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1 Text analytics: a case study in its application for market researchers Charlotte Crichton and Ruva Mankola

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Post on 19-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Text analytics: a case study in its application for market ...€¦ · Text analytics: a case study in its application for market researchers Charlotte Crichton and Ruva Mankola


Text analytics: a case study in its application for market researchersCharlotte Crichton and Ruva Mankola

Page 2: Text analytics: a case study in its application for market ...€¦ · Text analytics: a case study in its application for market researchers Charlotte Crichton and Ruva Mankola


Text analytics is a growing business


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The technology has advanced considerably


Page 4: Text analytics: a case study in its application for market ...€¦ · Text analytics: a case study in its application for market researchers Charlotte Crichton and Ruva Mankola


“Although they are very expensive,

ASC one day conferences have

brilliant speakers”


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Text analytics in market research


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A Mars a day….


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Our study


Work Play&

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Words associated with work


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Words associated with leisure


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Comparing a closed and open-ended question



Stress Happiness index = 52

Fun Happiness index = 78

Interesting Happiness index = 88

Do not



Do not



Do not



Happiness index = 36

Rating of happiness with current

job on a 0-100 scale

Average happiness index = 63

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There are different approaches to sentiment analysis


• Lexicon-based

• Machine learning

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Differences in sentiment analysis


Q Google



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Comparing closed and open-ended responses


Happiness with overall work-life balance

Rating 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100

Sentiment -1.0 -1.0 -0.3 0 +0.4

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tedious tiring sad stress unbelievable notion undervalued stress bullying obstruction annoying frustrating hard boring stress tedious tiring boring lonely sad unhappy scared

stress aggravating annoying boredom tiring underpaid stress exhausting challenging slave misery complaining boring not fun hate translation hard stupid clients hectic long

hours no fun strenuous humiliating boring tiring money tedious boring effort long hours cold dirty stress difficult unrewarding amateur untruthful incompetent boring tiresome

uninspirational boring dull boring tedious slavery boring waste time boring necessary rubbish stress boring drudgery poor pay exploitation boring tiring uninteresting dull

time consuming stress boring hard daily colleagues underpaid unsecure stress tiring pay repetitive unsecure boring awful long hard boring undervalued cheap waste hard

hours tiring rat race repetitive boring tiring boring uninspirational boring dull routine stress pressure idiots tiring boring busy boring stress long boring stress boring annoying

testing blue boring sad political frustrating stress stress long tiring wet cold underpaid pointless waste time boring hard money boring retired hard boring money hard boring

changing dull boring tiring low paid tiring pain money long stress underpaid long boring challenging stress tiring fulfilling hate boring boring tedious quick hard annoying

management hard graft tiring hard exhausting hard long difficult tiring earnings graft stress undervalued underpaid busy hectic stress stress long hours tiring hectic busy

loud money stress boredom boring customers moaning boredom stress money stress boredom unchallenging stress anxiety madness chaos laugh stress pressure anxiety

self employed stress worry stress worry essential boring ungratifying pressure no appreciation pointless money slog not good boring food boring low paid sat down overload

racism ageism tedious unrewarding unappreciated drudgery horrible don't work stay home boring boring paperwork development boring money job overtime busy boring

depressing boring chaotic boring satisfaction labour more hours need time company friends meetings customers colleagues makes live occupation career miss love can’t

wait back career money prospects wages mates holiday hard energetic fun fun long hard time boss career challenging interesting social busy money money job type home

life profession career intellect busy responsibility friends colleagues fun hard busy engaging tiring stress fun time stress necessary rewarding varied unpredictable

interesting tiring time consuming engaging hard fun money busy sociable stress income career satisfaction weather fitness outdoors money job satisfaction something

money job opportunity fun tiring money hard good job busy hectic fun stress rewarding children education learning product necessary fulfilling occupied responsibility

different challenging fun retired idle relaxed stress creative thinking solutions dedication earnings money basic life cos laugh satisfaction earnings job career balance money

office product wages job satisfaction commute learning good environment seating tiring long challenging enjoyable challenging rewarding makes different satisfaction

pressure style camaraderie laugh professionalism challenging special interesting satisfying tiring consuming satisfaction social care good riddance retired don’t work

moment I want work money work pub retired fortunate don’t home work creative solo money heavy strong physical wages public happy hard stress tiring draining busy

manic chaos hard pointless waste boring slow poor repetitive boring tedious shit boring hate boring tedious dull frustrating boring tiring rubbish place bad management

stupid people boring pointless no benefit whatsoever boring unsatisfactory lame annoying boring useless crap unfriendly boring tedious boring sad boring annoying waste

time boring loss family time waste time dull boring stress commute waste stress hate stress boring dull dull dull dull unable sick pain underpaid boring hard boring wrong

people wrong place boring team enjoy public satisfaction stressless relaxed dedication work mates inspiring rewarding challenging new pleasant satisfying flexible boss self

employed quiet stress fun learning time enjoyable busy retired enjoyable friends busy interesting varied fun hard rewarding busy intriguing varied fun food colleagues

money fame fortunate retired not worry about work anymore happy walking restful like happy happy busy hard work enjoy comforting helpful hard work patience teamwork

cleaning work place friendship clarity helpful convenient safe routine friendly feeling good fast warm day busy fair friendly hard work fun love income rewarding satisfaction

progress freedom frustrating music fun easy pharmacy skill money stability fun confidence cleaning helpful care money secure interesting busy fast competitive easy fun

happy creative freedom family fun busy fun sociable interesting varied nice creative enjoyable challenging satisfaction happy good fun interesting busy good atmosphere

great colleagues hard work flexible lucrative rewarding fun dynamic enjoyable good salary good enjoyable work important helpful love fun easy good fun exciting rewarding


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“Although they are very expensive,

ASC one day conferences have

brilliant speakers”


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GoPro HERO 5 Black Waterproof 4K Sports Camera


• 407 customer reviews

• Mean rating = 3.9

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AKASO EK7000 4K Sport Action Camera Ultra HD Camcorder


• 932 customer reviews

• Mean rating = 4.7

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GoPro HERO 5 – positive rating (=5)


“This camera was great. I used it on a dive

down to 71 feet without any problems.

Great pictures and videos at an excellent


“This is a fantastic little camera! I bought it on an

impulse just to see what it was like, and I couldn't

be happier. The price is great and includes a

number of accessories. You have everything you

need to get started right away. It's easy to use.”

“I tried mine out today and the video is

outstanding! For the money the quality of the

video is just off the hook. I mounted it on my

motorcycle and took it on a 50 mile ride and it was

easy to use and did a very good job of capturing the

experience. It has good colour balance and even

looking in the suns direction, again it did a great job..

glad I bought mine...!”

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GoPro HERO 5 – negative rating (=1)


“The battery is very poor and an expensive camera is

unusable without spending more money to buy card, extra

batteries and charger. The battery doesn’t charge

while you’re recording - instead it consumes slowly and that

gives you about 4-5 hours of recording when you have it

100% charged and plugged in. It seems like a big scam

from GoPro. I'm very very disappointed as I wanted a

GOPro for a couple of years now.”

“I have requested to return this item. The camera case

came with manufacturing flaws, nothing major but not what

you expect for your money. The camera was simple to use

from the box but as the week progressed I slowly found

flaws: The battery life, the connection issues to iPhone

and iPad, the camera failing to charge unless the battery

is firstly removed, the camera freezing up and displaying

"saving" before having to remove the battery to get it

working again, the tiny charging cable supplied.”

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More testing and exploration is needed


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Text analytics will continue to develop


✓ Consolidation of tools

✓ Visualisation

✓ Better sentiment analysis?

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Looking to the future


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Thank you!