textual analysis student work

Student Textual Analysis OCR Weebly Media

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Page 1: Textual analysis student work

Student Textual Analysis

OCR Weebly Media

Page 2: Textual analysis student work

Student A

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Front Cover Color Palette: The strengths of the color palette the student has used is that it is bright. Red is a basic primary color however it catches the audiences eyes which makes them more likely to purchase the magazine. Hence, why I intend to use red on my front cover to contrast against my dark background; this will especially be used in the masthead like this student has as the logo will be dominant. Thus, making it more memorable which encourages repurchase. The light colors such as using a blonde model, faint background and white typography she has used give the magazine a feminine look which suggests this magazine aims at young women ( a group which are most likely to purchase magazines). The negatives the color palette is that the white and red typography are not very clear to read and blend into the background. This means content is not seen properly so people will not know who the feature is on. Thus, in my print I intend to ensure my text is contrasting to my image so that it stands out properly as it will promote bands better in their name too. Despite this, I need to ensure the colors I use are not too different and fit the dark color scheme as this is conventional of rock . If the color palette does not match it could make my magazine look as though it is aiming at infants therefore, it will not suit the needs of whom I am focusing on.

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• Layout; The layout of the magazine is in an ‘L’ shape. This is effective because most of the content is placed on the left and this is where our eyes are drawn to naturally ( as in the western world we read left to right). Therefore, content is more likely to be read and it ensures the rule of thirds convention is reached. For example, firstly we read the masthead, then we see the main image and cover lines and then finally the headline and barcode. This ensures most of the content is acknowledged this gives the audience and insight of what to expect in the magazine. Another benefit of the text being on the left is that the image is dominant which means we take a lot of notice to whom the feature will include. This reduces any confusion or dissatisfaction when reading because they will know what to expect. The Masthead is placed at the top of the page for institutional uses, for example, in shops magazines are stacked, thus, you will still be able to see the logo. I will follow this because the more often to logo is seen, the more identification my magazine will get.

• Masthead ; This student follows the convention of using the logo of the magazine as the masthead. This is because it gives the magazine print a sense of identity to make the name recognizable too. I like how they have used two conventional colors in music,: red and black. Red emphasizes the female gaze in the image as red connotes sex and passion which will encourage male audiences to read the print. Red is also a gender neutral color and can be manipulated to suit either sex which symbolizes anti-discrimination. This is why my front cover will include a lot of red also in contrast to this magazine, I will use red to connote aggression because it is a rock convention. The only criticism that I have the masthead is the name of logo ‘MGN’ this is because it is not clear what this stands for. Could it be the students initials? If so that would not suit the magazine as the student is not famous so it could come across as main and also the audience have no connection with it. The name does have small elements of intertextuality, for example, ‘MGN’ reminds me of ‘MGM’ studios however this is a film reference and is not relevant to music. This is why in my print I want to have a company name that supports the genre of my magazine. I have chosen the name ‘CRASH MAGAZINE’ because crash refers to loud noises which is what rock music is, which shows the impact of the music. Another reason is because ‘crash’ refers to the ‘crash symbol’ on a drum kit so this shows wit in the name. What I would change about this masthead too is its size in proportion to the other text on the page. This is because the masthead is not very large in comparison to the others so I would enlarge it and overlap it onto the main image to make it more noticeable.

• Feature Headline; I like how the feature headline includes the name of the artist in large bold typography because this makes it evident who the feature is about. It is also another way of promoting their name. This could have a Uses and Gratifications Effect because audiences could see her name and want to learn more ( be educated), thus, they may search her name into YouTube and listen to her music. This could then have a two step flow effect if the individual was to share the YouTube link on social media, therefore, creating a larger fan base for ‘Roxy Carter’. I also like how they have used an unusual name because it makes her appear more unique and this is more memorable than using a mainstream name such as ‘Sophie’ or ‘Chloe’. If we link this to The Dyer Star Theory; using a non-household name creates a division between an ordinary person and a celebrity, thus, giving her a more successful representation. I will follow this in my print by giving artists ‘stage names’ because it is evident that this gives the artist more attention, for example, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Jessy J. This suggests to me that I may take conventions from other genre’s such as Pop. The reason for this is because Pop is the most popular music in charts so if I use small conventions it could show my magazine is following the culture of our society which will make it more relatable to the audience. Despite her unusual name, it is counteracted by the her last name ‘Carter’ which makes her appear more ordinary and this gives her a respected representation because it shows how she has progressed from a ‘normal’ teenager to a hard working musician. I would connote a message like this as it is an incentive for young audiences as it makes ambitions seem approachable which could influence more upcoming and new artists. I would not change much about the Feature Headline however I would swap the placement of the plug ‘INSIDE HER MAD, BAD WORLD’ with where the headline is placed. This is because if the feature headline is placed in the middle of the page it could connote clearly that it is the main feature and it will also appear more dominant on the front cover which could represent ‘Roxy Carter’s’ success in the music.

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Plug; One thing I really like about this magazine is the plug: ‘INSIDE HER MAD, BAD WORLD’. The rhyme in the plug makes it so it is read clearly. It also is catchy , fast and simple which makes the plug more memorable. Although it may seem simplistic, it is very suited to my target audience whom appreciate catchy slogans because they look less formal which gives her magazine a more relaxed feel. This has influenced me to use rhyme in my print; it could be used in a plug, pull quote or even a cover line as it is a more satisfying read because the text ‘flows’. It has also influenced me to use alliteration too as this has similar effects to a rhyme. Using a variety of language skills creates variety and this is crucial on the front cover as this when people will decide whether to purchase the magazine or not. The plug uses the words ‘Mad’ and ‘Bad’ which connote rebellion and mischief which suggests the student’s target audience was aimed at teenagers which is another way to build audience recognition. This language is used as a foreshadowing technique because it hints at what her feature will include which makes the audience question about Roxy’s ‘MAD, BAD WORLD’. The plug links to Uses and Gratifications as this plug suggests that readers will buy this magazine to escape from reality and enter Roxy Carter’s exciting life therefore, the plug has involved the audience which makes them feel acknowledged. I would not change anything about this plug as I think it’s simplicity has been it’s vice. Pull Quotes; These are a great way of revealing information that is beyond the cover. The pull quotes this student have used are a range of famous celebrities that will suit to different target audiences which is another way this magazine is not genre defined. The pull quote said by Lady Gaga ‘We’re in the apocalypse right now’ is a very extreme statement and from the word ‘apocalypse’ shows that celebrities over exaggerate. This could be an insight to what Lady Gaga's music and performances will be like which is a low key method of promotion. It also reveals part of her character which is unordinary which builds a climax for readers for what she will reveal in the ‘Exclusive Interviews’. This strange quote suggests that the student is trying to express the Dyer Star Theory to show that Lady Gaga is living to the expectations of what her fans expect her to say which leads to satisfaction. This is why in my print, it draws more attention than a boring quote that discusses their love life. The student has uses a pull quote from Jay Z which will invite hip hop and rap fans to the magazine and the benefits of this that it may influence fans of that genre to experiment with other genre’s of music however I will not follow her actions because I want my magazine to be purely rock representative. This is because the popularity of rock is fading so I want to express rock can be successful individually and does not have to be supported by mainstream pop artists. Furthermore, I dislike the Jay-Z quote ‘Noel, Thom, Yorke, Muse and me’ because this suggests a conversion of artists however these artists would most likely never produce together so this quote appears unrealistic which makes the magazine look false. The final pull quote is a clear idea as it uses humour from the word ‘Jackass’ which gives the magazine a light hearted perception. This is why I would use humour too as it builds a variety of emotions for the target audience. To finalise I would use a variety of pull quotes because it shows dedication and time from interviewing musicians which makes the magazine company appear professional because they have links within the industry. It is a trust building technique between the service user and institution as it gives them assurance that the magazine will continue to include more famous names. Cover Lines; There are not many cover lines in this magazine as the cover is mainly dominated by pull quotes however the cover lines include the names of artists so these are support who the pull quotes were quoted by. What is successful about the pull quotes is that they stand out because they are enlarged in comparison to a lot of the typography on the page. The magazine could be connoting a high standard of importance for the celebrities who quotes by having large texts, suggesting they are a vital feature in the magazine. This is why I will use large text to signify the importance of a feature which gives the audience direction of where to read first to get the best gossip!

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Headline: The headline the student has used to introduce the cover lines is ‘Exclusive Interviews’. I will be using a lot of language that is similar to exclusive such as ‘special’ and ‘secret’. This is because this language makes the audience feel they are hearing fresh information that nobody else has heard, therefore, feeling superior in knowledge. By using this inviting choice of language it encourages the two step flow theory, for example, if a group leader or figure of significance reads this exclusive content about a celebrity they may share it to their peers. Thus, their peers will ask where they found this content and they will respond with the name of the magazine, resulting in social groups purchasing this magazine. This is my aim for it to be a conversation topic which may encourage people to share their opinions on social media too which is an effective way of building a mass audience. What I would change about this students headline is using a bolder text for example capitals to make it sound more enthusiastic as currently it looks very mature which may discourage users from purchases as this may be what they expect the whole magazine to be like. Promotional Offer; In many magazines that suit teenagers, they often include promotions or giveaways and this student has used this by using the word ‘WIN’. This word is written in capitals which makes it more notable to passing audiences and will encourage them to stop and pick up the magazine; then they may read other content on the cover. The benefits of this is that it gives the audience opportunity to achieve something which is a challenging method of extending their knowledge and winning will make them feel proud. Hence, they may want to repurchase the magazine to rekindle the fulfilment of winning. In my print I will subvert this by using words such as ‘Free’ as this makes the audience feel they are gaining something from reading. Banner/Strap Line; this is placed at the bottom of the magazine and includes other features of the magazine. I like how she has used a red banner and black typography as the juxtapose against each other which makes it easy to read. One thing I would change is using different colours of font to words that are next to each other as this will allow more separation of the features which is a more effective method of informing the audience. On the banner, the student has used ‘PLUS+’ and I may follow this language because it makes the audience feel they are reading a magazine that is bursting with information. Therefore, young people who do not have a lot of money will feel they are getting their money’s worth. This creates a positive representation for her magazine as it shows they are not overpricing the magazine for what it is.

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Bar Code; The student has placed a bar code onto the front cover of their magazine and this is conventional in the magazine industry. Placing a bar code on the front cover is more efficient because it informs the reader that the magazine is not free and must be purchased which signifies what type of magazine it is. This is why I will place a bar code on the front cover too. Date; The date is placed on the top of magazine and I think it is clever because like the masthead, it is what the readers will see when the print is stacked. Thus, the date shows the relevance of the content, this is vital because it informs the reader that the content is valid and not ‘trash’ so this builds a better connection with readers due to trust. The date of this magazine is in the middle of the month ’17th May’ which suggests this magazine is a weekly selling magazine and this is a better method of production for a new magazine because they need to gain audience recognition which will result in more sales. Hence why I will do a weekly magazine because it will anchor the readers interest and build excitement for when the new spread is being released. The only negative to the date is that when I researched what day the ‘17th May 2012’ was I discovered it was published on a Thursday. This was a downfall because Thursday is a week day so people may have less time to go to stores and purchase a magazine, therefore, I intend to publish my print on a Friday because this will increase sales during the buzz of weekend trades as people have more leisure time to spend reading magazines. Issue Number and Price; The issue number is a good edition to the student’s magazine as it shows how long the magazine has been around. By stating issue ‘115’ it shows the magazine is still relatively new to the industry which may encourage audiences to give it a try. In my magazine I may put a significant number as the issue number such as ‘50’ as it will make my print appear special which makes audiences assume it will include better features.

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Main image; There are many strengths of the main image of this print because they have used iconography to convey many conventions of chart music. Examples of this are: Her mainstream hair colour ( ombre’) and style which connotes that ‘Roxy Carter’ follows the latest styles and trends; readers then may view her as a fashion icon and attempt to copy her look. This is part of the Dyer Star Theory because through hegemony, this influences fans to become their role models so they will mimic their appearance, attributes and interests. The main image also connotes youth through her body language, such as, using the peace sign which signifies who this magazine is aiming too. Using the peace sign is a symbol which connotes innocence which shows this appeals to young girls, this is why I would avoid this symbol in my print because it would appear to immature for teenager rock fans. This is because rock is a genre that expresses rebellion unlike ‘MGN’ magazine. Despite this, the hand gesture gives the image significance as this is the main feature you would remember which suggests visual images are embedded better than typography. Therefore, I intend to use the iconic rock symbol ( shown to the left) as it is a form of iconography that people will associate with my print.

The girl’s facial expression connotes innocence due to the pout which makes us view Roxy Carter in a non-sexual way which tells me they did not want to show her as a sex icon but a role model for young girls instead. This is further emphasized her eye contact. This will suit younger audiences as it will not convey promiscuous behaviour which parents may object too and then discourage their children from buying the magazine. She has an eye line match with the camera and this usually appears intimidating or sexual however by having her eyes wide and open makes her look ‘cute’ which shows how they have attend to their target audiences needs ( Maslow’s Hierarchy). There is also intertextuality in her main image from how they have added a blue filter to Roxy Carter’s eyes which will remind young girls of the cartoon the ‘Power Puff Girls’ ( shown in the image to the right) . The outcomes of this will be when they watch the cartoon it will remind them of the print and can urge them to buy another spread. In my print, I intend to use intertextuality, that references to Queens: Bohemian Rhapsody as I want my main image to gave a ghostly, shadow effect. If my print is linked to a famous music video it will be more recognisable to audiences and could give older readers the chance to reminisce, thus extending the target audience. I also want to show some form of male and female gaze but in a non-offensive way, for example, I will not dress my models in revealing clothing because this could connote my magazine in a non-respectful way. Male and female gaze can be approached through an intense eye line match where the camera is looking down into them and this will make the model appear strong and dominant which will attract female audiences. This may also give men and women ambitions of what men should look like, which is another way the Dyer Star Theory is being demonstrated. I want to use a high angle shot type like this student has used as it makes the model look more vulnerable which will still connote youth on my cover. If I use this shot type it will also connote that the artist is new to the music industry and signify their journey to success. When I include famous artists is may use a low angle shot to make they look powerful which is a way they will connote their success. I also intend to do a mid shot because it allows us to still see facial expressions efficiently but this is counteracted with body language so you can symbolise more conventions.

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Contents Masthead; This is placed at the top of the page which gives the page structure and informs them what type of page it is in the magazine from the words contents. By placing the logo next to the word ‘Contents’ is promoting the name so it becomes more embedded in people’s minds, suggesting the Hypodermic Needle Theory is in practice. The masthead highlights it is a contents page and this is clear to see from the white typography as a juxtaposition to the black. This connotes a professional image which could suggest the magazine is trying to gain success. Furthermore, I will use font colours that contrast against their background as it makes text more legible which will result in more audience understanding. I like how the company logo is larger than the contents as it symbolises their importance as an institution which builds trust with the audience as they are more open to reading magazines that appear successful. One thing I would change about the masthead is adding a bold effect to word ‘CONTENTS’ to make it more loud which will create a more exciting atmosphere for young readers.

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Subheadings; The subheadings are spread out into two sections ‘Features’ which suggests this will include interviews with artists and ‘Monthly Treats’ which suggests this is to improve the readers satisfaction as ‘treat’ hints at personal gain, for example, information about upcoming gigs or song releases or even giveaways. Therefore, this builds curiosity for readers for what the what ‘treats’ conclude of. I intend to use inviting language like the student has used as it makes readers feel the magazine will inspire them in some way and if they enjoy what they read it may encourage them to become a loyal customer or tell their friends about it which will encourage a Two Step Flow Effect. The purpose of the subheading is to separate content to make it easier for audiences to find specific pages that suit them. In my print I intend to use more than two subheadings because you still have to search for specific content which is time consuming for the audience and this may discourage them from repurchasing the magazine. A strength of the subheadings is that they stand out because the student has used red which is eye catching in comparison to the black and white colour palette which is one way for students to find features or monthly treats. The size of the subheadings suits their importance as they do not need to be larger than the masthead because this will be overpowering and make the contents look messy hence why I would have my subheadings around two font sizes smaller than my masthead. This is because it makes the page look proportional and if the audience are impressed by the structure it gives them an insight of what other pages will look like.

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Secondary Images; The secondary images are very effective as she has used different size images which make the magazine more visual and connote a relaxed approach to their magazine which would suit my teenage target audience so it has influenced me to use a variety of image sizes. The images included appear female dominant as the individual images are of women which suggests this magazine is to suit young girls so they can idolise the figures they see in the magazine which will encourage the ‘fan girl’ to evolve. This will mean the user will want to continue buying the magazine to keep up to date with their actions and this will also boost the popularity of the musicians included. The images of women take a glamorous approach as they have styled hair, makeup and fashionable clothes; all of the elements that boost a female’s self image. Thus the student has presented them in this way to connote that if you become a famous music artist you will be able to achieve this conventional look. This has external effects as it will encourage children to attend hobbies or learn how to play an instrument and this motivation will lead to a creative society which suggests the student is trying to show ideal role models in the images. I will not show a glamorous, polished image of girls as it will not suit my target audience which is young rock fans. Instead I will dress them in clothes that look more casual, for example, a checked shirt or a relaxed t-shirt in comparison to a party dress which is conventional of pop music. In a couple of the images the student has applied a black and white filter and this separates the images which gives the contents page more organisation. Using this filter has connoted nostalgia which suggests that the features may include artists reminiscing about their past which hooks the readers interest. The image of the boy band at the bottom is very insignificant as it is unclear to see what is going on in the magazine and they look like ordinary teenagers. This could be to connote that there is no barrier between the celebrities and regular people which could symbolise equality and make the print more approachable. Despite this, I think idolisation is a key concept of a magazines success ( this student did not prove this to me in the image of a the ‘boy band’) so having a role model gives readers an ambition to be like them which will encourage them to follow them on social media and give the band a wider target audience which may mean the band will want to arrange further interviews with the company in the future.

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Page Numbers; The page numbers are not in chronological order and this is one feature that I would definitely subvert because it connotes a lack of organisation which will create a bad representation for my institution so the page numbers I include will be in order. I know the purpose is separate the different pages however it requires more effort for readers to find what they are looking for because it is our natural instinct to look down a chronological list. This layout does not suit the target audience ( which is a similar age range to mine) because teenagers will not be as patient in searching for particular features and this may create a negative representation of my magazine through the two step flow effect as an opinion leader may criticise the print for being complicated and this would filter down to their peers which would be barrier in getting maximum sales. I like how next to the images the page number is in the caption and written in bold as this informs the reader where the main features will be so this is more time consuming to the read of the contents.

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Double Page Spread

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Layout; The layout of this double page spread has a rigid structure with the typography placed on the right side and images on the left. This could have been so the images anchor the readers attention first and then will influence them to read the interview. This is an effective idea because it allows both pieces of content to acknowledged. The layout is very neat which is another way the student is connoting this is a magazine aimed at women because women appreciate organisation more than men due to their nurturing agenda. A benefit to having the images on a different page to the text is because it encourages creativity in the audience, for example, it could be an incentive for them to cut out the images and use them as posters which will allow them to admire this celebrity. The only downfall to the images being separate to the text is that the spread does not look continuous which demolishes the point of the double page spread and could cause audience confusion. Another negative aspect is that the segregation of the text and images could mean the text is skimmed rather than read in detail which could mean audiences skip vital information such as release dates which could affect their ability to follow the music they love. Due to the reasons I have explained, I will subvert this layout as I intend to spread my images and text throughout the double page spread to ensure no content is skipped by the audience which demonstrates I am valuing the audiences needs. Masthead; The masthead uses her name which is very conventional however it is another way of expressing her identity to influence familiarisation which will extend her fan base; resulting in more career opportunities which will spread the popularity of the genre. This is why on my double page spread, I will include the name of the artist. A conventional feature they have included was using the largest font size for the masthead which connotes the artist is big in the industry which will make audiences admire her more. The colour of the masthead comprehends nicely with the background of the main image and the text in the body of the spread which makes the magazine appear they are continuing the same colour palette throughout which symbolises maturity.

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Pull quote; Using a pull quote is an effective way of giving the reader an insight of what the magazine will include, for example ‘My Big Break’ connotes that the artist is grateful for her opportunities and is excited to share them with the world, which builds curiosity and represents her a dedicated musician which will allow readers to warm to her. If the audience take a liking to the artist in the feature it will reflect positively on the magazine company which tells me I need to choose my cast carefully and avoid artists who are known for being inappropriate or offensive as this would make the magazine a flop. The alliteration the student has used from ‘big break’ is quick and snappy which makes it flow and this is why I will use this literary method in my print because it will connote a level of whit in my simple language. Younger audiences will absorb quick pull quotes more efficiently because they connote more enthusiasm than long worded pull quotes that may appear boring. Images; I like the range of shots the student has gathered as they reveal personal information such as her friendship group which makes her seem like a regular person as they are holding drinks at a party. This is something most teenagers can relate to so it is a way of building a better connection with the audience. The student has also included a conventional edition of chart musicians life which is partying which gives us the impression her life is very chaotic. This links the Uses and Gratifications Theory as readers will look at the images as a form of escapism to wish for a life that ‘Roxy Carter’ lives. The photo of ‘Roxy’ and her friends is filtered in black and white which suggests this was from her past which tells us she is revealing private information which allows us to learn about her life before fame and how she has progressed which makes her life seem approachable for young audiences. Due to this, it could influence the target audience to purchase the magazine to gain more inspiration. This is why I will show personal images of the artists I will feature, such as friends or family as it makes them seem more ‘human’ and less of a ‘star’. The main image is very basic as she is gazing into the camera lens with a sympathetic look which could suggest that her feature will include the negative aspects of her life so this prepares the audience of what to expect. The image is very professional as it is a mid close up in what appears a studio and this is to connote that she is successful. I would not have used a shot where the artists face is emotionless as it connotes arrogance too which can make the audience dislike the artist which will discourage people from buying the magazine, instead I would direct the artist to grit their teeth or a half smile as this is more conventional of rock. The images are not varied because the image placed on the bottom left is very similar to the main image which does not connote variety which is crucial in maintaining audience interest.