test & evaluation i lg

WW Logistic Date: 2014-03-19 Test&Evalution I Learning Gateway

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Page 1: Test & evaluation i lg

WW LogisticDate: 2014-03-19

Test&Evalution I Learning Gateway

Page 2: Test & evaluation i lg

IntroduktionNågra exempel på användningsområden för test och utvärdering i Learning GatewayTypiska funktioner för Test och utvärderingar i LGTestSkapa och konfigurera test i LGFrågekategori för test och utvärderingSkapa frågor Tilldelning av test till slutanvändarnaRapporter


Page 3: Test & evaluation i lg

UtvärderingSkapa och konfigurera utvärderingSkapa frågor Tilldelning till slutanvändareRapporter


Page 4: Test & evaluation i lg

Add a test to the beginning of a learning path to measure skills before training Test your users to measure the combined effect of all learning objects at the end of a learning path. Follow up a learning activity such as classroom training or a webinar with an online test or evaluation

Test and Evaluations

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Categorised questions to handle all vital topics Reusability through a per-test question pool and randomised picking of questions Nine different question templates Weighted questions Full reporting on users, who have passed and failed Visually appealing reporting – results at a glimpse

Tests – key features

Page 6: Test & evaluation i lg

The Evaluation module allows you to assess e-learning and classroom training through user feedback, identifying where the learning is most valuable.

Key Features include:Categorise your questions 5 different question templates Filtering in reports allowing you to investigate users choosing a specific answer for a question


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Create a test Create the Question Category with 4 questionsCreate 4 test questions and detailsPreview your testAdd the test to you original bundleChange the bundle type to a Learning Path and set the sequenceChange the bundle (against the Org Unit) to Suggested


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