terms of reference1 · 2019-10-16 · dvv international guinea project evaluation 2018 1 terms of...

DVV International Guinea Project Evaluation 2018 1 Terms of Reference 1 Evaluation of the Program of DVV International in Guinea Country: Guinea (Conakry) Financing phase: 2017-2019 Date of publication: 03.09.2018 1. Introduction DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul- Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of approximately 920 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen) and their state associations, the largest service provider of continuing education in Germany. As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to supporting lifelong learning for 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for a lifelong youth and adult education. DVV International is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The current funding period is from 2017 to 2019. Funded in a large part by the budget line of the BMZ for the creation/strengthening of social structures (Sozialstrukturförderung - SSF), the Institute cooperates with more than 200 partners in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. DVV International promotes, together with national, regional and global associations of adult education, lobbying and advocacy activities for the human right to education and lifelong learning. In doing so, DVV International contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Agenda for Education (Education 2030) and the UNESCO International Conferences on Adult Education (CONFINTEA). The use of the REFLECT methodology as an adult learning strategy has enabled target groups to read, write and calculate in their local languages, and to effectively manage their income-generating activities. These new technical and professional skills transferred to communities are part of a sustainability process to strengthen their empowerment. By collaborating with education policy- makers and multipliers strengthening non-formal education for young people and adults, and, finally, supporting diverse target groups to learning various subjects, the Institute contributes to the consolidation of sustainable structures. 1 Available in French and English

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Page 1: Terms of Reference1 · 2019-10-16 · DVV International Guinea Project Evaluation 2018 1 Terms of Reference1 Evaluation of the Program of DVV International in Guinea Country: Guinea

DVV International Guinea Project Evaluation 2018


Terms of Reference1

Evaluation of the Program of DVV International in Guinea

Country: Guinea (Conakry)

Financing phase: 2017-2019

Date of publication: 03.09.2018

1. Introduction

DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-

Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of

approximately 920 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen) and their state associations, the

largest service provider of continuing education in Germany. As the leading professional organisation

in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself

to supporting lifelong learning for 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the

establishment and development of sustainable structures for a lifelong youth and adult education.

DVV International is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and

Development (BMZ). The current funding period is from 2017 to 2019.

Funded in a large part by the budget line of the BMZ for the creation/strengthening of social

structures (Sozialstrukturförderung - SSF), the Institute cooperates with more than 200 partners in

more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. DVV International promotes,

together with national, regional and global associations of adult education, lobbying and advocacy

activities for the human right to education and lifelong learning. In doing so, DVV International

contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Agenda for

Education (Education 2030) and the UNESCO International Conferences on Adult Education


The use of the REFLECT methodology as an adult learning strategy has enabled target groups to read,

write and calculate in their local languages, and to effectively manage their income-generating

activities. These new technical and professional skills transferred to communities are part of a

sustainability process to strengthen their empowerment. By collaborating with education policy-

makers and multipliers strengthening non-formal education for young people and adults, and, finally,

supporting diverse target groups to learning various subjects, the Institute contributes to the

consolidation of sustainable structures.

1 Available in French and English

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DVV International supports the exchange of information and interaction between professionals at

European and global level through conferences, seminars and publications. DVV International's

interventions cover three levels: first level – contribution to policies, strategies, standards and norms,

as well as funding on national level (macro level), second level – institutional capacity building and

capacitiy building of teaching staff (meso level), and, third level - the basic model interventions for

the population with potential for replication at national, regional, and international level (micro


In order to continually improve programs and ensure that they meet the needs of the countries in

which DVV works, the Institution regularly evaluates its programs. In this context, DVV International

is soliciting applications for an evaluation of our program in Guinea, in accordance with the

guidelines and guidelines below.

2. Background of the project

Located in West Africa, surrounded by six countries (Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast,

Liberia and Sierra Leone) and the Atlantic Ocean, Guinea is considered as one of the poorest

countries in the world (according to the HCI ranking 183/188 countries). It has very inadequate

human resources and a low level of social development. School enrollment rates are low for boys

and girls, and illiteracy remains high among adults (Source: UNICEF). With a population growth of

more than 2.5%, the Guinean population, in 2016, counts more than 12 million (Source: Worldbank).

According to the 2014 population census, it is estimated that about 4 million do not have access to

basic education and skills training. These people live more in rural and peri-urban communes.

DVV International has been working in Guinea since 1997. Between 1999 and 2008, the West Africa

Regional Office was based in Conakry. In 2010, this office was transferred to Mali; the work in Guinea

continues to be performed by a small team located in a national office. DVV International has

concluded a framework agreement with Guinea; the official contact of the Institute is the Ministry of

Education and Literacy (MEP-A). Among the few partners working in the education sector, DVV

International is the only international structure that promotes adult education/non-formal


Throughout its work in Guinea, DVV carried out its work of creating/strengthening the structures of

the education system at the level of adult education (EA) and non-formal education (NFE), on the

three levels of intervention. The MENA, DVV's institutional partner, experienced several changes

during the years of cooperation. Initially in charge of pre-university education and civic education

(MEPU-EC), the ministry was, in 2012, transformed into the Ministry of Literacy, Non-Formal

Education and Promotion of National Languages, before being removed in 2016 for reasons of less

efficient operation. Subsequently, the Literacy and Non-Formal Education sector was attached to the

Ministry of Pre-University Teaching and Literacy (MEPU-A), which since February 2018 has become

the Ministry of National Education and Literacy (MEN-A). Within this structure a National Directorate

(DN) for adult education and literacy and non-formal education has been created. In the regions, DVV

International cooperates with rural and urban communities. There, state authorities have little

personal and financial resources for adult education and non-formal education. The National

Directorate of MEPU-A gives grants to some civil society NGOs to intervene on these basic themes

following the logic "faire-faire" and performance criteria.

Following political crises and uncertainties about the nation's orientation, aggravated by

circumstances of devaluation of the national currency, strikes, or the Ebola pandemic, the conditions

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focusing on the development of a coherent educational system were, during the intervention time of

DVV in Guinea, rarely met. These crisis factors have also worked against the formal education

system, weakened by strikes, operational problems and the quality of education. For years, tens of

thousands of students have left formal schooling without valuable knowledge, which has increased

the demand for a second-chance, second-level education organized by a non-formal education

system. Given these alarming findings, which have prompted civil society organizations and some

international partners, including DVV International, to advocate for improved conditions in the

education sector, government and TFP allocations have never been up to the needs.

DVV International has a holistic vision of its program of educating young people and adults in Mali to

strengthen the communal and community development approach around learning centers. As well

as on local democratic governance, as well as intellectual and professional capacities on several

levels. The program consists of:

Support for the design and implementation of community-based adult basic education projects;

Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of the partner structures;

Promoting lobbying and advocacy for Non-Formal Basic Education in general, and literacy in particular.

In Guinea, as elsewhere, DVV International's programs use the REFLECT approach. It is implemented

during literacy projects in municipalities in local languages by using visual participatory tools to solve

the problems identified by the communities, to develop the instrumental knowledge in order to let

people get access to social well-being and sustainable economy. DVV International implements an

instrumental knowledge development approach and technical skills of participants in REFLECT circles

following a three-year cycle. Apart from literacy, DVV International also promotes professional

training. The desired effects of the REFLECT circles are the ability of instrumental knowledge

(calculations, reading, writing), and the development of technical skills to improve the productivity

and income of grassroots communities. One of the milestone in DVV’s work in Guinea was the official

recognition of the REFLECT method by the Guinean Government as one of the methods in adult and

non-formal education.

To advocate for non-formal education and adults, DVV International supported the establishment of

two networks in Guinea: PAMOJA Guinea and the Guinean Literacy Network (REGA). These two

structures specialized in literacy and non-formal education, work on the one hand with teachers and

young professionals who have graduated from institutions of higher and vocational education and

using the "REFLECT" approach/method for Literacy for Integral Development "(REGA motto).

PAMOJA Guinea is part of the PAMOJA West Africa network. Both networks have since struggled to

maintain their permanence.

In 2016, the government of Guinea launched a national consultation process called "Education is our

challenge". In this context, the State invited civil society to participate in developing a new plan for

the development and financing of the Education sector, taking also into account the areas of adult

education/non-formal education (the Plan of National Economic and Social Development Vision

2021). The PAMOJA Guinea and REGA networks, and even DVV International, contributed to the

elaboration of this plan. MENU-A is making an inventory of the educational system and plans the

development of the new 10-year educational program for the period 2019-2028.

Given the educational level of the population (esp. female population, and in rural areas), Guinea's

commitments at the international level (percentage of education budget for EA/ENF, followed by

SDG No. 4), the true attention and the real allocations for EA/ENF remained insufficient.

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Nevertheless, the DVV International office in Guinea has always been able to continue the work in

several regions cooperating mainly with grassroots NGOs of civil society at the micro level, by

keeping the dialogue and exchange with the supervisory ministry, the MEN-A.

To increase its importance and ensure its commitment during the years of its presence in Guinea,

DVV International has been able to carry out two projects with funding from the World Bank and the

European Union. DVV International had exchanges with mining multinationals, Rio Tinto and Guinea

Aluminia Corporation (EGA/GAC), between 2006 and 2008. A practical intervention in the Boké

region took place between 2015 and 2017 from EGA/GAC without achieving its purpose completely

due to volatile financing granted by the company. The BMZ special initiative “A World Without

Hunger” project funded from 2014 to 2017 model interventions in Guinea (Project VITAL - villages of

learning throughout the life). In two localities (Bantinguel / Pita prefecture, Sabadou Baranama /

Kankan prefecture), functional literacy approaches, with a strong focus on the agriculture sector and

the establishment of an education center, run by the commune local, was realized, which inspired

the conceptual development of the DVV International program.

An evaluation of DVV International's engagement in Guinea in the 2014-2016 BMZ funding period

took place in 2015, and the discussion of the findings and considerations of the DVV International

team, at national and regional levels, led to certain adaptations in relation to the choice of partners

(choice of partners linked more to their performance, fewer partnerships with NGOs operating at the

national level, more partnerships with grassroots CSOs, respectively, umbrella organizations, and a

start partnerships with municipalities), as well as the orientation of the DVV program at the

continental level, which aimed, among other things, to support the emergence of community

education centers.

An additional aspect had been added in the DVV International program in Guinea, following the

exchanges at regional level since 2017: the introduction of a post-literacy approach using information

and communication technologies (ICT) and also setting up a digital library through the digitization of

thematic and technical documents. This approach should be further developed by using tablets and a

specifically created "Application" for literacy and / or vocational training.

After familiarizing a wide range of partner organizations (including networks and the parent ministry)

with approaches / methodologies related to functional literacy, non-formal education and working

with communes at macro, meso and micro levels, DVV International wonders, after a presence in the

country of more than twenty years, whether the objectives of the project, with the available means,

have been reached or can realistically be reached or whether it would be sensible to consider an exit-

strategy from Guinea.

3. Objectives of the programme

The following more general objectives have been defined.

1. Adult Education services are improved and multiplied

2. The capacity of partners and networks in the country and region is institutionally

strengthened and adult educators are trained

3. Political dialogue and lobby work on the local, national, regional and international levels are

considered in local policies and budgets

In addition to these more general goals, more concrete evaluation questions will be defined in the

following chapters.

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4. Activities of the programme

With the objective to sustainably develop social structures for adult education, DVV International’s

programs aim to make an impact on three levels (micro, meso and macro) in accordance with the

above-mentioned objectives.

Concerning Objective 1 of the project (micro level): “Adult education offers are improved and


Continuing operation of REFLECT circles: The sessions of the literacy and non-formal education

sessions will be continued in the twenty REFLECT circles opened in 2017 by the partner

associations in collaboration with the communes and decentralized technical services of the


Organization and holding of non-formal vocational training workshops: Non-formal technical

and vocational training is one of the links in the EA / ENF support projects. These trainings will

be continued around the income generating activities (AGR) which are the main economic

activities of the REFLECT circles participants.

Support for the renovation and equipping of community learning centers: In our vision to

support the construction, equipment and management of community learning centers, the

national office will accompany the urban communes of Kindia and Mali and the rural district of


The introduction of the pilot project in the continuous learning process: To meet the learning

needs of participants in REFLECT circles and the evolution of society, it is planned to introduce

successful experiences of pilot projects supported by DVV International in 2017. Among these

pilot projects, we can mention post-literacy through ICT with equipment in tablets and training

qualifying fishponds around eight REFLECT circles supervised by partner associations.

Concerning Objective 2 of the project (meso level): “Partners and networks in Guinea are

strengthened in their institutional capacities”:

The training workshop for facilitators of the partner structures on the REFLECT approach

It aims to introduce technicians and association managers to the reflect methodology, which is a

community development tool focused on the needs and concerns of grassroots communities. It

will mobilize coordinators, supervisors and project managers of four targeted local associations

including the Prefectural Federation of Craftsmen of Kindia, the Mother House Association of

Mamou, the Association for Integrated Development of Labe and the Association of Volunteers

for the Integrated Development of Mali and facilitators of REFLECT circles.

The training workshop on the management of community learning centers:

The workshop will focus on the strategies for setting up and managing community learning

centers. It will mobilize local elected officials from the municipalities of Kindia Center, Tolo,

Mamou prefecture, Garambé, Labé prefecture and the urban district of Mali. The heads of the

management committees of the centers and the coordinators of the partner projects.

WINPACCS training workshop for national office accounting staff:

This workshop aims to strengthen the operational skills of the National Office Administration,

Accounting and Finance team.

Partners Training Workshop on Accounting Management: The present training workshop aims

to strengthen the technical skills of the executives of the partner structures on the maintenance

of the accounting documents and the preparation of the financial report for each period. The

new administrative, financial and accounting management guidelines will guide the training.

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The mid-term evaluation of the project: Its objective is to provide a critical analysis of the

REFLECT approach to the partner organizations, the level of appropriation by locally elected

representatives of community learning centers, the strategies for sustainability and

sustainability of IGAs, the development of Instrumental knowledge of participants, the place of

post-literacy by using ICT in promoting the literate environment, identifying cases of successes

and weaknesses and making recommendations for the year 2019.

Monitoring-consulting support for partners' projects: The national office's technical and

accounting team will continue monitoring activities around REFLECT circles, accounting and

administrative management, activities around CACs, post-literacy by using ICT and income-

generating activities.

Introduction and training of ICT post-literacy: After the experimental phase in certain circles of

the phase.

Concerning Objective 3 of the project (macro level): “Taking into account adult education at the

policy level, poverty reduction strategies and at the level of local and national budgets has


The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals have been the strategic direction of Guinea's national

office since 2016. This will focus on Goal 4 of the SDGs "Ensuring that all can receive quality

education… in conditions of equity and to promote lifelong learning opportunities "

The organization conducts an exchange visit to the agency in charge of literacy in Morocco: For a

sharing of experiences and successful practices of Morocco in the fight against illiteracy, the

national office organizes a visit to MENA to the office of ANLCA in Morocco in charge of design,

management and coordination, and the AENF in a process of effective management of the sub-


Continuation of the advocacy process for the AENF: The objective of this activity is to take into

account SDG Objective 4 and its indicators in the design and implementation of Lifelong

Learning and Education projects and programs. The activity will facilitate the understanding and

ownership of its content by the politicians of the MENA and the TFPs.

National AENF Resource Mobilization Strategy Development Workshop: The national office

supports the Ministry of National Education and Literacy to organize a workshop to develop a

national strategy for the mobilization of financial resources of the AENF sub-sector.

Participation in exchange workshops with the group of education partners in Guinea: The

national office will continue to participate in the exchanges of technical and financial partners of

the Guinean education sector. This participation will allow the organizations to share

experiences around community learning centers (CACs) and post-literacy through ICT.

Continuing participation in the synthesis workshops of reflections on the challenges of

education in Guinea: As advisor to the mentioned commission, the national office will provide

technical support and advice in the context of the reform of the Guinean education sector in

general and in particular the sub-sector of literacy and non-formal education.

Partner structures:

Local associations: 1) the Prefectural Federation of Artisans of Kindia (FPAKI); 2) The Mother House

Association (AMM) of Mamou; 3) The Association for Integrated Rural Development (ADRI) of Labé;

4) The Association of Volunteers for Integrated Development (AVDI) of Mali.

Urban Municipalities and rural councils: 1) The urban commune of Kindia, 2) The rural municipality

of Tolo (Mamou prefecture), 3) The urban commune of Mali.

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The Ministry of National Education and Literacy (MENA) through the National Directorate of

Literacy and Non-formal Education (DNAENF) is the national institutional partner of DVV

International in Guinea.

5. Purpose of the evaluation

DVV regularly evaluates its projects and programs. This evaluation, which takes place in the second

year of the implementation of the current project phase (2017-2019), aims to analyze the

effectiveness and efficiency in relation to the objectives, the impact of the project, and new

directions for the future. The evaluation should give an overview of the project as a whole, and lead

to recommendations on the work and commitment of DVV International in Guinea. It must take into

account the fact that after around 20 years of work in Guinea, DVV International wonders if the time

has come to close the project in this country.

The evaluation should use all sources (primary and secondary) and information, analyze and

synthesize them, in order to receive high quality data. These data should enable the evaluator to

provide evidence-based conclusions and feasible recommendations. The evaluation should explain

whether and to what extent the objectives of DVV International have been achieved, and whether

the measures applied are effective and appropriate to achieve them.

6. Guiding questions of the evaluation

The evaluation will follow the five DAC (Development Assistance Committee) Principles for

Evaluation of Development Assistance, and the guiding questions listed below.

6.1 Relevance

The extent to which the aid activity is suited to the priorities and policies of the target group,

recipient and donor.

6.2 Effectiveness

A measure of the extent to which DVV International’s project in Guinea is attaining its objectives.

6.3 Efficiency

To what extent do the outputs (qualitative and quantitative) of the project represent an efficient use

of the inputs (resources)? Have resources been used in a cost-effective manner to achieve the

desired results? Or, could alternative approaches have delivered the same results in a more cost-

effective manner?

6.4 Impact

What positive and negative changes has the project produced, directly or indirectly, intended or

unintended. What are the main impacts and effects that have resulted from the project on the social,

economic, environmental levels, and in relation to other development indicators? The evaluation

should also explore the positive and negative impact of external factors on the project activities and

goals, such as economic, political, environmental or social changes.

6.5 Sustainability

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Are the benefits of the project activities likely to continue (sustain) after donor funding has been

withdrawn. Is the project environmentally as well as financially sustainable?

6.6 Coordination

Which are the other key international organisations working in the field of Adult Education? What

coordination mechanisms exist among the different AE stakeholders? Are the various programmes in

the field of Adult Education complementary? How could DVV International improve coordination

with other stakeholders? Would it be possible to join forces in certain fields and forge synergies with

other institutions? How, and with which ones?

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7. Target group of the evaluation results

The target group of the evaluation will be the project management team of DVV International

country and regional office, as well as the head office in Bonn, Germany. The results of the

evaluation will also be sent to the funding institution in Germany (BMZ). The results of the evaluation

will also be presented to the partner institutions, and will be used as a key source to critically reflect

on the activities and orientations of the project and inform future planning and implementation.

Guiding questions – specifically for the GUINEA program

Micro level Meso level Macro level


Are the project benefits relevant to the reached end-user of

youth and adult learning (YALE) activities?

the providers of YALE (personnel, management….)

and their current needs?

To what extent do the capa-city development activities of the project meet the needs in terms of technical and financial management, repor-ting and accountability of the partners (CSOs and commu-nities)?

To which extend does the Guinean adult education system refer to international discussions on YALE?

To what extend have adult education standards progressed in Guinee?


To what extent are the objec-tives achieved / are likely to be achieved?

What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?

To what extent are the objectives achieved / are likely to be achieved?

What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?

To what extent are the objectives achieved / are likely to be achieved?

What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?


Were activities cost-efficient? Were objectives achieved on time?

Were activities kept to cost-efficiency? Have partner organizations achieved objectives on time?

To which extent can cost-efficiency with the ministerial partner be stated?

Were objectives achieved on time?


Is there an overall impact? If yes, specify.

Can cross-sectorial effects of the works in areas such as employment, environment, peace, gender etc. be observed?

Is there an overall impact? If yes, specify.

Is there an overall impact? If yes, specify.


To what extent the established educational structures are sustainable? If not, what lacks to reach sustainability?

To what extent instructed trainers /institutional structures are able to apply the knowledge sustainably? What is needed, in case, to ensure sustainability?

To what extent does the framework worked out by the Guinean state reach SDG 4 phrase 2? What would have to be done in order to reach SDG number 4? Are the measures appropriate to ensure sustainable social structures?

Future perspective

Comment on DVV’s considerations to phase out the full program work in Guinea, and propose eventually necessary transition measures.

In case of phasing out of DVV, are there urgent measures to be finalized in the communities covered by the ongoing phase?

To which extent can meso and macro level activities be continued by other partners (ex. PAMOJA Guinea, donors or others)?

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8. Expected Input / Financial Proposal:

The indicative number of working days is 25. Applicants are expected to submit their own proposals

for the number of working days, phases of the work, and the distribution of working days per phase:

1 day total of briefing and debriefing;

3 days Review of document

1 day Preparation of Inception Report

2 days Mission preparation

10 days Field mission

3 days Data analysis

3 days Report drafting

2 days Report finalization

Please take the indicative distribution of working days into account in your suggestions regarding the

evaluation methodology.

Financial proposals for the evaluation should be as detailed as possible and include all honoraria and

eventual interpretation/translation costs, as well as all envisaged travel costs and any other costs

(including taxes).

9. Methodological approach

A combination of primary data collection and secondary data review is expected during the

evaluation. Secondary data sources will be made available to the evaluator. The following secondary

documents will be provided:

Programme proposals

Annual programme reports

Final programme reports

Mid-term and other kinds of (self)evaluations relevant to the programme

Partner documents of project implementation (as far as available)

National policies and strategies on adult education

Regional policies and strategies on adult education

To collect information from primary data sources, interviews with key stakeholders are

recommended, including:

Information sources from within DVV International:

o Management (including financial management) of regional and country office of DVV


o Senior management in DVV International head office

Information sources on macro level

o Representatives from national/regional governmental institutions dealing with adult


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o Representatives from national non-governmental organisations dealing with AE

o Representatives from other international organisations dealing with AE in Guinea

Information sources on meso level – stakeholders from partner institutions

o Trainers and teachers from relevant partner institutions

o Beneficiaries from partner institutions

Information sources on micro level

o Teachers/facilitators of various programmes

o Participants of various non-formal vocational education programmes of DVV


o Possibly, also participants of non-formal vocational education programmes provided by

other institutions

o Families of learners/participants (also from previous years)

Inasmuch as data is available, both qualitative and quantitative data should be collected and


10. Indicative Timetable

The indicative timetable for the evaluation is as follows:

Deadline to submit proposals 21.09.2018

Selection and contracting of evaluators: September to october (1st week)

Briefing: October (1st week)

Submission and acceptance of inception report: 1st two weeks of October

Evaluation activities and field work: October-November

Debriefing with DVV International country office: Last day of evaluation in the field

First draft of evaluation: 1st week of December

Feedback on first draft: 2nd week of December

Second draft: 2nd week of December

Feedback on second draft: 3rd week of December

Final report and debriefing: Last week of December

A detailed proposal for the calendar of activities is include at the end of this document.

11. Tasks of the evaluator/evaluation team

The evaluation team will be expected to fulfil the following tasks:

Methodological design and planning of the evaluation in communication with DVV


Desk Study of relevant project documentation (application and log-frame, annual plans and

reports, other monitoring documents and project reports, teaching and PR material);

Design of data collection instruments for the field phase;

Preparation of an Inception Report;

Conducting of the field phase with participation and involvement of all relevant stakeholders

(see above methodological approach);

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Compilation of the preliminary evaluation report, integration of comments, and finalization

of the report.

12. Deliverables

The following deliverables are expected:

Inception report: The expert/team of experts will present a report providing detailed

information about methods and evaluation questions. This report will be presented to

DVV International, discussed and, if need be, amended.

Debriefing in the country: By arrangement with the DVV International country office, the

(team of) expert(s) will present the preliminary results of the evaluation, responding to

questions and providing any necessary clarifications, documenting the discussion, which

will then form part of the final report.

Draft evaluation report: DVV International will receive a first draft of the final report,

which will be examined on the basis of the DAC Evaluation Quality Standards. On this

basis, comments will be made on the first draft before it is returned to the expert(s). A

second draft will then be submitted for further comments and feedback.

Final evaluation report: The final report will take into account all comments on the draft

report, provide detailed information on entire evaluation process, and detail all results

and recommendations.

The evaluation report should be produced in French and submitted to DVV International

electronically. A respective template for the final report will be provided in the inception phase to

the contractor. An executive summary / introductory section should also be made available in


13. Responsible persons at DVV International and logistics

DVV International Germany will be the contracting authority for this evaluation. The main contact

persons will be:

The Senior Manager for Monitoring and Evaluation in DVV International head office in Bonn,


The Senior Desk Officer for West Africa of DVV International in Bonn, Germany

The Regional Director of DVV International in West Africa

The DVV Inernational Country Director in Guinea

The DVV International country office in Guinea will provide all relevant documents and support to

the evaluator/ team of evaluators, and assist in arranging interviews and field visits etc., with

stakeholders and partners.

Acceptance of the final report will be by the Senior Manager for Monitoring and Evaluation and the

Senior Desk Officer for West Africa of DVV International in Bonn, Germany.

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DVV International Guinea Project Evaluation 2018


14. Qualifications and profile the evaluator/evaluation team

The consultant(s) should have the following qualifications and experience:

Have a proven track record of conducting evaluations of development projects (please,

provide proof of this experience);

Be able to demonstrate sound knowledge of evaluation methods and instruments;

Have good knowledge of the sector of youth and adult learning and education, non-formal

education and lifelong learning;

Have experience of stakeholder participation and transparent knowledge management;

Be familiar with the national context of Guinea and the regional context of West Africa,

Have excellent analytical and writing skills;

Fluency in French. Fluency in English is an asset.

15. Quality standards

The candidates should propose a suitable evaluation design and methodology, well adapted to the

project objectives and TOR for the evaluation, in order to meet the evaluation’s goal and objectives.

The evaluation must comply with the following standards and guidelines:

OECD-DAC Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance

16. Application

All interested candidates should submit the following documents:

a) CV(s) of person(s) to be involved in the assignment;

b) Technical proposal covering the following aspects (maximum of 8 pages);

→ Narrative overview displaying an understanding of the task

→ Detailed methodology

→ Work Plan, including detailed proposed steps of implementation

→ Consideration of any specific requirements envisaged for the evaluation

→ Internal Quality Management

c) A detailed financial proposal with all expected costs.

All applications must be sent on 21.09.2018 to the following e-mail addresses:

Dr. Thomas Lichtenberg (Senior Manager on Monitoring and Evaluation at DVV International

Headquarters in Bonn): [email protected]

Gerhard Quincke (Senior Desk Officer for West Africa and Northern Africa at DVV

International Headquarters in Bonn [email protected]

Christina Wagner (DVV International Regional Director West Africa): wagner@dvv-


Alhassane Souaré (DVV International National Director Guinea office): souare@dvv-


Late submissions will not be accepted.

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DVV International Guinea Project Evaluation 2018


17. Evaluation criteria of proposals

The proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Qualifications of the evaluation team (counts one third) (based on criteria mentioned


Technical proposal (counts one third) (based on criteria mentioned above);

Financial proposal (counts one third) (best cost-service relation).

18. Request for clarification

If you should have queries concerning this application process, please send your questions to the

contact persons in Section 16 above. The deadline for submitting queries is September 14th. Answers

to all questions will be published on our website (https://www.dvv-international.de/dvv-

international/stellenangebote/) for all interested parties the following day.