testing database applications

Testing Database Applications Donald Kossmann http://www.dbis.ethz.ch oint work with: Carsten Binnig, Eric Lo Thanks: i-TV-T AG, Porsche, Microsoft, Baden-Würtem

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Testing Database Applications. Donald Kossmann http://www.dbis.ethz.ch. Joint work with: Carsten Binnig, Eric Lo. Thanks: i-TV-T AG, Porsche, Microsoft, Baden-Würtemberg. Quotes. „50% of our cost is on testing (QA)“ (Bill Gates @ Opening of Gates Building) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Testing Database Applications

Testing Database Applications

Donald Kossmann


Joint work with: Carsten Binnig, Eric Lo

Thanks: i-TV-T AG, Porsche, Microsoft, Baden-Würtemberg

Page 2: Testing Database Applications

Quotes• „50% of our cost is on testing (QA)“

(Bill Gates @ Opening of Gates Building)

• „Testing alone makes up for six months of the 18 month product release cycle“(Anonymous SAP Executive)

• Estimated damage of USD 60 bln per year in USA caused by software bugs (US Department of Commerce, 2004)

• Mercury: 30% of testing can be automated

• HP: Buys Mercury for $4.5 bln

Page 3: Testing Database Applications

Observations• Everybody loves writing code

Everybody hates testing it– more work on new models etc. than on testing– solution: automate the testing!– (Computers are cheap and do not complain)

• Test Automation is a DB Problem– several optimizations in different flavors– it is all about logical data independence– it is a far cry from being solved!

• Research on Testing (Automation) is fun!

Page 4: Testing Database Applications

Test Automation• Idea: Testing ~ Programming

– Testprg = Actions + (desired) Responses– Examples: JUnit, Caputre & Replay

• But ...– Programming is expensive; Tests aren‘t any better– Maintenance of (Test-) Programs is expensive– Test-programs often have more bugs than the

systems they test– Test-programs are not enough: test databases – Test-programs must be optimized

• Idea of Test Automation is good!Risk: Going from bad to worse.

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Project Goals

• Higher level of Abstraction of Tests (Prgs+DBs)– Avoid „over-specification“ of test components– Automate testing: execution, generation, evol., ...

• Automate Generation of Test Databases– Generate relevant Test Databases– Generate scalable Test Databases

• Automate Execution of Regression Tests– Optimization and Parallelization

• (Automate Evolution of Test-DBs + Programs)

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Project Goals

• Higher level of Abstraction of Tests (Prgs+DBs)– Avoid „over-specification“ of test components– Automate testing: execution, generation, evol., ...

• Automate Generation of Test Databases– Generate relevant Test Databases– Generate scalable Test Databases

• Automate Execution of Regression Tests– Optimization and Parallelization

There are tools for some of these goals available. But they do not fit together, and have limitations.

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Approach• Bottom-up: Various ideas and tools

– model-based testing (not invented by ETH)– Reverse Query Processing (ETH)– HTPar (ETH)

• Exploit „Standards“– Databases everywhere: „Fluch & Segen“– Web-based apps (simplifies tooling)

• Prototypes and Industry Collaboration– Canoo, i-TV-T, Microsoft, Porsche– Everything is implemented and „tested“

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• Motivation and Overview

• Database Regression Testing: Overview

• RQP: Generating Test Databases

• Related Work

• Conclusion

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Structure of a Test Program

• Phase 1: Setup– Initialize Variables / State (= DB)– (long) sequence of SQL „insert“ statements

• Phase 2: Execute– Execute test step by step– Check responses of the system; compute ‘s

• Phase 3: Cleanup– Release resources– e.g., SQL „drop table“ statements

• Phase 4: Report– Report ‘s from execute

Page 10: Testing Database Applications

What is our contribution?• Get rid of setup und cleanup

– Only specify the id of a test-DB used for initialization– implicit setup / cleanup by testing infrastructure– reduces size of test code by up to 80% (IBM)– optimize the setup and cleanup

improve testing performance by a factor of 500 (Unilever)

• Execute– Model-based testing (HTTrace: Web-based C&R Toolkit)

• Only specify behavior you want to test; ignore randomness

– flexible, app-dependent function– XML representation of test runs for better evolution / queries

• Report– Understand the HTML page (tables, keys, same errors, etc.)

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How to optimize regression tests

• Test 1: Insert a new order(Load Test-DB 1)insertOrder(Schmitz, 1000, Staples)showAllOrders()

• Test 2: Show all pending orders(Load Test-DB 1)showAllOrders()

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How to optimize regression tests

• Test 1: Insert a new order(Load Test-DB 1)insertOrder(Schmitz, 1000, Staples)showAllOrders()

• Test 2: Show all pending orders(Load Test-DB 1)showAllOrders()

• How do you execute these 2 tests efficiently?– How do you do that with 1 million tests?– IBM manually defines test buckets! (bad!)

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Solution Overview [Haftmann et al. 2007]

• Optimistic Execution of Test Programs– execute a test (setup = cleanup = NOP)– if it fails, reset the database and try again– if it fails again, then it really fails– (watch out for „false negatives“)

• Slice Algorithm– remember conflicts between test runs– create a conflict graph between test runs– order execution of test runs according to graph– (more smarts in the fineprint of the algo)

• Parallelization– shared nothing vs. shared DB– clever scheduling and reset strategies

Page 14: Testing Database Applications

Model-based Testing<project name="SimpleTest“ basedir=".“ default="main">

<property name="webtest.home“ location="C:/java/webtest"/>

<import file="${webtest.home}/lib/taskdef.xml"/>

<target name="main"> <webtest name="myTest">

<config host=www.myserver.com port="8080“ protocol="http“ basepath="myApp"/>

<steps><invoke description="getLoginPage“ url="login"/>

<verifyTitle description=“blabla“ text="Login Page"/>


</webtest> </target></project>

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Understanding HTML

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• Motivation and Overview

• Database Regression Testing: Overview

• RQP: Generating Test Databases

• Related Work

• Conclusion

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State-of-the Art: DB Generation• Commercial Products and Open Source Tools

– Input: •DB Schema (Tables + Constraints)•Scaling Factor•(Constants)

– Output: SQL „insert“ Statements

• Result of the following query on generated DB?SELECT c.name, o.priceFROM Customer c, Order o, Region r, Product pWHERE c.region = r.id AND r.name = Asia ...

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State-of-the Art: DB Generation• Commercial Product and Open Source Tools

– Input: •DB Schema (Tables + Constraints)•Scaling Factor•(Constants)

– Output: SQL „insert“ Statements

• What is the result of the following query?SELECT c.name, o.priceFROM Customer c, Order o, Region r, Product pWHERE c.region = r.id AND r.name = Asia ...

c.name o.price

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The Solution

• Reverse Query Processing– Input:

•DB Schema (Tables + Constraints) •Scaling Factor•(Constants)•Application Program (SQL Queries)•Meaningful Query Results (Tables)

– Output: SQL „insert“ Statements

• Generate „Relevant“ Test-DBs– a Test-DB must be specific to the application– Evolution: Create new or extend Test-DB when the

schema evolves and application has new queries

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Finding the right query• In practice, application has many queries

– workflow might involve sequence of queries– independent workflows have multiple queries

• Idea: generate one generic query that „encodes“ needs of a whole workflow– logically a „join/union“ of all queries

• Status: Create this query manually– still better than state-of-the-art: higher abstraction– but, indeed sometimes difficult to find

• Future Work: semi-automatic process– symbolic computation helps (SIGMOD 07)

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RQP: Problem Statement• Given:

– Query Q, Table R– Schema S (including integrity constraints)

• Generate a database instance D such that:

R = Q(D)R = Q(D)

such that D matches S and its constraints

• Yes, the problem is undecidable (Q with “-”)– even undecidable whether such a D exists

• Who cares? You can always check D?– semi-automatic approach, if check fails

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RQP Example

select c.name, sum(amount) as revenuefrom order o, customer cwhere o.cid = c.cid and c.age > 18group by c.name;

Database Constraint: Order.amount <= 70

c.name revenue

Paul 130 R



Page 23: Testing Database Applications

RQP Example

select c.name, sum(amount) as revenuefrom Order o, Customer cwhere o.cid = c.cid and c.age > 18group by c.name;Database Constraint: Order.amount <= 70

c.name revenue

Paul 130 R



cid amount

1 70

1 60


cid name age salary

1 Paul 23 5000



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Trichotomy (thanks to MJF)




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Trichotomy (thanks to MJF)



QueriesQuery Processing

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Trichotomy (thanks to MJF)




Reverse Query Processing

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Trichotomy (thanks to MJF)



QueriesProgramming By Example

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Reverse Query Processor



Bottom-up query


Query parser and


Query optimizer




Formula L Instantiation I

RTable R Parameter values

Database D

Query Q

Database Schema S

Reverse query tree TQ

Annotated T+Q

Optimized T’Q

Page 29: Testing Database Applications

Example• SQL Query Q:


FROM Lineitem, Orders

WHERE l_oid=oid

GROUP BY orderdate

HAVING AVG(price)<=100;

• Schema S:CREATE TABLE Lineitem (


name VARCHAR(20),

price FLOAT,

discount FLOAT

CHECK (1>= discount >=0),

l_oid INTEGER);



orderdate DATE);

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Parser - RRA Tree

orderdateχ-1SUM(price), AVG(price)




Lineitem Orders

Traditional SQL Parsing; 1:1 relationship from RA to RRA

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Parser - RRA Tree

orderdateχ-1SUM(price), AVG(price)




Lineitem Orders


a F


Traditional SQL Parsing; 1:1 relationship from RA to RRA

Page 32: Testing Database Applications

Reverse Projection




orderdate SUM(price) AVG(price)

1990-01-02 100 100

2006-07-31 120 60


orderdateχ-1SUM(price), AVG(price)




Lineitem Orders

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Reverse Projection

1st attempt (count=1):orderdate!=19900102 & sum_price=120 & avg_price<=100 &sum_price=price1 & avg_price=sum_price/1 Not Satisfiable!

2nd trial (count=2):orderdate!=19900102 & sum_price=120 & avg_price<=100 &sum_price=price1+price2 & avg_price=sum_price/2 Satisfiable!

Instantiationsum_price=120, avg_price=60,price1=80, price2=40, orderdate=20060731

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Reverse Selection


orderdate SUM(price) AVG(price)

1990-01-02 100 100

2006-07-31 120 60

orderdate SUM(price) AVG(price)

1990-01-02 100 100

2006-07-31 120 60

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Reverse Aggregation

orderdateχ-1SUM(price), AVG(price)

lid name price discount L_oid oid orderdate

1 A 100 0.0 1 1 1990-01-02

2 B 70 0.0 2 2 2006-07-31

3 C 50 0.0 2 2 2006-07-31

orderdate SUM(price) AVG(price)

1990-01-02 100 100

2006-07-31 120 60

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Reverse Equi Join


oid orderdate

1 1990-01-02

2 2006-07-31

lid name price discount L_oid

1 A 100 0.0 1

2 B 70 0.0 2

3 C 50 0.0 2

lid name price discount L_oid oid orderdate

1 A 100 0.0 1 1 1990-01-02

2 B 70 0.0 2 2 2006-07-31

3 C 50 0.0 2 2 2006-07-31

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Reverse Query Processor



Bottom-up query


Query parser and


Query optimizer




Formula L Instantiation I

RTable R Parameter values

Database D

Query Q

Database Schema S

Reverse query tree TQ

Annotated T+Q

Optimized T’Q

Page 38: Testing Database Applications

Reverse Query Optimization• Some observations

– projections and group by‘s are expensive– (equi-) joins and selections are cheap– nested queries are expensive– calls to the model checker are expensive

• depend on number of free variables, types of vars

• Conclusions– apply „smarts“ to avoid model checker calls– apply smarts to simplify model checker calls– do aggressive query rewriting– but do not worry about join ordering, push-down

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Correctness Criterion

• Rewrite of Plan P1 into Plan P2 allowed iff

Q(P1(R) = Q(P2(R)) = R

• That is, P1 and P2 may produce different databases!!! That is okay.

• Goal (here): generate large databases fast. (Alternative goal: „good“ DBs)

R = Q(D)R = Q(D)

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Query Unnestingselect name from lineitemwhere l_oid not in (select max(cid)

from ordersgroup by odate)


select name from lineitem

• (An empty „orders“ table is generated!)

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Query Unnestingselect name, price from lineitemwhere price = (select min(price)

from lineitem)


select name, price from lineitem

• (Precise definition of rules in the Tech.Rep.)

• (Of course, all traditional rules are applicable.)

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Some Tricks (see TechRep for complete list)

• (Constrictive) Independent Attributes– can take random values (avoid model checker)– or can take fixed values (in „distinct“ queries)

• Infer cardinalities from AVG and SUM– avoid trial-error algorithm

• Bound cardinalities from MAX, MIN, SUM– limit trial-error algorithm

• Simplify constraint formulae– use SUM(a) / n for aggregations

• Memoization: cache model checker calls

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Performance Experiments

• Use dbgen in order to generate TPC-H DBs– use three scaling factors: 100 MB, 1 GB, 10 GB

• Run 22 TPC-H Queries on DBs (PostGres)– get 22 x 3 RTables

• Run RQP on 22x3 RTables– get 22x3 different DBs

• Compare original DB with generated DBs

• Measure Running Time of RQP

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Results (DB Size)

100 MB 1 GB 10 GB

Query RTable Generated RTable Generated RTable Generated

1 4 600.572 4 6.001.215 4 59.986.052

2 44 220 460 2.300 4.667 23.335

3 1216 3.648 11.620 34,86 114.003 342.009

4 5 10.186 5 105.046 5 1.052.080

5 5 30 5 30 5 30

6 1 1 1 1 1 1

7 4 24 4 24 4 24

8 2 32 2 32 2 32

… … … … … … …

Page 45: Testing Database Applications

Results (hh:mm:ss)

Query 100 MB 1 GB 10 GB

1 26:51:00 207:11:00 2054:19:00

2 00:24 00:47 04:02

3 19:20 183:49:00 1819:48:00

4 00:20 02:26 24:15:00

5 00:12 00:12 00:12

6 00:02 00:01 00:01

7 00:10 00:10 00:09

8 00:15 00:17 00:14

… … … …

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Other RQP Applications

• Updating (non-updateable) Views– find all possible update scenarios– define a policy that selects update scenario

• Privacy / Security– what can be inferred from the published data

• SQL Debugger– determine operator that screws up result

• Program Verification (weakest pre-condition)

• Database Compression / Sampling– real DB -> queries -> results -> queries -> small DB

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Symbolic SQL Computation• Goal: control of intermediate results

– selectivity of query operators, cardinality, distr., ...– test database system (not app); e.g., optimizer

• Idea: Process tuples with variables as values

– Put constraints on variables: e.g., $z > 1000– (Reverse/Forward) process variables with query – instantiate variables at the end -> test database

Customer Product Volume

Paul Smith $x1 5000

$y $x2 $z

Page 48: Testing Database Applications


• Motivation and Overview

• Database Regression Testing: Overview

• RQP: Generating Test Databases

• Related Work

• Conclusion

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Related Work• Testing owned by Software Eng. Community

– JUnit: Mother of regression testing for Java– focus on processes and methodology– database often simulated using mock objects :-)

• noticeable exception: AGENDA Project (Chays et al.)

– no mention of „optimization“, „data independence“

• Generating Test Databases– Gray et al. (SIGMOD 94), ...– Bruno, Chaudhuri, Thomas (TKDE 06)

• Generating SQL Test Queries– Slutz (VLDB 98), Poess, Stephens (VLDB 04)

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Conclusion• Automated testing has many hidden costs

– Definition of test modules / buckets – Definition of the order of test execution (manual parallel.)– Generierating Test-DBs (adjusting Test-DBs)– Evolution of tests and Test-DBs with new releases– Writing code for setup and cleanup– Definition of delta function– ...

• Vendors solve one problem at cost of another• We don‘t have a good solution, but ...

– we have some fun ideas– and we are honest

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Research Challenges (CIDR 05)

• Test Run Generation (in progress)– automatic (robot), teach-in, monitoring,

decl. specification

• Test Database Generation (in progress)• Test Run, DB Management and Evolution (uns.)• Execution Strategies (solved), Incremental (uns.)• Computation and visualization of (solved)• Quality parameters (in progress)

– functionality (solved)– performance (in progress)– availability, concurrency, scalability, security (unsolved)

• Cost Model, Test Economy (unsolved)

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