tentative upcoming events*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/september20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · the...

September, 2020 Vol. 21, No. 9 Items for the Newsletter may be given to Alice Thomsen, 55 Scenic Drive (please place in mail box on porch) OR email to [email protected]. Deadline for the October Newsletter is September 15th. For home delivery of the Newsletter, please call Sandra Sholley @ 717-866-6351 The Newsletter is available on line in FULL COLOR at www.thelakeviewcenter.net. TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS* Oct. 12……………………..ResidentsMeeting 7 pm. Oct. 20…………………….Wolf Sanctuary Tour, Virginia Lamendola, chair. See page 6 Nov. 11…………………….Veterans Day Program, Paul Landry, chair, details to follow. Nov. 28…………………….Decorate for Christmas, details to follow. Dec. 13…………………….Christmas Caroling around Arbor Gate, 3 pm, details to follow. Dec. 18…………………….Hometown Wine and Cheese Event *These events may have to be canceled or postponed depending on the conditions due to the virus. NEW RESIDENTS Carolyn Wakefield 14 Brookside Circle Leigh Beamesderfer 25 Scenic Drive Arthur and Mara Schaeffer 54 Scenic Drive Terry and Suzanne Schott 33 Rosemont Drive Frank and Bonnie Werner 25 Arbor Drive Vicki White 7 Greenbriar Drive Edward and Gloria Boardman 109 Arbor Drive Claudia Lawrence 9 Arbor Drive Leonard and Carolyn Milano 7 Rosemont Drive Marie Stickler 27 Arbor Drive WHOS GOT TALENT? We are now searching for singers and stage crew to participate in an upcoming musical to be announced. If you are interested and want more information, please call Kathy Wissinger, show coordinator at 717-476-2357.

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Page 1: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

September, 2020 Vol. 21, No. 9

Items for the Newsletter may be given to Alice Thomsen, 55 Scenic Drive (please place in mail box on porch) OR email to [email protected]. Deadline for the October Newsletter is September 15th.

For home delivery of the Newsletter, please call Sandra Sholley @ 717-866-6351

The Newsletter is available on line in FULL COLOR at www.thelakeviewcenter.net.


Oct. 12……………………..Residents’ Meeting 7 pm.

Oct. 20…………………….Wolf Sanctuary Tour, Virginia Lamendola, chair. See page 6

Nov. 11…………………….Veteran’s Day Program, Paul Landry, chair, details to follow.

Nov. 28…………………….Decorate for Christmas, details to follow.

Dec. 13…………………….Christmas Caroling around Arbor Gate, 3 pm, details to follow.

Dec. 18…………………….Hometown Wine and Cheese Event

*These events may have to be canceled or postponed depending on the conditions due to the virus.


Carolyn Wakefield 14 Brookside Circle

Leigh Beamesderfer 25 Scenic Drive

Arthur and Mara Schaeffer 54 Scenic Drive

Terry and Suzanne Schott 33 Rosemont Drive

Frank and Bonnie Werner 25 Arbor Drive

Vicki White 7 Greenbriar Drive

Edward and Gloria Boardman 109 Arbor Drive

Claudia Lawrence 9 Arbor Drive

Leonard and Carolyn Milano 7 Rosemont Drive

Marie Stickler 27 Arbor Drive


We are now searching for singers and stage crew to participate in an upcoming musical to be announced. If you are interested and want more information, please call Kathy Wissinger, show coordinator at 717-476-2357.

Page 2: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

Page 2 Lakeview Center Newsletter



Russ Kunkle Alan Stover Brenda Stover Shirley Reynolds

Nathaniel Longenecker

2 SYMPATHY CARDS SENT TO: Frieda Stetsko Sister Olga Killinger Husband

Sunshine Lady for August: Mary Leh 717-628-5090

4 Jan Wise 18 Ginny Sherk

5 Stan Lienti 21 Joy Nesbitt 11 Jerry Erdman 23 John English

12 Mary Ann Schwartz Diane DeLuca

14 Sherry Schaffer 24 Jo-Anne Rudy


Ladies Bible Study is now meeting on Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 downstairs at Lakeview Center. All ladies are welcome to join us as we study the word of God. If you would like more information, the contacts for the study are:

Diane Zanias – 484-212-5474

Mary Ellen DeMoss – 717-866-1416


If you are interested, please call Helen Ostertag at 717-628-8220. There is no sign-up sheet in the center. If enough women are interested, we will start the end of September.



The functioning of the Lakeview Center is the awesome responsibility of the resident committee. It is composed of seven members. The officers in-clude a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and the re-

maining representatives will act as liaisons between the Committee Chairpersons and Resident Committee. Coming in 2021, the committee will need two resident volunteers to serve for a three-year term. The slate of names will be announced by the Nominating Committee at the November Residents’ meeting. Elections for the nominees will take place at the December meeting by a majority vote of those residents in attendance at that meeting. Your board has been meeting every month by Zoom during this COVID time. We HOPE that by October residents will be able to meet in the Lakeview Center for a Residents Meeting on October 12th . If you or someone you know is interested in being nominated to the Lakeview Resident Committee please contact.

Bud Lake – (717)514-7550 [email protected] Eileen McIntyre – (610)348-1667 [email protected] Frank Girello – (717)628-5481 [email protected]

Page 3: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

Page ン Lake┗ie┘ Center Ne┘sleter

BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The Hook disIussion group is held the ヱst Wednesday of the マonth at ヲ pマ:

SepteマHer ン Mrs. LinIoln’s Dressマaker Hy Jennifer Chia┗erini

OItoHer 7 Where the Cra┘dads Sing Hy Della O┘ens

Ne┘ マeマHers ┘ith ne┘ Hook suggesions ┘elIoマe.

Subマited by Judy Duミkle


Calling all the ladies in Arbor Gate, especially if you are kind of new here. Who would ever expect you can have so much fun playing pool? Forget the guys, we ladies have our own pool league, and our own rules. The first and primary rule being to enjoy the laughs and comraderie. Even if you have never played pool be-fore, come join us. We always have fun; we’ll even help you learn the game. If you think you might like to try playing, but are reluctant to commit to a whole sea-son, sign up as a sub and see how you enjoy the game and the outing. The Fall session will start Tuesday, September 22, and continue untill December 8. If we have 12 or more players, the games will be at 9:30 and 1:30, fewer than 12 players and the games will only be at 9:30. The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call Irene Monahan at 866-7508


The next meeting of the Arbor Gate Sewing Club will be held on Sept. 15 from 1-3 pm, at the community center. We be making Christmas tree napkins. You will need 1/2 yard of two coordinating materials for four napkins. We will provide the pattern and direc-tions. I look forward to seeing you in September!

Thanks to all of the wonderful ladies who made pillows for cancer patients. I took 19 pillows to UPMC breast care center and they were very happy to get them.

If anyone still wants masks, phone or text Candie Falger at 717-507-5151 or email [email protected]. Donations for the food bank are still being accepted.

Questions? Please contact Candie Falger 717-507-5151

Page 4: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

Page 4 Lake┗ie┘ Center Ne┘sleter

LAKEVIEW COFFEE SHOP IS NOW OPEN!!!! COVID HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 8 – 10 A.M. (Closed Thursday)

Coffee is available but snacks are not permitted at this time due to Covid-19.

In addition, other drinks (water and soda) are now available to purchase in the activities sign-up room as well.


The Arbor Gate Residents Committee is looking for a resident volunteer to step up and manage the coffee shop.

Job Responsibilities: Open and close shop, make coffee, make sure the supplies are replenished when needed. Costs are covered by the Resident Committee.

If you are interested in taking over this position, please contact Ed Consalo, chairperson of the Resi-dents Committee, 717-866-2921 or [email protected]. A.S.A.P.

Arbor Gate Resident Committee

Yes, it is true-special, caring people do live here!!! My daughter and I were warmed by the beautiful bouquet from the Arbor Gate Angels and the Vets, the single white rose with no card, the goodies and food left at my front door, and the many thoughtful cards, especially “what a very nice man Tom was” chatting with them as he walked Duffy.

We thank each of you for your caring and loving thoughtfulness on Tom’s passing.

This is a wonderful place to live.

Pat and Sharon Larson

I would like to thank all of my Arbor Gate friends and neighbors for their kind expres-sions of sympathy after the passing of my husband Ross. The phone calls, cards, and flowers were much appreciated. To the person who placed a painted stone among my outdoor plants, THANK YOU. Linda Davis

Page 5: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

Page ヵ Lake┗ie┘ Center Ne┘sleter

Notes froマ Marilyn:

COVID-ヱΓ – Update: In Iase you do not kno┘ – the Coママunity Center is open, Monday thru Friday. Hours are Β AM to ヱヱ AM, ヱ PM to ヵ PM. Masks マust He ┘orn Hefore entering the Huilding. Please follo┘ the restriIions ┘hile in the Center. If you ha┗e any ケuesions, please Iall マe ふ7ヱ7-Βヶヶ-Γンヶンぶ.

Hoマeto┘n OiIe is Hy appointマent only at the Iurrent iマe. Please Iall ふ7ヱ7-Βヶヶ-


Please reマeマHer the Ienter is Ilosed Het┘een ヱヱ-ヱ for saniizing.

ヱ. I reaIhed out to Angel pets to マayHe help resol┗e the stray Iats on the property. I ha┗e not heard HaIk froマ theマ yet. If you ┘ould like to Iall theマ the nuマHer is 7ヱ7-Γヲヱ-ヲヱヱ7. Hopefully, I ┘ill hear HaIk froマ theマ soon.

ヲ. Please read the rules and regulaions that you agreed to ┘hen you purIhased your hoマe. If you need a Iopy, let マe kno┘ and I ┘ill マake sure you get one.

La┘n ornaマents are only allo┘ed in the HaIk of your hoマes. Nothing ornaマental is allo┘ed in lo┘er Heds in the front yard or the side yard of your property. No glass Halls マirrored Halls, ┘agons, etI. I ┘ill He sending out leters o┗er the ne┝t fe┘ ┘eeks if I noiIed ornaマents that need reloIaion on your property.

ン. Speed Liマit is ヲヵ throughout the Ioママunity! If you do not ┘ant マore stop signs or speed Huマps installed, PLEASE SLOW DOWN!

If you need to step on the Hrake to go around a Iorner, you are going too fast. 4. There is no yard sale this year due to COVID-ヱΓ.

Thank you to all the neighbors who kept in touch with me with prayers, cards and phone calls during my recent broken hip and rehab at Stone Ridge. Thank you to all the kind friends who brought many meals after I returned home. It's great to be back at Arbor Gate!

Grace Marquette

A huge thank you to all my neighbors and friends for the many cards sent and prayers offered as I recover from my cancer treatments and stem cell transplant. Thanks, too, for the delicious meals I received. And special thanks to my new neighbors, Cathy and Paul Kashella, for their constant help as I regain my strength. All the encouragement from Arbor Gate residents means a lot!

Diane Marquette

Page 6: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

For Sale: Red Lazy Boy twin chair with pull out bed. Excellent condition, rarely used, $300.00 OBO. Call Ken Sherk 717-866-5685.

For Sale: Patio Canopy. Excellent condition, Size approx. 10.5’ x 13.5’. Asking $85.00 OBO. Call Frank 717-628-5481

For Sale: Two 4' matching wooden bench chairs (from dining room set). Brown seat w/black legs. Like new $50. 9 drawer and 1 door bedroom chest. Medium maple finish. 5' high 3'10" wide 16" deep. $100 OBO.Call Carol 717-628-1837

Have Something To Sell?

List it Here Next Month!!! See Below


The rules for inserting your classified ad into the monthly Newsletter will be applied as follows: 1. Only residents may place classified ads – NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. Resident businesses may not place classified ads to sell their goods or services. 3. Ads are meant to sell personally owned items such as tools, automobiles, household items or just about anything that you own and no longer need. Classified ads for services will not be accepted. 4. Each ad will be reviewed to determine its validity. 5. Each classified ad will run for one issue. 6. All ads must contain the full name and phone number of the resident placing the ad. 7. The cost of each ad will be $5.00 for the first 25 words. Additional words may be purchased at the rate of $1.00 for up to five words. Ads can be a maximum of 50 words. For example: If your ad is 33 words the cost will be $7.00. 8. Microsoft Word will be used to determine the word count of each ad.

To place an ad, email your ad with Classifieds in the Subject Line to: [email protected]

After a brief review you will receive an email with the cost for your classified ad. All ads must be paid for not later than the 14th of each month preceding the publishing date. In other words, if you want your ad to be in the next newsletter, it must be submitted, approved, and paid for not later than the 14th of the month before publication.


Oct. 20 10:00 AM

A guided tour of the Wolf Sanctuary in Brickerville is being planned.

We will car poll from the activities center at 9:15 am. Lunch will be available at the historical Brickerville House after the tour, if desired. For more information, contact Virginia Lamendola 570-236-6755.

Page 6 Lakeview Center Newsletter

Page 7: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9 AM Weight training

10 AM Ladies’ Pool

1 PM Rummy Kub


8:45 AM Ladies’ Shuffle

9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1:30 PM Pinochle 2 PM BOOK CLUB


7:45 AM ROMEO** 9 AM Weight training

1 PM Mah Jongg





9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1 PM Stitch & Chat 1 PM Ladies Bible Study


9 AM Weight training

10 AM Ladies’ Pool

1 PM Rummy Kub


9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1:30 PM Pinochle


7:45 AM ROMEO** 9 AM Weight training

1 PM Mah Jongg





9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1 PM Stitch & Chat 1 PM Ladies Bible Study


9 AM Weight training

10 AM Ladies’ Pool

1 PM Canasta

1 PM Rummy Kub



9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1:30 PM Pinochle


7:45 AM ROMEO**

9AM Weight training

1 PM Mah Jongg



20 21

9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1 PM Stitch & Chat 1 PM Ladies Bible Study


9 AM Weight training

10 AM Ladies’ Pool

1 PM Canasta

1 PM Rummy Kub


8:45AM Ladies Shuffleboard

9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

9:30 AM Ladies Pool

1:30 PM Pinochle


7:45 AM ROMEO ** 9 AM Weight training

1 PM Mah Jongg





9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

1 PM Stitch & Chat 1 PM Ladies Bible Study


9 AM Weight training

10 AM Ladies’ Pool

1 PM Rummy Kub

1 PM Canasta


8:45AM Ladies Shuffleboard

9 AM Mens’ Pool 9 AM Aerobics, Fee

9:30 AM Ladies Pool

1:30 PM Pinochle

Page 7 Lakeview Center Newsletter

** Retired Old Men Eating Out .. All men are invited to join us at Country Fare Restaurant. RECYCLE PICK UP

Page 8: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

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Agatha Klick 28 Arbor Drive Myerstown, Pa 17067

717-866-5653 [email protected]


Resident Resident




717-866-2335 9 East Church St * Richland, PA

Page 9: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

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Page 10: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

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Page 11: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

Please Mention Arbor Gate Newsletter to Our Advertisers


Page 12: TENTATIVE UPCOMING EVENTS*thelakeviewcenter.net/newsletters/September20.pdf · 2020. 8. 28. · The sign-up sheet is in the pool room until Tuesday, September 15. Any questions, call

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In Home service for Seniors by Seniors Companionship Light Housekeeping

Meal Preparation Transportation

Overnight Stays Mobility Assistance

Personal Grooming Dementia/ & Dressing Alzheimer’s Care

Our staff has the experience to care for your loved one.

As a home care agency our staff has the experience to help you with what you are going through. We work to make sure we meet your family’s needs.

Call 717-933-2077

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Please Mention Arbor Gate Newsletter to Our Advertisers


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The Residents of 375 Arbor Gate homes

Will Read Your Ad Here

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Bring this Ad with you for $5.00 Off

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At Schaefferstown Family Chiropractic & Massage Therapy, PC we offer services to the entire family,

including children and expecting mothers. We offer Chiropractic, Massage, AmpCoil (PEMF) and Foot Detox Services.

Place Your Ad Here To be seen in over

375 Arbor Gate homes.