela Underhill, Morgan Sommerville, and Jen Hunter

� Forging Generational Alliances: Laying the Foundation for aLasting Leadership Legacy Alan Gilburg, Deborah Gilburg, andLeslye Fraser

� From Black Sheep to Blue Ribbon School: The Team Arroyo VistaStory Julie Jennings

� From Knower to Learner—Preparing to Engage the Future Brian Hinken

� From Worst Fear to Greatest Insight: Causal Learning at Shell OilNathalie Salles, Greg Stockholm, Glenn Bucholtz, and Sloan d’Entremont

� How Wicked are “Wicked Messes,” Really? Sheila Damodaran� Leading from Within Through Awareness and Mindfulness

Susan Taylor� Making Time for the Future Marilyn Paul� Meeting the Challenge of Perfectionism Deb Ramsey and

Phil Ramsey� Overcoming Adversity Through Continuous Transformation:

The Journey of Verizon Dominicana Mark Sobol and Jorge Ivan Ramirez

� “Rapid-Cycle” Scenario Planning: Creating Sustainable Futures forNonprofits Peter O’Donnell and Jim Galvin

� Seeing Over the Horizon: Using Simulators to Try Out Bold NewStrategies Gary Hirsch

� Systems Thinking Course (1) Kristina Wile and Ginny Wiley� Systems Thinking Course (2) Kristina Wile� Three Horizons: Shifting Vision to Lead Through an Emerging

Future Sadruddin Boga� Using Structural Leverage Points to Transform an Organization

Sara Albright and Robin Moore � Vision, Values, and Relationship: Utilizing Visual Maps to Uncover

Possibility Jack Regan and Michelle Boos-Stone

� CASE STUDIES give you a look at how an organization is using systemic tools to takewiser, more effectiveaction, and offer insightinto how you might applythose skills in your ownsetting.

� SKILL-BUILDING WORK-SHOPS offer practical,hands-on tools for developing and acting on foresight through disciplines such as systems thinking, story-telling, scenarios, simulation, and dialogue.

Choose from a broad range ofCONCURRENT SESSIONS, which provideyou with theopportunity tocustomize theconference experience tomeet your needsand interests—whether youwork in the business, education,healthcare, ornonprofit sector.

Conference Schedule For more detailed information, go

Schedule is subject to change without notice.

Page 6: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)


David Peter Stroh, Bridgeway Partners;Michael Goodman, Innovation AssociatesOrganizational Learning

We are most effective in leading systemicchange when people have a shared under-standing of the dynamics that have led themto where they are. The purpose of this work-shop is to integrate the disciplines of systemsthinking and change management, therebyenabling ourselves and others to achievemore sustainable results based on a clearappreciation of the past and present. In thissession, learn to help people think differentlyabout the complexity that confronts them,take individual and collective responsibilityfor the changes they seek, and identify thefew high-leverage changes that harness limit-ed resources for maximum effectiveness.


David Isaacs, Clearing Communicationsand the World Café Community Foundation

Leaders around the globe are beginning to see conversation as an essential force for sharing knowledge, generating learning, andcreating possibilities for innovative action.“Conversational leadership” stems from aleader’s conscious strategic choice to design,convene, and host conversations around theirorganization’s most important questions. Inthis highly interactive day-long session, learnand practice World Café design principles forleading strategic conversations. In addition,use these techniques in our pre-conferencelearning community to explore how you will bring these principles, practices, andprocesses to the real-life challenges and initiatives in your professional setting.


LeAnne Grillo, Adam Kahane, and Susan Taylor, Generon Consulting

Today’s most pressing challenges are character-ized by high dynamic, generative, and socialcomplexity. The U-Process helps organiza-tions and multistakeholder groups addressproblems in a systemic, creative, and partici-pative way by enabling them to deepen theirunderstanding of the issue, innovate, developthe necessary leadership to move forward, andput new ideas into action. In this fast-paced,experiential session, practice the capacitiesneeded to navigate the “U.” Build your toolkit as you move from sensing—developingan in-depth understanding of your system’scurrent reality; to presencing—allowing yourinnate wisdom to identify and bring a newreality into being; and finally to realizing —designing and testing alternative solutionsthat dramatically shift the system.

All conference registrants are invited andencouraged to participate


Sunday, 7:30–9:00 PM

Charles Alday, Alday ConsultingServices; Jen Hunter, The LearningCatalyst; and Michelle Boos-Stone,Gecko Graphics

Join the community of conference participants on Sunday evening to set the stage for your inspired involvement.Explore the conference theme, enjoy

conversations with other participants, and embraceour common interests and power for creating apositive future. Groups participating in the TeamsProgram can connect with a coach who will assistthem throughout the conference. The session isdesigned to enhance the learning experience sothat you can:� Imagine the possibilities when a group of

committed people leads toward a better future� Inspire each other to talk, listen, and learn

throughout the conference and then take thelessons home

� Improve your strategies and tactics for applyingsystems thinking

� Enjoy a focused introduction to the conferenceand get a great start on Monday morning


Dave Packer & Kris Wile, SystemsThinking Collaborative

Stop by the clinic and practice using thesepowerful systems thinking tools to under-stand the dynamic relationships inherentin your organizational or personal

challenges. Bring your questions and “diagrams in progress.”


Speakers are subject to change without notice.

Pre-Conference Sessions For more detailed information, go


Post-Conference Session

Sunday, November 129:00 AM–5:00 PM

Deepen your learning by attending a pre-conference workshop—separately priced at $895.00.

The Beer Game originated as a system dynam-ics computer simulation refined for use inMIT’s Executive Training Program. A fast-paced, often hilarious exercise that exposes theunderlying structures in complex systems, thegame has endured as one of the best ways tointroduce systems thinking into an organiza-tion. In this hands-on half-day workshop, learn

how to facilitate and debrief the Beer Game.Discover common problems with running thegame, techniques for customizing it for yourclients, and guidelines for using it as an ice-breaker for further discussion of importantissues, including communication, decision mak-ing, trust, and fear.

Wednesday, November 152:00–5:00 PM

Free of charge to registered conference participants

PC02 PC03


Rod MacDonald, University at Albany; Roberta L. Spencer, International System Dynamics Society


“I left the conference with a

profound feeling for thepotential that is reshapingcorporate thinking—bringing it to a new levelwhereby employees, share-holders, customers,partners, and the planet

can all win. Pegasus deepened my leadership

journey.” —Gerard Harkin, Philips Lighting

Page 7: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)

Name (first and last) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

First Name (for name tag—what do you want people to call you?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Title/Position _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Organization _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

State or Province ______________ Zip or Postal Code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Country __________________________________ E-mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Phone ____________________________________ Fax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Special Early Registration Discount Offers Individual Team❑ Register by May 31 (SAVE $500!) $1150 $1050❑ Register from June 1 to June 30 $1250 $1050❑ Register from July 1 to September 17 $1350 $1150❑ Register from September 18 to October 15 $1450 $1250❑ Register after October 16 $1650 $1450

Pre-Conference Sessions❑ PC01 Leading Systemic Change:

Building the Future from the Past and Present $895❑ PC02 Conversational Leadership:

An Essential Strategy for Innovative Action $895❑ PC03 The U-Process: From Theory to Practice $895

Post-Conference Session❑ PC04 Mastering The Beer Game FREE!

(to conference registrants)Rhyming for a Reason

❑ Evening gathering in Cambridge (proceeds benefit The Berkana Institute) $ 50

SPECIAL OFFER for registrants❑ One-year new or renewed subscription to The Systems Thinker! $ 89

Method of PaymentPayment must accompany registration form to enable processing.❑ Check Enclosed ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express

Card Number ____________________________________________________________________________

Exp. Date _________________________________________________________________________________


TOTAL PAYMENT $__________________

Register on the WEB at, or FAX thisform with your credit-card number to 1-781-894-7175, or CALL 1-781-398-9700, or MAIL this form with check payable to: Pegasus Communications,Inc., One Moody Street, Waltham, MA 02453-5339.

The conference will begin on Monday morning, November 13, 2006, at 8:00 a.m. and conclude on Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 p.m. See theconference schedule for additional session information and optional sessionsheld outside these times. The conference registration fee includes conferencematerials; continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks on Monday and Tuesday;and continental breakfast and break on Wednesday.

Hotel Accommodations—The conference will be held at the WestinWaltham-Boston Hotel, 70 Third Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451. For reservations, please contact the hotel directly at 1-781-290-5600. Rooms are also reserved at the nearby Sheraton Lexington Inn, 727 MarrettRoad Lexington, Massachusetts. To reserve a room at the Sheraton Lexington,please contact the hotel directly at 1-781-862-8700. Special room rates areavailable at both hotels to attendees as long as space exists in the roomblocks and reservations are made prior to October 30, 2006. Please identifyyourself as a Pegasus Conference attendee when booking at either hotel. Acomplimentary shuttle service will be provided between the two hotels. Formore information, visit our web site at

Travel Arrangements—The conference location is convenient to LoganAirport and easily accessible by car, taxicab, or shuttle. For shuttle trans-portation from Logan Airport, we recommend Zebra Airport Shuttle. Please goto for further information. For more informationabout Logan International Airport, go to

Scholarships and Financial Assistance—Pegasus will award a limitednumber of scholarships based on financial need. Scholarships are applicableonly to the conference registration fee (no cash value) and will be processedon a first-come, first-served basis as long as funds are available. To apply,please complete the application form at may also request forms by calling 1-781-398-9700. Additional ways to apply for financial assistance are available at

Confirmation—If you have not received a confirmation within three weeksof submitting your registration, please call the Conference Department at 1-781-398-9700.

Cancellations and Substitutions—All cancellations must be received inwriting. The amount paid less a $150 processing fee will be refunded for cancellations postmarked or faxed by Friday, October 6, 2006. For the periodbetween October 7 and October 31, there will be a 50% refund. Cancellationsafter October 31, 2006 are not eligible for a refund, but a substitute may besent. Please fax any changes to Pegasus at 1-781-894-7175 or e-mail to Jen Rich at [email protected]. These terms apply to pre-conference sessions as well.

Special Needs—Please call us at 1-781-398-9700 or e-mail Jen Rich at [email protected] if you have special needs or dietary limitations thatwe can address to make your participation more enjoyable.


Speakers and schedule are subject to change without notice.

Pegasus Conference Registration Form

T Printed on recycled paper

The Old North Bridge in Concord—“therude bridge that arched the flood...”

Sheraton Lexington Inn

Westin Waltham-Boston Hotel

By submitting this application to attend this conference, I agree to the terms and conditions set forth below.

Page 8: the 16th annual pegasus conference Leading Beyond the… · EAMONN KELLY CEO of Global Business Network (GBN)

When you attend the Pegasus Conference with a team of colleagues, you dramatically increase the value of the experience for both you and your organization. Boost your ROI with our flexible Teams Program—at noadditional charge—and bring home the potential for creating astonishing results together.

Achieve Shared Focus and Make it Stick1. Attend the Get Connected introductory session on Sunday night and work with a coach to establish your

team’s conference learning plan and post-conference goals.2. Reconvene as needed, with or without your coach, to monitor your progress, reevaluate your approach,

and share your findings.3. Wrap up together on Wednesday afternoon to crystallize future plans and action strategies.4. When you return to work, you have the critical mass to implement your conference take-aways and to

master the challenges most vital to your success.

S TART WHERE YOU ARE AND :� Learn from insightful speakers

whose work regularly takes thembeyond the horizon

� Acquire skills for anticipatingunintended consequences andmanaging “wicked messes”

� Uncover possible futures throughstorytelling, scenario planning,and systems modeling

� Network and collaborate with acommunity of people dedicated todesigning sustainable solutionsrather than quick fixes

� Reinforce your commitment tomaking a difference on a personal,organizational, and global level

Can change beginwithout you?

Pegasus Communications, Inc.One Moody StreetWaltham, MA 02453-5339781-398-9700

t h e 1 6 t h a n n u a l p e g a s u s c o n f e r e n c e

• Line Managers, Leaders, andExecutives

• OD Professionals• Executive Directors• Consultants • Change Agents• Chief Learning Officers

• Cross-Functional and/or IntactTeams

• Directors of Strategic Planning• Educators• Corporate Trainers• Healthcare Professionals• Nonprofit Staff Members



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For information on the Teams Program and discountedrates for teams, please contact Vicky Schubert at 1-781-398-9700.

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