tender 2388-2019 boxwood connector ground …

TENDER 2388-2019 BOXWOOD CONNECTOR GROUND IMPROVEMENT ADDENDUM 2 This addendum shall be read in conjunction with and considered as an integral part of the Tender Contract 2388-2019. Revisions supersede the information contained in the original Tender Contract 2388-2019 or previously issued Addendum. No consideration will be allowed for any extras due to any Proponent not being familiar with the contents of this Addendum. The following changes become effective immediately. CLOSING DATE The tender closing date has been extended. The new closing date is Tuesday, April 23, 2019, at 3 PM. APPENDICES ADD Appendix 8 Wildlife Act Permit NA19-467696 c/w Ecosystems Branch, Ministry of Environment, British Columbia – Hygiene Protocols for Amphibian field staff and researchers. SECTION 1 – SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS REVISE 1.23.2 by appending the following: “The Contractor shall provide a tracked excavator and operator for eight hours to assist with this work” QUESTIONS/ANSWERS Q8. Can the tender close date be extended? A8. The new closing date is Tuesday, April 23, 2019, at 3 PM. Q9. When is the deadline to submit questions for this tender? A9. Questions will be received up to 4:30 p.m. local time on April 16, 2019. Q10. In Phase 1 is there a grubbing item to be done prior to stripping and setting up the stockpile area? A10. Phase 1 Grubbing shall be included in the tender price for 1.6 Stripping and Off-Site Disposal

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This addendum shall be read in conjunction with and considered as an integral part of the Tender Contract 2388-2019. Revisions supersede the information contained in the original Tender Contract 2388-2019 or previously issued Addendum. No consideration will be allowed for any extras due to any Proponent not being familiar with the contents of this Addendum. The following changes become effective immediately. CLOSING DATE The tender closing date has been extended. The new closing date is Tuesday, April 23, 2019, at 3 PM. APPENDICES ADD Appendix 8 Wildlife Act Permit NA19-467696 c/w Ecosystems Branch, Ministry of

Environment, British Columbia – Hygiene Protocols for Amphibian field staff and researchers.

SECTION 1 – SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS REVISE 1.23.2 by appending the following: “The Contractor shall provide a tracked excavator and operator for eight hours to assist with this work” QUESTIONS/ANSWERS Q8. Can the tender close date be extended? A8. The new closing date is Tuesday, April 23, 2019, at 3 PM. Q9. When is the deadline to submit questions for this tender? A9. Questions will be received up to 4:30 p.m. local time on April 16, 2019. Q10. In Phase 1 is there a grubbing item to be done prior to stripping and setting up the stockpile

area? A10. Phase 1 Grubbing shall be included in the tender price for 1.6 Stripping and Off-Site


Tender Contract 2388-2019 – Addendum 2 con’t Page 2 Q11. Environmental Monitoring – is there a frequency of monitoring required throughout the

project? i.e. once per week? A11. The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the Environmental Management Plan, Section 4

Roles and Responsibilities, Sub-section 4.4 Contractor’s Environmental Monitor. Q12. Import material backfill for 1.7, 1.8, 1.13, & 1.14, is this to be paid for from Item 3.2? Is

excavation of utilities to be paid from Item 3.1? A12. Import material backfill for 1.7, 1.8, &1.14 to be paid for from Item 3.2. Import material

backfill for 1.13 to be included in the Lump Sum price for 1.13. Excavation for installation of the water service connection and road crossing of Rosstown Road to be included in the Lump Sum price for 1.13. Excavation for installation of all other utilities and for trench line preparation to be paid under item 3.1.

Q13. The only area of the tender that grubbing of the site is mentioned is in Phase 2 item 2.1

Grub, Strip and Place (IL+) Material. 1. Item 2.2 Debris removal states that this pay item does not include off-site disposal

of grubbed materials and that roots and organic material segregated through the grubbing and stripping process shall be included in the payment for stripping and grubbing? Please clarify what you would like done with the grubbed material?

2. Item 1.6 Stripping and offsite disposal has no mention of grubbing in this pay item, is grubbing to be included here?

3. When processing this material onsite are you wanting the size of this material to match the 3” import size specification?

4. What is the intent with the rejected material that is screened out?

A13. Answers in the order asked: 1. Grubbed material to be hauled off-site for disposal to a disposal site provided by the

Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 2. Phase 1 Grubbing shall be included in the tender price for 1.6 Stripping and Off-Site

Disposal 3. Screening process to remove all material larger than 75 mm (3 inch) 4. Rejected material from the screening process to be hauled off-site for disposal to a

disposal site provided by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Q14. Can you provide more information on what is expected for the site maintenance during the

preload period? A14. The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain a secure site with restricted access

throughout the preload period. This work will include, but is not limited to the following: 1. Maintenance of a six-foot-high Temporary Steel Security Fence around the perimeter

of the site to restrict public access; 2. Weekly monitoring, at a minimum, to ensure that access restriction is maintained and

functioning as intended; 3. Removal of any accumulations of garbage; 4. Protection and maintenance of the pre-load; 5. Protection and maintenance of plantings; 6. Protection and maintenance of Sediment and Erosion Control works; and 7. Provision of insurance that is consistent with contractual requirements throughout the

preload period.

Tender Contract 2388-2019 – Addendum 2 con’t Page 3 Q15. In the Geo tech report it talks about test holes being done but no test hole information

provided as to where and what was encountered in these test hole could this be provided? A15. Article 28 of the Instructions to Tenderers provides a comprehensive list of the Soil and

Environmental Condition Reports that have been prepared for this project. These reports are available on the internet at the referenced websites.

Q16. The lock block wall has no specification for the concrete blocks. Please provide? It appears

that some of the lower courses of blocks will remain, can you confirm? Will drainage behind the blocks be needed?

A16. Answers in the order asked: 1. Lock blocks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete and of standard

dimension (.75m x .75 m x 1.5 m); 2. Lock blocks shall be constructed of consistent design using a single pour without cold

joints; 3. All Lock block retaining walls are temporary structures but will be remain in place until

the end of the preload period; 4. All pre-cast concrete lock blocks become the property of the Owner at the end of the

contract; and, 5. Preload material will be free-draining, and the Lock Blocks allow seepage through the

cracks in the face, therefore no additional drainage is required. Q17. Please clarify where the quantity of 4000 M3 for item 3.1 is to go? A17. The Utility Trench Alignment cut material will consist of (IL+), (UP+), and (UP-) soils as

illustrated on Dwg No. 301. This cut material is to be handled and placed in the same manner as similar material that is cut from the pond excavation.

Q18. Item 3.2 has a volume of 4000 M3 and talks about Import 3” minus, where will this be

placed. A18. Import material will be used to backfill the trench alignment that is excavated under pay

item 3.1. Q19. Would you be able to provide a front profile of the lock black walls. There are only a few

cross sections and a front profile would help calculate the amount of Geogrid required. A19. No. Q20. As per addendum #1 Q&A #1. It states that PVC is acceptable except where the pipe is

exposed to daylight at inlets or outlets. As PVC pipe has been accepted in the City of Nanaimo at Headwall connection before… Is the connection where the 900mm pipe meets the headwall considered “Exposed to Daylight”?

A20. The connection where the 900 mm pipe meets the headwall is not considered “Exposed to Daylight”

NOTE: Submit signed copy of this Addendum 2 with your tender submission.

Signature Company Name Date

Date: 2019-04-11



Interim Hygiene Protocols for Amphibian field staff and researchers


To describe hygiene protocols to be used by amphibian field staff and researchers to

reduce risk of disease transmission among sites and among animals within a site.


Over the past few decades emerging infectious diseases such as the amphibian chytrid

fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) and ranavirus have been implicated in the

decline of amphibian populations from many sites around the world. It is thought that

field staff could act as potential vectors of transmission introducing these diseases into

new sites and to naïve species. The risk of this mode of transmission is not fully

understood compared to other modes of transmission, for example by vectors such as

waterfowl and other wildlife. However, to reduce the risk, it is essential that all field

workers incorporate the hygiene protocol into their research plans as Standard Operating

Procedure (SOP).

To encourage compliance, the SOP below aims to strike a balance between reducing

risk of disease transmission and increasing ease of protocol implementation under field


The protocols below address two levels of disease transmission: 1) the risk of disease

transmission between sites; and 2) the risk of disease transmission among individuals

within a site.


This protocol applies to all field staff working in aquatic habitats sampling

amphibians in freshwater lentic and lotic wetlands.




• Plastic tote or box to store field equipment.

• Buckets and totes for mixing bleach solution and soaking equipment

• Spray bottle for bleach solution

• Scraper, brushes, hand-brushes

• Rubber dishwashing gloves, rubber apron

• Clean plastic containers and bags for temporarily holding animals

• Household bleach (contains active ingredient 5-6.5% sodium hypochlorite solution)

• Vinyl or nitrile gloves for handling amphibians

• Sterilizing solutions (ethanol) and alcohol burner/lighter for disinfecting instruments if toe-clipping or marking animals.

• Container for waste disposal STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP)

I. SOP when moving between sites

Definition of site

At geographic scales of tens of kilometres, watersheds and major geographical

barriers should be used to designate separate sites.

Each tributary of a river should be considered a separate site. Wetlands, ponds and

lakes separated by dry land should be considered separate sites.

Site designation is particularly difficult at smaller geographic scales and with small

isolated water bodies. At scales less than 500 m, if the water bodies remain separate

under high water/flood conditions then they should be considered separate sites. Within a

stream (at distances less than 500 m) sampling should occur in a downstream direction

where possible. Each stream and each upstream location should be considered separate


Equipment treatment

Equipment such as wetsuits, waders, footwear, nets, buckets, and traps may act as

vectors of disease spread. In this SOP we recommend household bleach for disinfection

because it is widely available and it is easy to dispose under field conditions if the



precautions below are followed. However, there are a number of other disinfectants that

have been tested (Table 1) that offer a variety of other advantages. The SOP can be used

with these chemical disinfectants instead of bleach, but manufacturer’s recommendations

and Material Safety Data Sheet requirements for use and disposal must be followed. It is

important to ensure that disinfectants do not leave a residue on equipment, as the residue

can be harmful to amphibians

1. Before leaving a site, field workers must scrub using a hand brush and rinse using the

pond/stream water to remove mud, algae, plants, snails and other invertebrates from

all equipment. Disinfection procedures work best on cleaned equipment, free of


2. A bleach solution with 0.2 % sodium hypochlorite and exposure time of 10 minutes

has been shown to be effective against Bd (Johnson et al 2003). Commercial

household bleach sold in North America often contains 6.15% sodium hypochlorite,

but concentrations can vary. To prepare the disinfectant solution, add 32 ml of

household bleach to 1 litre of water. This translates to approximately 3.5 cups (0.85

litre) of bleach to one tall bucket or tote (~ 25 litres) of water. In the absence of

municipal/well water supply, water from the pond or stream can be used.

3. All equipment must be soaked in the bleach solution for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Small items such as dipnets, and sample containers can be immersed in the bleach

solution in a bucket or plastic tote. Larger items such as chest waders, paddles, boats,

canoes, meter sticks and other survey equipment should be thoroughly soaked with

the bleach solution using a spray bottle.

4. The bleach solution can be rinsed off after 15 minutes with clean water from a well or

municipal supply. However, if clean treated water is not available, the items can be

hung out to dry, preferably in sunlight, so that the bleach evaporates completely from

the equipment.

5. The bleach solution can damage exposed skin and clothing. Dishwashing gloves and

rubber aprons should be worn to protect clothing and skin from exposure to the

bleach solution.



6. The SOP is most easily carried out back at the laboratory or field station. All

equipment should be stored in a waterproof box or tote during transportation to

prevent contaminating the vehicle and preventing the vehicles from acting as

secondary sources of cross contamination.

7. If the equipment needs to be used immediately at another site prior to returning to the

laboratory or field station, the SOP should be carried out on a road or other

impermeable surface away from the waterbody, so that no bleach contaminated water

enters surface water bodies. If time permits, all equipment should be dried

completely between sites. This is facilitated by having two sets of gear, one of which

is drying while the other is in use. If the equipment needs to be used immediately at

another site, residual bleach from nets and other equipment should be rinsed off using

water from the second site, again working away from the waterbody. Even trace

amounts of residual bleach can adversely affect amphibians on contact.

8. In the field, the bleach solution is best disposed far from the waterbody by pouring

over an asphalt, hard roadbed or concrete surface where it breaks down in sunlight

and evaporates. Ensure no bleach water enters surface waters directly.

9. Washing road vehicles at a carwash between watersheds is desirable. All off-road

vehicles, boats, canoes, and other floatation devices should be subject to the same

SOP as sampling equipment. Large equipment, such as boats and seine nets, are most

easily handled by spraying with or soaking in the bleach solution and then rinsing off

at a carwash using high pressure hot water rinses.

Special Sites

The above SOP should be sufficient to reduce the risk of disease transmission under

most circumstances. However, at sites where there have been known disease outbreaks or

sites with highly endangered amphibian populations extra precautions are necessary. The

simplest solution would be to have dedicated field gear that is used only at that site.

II. SOP under Special Circumstances

The above SOP should be implemented under all normal operating conditions.

However, if for unforeseen and unplanned reasons it is not possible to adhere strictly to



the above SOP the following precautions can be taken to reduce the risk of disease


1. At a minimum, all equipment should be scrubbed and rinsed thoroughly to remove

debris, algae, invertebrates and mud.

2. Complete drying between sites can reduce the risk of transmission of chytrid fungus

(Bd) but is not effective against ranavirus.

3. If it is possible to heat water, equipment should be soaked in water > 60° C for 30

minutes. This method may be practical for small equipment such as dipnets that come

in direct contact with the animals.

III. SOP for handling amphibians within a site

It is important to assume that not all animals from a site are infected and that handling

multiple animals without adequate caution will significantly increase the risk of between

animal disease transmissions. The following SOP should be followed to ensure that

handling by field staff does not increase the risk of an animal being exposed to a


1. All field staff must ensure that their hands are well cleaned and free of residual

chemicals such as sunscreen and insecticides at the start of the survey.

2. All field staff must wear disposable gloves when capturing amphibians. Non-

powdered vinyl and nitrile gloves are preferred, as latex has been shown to have

toxicity towards frog embryos and tadpoles.

3. Gloves should be changed between animal captures. If under unforeseeable

circumstances access to gloves is limited, it is better to capture animals with bare

hands and wash hands thoroughly in water to which the animals are habitually

exposed, rather than to use the same pair of gloves to handle multiple animals.

4. Captured animals must be housed in separate disinfected containers or disposable

bags such as plastic Ziploc bags.

5. The duration of restraint should be as short as possible. The greatest stress and risk of

disease transmission between animals is during restraint. Every effort should be made



to process animals at the site of capture and avoid captivity. Containers used to house

individuals should not be reused unless the containers have been treated using 4%

bleach solution as described in SOP #1 above.

6. Fresh disposable gloves must be worn when measuring, swabbing or marking the


7. Surgical instruments such as scissors used for toe clipping should be dipped in 70%

ethanol and flamed briefly between uses. A bic lighter is useful and effective for

flaming surgical instruments in the field. Wiping down with ethanol alone kills the

pathogens but does not completely destroy the pathogen DNA. This may increase the

number of false positives if the animals are being sampled for disease prevalence.

8. Instruments used for inserting PIT tags and other tags should also be sterilized

between animals. Fresh disposable syringes should be used for each animal.

9. The tuberculin syringes used for fluorescent elastomer paint injections present a

special problem. The needles can neither be changed between animals nor is it

practical to use a fresh syringe for each marked animal. At this time the

recommendation is that the needles should be sterilized with appropriate

viricide/bactericide (or dipped in 70% ethanol) and rinsed with distilled water

between making animals. The efficacy of this method in preventing between animal

disease transmission needs to be assessed.


When in doubt, field staff should use the precautionary principle and use the highest

standards of cleanliness possible. An additional half hour spent following the most

stringent SOP is well worth the effort. A number of other protocols, using a variety of

disinfection agents are listed below.




Daszak P, Cunningham AA, Hyatt AD. 2001. Draft guidelines for international translocation of amphibians with respect to infectious diseases. Attachment 6. In: Speare R and Steering Committee of Getting the Jump on Amphibian Disease. Developing management strategies to control amphibian diseases: Decreasing the risks due to communicable diseases. School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University: Townsville. 2001: 150-156.

Department of Environment and Heritiage. 2006. Threat abatement plan for infection of amphibians with chytrid fungus resulting in chytridiomycosis. Department of Environment and Heritage, Commonwealth of Australia. http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/publications/tap/chytrid/

Gutleb, A. C., M. Bronkhorst, J. H. J. van den berg, and A. J. Murk. 2001. Latex

laboratory gloves: an unexpected pitfall in amphibian toxicity assays with tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 10:119-121.

Johnson M, Berger L, Philips L, Speare R. 2003. Fungicidal effects of chemical

disinfectants, UV light, dessication and heat on the amphibian chytrid, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 57:255-260.

Speare, R., L. Berger, L. F. Skerratt, R. A. Alford, D. Mendez, S. Cashins, N. Kenyon, K.

Hauselberger, and J. J. L. Rowley. 2004. Hygiene protocol for handling amphibians in field studies. Amphibian Disease Group, James Cook University, Townsville 4811, Australia. http://www.jcu.edu.au/school/phtm/PHTM/frogs/field-hygiene.pdf

US Forest Service Intermountain Region. Technical Chemical Information for

Disinfecting Aquatic Invasive Species (excellent resource for calculating disinfectant dilutions) http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/resources/aquatic/guidelines/chemical_tech_final.xls

Webb, R., D. Mendez, L. Berger, and R. Speare. 2007. Additional disinfectants effective

against the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 74:13-16.

Wellington, R. and R. Haering. 2001. Hygiene protocol for the control of diseases in

frogs. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service Threatened Species Management Information Circular No 6, Hurstville, Australia. www.npws.gov.au/wildlife/licence/frog.html



Table 1: Summary of disinfectant concentrations and exposure times found to be effective against Bd. Table reproduced with modification from Speare et al (2004) with additional information from Johnson et al (2003) and Webb et al (2007). DISINFECTANT CONCENTRATION TIME REFERENCE Disinfecting surgical equipment and scales Ethanol 70% 1 min Speare et al 2004

Webb et al 2007 Virkon 1mg/ml 1 min Speare et al 2004 Benzalkonium chloride

1 mg/ml 1 min Speare et al 2004

Disinfecting collection equipment, containers, footwear, waders, boats, nets and other field gear Household bleach (sodium hypochlorite 4% to 6%)

4% to 1% (0.2 to 0.01% sodium hypochlorite)

10 min to 30 sec

Speare et al 2004 Johnson et al 2003 Webb et al 2007

Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride

1 to 1000 dilution 30 sec Speare et al 2004

Quaternary ammonium compound 128

Full strength to 1x10-3

5 mins to 30 sec

Johnson et al 2003

Virkon 1 mg/ml 2 g/litre

5 min, 20 sec 1 min

Johnson et al 2003 Webb et al 2007

F10 Super Concentrate Disinfectant

0.7 ml/litre 1 min Webb et al 2007

TriGene Viricidal Surface Disinfectant Cleaner

0.2 ml/litre 1 min Webb et al 2007

DDAC 2 ml/litre 1 min Webb et al 2007 Sodium chloride 10% 5 min, 2 min Johnson et al 2003 Potassium permanganate

2% 10 min, 5 min Johnson et al 2003

Hot wash for cloth bags and clothing

60°C or greater 15 mins Speare et al 2004

Heat 60°C 30 minutes Speare et al 2004 Webb et al 2007

Complete drying (footwear only)

Effective against Bd but not ranavirus

3 hrs or greater Speare et al 2004

Sterilising UV light (1000 mW m-2, wavelength 254 nm)

Effective against ranavirus but not Bd

1 min Speare et al 2004 Johnson et al 2003