ten-tdays 2018 · 14:00-16:00 south-east europe ministerial meeting (closed session) povodni moz...

TEN-T Days 2018 Ljubljana 25>27 April 2018 Event Programme

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TEN-TDays 2018 Ljubljana 25>27 April 2018

Event Programme


Event Programme


Event Programme


VIP/closed sessions

10:30-13:00 The Future of Mobility: Marketplace and Hackathon Kupola Hall

During the TEN-T Days 2018, the European Commission gives the opportunity to young European entrepreneurs and companies to showcase innovative mobility solutions, as well as investors to share their investment actions.During 2 days, there will be:01. Idea accelerator and futuristic lab marketplace is a networking place to

meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe. More than 6 hours of pitching of 80 presenters from (1) young innovative companies (start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs) and (2) Project promoters: EU-funded projects, public and private funding and financing managers

02. ‘Hackathon Ljubljana: Create Ljubljana’s mobility future in 2030’ is organised by ABC Slovenia.

Official opening• Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport

Master of ceremony:• Henriette Van Eijl, Policy Coordinator, Innovation & Research, Directorate-

General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

Launch of the “Hackathon Ljubljana: create Ljubljana’s mobility future in 2030” (organised by Urska Jez, CEO & Co-Founder, Acceleration Business City Slovenia)

Idea accelerator and futuristic lab - Pitches Part I Moderator:• Catherine Trautmann, TEN-T European Coordinator

14:00-16:00 South-East Europe Ministerial Meeting (closed session) Povodni Moz Hall

16:30-18:30 Southern Mediterranean Transport Ministerial Seminar (closed session) Povodni Moz Hall

19:00-22:00 VIP Dinner• Hosted by Zoran Janković, Mayor, Ljubljana City Hall

National Gallery

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

TEN-TDays2018 Event Programme

Event Programme


Event Programme TEN-TDays2018


Parallel sessions

09:00-10:45 Master Class: Planning of Vital urban nodesHow can cities, TEN-T corridor managers, city leaders and infrastructure operators cooperate to foster the vitality of their urban nodes within the TEN-T? This Vital Nodes Masterclass is an excellent opportunity to use planning tools that help decision makers to approach challenges such as congestion, poor air quality, noise, and road safety risks. It will start with a brief introduction into the first results of Vital Nodes, a project that that aims to tackle these issues in the urban nodes. After that, participants are invited in small groups to give the Vital Nodes methodology a try and to explore critical issues in innovation deployment, investment and integration in urban nodes – which could well be your urban node. The EU-funded Vital Nodes project (http://vitalnodes.eu/) aims to deliver evidence-based recommendations for effective and sustainable integration of the nodes into the TEN-T network corridors.

Moderator:• Isabelle Vandoorne, Deputy Head of Unit, Sustainable & Intelligent

Transport, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

Panellists:• Sjaak van der Werf, Coordinator, Vitalnodes project • Ricardo Poppeliers, Senior consultant Transport & Mobility, Ecorys

Urska 1

09:00-10:45 Enhancing the Alternative Fuels Market through Vision, Targets and Policy MeasuresThe CEF Action GREAT aims to upscale decarbonisation of the road transport sector along the Northern part of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor. In a cross-border partnership between regional public authorities and private companies, GREAT addresses one of our biggest challenges - the climate change. The seminar as well as the Action aims to support the Directive 2014/94/EU on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure. By discussing the visions, targets and policy measures in the geography of GREAT, other states and regions can be inspired and guided in their work to develop national policy frameworks for the market development of alternative fuels and their infrastructure. One central question of the seminar is, which are the successful policy measures that enhance the alternative fuels market in the GREAT geography and which are in place elsewhere? The session will encourage knowledge sharing within the EU.

Moderator:• Henrik Tornblad, Executive Advisor, Danish Transport, Construction and

Housing Authority

Speakers and panellists:• Mette Hoé, Leader of GREAT Activity 5: Study – Policy Measures, The

Capital Region of Denmark • Richard Ferrer, Project Officer, INEA• Roland Ferwerda, Director, Nationaal Kennisplatform Laadinfrastructuur

(NKL), The Netherlands• Saša Bart, Partner, Dyvolve Ltd • Hans-Juergen Salmhofer, Innovation and Technology, Ministry for Transport,

Austria• Gabriella Cassola, Project Manager, Ministry for Transport and infrastructure,

Malta• Jeppe Juul, President, European Federation for Transport and Environment

Urska 2

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia





09:00-10:45 How to integrate a gender dimension into the Trans-European Transport Network? This participatory brainstorming session will look at the reasons why a gender perspective should be introduced in TEN-T projects and corridors and how could the Trans-European Networks be made more women’s friendly. For instance, women are more aware and more concerned than men about safety or sanitary issues when they use road or rail infrastructure, be it as transport workers or as mere citizens. Participants will collectively look at how a gender dimension could be better integrated into the planning and the budgeting phase of future infrastructure development.

Moderators:• Elisabeth Kotthaus, Head of Unit, Social aspects, passenger rights & equal

opportunities, DG Mobility and Transport, European Commission• Maja Rogińska, Economist, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank

Concluding remarks: • Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport

Urska 3

09:00-10:45 Road Safety 1 – Safe and secure parkings Urska 4

Safe and secure parking places for trucks are needed to ensure socially fair conditions for professional drivers when taking rests. They are also needed to tackle growing issues related to cargo crime and unintended transport of illegal immigrants. However, safe and secure parking places remain too scarce and the services provided by existing facilities are often insufficient and uncoordinated. To improve this situation, the session on safe and secure parking’s will involve representatives of all relevant actors (e.g. drivers, hauliers, shippers, insurers, parking operators and infrastructure providers) to identify the major issues and to discuss the path forward. In addition, the session on safe and secure parking’s will discuss how CEF funding best could contribute to the development of safe and secure parkings.

Moderator:• Elisabeth Werner, Director Land, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission

Speakers:• Ap Boom, Senior Manager Supply Chain and Transportation Security,

Amazon• Benny Smets, Managing Director, Ninatrans and President, Febetra• Carlo Giannini, Risk & Insurance Manager, SONY• Frederic Maas, Delegate of the Board, European Secure Parking Madi

Sharma, Rapporteur Women in Transport, European Economic and Social Committee

• Hakan Nyström, Senior Vice President, AIG, Member of International Union of Marine Insurance Organisation

• Klaus Schierhackl, CEO, ASFiNAG • Stuart Madden, COO, C4T Parking Calais• Sylvie Gauthier, Sales Leader, Honeywell

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


Event Programme


09:30-13:00 INEA Workshop: 25 Years of TEN-T and INEA’s ContributionThe theme of the workshop will be 10 years of INEA’s support to TEN-T celebrating 25 years of achievements. Lessons learnt and the future vision will be discussed in a panel of representatives from projects and transport ministries.

Speakers:• Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport• Henrik Hololei, Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission• Maja Bakran, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission• Mathieu Grosch, TEN-T European Coordinator• Dirk Beckers, Director, INEA

Panellists:• Konrad Bergmeister, CEO, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE• Andreas Baeck, Project Manager of FAIRway Danube, Viadonau• Thomas Rousing-Schmidt, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Transport, Building

and Housing, Denmark• Michel Ruesen, Managing Director, ERTMS Users Group• Krista Maes, Director, De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.• Jarosław Orliński, Director of Department of Infrastructure Programmes,

Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, Poland• Maria Corral, Head of Sector for TEN-T, Ministry of Development, Spain• Anja van Niersen, CEO, Allego e-mobility

Kocka Hall

10:45-11:15 Coffee break11:15-13:00 Core Network Corridor meeting

North Sea-Mediterranean CorridorThe North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor stretches from the Scottish capital Edinburgh in the north, to the French ports of Marseille and Fos-sur-Mer in the south; passing through Ireland, England, the Low Countries and the French capital, before skirting the French/German boarder en-route south. When complete, the corridor will offer enhanced multimodal links between North Sea ports, major European rivers basins (the Maas, Rhine, Scheldt, Seine, Saone and Rhone) and the southern French ports of Fos-sur-Mer and Marseille. It will also improve links between the British Isles and Continental Europe.Speakers:• Péter Balázs, TEN-T European Coordinator• Herald Ruijters, Director Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport,

Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission • Deirdre Clune, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament• Régine Bréhier, General Director, HAROPA-Ports de Paris• Pascal Moens, Director, Promotion des Voies Navigables et de l’Intermodalité,

Service Public de Wallonie• Nicolas Bour, Director, Liaisons Européennes et Innovation, Voies navigable

de France • Guillaume Confais-Morieux, Managing Director, Rail Freight Corridor North

Sea – Mediterranean• Frank Serpentier, Project manager Seine-Scheldt Investments, Vlaamse

Waterweg• Geert Hermans, Accounting Manager, Fluxys Belgium NV (tbc)

Urska 1

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia





11:15-13:00 Steering Committee METEET (closed session) Urska 2

11:15-13:00 Aviation: Building tomorrow’s innovative air traffic systemTomorrow’s air traffic management system should be created by EU-wide solutions leveraging synergies that ensure interoperability. The session will be dedicated to showcase innovative digital solutions for a more efficient and effective transport system in Europe. It will focus on SESAR solutions enhancing air transport connectivity through combining legal measures, engagement of civil & military stakeholders, incentives and strong policy steering into an inclusive policy-driven innovation cycle.

Moderator:• Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager, SESAR Deployment Manager

Speakers and panellists:• Henrik Hololei, Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission• Marian-Jean Marinescu, Member of the Committee on Transport and

Tourism, European Parliament• Cristobal Millan de La Lastra, Head of Unit CEF Transport–Central and

South-East Europe, ATM and Marco Polo, INEA• Zmago Skobir, Managing Director, Ljubljana Airport• Kornél Szepessy, Chief Executive Officer, HungaroControl• Peter Bellew, Chief Operating Officer, Ryanair• Christophe Vivier, Head of the SES/SESAR Unit, European Defence Agency

Urska 3

11:15-13:00 EU funding for road infrastructure safety: saving lives, planning aheadSmall investments in road infrastructure upgrades can make a big difference for road safety. This session will look at examples and discuss how Member States with small budgets for road safety could make more use of EU funding instruments. It will also explore ways to better link road safety with funding solutions in the next Multiannual Financial Framework and how to “future-proof” interventions for developments in digitalisation and automation, seen in the context of the EU’s upcoming road safety policy framework 2020-2030.

Moderator: • Elisabeth Werner, Director Land, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission

Speakers: • Juraj Méry, Director General of the Project Management Division, Ministry

of Transport and Construction, Slovak Republic• Neil Valentine, Head of Sustainable Urban Mobility Division, European

Investment Bank• John Dawson, Chair of the Management Committee, Road Safety

Foundation, UK• Daina Belicka, Board Member, Central and Southern Europe Centre of

Excellence• Meng Lu, Strategic Innovation Manager, Dynniq

Urska 4

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


Event Programme


12:30-13:30 Bilateral partnering meetings – Part IMatch-making event with 15 minute bilateral meetings, organised by the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs)

Kupola Hall

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15.15 The Future of Mobility: Idea accelerator and futuristic lab – Pitches Part II: CitiesThe Marketplace sessions feature 12-15 pitches from young innovative companies and project promoters. This is a great opportunity to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.

Moderator:• Kurt Bodewig, TEN-T European Coordinator

Kupola Hall

15:30-16.45 The Future of Mobility: Idea accelerator and futuristic lab – Pitches Part III: Safety & Security (road)The Marketplace sessions feature 12-15 pitches from young innovative companies and project promoters. This is a great opportunity to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.

Moderator:• Martin Zeitler, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission

Kupola Hall

14:00-18:00 Electromobility Forum and developing of e-mobility servicesThe Electromobility Forum gathers prominent speakers who have been participating in European electro-mobility projects. They will discuss the lessons learned and the added value of these projects in stimulating the uptake of electro-mobility across Europe. Experiences gained in fields of the charging infrastructure, electric heavy duty vehicles, public transport and leisure aviation covering different countries –also the Cohesion countries, will be presented.The second part of this session is in the form of a panel debate. It focuses on e-Mobility services as a way to increase consumer buy-in for electric mobility, discussing issues related to payments, roaming, deployment of infrastructure (urban and motorways) and value-added service solutions.

Policy key note and opening of the Forum:• Herald Ruijters, Director Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport,

Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission Moderator: • Alain Van Gaever, Policy Officer, Sustainable & Intelligent Transport,

Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission


Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia





14:00-18:00 Speakers:(session 1):• Umberto Guida, Director Research and Innovation, ZeUS project• Igor Perkon, Programme Manager, PIPISTREL, leisure and training electric

aviation• Miha Valentinčič, Director of Innovative business models and digitalization,

Urban-E Petrol, Slovenia• Alexandru Teodorescu, Associate Partner, Renovation Asset Management,

CEF Blending project• Tanja Dalle-Muenchmeyer, Programme Manager Electric Freight, FREVUE

project(session 2):• Casper Kirketerp-Møller, CEO, CLEVER, Denmark• Baerte de Brey, Manager Electric Mobility, ELAAD , the Netherlands• Judith van Laarhoven, Amsterdam City, the Netherlands• Ingrid Winter, Director Retail and Markets, Worldline, France • Brice Fabry, Zero Emission Strategy & Ecosystem Director, Nissan/Renault

Alliance Automotive Europe

14:00-15:45 Motorways of the Sea (MoS)Session hosted by Brian Simpson, the European Coordinator for Motorways of the Sea. He will present the main elements of his latest Motorways of the Sea work program. The ensuing panel discussion and a debate with the audience is aimed at highlighting the overall contribution of MoS to the efficiency of the TEN-T policy as well as listing the future priorities of the maritime industry and expectations on how to better support short sea shipping in Europe. The discussion will be focused on the following priorities: Contribution of maritime sector to environment; Integration of MoS in the logistic chains; Horizontal priorities like safety, security and Sea Traffic Management.

Speakers:• Brian Simpson OBE, MoS European Coordinator • Wojciech Sopinski, Policy Coordinator, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission • Alexio Picco, Consultant, The Circle• Bogdan Ołdakowski, Secretary General, Baltic Ports Organisation • Per Stefenson, Marine Standards Advisor, Stena• Eva Perez, Director, Port of Valencia• Francesco Maria di Majo, President , Port of Civitavecchia• Paul Kyprianou, External Relations Manager, Grimaldi Group• François Potier, Director, Brittany Ferries

Urska 1

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


Event Programme


14:00-15:45 Core Network Corridor meetingMediterranean CorridorThe Mediterranean Core Network Corridor session will be hosted by European Coordinator Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst. He will present the main points of the 3rd Work Plan of the Corridor. Mrs Anna Ricciardi from INEA will give a status update of the Lyon-Turin project as well as of the CEF support to-date to projects on the Corridor. This will be followed by a status update of the structured cooperation between Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary regarding especially their cross-border connections. Next, the Regions of Languedoc-Roussillon and of Catalonia will take the floor to highlight opportunities for further links across their territories. Last, Mr Alejandro Faundez Lalana will reflect about the special Member States offices which have been set-up to facilitate coordination on the Corridor.

Speakers:• Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst, TEN-T European Coordinator• Anna Ricciardi, Project Officer, INEA• Matjaž Vrčko, Secretary International Affairs and Protocol Service,

Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenia• Kristijan Ležaić, Head of Service, Ministry of the Sea, Transport and

Infrastructure, Croatia• Szilvia Mogyorosi, Head of Railway Infrastructure Department, Ministry of

National Development, Hungary• Jean-Louis Gibelin, Vice-President in charge of Transportation, Region of

Occitanie• Laia Mercade Ruiz, Technical Coordinator of Infrastructure and Mobility,

Government of Catalonia• Alejandro Faundez Lalana, Deputy Coordinator Mediterranean Corridor,


Urska 2

14:00-15:45 Core Network Corridor meetingRhine-Alpine CorridorThe Rhine-Alpine corridor is the shortest but at the same time the most mature of the TEN-T corridors. It connects largest European ports of the Netherlands and Belgium with the North-West of Italy. The corridor runs through the so-called “Blue banana”, which includes major economic centres of Europe. In includes the river Rhine – a key inland waterway in Europe. The corridor faces specific challenges related to heavy rail and road traffic, noise pollution, consequences of climate change, etc. The session will look at critical issues on the corridor from different perspectives. It will also present the state of play of CEF investments on the corridor and give an outlook on the future of EU transport finance.

Speakers:• Paweł Wojciechowski, TEN-T European Coordinator• Wim Van de Camp, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament• Bruno Georges, Secretary General, CCNR• Conny Bieze, Chairman, EGTC Rhine-Alpine• Guus De Mol, President of the Management Board, RFC Rhine-Alpine• Peter Van Bockland, Project Officer, INEA

Urska 3

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia





14:00-15:45 Core Network Corridor meetingOrient East-Med CorridorEuropean Coordinator Mathieu Grosch will host the Orient East-Med Core Network Corridor session. He will present the main conclusions and recommendations of his 3rd Work Plan of the Corridor. Mr Vankerckhoven from MOVE B1 will present the main results of the latest OEM CNC Study. Mr Doppelbauer, Executive Director European Railway Agency will present an ERA insight in the OEM CNC. Mr Logothetis, will present the Greek CEF projects state of play Professor Ninnemann, HTC Consultancy, will introduce the concept of the Elbe 4.0, and Ms Gesine Meissner, Member of the European Parliament , will provide the audience with an insight on the Gezamt Konzept Elbe.

Speakers:• Mathieu Grosch, TEN-T European Coordinator• Patrick Vankerckhoven, Senior Expert, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission• George Logothetis, Director, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Greece• Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director, European Union Agency for Railways

(ERA)• Jan Ninneman, HTC Consultancy• Julien Tami, Project Officer, INEA• Gesine Meissner, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament

Urska 4

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-18:00 How do we deliver an innovative, sustainable - and competitive - maritime sector?As around 75% of European external trade transits through EU ports, the maritime sector plays a major role in connecting the European market with its trade partners globally. However, a number of challenges still persist and limit the potential of the sector. Taking stock from the main outcomes of the Maritime Year, as well as the most important trends structuring in maritime transport, the discussion will discuss main challenges and opportunities for maritime transport and how EU investment can help meeting the sector’s needs

Moderator: • Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility

and Transport, European Commission

Panellists:• Gesine Meissner, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament • Christine Cabau, CEO, Port of Marseille• Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President, World Maritime University• Markku Mylly, Executive Director, European Maritime Safety Agency• Björn Ullbro, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Wärtsilä

Services• Martin Dorsman, Secretary General, European Community Shipowners’


Urska 1

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


Event Programme


16:00-18:00 European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS)Session hosted by Karel Vinck, ERTMS Coordinator, and Elisabeth Werner, Director Land, DG MOVE to discuss:- the progress, challenges, and opportunities of ERTMS deployment- the potential ways and means to fund ERTMS deployment (stakeholder presentations and panel discussion)- the use of ERTMS as an enabler to build a digitalised rail network.

Moderator:• Elisabeth Werner, Director Land, Directorate-General for Mobility and Trans-

port, European CommissionSpeakers and panellists:• Karel Vinck, ERTMS European Coordinator• Ines Ayala Sender, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament• Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director, European Agency for Railways (ERA)• Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE• Przemysław Gorgol, Director of the Centre for EU transport projects, Poland• Peter Brugts, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Infrastructure, The Netherlands• Carlo Borghini, Executive Director, Shift2Rail• Michal Litwin, Special Delegate, ERFA• Carlo de Grandis, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Trans-

port, European Commission• Ian Conlon, Policy officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission

Urska 2

16:00-18:00 Linking up ports and cities by inland waterwaysThe EU waterway network is an arterial system that reaches deep into the heart of many towns and cities. Uncongested waterways provide a major opportunity to increase the multimodal access to urban nodes, to decarbonise the transport system and to boost our quality of life. The aim of the inland navigation session is to discuss what type of measures will be needed to ensure an increased use of inland waterway transport in Europe and the strategic use of the EU budget to achieve this goal.

Urska 3

Moderator: • Maja Bakran, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission

Speakers:• Sara Marques, Planning Department, Port Authority of Douro, Leixões and

Viana do Castelo • Marcello Moretti, Head of Inland Waterways Office, Lombardy, Agenzia

Interregionale per il Fiume Po • Andreas Baeck, Project Coordinator, Viadonau • Monika Niemiec-Butryn, Director of Inland Navigation, Ministry of Maritime

Economy and Inland Navigation, Poland • Jan Lagasse, CEO, North Sea Port• Antoon Desmet, Head Internal Sales & Logistics, Knauf Isolava • Françoise Guaspare, Senior Adviser, Representation of L’Ile de France with

the EU - European Regions and Islands

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia



16:00-18:00 Core Network Corridor meetingBaltic-Adriatic CorridorThe Baltic-Adriatic Corridor session will be chaired by the European Coordinator, Kurt Bodewig. The session will be kicked off with two presentations: firstly, Mr. Bodewig and his advisor, Mrs. Brocks, will present the critical issues and consequently main development priorities for the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor as laid down in the third corridor work plan, recently approved by all Member States concerned. Secondly, Mr. Kujawa, Project Manager at INEA, will give a status update of the CEF support to-date to projects on the Corridor. Following these short introductions, the Coordinator will invite to a panel discussion with four panellists that will give a number of highlights on the Corridor, namely with regard to the missing links at the Alpine crossings in Austria, the experience of the Polish infrastructure manager with new financial instruments, the cooperation initiative of the Northern Adriatic Ports and last but not least the question of how to use the full potential of the corridor development beyond pure transport links. This will be followed by an open discussion.

Moderator:• Kurt Bodewig, TEN-T European Coordinator

Speakers:• Thomas Spiegel, Head of Unit, Section II Infrastructure Planning and

Financing, Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology • Gabriela Popowicz, Director, EU Fund Department, PKP PLK S.A. • Alberto Cozzi, Special Projects Unit, Port of Trieste • Wiktor Szydarowski, Project Manager TENTacle, Region of Blekinge• Silke Brocks, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission• Mateusz Kujawa, Project Manager, INEA

Urska 4

18:00-20:00 Cocktail reception GR

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


VIP (closed) sessions

08:30-09:30 Meeting with investors and private sector (closed session)We will have the opportunity to discuss with investors and companies on how to promote investment in sustainable transport. European Commission “clean mobility” package of November 2017 and the March 2018 action plan on financing sustainable growth come at the right moment as the Commission is about to launch the proposal for the next MFF.

Moderator: • Alessandro Carano, Member of Cabinet Bulc, European Commission

Povodni Moz Hall

09:00-12:30 Journalist seminar (closed session) Gallery 1

11:00-13:30 Interinstitutional session (closed session) Povodni Moz Hall

13:00-14:30 VIP LunchParallel sessions

10:15-11:30 The Future of Mobility: Idea accelerator and futuristic lab - Pitches Part IV: DecarbonisationThe Marketplace sessions feature 12-15 pitches from young innovative companies and project promoters. This is a great opportunity to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.

Moderator: • Matej Zakonjšek, Head of Cabinet Bulc, European Commission

Kupola Hall

09:00-11:15 Boosting rail freight – operational and infrastructure prioritiesUnder the TEN-T and CEF framework, the European Commission has provided significant support to rail infrastructure. In order to fully realise the benefits of these significant investments for rail freight, further progress towards the Single European Rail Area and interoperability is needed in the short run already. The session will investigate ways to maximise the complementarity between TEN-T infrastructure policy and rail freight policy, in particular as regards tangible progress on interoperability in the next 2-3 years and in terms of infrastructure priorities to support rail freight.

Moderators: • Elisabeth Werner, Director Land, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission• Frédéric Versini, Deputy Head of Unit, Transport Networks, Directorate-

General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

Urska 1

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia



09:00-11:15 Speakers and panellists:• Karel Vinck, ERTMS European Coordinator• Mathieu Grosch, TEN-T European Coordinator• Kurt Bodewig, TEN-T European Coordinator• Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director, European Agency for Railways (ERA)• Darja Kocjan, Director for Inland Transport, Slovenian Ministry for

Infrastructure• Enrico Pujia, Director Rail Transport and Infrastructure, Italian Ministry of

Infrastructure and Transports• Pier Eringa, CEO, Prorail and President, European Rail Infrastructure

Managers (EIM)• Dirk Stahl, CEO, BLS Cargo AG• Frank Andreesen, Head of Logistics Advocacy, Covestro and European

Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)• Guillaume Confais-Morieux, Managing Director, RFC North Sea-

Mediterranean• Maarten Gutt, Director of Strategy, PKP-PLK S.A.• Sophie Ismaier, Managing Director, RFC Scandinavian-Mediterranean• Michael Schmitz, Head of International Affairs, Eisenbahn-Bundesamt

Urska 1

09:30-11:15 Urban Nodes: Better integrating long-distance and urban transportThis session will focus on the question of how to strengthen TEN-T objectives in urban nodes while paying due attention to sustainable urban mobility. With some concrete cases, it will look into inter-urban connections between TEN-T infrastructures and at smooth connections between long-distance and urban transport. It will address questions of complementarity between TEN-T and other EU action, deal with the challenges of urban nodes within TEN-T corridors and give consideration to issues of multi-level governance.

Moderator: • Herald Ruijters, Director Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport,

Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission (tbc)

Speakers:• Gesine Meissner, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament• Dejan Crnek, Deputy Mayor, Ljubljana• Lassi Hilska, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Transport and Communications,

Finland• Vygantas Vareikis, Member of Klaipėda City Municipality Council• Roberto Zani, Consultant, TPlan Consulting

Urska 2

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


09:30-11:15 Transport Decarbonisation and Clean MobilityThe Transport Decarbonisation and Clean Mobility Session, with prominent speakers representing public authorities, car manufacturers, private and financing sector, will address challenges related to the increased market uptake of low- and zero-emission vehicles and vessels and their infrastructures. Experiences and good practices from the public authorities, business and cooperation strategies and financing tools will be debated to boost the uptake of Clean Mobility solutions.

Moderator:• Silke Obst, Member of Cabinet Bulc, European Commission

Speakers:• Catherine Trautmann, TEN-T European Coordinator • Els de Wit, Head of Unit, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water, The

Netherlands • Szymon Byliński, Coordinator of Alternative Fuels, Ministry of Energy,

Poland• Nicolas Schottey, Program Director New Business Energy, EV and charging

infrastructure, Nissan / Renault Alliance• Hinko Šolinc, Director, Eco Sklad Fund, Slovenia• Valérie Bouillon-Delporte, Chair, Hydrogen Europe • Neil Valentine, Head of Sustainable Urban Mobility Division, European

Investment Bank

Urska 3

09:30-11:15 Transport DigitalisationDigitalisation is fundamentally changing transport as we know it now. A shared vision between public and private stakeholders is key for the successful digitalisation of any future mobility system. The content of this session is to discuss which concrete new measures will be needed to ensure a socially sustainable transition to digitalised and automated transport. This includes funding: how to maximise the leverage effect of any EU funding in the development and deployment of EU-wide transport digital initiatives, within and across transport modes? At the same time, we need higher levels of data availability, protection and privacy, and adaptation to evolving challenges such as cyber-attacks.

Moderator: • Carlo Borghini, Executive Director, Shift2Rail (S2R)

Speakers:• Maja Bakran, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission • Pat Cox, TEN-T European Coordinator• Lucilla Sioli, Director Digital Industry, Directorate-General for Communications

Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission• Kjetil Tonning, President, European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) • Stephane Petti, Senior Transport Technology & Innovation Specialist, EIB

Urska 4

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia



09:30-11:15 Multimodal freightBuilding a truly multimodal freight transport system allows to take advantage of the strengths of the different modes of transport and, by integrating them, to offer more efficient solutions for the transport of goods. This can help ease the pressure on our congested roads, and make the whole sector more environmentally friendly, safer, and cost efficient. This session will explore the opportunities offered by a truly multimodal freight transport system and address some of the specific challenges and conditions to build and make use of it (i.e. the missing links and infrastructure bottlenecks, the competitiveness of multimodal transport, the potential of digitalisation and the funding needs).

Moderator: • Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Mobility

and Transport, European

Speakers and panellists: • Daniela Aiuto, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

Rapporteur on Combined Transport Directive, European Parliament• Régine Brehier, CEO, HAROPA-Port of Paris • Kristof Schockaert, Chair, UNECE Inland Transport Committee• Henk Van Dieren, CEO, Samskip Multimodal BV • Alberto Milotti, Managing Director, Interporto Quadrante Europa Verona,

Consorzio Zailog• Erwin Hoefkens, Chief Commercial Officer, NxtPort• Beloslav Pavlov, Director Product Supply, Procter & Gamble• Ulrich Meuser, Member of the Technology and Quality Board, Project

manager Shift2Rail, Deutsche Bahn

Kocka Hall

11:15-11:45 Coffee break

11.45-13.00 The Future of Mobility: Idea accelerator and futuristic lab - Pitches Part VThe Marketplace sessions feature 12-15 pitches from young innovative companies and project promoters. This is a great opportunity to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.

Moderator: • Henriette Van Eijl, Policy Coordinator, Innovation & Research, Directorate-

General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor meetingNorth Sea-Baltic CorridorThe North Sea-Baltic Corridor connects some of the most important ports in Europe and one of its key objectives is to link these ports by all available transport modes, ensuring efficient hinterland connections and multi-modal links, as well as making best use of the available infrastructure by relevant traffic and information management systems. The session will discuss progress in setting up a railway corridor that provides attractive services to its customers, as well as other measures to promote modal shift from road to rail and inland waterways. The session will also look at how the Corridor can facilitate large scale deployment of new technologies and innovation which can help to enhance the overall efficiency of the European transport sector and help to reduce its carbon footprint.

Moderator:• Catherine Trautmann, TEN-T European Coordinator

Speakers and panellists:• Vera Kissler, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission• Botond Orban, Project Officer, INEA• Baiba Rubesa, CEO, RB Rail AS • Erwin Cootjans, CEO, Nunner Logistics • Annaleena Mäkilä, CEO, Finnish Port Association• Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General, Hydrogen Europe• Jan Bron, Governor Mobility, Region Twente

Urska 1

11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor meetingAtlantic CorridorThe Atlantic Core Network Corridor session will be hosted by European Coordinator Prof. Carlo Secchi. After his introduction, the main points of the 3rd Work Plan of the Corridor will be presented by his advisor Ms Isabelle Maës. Prof. Secchi will announce and explain the adoption of a Commission Implementing Decision on a specific cross-border project on the Corridor. Mr Stefano Campagnolo from INEA will give a status update of the CEF support to-date to projects on the Corridor. Then, a panel discussion will take place with four speakers from the Atlantic Rail Freight Corridor, the Region of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Puertos del Estado and ADIF, focused on opportunities for the Corridor. This will be followed by an open discussion.

Moderator:• Carlo Secchi, TEN-T European Coordinator

Speakers and panellists:• Isabelle Maës, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission• Stefano Campagnolo, Project Officer, INEA• Jacques Coutou, Director Atlantic Rail Freight Corridor EEIG• Luc Federman, Deputy Director General Transports, infrastructures, mobility

and living environment, Region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine• Alvaro Rodriguez Dapena, Technical Director, Puertos del Estado• Manuel Besteiro, Technical Support Manager International Directorate, ADIF

Urska 2

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia



11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor meetingRhine-Danube CorridorThe Rhine-Danube Corridor consists of 5,715 km rail network, 4,488 km roads and 3,656 rkm inland waterways that cross Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia and connect them to four non-EU Member States (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine). The session will look at the integrated approach, ensuring at the same time Good Navigation Status and Good Ecological Status as well as the importance of multi-level governance for ensuring them. The session will further look at the current state of play of CEF investments on the corridor and inform about the third edition of the Work plan.

Moderator: • Maja Bakran, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Mobility

and Transport, European Commission

Speakers:• Karla Peijs, TEN-T European Coordinator• Andrey Novakov, Vice-coordinator Committee on Regional Development,

European Parliament• Raimund Mair, Policy Officer - EU water legislation and policy, Directorate-

General for Environment, European Commission• Désirée Oen, Policy Coordinator, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission• Barbara Bernardi, Project Officer, INEA• Richard van Liere, Partner, STC-NESTRA• Jan-Gert Muilerman, Coordinator Priority Area 1a (Inland Waterways),

EUSDR• Romeo Soare, Engineer, AFDJ, Giurgiu

Urska 3

11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor meetingScandinavian–Mediterranean CorridorThe ScanMed corridor is the longest of the TEN-T corridors and connects major urban centres as well as ports and airports in Scandinavia with those in Germany, Austria, Italy and Malta. The corridor hosts two of the most important EU infrastructure projects but is also a testbed for the deployment of new technologies and innovation. The session will look at the progress of corridor development in terms of modal shift, improvements in connectivity, service quality and environmental performance as well as innovation deployment. The session will further look at the current state of play of CEF investments on the corridor, give an outlook on the future of EU transport finance and highlight good practice project examples from along the corridor.

Speakers:• Pat Cox, TEN-T European Coordinator• Ian Borg, Minister of Transport, Malta• Martin Zeitler, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission• Isabel Royo Pla, Project Officer, INEA• Erik Bergkvist, President, Region Västerbotten• Francesco De Rosa, Consorzio 906, GAINN Initiative• Konrad Bergmeister, CEO BBT-SE, Brenner Base Tunnel• Bjørn Kristiansen, Bane Nor and Chair of the Management Board, ScanMed


Urska 4

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia

Event Programme


11:45-13:30 Multimodality for passengers: Delivering the promise of user centric multimodal mobility solutionsIn the session on multimodal services for passengers, the focus is on how the promise of user centric multimodal passenger services can be delivered? We will hear how combining different transport modes to offer multimodal services for users have worked out in real life and what are the lessons learnt. We will also hear from member state perspective how legislation can help to foster user friendly multimodal services and at the same time European Commission will give an update where we are at EU-level with the passenger rights legislation. This session will also take into account how active modes of transport can be included to the concept of multimodality in order to build a coherent framework where we are now and what should be done in order to deliver the promise of multimodal services for passengers

Moderator: • Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility

and Transport, European Commission

Speakers:• Elisabeth Kotthaus, Head of Unit Social Aspects, Passenger Rights & Equal

Opportunities, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

• Päivi Antikainen, Director of unit, Ministry of Transport, Finland• Hendrik Zwaak, Legal Counsel, Lufthansa Group• Sergio Fernandez Balaguer, City of Madrid, Spain • David Classey, Multimodal Programme Director, Travelport• Dr. Abayomi Otubushin, Corporate and Governmental Affairs, BMW

Kocka Hall

13.30-14.30 Bilateral partnering meetings – Part IIMatch-making event with 15 minute bilateral meetings, organised by the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs)

13:30-14:30 Lunch GR

15:15-16:15 The Future of Mobility: Marketplace - Pitches Part VI: Cities and Digital Appli-cationsThe Marketplace sessions feature 12-15 pitches from young innovative compa-nies and project promoters. This is a great opportunity to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.Moderator:• Pat Cox, TEN-T European Coordinator

Kupola Hall

16:15-17:15 The Future of Mobility: Presentations by the Hackathon teams of their projects“Hackathon Ljubljana: create Ljubljana’s mobility future in 2030” (organised by ABC Slovenia)

Kupola Hall

Thursday, 26 April 2018

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia



Plenary sessions

14:30-15:15 Official opening of TEN-T Days 2018

Master of ceremony:• Henrik Hololei, Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission

Welcome address:• Miro Cerar, Prime-Minister of Slovenia

Keynote speakers:• Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport• Ivaylo Moskovski, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and

Communications, Bulgaria • Karima Delli, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, European


Kocka Hall

15:15-16:15 Keynote speech• Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President, European Commission

Transport for Connectivity and EfficiencyTransport infrastructure is vital for the European integration and our ability to trade and move smoothly both within the Single Market and in interaction with the outside world. Investment needs in transport are tremendous, therefore a need for its prioritisation. The key question is how to ensure an effective and well connected network while balancing and reinforcing the interaction between various modes of transport, all in strive for greater efficiency but also long term sustainability.

Moderator: • Henrik Hololei, Director General, Directorate-General for Mobility and

Transport, European Commission

Speakers:• François Bausch, Minister of Transport, Luxembourg• Wim Van de Camp, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament• Nik Delmeire, Secretary General, European Shippers’ Council• Irene Rosberg, Program Director, Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics,

Copenhagen Business School• Marcos Duato, Sales Director, Suardiaz Shipping Group

Kocka Hall

16:15-16:45 Coffee break

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia Thursday, 26 April 2018

Event Programme


16:45-18:00 Keynote speech• Corina Creţu, European Commissioner for Regional Policy

Kocka Hall

Transport for Jobs, Growth and InnovationIncreasing capital investments in infrastructure is seen as a stimulus for economic growth and employment. Transport generates more than 9% of the European GVA and is a key industry in terms of employment. Finally, transport is also generally perceived as an important contributor to enhancing the endogenous advantages of countries and regions by increasing their connectivity. The key question to be tackled in this discussion is how, in the present economic situation and at the dawn of the negotiations of the next MFF, we can further use the infrastructure investment and available instruments to increase the cohesion of the EU and enhance the GDP growth and generation of jobs.

Moderator: • Herald Ruijters, Director Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport,

DG Mobility and Transport, European CommissionSpeakers:• Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General, Directorate-General for Research and

Innovation, European Commission• Jerzy Kwieciński, Minister for Investment and Economic Development,

Poland• Karima Delli, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, European

Parliament• Stefan Resch, CFO, ASFiNAG, Austria• Paloma Moran, Vice-President, Alstom

18:30-24:00 Gala DinnerRecognition of the winners of the Future of Mobility - Marketplace and Hackathon & party


PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia Thursday, 26 April 2018



VIP sessions

13:30-15:00 Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting (closed session) Povodni Moz Hall

Plenary sessions

09:30-11:00 Keynote speech• Gunther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Budget and Human


Innovative Financing for TransportPolicy drivers, market gaps and barriers for investors in transport infrastructure can vary significantly depending on the sectors or areas under consideration. The discussion will bring us on how innovating financing can address those barriers. Based on experience, different scenarios and proposals for cooperation between different institutions will be also assessed.

Moderator: • Andreja Kodrin, CEO, Third Millennium Knowledge & Quintaum

Speakers:• Anne Berner, Minister of Transport and Communications, Finland• Gavin Dunnett, Director Mobility, European Investment Bank (EIB)• Sue Barrett, Director, Head of Transport, EBRD• Gordon Bajnai, Chairman, Global Advisory Board of Campbell Lutyens• Ruth Heuss, Partner, McKinsey & Company• Amit Yudan, CEO, Ardan GmbH

Kocka Hall

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:45 Transport Financing post-2020A full range of support mechanisms continue to be appropriate for infrastructure, including grants and a continuation of EU-backed financial instruments. CEF is an effective and targeted infrastructure investment instrument, well recognized by stakeholders, fast delivering on TEN-T projects of high EU added value, including in cohesion MS. It has so far committed more than EUR 23 billion grants, to mobilize over EUR 50 billion of transport infrastructure investments in the EU, contributing to growth and jobs and enabling decarbonisation policies. The discussions will be around the question on how to make use of EU grant to leverage of different sources of funds for infrastructure projects that have positive expected environmental and socio-economic values in support of EU policy objectives.

Kocka Hall

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia Friday, 27 April 2018

Event Programme


11:30-12:45 Moderator: • Pat Cox, TEN-T European Coordinator

Speakers:• Pedro Marques, Minister for Transport, Portugal • Mihaela Toader, State Secretary, Ministry of European Funds, Romania• Dominique Riquet, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism,

European Parliament• Carlo Secchi, TEN-T European Coordinator• Thomas Alberghina, Director Transport & Social Infrastructure, Kfw• Mary Crass, Head Institutional Relations and Summit, International

Transport Forum (ITF)

Kocka Hall

12:45-13:00 Conclusions of the event• Milan Brglez, President of National Assembly, Slovenia (tbc)• Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport

Kocka Hall

13:30-14:30 Lunch GR

Side event

15:00-16:15 Connected and Autonomous Mobility: vehicles’ demonstrationVenue: AV Living Lab, BTC City Ljubljana

Official Opening Ceremony of AV Living LabAutonomous Vehicles ExhibitionAutonomous Driving Demonstration

Autonomous Driving Demonstration in open and closed area is an opportunity for European car manufactures and developers to show Europe’s innovation and leadership in autonomous driving technology, such as autonomous shuttles/buses, autonomous cars/robo-taxis, driving simulators etc. demonstration.

Meeting the mediaOpportunity for one on one media interviews and coverage.

AV Living Lab, BTC City Ljubljana

PROGRAMME25-27 April 2018Ljubljana, Slovenia Friday, 27 April 2018



Wednesday 25 April Thursday 26 April

Part I - Digital 11.20 – 12.20

Part II - Cities 14.00 – 15.15

Part III - Safety 15.30 – 16.45

Part IV - Decarbonisation 10.15 - 11.15

Part V - Decarbonisation/ cities 11.45 – 13.00

Part VI - Digital/Cities 15.15 – 16.15

Participant PP/YIC Topic Participant PP/

YIC Topic Participant PP/YIC Topic Participant PP/

YIC Topic Participant PP/YIC Topic Participant PP/

YIC Topic

Dan Hubert AppyParking YIC

AppyParking: next generation connected car & traffic management platform

Marko Guček GoOpti YIC GoOpti: affordable airport transfers Matej Vengust

Nerv-Teh YICNerv-Teh: a new tool for holistic driver evaluation and training

Filip De Maziere MAZARO YIC

Pioneering transmission technology for 14-20% energy, emissions & cost savings in transport

Dawid Janik Greenrail (2x) YIC

Greenrail, innovative and sustainable railway sleepers: a greener solution for the railway market

Marko Guček GoOpti (2x) YIC GoOpti: affordable airport transfers

Martin Pečar Omniopti YIC Omniopti: route optimization

with alternative routesMar Pallàs Poy Scoot YIC Scoot: multi-modal shared electric

vehiclesPetar Krasic AMSS-CMV YIC Road Safety Portal Mars Geuze

Hardt Hyperloop YICInternational Cooperation around Breakthrough Technologies: Hyperloop

Rosen Dimov Funneaty YIC

Funneaty: Valorising Food Waste for Smart, Sustainable Transport

Joakim Holm GreenMobility (2x)

YIC GreenMobility: transforming mobility through electric free-floating car sharing

Carlo Centrone Fritak YIC Fritrak: building the biggest

freight transportation networkMathieu Labey Wheelskeep YIC Wheelskeep, Keeps bicycle parking

spot with humans and technologyKresimir Mestric Mobilisis (2x) YIC

Mobilisis: connectivity and autonomy of sensors in transport and mobility

Jakub Olek Hyper Poland YIC Hyperloop in Europe - the future

of clean transportationMar Pallàs Poy Scoot (2x) YIC Scoot: multi-modal shared

electric vehiclesMathieu Labey Wheelskeep (2x) YIC Wheelskeep: keeps bicycle parking spot

with humans and technology

Kresimir Mestric Mobilisis YIC

Mobilisis: connectivity and au-tonomy of sensors in transport and mobility

Jonathan Schick Streetinfotech YIC

ParkWise: Solving the Street Parking Problem for Drivers, Connected and Autonmous Vehicles

Peter Korun COPS Systems YIC

Reducing road accidents with technologically innovative solutions on infrastructure - COPS@road

Charlotte Jurus SpaceTrain (2x) YIC

Spacetrain: developing an autonomous ground effect vehicle

Filip De Maziere MAZARO (2x) YIC

Pioneering transmission technology for 14-20% energy, emissions & cost savings in transport

Camila Berdugo Open Transport (2x)

YIC Open Transport: Open mobility platform for MaaS solutions

Camila Berdugo Open Transport YIC Open Transport: Open mobility

platform for MaaS solutionsJoakim Holm GreenMobility YIC

GreenMobility: transforming mo-bility through electric free-floating car sharing

Thierry Goger FEHRL PP

EU AEROBI project: AErial RObotic System for In-Depth Bridge Inspection by Contact

Iasonas Zacharioudakis Ocean Finance

YIC Cryogenic tank for LNG as marine fuel

Philip Maximilian Braunschweig LIQUIND

YICLIQUIND - LNG infrastructure development for a green transportation sector!

Jonathan Schick Streetinfotech (2x)

YICParkWise: Solving the Street Parking Problem for Drivers, Connected and Autonmous Vehicles.

Machiel Resink Synple YIC

Synple: Horizontal Collabora-tion in Road Cargo: a startup is getting it done!

Charlotte Jurus SpaceTrain YIC Spacetrain: developing an autono-

mous ground effect vehicle

Andrea Castellano Automate Consortium/ RE:Lab srl


EU project AutoMate: Automation as accepted and trusted TeamMate to enhance traffic safety and efficiency

Dawid Janik Greenrail YIC

Greenrail, innovative and sustainable railway sleepers: a greener solution for the railway market

Naïk Londono YICAELER: A smart intermodal container for automation in freight transportation

Peter Korun COPS Systems (2x)

YICReducing road accidents with technologically innovative solutions on infrastructure - COPS@road

Alexander Schmid BearingPoint PP

Digital Skipper Assistant – Im-prove Profitability for Skippers on Cross European Inland Waterways

Dan Hubert AppyParking (2x) YIC

AppyParking: next generation con-nected car & traffic management platform

Michael Bültmann HERE Technologies (2x)

PP Hazard warnings for trafficJuan Vicén Balaguer Zeleros

YICZeleros: towards a European Hyperloop Transport Initiative: 1000 km/h + net zero energy balance

Marloes Kram-er-Hammenga Province of Groningen

PPEU Project Wunderline: cross-border railway connection between Groningen and Bremen

Nelson Sorgo SEESARI/Slovenian Railways

PP Digital experience in railways and IT integration of public passenger transport

Michael Bültmann HERE Technologies

PP Hazard warnings for trafficVassilis Agouridas Airbus

PP Partnering in Urban Air Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Daniel Gabriel Olariu A&O Truck Stop PP Truck Secure Parking App Dino Mandic

Sailrouter (2x) YICSailrouter: reduce fuel consumption of merchant ships by using data

Clara Caroli AIPO (2x) PP

INIWAS - Improvement of the Northern Italy Waterway System

Ulf Wikström (INTERACT) with Silke Brocks (2x)

PP INTERREG - Sustainable transport initiatives

Dorothée Coucharrière Bolloré - Blue solutions

PP Smart Fleet Management Solu-tions For Clean Urban Mobility

Anna Domenech Nissan PP

Partnering in Intelligent Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Tomaž SAVŠEK TPV PP Open Innovation for Open

MobilityFernando Im-puesto Enagás

PP EU project LNGas hive: development of LNG as fuel

Bart Biebuyck Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

PPOpportunities in the EU Joint Undertaking in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

Andrea Castellano Automate Consortium/ RE:Lab srl (2x)

PP Traffic Safety & Efficiency

Mika Lammi Kouvola Innovation Oy

PP Blockchain platform in logistics and supply networks

Edwin Mermans Brabantstad & Province of Noord-Brabant

PPPartnering in New Mobility Services of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Vinay Gupta PP Hexayurt Capital Edouard de Montmarin SIGEIF Mobilités

PP Bio-CNG for European Transport Edward Boyd Element Energy PP

EU REVIVE Project: Implementation of heavy-duty fuel cell refuse collection vehicles across European cities

EC DG ECFIN EIPP PP European Investment Project Portal

Daniel Gabriel Olariu A&O Truck Stop

PP Truck Secure Parking AppUlf Wikström (INTERACT) with Silke Brocks

PP INTERREG - Sustainable transport initiatives

Mikki Koskinen ESL Shipping Ltd PP

EU project Bothnia Bulk: Reduction of CO2 emissions in dry bulk shipping

Britt Karlsson-Green Lead Partner Region Skåne


EU GREAT project: largest ongoing project in northern Europe in building infrastructure for alternative fuels with 70 seventy quick chargers and 3 LNG/LBG stations

Martin Pečar WATIFY project PP EU Watify project: supporting digital


EC DG ECFIN EIPP PP European Investment Project

PortalHugo Niesing Resourcefully PP Large scale urban Mobility-Energy

node: Amsterdam South-EastTheo Heinink Province of Gelderland

PPLNG and multimodal freight terminal of TEN-T/CEF EU Railfreightline System in NL Gelderland Province

Panayotis Zacharioudakis OceanFinance

PPElectrification & utilization of alternative fuels of shipping and urban transportation in Greece

Dragoslav Kukic AMSS -CMV PP Leading of traffic police activities based

on data

Thierry Goger FEHRL PP

EU FLOW project: Furthering Less Congestion by creating Opportunities for more Walking and Cycling

Siegfried Rupprecht Rupprecht Consult

PPEU CoExist project: Are we ready for automation on the TEN-T?

Peter Verlic Slovenian Trans-port Research Center & SEESARI

PPDeveloping the South East European/Balkan transport system

Hugo Niesing Resourcefully (2x)

PPLarge scale urban Mobility-Energy node: Amsterdam South-East

Lorena Edejer Solar Impulse PP Presenting SolarImpulse and World Alliance

for Efficient Solutions

Kurt Fallast Planum PP

tim: innovative, sustainable multimodal mobility as a service in Graz (Austria)

Donat Dekany The Urban Institute Zrt.

PP Affordable eMobility for fleets in CEE

Clara Caroli AIPO PP INIWAS - Improvement of the

Northern Italy Waterway SystemAnna Dome-nech Nissan (2x)

PPPartnering in Intelligent Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Pedro Torres Vision-Box PP Your face is worth a million tokens

Cristina Cavicchioli e-MOTICON PP

e-MOTICON partnership for a transnational and interoperable EV charging station network in Alpine Space Area

Miha Valentinčič Petrol PP title TBC

Ralph Gallob ILR Logistica Romania

PPEU project High Performance Green Port Giurgiu - Stage II Construction

Edward Boyd Element Energy PP

Fuel Cell Buses: A commercially competitve zero emission bus solution?

Johan Boonen Watertruck+ PP EU project Watertruck+: the

future of small inland navigationPatrick Gagnol EDF PP

Impact of TEN- T charging infrastructure implementations on EU eMobility development

Alexandru Teodorescu Renovatio Asset Management

PPEU project Renovatio: Comprehensive fast-charging corridor network in South East Europe

Vassilis Agouridas Airbus

PPPartnering in Urban Air Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

James Orlandi North Adriatic Sea Port Authority

PPEU project TalkNET: Transport and Logistics Stakeholders Network

FUTURE OF MOBILITY Idea Accelerator and Futuristic Lab - Pitches marketplace schedule

Event Programme


Wednesday 25 April Thursday 26 April

Part I - Digital 11.20 – 12.20

Part II - Cities 14.00 – 15.15

Part III - Safety 15.30 – 16.45

Part IV - Decarbonisation 10.15 - 11.15

Part V - Decarbonisation/ cities 11.45 – 13.00

Part VI - Digital/Cities 15.15 – 16.15

Participant PP/YIC Topic Participant PP/

YIC Topic Participant PP/YIC Topic Participant PP/

YIC Topic Participant PP/YIC Topic Participant PP/

YIC Topic

Dan Hubert AppyParking YIC

AppyParking: next generation connected car & traffic management platform

Marko Guček GoOpti YIC GoOpti: affordable airport transfers Matej Vengust

Nerv-Teh YICNerv-Teh: a new tool for holistic driver evaluation and training

Filip De Maziere MAZARO YIC

Pioneering transmission technology for 14-20% energy, emissions & cost savings in transport

Dawid Janik Greenrail (2x) YIC

Greenrail, innovative and sustainable railway sleepers: a greener solution for the railway market

Marko Guček GoOpti (2x) YIC GoOpti: affordable airport transfers

Martin Pečar Omniopti YIC Omniopti: route optimization

with alternative routesMar Pallàs Poy Scoot YIC Scoot: multi-modal shared electric

vehiclesPetar Krasic AMSS-CMV YIC Road Safety Portal Mars Geuze

Hardt Hyperloop YICInternational Cooperation around Breakthrough Technologies: Hyperloop

Rosen Dimov Funneaty YIC

Funneaty: Valorising Food Waste for Smart, Sustainable Transport

Joakim Holm GreenMobility (2x)

YIC GreenMobility: transforming mobility through electric free-floating car sharing

Carlo Centrone Fritak YIC Fritrak: building the biggest

freight transportation networkMathieu Labey Wheelskeep YIC Wheelskeep, Keeps bicycle parking

spot with humans and technologyKresimir Mestric Mobilisis (2x) YIC

Mobilisis: connectivity and autonomy of sensors in transport and mobility

Jakub Olek Hyper Poland YIC Hyperloop in Europe - the future

of clean transportationMar Pallàs Poy Scoot (2x) YIC Scoot: multi-modal shared

electric vehiclesMathieu Labey Wheelskeep (2x) YIC Wheelskeep: keeps bicycle parking spot

with humans and technology

Kresimir Mestric Mobilisis YIC

Mobilisis: connectivity and au-tonomy of sensors in transport and mobility

Jonathan Schick Streetinfotech YIC

ParkWise: Solving the Street Parking Problem for Drivers, Connected and Autonmous Vehicles

Peter Korun COPS Systems YIC

Reducing road accidents with technologically innovative solutions on infrastructure - COPS@road

Charlotte Jurus SpaceTrain (2x) YIC

Spacetrain: developing an autonomous ground effect vehicle

Filip De Maziere MAZARO (2x) YIC

Pioneering transmission technology for 14-20% energy, emissions & cost savings in transport

Camila Berdugo Open Transport (2x)

YIC Open Transport: Open mobility platform for MaaS solutions

Camila Berdugo Open Transport YIC Open Transport: Open mobility

platform for MaaS solutionsJoakim Holm GreenMobility YIC

GreenMobility: transforming mo-bility through electric free-floating car sharing

Thierry Goger FEHRL PP

EU AEROBI project: AErial RObotic System for In-Depth Bridge Inspection by Contact

Iasonas Zacharioudakis Ocean Finance

YIC Cryogenic tank for LNG as marine fuel

Philip Maximilian Braunschweig LIQUIND

YICLIQUIND - LNG infrastructure development for a green transportation sector!

Jonathan Schick Streetinfotech (2x)

YICParkWise: Solving the Street Parking Problem for Drivers, Connected and Autonmous Vehicles.

Machiel Resink Synple YIC

Synple: Horizontal Collabora-tion in Road Cargo: a startup is getting it done!

Charlotte Jurus SpaceTrain YIC Spacetrain: developing an autono-

mous ground effect vehicle

Andrea Castellano Automate Consortium/ RE:Lab srl


EU project AutoMate: Automation as accepted and trusted TeamMate to enhance traffic safety and efficiency

Dawid Janik Greenrail YIC

Greenrail, innovative and sustainable railway sleepers: a greener solution for the railway market

Naïk Londono YICAELER: A smart intermodal container for automation in freight transportation

Peter Korun COPS Systems (2x)

YICReducing road accidents with technologically innovative solutions on infrastructure - COPS@road

Alexander Schmid BearingPoint PP

Digital Skipper Assistant – Im-prove Profitability for Skippers on Cross European Inland Waterways

Dan Hubert AppyParking (2x) YIC

AppyParking: next generation con-nected car & traffic management platform

Michael Bültmann HERE Technologies (2x)

PP Hazard warnings for trafficJuan Vicén Balaguer Zeleros

YICZeleros: towards a European Hyperloop Transport Initiative: 1000 km/h + net zero energy balance

Marloes Kram-er-Hammenga Province of Groningen

PPEU Project Wunderline: cross-border railway connection between Groningen and Bremen

Nelson Sorgo SEESARI/Slovenian Railways

PP Digital experience in railways and IT integration of public passenger transport

Michael Bültmann HERE Technologies

PP Hazard warnings for trafficVassilis Agouridas Airbus

PP Partnering in Urban Air Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Daniel Gabriel Olariu A&O Truck Stop PP Truck Secure Parking App Dino Mandic

Sailrouter (2x) YICSailrouter: reduce fuel consumption of merchant ships by using data

Clara Caroli AIPO (2x) PP

INIWAS - Improvement of the Northern Italy Waterway System

Ulf Wikström (INTERACT) with Silke Brocks (2x)

PP INTERREG - Sustainable transport initiatives

Dorothée Coucharrière Bolloré - Blue solutions

PP Smart Fleet Management Solu-tions For Clean Urban Mobility

Anna Domenech Nissan PP

Partnering in Intelligent Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Tomaž SAVŠEK TPV PP Open Innovation for Open

MobilityFernando Im-puesto Enagás

PP EU project LNGas hive: development of LNG as fuel

Bart Biebuyck Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

PPOpportunities in the EU Joint Undertaking in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

Andrea Castellano Automate Consortium/ RE:Lab srl (2x)

PP Traffic Safety & Efficiency

Mika Lammi Kouvola Innovation Oy

PP Blockchain platform in logistics and supply networks

Edwin Mermans Brabantstad & Province of Noord-Brabant

PPPartnering in New Mobility Services of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Vinay Gupta PP Hexayurt Capital Edouard de Montmarin SIGEIF Mobilités

PP Bio-CNG for European Transport Edward Boyd Element Energy PP

EU REVIVE Project: Implementation of heavy-duty fuel cell refuse collection vehicles across European cities

EC DG ECFIN EIPP PP European Investment Project Portal

Daniel Gabriel Olariu A&O Truck Stop

PP Truck Secure Parking AppUlf Wikström (INTERACT) with Silke Brocks

PP INTERREG - Sustainable transport initiatives

Mikki Koskinen ESL Shipping Ltd PP

EU project Bothnia Bulk: Reduction of CO2 emissions in dry bulk shipping

Britt Karlsson-Green Lead Partner Region Skåne


EU GREAT project: largest ongoing project in northern Europe in building infrastructure for alternative fuels with 70 seventy quick chargers and 3 LNG/LBG stations

Martin Pečar WATIFY project PP EU Watify project: supporting digital


EC DG ECFIN EIPP PP European Investment Project

PortalHugo Niesing Resourcefully PP Large scale urban Mobility-Energy

node: Amsterdam South-EastTheo Heinink Province of Gelderland

PPLNG and multimodal freight terminal of TEN-T/CEF EU Railfreightline System in NL Gelderland Province

Panayotis Zacharioudakis OceanFinance

PPElectrification & utilization of alternative fuels of shipping and urban transportation in Greece

Dragoslav Kukic AMSS -CMV PP Leading of traffic police activities based

on data

Thierry Goger FEHRL PP

EU FLOW project: Furthering Less Congestion by creating Opportunities for more Walking and Cycling

Siegfried Rupprecht Rupprecht Consult

PPEU CoExist project: Are we ready for automation on the TEN-T?

Peter Verlic Slovenian Trans-port Research Center & SEESARI

PPDeveloping the South East European/Balkan transport system

Hugo Niesing Resourcefully (2x)

PPLarge scale urban Mobility-Energy node: Amsterdam South-East

Lorena Edejer Solar Impulse PP Presenting SolarImpulse and World Alliance

for Efficient Solutions

Kurt Fallast Planum PP

tim: innovative, sustainable multimodal mobility as a service in Graz (Austria)

Donat Dekany The Urban Institute Zrt.

PP Affordable eMobility for fleets in CEE

Clara Caroli AIPO PP INIWAS - Improvement of the

Northern Italy Waterway SystemAnna Dome-nech Nissan (2x)

PPPartnering in Intelligent Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

Pedro Torres Vision-Box PP Your face is worth a million tokens

Cristina Cavicchioli e-MOTICON PP

e-MOTICON partnership for a transnational and interoperable EV charging station network in Alpine Space Area

Miha Valentinčič Petrol PP title TBC

Ralph Gallob ILR Logistica Romania

PPEU project High Performance Green Port Giurgiu - Stage II Construction

Edward Boyd Element Energy PP

Fuel Cell Buses: A commercially competitve zero emission bus solution?

Johan Boonen Watertruck+ PP EU project Watertruck+: the

future of small inland navigationPatrick Gagnol EDF PP

Impact of TEN- T charging infrastructure implementations on EU eMobility development

Alexandru Teodorescu Renovatio Asset Management

PPEU project Renovatio: Comprehensive fast-charging corridor network in South East Europe

Vassilis Agouridas Airbus

PPPartnering in Urban Air Mobility of EU Innovation Partnership in Smart cities

James Orlandi North Adriatic Sea Port Authority

PPEU project TalkNET: Transport and Logistics Stakeholders Network

FUTURE OF MOBILITY Idea Accelerator and Futuristic Lab - Pitches marketplace schedule



25 April 2018

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00-10:45 Master Class: Planning of Vital urban nodes

09:00-10:45 Enhancing the Alternative Fuels Market through Vision, Targets and Policy Measures

09:00-10:45 How to inte-grate a gender dimension into the Trans-Eu-ropean Trans-port Network?

09:00-10:45 Road Safety 1 Safe and secure parking’s

09:30-13:00 INEA Workshop 25 years of TEN-T and INEA’s contribution

10:30-13:00 “The Future of Mobility” Idea accelerator and futuristic lab with the participation of Commissioner V. Bulc

Urska 1 Urska 2 Urska 3 Urska 4

Coffee break

11:15-13:00 Core Network Corridor Meeting The North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor

11:15-13:00 Steering Committee METEET (closed)

11:15-13:00 Aviation: Building tomorrow’s innovative air traffic system

11:15-13:00 EU funding for road infrastructure safety: saving lives, planning ahead

Kupola Hall Urska 1 Urska 2 Urska 3 Urska 4 Kocka Hall

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:15 “The Future of Mobility” Idea accelerator and futuristic lab

14:00-15:45 Motorways of the Sea (MoS)

14:00-15:45 Core Network Corridor Meeting The Mediterranean Corridor

14:00-15:45 Core Network Corridor Meeting The Rhine-Alpine Corridor

14:00-15:45 Core Network Corri-dor Meeting The Orient East-Med Corridor

14:00-18:00 Electro-mobility Forum and devel-oping of e-mobility services

14:00-16:00 South-East Europe Ministerial Meeting (closed)

Urska 1 Urska 2 Urska 3 Urska 4

Coffee break Povodni Moz Hall

16:00-18:00 How do we deliver an innovative, sustainable – and competitive - maritime sector?

16:00-18:00 European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS)

16:00-18:00 Linking up ports and cities by inland waterways

16:00-18:00 Core Network Corridor Meeting The Baltic-Adriatic Corridor

Coffee breakKupola Hall

16:30-18:30 Southern Mediterranean Transport Ministerial Seminar (closed)

Urska 1 Urska 2 Urska 3 Urska 4 Kocka Hall

18:00-20:00 Cocktail Reception Povodni Moz Hall

19:00-22:00 VIP Dinner (hosted by Ljubljana City Hall)


National Gallery

AGENDA Summary

Event Programme


26 April 2018

08:00-09:30 Registration

08:30-09:30 Meeting with private sector and investors (tbc) (closed)

09:00-11:15 Boosting rail freight – operational and infrastructure priorities

09:30-11:15 Urban Nodes: Better integrating long-distance and urban transport

09:30-11:15 Transport Decar-bonisation and Clean Mobility

09:30-11:15 Transport Digitalisation

09:30-11:15 Multimodal Freight

09:00-12:30 Journalist seminar

Povodni Moz Hall

10:00-11:00 Journalist seminar with Commissioner Bulc

10:15-13:30 “The Future of Mobility” Idea accelerator and futuristic lab Gallery Hall 1

Urska 1 Urska 2 Urska 3 Urska 4 Kocka Hall 11:00-13:00 Interinstitutional Session (closed)

Coffee break

11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor Meeting The North Sea-Baltic Corridor

11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor Meeting The Atlantic Corridor

11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor Meeting The Rhine-Danube Corridor

11:45-13:30 Core Network Corridor Meeting The Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor

11:45-13:30 Multimodality for Passengers: Delivering the promise of user centric multimodal mobility solutions

Povodni Moz Hall

13:00-14:30 VIP Lunch

Kupola Hall Urska 1 Urska 2 Urska 3 Urska 4 Kocka Hall Gallery Hall 1



14:30-17:15 “The Future of Mobility” Idea accelerator and futuristic lab

14:30-15:15 Official Opening

Kocka Hall

15:15-16:15 Plenary session Transport for Connectivity and Efficiency

Kocka Hall

Coffee break

Kupola Hall 16:45-18:00 Plenary session Transport for Jobs, Growth and Innovation

Kocka Hall

18:30-24:00 Gala Dinner Recognition of ideas on “the Future of Mobility” Party


AGENDA Summary



27 April 2018

08:00-09:30 Registration

09:30-11:00 Plenary session Innovative financing for Transport

Kocka Hall

Coffee break

11:30-12:45 Plenary session Transport Financing post-2020

Kocka Hall

12:45-13:00 Conclusions of the eventKocka Hall

13:00-14:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Eastern Partnership Ministerial meeting (closed)

GR Povodni Moz Hall

15:00-16:15 Connected and Autonomous Mobility: vehicles’ demonstration

AV Living Lab, BTC City Ljubljana




































AGENDA Summary


Contact details:European Commission – Directorate General for Mobility and TransportDirectorate B – Investment, Innovative & Sustainable TransportUnit B1 – Transport networksec.europa.eu/transport/index_en.htm

Offices:Rue Demot 28 1049 Brussels Belgium

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Layout by TENtec

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