th e buffalo review , tuesday. m orning, ju n e llj 1001 ... 24/buffalo ny... · years or thirty...

ff THE BUFFALO REVIEW, TUESDAY. MORNING, JUNE llj 1001. _________ V / _________i ________ ' ■ - 1 I ■Jfc. l REINA MERCEDES TO BE REFITTED Government Spent $250,000 cn the Spanish Cruiser Raised by Hobson. COUNTY TRANSCRIPTS £EIE COUNTY. OFFICIAL. How Capt, Grieser’s Brave Gold Medal Feat is Re- garded in Washington. WASHINGTON, June 10.—The Navy Department has decided to expend a quarter of a million dollars In refitting and repairing the Spanish cruiser •Jtolna Mercedes which was sunk by the 'guns of the North Atlantic fleet In San- tiago Harbor during the memorable rlege of that city in the Spanish war. The cruiser was raised under the direc- tion of Naval Constructor Hobson anti towed to the Portsmouth. N. II. Navy Yard, where it has since remained. A board of olllcers was recently ap- pointed by Secretary Hong for the pur- pose of making a survey of the wreck and reporting as to whether or not it woukl be advisable to overhaul her and put her into condition for further serv- ice. This board has submitted Its re- port and recommended that the Mer- cedes be repaired and added to the Navy list. The vessel is badly bat- tered up, and at ftyst glance it would seem to be a hopeless task to patch her up. The board estimated, that to do this would involve an expenditure of about $250,000 and that at least two years or thirty months would be re- quired to complete the work. This recon.mendation has been, approved and instructions have been issued for the work to begin. By the time the undertaking is completed the Mercedes will be practically a ne\V\vessel, for in many portions she is to be constructed entirely anew. The report of the board shows that all the interior wood work was burned out and that the bulkheads are full of holes and therefore useless, as a re- sult of the numerous shots that pene- trated the hull. The upper works have all been shot or cut away, and the steel work is hopelessly twisted and ruined. The board also submitted plans for refitting the ship and for a new ar- rangement of the interior. These in- clude more commodious quarters for officers and members of the crew, an improved system of ventilation and a re-arrangement of the store rooms. The general building plans of the cruisers of the Denver type are to be followed as far as possible in rehabilitating the old Spanish cruiser, and wn§n 'no.m- pleted she will be of about the type of the Cincinnati. A new battery is to be "added, and also a new set of boilers and engines. It is expected that the Mercedes will be a thoroughly service- able and comfortable craft when ready for commissioning. “We have today issued a gold medal to one of our life savers as a reward for what I consider the most remarka- ble instance of individual heroism, bravery and pluck that has ever come within the notice of the department," snbj Gttptaln 8. I. Kimball, superin- tendent of the life saving service. “The records of the department,” he con- tinued, “contain many accounts of gal- lant rescues of shipwrecked sailors and passengers, but all of them are Surpassed by the conduct of Keeper W. W. Grlesser of the Buffalo Life Saving Station in saving the life of a man last winter, and for which we today send him a gold medal. “The circumstances of the rescue ap- pear from evidence filed in this depart- ment to have been about as follows: About 2:30 p. m., on the 2lst of No- vember, 1900, while a gale of groat ve- locity, running at times as high as eighty miies an hour, was sweeping across the harbor of Buffalo, two large scows having several men on board broke from their moorings some three miles southwest of the life saving sta- tion and drifted swiftly toward the breakers. A boat was put out from the life saving station and in charge of Grosser made for the endangered men. The terrible sweep of the wind from which there was no protection, caused the anchor to drag and in a moment the lifeboat was in the midst of the heaviest surf. Two great combers broke on board while a third one caught the bow and threw it high into the sir, snapping the hawser and pitch- ing the heavy boat end over end. Grlesser and all but one of the crew were thrown out, and after a hard swim reached the shore a quarter of a mile away. Grlesser then learned that a man who had been on one of the scows was in a very perilous position among some old piles standing nearly a third of a mile from where he reached the shore, and about 500 feet from the nearest point on land. The half drowned man could bo seen cling- ing for Ills life to the slippery piles, the seas constantly breaking over him so deeply at times that he was entirely lost from sight. The use of a boat was impracticable, and the situation of the unfortunate man was plainly suen that he must perish unless aid should soon reach him. Grlesser quickly re- solved to try to swim out with a line, despite his recent fight to reach shore. A surfman agreed to accompany him, and in the face of the warnings of the older men the two plunged Into the surf, each with a rope about hls arm. Both were immediately thrown back upon the beach. Another start was made, and when fifty yards out Grlos- cor’s companion was disabled and swept back to the land."—Washington correspondent Brooklyn Daily Eagle. RECORDED MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1901. NOTICE. The record items as printed below are given Just as they are furnished us by tho County Click from the public re- cords, and do not necessarily affect the credit or business standing of the part- ies mentioned; and any explanation of any of the items that may appear from time to time, we shall be pleased to publish at the request of tho parties in- terested. Under no circumstances will any Judgment or decree, or other matter of record be withheld from publication by this paper. Under the contracts we have with our subscribers to furnish them a complete report daily of all such items as are placed on record by the County Clerk, we cannot under any circumstances comply with the many requests that aro made to us to with- hold certain items. ave 44 ft w of Dfcwltt st ............ AdeHa. C Hawley 'to Geo H Sejklnrk, 39x105 ft e s Ashland ave 87Mi ft1 n of Bouck ave .............................. E<lw El Meaklns to Edhv E Meaklns an<l one, 30x130 ft s s Lovejoy st 670 ft e.of Bailey avo ..................... Geo H Selkirk to Adelia C Hawley, 113 x182'/2 ft s w cor Depewi and IFarker ave ...................................... Christian Fink to Wm T Becker* 36 ft fr s § Broadway 131.80 ft W t of Siwinburn$ st ............................. Fdk Ullman to Ella M Nichol- son, 100 ft fr w s Greenwood pi 404.93 ft n of Delavan ave • ••• *t *» 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 oo ! 1 00 1 00 COUNTRY, 22 25 14 65 33 25 126 85 42 15 Record of Judgment*. Mayer Idehterestoin in favor of Harry Kabclinsky—Shit o & Jellinek ....... 71 47 Robt F Douglass—Guernsey Ne- vlns—Clinton At Clark ................... Isaac Horn—John B Meyers—E G Mu resileid. ........................................ Michael Winter in favor of Louis P Klein, March 25, 18S4 ..................... Aug Daborkow- Irving W Potter, April 5, 1901 ...................................... Jacob Egger—(finis Sudrow, March 20, 1399 ............................................ Thos Brown, Jos ■Stabell and Chas Griffiths in favor of Owen Daley— Aug Becker ...... ............................... 144 17 Eliza S Haim—Ja» W Tillinghast— Frank M Loomis' ........................... 289 8? Mary A Laughlln—Abraham D A Miller and one—F G reiner ......... 3479 60 Cavl and Amanda Krueger—Ira ll Myers—Ira it Myers* ................... 1591 93 NOTE1—The Judgment, Lichtenstein vs. Raboilnsky, reposed above, Is ire a liti- gated matter ior costs only, and will be appealed. NOTE—The judgment 'recently reported In faovr of J. B. Meyers of New Orleans against Isaac Horn, was granted by de- fault. Mr. Horn says he has a receipt In full for the account, and will have the Judgment set aside. Chattel Mortgages. Mrs Geo <F -Stratton to M F Tall - in age ................................................ 33 50 Sarah Raphael to S am e ................. 15 00 Thos J Donovan to Iroquois Brew Co ...................................................... 2000 00 Wm U Watson to German Bank .. 1500 00 Same to Same ................................... 1500 00 Chr.s Iyemke and one to New Cen- tury L Co ........................................ 15 00 Richard B Vail to Financial Trad- ing Co .............................................. 25 00 J M Hen ness y to S'ame ................. 58 00 B F Doyle 'to Same ......................... 25 00 Mary Tracy to Erie Co L Co ............ 112 00 Minnie V B Guess and' one to S'amo 58 00 Fdk G August, to Financial Trad- ing Co ............................................... 58 00 Mary GillecS to Lake View Brew Co 422 19 W L Sheldon and one to Willis E Woodbury ........................................ 634 32 Tlvo following chattels were given to Irish A'lCnglish: Hattie Evans $30.45; Mary C Kiryson $25.35; Sarah K Klrchner $21.38; Carrie .Weeks $31.25; Mary Henry $26.25. The following chattels' /were given to Fidelity Credit Co: Matilda Dee and one $58; Wm J Roth and ono $50; John Mul- hollan $25; Chas M Davey $35; Wm Ernst $30; Anna C Augstoll and ono $76; Edgar R Boniface and one $100; Minnie Brown and one $50; John Cunningham and one $42; Geo G Koch area one $15; Eugene M Kweot apd one $30; John C White arid one $20; Judson Wilson and one $112; F Grab- bensta.ttor and ono $106; Lemuel Ange.r and one $100. RENEWALS. I Woods to Erie Co L Co ............. 59 00 Aug 'F Krlog to Jas W McKay .. 1800 00 W E T Barton to Michael Callahan 85 00 Maggie Johnson and one to Geo 10 Graf .............................................. 70 50 Bella Abbott to Adam Cornelius et al ....................................................... 200 00 Mrs D IS ax to n to M F Tall mage.. 4 00 Anna Moore to Same ....................... 9 85 Wm Tremaine to Same .................. 3 00 Mrs Alex Horner to iSdme................ 3 50 Edw Go file n to Lion Brewery ........ 241 67 Win Smith t,o H <Mc.ssers.mlth* — Mrs T Bagley to (Same ................... Bertha Mould to Chas V Mcahl.. Kato- Friedman to Delos <W Kim- ball, Holland .................................. 50 00 Niagara River Brew Co to Tona- wanda Brewing Co., Tona .......... 1 00 Busch Brew Co by referee to Ni- agara River Brew Co.. Tona .... 11000 00 John C Conway to Fdk Naragh, Chceka .............................................. 1 00 Helen L Bonreey to Geo iW Norton, S'pringville ....................................... 600 00 Hiram A Pierce to Jacob Banzes, E Hamburg ..................................... 400 00 Maria Hires'll eh et al to John Hllre- slien, Aideil ............................. 3000 00 Sprlngville Bldg Assn by trustee to Geo Her bold and one, Spring- vlllo ................................................... 1000 00 Lis Pendens. Oka's A McKee agst Albert F Lamb et al —Nyc & Nye. Harry 1) Williams agst Clara M Rico ct al—II D Williams. Thos McGreev.y agst Richard A Walto et al—Norton liros. National Wall Paper Co agst Chas M Reed—Jeroloman •& Arrows ml'th. Minnie E* Voglit agst John Leppert ct al —E W MCI ret yre. Bill of Sale. Ellen Farrell to Edw Farrell and . one ..................................................... Tuesday of each month, except August. Spoclal sessions each Tuesday at 10 o’clock. Process and all motions and proceedings In bankruptcy must be made returnable and may be heard at either a regular or ipecial sesslqn. or at a regular term. BANKRUPTCY COURT—Erie Coun- ty District—Western District of N. Y. —Before William H. Hotchkiss, ref- eree. No calendar. 1 00 NIAGARA COUNTY. OFFICIAL. LOC'KfPORT, N. Y., JU N E 8 & 10, 1901. 49 95 52 90 Judgments. John Sweeney In favor of Walter D Hough .............. ........................... Aulden F Bowker—Harold P Brew- ster .................................................... Augustus H Miller and Julius C F Miller—State Bank, of Tona ......... 49 06 J B Hotchkiss—Mary Johnson and one as admrs ............................. 14429 Mortgages, John Dempsey'to Julia GBarnum'.. 150 00 Sarah J Taylo-r to Niagara S* & L Assn .................................................. 1560 00 Paul Riemer to Christian Thiel .... 1000 00 Chattel Mortgages* Wm II Vosburgh and one to Frank C Farnell .......................................... 250OO Albert E Weeks to David J 'Wells.. 100 00 Deeds. Mary Butler to John I/Ohrmann .. (Bertha I< Porter to Frances R Nichols .............................................. Frederick C M I^autz to O'tto Leiw- ln ....................................................... Frank ip. Weaver to Isabella White Frank P Weaevr to Isabellahi'to Elizabeth McGuire et al to Albert I Knowles ......................................... Lis Pendens. Emily C Carpenter agst sSa.uh L Clapp et al. Christopher C Parker aget Matthew Oou- dren et al. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 OO 1 00 COURT PROCEEDINGS. SUPREME COURT, Part I.—Hon. War- ren B. Hooker, Justice. Ju n e 10, 1901. Charlotte Sphosek vs the Village of Hamburg. On trial. 'Thomas Martin vS Edward F. Lathrop et al. Motion for non-suit granted. Richard I.abert by gdn. v.s Reed Vergu- eon and one. Complaint dismissed with costs. SUPREME COURT, Part II—Hon, Dan- iel J. Kenefick, Justice. Juno 10, 1901. John F. Boylan* vs C, J. Hamlin and. Harry Hamlin. Verdict for plaintiff. $409. Wm. II. Slade and one vs Mary (Brauer as executrix, individually. Decision re- served. 20 47 29 45 700 00 Department of Polico. CITY OF BUFFALO. Buffalo, N. Y„ June 3, 1901. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received «t the ofllco of tho Board of Polico Com- missioners, Police Headquarters Building, corner of Franklin and Seneca streets, until Friday, June 14, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., for supplying to this Department such quantities of the best quality of thoroughly screer ed lafiilgh or Scranton coal, freo from slate, ar.d subject to in- spection by tho City Coal inspector, or other person designated by the Boa;,* of Polleo, as (lie said Boa*'cl of Police may require for the use- of the Police Depart - ment of the said City, at Polico Head- quarters, and the several police stations ’mlice patrol boat of said City, and to housC the same, fr* in the first day of July, 1901, to tho thirtieth day of June, 390*. inclusive, such delivery to bo made ut su’-ih time or limes, and to such l'o- llce Headquarters, stadc n hou os and po- lice patrm boat as tho said Beard of Po- lice may require. No pioposil will be considered unless it be accompanied by a certified check to,- hU i>iyAU it ft-..*' trr-f of its (Board of Police, or a good and sufficient bond equal to 50 per cent, of the entire bid. Specifications and estimates will l>e furnished upon applica: bn at this office. Tho Board rest t ves the right to reject any or all bids. CHARLES \. RUPP, JOHN II. COOPER, Board of Police Commissioners. AME* A. TAGGERT, ijjierk. Mortgages* CITY. Anthony S'chrelber to Geo Grobcn. an'd one, Curtis re.™ William st, p in’1000 00 Diocese of Buffalo to Monroe Co S Bank, cor Broadway and JS'wln- burno ................................................ S0000 00 Martin A Case to Anna E Talcott, Fillmore avo nrBroadway ........ 1750 00 iS'ume to Same, Fillmore ave nr Broadway ......................................... 1750 00 Adelia C Hawley to Geo H Sel- kirk, cor Depcw and Parker ave 7500 00 Peter J Kogler to Ulversido Co-Op 8 & L A, Gorton nr Austin st .. -1400 00 Sophia 8 Krdrmui to Levyn 'Michaels, Beckham nr Stanton .................... 600 00 Wm T Becker to Christian Fink, Broadway nr Swinburne st, p m.. 2500 00 John T Monk to Buffalo German Ins Co, Potomac ave nr Dewitt fit 2500 00 Caroline W Behrcnds to Frances B LeFevre, Lexington nr Norwood avo .................................................... 6000 00 Calvary English Evangelical Luth- eran Congregation of the Unal- tered Augsburg Confessional- Buffalo S Bank, cor Dodgo and Elltcott st s.................................. 12000 00 Olimpia Cisztilc to German American Brcav Co, Fillmore avo nr Jt'ccK- ham st ............................................... 958 33 Fred' C ilumburch to Ianilsa O W Goenen, Dr on cl-way n*r Kllicott st 800 CO Chas 10 Owen and one to Exrs of Benj 11 Williams, cor 'West iSen- eca st and Franklin st ................. 1000 00 Wm Burns to Fdk II Mixer, Ver- mont st, p m ................................ 2500 00 Hurras Goldberg to 'Western S Bank, Pratt nr Clln'ton st ....... 1200 00 Geo Her bo id ct al to Jay Bor- den, S'pringville .............................. 600 00 COUNTRY. Jas W Guise to Klareora V Smith, Clarence ........................................... 500 00 Win J Kibler to Dow Vroman, Tona Same to Niagara S & L A of Tona., Tona ..................................... €5000 Aislguueut of Mortgages* Isldor Erhard by ailmx to Jos Fischer ............................................... 75000 Discharges of Mortgages* Isidor Erhard to Herman Gcuekr, Fob 1897. Western S Bank to Geo Miller, Sept 1887. Erie Co 8 Bank to Lorenz Uranacher, June 1895. Some to Barbara Bauer, Nov 1898. Same to Mary B Avery and oree, Dec 1898 (Same to Emily W Mllur, Aug 1899. Jacob Wcppne'r. and one to l.crcnz Gra- naclier, July 1897. Chas Loegler to Henry It ITurminger, May 1395. Deed*. CITY. Julia Strolelier to John G .St re Ichor, 35 ft fr il s Delavan .115 ft e of Niagara st ...................................... Ifinry Schm filer by referee to Jacob Refiner, 42.05 ft fr s a Ginesee st.. 800 00 Republic S 03 L A by receivers to Fdk Knack, 40 ft fr n w 9 Caze- n O'via st 150 ft n e of Cumberland avo .................................................... 2C00 00 Buffalo Cement Co Ltd to Grace K Morey, 66x182.5 ft s s l)opjw ave 225 ft o of Wallace ave .................. Chas J Close to (finis 1*1 Snyder, 2Sx J29 ft s w s 15th st 261 ft vs e of Hampshire st .................................. Chas* 1*1 Snych r to Edwin C Walker, 28x120 ft s w s 13th st 261 ft s e of Hampshire s t .............................. \N m M Farrell to Jonathan Alli- son, L 79 'V It K 8 ami vnr prop.. Eugene H Stanton to ‘Frank 1) Seheport, 30x134 fl o a Gold st 580 l‘t s "of Broadway ......................... Alex T Btlrns to Patrlek H Burns, 35.22 re i i '.V £ JJ.'-Plq;'.1 ' -st ft n of Forest avq. mo!!! A If x T Burns t<8 Patrick ll Burns, 30 x30.58 ft n w cor Forest ave and Danforth st ............................ Wire M Farrell to Evlyn 'l* Young, L 79 T 11 K S and yar prop .......... 230 00 G* <> Groin n and oM* to Anthony fcehrelbcr, 81.90 ft,,lf s s Curtiss sf 802.61 ft e of wTlllnifk sf , , )V i . fr 1 CO Frances .pVacMvy c t al by rt rereo to John fi’ Monk, 41x99 ft n s Po- toniac ave 11 ft w of Dewitt st .... 230^. J.:n;enhiiifi N Lawrcnco lo Cfiaa W 442. 474. 570. 628. 076H- SUPREME C6U1IT—County of Erie —P a r t I—Before Hon. Warren B. Hooker, Justled, No furthei additions this term. F o r JunW 11, No. 442 ore trial. Schosek vs Village of Hamburg— Stolting & Heath for plf; Fayette Kelley for dft. Ore trial. Nussbaum vs Laux—Robert Glrven for plf; A. M. Thomas for dft. Romanoweki vs Shepard—R. V. Cal- lan for plf; Clinton B. Git/bs for dft. Mosley vs Debo—John Van Arsdalo for plf; Cad well & Baker for dft. Fierelll vs Dark—H. D. Williams for plf; C. B. Gibbs for dft. 674. Merzi vs Fisher—Stern & Frye for plf; Simon Fleischmann for dft. 2181 /6. Goldstein vs Meyer—E. N. Sheldon for plf; Shire & Jellinek for dft. Hewson vs Buffalo Railway Co.— Daniel V, Murphy for plf; Bisaoll & JVtetcalLfor dft. Daggett vs Stoddard—Thos. W. Pel- ham for plf; Morey & Bosley for Mauzella vs Ryan—H. J. Westwood for plf; W. J. Creamer for dft. Sheehan vs Sheehan—(Philip A. Laing for plf; King, Leggett, & Brown for dft. Moses vs Crosstown St.- Railway Co. Georgs W. Kennedy for plf; Box, Norton & (Bushnell for dft. 614. .'McClowsky vs Del. Ins. Co*.- Durand & 'Smith for plf; John Van Voorhis »&Sons for dft. 632. Kambadt vs Campsull—<W . T. (Bush- man for plf; Fred D. Russell for dft. 122^. Guaranty Bldg. -CO. vs Protective Life Assu'i*. Scy.—Laughlln, & Ew- ell for plf; Wadsworth, B. & W. for dft. 64. Kerr vs Shipman—John C. Collin's ifq'r plf; Mfiler & Prat't for d'ft. 658. IMorgan vs* Laffllr.—A. C. -'Morgan for plf; Chas. E. Oromley for dft. LEGAL NOTICES* 314. 384. 390. 622. 036. SUPREME COURT, Special Tc'rmr-Hon. Truman* *0. White, Justice. June 10, 1901. Ire ro sale of real estate of Lenora M. Silver nail et al, in-fa-nts. O'ider confirming report of special guardian and directing conveyance, etc. 'Michael P. Tooney vs Dareie1 ! F. Tooney et al. Judgment of foreclosure and sale ordered. JitTt E. Farnham to sell. Samuel Tt’rat*t vs Lily Pratt et al. Ref- erees report of sale eon-fi'rmed and final judgment in partition and directing dis- tribution. Allowance of $50 to attorneys for (lefts. Edmund R. Shaw vs 'Wore. F. Carney et al. Order of discontinuance and canceling judgment against defendant. In ro voluntary dlsso'iivtion of the Queen City Mutual Fire Ins, Co. Order confirm- ing receiver’s report, authorizing receiver to assign certain* mortgage and to levy an assignment of $670, Francis A. Harrison vs Grand1 Trunk Ry. Co. of Canada and N. Y. C. >& H. R. R. H. Co. Order substituting Pooley, l>e- pew & Spratt as attorneys for defendant N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Oo. Erie County Savings Bank vs John W. Oorman et al. Order of reference to com- pute to Francis Kernan. Chas. F. A. Muelled vs Arthur A. John- son ct al. Like order >to S. L. Robertson. Erie County Savings Bank vs J. W. Cor- man. Judgment of foreclosure and jpcle. i F. K. Kernan to sell. Ira. II. Meyers- v*s Hlrami Sherwood et al. Order confirming Sheriff’s report of sale. Same vs Carl Kreuger. Like order. People vs Wm. Anderson. Order trans- ferring action to County Court for trial Curollno fifeltma-n vs 'Josephine Sta-die- irian et al. Final Judgment in partition. Extra allowance of $29.25 to plaintiff’s at- torneys. It'o'bort J. McIntyre vs John J. McIntyre. Oudcr of reference;to Rollin 'Reid to take p*r6of upon default. Owen Daley vs Thomas Brown et al. Order making the judgment o'f the Court of Appeals the judgment of this court. Caroline Heitmiaim vs Josephine Stader- man et al. Order directing County Clerk to cancel record of deed and directing ref- eree to give new deed. In re tho Diocese of Buffalo for leave to mortgage certain of its 'real estate. Or- der permitting petitioner to mortgage a portion of its real estate for $89,000. Julius Ullman ct al vs the N. Y. C. & H. It. It. R. Co. Order substituting Pool- ey, Dep-ow & 'Spnitt as attorneys for dft. Game Court, Hooker, J. Krva C. Thomas vs Marcus P. McHen- ry et al. Interlocutory judgment of sale in partition. F. A. ltobblns, Esq., to sell. SUPREME dbuRT— Part II—Before Hon. Daniel J. Kenefick, Justice, Room 14. ( No Calendar Call Today. For June 11, No. 533 on trial. 533. McDonald Vs Buffalo Railway Co.— Lansdowne & Moore for plr; Box, ton Rushnell for dft. On trial. 281. McArthur va Reed—Thayer, jack- son & White for plf; Shiro St Jelli- liok for dft.- 165. Brown vs Smallwood—C. A. Dolson for plf; Bartlett & Baker for dft. 327. Fisher vs Baxter—Philip V. Fennelly for plf; J. B. Corcoran for dft. 615. People ex rel La Vecchlo vs United Order of Italian Laborers—Chas. Oishei for plf; Edward T. Durand for dft. - 437. ICuazak vs MosIcr-aAbram Barthold mew fo*r plf; Love & Quackenbush for dft. 45,A Burt Va Smith—Norris Morey for* plf; J. S. Van Cleff for dft. 131. Finnerty vs Buffalo Railway Oo.— Charles A.White for plf; Box, Nor- ton & Blishnell for drt. 323. Smith vs 'Koons—Nelson S. Barrett for plf; Robt. F. Schelllng ior dft. 413. Miller vs,:JSL Y. C. & H. R. R. It. Co.—Jas. W, Burke for plf; Ira A. Place for1 ' dft. 525. Schumacher vs Caret—H. B. Van Peyma for plf; Morey & Bosley for dft. 523. Murphy Indiana Bridge Co.— 'Fred G. Bagley for plf; Rogers, Locke & Mllbrem for dft. 609. Pierce va Davis—*S1mon Fleisch- mann for' pif; Warren F. Miller for dft. 515. Volker vsidirvin—Cox & Kimball for plf; Albert F. Geyer for dft. 691^. DueringOr. vs (Shank—*'Volger & Boyd for plf; Geo. J. Arnold for dft. 1 319. Tomczak vs.-.Am. Exp. Farm. F.'S. & S^q^^aui^fiUn^& Ewell for pit; 191. Leyden vb Int. Pump Co.—Tuttle A Calkin for plf; Tapper & ComstOok 87. Konrif^V,,vs ’'' Scfilenker—T,ewls A Lewid -fU* plf; Shlrfc'A ^ellinelt for ' dft. 5033, illolt vs G«y—G. S. Van Corder for plf; Clinton A Thomas, Shire A Jellinek for dft. 1 (J* -- ■■■*■ '- ■ O .' - ^SPECIAL TERM—Before Hon.' Tru- man C. White, Justice. KfAn-enumer- ated motions every day except Satur- day, at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO 250 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ERIE COUNTY COURT.—Hon. Edward K. Emery, Judge. June 10, 1901. In re Maud M. Farthing, an infant. Or- der confirming repo'nt of John 11. Cleg- ato n, referee. In re Daniel J. Donovan and one. Mo- tion to discharge judgments granted. Same. Like order. S'ame. Llko order. George II. Holland vs Caroline McDon- nell. Order canceling lis pendens. Agnes B. Ea'rl vs Buffalo 'Bldg. A In- vestment Co. Order of reference to com- pute to William F. Smith, Lafayette L. Long vs John If. Rich- mond. Jury out. Vary & . Sleight as trustees vs Wald civ A Alosello Land Co. Order of reference to compute to E. C. Robbins. Grace 10. Bird vs Anton Kruszki et al. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. W. B. Dickinson to soli. John W. Jones as prest., vs John Clark as pros't. On trial. COURT CALENDAR. ERIE COUNTY COURT, Trial Term —Before Hon. Edward K. Emery, Judse. (For June 11, No. 164 on trial, Jones vs Clark—L. P. Hancock for plf; Eugene W. Harrington for dft. Oh trial. Anderson vs Schcu—John lt.illeinzel- man for plf; Joseph P, Schattner for dft. 'Angstell vs Schueler—J, P. Schatt- ner for plf; R. F. Schelllng for dft. Lumber Co. vs Eekhart--L. P. Han - cock for plf; A. M, Thomas for d'ft. Kuhns vs Ouchie- -Vroman A Fish for plf; M. A. Gearon for plf. 'Wood, vb Mills—Jerome Squires for plf; Fred Greiner for dft. OEndres vs Grotsch— 'Louis L. Ullman for plf; Otto F. Laregenbach for d.ft. ' Colo vs Baumgartner—E. A. Hayes for plf; C. W. Hinson for dft. Komperda vs Baut'ss—Jam es P. 'Schatis for plf; Frank R. Perkins for dft Grettman vs Memmlnger —Fox A . Graredlson for plf; J. F. Muelle'r for dft. Same vs Same—Sam© attorneys. 164. 13. 22. 25. 36. 14. 23. 28. 133. 135. Ontario gt._ M. ^ oj| S^lflen. C OUNft COURT, ERIE COUNTY— William H. Daniels, as Treasurer of Erie County, against Dunston Park Land Company, et ai. In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie Coun- ty Clerk’s Office on tho 16th day of May, 1901; I the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estato Exchange Room. No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the 10th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said Judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being a part of lots one (1) and threo (3) of tho "Jones Tract" so called, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point In the northwesterly line of Ontario Street two hundred and ten feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of Sktllen Street; running thence northeasterly aiong tho northwesterly line of Ontario Street six hundred and twenty-seven and ninety- four hundredths (627.94) feet; thence northwesterly parallel with Skillen Street two hundred and twenty-four (224) feet; thence northeasterly parallel with Onta- rio Street to nortnwesterly line of lot one (1) and to land formerly owned by Paul Fritz; thenco southwesterly along the northwestorly line of lots one (1) and threo (3) a^out eigut hundred and sixty- eight and two hundredths (868.02) feet to a point in said lino which will be inter- sected by a line drawn parallel with Skil- len Street and two hundred and thinty- slx (236) feet northeasterly therefrom; thence southeasterly along saiu line drawn parallel wltu Skillen Street- and two hundred and tnirty-six (236) feet northeasterly therefrom, about three hundred and twenty-fivo and thirty-one one hundredths ,325.31) feet to a point two hundred and seventy-four (274) feet measured on a line parallel with Skillen Street from Ontario Street; thence south- westerly parallel with Ontario Street two hundred and thirty-six (236) feet to the northeasterly line of Skillen Street; thence southeasterly along said* line of Skillen Street fifty (50) feet to a point two hundred and twenty-four (224) fe6t northwesterly measured on eald lino from Ontario Street;. thence northeaster- ly and parallel with Ontario Street two hundred and ten (—0) feet; thence south- easterly parallel with Skillen Street two hundred and twenty-four (224> feet to the l orthwesterly line of Ontario Street at the place of beginning. Containing six acres and 890-1000 of an acre, be the same more or lesj. Also that certain other piece or parcel of land situate in tho City of Buffalo, County ox Erie and State of New York, known and described as lot forty- one (41) of Allen’s subdivision of lot one hundred and three (103) of the New York State Reserve and the north part of "Jones Tract," bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Skillen Street where the same is inter- sected by the southerly line of Allen’s Hnhdivision: thence northwesterly along said line of Skillen Street four hundred and elrhtv-nine and thirty-nine hun- dredths (489.39) feet to the northwesterly corner of said lot forty-one (41); thence northeasterly parallel with O’Neil Street and along the northwesterly line of lot forty-one (41) about twelve hundred and fifteen and fifty-three hundredths (1215.63) feet to the New York State Reserve line; thence southeasterly along said Reserva- tion line about seven hundred and ninety- eight and fourteen hundredths (798.14) feet to a point at which said Reservation line is Intersected by the south line of Allen’s subdivision, said point being also the southeast corner of said lot fonty-one (11); thence southwesterly along tho south line of Allen’s subdivision about eleven hundred and seventy-nine and eight-tenths (1179.8) feet to Skillen Street at the place of beginning. Containing seventeen and four lunrered and ninety- five thousandths (17.495) acres, bo the same more or less. The property above described is tho same pairoel of land described on a map or survey of lots one (1) and three (3) of "Jones Tract” and lot forty-one (41) of Allen’s plot made by William J. White, surveyor, and filed ih Erie County Clerk’s Office In cover No. 372 on the 24tn day' of June, 1890. Excepting from both parcels of land above described, subdivision lots num- bers 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 21 in bloca "A” ; the southwesterly 23.14 feet of lot nine in block "D” ; lots numbers 22, 23, 29, 31, 35,' 42, 43, 50, 51, 62, 54, 56, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 70 in block "E“ ; and lots numbers 37, 39, 45, 46. 48, 50, 59, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70 and 71 In block "F , as shown on a? subdivision map of said premises made by William J. White, surveyor, and filed in Erie County Clerk s Office in cover 372 Juno 24th, 1890. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 16, 1901. WALTER S. JENKINS, Referee. FRED GREINER. Plaintiff’s Attorney, Address, it.338 Mooney and Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Tho sale of tho above described' prem- ises is hereby adjourned to the 24th day of June, 1901, at the same hou'r and place. WALTER S. JENKINS, Referee. FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 338 Mooney-Bris'bane Bldg,, Buffalo, N.Y. LEGAL NOTICES. Property In Cheektowaga. N EW YORK COUNTY COURT - ERIE County!— 'Charles G. Miller vs. John C. Bertrand, et al. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 3rd day of May, 1901: I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in ihig adtion for such purpose, will ex- pose for sale and sell at public auction, to tho fiighfst bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Reql Estato Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho 18th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real eState and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount due upon said judgment, tO-Wi t ! Ail that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Cheektowaga, County of $rle and State of Now York, described as follows: Being distinguished as sub-division lots numbers twenty-one and twenty-two in Block "K" in a nub-division of an east - erly part of Farm Lot number thirty- two (32) of the Holland Land Company’s survey, and on *a sub-dlvlsldn map of part of said Farm Lot, a map of which sub-division is filed in the Erie County Clerk’s Offlco in map cover number 267. Said premises being sixty (60) feet front and rear on tho easterly side of Lacka- wanna Avenue and being ono hundred and eighteen (118) feet deep, together with all the land in front of said premises to tho center lino of Lackawanna’ Avenue as tho same is laid out on said map. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y,, May 3rd, 1901. EDWARD M. SICARD, keferee. A, C. SPANN. Plaintiff’s Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. 136. ERIE COUNTY SURROGATE’S COURT—Before5 Hon. Louis W. Mar- cus, Surrogate. Calendar for Today. Eva Cath. Peters, will. Phoebe J. Stahley, wll’l. Ella Lotz, cita'tiore guardianship. Elizabeth Cindle, citation, administration John Q. Adams, will. Geo. W.Gia'U, contest will. Mary Roffo, show cause. Mathias Smith, show cause. NIAGARA COUNTY COURT—Be- fore Hon. Charles Hickey, Judge. NO. 4. Eleazei* Print rep vs Thomas Will- iams et al. On trial. SUPREME COURT—Niagara County -Hon. John S. Lambert, Justice. Equity Term convenes June 17, 3901. J. F. KUL.P, GENERAL CARTING. HEAVY MACHINERY AND SAFE MOVING Ofilce, & White Building, Telephone S. 1518. OF APPEALS—Room 32, until 2 p. in., m. Nos. 265, 327, 4th Dcu COURT City Hall Court will sit from 10 a except Saturday. Day calendar for today: 876, 612, 232, 268, 316. 325. A ppellate division , paitment. Rochester. Day calendar foK today: Nos, 32, 122, 123, 130, 126, 132, 133, 185. K C. FULTON, Clerk. T in IT ED STATES DIST*. COURT— Western District qf N. —Before, Hon. John R. Hazel, ’District Judge. 'Motions and proceedings in bankruptcy and the trial of admiralty and maritime and the trials of issues of fact and LtduLtt tins court heard du »T»£J J " ' Metal Pattern Making Model and Experimental Work, Machine Repairing of every des- cription. Blsenhans flachine Shop, Tel. Sen. 3S8. 500 Washington St. F. J. SCHAFER, Merchant Tailor, 18 Court Street, B U F F A I j O. 3ST- I Review Telephone f Calls. Business Office, Seneca 1797 Editorial Room, >* 192 Clias. F. Kingsley, >> 132 Clias. H. W cbcter, >> 132 Property in Tonawanda. C OUNTY COURT - ERIE COUNTY.— Thd City National Bank of Buffalo against Christian C. LUippold, et al. In pursuance o>f a judgment of foreclos- ure and sale duly.granted by this Court, and entered in the Eirle County Clerk’s Office on the 3rd day of May, 1901; I the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl 'Street, in the City or Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the * 18th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the ireal estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows; All that tract or parcel of land situate in tho Town of Tonawanda, County of l*Jrio and State of New York, and being a portion of Lot No. 29, Township 12 and Range 8 of the Holland Lana company s survey, and being subdivision lots num- bers sixty (60) to sixty-five (65) inclusive in Block “A"; sixty-four (64) to'seventy- five (76) Inclusive, and also seventy-eight (78) in Block "B’\ according to a certain Subdivision map or survey of a portion of said lot No. 29, made by Betts and Bar- nally, civil engineers, und filed in the Erie County. Clerk’s office at Buffalo, N. Y., under cover 423 on July 22, 1891, as amended by a corrected map or survey filed in said Clerk’s office under 423, In March, 1S92, and being the same prem- ises described in a certain mortgage bear- ing date December 15, 1897. made and ex- ecuted by Christian C. Lulppold and one to The City Bank, Buffalo, N. Y„ and re- corded in Erie County Clerk's office In Liber 791 of Mortgages at page 531. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y„ May 3rd, 1901. WILLIAM F. WIERLING, Referee. HOTCHKISS & TEMPLETON, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 319 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF l New York, to Frederick Ilaap, Christ ian Ilaap, Adolph Ilaap,. * Freida Jlaap Scholl, Helene Ilaap. Whereas, Marla Krapp, late of the City of Buffalo, in the County of.Erie and State of New York, deceased, left a last will a’.id testament, bearing date the 24th day of April, 1900, purporting to relate to real and personal property, and the same having been propounded for probate by Charles Ilaap, Executor therein named. You, and each of you, being tho heirs and next of kin of said decedent, are therefore cited to appear before the Sur- rogate of our said County of Erie, at tho Surrogate’s Office, in the City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, in said Coun- ty of Erie, on the 15th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that clay, and attend the probate of said will. And that, If any of tho above-named persons are infants, that they then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear, represent and act for tin m. in the proceeding for tne probate of said will. In testimony whereof, wc have caused the seal of said Surro- gate’s Court to be hereunto af- fixed. Witness, Hon. Louis W. Mar- cus, Surrogate of our said Coun- ty of Erie. Buffalo, N. Y., this 22d day of 1901. , . LOUIS B. HART, Clerk of tho Surrogate’s Court. To the above-named Frederick Ilaap, Christian liaap, Adolph Ilaap, Freida Ilaap Scholl and Helene Ilaap: Take; notice that tHe foregoing citation is hereby served upon you and each of you bv pnhlDViou in tcccrclancs with the terms of ar order du;y granted by the Hon. lands \V. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, on the 23d day of May, 1991, and filed in tiie * dice of said Surrogate at Buffalo, N. Y., on tho said 28*1 day^of MaV 1901. / JOSEPH V SISAVER, Attorney for. Ex oeutcre.Jffi) Mooney Brisbane Bid BOUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY- V john J. O’Brian and one, Plaintiffs, against William P. Goodspeed, widower; Individually and as Trustee &c„ et al., Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the offlco of tho Clerk of Erie County, Now York, on the 17th day of May, 1901," I, the undersigned (referee duly appointed in this action for such pur- pop*, will expose for sale and sell at pub- lic auction to the highest bidder thore- for, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Poarl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stato of Now York, on tho 10th DAY OF JUNE, 1901. at 30 o’clock in tho forenoon of that day, tho |Teal estate and mortgaged . premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to -wit: All that tract or parcel of lund situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erlo' andi State 6t New York described as fal- low*: Part of lots numbered thirty-three (33) and thirty-six (36) of .a subdivision of the south part of the "Jones Tract” so callod and designated In an amended, supplemental map made by William J. Whlto, Surveyor, and filed October 31st, 1891, in Erie County Clerk’s Office under cover number four hundred and twenty- eight (428), and being known as subdi- vision lots numbered five (5), six (6), sev- en (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), sixty-three (63) sixty-four (64), six - ty-eight (68), sixty-nine (69), seventy (70), sevinty-one (71), seventy-two ((2), eevon- tyfih,rGe (73), seventy-six (76), seventy- sovSn (77), seventy-eignt (78), seventv- ninO (79), eighty (80), eighiy-one (81),‘ eighty-three (83), ninety-seven (97), nine - ty-eight (98), ninety (90), eighty-eight (88), eighty-nine (89), one hundred and seven (107), one hundred and eight (108), one hundred and nine (109), In lot number thirty-six (36), aad dots numbered twelve (12) , fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty- seven (27), twenty-eight (28), thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34), forty-ono (41), forty- two (42), forty-three (43), forty-four (44), forty-five (45), forty-six (46), forty-seven (47), forty-eighi (48), forty-nine (49), fifty- two (52), fifty-three (53), fifty-four (64), fifty-five (55), fifty-six (50), fifty-seven (67), fifty-eight (58), fifty-nine (69), sixty (60), sixty-one (61), sixty-two (62), and a strip of land ireree (3) feet wide and one hundrea, and fifteen (115) feet long off the south side of lot number thirteen (13), described as follows: Beginning at the northwest eorrior of lot number twelve (12); thenoe northerly on the east line of Tonawanda Street, three (3) feet to a point; thence easterly and parallel with the north line oi said lot twelve (12), one hundred and fifteen. (116) feet to a point on the west lino of lot slxty-two (62); thence southerly three (3) feet to the northeast corner of said lot twelve (12): thence westerly along tho north lino of said lot twelve (12). ono hunrered and fif- teen (.115) feet to tne place of beginning, in lot number thirty-three (33). Dated, Buffalo, N. Y,, May 18th, 1901. JOHN G. CLOAK, Referee. CRANGLE & BURKE, Attorneys for Plaintiffs 405 Marlnq ju>ank Building, 222 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The sale of the above described premises is hereby adjourned to tho 57th day of June, 1901, at the same hour and place. Dated, Juno lOMi, 1901. JOHN G. CLOAK, Referee. CRANGLE & .BURKE, Attorneys for Plalntifrs, 405 Marine Bank Building 222 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. W rought Iron and W ire Tree G uards. Wire Vine Frames. Wire Work of AIJ Kinds*-’ Artistic Metal Work. Wire Cloth and Wire Goods. Scheeler’s Sons, 316-320 Terrace. Near foot of W. Genesee 8tg Tel. Seneca 787. 1 Z' l 'J Saved by buying of u* LURISJ Absolutely New Smith-Premier Typewriters: We have a stQCk of NEW BmithJ Premier typewriters of latest pattern which we are selling at |80,^0 each. We have other ihachlnes, new and second-* hand, at corresponding prices. V Buffalo 1 Typewriter Exchange* 116 Franklin Street., Buffalo, Telephone Sen. $367f ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- | Telephone Howard 400. ' t Whiccal lumber tv lllSScl company ; —Dealer In— J Pine and Hemlock Lumber Lath and Shingles; 1 ; DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. INTERIOR FINISH, ETC. * 1 1 Vb Clinton Street ' f * I HELLER »R 0 S., LIVtRV , COACH, BAGGAGE, ^A LLYHOf \ AND Vjy-NS. M ain Office* 36, W . Genesee 8t.i Branch, 72 Exotange St. and Bill- oott Square Btiurt. |j Malleable andSteel’ castings . *yl PRATT & LETCHWORTH COMPANY, BUFFALO, N. Y. Bids submitted for Metal Work. Repair Work Promptly Attended To. . * F. W. M. HEERWAGEN, ;] Gravel and Asphalt Booling. All kinds of roofing felts, asphaltJ paints and roofing cement. Asphalt felt oofu guaranteed for ten years. , i 008 PRUDENTIAL RblLDINa OlBcwfc GLEN WOOD AVENUE. Telephone Sen. 1670, Buffalo, N* Y. IRONCASTINGS HEAVY AND LIGHT. Hydraulic Dresses, Filter Presses and Vacuum Pans, for Beet Sugar Works. H, G. TROUT & CO., 226 Ohio SU' j Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Kit, I86I4 F. PEYL.A House Painting and Decorating; 677 VIRGINIA STREET* Formerly at 806 Main Street. Telephone C69. Buffalo, N, Y« Y ! FRANK LENAHAN A SON, Dealers In IRON & STEEL SCRAP Also New and Second-Hand Machinery, Engine Boilers, Pumps, etc. Office and Yards, 45-61 Fulton St., cor. Marvin. Machinery warehouse, 174 Ful- ton St. Telephone 841. Buffalo, N. Y. [L.S.J Dated, May, A* At a motion term of the County Court, head ire and for the Courety of Brie, at hhe City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, N. Y., on the 10th day of June, 1901. Prcperet—Hon. Edward K. Emery, Erie County Judge. C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.—IN the Matter of tho Petition of Karl Ma- jewski, iSt., and Heleno Majewsld, hls wife, and iWllilarm Majewskl, Edward M<a jewfi'kl, Henry Majewski and ICarl Majewv. ski, Jr., children of said Karl Majeiwskl, Ku\, and Helene Majewski, for leave to as- sume another name. Ore reading and filing tho petition of Karl Majewskl, Sr., and Helene Majew- ski, his wife, William 'Majewskl, Edward Majeiwskl, Henry Majewskl and Karl Ma- jowskl, Jr., of the City of 'Buffalo, Odurety of Erie and Stato oB New York.diated J[uno 3d, 1901, praying for leave to assume the names of Karl Doehring’. &r., Helene Doehring, William Doo’hmng, Edward Doehrlng, Henry Doehrlng and Karl Doehring, Jr., In place of their present names, and ore motion of Joseph P. SOhattner, counsel for said petitioner, and no one opposing, and; the court being sat- isfied' by said’ petition and affidavit, that there 1 b no reasonable objection to the petitioners asumlng the name proposed, and It appearing from said petition that said William Majewskl, Edward Majew- ski, Henry Majewskl and Karl Majewskl, Jr., aro infants, that the interests of said int mts will be substantially promoted by tho change of their said names. It is hereby ordered, that said Karl Majewski, Sr., Helene Majewski, William Majewskl, Edward Majewski, Henry Ma- jowski and Karl Majewskl, Jr., bo and they are hereby authorized to assume the names of said Karl Doehrlng, Sr., Helene Doehrlng, William Doenrlng, Edward Doehrlng, Henry Doehrlng and) Karl Doehrlng, Jr., in* place of their present names on the 29th day of July, 1901, upon their complying with the provisions o'f Section 2415 of the Code of Civil 'Proced- ure, viz.: That they cause a copy o-f this order to ho published one within ten (10) days after this order is entered In the ■Buffalo Review, a newspaper published in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie, N. Y.f and that within forty (40) days after t'he miaklng of this order, they cause tho pa- pers upon- which dt was granted aftd an affidavit of tho publication thereof as above directed, be filed and recorded! In the County Cleik’s office of said County o*f Eric, and that after the said require- ments arc complied with, tho said peti- tioners mu at on and after said 20t'h day of J^ly, 1901, bo known by the names which they arc hereby authorized to assume and by no oil-cr names. And it Is further ordered, that this order shall be entered and the papers on which it was granted, be filed wit'hire ten (10) days thereafter in tHe Clerk’s Office of the County of Erie, N. Y. Granted June 10, 39G. MARTIN J. FIS'IIER, 'Sp. DCp. Clerk. Notice to Creditors. 1 EVYN, SIEGMUND— 'Pursuant to are Jj order of lion. Louis W. Marcus, Sur- rogate of Erie County, N Y., notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against Siegmund Levyn, late of the City of Buffalo, In said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned executors at the office of Simon Fleisch- mann, 1003 D. S, Morgan Building, Buf- falo, New York, on or before the tenth day of July, loot. Dated, January 4,. 1901. TH I*X)DOR E HOFELLER, J OS E PI I DBS HECK Bit, Executors. SIMON FLEISCHMANN. Executors’ At- torney. F. P. JONES ^ ELECTRICAL WQRKJ< Equipment. Construction. Repairs, m Franklin Street. »" ' ..................... ---------------- . .. LEGAL NOTICES. for acceptable Ideas. Stato If patented. THE PATENT HI COBU, PERSON ST. W. OF ASHLEY ST. > pOUNTY COURT, BRIE COUNTY.-* 1 y Grace E. Bird vs. Anton Kruszka. et Ire pursuance of a Judgment ii'nd decreei of foreclosure and) sale duly*granted by, this Court, and entered In the Brie County, Clerk’s Office, *on the 10th day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, •will expose for sale and sell at prebllo auc- tion, to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Roal Estato Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the Ctty of Buf- falo, County of Eirle and State of New) York, ore the 2d DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the real estato and mortgag^l premises directed Ire and by said judgment to bo sold, and 'therein described as fdllows. or* so much thereof as will bo suffielent t>a pay the amount duo upon isald Judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of 'land, ei'tuato in the City of Buffalo, County of Bile and State of New York, being subdiivslon lot number twelve (12), in block number, three (3), according to a map or survey, of the northeast part of lot number ono (1), Township eleven (11) and R&nga, eight (8) ol the Holland Land Company^* survey, and filed* 1n the Erie County, Clerk's offlco under cover number 208, January nth, 1884. and bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Person Street one hundred and forty (140) feet northerly from Its intersection; •with the northerly line o'f Ashley Street, according to said map; running thence easterly at ri«ht angles to Person Street, ono hundred and.' thirty-two. (182) feet; thence northerly and parallel with Per- son Streb, thirty (30) feet; thence westerly, at right angle* one h und rod and thirty- two (4i82) fe^t to Person Street; and thence southerly along the easterly line of Per- son Street thirty (30) feet 'to tho place of beginning. , Dated* Buffalo, N. Y., June 10, 1901. WILLIAM B. DICKINSON. Referee. CLINTON '& CLARK, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys. Address* 1012 ^Prudential Build-* Ing, Buffalo, N. Y. ■PHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF 1 New York. To Lucy M. Stilwcll, Frank C. Swirl, Dana M. Swift, Richard L. \ Swift, Maud'E. Fish, Edward Swift, Rich- ard L. Swift, Charlotte Swift, ’Mary Swift, Whereas. James C. Swift, late of tho City of Buffalo in tho County of Erie, and Stato of New York, deceased, left a LaeS Will and Testament, bearing date the 19th day of May, 1890, purporting to re- late to real and'personal property, and tho same having been propounded for probate by Mary Helen Swift, Executrix therein named. You, and each of you, being the heirs and next of kin of said, decedent, are, therefore cited to a?>pear before the Surf rogate of our said County of Erie, at t)\ Surrogate’s office, In the City and Count Hall, In tiie City of Buffalo, in hi County of Erie, on tho 9th DAY OF JULY, 1904, at ton o’clock In tho forenoon of that and attend the probato of the said And that, if any of the abovo-namq sons are .infants, that they then aq show cause why a special guardiaj not be appointed to appear, ropr* act for them, in the proceeding probate of said will. Jn testimony whercol caused the seal of m gate’s Court to bo fixed. (L. S.) Witness, lion. T< cus, Surrogate of y of Erie. Dated, ItalYalo, N. Y Mav, 1901. I.Ol.'i It. IIAKT. riej gate’s Courl. CAR I/.I ON E. LA 1)1 \ ('loner, 8J1 Mo,ig A Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: TH E BUFFALO REVIEW , TUESDAY. M ORNING, JU N E llj 1001 ... 24/Buffalo NY... · years or thirty months would be re quired to complete the work. This recon.mendation has been, approved

f f T H E B U F F A L O R E V I E W , T U E S D A Y . M O R N I N G , J U N E l l j 1 0 0 1 ._________ V / _________i________ ' ■ - 1I ■Jfc.



Government Spent $250,000 cn the Spanish Cruiser Raised by Hobson.


£ E I E C O U N T Y .


How Capt, Grieser’s Brave Gold Medal Feat is Re­garded in Washington.

WASHINGTON, June 10.—The Navy D epartm ent has decided to expend a quarte r of a million dollars In refitting and repairing the Spanish cruiser •Jtolna Mercedes which was sunk by the 'guns of the N orth A tlantic fleet In San­tiago H arbor during the memorable rlege of th a t city in the Spanish war. The cruiser was raised under the direc­tion of N aval Constructor Hobson anti towed to the Portsm outh. N. II. Navy Yard, where it has since remained.

A board of olllcers was recently a p ­pointed by Secretary Hong for the p u r­pose of m aking a survey of the wreck and reporting as to w hether or not it woukl be advisable to overhaul her and p u t her into condition for fu rther serv ­ice. This board has subm itted Its re ­port and recommended tha t the Mer­cedes be repaired and added to the N avy list. The vessel is badly b a t­tered up, and a t ftyst glance it would seem to be a hopeless task to patch her up. The board estimated, th a t to do this would involve an expenditure of about $250,000 and tha t a t least two years or th irty m onths would be re ­quired to complete the work. This recon.m endation has been, approved and instructions have been issued for the work to begin. By the time the undertak ing is completed the Mercedes will be practically a ne\V\vessel, for in m any portions she is to be constructed entirely anew.

The report of the board shows th a t all the in terior wood work was burned out and th a t the bulkheads are full of holes and therefore useless, as a re ­su lt of the num erous shots th a t pene­tra te d the hull. The upper works have all been shot or cut away, and the steel work is hopelessly tw isted and ruined. The board also subm itted plans for refitting the ship and for a new a r ­rangem ent of the interior. These in­clude more commodious qu arte rs for officers and members of the crew, an improved system of ventilation and a re-arrangem ent of the store rooms. The

g en e ra l building plans of the cruisers of the Denver type are to be followed as far as possible in rehabilita ting the old Spanish cruiser, and wn§n 'no.m- pleted she will be of about the type of the Cincinnati. A new ba tte ry is to be

"added, and also a new set of boilers and engines. I t is expected th a t the Mercedes will be a thoroughly service­able and com fortable craft when ready for commissioning.

“We have today issued a gold medal to one of our life savers as a reward for w hat I consider the most rem ark a­ble instance of individual heroism, bravery and pluck th a t h as ever come w ithin the notice of the departm ent," snbj Gttptaln 8. I. Kimball, superin­

te n d e n t of the life saving service. “The records of the departm ent,” he con­tinued, “contain m any accounts of gal­lan t rescues of shipwrecked sailors and passengers, but all of them are Surpassed by the conduct of Keeper W. W. Grlesser of the Buffalo Life Saving S tation in saving the life of a man last w inter, and for which we today send him a gold medal.

“The circum stances of the rescue a p ­pear from evidence filed in this d ep a rt­m ent to have been about as follows: About 2:30 p. m., on the 2lst of No­vember, 1900, while a gale of groat ve­locity, running a t times as high as eighty miies an hour, was sweeping across the harbor of Buffalo, two large scows having several men on board broke from their moorings some three miles southw est of the life saving s ta ­tion and drifted sw iftly tow ard the breakers. A boat was put out from the life saving sta tion and in charge of G rosser made for the endangered men. The terrible sweep of the wind from which there was no protection, caused the anchor to drag and in a moment the lifeboat was in the m idst of the heaviest surf. Two g reat combers broke on board while a th ird one caught the bow and threw it high into the sir, snapping the haw ser and p itch­ing the heavy boat end over end. Grlesser and all but one of the crew were thrown out, and a fte r a hard swim reached the shore a qu arte r of a mile away. Grlesser then learned th a t a man who had been on one of the scows was in a very perilous position am ong some old piles standing nearly a th ird of a mile from w here he reached the shore, and about 500 feet from the nearest point on land. The half drowned man could bo seen cling­ing for Ills life to the slippery piles,the seas constantly breaking over him so deeply a t times th a t he was entirely lo s t fro m s ig h t . T h e u s e o f a b o a t w a s im practicable, and the situation of the un fortunate m an was plainly suen th a t he m ust perish unless aid should soon reach him. Grlesser quickly re ­solved to try to swim out with a line, despite his recent fight to reach shore.A surfm an agreed to accompany him, and in the face of the w arnings of the older men the two plunged Into the surf, each with a rope about hls arm . Both were im m ediately thrown back upon the beach. A nother s ta r t was made, and when fifty yards out Grlos- cor’s companion was disabled and swept back to the land ."—W ashington correspondent Brooklyn Daily Eagle.


N O TIC E.The record items as printed below are

given Just as they are furnished us by tho County Click from the public re ­cords, and do not necessarily affect the credit or business standing of the p a r t­ies mentioned; and any explanation of any of the items th a t may appear from time to time, we shall be pleased to publish a t the request of tho parties in­terested.

Under no circumstances will any Judgment or decree, or other matter of record be withheld from publication by this paper. Under the contracts we have with our subscribers to furnish them a complete report daily of all such items as are placed on record by the County Clerk, we cannot under any circumstances comply with the many requests that aro made to us to with­hold certain items.

ave 44 ft w of Dfcwltt st ............AdeHa. C Hawley 'to Geo H Sejklnrk,

39x105 ft e s Ashland ave 87Mi f t1n of Bouck ave ..............................

E<lw El Meaklns to Edhv E Meaklns an<l one, 30x130 ft s s Lovejoy st670 ft e.of Bailey a v o .....................

Geo H Selkirk to Adelia C Hawley, 113x182'/2 ft s w cor Depewi andIFarker ave ......................................

Christian Fink to Wm T Becker* 36 ft fr s § Broadway 131.80 f t Wtof Siwinburn$ st .............................

Fdk Ullman to Ella M Nichol­son, 100 ft fr w s Greenwood pi 404.93 ft n of Delavan ave • ••• * t * »

1 00

1 00

1 00

1 oo!1 00


22 25 14 65 33 25

126 85 42 15

R eco rd of Ju d g m e n t* .Mayer Idehterestoin in favor of Harry

Kabclinsky—Shit o & Jellinek....... 71 47Robt F Douglass—Guernsey Ne-

vlns—Clinton At Clark ...................Isaac Horn—John B Meyers—E G

Mu resile id. ........................................Michael Winter in favor of Louis P

Klein, March 25, 18S4 .....................Aug Daborkow- Irving W Potter,

April 5, 1901 ......................................Jacob Egger—(finis Sudrow, March

20, 1399 ............................................Thos Brown, Jos ■Stabell and Chas

Griffiths in favor of Owen Daley—Aug Becker ..................................... 144 17

Eliza S Haim—Ja» W Tillinghast—Frank M Loomis' ........................... 289 8?

Mary A Laughlln—Abraham D AMiller and one—F G re in e r ......... 3479 60

Cavl and Amanda Krueger—Ira l l Myers—Ira i t Myers* ...................1591 93NOTE1—The Judgment, Lichtenstein vs.

Raboilnsky, reposed above, Is ire a liti­gated m atter ior costs only, and will be appealed.

NOTE—The judgment 'recently reported In faovr of J. B. Meyers of New Orleans against Isaac Horn, was granted by de­fault. Mr. Horn says he has a receipt In full for the account, and will have the Judgment set aside.

C h a t te l M o rtg a g e s .Mrs Geo <F -Stratton to M F Tall­

in age ................................................ 33 50Sarah Raphael to S a m e ................. 15 00Thos J Donovan to Iroquois Brew

Co ...................................................... 2000 00Wm U Watson to German Bank .. 1500 00Same to Same ................................... 1500 00Chr.s Iyemke and one to New Cen­

tury L Co ........................................ 15 00Richard B Vail to Financial Trad­

ing Co .............................................. 25 00J M Hen ness y to S'ame ................. 58 00B F Doyle 'to Same ......................... 25 00Mary Tracy to Erie Co L Co............ 112 00Minnie V B Guess and' one to S'amo 58 00 Fdk G August, to Financial Trad­

ing Co ............................................... 58 00Mary GillecS to Lake View Brew Co 422 19 W L Sheldon and one to Willis E

Woodbury ........................................ 634 32Tlvo following chattels were given to

Irish A'lCnglish: Hattie Evans $30.45; Mary C Kiryson $25.35; Sarah K Klrchner $21.38; Carrie .Weeks $31.25; Mary Henry $26.25.

The following chattels' /were given to Fidelity Credit Co: Matilda Dee and one $58; Wm J Roth and ono $50; John Mul- hollan $25; Chas M Davey $35; Wm Ernst $30; Anna C Augstoll and ono $76; Edgar R Boniface and one $100; Minnie Brown and one $50; John Cunningham and one $42; Geo G Koch area one $15; Eugene M Kweot apd one $30; John C White arid one $20; Judson Wilson and one $112; F Grab- bensta.ttor and ono $106; Lemuel Ange.r and one $100.

RENEWALS.I Woods to Erie Co L Co ............. 59 00Aug 'F Krlog to Jas W McKay .. 1800 00 W E T Barton to Michael Callahan 85 00 Maggie Johnson and one to Geo

10 Graf .............................................. 70 50Bella Abbott to Adam Cornelius et

al ....................................................... 200 00Mrs D IS ax to n to M F Tall mage.. 4 00Anna Moore to Same ....................... 9 85Wm Tremaine to Same .................. 3 00Mrs Alex Horner to iSdme................ 3 50Edw Go file n to Lion Brewery ........ 241 67Win Smith t,o H <Mc.ssers.mlth* —Mrs T Bagley to (Same ...................Bertha Mould to Chas V Mcahl..

Kato- Friedman to Delos <W Kim­ball, Holland .................................. 50 00

Niagara River Brew Co to Tona-wanda Brewing Co., Tona .......... 1 00

Busch Brew Co by referee to Ni­agara River Brew Co.. Tona .... 11000 00

John C Conway to Fdk Naragh,Chceka .............................................. 1 00

Helen L Bonreey to Geo iW Norton,S'pringville ....................................... 600 00

Hiram A Pierce to Jacob Banzes,E H am burg ..................................... 400 00

Maria Hires'll eh et al to John Hllre-slien, Aideil ............................. 3000 00

Sprlngville Bldg Assn by trustee to Geo Her bold and one, Spring- vlllo ................................................... 1000 00

L is P en d en s .Oka's A McKee agst Albert F Lamb et al

—Nyc & Nye.Harry 1) Williams agst Clara M Rico ct

al—II D Williams.Thos McGreev.y agst Richard A Walto et

al—Norton liros.National Wall Paper Co agst Chas M

Reed—Jeroloman •& Arrows ml'th.Minnie E* Voglit agst John Leppert ct al

—E W MCI ret yre.B i l l o f S ale .

Ellen Farrell to Edw Farrell and . one .....................................................

Tuesday of each month, except August.Spoclal sessions each Tuesday a t 10

o’clock.Process and all motions and proceedings

In bankruptcy must be made returnable and may be heard at either a regular or ipecial sesslqn. or at a regular term.

BANKRUPTCY COURT—Erie Coun­ty D istric t—W estern D istrict of N. Y. —Before William H. H otchkiss, ref­eree.

No calendar.

1 00

N IA G A R A C O U N T Y .


LOC'KfPORT, N. Y., JUNE 8 & 10, 1901.

49 95 52 90

J u d g m e n ts .John Sweeney In favor of W alter

D Hough .............. ...........................Aulden F Bowker—Harold P Brew­

ster ....................................................Augustus H Miller and Julius C F

Miller—State Bank, of Tona......... 49 06J B Hotchkiss—Mary Johnson and

one as admrs ............................. 144 29M o rtg a g e s ,

John Dempsey'to Julia GBarnum '.. 150 00 Sarah J Taylo-r to Niagara S* & L

Assn .................................................. 1560 00Paul Riemer to Christian Thiel.... 1000 00

C h a tte l M ortgages*Wm II Vosburgh and one to Frank

C Farnell .......................................... 250 OOAlbert E Weeks to David J 'Wells.. 100 00

D eeds.Mary Butler to John I/Ohrmann .. (Bertha I< Porter to Frances R

Nichols ..............................................Frederick C M I^autz to O'tto Leiw-

ln .......................................................Frank ip. Weaver to Isabella White Frank P Weaevr to I s a b e l la h i 'to Elizabeth McGuire et al to Albert

I Knowles .........................................L is P e n d e n s .

Emily C Carpenter agst sSa.uh L Clapp et al.

Christopher C Parker aget Matthew Oou- dren et al.

1 001 001 00 1 00 1 OO1 00


ren B. Hooker, Justice. June 10, 1901.Charlotte Sphosek vs the Village of

Hamburg. On trial.'Thomas Martin vS Edward F. Lathrop

et al. Motion for non-suit granted.Richard I.abert by gdn. v.s Reed Vergu-

eon and one. Complaint dismissed with costs.

SUPREME COURT, P art II—Hon, Dan­iel J. Kenefick, Justice. Juno 10, 1901.

John F. Boylan* vs C, J. Hamlin and. Harry Hamlin. Verdict for plaintiff. $409.

Wm. II. Slade and one vs Mary (Brauer as executrix, individually. Decision re­served.

20 47 29 45

700 00

Department of Polico.CITY OF BUFFALO.

Buffalo, N. Y„ June 3, 1901.SEALED PROPOSALS will be received

«t the ofllco of tho Board of Polico Com­missioners, Police Headquarters Building, corner of Franklin and Seneca streets, until Friday, June 14, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., for supplying to this Department such quantities of the best quality of thoroughly screer ed lafiilgh or Scranton coal, freo from slate, ar.d subject to in­spection by tho City Coal inspector, or other person designated by the Boa;,* of Polleo, as (lie said Boa*'cl of Police may require for the use- of the Police Depart­ment of the said City, at Polico Head­quarters, and the several police stations

’mlice patrol boat of said City, and to housC the same, fr* in the first day of July, 1901, to tho thirtieth day of June, 390*. inclusive, such delivery to bo made ut su ’-ih time or limes, and to such l'o- llce Headquarters, stadc n hou os and po­lice patrm boat as tho said Beard of Po­lice may require.

No pioposil will be considered unless it be accompanied by a certified checkto,- h U i>iyAU i t ft-..*' trr-f of its(Board of Police, or a good and sufficient bond equal to 50 per cent, of the entire bid. Specifications and estimates will l>e furnished upon applica: bn at this office. Tho Board rest t ves the right to reject any or all bids.


Board of Police Commissioners.A ME* A. TAGGERT,


M ortgages*CITY.

Anthony S'chrelber to Geo'd one, Curtis re.™ William st, p in’1000 00

Diocese of Buffalo to Monroe Co S Bank, cor Broadway and JS'wln-burno ................................................S0000 00

Martin A Case to Anna E Talcott,Fillmore avo nr Broadway ........ 1750 00

iS'ume to Same, Fillmore ave nrBroadway ......................................... 1750 00

Adelia C Hawley to Geo H Sel­kirk, cor Depcw and Parker ave 7500 00

Peter J Kogler to Ulversido Co-Op 8 & L A, Gorton nr Austin st .. -1400 00

Sophia 8 Krdrmui to Levyn 'Michaels,Beckham nr Stanton .................... 600 00

Wm T Becker to Christian Fink, Broadway nr Swinburne st, p m.. 2500 00

John T Monk to Buffalo German Ins Co, Potomac ave nr Dewitt fit 2500 00

Caroline W Behrcnds to Frances B LeFevre, Lexington nr Norwoodavo .................................................... 6000 00

Calvary English Evangelical Luth­eran Congregation of the Unal­tered Augsburg Confessional- Buffalo S Bank, cor Dodgo andElltcott st s.................................. 12000 00

Olimpia Cisztilc to German American Brcav Co, Fillmore avo nr Jt'ccK-ham st ............................................... 958 33

Fred' C ilumburch to Ianilsa O W Goenen, Dr on cl-way n*r Kllicott st 800 CO Chas 10 Owen and one to Exrs of

Benj 11 Williams, cor 'West iSen-eca st and Franklin st ................. 1000 00

Wm Burns to Fdk II Mixer, Ver­mont st, p m ................................ 2500 00

Hurras Goldberg to 'Western SBank, P ra tt nr Clln'ton st ....... 1200 00Geo Her bo id ct al to Jay Bor­den, S'pringville .............................. 600 00

COUNTRY.Jas W Guise to Klareora V Smith,

Clarence ........................................... 500 00Win J Kibler to Dow Vroman, Tona Same to Niagara S & L A of

Tona., Tona ..................................... €50 00A is lg u u e u t o f M ortgages*

Isldor E rhard by ailmx to Jos Fischer ............................................... 750 00

D isc h a rg e s o f M ortgages*Isidor Erhard to Herman G cuekr, Fob

1897.Western S Bank to Geo Miller, Sept 1887. Erie Co 8 Bank to Lorenz Uranacher,

June 1895.Some to Barbara Bauer, Nov 1898.Same to Mary B Avery and oree, Dec 1898 (Same to Emily W Mllur, Aug 1899.Jacob Wcppne'r. and one to l.crcnz Gra-

naclier, July 1897.Chas Loegler to Henry It ITurminger, May


Julia Strolelier to John G .St re Ichor,35 ft fr il s Delavan .115 ft e ofNiagara st ......................................

Ifinry Schm filer by referee to Jacob Refiner, 42.05 ft fr s a Ginesee st.. 800 00

Republic S 03 L A by receivers to Fdk Knack, 40 ft fr n w 9 Caze- n O'via st 150 ft n e of Cumberlandavo ....................................................2C00 00

Buffalo Cement Co Ltd to Grace K Morey, 66x182.5 ft s s l)opjw ave225 ft o of Wallace ave ..................

Chas J Close to (finis 1*1 Snyder, 2Sx J29 ft s w s 15th st 261 ft vs e ofHampshire st ..................................

Chas* 1*1 Snych r to Edwin C Walker,28x120 ft s w s 13th st 261 ft s eof Hampshire s t ..............................

\N m M Farrell to Jonathan Alli­son, L 79 'V It K 8 ami vnr prop..

Eugene H Stanton to ‘Frank 1) Seheport, 30x134 fl o a Gold st 580l‘t s "of Broadway .........................

Alex T Btlrns to Patrlek H Burns,35.22 re ii '.V £ JJ.'-Plq;'.1' -st ft n of Forest avq. m o!!!

A If x T Burns t<8 Patrick ll Burns,30 x 30.58 ft n w cor Forest ave

and Danforth st ............................Wire M Farrell to Evlyn 'l* Young,

L 79 T 11 K S and yar prop .......... 230 00G* <> Groin n and oM* to Anthony

fcehrelbcr, 81.90 ft,,lf s s Curtiss sf 802.61 ft e of wTlllnifk sf , , )V i . fr 1 CO

Frances .pVacMvy c t al by rt rereo to John fi’ Monk, 41x99 ft n s Po- toniac ave 11 ft w of Dewitt st .... 230̂ .

J.:n;enhiiifi N Lawrcnco lo Cfiaa W




SUPREM E C6U1IT—County of Erie —P a rt I—Before Hon. W arren B. Hooker, Justled,

No furthei additions this term.For JunW 11, No. 442 ore trial.

Schosek vs Village of Hamburg— Stolting & Heath for plf; Fayette Kelley for dft. Ore trial.

Nussbaum vs Laux—Robert Glrven for plf; A. M. Thomas for dft.

Romanoweki vs Shepard—R. V. Cal- lan for plf; Clinton B. Git/bs for dft.

Mosley vs Debo—John Van Arsdalo for plf; Cad well & Baker for dft. Fierelll vs Dark—H. D. Williams for plf; C. B. Gibbs for dft.

674. Merzi vs Fisher—Stern & Frye for plf; Simon Fleischmann for dft.

2181/6. Goldstein vs Meyer—E. N. Sheldon for plf; Shire & Jellinek for dft.

Hewson vs Buffalo Railway Co.— Daniel V, Murphy for plf; Bisaoll & JVtetcalLfor dft.

Daggett vs Stoddard—Thos. W. Pel­ham for plf; Morey & Bosley for

Mauzella vs Ryan—H. J. Westwood for plf; W. J. Creamer for dft.

Sheehan vs Sheehan—(Philip A. Laing for plf; King, Leggett, & Brown for dft.

Moses vs Crosstown St.- Railway Co. Georgs W. Kennedy for plf; Box, Norton & (Bushnell for dft.

614. .'McClowsky vs Del. Ins. Co*.- Durand & 'Smith for plf; John Van Voorhis »& Sons for dft.

632. Kambadt vs Campsull—<W. T. (Bush­man for plf; Fred D. Russell for dft.

122 .̂ Guaranty Bldg. -CO. vs Protective Life Assu'i*. Scy.—Laughlln, & Ew­ell for plf; Wadsworth, B. & W. for dft.

64. Kerr vs Shipman—John C. Collin's ifq'r plf; Mfiler & Prat't for d'ft.

658. IMorgan vs* Laffllr.—A. C. -'Morgan for plf; Chas. E. Oromley for dft.






SUPREME COURT, Special Tc'rmr-Hon. Truman* *0. White, Justice. June 10, 1901.

Ire ro sale of real estate of Lenora M. Silver nail et al, in-fa-nts. O'ider confirming report of special guardian and directing conveyance, etc.

'Michael P. Tooney vs Dareie1! F. Tooney et al. Judgment of foreclosure and sale ordered. JitT t E. Farnham to sell.

Samuel Tt’rat*t vs Lily P ra tt et al. Ref­erees report of sale eon-fi'rmed and final judgment in partition and directing dis­tribution. Allowance of $50 to attorneys for (lefts.

Edmund R. Shaw vs 'Wore. F. Carney et al. Order of discontinuance and canceling judgment against defendant.

In ro voluntary dlsso'iivtion of the Queen City Mutual F ire Ins, Co. Order confirm­ing receiver’s report, authorizing receiver to assign certain* mortgage and to levy an assignment of $670,

Francis A. Harrison vs Grand1 Trunk Ry. Co. of Canada and N. Y. C. >& H. R. R. H. Co. Order substituting Pooley, l>e- pew & Spratt as attorneys for defendant N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Oo.

Erie County Savings Bank vs John W. Oorman et al. Order of reference to com­pute to Francis Kernan.

Chas. F. A. Muelled vs Arthur A. John­son ct al. Like order >to S. L. Robertson.

Erie County Savings Bank vs J. W. Cor- man. Judgment of foreclosure and jpcle.

i F. K. Kernan to sell.Ira. II. Meyers- v*s Hlrami Sherwood et

al. Order confirming Sheriff’s report of sale.

Same vs Carl Kreuger. Like order.People vs Wm. Anderson. Order trans­

ferring action to County Court for tr ia lCurollno fifeltma-n vs 'Josephine Sta-die-

irian et al. Final Judgment in partition. E xtra allowance of $29.25 to plaintiff’s a t­torneys.

It'o'bort J. M cIn ty re v s John J. M cIn tyre. Oudcr of reference;to Rollin 'Reid to take p*r6of upon default.

Owen Daley vs Thomas Brown et al. Order making the judgment o'f the Court of Appeals the judgment of this court.

Caroline Heitmiaim vs Josephine Stader- man et al. Order directing County Clerk to cancel record of deed and directing ref­eree to give new deed.

In re tho Diocese of Buffalo for leave to mortgage certain of its 'real estate. Or­der permitting petitioner to mortgage a portion of its real estate for $89,000.

Julius Ullman ct al vs the N. Y. C. & H. It. It. R. Co. Order substituting Pool- ey, Dep-ow & 'Spnitt as attorneys for dft.

Game Court, Hooker, J.Krva C. Thomas vs Marcus P. McHen­

ry et al. Interlocutory judgment of sale in partition. F. A. ltobblns, Esq., to sell.

SUPREM E d b u R T — P a r t I I—Before Hon. Daniel J. Kenefick, Justice, Room 14. (

No C a le n d a r C a ll T oday .For June 11, No. 533 on trial.

533. McDonald Vs Buffalo Railway Co.— Lansdowne & Moore for plr; Box, ton Rushnell for dft. On trial.

281. McArthur va Reed—Thayer, jack- son & White for plf; Shiro St Jelli- liok for dft.-

165. Brown vs Smallwood—C. A. Dolson for plf; Bartlett & Baker for dft.

327. Fisher vs Baxter—Philip V. Fennelly for plf; J. B. Corcoran for dft.

615. People ex rel La Vecchlo vs United Order of Italian Laborers—Chas. Oishei for plf; Edward T. Durand for dft. -

437. ICuazak vs MosIcr-aAbram Barthold mew fo*r plf; Love & Quackenbush for dft.

45,A Burt Va Smith—Norris Morey for* plf; J. S. Van Cleff for dft.

131. Finnerty vs Buffalo Railway Oo.— Charles A.White for plf; Box, Nor­ton & Blishnell for drt.

323. Smith vs 'Koons—Nelson S. Barrett for plf; Robt. F. Schelllng ior dft.

413. Miller vs,:JSL Y. C. & H. R. R. It. Co.—Jas. W, Burke for plf; Ira A. Place for1' dft.

525. Schumacher vs Caret—H. B. Van Peyma for plf; Morey & Bosley for dft.

523. Murphy Indiana Bridge Co.—'Fred G. Bagley for plf; Rogers, Locke & Mllbrem for dft.

609. Pierce va Davis—*S1mon Fleisch­mann for' p if; Warren F. Miller for dft.

515. Volker vsidirvin—Cox & Kimball for plf; Albert F. Geyer for dft.

691 .̂ DueringOr. vs (Shank—*'Volger & Boyd for plf; Geo. J. Arnold for dft. 1

319. Tomczak vs.-.Am. Exp. Farm. F .'S . & S^q^^aui^fiU n^& Ewell for pit;

191. Leyden vb Int. Pump Co.—Tuttle A Calkin for plf; Tapper & ComstOok

87. Konrif^V, ,vs ’'' Scfilenker—T,ewls A Lewid -fU* plf; Shlrfc'A ^ellinelt for

' dft.5033, illolt vs G«y—G. S. Van Corder for

plf; Clinton A Thomas, Shire A Jellinek for dft.

1 (J* -- ■■■*■ '- ■ O.' -^SPE C IA L TERM —Before Hon.' T ru ­man C. W hite, Justice. KfAn-enumer- ated motions every day except S a tu r­day, a t 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.

1 00

1 00

1 00

1 CO250 00

1 00

1 00

1 00

ERIE COUNTY COURT.—Hon. Edward K. Emery, Judge. June 10, 1901.

In re Maud M. Farthing, an infant. Or­der confirming repo'nt of John 11. Cleg­ato n, referee.

In re Daniel J. Donovan and one. Mo­tion to discharge judgments granted.

Same. Like order.S'ame. Llko order.George II. Holland vs Caroline McDon­

nell. Order canceling lis pendens.Agnes B. Ea'rl vs Buffalo 'Bldg. A In­

vestment Co. Order of reference to com­pute to William F. Smith,

Lafayette L. Long vs John If. Rich­mond. Jury out.

Vary &. Sleight as trustees vs Wald civ A Alosello Land Co. Order of reference to compute to E. C. Robbins.

Grace 10. Bird vs Anton Kruszki et al. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. W. B. Dickinson to soli.

John W. Jones as prest., vs John Clark as pros't. On trial.


E R IE COUNTY COURT, Trial Term —Before Hon. Edw ard K. Em ery, Judse.

(For June 11, No. 164 on trial,Jones vs Clark—L. P. Hancock for plf; Eugene W. Harrington for dft. Oh trial.

Anderson vs Schcu—John lt.illeinzel- man for plf; Joseph P, Schattner for dft.

'Angstell vs Schueler—J, P. Schatt- ner for plf; R. F. Schelllng for dft.

Lumber Co. vs Eekhart--L. P. H an­cock for plf; A. M, Thomas for d'ft.

Kuhns vs Ouchie- -Vroman A Fish for plf; M. A. Gearon for plf.

'Wood, vb Mills—Jerome Squires for plf; Fred Greiner for dft.

OEndres vs Grotsch—'Louis L. Ullman for plf; Otto F. Laregenbach for d.ft. '

Colo vs Baumgartner—E. A. Hayes for plf; C. W. Hinson for dft.

Komperda vs Baut'ss—James P. 'Schatis for plf; Frank R. Perkins for d f t

Grettman vs Memmlnger — Fox A . Graredlson for plf; J. F. Muelle'r for

dft.Same vs Same—Sam© attorneys.





O n ta r io gt._ M. ^ oj| S ^ lf le n .CO U N ft COURT, ERIE COUNTY—

William H. Daniels, as Treasurer of Erie County, against Dunston Park Land Company, et ai.

In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie Coun­ty Clerk’s Office on tho 16th day of May, 1901; I the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell a t public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estato Exchange Room. No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

10th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said Judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being a part of lots one (1) and threo (3) of tho "Jones Tract" so called, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point In the northwesterly line of Ontario Street two hundred and ten feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of Sktllen Street; running thence northeasterly aiong tho northwesterly line of Ontario Street six hundred and twenty-seven and ninety- four hundredths (627.94) feet; thence northwesterly parallel with Skillen Street two hundred and twenty-four (224) feet; thence northeasterly parallel with Onta­rio Street to nortnwesterly line of lot one (1) and to land formerly owned by Paul Fritz; thenco southwesterly along the northwestorly line of lots one (1) and threo (3) a^out eigut hundred and sixty- eight and two hundredths (868.02) feet to a point in said lino which will be inter­sected by a line drawn parallel with Skil­len Street and two hundred and thinty- slx (236) feet northeasterly therefrom; thence southeasterly along saiu line drawn parallel wltu Skillen Street- and two hundred and tnirty-six (236) feet northeasterly therefrom, about three hundred and twenty-fivo and thirty-one one hundredths ,325.31) feet to a point two hundred and seventy-four (274) feet measured on a line parallel with Skillen Street from Ontario Street; thence south­westerly parallel with Ontario Street two hundred and thirty-six (236) feet to the northeasterly line of Skillen Street; thence southeasterly along said* line of Skillen Street fifty (50) feet to a point two hundred and twenty-four (224) fe6t northwesterly measured on eald lino from Ontario S treet;. thence northeaster­ly and parallel with Ontario Street two hundred and ten (—0) feet; thence south­easterly parallel with Skillen Street two hundred and twenty-four (224> feet to the l orthwesterly line of Ontario Street a t the place of beginning. Containing six acres and 890-1000 of an acre, be the same more or lesj.

Also tha t certain other piece or parcel of land situate in tho City of Buffalo, County ox Erie and State of New York, known and described as lot forty- one (41) of Allen’s subdivision of lot one hundred and three (103) of the New York State Reserve and the north part of "Jones Tract," bound­ed and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Skillen Street where the same is inter­sected by the southerly line of Allen’s Hnhdivision: thence northwesterly along said line of Skillen Street four hundred and elrhtv-nine and thirty-nine hun­dredths (489.39) feet to the northwesterly corner of said lot forty-one (41); thence northeasterly parallel with O’Neil Street and along the northwesterly line of lot forty-one (41) about twelve hundred and fifteen and fifty-three hundredths (1215.63) feet to the New York State Reserve line; thence southeasterly along said Reserva­tion line about seven hundred and ninety- eight and fourteen hundredths (798.14) feet to a point a t which said Reservation line is Intersected by the south line of Allen’s subdivision, said point being also the southeast corner of said lot fonty-one (11); thence southwesterly along tho south line of Allen’s subdivision about eleven hundred and seventy-nine and eight-tenths (1179.8) feet to Skillen Street at the place of beginning. Containing seventeen and four lunrered and ninety- five thousandths (17.495) acres, bo the same more or less.

The property above described is tho same pairoel of land described on a map or survey of lots one (1) and three (3) of "Jones Tract” and lot forty-one (41) of Allen’s plot made by William J. White, surveyor, and filed ih Erie County Clerk’s Office In cover No. 372 on the 24tn day' of June, 1890.

Excepting from both parcels of land above described, subdivision lots num­bers 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 21 in bloca "A” ; the southwesterly 23.14 feet of lot nine in block "D” ; lots numbers 22, 23, 29, 31, 35,' 42, 43, 50, 51, 62, 54, 56, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 70 in block "E “ ; and lots numbers 37, 39, 45, 46. 48, 50, 59, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70 and 71 In block "F , as shown on a? subdivision map of said premises made by William J. White, surveyor, and filed in Erie County Clerk s Office in cover 372 Juno 24th, 1890.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 16, 1901. WALTER S. JENKINS, Referee.

FRED GREINER. Plaintiff’s Attorney, Address, it. 338 Mooney and Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.Tho sale of tho above described' prem­

ises is hereby adjourned to the 24th day of June, 1901, at the same hou'r and place.

WALTER S. JENKINS, Referee. FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney,

338 Mooney-Bris'bane Bldg,, Buffalo, N.Y.


P r o p e r ty In C h e ek to w a g a .N EW YORK COUNTY COURT - ERIE

County!—'Charles G. Miller vs. John C. Bertrand, et al.

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 3rd day of May, 1901: I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in ihig adtion for such purpose, will ex­pose for sale and sell a t public auction, to tho fiighfst bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Reql Estato Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho

18th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real eState and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount due upon said judgment, tO-Wi t !

Ail that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Cheektowaga, County of $rle and State of Now York, described as follows:

Being distinguished as sub-division lots numbers twenty-one and twenty-two in Block "K" in a nub-division of an east­erly part of Farm Lot number thirty- two (32) of the Holland Land Company’s survey, and on *a sub-dlvlsldn map of part of said Farm Lot, a map of which sub-division is filed in the Erie County Clerk’s Offlco in map cover number 267. Said premises being sixty (60) feet front and rear on tho easterly side of Lacka­wanna Avenue and being ono hundred and eighteen (118) feet deep, together with all the land in front of said premises to tho center lino of Lackawanna’ Avenue as tho same is laid out on said map.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y,, May 3rd, 1901.EDWARD M. SICARD, keferee.

A, C. SPANN. Plaintiff’s Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.


E R IE COUNTY SURROGATE’S COURT—Before5 Hon. Louis W. Mar­cus, Surrogate.

Calendar for Today.Eva Cath. Peters, will.P h o eb e J. S ta h le y , w ll’l.Ella Lotz, cita'tiore guardianship. Elizabeth Cindle, citation, administration John Q. Adams, will.Geo. W.Gia'U, contest will.Mary Roffo, show cause.Mathias Smith, show cause.

NIAGARA COUNTY COURT—Be­fore Hon. Charles Hickey, Judge.

NO. 4. Eleazei* Print rep vs Thomas Will­iams et al. On trial.

SUPREM E COURT—N iagara County -Hon. John S. Lam bert, Justice. Equity Term convenes June 17, 3901.

J . F . K U L .P ,G E N E R A L C A R TIN G .


Telephone S. 1518.

OF A PPEA LS—Room 32, until 2 p. in.,m.

Nos. 265, 327,

4th Dcu

COURT City Hall

Court will sit from 10 a except Saturday.

D a y c a l e n d a r for t o d a y :876, 612, 232, 268, 316. 325.

Ap p e l l a t e d i v i s i o n , paitment. Rochester.

D a y c a l e n d a r foK t o d a y : N o s , 32, 122, 123, 130, 126, 132, 133, 185.

K C. FULTON, Clerk.

Tin IT ED STATES DIST*. COURT— W estern D istrict qf N. — Before, Hon. John R. Hazel, ’D istrict Judge.

'Motions and proceedings in bankruptcy and the trial of admiralty and maritime

and the trials of issues of fact and LtduLtt tins court heard du »T»£J J " '

Metal Pattern MakingModel and Experimental Work, Machine Repairing of every des­

cription.Blsenhans flachine Shop,Tel. Sen. 3S8. 500 Washington St.

F. J. SC H A F E R ,Merchant Tailor,

18 Court Street,B U F F A I j O . 3ST-

I R ev iew T e le p h o n e f C alls.

B u s in e ss Office, S eneca 1 7 9 7E d i to r ia l Room , >* 192Clias. F . K in g sley , >> 132C lias. H . W c b c te r , >> 132

P r o p e r ty in T o n a w a n d a .C OUNTY COURT - ERIE COUNTY.—

Thd City National Bank of Buffalo against Christian C. LUippold, et al.

In pursuance o>f a judgment of foreclos­ure and sale duly.granted by this Court, and entered in the Eirle County Clerk’s Office on the 3rd day of May, 1901; I the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl 'Street, in the City or Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the *

18th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the ireal estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows;

All that tract or parcel of land situate in tho Town of Tonawanda, County of l*Jrio and State of New York, and being a portion of Lot No. 29, Township 12 and Range 8 of the Holland Lana company s survey, and being subdivision lots num­bers sixty (60) to sixty-five (65) inclusive in Block “A"; sixty-four (64) to'seventy- five (76) Inclusive, and also seventy-eight (78) in Block "B’\ according to a certain Subdivision map or survey of a portion of said lot No. 29, made by Betts and Bar- nally, civil engineers, und filed in the Erie County. Clerk’s office at Buffalo, N. Y., under cover 423 on July 22, 1891, as amended by a corrected map or survey filed in said Clerk’s office under 423, In March, 1S92, and being the same prem­ises described in a certain mortgage bear­ing date December 15, 1897. made and ex­ecuted by Christian C. Lulppold and one to The City Bank, Buffalo, N. Y„ and re­corded in Erie County Clerk's office In Liber 791 of Mortgages at page 531.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y„ May 3rd, 1901. WILLIAM F. WIERLING, Referee.

HOTCHKISS & TEMPLETON, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 319 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.

T H E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF l New York, to Frederick Ilaap, Christ

ian Ilaap, Adolph Ilaap,. * Freida Jlaap Scholl, Helene Ilaap.

Whereas, Marla Krapp, late of the City of Buffalo, in the County o f.E rie and State of New York, deceased, left a last will a’.id testament, bearing date the 24th day of April, 1900, purporting to relate to real and personal property, and the same having been propounded for probate by Charles Ilaap, Executor therein named.

You, and each of you, being tho heirs and next of kin of said decedent, are therefore cited to appear before the Sur­rogate of our said County of Erie, a t tho Surrogate’s Office, in the City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, in said Coun­ty of Erie, on the

15th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that clay, and attend the probate of said will. And that, If any of tho above-named persons are infants, that they then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear, represent and act for tin m. in the proceeding for tne probate of said will.

In testimony whereof, wc have caused the seal of said Surro­gate’s Court to be hereunto af­fixed.

Witness, Hon. Louis W. Mar­cus, Surrogate of our said Coun­ty of Erie.Buffalo, N. Y., this 22d day of 1901. , .

LOUIS B. HART, Clerk of tho Surrogate’s Court.

To the above-named Frederick Ilaap, Christian liaap, Adolph Ilaap, Freida Ilaap Scholl and Helene Ilaap:Take; notice that tHe foregoing citation

is hereby served upon you and each of you bv pnhlDViou in tcccrclancs with the terms of ar order du;y granted by the Hon. lands \V. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, on the 23d day of May, 1991, and filed in tiie * dice of said Surrogate at Buffalo, N. Y., on tho said 28*1 day^of M aV 1901. /JOSEPH V SIS AVER, Attorney for. Ex

oeutcre.Jffi) Mooney Brisbane Bid

BOUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY- V john J. O’Brian and one, Plaintiffs, against William P. Goodspeed, widower; Individually and as Trustee &c„ et al., Defendants.

Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the offlco of tho Clerk of Erie County, Now York, on the 17th day of May, 1901," I, the undersigned (referee duly appointed in this action for such pur- pop*, will expose for sale and sell at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder thore- for, a t tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Poarl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stato of Now York, on tho

10th DAY OF JUNE, 1901. a t 30 o’clock in tho forenoon of that day, tho |Teal estate and mortgaged . premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to -wit: •

All tha t tract or parcel of lund situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erlo' andi State 6t New York described as fal­low*: P art of lots numbered thirty-three (33) and thirty-six (36) of .a subdivision of the south part of the "Jones Tract” so callod and designated In an amended, supplemental map made by William J. Whlto, Surveyor, and filed October 31st, 1891, in Erie County Clerk’s Office under cover number four hundred and twenty- eight (428), and being known as subdi­vision lots numbered five (5), six (6), sev­en (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven(11) , sixty-three (63) sixty-four (64), six­ty-eight (68), sixty-nine (69), seventy (70), sevinty-one (71), seventy-two ((2), eevon- tyfih,rGe (73), seventy-six (76), seventy- sovSn (77), seventy-eignt (78), seventv- ninO (79), eighty (80), eighiy-one (81),‘ eighty-three (83), ninety-seven (97), nine­ty-eight (98), ninety (90), eighty-eight (88), eighty-nine (89), one hundred and seven (107), one hundred and eight (108), one hundred and nine (109), In lot number thirty-six (36), aad dots numbered twelve(12) , fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty- seven (27), twenty-eight (28), thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34), forty-ono (41), forty- two (42), forty-three (43), forty-four (44), forty-five (45), forty-six (46), forty-seven (47), forty-eighi (48), forty-nine (49), fifty- two (52), fifty-three (53), fifty-four (64), fifty-five (55), fifty-six (50), fifty-seven (67), fifty-eight (58), fifty-nine (69), sixty (60), sixty-one (61), sixty-two (62), and a strip of land ireree (3) feet wide and one hundrea, and fifteen (115) feet long off the south side of lot number thirteen (13), described as follows: Beginning at the northwest eorrior of lot number twelve (12); thenoe northerly on the east line of Tonawanda Street, three (3) feet to a point; thence easterly and parallel with the north line oi said lot twelve (12), one hundred and fifteen. (116) feet to a point on the west lino of lot slxty-two (62); thence southerly three (3) feet to the northeast corner of said lot twelve (12): thence westerly along tho north lino of said lot twelve (12). ono hunrered and fif­teen (.115) feet to tne place of beginning, in lot number thirty-three (33).

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y,, May 18th, 1901.JOHN G. CLOAK, Referee.

CRANGLE & BURKE, Attorneys forPlaintiffs 405 Marlnq ju>ank Building,222 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.The sale of the above described premises

is hereby adjourned to tho 57th day of June, 1901, at the same hour and place.

Dated, Juno lOMi, 1901.JOHN G. CLOAK, Referee.

CRANGLE & .BURKE, Attorneys forPlalntifrs, 405 Marine Bank Building 222Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.

W r o u g h t I r o n a n d

W i r e T r e e G u a r d s .

Wire Vine Frames.Wire Work of AIJ Kinds*-’ Artistic Metal Work. Wire Cloth and Wire Goods.

Scheeler’s Sons,316-320 Terrace.

Near foot of W. Genesee 8tg Tel. Seneca 787. 1

Z' l 'J Saved by buying of u* LURISJAbsolutely New

Smith-Premier Typewriters:We have a stQCk of NEW BmithJ

Premier typewriters of latest pattern which we are selling a t |80,^0 each. We have other ihachlnes, new and second-* hand, at corresponding prices. V

B u ffa lo 1

T y p e w rite r Exchange*116 Franklin Street., Buffalo,

Telephone Sen. $367f------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- |

Telephone Howard 400. ' t

W h ic c a l l u m b e r tv lllS S c l c o m p a n y ;—Dealer In— J

Pine and Hemlock LumberLath and Shingles; 1 ;


1Vb Clinton S treet ' f* ✓IHELLER »R0 S., LIVtRV,

COACH, BA G G A G E, ̂ A L L Y H O f \ AND Vjy-NS.

M a in Office* 36, W . G enesee 8 t . i B ra n c h , 7 2 E x o ta n g e S t. a n d B i l l - o o tt S q u a re B tiu r t . |j

Malleable and Steel’c a s t i n g s . *y l


Bids submitted for Metal Work. Repair Work Promptly Attended To. . *F. W. M. HEERWAGEN, ;]

Gravel and Asphalt Booling.All kinds of roofing felts, asphaltJ

paints and roofing cement. Asphalt felt ■ oofu guaranteed for ten years.

, i 008 PRUDENTIAL R blL D IN aOlBcwfc GLEN WOOD AVENUE.Telephone Sen. 1670, Buffalo, N* Y.


Dresses, F ilter Presses and Vacuum Pans, for B eet Sugar Works.H, G. TROUT & CO., 22 6 Ohio SU '

jEstimates Cheerfully Furnished. Kit, I86I4

F. PEYL.AHouse Painting

and Decorating;677 VIRGINIA STREET*

Formerly a t 806 Main Street.Telephone C69. Buffalo, N, Y«


IRON & STEEL SCRAPAlso New and Second-Hand Machinery,

Engine Boilers, Pumps, etc.Office and Yards, 45-61 Fulton St., cor.

Marvin. Machinery warehouse, 174 Ful­ton St.

Telephone 841. Buffalo, N. Y.



At a motion term of the County Court, head ire and for the Courety of Brie, at hhe City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, N. Y., on the 10th day of June, 1901.

Prcperet—Hon. Edward K. Emery, Erie County Judge.

COUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.—IN the Matter of tho Petition of Karl Ma-

jewski, iSt., and Heleno Majewsld, hls wife, and iWllilarm Majewskl, Edward M<a jewfi'kl, Henry Majewski and ICarl Majewv. ski, Jr., children of said Karl Majeiwskl, Ku\, and Helene Majewski, for leave to as­sume another name.

Ore reading and filing tho petition of Karl Majewskl, Sr., and Helene Majew­ski, his wife, William 'Majewskl, Edward Majeiwskl, Henry Majewskl and Karl Ma- jowskl, Jr., of the City of 'Buffalo, Odurety of Erie and Stato oB New York.diated J[uno 3d, 1901, praying for leave to assume the names of Karl Doehring’. &r., Helene Doehring, William Doo’hmng, Edward Doehrlng, Henry Doehrlng and Karl Doehring, Jr., In place of their present names, and ore motion of Joseph P. SOhattner, counsel for said petitioner, and no one opposing, and; the court being sa t­isfied' by said’ petition and affidavit, that there 1b no reasonable objection to the petitioners asumlng the name proposed, and It appearing from said petition that said William Majewskl, Edward Majew­ski, Henry Majewskl and Karl Majewskl, Jr., aro infants, tha t the interests of said int mts will be substantially promoted by tho change of their said names.

It is hereby ordered, th a t said Karl Majewski, Sr., Helene Majewski, William Majewskl, Edward Majewski, Henry Ma- jowski and Karl Majewskl, Jr., bo and they are hereby authorized to assume the names of said Karl Doehrlng, Sr., Helene Doehrlng, William Doenrlng, Edward Doehrlng, Henry Doehrlng and) Karl Doehrlng, Jr., in* place of their present names on the 29th day of July, 1901, upon their complying with the provisions o'f Section 2415 of the Code of Civil 'Proced­ure, viz.: That they cause a copy o-f this order to ho published one within ten (10) days after this order is entered In the ■Buffalo Review, a newspaper published in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie, N. Y.f and that within forty (40) days after t'he miaklng of this order, they cause tho pa­pers upon- which dt was granted aftd an affidavit of tho publication thereof as above directed, be filed and recorded! In the County Cleik’s office of said County o*f Eric, and that after the said require­ments arc complied with, tho said peti­tioners mu at on and after said 20t'h day of J^ly, 1901, bo known by the names which they arc hereby authorized to assume and by no oil-cr names.

And it Is further ordered, that this order shall be entered and the papers on which it was granted, be filed wit'hire ten (10) days thereafter in tHe Clerk’s Office of the County of Erie, N. Y.

Granted June 10, 39G.MARTIN J. FIS'IIER, 'Sp. DCp. Clerk.

N o tice to C re d ito rs .1 EVYN, SIEGMUND—'Pursuant to are Jj order of lion. Louis W. Marcus, Sur­rogate of Erie County, N Y., notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against Siegmund Levyn, late of the City of Buffalo, In said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned executors at the office of Simon Fleisch­mann, 1003 D. S, Morgan Building, Buf­falo, New York, on or before the tenth day of July, loot.

Dated, January 4,. 1901.TH I*X)DOR E HOFELLER,J OS E PI I DBS HECK Bit,

Executors.SIMON FLEISCHMANN. Executors’ At­torney.


Equipment. Construction. Repairs,m Franklin Street.

»" ' .....................----------------. ..LEGAL NOTICES.

for acceptable Ideas.S ta to If pa ten ted .


PERSON ST. W. OF ASHLEY ST. >pOUNTY COURT, BRIE COUNTY.-* 1 y Grace E. Bird vs. Anton Kruszka. e t

Ire pursuance of a Judgment ii'nd decreei of foreclosure and) sale duly*granted by, this Court, and entered In the Brie County, Clerk’s Office, *on the 10th day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, •will expose for sale and sell a t prebllo auc­tion, to tho highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Roal Estato Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the Ctty of Buf­falo, County of Eirle and State of New) York, ore the

2d DAY OF JULY, 1901, a t 10 o’clock In the forenoon of tha t day, the real estato and m ortgag^l premises directed Ire and by said judgment to bo sold, and 'therein described as fdllows. or* so much thereof as will bo suffielent t>a pay the amount duo upon isald Judgment, to wit:

A ll th a t tr a c t or p a r c e l o f 'land, ei'tuato in the City of Buffalo, County of Bile and State of New York, being subdiivslon lot number twelve (12), in block number, three (3), according to a map or survey, of the northeast part of lot number ono (1), Township eleven (11) and R&nga, eight (8) ol the Holland Land Company^* survey, and filed* 1n the Erie County, Clerk's offlco under cover number 208, January nth, 1884. and bounded and de­scribed as follows:

Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Person Street one hundred and forty (140) feet northerly from Its intersection; •with the northerly line o'f Ashley Street, according to said map; running thence easterly a t ri«ht angles to Person Street, ono hundred and.' thirty-two. (182) feet; thence northerly and parallel with Per­son Streb, thirty (30) feet; thence westerly, a t right angle* one h und rod and thirty- two (4i82) fe^t to Person Street; and thence southerly along the easterly line of Per­son Street thirty (30) feet 'to tho place of beginning. ,

Dated* Buffalo, N. Y., June 10, 1901.WILLIAM B. DICKINSON. Referee.

CLINTON '& CLARK, Plaintiff’s A ttor­neys. Address* 1012 ^Prudential Build-* Ing, Buffalo, N. Y.

■PHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF 1 New York. To Lucy M. Stilwcll, Frank C. Swirl, Dana M. Swift, Richard L. \ Swift, Maud'E. Fish, Edward Swift, Rich­ard L. Swift, Charlotte Swift, ’Mary Swift,

Whereas. James C. Swift, late of tho City of Buffalo in tho County of Erie, and Stato of New York, deceased, left a LaeS Will and Testament, bearing date the 19th day of May, 1890, purporting to re­late to real and 'personal property, and tho same having been propounded for probate by Mary Helen Swift, Executrix therein named.

You, and each of you, being the heirs and next of kin of said, decedent, are, therefore cited to a?>pear before the Surf rogate of our said County of Erie, at t)\ Surrogate’s office, In the City and Count Hall, In tiie City of Buffalo, in hi County of Erie, on tho

9th DAY OF JULY, 1904, at ton o’clock In tho forenoon of that and attend the probato of the said And that, if any of the abovo-namq sons are .infants, that they then aq show cause why a special guardiaj not be appointed to appear, ropr* act for them, in the proceeding probate of said will.

Jn testimony whercol caused the seal of m gate’s Court to bo fixed.

(L. S.) Witness , l ion. T< cus, Surrogate of y of Erie.

Dated, ItalYalo, N. Y Mav, 1901.

I.Ol.'i It. I I AKT. rie jg at e ’s Courl.

C A R I/.I O N E. LA 1)1 \('loner, 8J1 Mo,ig


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069