terri schiavo life & hope network 2015 partner prospectus

Partner Prospectus

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The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network's 2015 Partner Prospectus


Page 1: Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network 2015 Partner Prospectus

Partner Prospectus

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This testimony illustrates how the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is saving real lives every day:

I can state unequivocally that were it not for…Terri’s foundation, my cousin, Janet, would most likely not be alive today. It was through Terri’s Foundation that I found an excellent lawyer to negotiate with the County of Fresno to discontinue the euthanasia of Janet, which, as her conservator, they were intent upon carrying out. I first spoke with Bobby Schindler on the morning of July 21st—at that time, Janet had been without hydration for almost seven full days. By that afternoon, I was in touch with the lawyer who—the very next day—persuaded the county to resume the hydration and nutrition of Janet and to begin the transfer of conservatorship of my cousin to me. There is something miraculous in the way that Janet was snatched from death’s door! Although many people played a part in Janet’s miracle, I know that Terri’s Foundation made it happen; they were truly the seed by which it came about. Additionally, [their] continued caring, concern, and advice during this process of gaining conservatorship have been invaluable. Thank you, Bobby. Thank you, Terri.

—Susan, Janet’s cousin and newly appointed guardian


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From Executive Director Bobby SchindlerThe 2005 death of my sister Terri Schiavo captivated the world and

spurred a national debate about end-of-life issues and patients’ rights.

It also highlighted for the pro-life community—long focused on the beginning of life—the threats to life that exist for another defenseless segment of the population: the medically vulnerable.

My family and I established the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network in the wake of my sister’s death. Since then, the Life & Hope Network has worked tirelessly to advocate for the rights of the medically vulnerable and to combat the continued—and growing—threats to these patients. With major changes

afoot in our nation’s healthcare policy, and with an aging population, a growing number of these people are at risk of having their most basic medical rights—even food and hydration via feeding tube—denied.

The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network takes patients’ rights issues personally. As such, we are uniquely positioned to educate the public about these difficult topics, and provide direct support to the medically dependent and to families who are caring for loved ones with long-term brain injuries. Through our extensive network of medical and legal professionals, an active public education program, and a robust online presence, we provide real assistance to save the lives of people who are in situations like Terri’s, while working to change public opinion to be more responsive to the plight of our medically unprotected brothers and sisters over the long term.

I invite you to learn more about the Life & Hope Network and to consider partnering with us in our life-saving work.

For life,

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Our MissionThe mission of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is to develop a national network of resources and support for: the medically dependent, persons with disabilities, and the incapacitated who are in, or potentially facing, life-threatening situations.

Incorporated in 2005 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Life & Hope Network exists to help others avoid the kind of tragedy that Terri and her family endured.

The Life & Hope Network’s guiding principle is “Where There’s Life, There’s Hope.” Our vision is to actively promote a Culture of Life by embracing the true meaning of compassion by opposing the practice of imposed death.

To realize this vision, the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network has set a course to meet the following objectives:

t Establishing the Life & Hope Network as the authoritative, indispensable resource for patients and families facing life-threatening situations.

t Strengthening and growing the nationwide referral network of professionals and organizations that are dedicated to advocate for, protect, and provide care for people with cognitive disabilities and their families.

t Educating the public about the growing threats of imposed death and erosion of medical rights.

t Partnering with care centers around the country to provide assistance for brain-injured individuals and support for their families with the goal of establishing the first Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Rehabilitation Center.

The Life & Hope Network has helped over 1,000 families and has saved countless lives since its inception.

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Our Programs and ActivitiesEducation: The Life & Hope Network raises awareness and educates the general public about the dangers of health care rationing and the constant erosion of our medical rights. This is done in many ways, including through op-eds, blog posts, annual fundraising events, electronic news alerts, our quarterly newsletter, a bi-annual newsmagazine, and regular direct mailings.

Perhaps the Life & Hope Network’s most effective educational tool is its speaking service. The Network’s Executive Director, Bobby Schindler, has averaged 20 to 30 speaking engagements per year since 2005, reaching an audience of over 2,000 people annually. We also attend major pro-life, medical, and bioethics conferences to distribute information and raise awareness of the need for greater attention to issues regarding euthanasia within these movements. Meanwhile, we continue to leverage our presence on social media as an emerging platform to spread our message to an even wider audience. Our educational efforts emphasize that what happened to Terri was not an isolated incident. It could happen to anyone, and it is happening every single day in America when the cognitively disabled, the elderly, and many others are being denied the most basic care.

Saving Lives: The Life & Hope Network has established a professional network of over 500 doctors and 3,000 lawyers who are available to assist those whose medical rights and very lives may be in danger. When a family calls us desperately seeking help to save the life of their loved one, we immediately connect them with local medical and/or legal professionals, develop advocacy strategies, and provide sound, compassionate support throughout. Our network of professionals advocates on behalf of the lives of the medically exposed in front of courts, insurance companies, and hospital ethics boards. They advise on proper treatment options and ways for families to care for their disabled loved ones.


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Our Key ObjectivesThe Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network will continue to fulfill its mission of educating the general public and saving lives by meeting the following objectives:

1. Sustain the Life & Hope Network’s Ongoing Programs: We will continue to raise awareness about and advocate on behalf of the incapacitated, the elderly, and cognitively disabled persons who face life-threatening situations. We also seek to become more involved in public policy, helping shape public opinion and educate lawmakers so as to ensure end-of-life protections for the vulnerable. As we continue to educate the public, we believe our pro-life, disability rights message can resonate with the majority of Americans, regardless of political or religious identification, even in an increasingly secular culture.

2. Expand to Reach New Audiences: While we are proud of the work we have done thus far, there is so much more to do—particularly at this critical time when significant changes to our country’s healthcare policy are being implemented—and there is an urgent need for voices that will stand up for patients’ rights. With additional resources, the Life & Hope Network will be able to develop and implement new life-saving programs, as well as conduct educational programs that will help us reach an ever broader audience. End-of-life issues and healthcare rationing will affect millions of Americans over the next decade—and we need to put the resources in place now to help more families, educate more people, and achieve a greater impact.

3. Establish a Rehabilitation Center: The Life & Hope Network’s major, long-term goal is to partner with medical experts to launch our first state-of-the-art, premier rehabilitation center for people with serious brain injuries. At present the Network has formed an advisory board that is exploring this possibility. The Network then plans to complete a strategic plan and raise the initial seed money to make this vision a reality.

Our LeadershipBobby Schindler, Executive Director: Bobby’s work as a pro-life and disability rights advocate began with his fight for the life of his sister, Terri Schindler Schiavo. He has spoken extensively throughout the United States and internationally about Terri, her case, and the hundreds of thousands of individuals living like Terri today. Bobby has testified before state legislatures and addressed members of parliament in Australia and Canada on the importance of protecting the medically vulnerable. He co-authored A Life That Matters (2006), chronicling the struggle to care for his sister.

The Life & Hope Network’s Board of Directors includes Bobby Schindler, Brother Conrad Richardson, Dana Cody, Dr. Mark Mostert, Brad Mattes, Joe Shannon, and Dr. Richard Bonfiglio.

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Our FutureThe legal killing of the disabled by starvation and dehydration is a moral outrage that, unfortunately, has become more and more common in our society. With an aging population and new nationwide healthcare policies, the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network stands as the organization best positioned to combat this distressing trend by educating the public and providing direct medical and legal help to save lives that are in danger. By leveraging the national and international recognition of Terri Schiavo’s story, the Life & Hope Network will continue to advocate, educate, and save lives. With additional resources, the Life & Hope Network will have the necessary capacity to develop and execute new programming—including its long-term goal of establishing a permanent rehabilitation center that will help to save and improve the lives of the cognitively disabled.

To partner with the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is to support a Culture of Life and help—in a very real and tangible way—prevent the starvation and dehydration of incapacitated persons. To partner with the Life & Hope Network is to join your voice with ours to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Consider joining in the Life & Hope Network’s mission by making a generous contribution. When you invest in the Life & Hope Network, you are helping to save lives and advance a culture of life.

You may give securely online at lifeandhope.com/donate.

You may also contact Bobby Schindler at [email protected] or 855-300-4673 to discuss making a donation or a planned gift.


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Terri Schiavo Life & Hope NetworkP.O. Box 521 Narberth, PA 19072 855.300.HOPE (4673)
