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Post on 11-Oct-2015




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  • Powiatowy Konkurs Jzyka Angielskiego dla uczniw gimnazjum - etap pisemny Wejherowo 2012


    Zad. 1 Zad. 2 Zad. 3 Zad. 4 Zad. 5 Zad. 6 Razem maks. 8 pkt

    maks.8 pkt

    maks.6 pkt

    maks. 8 pkt

    maks. 10 pkt

    maks. 10 pkt

    50 pkt


    Zadanie 1 Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz jedn, aby otrzyma spjne i poprawne gramatycznie zdanie. [8 pkt]

    1. Sue and Clair don't know ..... . They both prefer being .....

    a) themselves ... alone

    b) one another ... lonely

    c) them ... by themselves

    d) each other ... on their own

    2. I think you ..... wait ..... the boss comes and discuss the issue with him.

    a) have to ...by

    b) mustn't ... till

    c) ought to ... by

    d) should ... until

    3. I have ..... money but it is ..... to buy a new house.

    a) a few ... much

    b) little ... a lot

    c) much ... too few

    d) some ... not enough

    4...... my father ...... I like football but we ..... like basketball.

    a) Neither ... nor ... both

    b) Either ... or ... two

    c) Both ... and ... either

    d) Neither ... and ... all

    5. Does the soup taste .....?

    a) good

    b) well

    c) awfully

    d) badly

    6. I am exhausted. I ..... the room for many hours.

    a) have painted

    b) was painting

    c) have been painting

    d) am painting

    7. If Paul ..... rich, he ..... some money to me, but unfortunately he isn't.

    a) would be ... give

    b) were ... would give

    c) was ... will give

    d) had been rich ... would have given

    8. We can go to the cinema, but we ..... stay at home as well.

    a) might

    b) ought to

    c) need

    d) mustn't

  • Powiatowy Konkurs Jzyka Angielskiego dla uczniw gimnazjum - etap pisemny Wejherowo 2012

    Zadanie 2 Test luk otwartych. Poniej podane s definicje pewnych sw. Zgadnij jakich? Wpisz w kad luk

    tylko JEDNO sowo. [8 pkt]

    Example: An alphabet is a set of letters arranged in a fixed order which is used for writing a language.

    1. A .. is a person who takes a text written in one language and writes the text again in a

    different language.

    2. A shortage of rainfall and a period of dry weather is called . .

    3. A . is a person who is being treated by a doctor, dentist etc.

    4. Someone whose occupation is making, mending, or making changes to clothes, especially suits, coats, etc. is a


    5. A . is an organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or

    singing in a church.

    6. . is a general term for the bags or suitcases belonging to a traveller.

    7. A gas which animals need to survive and is produced by plant life is called .... .

    8. A ... means the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region.

    Zadanie 3 Sowotwrstwo. Uzupenij luki odpowiedni form wyrazu podanego w nawiasie. [6 pkt]

    1. I'm sure that with such deep .. (know) he won't have any problems to find a well-paid job.

    2. My new shoes are very nice, but unfortunately they are extremely (comfort) too.

    3. An FCE certificate is a main (require) to get this job.

    4. I didn't intend to hurt you. I did it . (accident).

    5. In (compare) to other European countries, Poland is rather a big one.

    6. Your . (behave) at the party was unacceptable.

    Zadanie 4 Transformacje. Wykorzystujc wyraz podany wielkimi literami, uzupenij zdanie tak, by zachowa

    znaczenie zdania wyjciowego. Uyj od 2 do 5 sw. Nie zmieniaj formy podanego wyrazu. [8 pkt]

    1. It's over 20 years since we last met. FOR

    We . over 20 years.

    2. Sue earns 2000$ and I earn 4000$. MUCH

    I earn Sue.

    3. Although the weather was bad, we went climbing. IN

    the bad weather, we went climbing.

    4. It isnt necessary for you to pay immediately. HAVE

    You pay immediately.

    5. Could you take me to the airport on Friday morning? MIND

    Would to the airport on Friday morning?

    6. They are too young to try bungee jumping. ENOUGH

    They . to try bungee jumping.

    7. How long was your journey from Barcelona to Valencia? TAKE

    How long . travel from Barcelona to Valencia?

    8. Have you read any poems by Pablo Neruda, Craig? asked Ann. READ

    Ann asked Craig any poems by Pablo Neruda.

  • Powiatowy Konkurs Jzyka Angielskiego dla uczniw gimnazjum - etap pisemny Wejherowo 2012


    Zadanie 5 Przeczytaj tekst i na jego podstawie oznacz zdania w wiczeniu poniej jako T (prawdziwe)

    lub F (faszywe). [10 pkt]

    Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has existed as a place to live for

    more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. The first cathedral

    was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of

    celebration in 1994 to mark the 800th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to

    be called a city and to govern itself independently. Today, in comparison with places like London or

    Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16th century

    Norwich was the second city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and

    richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as

    there are days in the year.

    Nowadays, there are far fewer churches and pubs. With its fast growing university student population

    and its success as a modern commercial centre, the city now has a wide choice of entertainment: theatres,

    cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafes, excellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centres. There is

    also a football team, whose colours are green and yellow. The team is known as The Canaries, though

    nobody can be sure why. Now the city's attractions include another important development, a modern

    shopping centre called 'The Castle Mall'. The people of Norwich lived with a very large hole in the

    middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a

    million tons of earth so that the roof of the Mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water

    pools and hundreds of trees. But the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains,

    right in the heart of the city and next to the new development.

    1. The River Wensum flows through East Anglia. T/F

    2. People have lived by the River Wensum for at least 2,000 years. T/F

    3. In the 11th century Norwich was a small village. T/F

    4. Norwich has been a city since its first cathedral was built. T/F

    5. Norwich has always been one of the smallest English cities. T/F

    6. The Norwich City football team is called The Canaries because of the colours the players wear. T/F 7. The number of students in Norwich is increasing. T/F

    8. The Castle Mall took more than two years to build. T/F

    9. Norwich people still like shopping at the old market. T/F

    10. The city park surrounds the Mall. T/F


    Zadanie 6 Wpisz brakujcy wyraz/brakujce wyrazy (w jzyku angielskim!). [10 pkt]

    1. The English King who introduced Protestantism to Britain was ..

    2. Which animal is an official symbol of Canada? .

    3. Who did Prince William marry on 29 April 2011 ? .

    4. The name of the national flag of the United Kingdom is .

    5. What is the capital of Wales? ..

    6. Australia is called for short.

    7. What dynasty does Queen Elisabeth II come from? .

    8. is the most famous prehistoric stone circle on the British Isles. .

    9. The Scottish New Year is called ... .

    10. What plant is the emblem of Ireland? ..