tesfu fekensa

Ethiopian Institute of Biodiversity Discussion Held with Stakeholders on Biodiversity and Ecosystem management Tesfu Fekensa (M.Sc.) December, 2013 Samara

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Ethiopian Institute of Biodiversity

Discussion Held with Stakeholders on

Biodiversity and Ecosystem management

Tesfu Fekensa (M.Sc.)

December, 2013


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Outline1) What is Biodiversity?

2) Components of Biodiversity

3) How many species are there worldwide?

4) Distributions of Biodiversity

5) Why we conserve Biodiversity ?

6) Conservation and the Law

7) Trends in biological resources uses

8) Responses to unsustainable use

9) Conclusion

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1. “Biodiversity” Biodiversity, or Biological diversity

The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), agreed at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio De Janeiro, defines biodiversity or ‘biological diversity’ as: ‘the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.’

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The sum of an area’s organisms, considering the diversity of species, their genes, their populations, and their communities.

Comprised of Plant, Animal & Microbial diversity

Resources of actual or potential value for humanity



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As all organisms and ecosystems are interconnected, the

presence or absence of an organism may affect the

overall ecological communities and the ecosystem

processes as a whole.



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2. Components of Biodiversityo Biodiversity exists on several levels :can be

expressed as genetic, species, ecosystem diversity.

Genetic diversity Species diversity

Ecosystem diversity


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Genetic Diversity: Includes the differences in DNA composition among individuals within a given species. Species Diversity: the number or variety of species

in a particular region. Ecosystem Diversity: Includes diversity above the

species level.

It might comprise: Community diversity,

Habitat diversity

Landscape diversity etc


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3. How many species are there?

It is estimated that there are 11 million species

currently living on earth, with only 2 million of this

number actually documented (Chapman 2009). This

implies that most of the species are still unknown to


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Some organism groups are relatively well inventoried: Mammals 5,500 species; Birds 10,000 species; Fish 30,000 species; Plants 310,000 species.

Other groups, such as Insects, remain largely underrepresented. Estimates of insect diversity range between 2 and 7 million species.


What about in our prospective? Artemia salina, salinity and high temperature tolerant fish spp.??


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Size of each organism is scaled to its number of species.

Mammals are located in front of the insect’s mandibles.

4. Distribution of biodiversity


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5. Why we Conserve Biodiversity ?

Biodiversity play an important role in the

functioning of ecosystems (i.e. the activities,

processes or properties of ecosystems, such as

decomposition of organic matter, soil nutrient cycling

and water retention), and consequently in the

provisioning of ecosystem services.

i.e. ‘the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems’.


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Ecosystem services have been categorized into four broad


1. Provisioning services such as food, water, timber, and fiber;

2. Regulating services that affect climate, floods, disease (Biological control ), wastes, and water quality;

3. Cultural services that provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual benefits; and

4. Supporting services such as soil formation, photosynthesis, Pollination, and nutrient cycling (MEA, 2004).




$16-$64 TRILLION.

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The most important legal framework in the

conservation of biodiversity is The United Nations

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), agreed at

the UN Conference on Environment and Development

in Rio De Janeiro, which came into force on December

29th 1993.

6. Conservation and the law


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It has 3 main objectives:

1) the conservation of biological diversity; 2) the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity and 3) the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. The convention is one of the most widely ratified (193 parties) including Ethiopia.


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7. Trends in biological resources uses


Biological use was harmonious with ecological system Growing population, increased demand, mismanagement, etc

(until 60s). changed the use typeo stressful to ecosystemo forests decimated beyond recovery levelo loss and migration of wild animalso soil seed banks exposed to dehydrationo loss of soil moistureo Invasive Alien Species expansion etc

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8. Responses to unsustainable use


• After 1970’s, Gene Banks were beginning to be established

• In 1976 Ethiopia’s PGRC was established

• Then after, the concept of international agreements on

genetic resources was born.


Ratified the convention in 1994

Promoted PGRC to the Institute level catering for Plants,

Animals and Microbial Genetic Resources.

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Thus, EIB is the mandated institute in implementing those legal framework.

Mission of EIB Promote the vital contribution of biodiversity to socio

economic growth and development, and environmental improvement through:

1. Conservation,

2. Sustainable use of biological resources & IK

3. Ensure equitable sharing of benefits


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EIB6. Accomplishments

Conservation Sustainableutilization

Access andBenefit sharing

In situ Ex situ



Accessions distributed to research institutions




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Biodiversity is the foundation of ecosystem services to which human well-being is intimately linked.

9. Conclusion

Biodiversity is necessary to:

- improve sustainability development,

- Poverty reduction and

- cope with climate change


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Biodiversity is one of the important cornerstone

of sustainable development and represents the

biological wealth of a given nation.

We still have little idea of how many species inhabit our



Thus, collaborative work is vitally needed with

cross - sectoral bodies.

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