texts lead to wrecks

Texts lead to wrecks Texting while driving: a dangerous epidemic Image by Dickson@flickr

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Post on 10-May-2015




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The Dangers of Texting and Driving... Will you answer your next text/phone call?


Page 1: Texts lead to Wrecks

Texts lead to wrecks

Texting while driving: a dangerous epidemic

Image by Dickson@flickr

Page 2: Texts lead to Wrecks

From February to December in 2010 45,975 tickets were handed out to Ontario drivers who were distracted while operating motor


Image by Slaup

July 1 2008 Quebec banned the use of hand-held cell phone devices while driving: 93, 845 tickets have been issued since then.

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Image by Insight Imaging: John A Ryan Photography

In a recent survey done by TNS Canadian Facts drivers were divided over whether or not cell phone use should be outlawed while driving.

42 % Opposed to banning phone use while driving

67 %Stated that the outlawing would not be obeyed by drivers

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Are you in support of the ACTIVE LAWS against hand held use of cell phones while driving?


Image by tswarts

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There is a clear divide betweengenerations…

58 % of elderly population believe that all forms of cell phone use should be ban while driving.

While only 28% of the young population

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Researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that…

Image by Gizzypooh

….texting while driving was even MORE dangerous than being under the influence or alcohol. Increasing your risk of having an accident by seven.

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According to the New York Times drivers typically look at their hand held devices, at highway speeds, long enough to cover a football field.

A study Conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging keeps a driver’s eye off of the road for 4.6 SECONDS over a six-second period.

They also found that texting was 23x more dangerous than non-distracted driving.

Image by Joe Dunckley

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Image by OregonDOT

Recklessness has caused numerous car ACCIDENTS and DEATHS related incidents in the driving age group of 16-20, the largest texting demographics.

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How would you feel if you noticed your bus driver using their mobile device while driving?

Image by JHop


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Image by Clifford Howard

CBC News Canada reports The Toronto Transit Commission has fired THREE bus drivers for using mobile devices while operating transit vehicles.

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The Allstate Foundations recent survey report that texting while driving is the biggest distraction behind the wheel for American teens.

82% of teens report using cell phones while driving

23% admit to drinking and driving

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According to data collected by the Insurance Institute Highway Safety, more teenagers die on May 20th than any other days of the year.

May 20th, over the past five years, has claimed 63% more lives than any average day

Prom and graduation season…almost summer vacation… celebrations and late nights.

Image by Onkel wart

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Do you feel SAFE driving with friends?

Would you speak up?

Image by Bruce Berrien


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Allstate found….

…that 77 % of teens admit feeling unsafe with another teen’s driving


BUT… Only 59% of teens will speak up

Image by jk5854

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Are you willing to accept the consequences?

Up to $500 dollars in fines…


Image by State Records NSW


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…or even worse, death.

500,000 people are injured

and 6,000 are killed each year due to talking, texting and email behind the wheel.

Image by Kodama

Page 17: Texts lead to Wrecks

Did you know that if a driver is…?

Unimpaired-0.54 seconds to brake

Legally Drunk-Add 4 feet to brake

Reading an E-Mail-Add 36 feet to brake

Sending a Text-Add 70 feet to brake

Image by Randall Richards

Data provided by Car and Driver Magazine


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Image by Robert S. Donovan

When texting while driving your ability to steer is reduced by 91%

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It CAN happen to you.

It’s Not Worth The Risk…Avoid Distractions..

Turn Off your phones…

Image by Jean Wichinoski Fotografia

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All images are licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share and sourced from flickr.

Imagine by Beadmobile