terrorism in world and in pakistan till 2009

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    Session: MSc. IT FALL 2009-2011Section: AFTERNOON

    Submitted to:Rana M uhammad Bilal Anwar

    Submitted By



    Punjab University College of Information Technology

    University of the Punjab, Lahore.

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    We have gone through many topics for our final project of writing skills but prefer to work on

    terrorism. It is a very sad aspect that we being a nation are greatly affected by this evil. No-

    doubt, on the other hand, its a hot cake for media. Whenever we switch on our TV, and tune to

    local news channel, suicide attacks are the spot lights of the channel. Thousands of mothers are

    crying for their sons, thousands of children are crying for their parents but these attacks are going

    on and on and on and our government is doing NOTHING.

    This project is not only a requirement for session marks but our aim is to highlight the point that

    why we are still sleeping? Why we are the only victim of Terrorism. Not only our government

    but we are also responsible for this thing.

    We try our level best to fulfill all the requirements according to the project starting from the

    main meaning till the measures to remove terrorism not only from our country but from the

    whole world

    At the end, we would like to thank our respected teacher Sir Bilal annwar who gives us an

    opportunity to present our ideas

    Jan Shair Khan(Group Leader)


    Muhammad Fahad Khalid


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    No-doubt, terrorism is one of the toughest and difficult challenge ever faced by the Government.

    According to legal dictionary the unlawful use or threat of violence esp. against the state or the

    public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion is called terrorism. Unfortunately,

    there are many different types of terrorism. There is state terrorism, bioterrorism, and cyber

    terrorism. There is also ecoterrorism, nuclear terrorism, and narco-terrorism. Whenever

    repressive measures are taken by governments against their own countrymen to still the voice of

    disagreement, those measures too should be included within the term 'terrorism' and be as

    strongly and roundly condemned as any other form of terrorism. Humanity has suffered far more

    through such acts of State terrorism. In Holy Quran this word is covered by Fitnahand Ikrh.

    Our Project covers the following contents






    Terrorism in our country Pakistan

    Measures to decrease Terrorism

    We try our level best to fulfill all the requirements according to the project starting from the

    main meaning till the measures to remove terrorism not only from our country but from the

    whole world

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    1.1. Origin of term...6

    1.2. Recognition of term..7

    1.3. Pejorative use....8

    2. HISTORY...9

    2.1. Ancient and medieval roots...9

    2.2. Modern Events and Groups...9

    2.3. Reign of Terror.10

    2.4. 19th

    Century Events and groups...10

    2.5. World War II10

    3. CAUSES.11




    5.1.1. 2001.13

    5.1.2. 200213

    5.1.3. 200314

    5.1.4. 2004.15

    5.1.5. 2005.16

    5.1.6. 2006.16

    5.1.7. 2007.17

    5.1.8. 2008.20

    5.1.9. 2009.24


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    Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, there is

    no internationally agreed definition of terrorism. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to

    those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological

    goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-


    Some definitions also include acts of unlawful violence and war. The history of terrorist

    organizations suggests that they do not select terrorism for its political effectiveness. Individual

    terrorists tend to be motivated more by a desire for social solidarity with other members of their

    organization than by political platforms or strategic objectives, which are often murky and


    The word "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged, and this greatly compounds the

    difficulty of providing a precise definition. Studies have found over 100 definitions of

    terrorism. The concept of terrorism is itself controversial because it is often used by states to

    delegitimize political or foreign opponents, and potentially legitimize the state's own use of

    terror against them. A less politically and emotionally charged, and better defined, term (used not

    only for terrorists, and not including all those who have been described as terrorists) is violent

    non-state actor.

    Terrorism has been practiced by a broad array of political organizations for furthering their

    objectives. It has been practiced by right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic

    groups, religious groups, revolutionaries, and ruling governments. One form is the use ofviolence against noncombatants for the purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or


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    "Terror" comes from a Latin word meaning "to frighten". The terror cimbricuswas a panic and

    state of emergency in Rome in response to the approach of warriors of the Cimbri tribe in

    105BC. The Jacobins cited this precedent when imposing a Reign of Terror during the French


    After the Jacobins lost power, the word "terrorist" became a term of abuse.

    Although the Reign of Terror was imposed by a government, in modern times "terrorism"

    usually refers to the killing of innocent people by a private group in such a way as to create a

    media spectacle.[citation needed] This meaning can be traced back to Sergey Nechayev, who

    described himself as a "terrorist". Nechayev founded the Russian terrorist group "People's

    Retribution" in 1869.

    In November 2004, a United Nations Security Council report described terrorism as any act

    "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose

    of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or

    abstain from doing any act".

    In many countries, acts of terrorism are legally distinguished from criminal acts done for other

    purposes, and "terrorism" is defined by statute; see definition of terr orism for particular

    definitions. Common principles among legal definitions of terrorism provide an emerging

    consensus as to meaning and also foster cooperation between law enforcement personnel in

    different countries. Among these definitions there are several that do not recognize the

    possibility of legitimate use of violence by civilians against an invader in an occupied country.

    Other definitions would label as terrorist groups only the resistance movements that oppose an

    invader with violent acts that undiscriminately kill or harm civilians and non-combatants, thus

    making a distinction between lawful and unlawful use of violence. Ultimately, the distinction is a

    political judgment.

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    Terrorism is also often recognizable by a following statement from the perpetrators.

    Violence According to Walter Laqueur of the Center for Strategic and International

    Studies, "the only general characteristic of terrorism generally agreed upon is that terrorism

    involves violence and the threat of violence". However, the criterion of violence alone does not

    produce a useful definition, as it includes many acts not usually considered terrorism: war, riot,

    organized crime, or even a simple assault. Property destruction that does not endanger life is not

    usually considered a violent crime, but some have described property destruction by the Earth

    Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front as violence and terrorism; see eco-terrorism.

    Psychological impact and fear The attack was carried out in such a way as to maximize the

    severity and length of the psychological impact. Each act of terrorism is a performance devised

    to have an impact on many large audiences. Terrorists also attack national symbols, to show

    power and to attempt to shake the foundation of the country or society they are opposed to. This

    may negatively affect a government, while increasing the prestige of the given terrorist

    organization and/or ideology behind a terrorist act.

    Perpetrated for a political goal Something that many acts of terrorism have in common is a

    political purpose. Terrorism is a political tactic, like letter-writing or protesting, which is used by

    activists when they believe that no other means will effect the kind of change they desire. The

    change is desired so badly that failure to achieve change is seen as a worse outcome than the

    deaths of civilians. This is often where the inter-relationship between terrorism and religion

    occurs. When a political struggle is integrated into the framework of a religious or "cosmic"

    struggle, such as over the control of an ancestral homeland or holy site such as Israel and

    Jerusalem, failing in the political goal (nationalism) becomes equated with spiritual failure,

    which, for the highly committed, is worse than their own death or the deaths of innocent

    civilians. One definition that combines the key elements was developed at the George C.

    Marshall Center for European Security Studies by Carsten Bockstette: "Terrorism is defined as

    political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror and psychic fear

    (sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and destruction of noncombatant

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    targets (sometimes iconic symbols). Such acts are meant to send a message from an illicit

    clandestine organization. The purpose of terrorism is to exploit the media in order to achieve

    maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying force multiplier in order to influence the targeted

    audience(s) in order to reach short- and midterm political goals and/or desired long-term end


    Deliberate targeting of non-combatants The distinctive nature of terrorism lies in its

    intentional and specific selection of civilians as direct targets. Specifically, the criminal intent is

    shown when babies, children, mothers and the elderly are murdered, or injured and put in harm's

    way. Much of the time, the victims of terrorism are targeted not because they are threats, but

    because they are specific "symbols, tools, animals or corrupt beings" that tie into a specific view

    of the world that the terrorists possess. Their suffering accomplishes the terrorists' goals of

    instilling fear, getting their message out to an audience or otherwise satisfying the demands of

    their often radical religious and political agendas. Unlawfulness or illegitimacy Some official

    (notably government) definitions of terrorism add a criterion of illegitimacy or unlawfulness to

    distinguish between actions authorized by a government (and thus "lawful") and those of other

    actors, including individuals and small groups. Using this criterion, actions that would otherwise

    qualify as terrorism would not be considered terrorism if they were government sanctioned. For

    example, firebombing a city, which is designed to affect civilian support for a cause, would not

    be considered terrorism if it were authorized by a government. This criterion is inherently

    problematic and is not universally accepted, because: it denies the existence of state terrorism;

    the same act may or may not be classed as terrorism depending on whether its sponsorship is

    traced to a "legitimate" government; "legitimacy" and "lawfulness" are subjective, depending on

    the perspective of one government or another; and it diverges from the historically accepted

    meaning and origin of the term. For these reasons, this criterion is not universally accepted; mostdictionary definitions of the term do not include this criterion.

    Pejorative use

    The terms "terrorism" and "terrorist" (someone who engages in terrorism) carry strong negativeconnotations

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    The history of terrorism is a history of well-known and historically significant individuals,

    groups, and incidents associated, whether rightly or wrongly, with terrorism. Scholars agree that

    terrorism is a disputed term, and very few of those labelled terrorists describe themselves as

    such. The article covers a diverse array of groups, whose political roots range from religion to

    nationalism to anarchism.

    Ancient and medieval roots

    Scholars dispute whether the roots of terrorism date back to the the first century and the Sicarii

    Zealots, to the eleventh century and the Al-Hashshashin, to the 19th century and Narodnaya

    Volya, or to other eras. The Sicarii and Hashshashin are described below, while the Narodnaya

    Volya is discussed in the 19th Century sub-section.

    In the 1st century CE, the Jewish Zealots used "propaganda of the deed" by publicly murdering

    Jews who collaborated with Roman rule. They were a primarily political group which rebelled

    against Roman rule in the Iudaea Province. According to the contemporary historian Josephus, in

    6 C.E. Judas of Galilee led a small, more extreme group of Zealots to found an offshoot which

    would later be known as the Sicarii, meaning "dagger men." Their efforts were mainly directed

    not against the Romans, but against Jewish collaborators such as priests of the temple,

    Sadducees, Herodians, and other wealthy elites who profited from working with the Romans.[12]

    According to Josephus, the Sicarii would hide short daggers under their cloaks, mingle with

    crowds at large festivals, murder their victims, and then disappear into the crowd during the

    ensuing panic. Their most successful assassination was of the high priest Jonathan.

    M odern eventsand groups

    TheGunpowder Plot and the Sonsof Liberty

    In 1605 on the 5th of November, a group of conspirators led by Guy Fawkes attempted todestroy the English Parliament on the State Opening, by detonating a large quantity of

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    gunpowder placed beneath the building. The group brings about a coup by killing King James Iand the members of both houses of Parliament. The conspirators planned to make one of theking's children a puppet crown and then restore the Catholic faith to England. The plan was

    betrayed and thwarted. The violent attempted coup, which may not be an act of terrorism, hasbecome known as the Gunpowder Plot and is commemorated in Britain every November 5th

    with fireworks displays and large bonfires.


    The Reign of Terror (September 5, 1793 July 28, 1794) or simply The Terror was a period of elevenmonths during the French Revolution when the ruling Jacobins employed violence, including mass

    executions by guillotine, in order to intimidate the regime's enemies and compel obedience to the state.

    The number killed totaled approximately 40,000. The Jacobins sometimes referred to themselves asterrorists, and the word originated at that time.. Some modern scholars, however, do not consider the

    Reign of Terror a form of terrorism, in part because it was carried out by the French state

    19th century eventsand groups

    During the 19th century a new meaning came into use, and terrorism came to be associated withnon-governmental groups. Anarchists were the most prominent group to be associated withterrorism during the 19th century, with the emergence of militancy within nationalist groups,

    developing over the course of the century. Dynamite, in particular, inspired American and

    French anarchists, and it was central to their strategic thinking. Inspired by Bakunin and others,Narodnaya Volya was founded in 1878, and used dynamite-packed bombs to kill state officials

    Alleged state terror in 1930s Germany and Soviet Union

    The 1930s saw the rise of the totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union and Germany of Stalin and

    Hitler, both of which employed terror on an enormous scale.However, and unlike some of the

    Jacobins who ruled France during its Reign of Terror, the regimes never applied the words

    terror or 'terrorist' to the police and NKVD (in the Communist Soviet Union) and Gestapo (in

    Nazi Germany) agents who enforced state repression, but only to those who opposed the twodictatorships. Historian R. J. Overy writes, What is now defined as ruthless state terror was

    viewed by Hitler and Stalin as state protection against the enemies of the people. Effectively

    establishing and reinforcing obedience to regime and national ideology, both regimes used

    surveillance, imprisonment (often in Soviet gulags or German labor or concentration camps),

    torture, and executions against enemies of the state real and imagined.

    World War I I

    One of the most ruthless and barbaric killings of non-combatants in all history. A war where

    atomic bomb was used for the fast time and took thousand lives.

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    The Effects of Terrorism

    Research literature on causational factors and diverse goals that drives people to resort to carry out terrorist acts is

    inconclusive. How these two are connected can be a matter of debate: are researched causes derived from terrorists'

    manifestos, implicitly or explicitly worded goals, or are living conditions perceived as unjust and not decent and

    therefore its goals may be inferred, or a mere conjecture? Multiple reasons are listed here, of which some seem to be

    more appliccable than others, and some others tend to go together for identification of more or less convincing

    causational factors

    FundamentalismIt is a strict and literal adherence to a set of beliefs or principles. Fundamentalism can be

    religious, political, or personal. Today, religious fundamentalism is on the rise, and it is one of

    the most important root causes of terrorism

    Poverty and economic disadvantage

    A more important factor may be the social stratification. When a group is absolutely or relatively deprived they



    The factor of democracy as an instigator or facilitator for terrorism deserves further exploration. A democratic

    government is supposed to represent the people and provide political means to voice grievances, hence essentially

    providing a sphere where terrorism has no place. For this reason, in theory, there 'cannot' be an aggrieved group that

    is not adequately represented; otherwise, it is a "violation of the doctrines of democracy and constitutionalism"

    (Wilkinson, 1977:232).


    When a group is absolutely or relatively deprived they rebel.


    Among the multitude of causes that may lead a person to resort to terrorism, there is none that conclusively links a

    sole cause to the act. Ethnicity, nationalism/separatism, poverty and economic disadvantage, globalisation,

    (non)democracy, Western society, disaffected intelligentsia, dehumanisation, and religion all have arguments

    confirming a possible existing link, as well reservations against a causal relation.


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    The Effectsof Terrorism

    Terrorism has occurred throughout history, but today the world is experiencing a global rebirth of

    attacks. Today it no longer affects only small societies, such as isolated third world countries who

    fell victim to regular terrorist attacks, but the whole world is becoming more familiar with Arab and

    Muslim names. The terrorist violence that is on the rise today has informed citizen all over the world

    about different types of terrorism. Also with the resurgence the world is experiencing of terrorism,

    the Nation's have been to do what they can to eliminate terrorism.

    What has caused terrorism can be a mystery for many reactionary groups, but for other groups themain causes can be historical, cultural, religious, economic, social, and psychological. Generally

    democratic countries have been proven to be grounds for terrorism because of the open nature of

    their societies. In such societies people have fundamental rights, civil liberties are protected, and

    government control and constant surveillance of the people and their activities are absent. Also by

    through the same reasons repressive societies, where the government closely monitors citizens and

    restricts their speech and movement, have often provided more difficult environments for terrorists.

    But even countries with strict police-enforced laws have not been immune to terrorism, even though

    they limit civil liberties and are against free speech and rights of assembly.

    One the most commonly seen forms of terrorism have been Suicide terrorism, otherwise known as

    psychological warfare. "While suicide bombers are often portrayed as lone mad zealots, they are infact pawns in large terrorist networks that wage calculated psychological warfare. (National Center

    for Policy Analysis) The suicide bombers often do die while attempting their terrorist acts, hence the

    name, but the bombers do wish to live to see how the tragedy has affected their victims. The wide

    range use of suicide terrorism is because it is simple and low-cost, guarantees mass casualties,

    guarantees the act will succeed, suicide bombers have no fear to surrender information, and the

    intense impact on the media. "The relatively high number of casualties guaranteed in such attacks,

    which are usually carried out in crowded areas, ensures full media coverage. Thus, suicide terrorism

    ranks with other spectacular modus operandi such as blowing up airplanes in mid air or the use of

    Weapons of Mass Destruction as a sure means to win maximum effect." (National Center for Policy

    Analysis) Some of the most recent act of suicide terrorism in the U.S. was the September 11th attacks

    on the World Trade Center in New York. Suicide Bombers hijacked two planes full of fuel and used

    them as missiles into the Twin Towers, Killing everyone aboard the two planes and collapsing the

    towers. This suicide attack is the worst act of terrorism ever committed on US soil. This type of

    terrorism has been around for many years and dates back to the 18th century.

    "Suicide terrorism is defined as a politically motivated violent attack perpetrated by a self-aware

    individual who actively and purposely causes his own death through blowing himself up along with

    his chosen target. The perpetrator's ensured death is a precondition for the success of his

    mission."(Schweitzer) Today's suicide terrorist attacks are obviously different from ones of ancient

    times, but also the mode of warfare has changed. Modern suicide attacks are often for the purpose to

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    inflict both physical and psychological damage to the population. Another popular form of terrorism

    is Bio-chemical terrorism, which is one of the most deadly types. Bio-chemical terrorism can be

    defined as a group that threatens or attacks their target with the usage of a chemical that is very

    harmful and can be fatal.


    Pakistan has suffered from the killing of noncombatants by both state and non-state actors.

    Currently however, the biggest threat to the state and citizens of Pakistan emanates killingcivilians and policemen to achieve their political ends.

    From the summer of 2007 to late 2008, more than 1,500 people were killed in suicide and other

    attacks on civilians. The attacks have been attributed to a number of sources: sectarian violence -

    mainly between Sunni and Shia Muslims - the origin of which is blamed by some on initiatedfrom 1977 to 1988; the easy availability of guns and explosives of a "kalishnikov culture" and

    influx of ideologically driven "Afghan Arabs" based in or near Pakistan, originating from and the

    subsequent war against the Afghan communists in the 1980s which blew back into Pakistan;

    Islamist insurgent groups and forces such as the Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba; Pakistan's

    thousands of fundamentalist madrassas which are thought by some to provide training for little

    except jihad; secessionists movements - the most significant of which is the Balochistanliberation movement - blamed on regionalism problematic in a country with Pakistan's diversecultures, languages, traditions and customs.



    1. October 28 Attack on a Protestant church in southern Punjab city ofBahawalpur resulted in 16 deaths and

    5 injuries.

    2. December 21 Pakistani interior minister Lt. Gen. (retd) Moinuddin Haider's elder brother Ehteshamuddin

    Haider was shot dead by assailants near Soldier Bazaar in Karachi.


    Total Attacks:2






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    February 22 The American journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered in Karachi.[8]

    February 26 At least 11 Shi'a worshipers were killed by indiscriminate firing by a group of masked

    gunmen at the Shah-i-Najaf Mosque in Rawalpindi.[9]

    M arch 17 A grenade attack on a Protestant church in the heavily guarded diplomatic enclave in Islamabad

    killed five persons, including a US diplomat's wife and daughter, and left more than 40 others injured

    May 7 Noted religious scholar Prof Dr Ghulam Murtaza Malik, his driver and a policeman were shot dead

    by two gunmen in Iqbal Town, Lahore

    May 8 Bus bombing in Karachi kills 11 Frenchmen and 3 Pakistanis near the Sheraton hotel

    June 14 A powerful car bomb exploded near the heavily-guarded US Consulate in Karachi, killing 12

    people and wounding over 50 others. July 13 Nine foreign tourists and three Pakistani nationals were

    injured in an attack in the district ofMansehra

    August 5 At least six people were killed and four injured in a gun attack on a missionary school for foreign

    students in mountain resort ofMurree

    August 9 Three nurses and an attacker were killed while 25 others injured in a terrorist attack on a

    church in the Taxila Christian Hospital, in Taxila, northern Punjab

    October 16 More than eight people were injured in a series of parcel bomb explosions in Pakistan's largest

    city, Karachi

    September 25 Gunmen stormed the offices of a Christian welfare organization in Karachi, tied seven

    office workers to their chairs before shooting each in the head at close range

    November 15 An explosion on a bus in Hyderabad, Sindh killed two people and injured at least nine


    December 5 Three people were killed in an attack at the Macedonian Honorary consulate in the city of

    Karachi. Unidentified assailants threw a grenade at a Presbyterian church in Pakistan's central Punjab

    province, killing three young girls. At least 12 others were injured in the attack at Daska, near Sialkot.





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    1. February 28 Two policemen were shot dead outside the United States consulate in Karachi2. M arch 10 Two people were injured in Gulistan Colony, Faisalabad.3. June 8 11 Pakistani police trainees were shot dead in what is believed to have been a sectarian attack

    on Sariab Road, Quetta, as they all belonged to Hazara Shi'a branch of Islam. Another nine werereported wounded.

    4. July 4 At least 47 people were killed and 150 injured in an attack on a Shia mosque in Quetta.October 3 Six employees of (SUPARCO) were killed and several others injured when their officialvan was fired upon on Hub River Road in Mauripur, Karachi.

    5. October 6 Maulana Azam Tariq, chief of the Millat-i-Islamia (formerly Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan)and MNA, was assassinated by unidentified gunmen along with four others as his car drove into the

    capital, Islamabad.

    6. December 14 President Pervez Musharrafsurvived an assassination attempt when a powerful bomb7. December 25 Another attempt was carried on the president 11 days later


    1. February 28 suicide bomber was killed and three worshipers were injured in Rawalpindi2. M arch 2 At least 42 persons were killed and more than 100 wounded when a procession of the Shia


    3. May 3 A car bomb in south-western city ofGwadar killed three Chinese engineers and injured 10other people. 46+113

    4. May 7 A suicide bomber attacked a crowded Shia mosque in Sindh Madrassatul Islam in Karachi,killing at least 15 worshipers and injured 100 people

    5. May 14 Six members of Shia family was shot dead in Mughalpura locality of Lahore.6. May 26 Two car bombs explode within 20 minutes of each other outside the Pakistan-American

    Cultural Center and near the US consul general's residence in Karachi, killing two men and injuring

    more than 27 people, mainly policemen and journalists.

    7. May 30 A senior Sunni(Deobandi) religious scholar and head of Islamic religious school JamiaBinoria, Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, was gunned down in his car while leaving his home in


    8. May 31 A suicide bomber blew up the Imambarghah Ali Raza mosque in Karachi in the middle ofevening prayers, killing 16 worshipers and injuring 35. Two people were killed in riots over the

    mosque attack and Shamzai's assassination.

    9. June 10 Gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying the then corps commander Lt Gen Ahsan SaleemHyat leaving 11 people dead in Karachi. The corps commander who escaped unhurt later became the

    vice chief of army staff under General Pervez Musharraf.

    10. July 30 Assassination attempt on the Prime Minister-elect Shaukat Aziz, while he was campaigningfor by-election in Fateh Jang, Attock District, Punjab. Even though he survived the attempt, nine

    people were killed due to the suicide bombing.

    11. August 2 Chief Minister of Balochistan province Jam Mohammad Yousafescaped an assassinationbid when unidentified persons fired at his convoy killing one of his bodyguards and injuring two


    12. August 8 At least eight people were killed and over 40 others injured when two bombs exploded inquick succession near the Jamia Binoria Madressah, Karachi.

    13. August 31 Three persons were killed and three others injured in a bomb blast14. September 21 Suspected Sipah-e-Sahaba members gunned down at least three members of a Shi'a


    15. October 1 A suicide bombing left 25 people dead and dozen injured at a Shia mosque after Fridayprayers in the eastern city of Sialkot.

    16. October 7 A powerful car bomb left 40 people dead and wounded over 100 during aSunni(Deobandi) rally to commemorate Maulana Azam Tariq, assassinated leader ofSipah-e-Sahaba

    Pakistan, in the central city ofMultan. This was most probably the retaliation of Sialkot suicide

    attacks exactly a week ago.[45]

    17. October 10 An explosion by a suicide bomber at a mosque used by Shia Muslims in Lahore killed atleast four people and left eight people injured.


    Total Attacks:18 Deaths:400+ Injured: 700+

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    18. December 10 At least 10 people were killed and 30 injured in a bomb explosion at a market in cityof Quetta. The bomb exploded near an Army truck, as Balochistan Liberation Army claimed



    1. January 8 At least 10 people have been killed in sectarian violence in the northern Pakistani city ofGilgit.The shooting of a Shia Muslim cleric earlier sparked clashes between his supporters and Sunni(Deobandi)


    2. M arch 19 At least 35 people were killed and many injured when a Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorist explodedhimself in a mixed crowd ofShia and Sunni(Deobandi) devotees at the shrine of Pir Rakhel Shah in remote

    village of Fatehpur in Jhal Magsi District, Balochistan.[

    3. May 25 As many as six members of a family were killed in an explosion at village Bandkhel in MakeenTehsil, South Waziristan.


    4. May 27 At least 20 people were slaughtered and 82 wounded due to a suicide bombing at the annual Shia

    Muslims congregation at the shrine of Bari Imam in Islamabad.5. May 31 Six bodies were recovered from a fast food outlet set ablaze by an angry mob after an attack on aShia mosque in Karachi. It was retaliation to the suicide attack on the Shia mosque in central Karachi

    where five people were killed and about 20 others wounded.

    6. September 22 At least six people, including a woman, were killed and 27 injured in two bomb blasts inLahore. Police said the bombs went off within an interval of one and a half hour..

    7. October 7 Eight members of the Ahmadiyya faith were killed inside a mosque as worshipers wereperforming Salah. The incident occurred in Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan.

    8. October 13 Around 12 people including students were killed in the curfew and clashes between theRangers and civilians in Gilgit. The clashes came after the death of a student in Rangers custody.

    9. November 15 A car bomb exploded outside a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet in Karachi, Pakistan. At leastthree people were killed and eight others wounded.

    10. December 8 At least 12 people were killed and 30 injured in a bomb explosion in the Jandola town ofSouth Waziristan.

    11. December 22 At least seven people have been killed in what officials say was a battle between Islamicstudents and bandits in the Jandola town ofSouth Waziristan


    1. January 25 At least six people were killed and five others hurt after a bus ran over a landmine in DeraBugti District, Balochistan.

    2. February 5 A bomb explosion killed 13 people including three army personnel and injured 18 on aLahore-bound bus en-route from Quetta in Kolpur, Bolan District, Balochistan. No groups claimed of

    responsibility for the attack.

    3. February 9 Sectarian violence marred the holiest day of the Shiite calendar, with at least 36 people killedand more than 100 wounded in attacks and clashes in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The violence erupted with

    a suspected suicide attack on Shiites in Hangu, in the northwestern part of the country, as they celebratedDay of Ashura.


    4. M arch 2 A power suicide car bomb attack in the high security zone near the US Consulate, Karachi, killedfour people including a US diplomat, a day before President George W. Bush was to reach Pakistan.


    5. M arch 10 At least 26 people, mostly women and children, were killed in Dera Bugti District, Balochistanafter their bus hit a landmine. Both tribal rebels and security forces planted land mines in the area.


    6. April 11 Over 50 people, including Sunni(Barelvi) scholars, were killed in a bomb explosion at a religiousgathering celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad in Nishtar Park, Karachi.


    7. June 12 At least five people were killed and 17 wounded in a bomb attack in Quetta hotel.[64]

    8. June 15 Unidentified gunmen killed a senior prison official Amanullah Khan Niazi and four others in thesouthern Pakistani city of Karachi.


    Total Attacks:16 Death:586 Injured:756

    Total Attacks:11 Deaths:286 Injured:456

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    9. June 16 Two female teachers and two children were shot dead in Khoga Chiri village in OrakzaiAgency.[66]

    10. July 14 Allama Hassan Turabi, a Shiite religious scholar and chief ofTehrik-e-Jafaria Pakistan, and his 12-

    year-old nephew were killed in a suicide attack near his Abbas Town residence. The suicide bomber waslater identified as Abdul Karim, a Bangladeshi-speaking, resident of a shantytown in the central city area of


    11. August 26 Tribal leader Nawab Akbar Bugti was killed in a battle between tribal militants and governmentforces in Balochistan. At least five soldiers and at least 30 rebels are thought to have died too.


    12. August 26-31 Akbar Bugti's killing sparked five days of rioting that left six people dead, dozens woundedand 700 under arrest.


    13. September 8 At least six people were killed and 17 injured, four of them seriously, when a powerful bombblast hit the Rakhni bazaar area ofBarkhan District, Balochistan.


    14. October 6 17 people were killed in fighting between Sunni and Shia Muslims over a dispute overownership of the shrine to 18th Century figure Syed Amir Anwar Shah shrine in Pakistan's Orakzai tribal


    15. October 20 A bomb blast killed at least six people and left 21 injured in a busy shopping district ofPeshawar.


    16. November 8 A suicide bomber killed 42 Pakistani Army soldiers and injured 20 in the northwestern townofDargai, apparently in retaliation to the Chenagai airstrike which killed 80 people in the same Bajaur

    region in the previous month.[73]


    1. January 15 A powerful blast in the Jalozai refugee camp destroyed a mud-house, killing four people andinjuring five others.


    2. January 26 Two people were killed and five injured in a suspected suicide attack in Pakistan. The bomberand a security guard were killed in the blast at the Marriott hotel in the capital Islamabad.


    3. January 27 At least 13 people, including the Chief of Peshawar City Police Malik Saad, were killed

    Saturday evening in a suicide bombing near a crowded Shiite mosque in Peshawar. About 60 people werewounded, 17 critically, in the 9:20 p.m. blast. About 2,000 Shiite Muslims were in and around the mosque,

    police said.[76]

    4. February 6 A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in a parking area outside Islamabad InternationalAirport injuring 5 people.


    5. February 17 A suicide bomber killed 15 people including a judge after blowing himself up inside acourtroom in Quetta, Balochistan. At least 24 people were wounded in the suicide attack.[78]

    6. February 20 Punjab Minister for social welfare Zil-e-Huma Usman was shot and killed in Gujranwala. Herassassin, Mohammed Sarwar, was reported to have been motivated by her refusal to abide by the Islamic

    code of dress and a dislike for the involvement of women in political affairs.[79]

    7. M arch 19-22 Clashes between pro-government forces under Maulvi Nazir and Al-Qaeda remnants in theWaziristan region kill at least 135 people on both sides. A ceasefire is declared after four days of fighting

    enforced by officials from both sides.[80]

    8. April 10-11 Up to 35 people were killed and scores of others wounded in heavy fighting between rival Shia

    and Sunni(Deobandi) groups in different areas of the Kurram Agency on Tuesday night and Wednesday.[81]

    9. April 28 Assassination attempt on Aftab Ahmad Sherpao, who is the Interior minister that killed 28 peoplein Charsadda, NWFP. This time again an attempt on a high ranking officer of Pakistani government was


    10. May 12 As many as 50 people were killed and hundreds injured when party workers of opposing parties;MQM, ANP and PPP clash in Karachi. The riots started when rival political rallies take the same route

    amid lawyers protests for restoration ofIftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry as the Chief Justice ofSupreme


    11. May 15 A bomb blast at the local Marhaba hotel in Peshawar killed at least 24 people and injured 30. Noone claimed responsibility for the suspected suicide blast in the lobby of the hotel popular with Afghans in

    Peshawar where militants opposed to government support for the United States have launched attacks.[83]

    Total Attacks:50 Total Deaths: 1000+ Total Injured:1300+

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    12. June 2 Five people, including a tribal chief, a political tehsildar and a journalist were killed, when theirvehicle hit a roadside bomb in the Dara Khwar, Bajaur Agency.[84]

    13. June 8 Three people were killed and seven others injured when a bomb exploded on a bus in Hub,

    Balochistan. The coach was heading from Lasbela to Karachi.


    14. June 23 A barrage of artillery and missiles fired from Afghanistan hit residential compounds and a hotel inMangrotai area of the North Waziristan tribal region, killing 11 people and wounding 10 others,

    eyewitnesses and officials said. The dead included two children and a woman.[86]

    15. July 6 President General Pervez Musharraf escaped yet another attempt on his life on Friday morning whenaround 36 rounds fired at his aircraft from a submachine gun in Rawalpindi missed their target.


    another incident, four Pakistan Army troops, including a major and a lieutenant, were killed in an

    improvised explosive device attack on a military convoy in Dir District a stronghold of the Jamaat-e-

    Islami and the banned Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi.[88]

    16. July 8 Unidentified gunmen killed three Chinese workers and wounded another near Peshawar in whatPakistani officials said was a terrorist attack apparently linked to the bloody siege of militants at an

    Islamabad mosque.[89]

    17. July 12 Seven people including three policemen were killed and several others injured in two suicideattacks, two blasts and a rocket attack in three tribal regions and Swat district in the NWFP.


    18. July 14 At least 23 paramilitary troops died and 27 others injured when a suicide bomber rammed anexplosives-packed car into their convoy in Miranshah in one of the deadliest attacks on the security forces

    in North Waziristan.[91]

    19. July 15 At least 49 are killed and hundreds injured when suicide attack and car bombs explode throughoutNWFP in an apparent retaliation for Lal Masjid operation. 11 security personnel and six civilians were

    killed and 47 others injured in Matta, Swat District, when suicide bombers smashed two cars packed with

    explosives into an army convoy, and 25 people were killed and 61 injured when a suicide bomber blew

    himself up in the Dera Ismail Khan police recruitment center.[92]

    20. July 17 At least 17 people were killed and 50 injured as a suicide bomber blew himself up outside thevenue of the district bar council convention in Islamabad killing mostly PPP political workers waiting for

    the arrival ofChief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who was to address a lawyers convention.[93]

    21. July 19 More than 40 people were killed in three separate bomb attacks. In the first incident, bomb wasdetonated in a mosque used by military personnel in the north-western town ofKohat, killing at least 11

    people. In the second one, 26 people died and 50 were injured in the southern town of Hub, LasbelaDistrict, Balochistan, in an attack apparently targeting Chinese workers. And in the last one, at least sevenpeople were killed and more than 20 injured in a suicide car bombing at a police academy in the north-

    western town ofHangu.[94]

    22. July 24 At least nine people including a woman were killed and 40 others injured when unidentifiedmilitants fired a barrage of rockets on the civilian population in the northwestern city of Bannu.


    23. July 27 A suspected suicide bomber killed at least 13 people at Muzaffar hotel in Aabpara, IslamabadFriday after hundreds of stone-throwing protesters clashed with police as the capital's Red Mosque

    reopened for the first time since a bloody army raid.[96]

    The same day Raziq Bugti, former guerrilla

    commander turned spokesman for the Balochistan government, was shot dead by assailants in Quetta.

    24. August 2 The police in Sargodha shot dead a suspected suicide bomber after the man failed to detonate theexplosives he was wearing. The man, who entered a police training center, killed a policeman before he

    was gunned down.[98]

    25. August 4 Nine people were killed and 43 injured when a suicide car bomber triggered an explosion at abusy bus station in Parachinar, Kurram Agency.[99]

    26. August 26 Four policemen were killed and two others wounded in a suicide attack in the Machaar area ofShangla District.[100]

    27. September 4 At least 25 people were killed and 66 injured in two suicide bomb blasts in Rawalpindicantonments high security areas during morning rush hour. The first blast took place near Qasim Market

    where a Defence Ministry bus carrying around 38 civilians and uniformed officials was hit, killing 18

    people. Five minutes later, a second blast took place near RA Bazaar, behind General Headquarters. The

    blast was caused by explosives fixed to a motorcycle, which blew up killing seven people on the spot.[101]

    28. September 11 At least 17 people, including three security personnel and a woman, were killed and 16others injured when a 15-year-old suicide bomber blew himself up in a passenger van at Bannu Adda in

    Dera Ismail Khan district.[102]

    The same day Omar Ayub Khan's protocol officer, Liaquat Hussain, was

    found shot dead near the Northern Bypass in Karachi.[103]

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    29. September 13 At least 20 off-duty commandos were killed and 11 injured in an apparent suicide blast at anarmy officers mess in Tarbela Ghazi, Haripur near Tarbela Dam. The targeted were the Pakistan Army's

    special forces unit SSG's Karar Company.[104]

    30. September 15 Unidentified assailants shot dead Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam leader and Wafaqul Madaris ViceChairman Maulana Hassan Jan in the jurisdiction of Yakatoot police station in Peshawar. Hassan, a formerMNA, also issued a fatwa against suicide attacks, and he along with a group of Pakistani clerics traveled to

    Afghanistan in 2001 to convince Mullah Omar that he should expel Osama Bin Laden from Afghanistan to

    avoid American attacks.[105]

    31. October 1 A suicide bomber disguised in a womans burqa blew himself up at a busy police checkpost inBannu, NWFP killing at least 16 people including four policemen and injuring 29.


    32. October 12 Mohmand Taliban publicly behead six "criminals" and lashed three others in the name ofSharia.


    33. October 18 Attack on Benazir Bhutto convoy killed over 139 in Karachi and left more than 450 injured inone of the most deadliest terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Former PM Benazir Bhutto was returning after 8

    years of self imposed exile when the bomber struck the convoy killing dozens. Karachi Bombs in Pictures

    34. October 20 At least eight people were killed and 28 injured when a powerful bomb planted in a pickupvehicle exploded in Dera Bugti, Balochistan.


    35. October 25 At least 20 people including 18 troops died and 35 others were injured in a blast aimed at avehicle carrying Frontier Constabulary (FC) personnel in the troubled Swat district.

    36. October 30 A suicide bomber struck a police checkpoint in the high security zone ofRawalpindi, less thana kilometer from President General Pervez Musharrafs camp office, killing seven people, three of thempolicemen, and injuring 31 others. The blast splattered check post of General Tariq Majid, current

    Chairman ofJoint Chiefs of Staff's residence.

    37. November 1 A suicide bomber rammed his motorcycle into a PAF bus near Sargodha, killing sevenofficers of the Pakistan Air Force stationed at Mushaf Airbase and three civilians on the Faisalabad Road

    on Thursday morning. 28 people suffered injuries. It is significant that after this event a state of emergency

    was imposed on the country.

    38. November 9 A suicide bomber killed at least three people and injured two others when he detonatedexplosives at the house of Federal Political Affairs Minister and PML-Q provincial president Amir Muqam

    in Peshawar. The minister was unhurt, but a cousin of his was injured. The three dead were policemen

    guarding the house.39. November 17-19 As many as 94 people were killed and 168 injured in three days of in-fighting between

    the rival Sunni(Deobandi) and Shia sects in Parachinar, Kurram Agency in Pakistani tribal areas, bordering

    Afghanistan. Only by the fourth day, the army gained control of the area and a ceasefire was maintained in

    the area.

    40. November 24 30 people were killed in two suicide attacks in Rawalpindi. In the first incident, a suicidebomber rammed his car into a 72-seater bus parked in front ofOjhri Camp on Murree Road carrying Inter-

    Services Intelligence (ISI) officials to work, killing 28 officials and a bystander. The second incident

    occurred as a second suicide bomber attempted to enter the General Headquarters (GHQ). Upon being

    asked for identification at the GHQs check post, he blew himself up, resulting in the deaths of one security

    official and a bystander.

    41. December 9 At least 10 people including three policemen and seven civilians, including two children,perished in a car bombing near Matta, Swat District.

    42. December 10 A suicide attack on the school bus carrying children during the morning rush injuring sevenof them. It was a PAF employees bus and the attack took place near Minhas Airbase, Kamra. It was a

    second major attack on the Pakistan Air Force after the Sargodha attack.[116]

    43. December 13 Two suicide bombings near an army checkpost in Quetta killed seven people, including threepersonnel of the Pakistan Army.

    44. December 15 A suicide attacker rammed his explosives-laden bicycle into a military checkpost killing fivepeople and injuring 11 others in the first-ever suicide attack in the city of Nowshera. The attack occurred at

    a checkpoint near the gate of an army school.

    45. December 17 12 security personnel were killed and five wounded in a suicide attack in the countrysrestive northwestern city of Kohat. Victims were members of armys local football team.

    46. December 21 On the eve ofEid ul-Adha, a suicide bomb blast again targeted Aftab Ahmad Sherpao killingat least 57 and injuring over 100 at Jamia Masjid Sherpao, in Charsadda District. Aftab Sherpao survived

    the blast, but his younger son Mustafa Khan Sherpao, was injured.

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    47. December 23 At least seven people, including a soldier and six civilians, were killed and another 23wounded as a suicide bomber targeted an army convoy near Mingora.

    48. December 27 Two-time Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in a shooting and suicide

    bombing in Rawalpindi's Liaquat Bagh, killing up to 20 others and injuring many. The site is notorious asthe place where former Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was also assassinated in October 1951.

    49. December 28 At least 33 people, including four policemen, were killed all over Pakistan in the violencethat ensued after the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. The situation grew so worse

    that Sindh Rangers were given orders to shoot-at-sight.

    50. December 28 A roadside bomb killed nine people, including former PML-Q minister Asfandyar Amirzaib,who is a grandson of Wali-e-Swat, in Swat District.


    1. January 10 24 people were killed and 73 injured in a suicide attack when the policemen were deliberatelytargeted outside Lahore High Court before the scheduled lawyer's protest against the government in

    provincial capital ofLahore. This attack was first of its kind in Lahore since the start of War onTerrorism.[124]

    2. January 14 At least 10 people were killed and over 50 wounded when a bomb exploded in Quaidabad. Thebomb was planted on a bicycle and it went off during wee hours in a vegetable market in Karachi.


    3. January 17 At least 12 people were killed and 25 others injured, three of them critically, when a suicidebomber blew himself up at the crowded Mirza Qasim Baig Imambargah in Mohalla Janghi, Kohati in the

    NWFP capital city ofPeshawar.[126]

    4. February 4 At least 10 people were killed and 27 others injured, when a suicide bomber crashed his bikeinto an armed forces bus carrying students and officials of Army Medical College, near the General

    Headquarters in Rawalpindi.[127]

    5. February 9 At least 25 people died and 35 were injured after a powerful explosion hit an oppositionelection rally in Charsadda in the north-western Pakistan. The attack targeted ANP, a secular party, one of

    whose leaders, Fazal-ur-Rehman Atakhail, was assassinated February 7 in Karachi triggering widespread

    protests. Possible conspirators of the latest attack could be the Islamist Taliban-al-Qaeda nexus operating in

    the northwestern Pakistan.[128]

    6. February 11 A suicide attack on a public meeting in Miranshah, North Waziristan left at least eight peopledead and a dozen wounded, including a candidate for the National Assembly. It was the second attack on

    ANP's election gathering in two days.[129]

    7. February 16 A suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle on the election meeting of PakistanPeoples Party, the party of the slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in Parachinar, Kurram Agency

    in northwestern Pakistan. The attack left at least 47 people dead and 150 injured according to Interior

    Ministry of Pakistan. It was the fourth such attack on PPP's political workers within a year; two of them

    targeting the former PPP leader Benazir Bhutto.[130]

    8. February 18 At least 24 people were killed and nearly 200 were injured in election-related violence acrossthe country on the eve of Pakistani general election, Aaj TV reported.


    9. February 22 A roadside bomb near the town of Matta, Swat District, NWFP killed at least 13 members ofa wedding party and left about a dozen injured. An army spokesman said the bomb had been detonated by

    remote control. Women and children were among the casualties. [132]10. February 25 Pakistan Army's top medic Lt Gen Mushtaq Baig was killed, along with the driver and

    security guard, when a suicide attack ripped apart the vehicle he was traveling in at 2:45pm local time near

    Army General Headquarters in Rawalpindi. At least 5 other passersby were also killed and 20 injured in the

    incident. Gen Baig was the highest ranking officer to be killed in Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks.[133]

    11. February 29 As many as 38 people were killed and 75 injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up inMingora, Swat District on Friday during the funeral of a senior police officer who had been killed hours

    earlier in Lakki Marwat in southern part of NWFP. The police DSP was killed along with three other

    policemen when their vehicle was hit in a roadside bomb earlier in the day. Witnesses said the suicide

    attack took place when a police party was presenting a gun salute in honor of the slain police officer in a

    school ground in Mingora town at about 8pm.[134]

    12. M arch 2 At least 42 people were killed and 58 injured in a suicide attack, when the bomber struck themeeting of tribal elders and local officials in the town of Darra Adam Khel, a few miles south of Peshawar.

    Total Attacks:70 Total Killed:1500+ Total injured:2200+

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    The town of Darra was the center of violent clashes earlier in January when the militants took over the

    Kohat Tunnel that connected Peshawar with Kohat. After the onslaught of security forces to take back the

    tunnel, the fighting resulted in the deaths of 13 troops and 70 militants.[135]

    13. M arch 4 Eight persons were killed and 24 others injured when two suicide bombers blew themselves up inthe parking area of the Pakistan Navy War College located in the city of Lahore. It was the first time aPakistani naval institution was targeted by the militants (Army has been targeted at least eight times outside

    the war zone and Air Force twice) since the ongoing War on Terrorism in Pakistan in general and post-Lal

    Masjid siege in particular. This attack on War College was carried out by two suicide attackers, the first

    one to clear the way for the second one; and the second one to do the damage.[136]

    14. M arch 11 At least 24 people were killed and more than 200 wounded in twin suicide bombings in theeastern Pakistani city of Lahore. One of the attacks ripped apart Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)

    building killing 21, including 16 policemen. The other one hit the posh locality ofModel Town, exploding

    close to Bilawal House, associated with PPP leaders Benazir Bhutto and her husband Asif Ali Zardari.[137]

    15. M arch 15 An attack occurred when a bomb was hurled over a wall surrounding an Islamabad restaurant.Four of the 12 people wounded in the bombing were U.S. FBI agents. In addition to wounding the agents,

    the explosion killed a Turkish woman and wounded a fifth American, three Pakistanis, a person from the

    United Kingdom and someone from Japan.[138]

    16. April 9 Riots in Karachi kill 9 people and wound many others with 40 vehicles getting torched after twogroups of lawyers scuffle that begin after PML-Q leaders, former CM Sindh Arbab Ghulam Rahim and

    former federal minister Sher Afgan Niazi are maltreated ahead of government formation in the provinces of

    Sindh and Punjab.[139]

    17. April 17 At least 20 people were killed and dozens others injured in the clashes between two belligerentfactions in Khyber Agency.


    18. May 6 At least four people have been killed in a suspected suicide attack in Bannu, amid signs a truce withmilitants may be breaking down, negotiations for which was started in March.


    19. May 18 A bomb attack targeting the Army's Punjab Regimental Center market in the city of Mardan killedat least 13 people, including four soldiers and injured more than 20. This was the second attack in Mardan

    in a month after a car bomb on April 25 killed three and injured 26 people.[142]

    20. May 19 At least four people were killed and another two injured in a remote-controlled bomb blast outsidea mosque in the Mamond tehsil of Bajaur Agency.


    21. May 26 Seven people were killed and five others injured in what appeared to be incidents of sectarianviolence in Dera Ismail Khan.


    22. June 2 The Danish embassy in Islamabad is attacked with a car bomb killing six people. A postpurportedly from Al-Qaeda's Mustafa Abu al-Yazid appears on the Internet a day after the attack claiming

    responsibility. The statement mentions the publication of "insulting drawings" and the refusal to "apologize

    for publishing them" referring to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.[145]

    23. June 9 Sufi Muhammad, leader of the TNSM, on Monday survived a remote-controlled bombing initiatedby local Taliban in Peshawar, in which four policemen got injured.[146]

    24. June 11 United States airplanes bomb a Pakistani border checkpoint killing 11 soldiers.[147]

    25. June 16 A bomb blast inside a Shia mosque killed at least four people and wounded two others in DeraIsmail Khan.


    26. July 6 A suicide bomber killed 19 people in an attack targeting policemen deployed at a rally observing thefirst year anniversary of an army raid on the Islamabads Lal Masjid.


    27. July 7 A string of small explosions, apparently from bombs, wounded at least 37 people in Karachi, rattlingPakistan a day after a deadly suicide attack in capital of Pakistan. [150]

    28. August 2 At least eight police and security workers were killed when a remote-controlled bomb explodednear their vehicle in Mingora, Swat.[151]

    29. July 31 - August 4 A total of 136 people were killed in Swat Valley in a week of fighting between thesecurity forces and pro-Taliban militants. The casualties included at least 94 militants, 14 soldiers and

    around 28 civilians.[152]

    30. August 9 Militants stormed a police post in village Kingargalai of the Buner District on Friday night,killing eight policemen.


    31. August 12 A bomb targeting a Pakistani Air Force bus carrying personnel from a military base killed 13people and wounded 11 others on Tuesday on a major road near the center of Peshawar. Taliban forces

    reportedly took responsibility. The attack was seen as retaliation for Pakistani airstrikes in Bajaur Agency,

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    a militant stronghold near the border with Afghanistan. Five of the dead were air force personnel and the

    eight others were bystanders.[154]

    32. August 13 Eight people, including two policemen, were killed and over 20, including 12 policemen, were

    injured after an alleged suicide bomber blew himself up n ear a police station in Lahore on the eve ofIndependence Day celebrations.[155]

    On the same day, six people were killed and 19 others, four of them

    policemen, were injured in explosions in Hub and Uthal, a hand-grenade attack in Panjgur and shooting

    incidents in Kharan and Turbat towns in Balochistan,[156]

    while leader of the banned outfit Amr Bil Maroof

    Wa Nahi Anil Munkar Haji Namdar was shot dead when he was delivering sermon in Bara tehsil.[157]


    Namdar had earlier escaped a suicide attack on 1 May, 2008 in which 17 people were injured.[158]

    33. August 7 - August 18 Clashes mainly between the Toori and Bangash tribes, but which involved otherlocal tribes, in the Kurram Agency left at least 287 people dead and 373 injured in 12 consecutive days of

    fighting. In the later incidents, pro-Taliban militants were involved too, after which the local tribesmen

    asked the government to flush out the militants.[159]

    34. August 19 32 people, seven policemen and two health officials among them, were killed and 55 othersinjured when a suicide bomber blew himself up near the emergency ward of the District Headquarters

    Hospital in Dera Ismail Khan. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack.[160]

    35. August 21 70 people were killed and 67 others injured when two suicide bombers blew themselves upoutside the gates of the state run Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Wah Cantonment. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan

    claimed responsibility for the attack.[161]

    36. August 23 20 people were killed when a suicide bomber rammed a explosive-laden car into a police stationin Charbagh Tehsil of Swat valley of North West Frontier Province. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimedresponsibility for the attack.


    37. August 25 10 people were killed in a rocket attack targeting the house of a local member of provincialassembly (MPA) in Swat valley in North West Frontier Province. As a result of the attack, ANP MPA

    Waqar Ahmed's brother and other family members were killed.[163]

    38. August 26 Eight people were killed and more than 20 hurt in a bomb explosion at a roadside restaurant inthe Model Town area on the outskirts of Islamabad on Tuesday.


    39. August 28 9 people were killed and 15 others were injured in a bomb attack targeting a polive van in theBannu area of North West Frontier Province.


    40. September 6 At least 30 people were killed and 70 injured when a suicide car bomb struck a paramilitary

    checkpoint 20 km from Peshawar. The attack came during the voting to elect Asif Ali Zardari as thePresident of Pakistan and the marking of Defence Day.


    41. September 10 At least 25 worshippers were killed and 50 others injured in a grenade-and-gun attack in amosque in the Maskanai area ofLower Dir District, northern part of NWFP.


    42. September 19 A bomb exploded at an Islamic religious school in Quetta killing five people and woundingat least eight. The school was run by Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, the religious party headed by Maulana Fazal-


    43. September 20 A massive truck bomb exploded outside the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, killing at 57people and wounding 266 others. The suicide attack believed to be carried by a single individual left a 20

    feet deep and 50 feet wide crater, and was later owned by a little known group called Fidayeen-e-Islam. It

    was carried at local Iftar time, when the local and foreign residents had assembled together to have the

    Ramadan feast. The attack was significant as all the top political, diplomatic and military top brass was also

    dining in the nearby Prime Ministers Secretariat after the President's first parliamentary address.

    44. September 22 At least nine security personnel were killed in a suicide car-bomb attack on a checkpost inSwat District.[169]

    45. September 26 A bomb attack on a train killed at least three people and fifteen others near the city ofBahawalpur. The bomb, which was kept on the railway track, blew up and derailed the passenger train. No

    one claimed responsibility for the attack.[170]

    46. October 1 Missiles launched by the US military struck a village in Pakistan's border region killing at leastsix people, reportedly striking the home of a member of the Taliban.

    47. October 2 A suicide attack targeted the house ofANP leader Asfandyar Wali Khan in Walibagh,Charsadda killing four people. Wali Khan survived the attack, as his bodyguard shot the suicide attacker in

    the head before he could reach Wali Khan. The guard was later killed as the attacker managed to detonate

    the bomb while on the ground. This was the fourth such attack on ANP, with the first two targeting ANP

    political rallies in Charsadda and Miranshah before February elections and one of them targeting ANP

    MPA in Swat.[171]

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    48. October 6 A suicide attacker managed to kill 20 people and injured 60 in the Punjabi town of Bhakkar,when he targeted the political gathering of Rashid Akbar Nawani, an MNA ofPML-N. Nawani, though

    survived the attack, was hurt. This was the first such attack on PML-N, since the start of war on



    This was a sectarian attack as Mr Nawani was Shia, and most of the party workers in thegathering were from the minority Shia sect.[173]

    49. October 9 A suicide bomb attack on a main police headquarters in Islamabad killed at least eight andwounded at least another 8. The targeted area was the main police complex in the capital, containing

    training and residential facilities for police officers. Thousands of police are based at the centre.[174]

    Another bomb occurred as the country's spy chief briefed politicians on the security situation. Eleven

    people were killed in the Upper Dir District ofNorth-West Frontier Province when a roadside bomb

    exploded near a police van carrying prisoners. Four schoolchildren in a passing bus were also among the


    50. October 10 A suicide bomber drove his car into a meeting of 600 people in Orakzai Agency, which wasbeing held in open ground and blew himself up. The meeting was a council of local leaders discussing to

    raise a militia to evict Taliban from the region. The attack claimed at least 110 lives and injured more than


    51. October 13 A remote-controlled bomb detonated near the vehicle of a secular political leader, who wasinjured along with four others. This follows a string of attacks against lawmakers and government officials;

    and was also the second this month aimed at the Awami National Party. The attack apparently targeted

    Shamin Khan, a member of the Pashtun secularist ANP, at 18:30 in NWFP.[178]

    52. October 16 A suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into a police station in the restive SwatValley region, killing four people and destroying the building in Mingora.


    53. October 19 A separatist group, Baloch Republic Army, claimed responsibility for the bomb blast innorthwestern Balochistan province, which killed at least three people and injured six. The blast occurred in

    a bazar of the Dera Bugti district, and the remote-controlled bomb was planted in a motorcycle.[180]

    54. October 26 At least 11 people, seven of them Frontier Corps personnel and three Khasadars, were killedand five injured on Sunday in a suicide attack near Ghalaanai in Mohmand Agency.


    55. October 27 Two persons were killed and 12 others injured, some of them seriously, in a bomb blast nearthe District Court Complex in Quetta.


    56. October 31 At least eight people were killed and 20 injured in a suspected suicide bombing targeting the

    policeman in in the north-western city of Mardan.[183]

    57. November 2 Eight Pakistani soldiers were killed in a suicide bomb attack on a security checkpoint nearWana, the main town in South Waziristan.


    58. November 4 At least seven persons, including three security officials, were killed and six injured in asuicide attack on a security force checkpost in Hangu District on Tuesday morning.


    59. November 6 22 tribesmen were killed and 45 injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a Salarzaijirga in Bajaur Agency on Thursday. The blast targeted a lashkar (volunteer militia) in Batmalani, about 40

    kilometers northeast of agency headquarters Khar.[186]

    60. November 11 A suicide bomber blew himself up at a packed Qayyum Stadium in Peshawar on Tuesday,killing four people and wounding 13. NWFP Governor Owais Ahmed Ghani had just left the venue and

    senior provincial minister Bashir Bilour was on his way out. Bashir Bilour, the apparent target, said that

    two of his guards were among the dead and three had been injured.[187]

    61. November 12 Five people were killed as a suicide bomber rammed an explosives-filled bus into the gates

    of a school in Charsadda district on Wednesday. Two others died as troops fired in retaliation. Fifteenpeople including soldiers and civilians were injured.[188]

    62. November 17 At least three troops were killed when a suicide bomber rammed his explosives-ladenvehicle into a security checkpost in Swats Khawazakhela area. [189]

    63. November 19 A former head of the armys elite commando force Special Service Group, Maj-Gen (R)Ameer Faisal Alavi, and his driver were gunned down near Islamabad on Wednesday morning. Alvi, who

    commanded the SSG during the first major assault on militants in Angoor Ada in South Waziristan in 2004,

    was killed near his home while driving to work on Islamabad Highway near the PWD Housing Society in

    the Koral police precints.[190]

    64. November 20 A suicide bomber killed at least nine people and injured four others on Thursday at amosque in Mamoond tehsil ofBajaur Agency.


    65. November 21 Seven people were killed and 17 others injured in a blast during the funeral of a cleric nearthe bus stand here on Friday morning in Dera Ismail Khan.


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    66. November 22 Six people were killed and 15 others injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up in amosque in Tandaro area of Tall in Hangu District on Saturday.[193] While at least three people including a

    teenager were injured in a series of three explosions near the Alhamra Cultural Complex in Lahore late on

    Saturday, where the international World Performing Arts Festival was in progress.


    67. November 28 Nine people, including four cops, were killed and 16 others injured when a suicide bomberrammed his explosive-laden coach into a police vehicle on the Peshawar-Bannu Road in Domel area of

    Bannu on Friday.[195]

    68. December 1 Ten people were killed and 49 others injured when a suicide bomber blew up an explosive-laden truck near the Sangota security post, some seven kilometers north-east of Mingora on Monday.


    69. December 5 At least 27 people were killed and dozens more wounded when two bombs exploded incrowded markets in northwest Pakistan. A blast in the heart ofPeshwar killed 21 and created a five-foot

    deep crater. Just hours earlier six people died in a car bomb explosion at a market in the semi-autonomous

    Orakzai tribal district. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the two attacks.

    70. December 28 At least 36 people were killed in a suspected car bomb attack near a polling station in agovernment school in Buner District on Sunday. 16 people were injured in the blast believed to have been

    carried out to disrupt the by-election for a National Assembly seat


    1. January 4 At least seven people, three of them policemen and two journalists, were killed when a suicidebomber blew himself up in front of the Government Polytechnic College near an imambargah on Multan

    Road in Dera Ismail Khan. About 25 people were injured, most of them policemen.[199]

    2. January 10 A fierce gun battle between rival sects in Hangu continued on Saturday amid efforts to brokeran early truce to stop bloodshed. Official sources said that 26 people, including the deputy chairman of the

    local chapter of the Ahli Sunnat Wal Jamaat, Mufti Rustam, had been killed and several others injured in

    the two-day fighting.[200]

    3. January 26 At least five people have been killed and many more wounded in a bomb blast in north-westPakistan, police say. The bomb, attached to a bicycle, went off on a busy main road in the town of Dera

    Ismail Khan.[201]

    While in an another incident, Hussain Ali Yousafi, chairman of the Hazara Democratic

    Party, was shot dead by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in the southwestern city of Quetta.[202]

    4. February 3 One man was killed and 18 others injured in a hand grenade attack on a Sunni mosque atMohallah Joginwala in Dera Ismail Khan district on Tuesday evening.


    5. February 5 Up to 32 people were killed when a suspected suicide bombing ripped through a crowd of Shiaworshippers outside a Dera Ghazi Khan mosque on Thursday. Police said the blast targeted dozens of

    people converging on the Al Hussainia Mosque after dark, shortly before a religious gathering.[204]

    6. February 7 At least seven officers were killed in an attack on a checkpoint in Mianwali in Punjab nearrestive North-West Frontier province.


    7. February 11 Awami National Party (ANP) provincial lawmaker Alam Zeb Khan was killed and eightpeople injured in a remote-controlled blast

    8. February 17 At least three people were killed by a car bomb which exploded outside the home of agovernment official in north-western Pakistan.

    9. February 20 A curfew was imposed in Dera Ismail Khan on Friday and the army called in to quell riots

    immediately after a suicide bomber killed at least 30 Shia's and injured another 157 who were attending afuneral in southern Dera Ismail Khan district. Witnesses said police ran off when gunfire broke out after

    the blast at the funeral of Shia leader Sher Zaman who was gunned down a day earlier.[208]

    10. M arch 2 A suicide bomber killed five and injured 12 people at a girls religious school in Pishin District ofBalochistan on Monday.


    11. M arch 3 A convoy carrying Sri Lankan cricketers and officials in two buses was fired upon by 12 gunmen,near the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore. The cricketers were on their way to play the third day of the second

    Test against the Pakistani cricket team. Six members of the Sri Lankan cricket team were injured. Six

    Pakistani policemen and two civilians were killed.[210]

    12. M arch 5 One person was killed and 19 others sustained injuries when a hand-grenade hurled byunidentified miscreants at the worshippers exploded in Ameer Hamza mosque in Dera Ismail Khan.


    While in Peshawar, unidentified miscreants blew up the mausoleum of the most-revered mystic poet of the

    Total Attacks : 87 Total killed:1787 Injured:2500+

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    Pakhtun land Rahman Baba in the wee hours of Thursday by planting four bombs inside the structure of the


    13. M arch 7 A bomb-laden car exploded in Peshawar as police tried to pull a body from it killing eight people

    and injuring five. Seven of the dead were policemen while the other was a passerby. In a separate incident,a roadside bomb killed three civilians and wounded four troops in the town of Darra Adam Khel.[213]

    14. M arch 11 NWFP Senior Minister and Awami National Party leader Bashir Bilour survived anassassination attempt that left six people, including two suspected suicide attackers, dead in Namak Mandi

    in Peshawar on Wednesday. Four persons, including a young girl, who was married on Sunday last, were

    critically wounded in the firing, grenade attack and suicide blast. This was the second assassination attempt

    on Bilour in less than six months and seventh suicide attack on ANP in little over a year.[214]

    15. M arch 16 At least 14 people were killed and 17 injured on Monday when a suicide bomber blew himselfup near the busiest bus stand ofRawalpindi at Pirwadhai.


    16. M arch 18 Five people including three policemen were killed and four injured when over 100 unidentifiedarmed men attacked a police vehicle at the entrance of the University of Malakand at Chakdara in Lower

    Dir District on Tuesday night.[216]

    17. M arch 23 A security official was killed and three others injured in a suicide bombing outside a policeSpecial Branch office in Islamabad on Monday.


    18. M arch 26 At least 10 people were killed and 25 others injured in suicide attack at a restaurant targetingopponents of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan chiefBaitullah Mehsud near Jandola, South Waziristan on


    19. M arch 27 76 persons were killed and over 100 injured in an apparent suicide attack on a mosque atPeshawar-Torkham Highway in Jamrud, Khyber Agency during the Friday congregation. Intelligence

    sources, however, put the number of dead at 86 but officials of the political administration were

    conservative by putting the death toll at 50.[219]

    20. M arch 30 At least eight police recruits and a civilian were killed when about 10 terrorists attacked theManawan Police Training School in Lahore near the border with India with guns and grenades on Monday.

    Security forces regained control of the facility in an operation that lasted for more than eight hours. About

    93 cadets and civilians were injured.[220]

    21. April 4 A suicide bomber struck a camp of the Frontier Constabulary (FC) at Margalla Road in Islamabadon Saturday, killing at least eight FC personnel and a civilian, besides the attacker himself, and injuring 12


    22. April 5 A suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shia religious gathering in an Imambargah in Chakwal onSunday, killing at least 22 people and wounding 60. The attacker struck at the gates of a Shia mosque

    where some 1,200 people were attending a religious gathering.[222]

    23. April 6 Police found bullet-riddled bodies of four local aid workers, including three women, in Shinkiariarea ofMansehra District on Monday.


    24. April 15 A suicide car bomber attacked a security post in north-western Pakistan, killing at least 18 people,nine of them police and injuring five others. The bomber set off his explosives as he pulled up at a

    checkpoint in Charsadda, a town near the city of Peshawar.[224]

    25. April 18 A suicide attacker detonated a car bomb at a checkpoint in the northwestern Pakistani town ofHangus Doaba area Saturday, killing at least 22 people, including five security personnel, and injuring

    another 15.[225]

    26. April 26 12 children were killed in north-western Pakistan after playing with a bomb they mistook for a

    toy. The children died after the bomb, which resembled a football, exploded on Saturday in Lower DirDistrict.[226]

    27. April 29 Targeted killings in Karachi claimed the lives of 34 people and wounded 40 in a matter of hoursby unidentified gunmen in different parts of the city. In the month-long incidents of violence until April 28,

    the police record showed that 16 people had been shot dead and 54 wounded in different incidents of

    targeted killings. The statistics further showed that of the total number of people, 43 people belonged to the

    Pakhtun community while seven happened to be Urdu-speaking people.[227]

    28. May 5 Seven people, two children and a Frontier Corps soldier among them, were killed and 48 othersinjured when an explosives-laden car rammed into a pick-up near a checkpost on the Peshawar-Bara road

    12 km west ofPeshawar Cantonment on Tuesday morning.[228]

    29. May 11 10 people died as a suicide bomber blew up his explosives-laden vehicle near an FC checkpost inthe outskirts ofDarra Adam Khel on Monday, killing eight civilians and two security personnel and

    injuring 27 other people.[229]

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    30. May 16 Two successive bomb blasts rocked Peshawar on Saturday, leaving 13 people dead and 34 othersinjured. A powerful car-bomb killed 12 people and wounded 31 others, including schoolchildren and

    women, in the Barisco area, while a low intensity device ripped through a garments store in the packed

    Gora Bazaar in Peshawar Saddar, killing a minor girl and injuring three others.


    31. May 21 At least nine people four civilians and five security personnel were killed and 25 injured in asuicide attack near an Frontier Corps (FC) fort in Jandola area ofTankon Thursday evening.


    32. May 22 At least 10 people were killed and 75 injured when a powerful car bomb went off outside a cinemain Peshawars Cinema Road area on Friday evening.


    33. May 27 Suicide bombers detonated a vehicle loaded with 100 kilograms of explosives near offices of thecapital city police officer (CCPO) and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in Lahore on Wednesday

    killing at least 27 people and wounding 326, in addition to destroying a two-story building of the Rescue 15

    police service. This was the second attack on ISI since the start of War on Terrorism.[233]

    34. May 28 A succession of blasts rocked the NWFP on Thursday, killing 13 people, including five policemen,and injuring over 90 others. Three blasts, one of them a suicide attack targeting a police post, took place in

    Peshawar and one suicide bombing at a security checkpost in Dera Ismail Khan.[234]

    35. June 5 At least 40 people were killed and another 70 injured during Friday prayers when a suicide bomberblew himself up outside a mosque in Hayagai Sharqai village in Upper Dir District.


    36. June 6 Two policemen were killed after a young man carried out a suicide attack against Rescue 15, apolice helpline unit, in Islamabad on Saturday. At least four other policemen were injured.


    37. June 8 A wave of violence emanating from rivalries between political factions in Karachi continued tospread as 12 more people fell victim to target killings on Monday. Thus, the number of political activists tohave fallen victim to target killings during the first week of June reached 35.

    [237]Most of the victims had

    fallen prey to the bloody rivalry ofMQM (Altaf) and MQM (Haqiqi) factions; the latest incidence seeming

    to be sparked from the efforts of reunification of Amir and Afaq groups, that constitute the MQM (Haqiqi)

    group, at the behest ofImran Khan.[238]

    38. June 9 A massive truck bomb ripped through the five-star Pearl Continental hotel in Peshawar on Tuesdaykilling 11 people and more than wounding 60. The attackers entered the compound on two vehicles at

    about 10:30pm, spraying the security guards at the hotel gate with bullets from one and blowing up the

    other in the hotel parking.[239]

    The death toll later rose to 17.[240]

    39. June 11 In a day of multiple terrorist attacks throughout Pakistan, an NWFP Minister for Prisons, Mian

    Nisar Gul Kakakhel, was seriously injured and his two guards were killed when his convoy was ambushedby suspected militants in Darra Adam Khel.

    [241]In Balochistan, one person was killed and 35 injured when

    a bomb hidden in a toilet exploded in a Quetta-bound train. The Baloch Republican Army (BRA) claimed

    responsibility for the attack.[242]

    While in the country's northwest, two people were killed and 13 including

    eight policemen injured in a grenade and suicide attack on police in Latifabad, Peshawar.[243]

    40. June 12 A leading Sunni Barelwi cleric, Sarfraz Ahmed Naeemi with anti-Taliban views, was assassinated,with six other people killed and five injured when a suicide attacker detonated himself at the Jamia

    Naeemia madrassa on the Allama Iqbal Road in Garhi Shahu area of Lahore shortly after Friday


    While in Nowshera, five worshippers were killed and 105 others sustained injuries when a

    suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden van into a mosque during the Friday prayers in the

    Cantonment area at the Grand Trunk Road.[245]

    Later the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Friday

    claimed responsibility for three suicide attacks in Peshawar, Nowshera and Lahore, saying similar attacks

    would soon follow.[246]

    41. June 14 Nine people were killed and over 40 injured w