thank you, nelson mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · the photos below demonstrate the...

Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what principled leadership can accomplish. THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA.

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Page 1: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what principled leadership can accomplish. THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA.

Page 2: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns
Page 3: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

A victim of "necklacing" burns in a South African street Socialist rebel humiliates the victim further by throwing trash on the still-living body source: African Crisis FOR THE WEEPING MASSES, WE HAVE THE GREAT PEACEMAKER, COMMUNIST INFILTRATOR AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZER, AND MASS MURDERER WHOM - WITH HIS WIFE - POPULARIZED THE PLACING OF BURNING TIRES AROUND THE NECKS OF THEIR NON-COMMUNIST ENEMIES - CALLED "NECKLACING" . I SAY PEACE! IF YOU CAN STAND IT. THIS IS NELSON MANDELA'S PEACE! The truth about Mandela is so hidden in mythology and misinformation that most know nothing about him prior to Robben island, and those who do tend to exercise a form of self censorship, designed to bolster the myth whilst consigning uncomfortable facts into the mists of history. For most people all they know about Mandela, prior to his release in 1990, was that he had spent 27 years in prison and was considered by many on the left at the time (and almost everyone now) to be a political prisoner. However, Mandela was no Burmese Aung San Suu Kyi, he was not an innocent, democratically elected leader, imprisoned by an authoritarian government.

Page 4: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

Mandela was the terrorist leader of a violent terrorist organisation, the ANC (African National Congress) which was responsible for many thousands of, mostly black, deaths. The ANC's blood spattered history is frequently ignored, but reminders occasionally pop up in the most embarrassing places, indeed as recently as this month the names of Nelson Mandela and most of the ANC remained on the US government's terrorist watch list along with al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Tamil Tigers. Of course the forces of political correctness are rushing to amend that embarrassing reminder from the past. However, Mandela's name was not on that list by mistake, he was there because of his Murderous past. Before I am accused of calumny, it should be noted that Mandela does not seek to hide his past, in his autobiography 'the long walk to Freedom' he casually admits 'signing off' the 1983 Church Street bombing carried out by the ANC and killing 19 innocent people whilst injuring another 200. It is true that Mandela approved that massacre and other ANC killings from his prison cell, and there is no evidence that he personally killed anyone but the same could be said about Stalin or Hitler, and the violent history of the ANC, the organisation he led is not in question. According to the Human Rights Commission it is estimated that during the Apartheid period some 21,000 people were killed, however both the UN Crimes against Humanity commission and South Africa's own Truth and Reconciliation Commission are in agreement that in those 43 years the South African Security forces killed a total of 518 people. The rest, (some 92%) were accounted for by Africans killing Africans, many by means of the notorious and gruesome practice of necklacing whereby a car tyre full of petrol is placed around a victim's neck and set alight. This particularly cruel form of execution was frequently carried out at the behest of the ANC with the enthusiastic support of Mandela's demonic wife Winnie.

Page 5: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

"The ANC and its terrorist wing, founded and led by Nelson Mandela, were dominated by the Communist Party and the influence goes back decades. "No major decision could be taken by the ANC without the concurrence and approval of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party," former ANC and SACP leader Bartholomew Hlapane testified before the U.S. Congress before being executed by an assassin." Nelson Mandela and the spiritual legacy of divestment

Page 6: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid activist, former prisoner and President of South Africa, an icon of non-violent resistance, has died in the prime of his life. Much beloved by the clueless of our world, Mandela will be missed by them in the same fashion JFK is missed by his fans, and a Kenyan-born US president will be missed by his.

CELEBRATING THE MAN where the gun and Jew-haters got the idea to use the word divestment. Whereas a man who suffered the injustices of genuine APARTHEID had the nerve to charge the Jewish state that imported blacks for decades, saving and spiriting blacks out of Africa, outfitting them with homes, jobs, medical and other social services AT NO CHARGE, even autos, with being "An Apartheid State."

Page 7: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns
Page 8: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns
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Page 11: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member Written by Alex Newman

Despite decades of Nelson Mandela denying that he was an official member of the South African Communist Party (SACP) during his Soviet-backed war on the Apartheid government, evidence uncovered recently by British historian Stephen Ellis shows otherwise. The new research confirmed that not only was the African National Congress (ANC) leader a member of the SACP, he may have actually been a senior official working with the party’s Central Committee. Still, for 50 years, while admitting that he was influenced by Marx and other communist luminaries, Mandela has denied — in public, at least — that he was an actual member of the Communist Party. But now, documents discovered at the University of Cape Town by Stephen Ellis, a professor based at the Free University of Amsterdam, completely contradict Mandela’s bogus claims.

Page 12: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

Among other evidence, Ellis found minutes from a secret SACP meeting of top leaders in 1982. The papers document a high-level Communist Party functionary’s discussion about Mandela having joined the SACP around 20 years earlier. That would mean he joined in the beginning of the 1960s, probably 1961 or 1962, well before he was prosecuted for, among numerous other crimes, membership in the outlaw party backed by some of the most ruthless tyrants on the face of the Earth. Had the proof been more widely disseminated decades ago, though, it would have been much harder for the Western establishment, including the U.S. government, to openly join forces with communist tyrants to support the controversial figure in his often-brutal guerrilla war. Indeed, if the world had only been paying attention, the signs would have been obvious to even a casual observer. Today, if the truth had been known back then, South Africa might be a very different place, too. As The New American reported recently in a series of articles citing some of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject, the so-called “Rainbow Nation” is currently facing the threat of both genocide and full-blown communism as white farmers are massacred and ANC-SACP politicians plot more robbery.

Page 13: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

In Ellis’ mind, though, Mandela was simply advancing his own cause, not the communist conspiracy. "He knew and trusted many Communist activists anyway, so it appears he was co-opted straight to the central committee with no probation required.... But it's fair to say he wasn't a real convert, it was just an opportunist thing," the historian implausibly claimed in an interview with the U.K. Daily Telegraph, which first publicized the explosive revelations over the weekend before they were picked up by media outlets worldwide. Despite uncovering the new evidence and publishing it in his book, External Mission: The ANC in Exile, 1960-1990, the author, also a former researcher for Amnesty International, continually attempted to downplay the significance of his own findings throughout the interview. "Nelson Mandela's reputation is based both on his ability to overcome personal animosities and to be magnanimous to all South Africans, white and black, and that is what impressed the world. But what this shows is that like any politician, he was prepared to make opportunistic alliances,” Ellis claimed. Had the proof been more widely disseminated decades ago, though, it would have been much harder for the Western establishment, including the U.S. government, to openly join forces with communist tyrants to support the controversial figure in his often-brutal guerrilla war. Indeed, if the world had only been paying attention, the signs would have been obvious to even a casual observer. Today, if the truth had been known back then, South Africa might be a very different place, too. As The New American reported recently in a series of articles citing some of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject, the so-called “Rainbow Nation” is currently facing the threat of both genocide and full-blown communism as white farmers are massacred and ANC-SACP politicians plot more robbery.

Page 14: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

In Ellis’ mind, though, Mandela was simply advancing his own cause, not the communist conspiracy. "He knew and trusted many Communist activists anyway, so it appears he was co-opted straight to the central committee with no probation required.... But it's fair to say he wasn't a real convert, it was just an opportunist thing," the historian implausibly claimed in an interview with the U.K. Daily Telegraph, which first publicized the explosive revelations over the weekend before they were picked up by media outlets worldwide. Despite uncovering the new evidence and publishing it in his book, External Mission: The ANC in Exile, 1960-1990, the author, also a former researcher for Amnesty International, continually attempted to downplay the significance of his own findings throughout the interview. "Nelson Mandela's reputation is based both on his ability to overcome personal animosities and to be magnanimous to all South Africans, white and black, and that is what impressed the world. But what this shows is that like any politician, he was prepared to make opportunistic alliances,” Ellis claimed. Nelson Mandela: The Man and the Myth “At the end of the day… violence was the only weapon that would destroy apartheid.” ~ Nelson Mandela, 1959 “As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love. Let no man pull you so low as to hate him. Always avoid violence. If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in your struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr., 1956 To alchemists, the phoenix symbolizes the destruction and creation of new forms of matter along the way to the ultimate transformation: physical (= lead into gold) and spiritual (= immortality, as an occult alternative to Christian salvation).

Karl Marx’s Religion of Revolution: Regeneration Through Chaos “This study examines the major facts of Marx and early Marxism: biography, religion, philosophy, and economics, first published in 1968, it has been updated with a lengthy Preface

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and a concluding chapter, plus an astounding appendix. “The Myth of Marx’s Poverty,” which proves that in the years when he wrote Das Kapital, Karl Marx was a rich man. It was not poverty that brought Marx to Marxism; it was his all consuming hatred. North shows that it was hatred of humanity that led Marx to revive the ancient pagan belief in social regeneration through systematic chaos, and then to provide it with new clothes and respectability through pseudo-economics. North’s study has been regarded for years as the most penetrating Christian analysis of Marx ever written, and this new edition is even more devastating than the first.” BOOK – Marx’s Religion of Revolution, by Gary North – “Communists everywhere fight to destroy capitalist society and to replace it with Socialism, where the masses of the common people, irrespective of race or colour, will live in complete equality, freedom and happiness. They seek to revolutionise society and are thus called revolutionaries. Those who support capitalism with its class divisions and other evils and who oppose our just struggles to end oppression are called counter revolutionaries.” ~ Nelson Mandela Source: HOW TO BE A GOOD COMMUNIST, by Nelson Mandela –

Page 16: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

The Revolutionary: The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela

What is the Winnie Mandela necklace? In: Nelson Mandela [Edit categories] Answer: The "Winnie Mandela necklace" unfortunately has nothing to do with jewelry, it is a cruel and gruesome way of executing people and was used during Apartheid by the ANC and others their own black brothers & sisters who were suspected of being friendly to whites. ANC 'freedom-fighters' and 'liberators' would take black people and hack off their hands or tie them behind the person's back with barbed wire. Then a gasoline-filled tyre would be set alight around the victim's ("traitor's") neck and they would slowly and very painfully burn to death. The following video shows a necklacing towards the end (not for sensitive viewers): Another burning video (warning: extremely graphic, not great quality): Winnie Mandela famously screamed to thousands at a large open-air rally in 1985/86: "with our matches and necklaces, we'll liberate this country!", implying that those who do not take the ANC's side will be burnt alive. Such threats by Winnie Mandela could very well be considered terrorism against the very people she claimed to intend liberating. Exiled members of the ANC were taught about necklacings and torture techniques at terror-training camps in places like Angola (eg. Camp Quatro) and Mozambique. (graphic photos, not for sensitive viewers)

Page 17: Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you did to show us what ... · THE PHOTOS BELOW DEMONSTRATE THE PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP OF NELSON AND WINNIE MANDELA. A victim of "necklacing" burns

More info about torture camps: Torture camp survivor's story: More info about Winnie Mandela's many crimes (including fraud & murder) and necklacings (no more graphic than the definition of necklacing above): The spectre of necklacing showed its ugly head again in 2008 when foreign blacks, mostly Somali, Zimbabwean and other refugees were being set alight by their brothers and sisters in what was called 'the 2008 xenophobic attacks'. TO READ THE WHOLE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR THE WEEPING MASSES APARTHEID IN NELSON MANDELA'S SOUTH AFRICA TODAY Today South Africa has the reputation of being one of the most dangerous and crime ridden nations on Earth which is not actively at War. In 2001, only seven years after the end of Apartheid, whilst the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands with 5,6 murders per 100,000 population was declared the 'murder capitol of Europe', Johannesburg, with 61.2 murders per 100,000 population and remains the world's top murder city. In South Africa as a whole, the murder rate is seven times that of America, in terms of rape the rate is ten times as high and includes the ugly phenomenon of child rape, one of the few activities in which South Africa is now a world leader. If you don't believe me, you can read what Oprah Winfrey has to say about it here. As with the Rhodesian/Zimbabwean Matabeleland massacres, news of which the BBC, together with much of the world media suppressed for twenty years to protect their one time hero, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, another secret genocide is being ignored by the world media, the genocide of white Boer farmers, thousands of whom have been horribly tortured to death in their homes since the end of Apartheid. Anyone who clicks on this link should we warned that it includes some very gruesome images as the savagery of these attacks belie the authorities attempts to dismiss them as nothing more than a 'crime wave'. Given that it is now all but illegal in South Africa to report the race of either victim or the perpetrator of a crime (unless the perpetrator is white and the victim black) and as modern South

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Africa's official crime statistics are notoriously massaged, it is impossible to know the exact numbers of farm murders that have taken place. Many reliable sources estimate the figure as close to 3,000, but even if we take the more conservative figure of 1,600 quoted in the politically correct South African press (but not quoted at all in ours) this is three times the numbers killed by the South African security forces over a period of 43 years, and which the UN calls a crime against humanity. To put this in perspective, the population of South Africa is 47 million, (13 million less than Britain despite its far greater land mass) of which the 4.3 million whites account for 9.1%, about 1% less than the immigrant population of Britain. Can you imagine the outcry if 1,600 (let alone 3,000) members of a minority community in Britain were tortured to death by the native population? Yet when the victims are white, there is hardly a peep in the South African press and silence from the international media. NELSON MANDELA'S "FOR THE WEEPING MASSES" Under Apartheid, blacks and whites went to separate hospitals but they received world class health care, whatever their colour. Now the facilities are collapsing or non-existent. Black children went to different schools than white children, but they received an education, something which is now a privileged luxury. When they grew up, their bosses may have been white, but they had jobs and a living wage, as the recent violence shows us, such security is but a memory for most South Africans. Eighteen years after Nelson and Winnie made their historic walk towards the cameras, and 14 years, since Mandela assumed power on a tide of optimism, a once proud South Africa slides like a crumbling, crime-ridden, wreck towards a precipice created through greed, corruption and incompetence. For all his gleaming smiles, grandfatherly hand gestures, and folksy sound bites, tomorrow night, when crowd cheers the retired terrorist in the gaudy shirt, they would do best not to focus too closely upon his much admired legacy, as they might just find that the Xhosan Emperor has no clothes. -- "In disquisitions of every kind there are certain primary truths, or first principles, upon which all subsequent reasoning must depend." --Alexander Hamilton