tempus project · tempus project partner universities project title: integrating a holistic...

Tempus Project Partner Universities project Title: Integrating A Holistic Approach to Student Services for Increased Student Wellbeing-MEDAWEL Project Number: 530414- TEMPUS – 1-2012-1-Jo-TEMPUS-JPGR University Co-ordinator : Dr. Ebrahim Mohamed Aman Duration Period: 36 months starting from October 2012.

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Page 1: Tempus Project · Tempus Project Partner Universities project Title: Integrating A Holistic Approach to Student Services for Increased Student Wellbeing-MEDAWEL Project Number: 530414-

Tempus Project

Partner Universities

project Title:

Integrating A Holistic Approach to Student Services for Increased Student Wellbeing-MEDAWEL

Project Number:

530414- TEMPUS – 1-2012-1-Jo-TEMPUS-JPGR

University Co-ordinator : Dr. Ebrahim Mohamed Aman

Duration Period: 36 months starting from October 2012.

Page 2: Tempus Project · Tempus Project Partner Universities project Title: Integrating A Holistic Approach to Student Services for Increased Student Wellbeing-MEDAWEL Project Number: 530414-

Objectives odf the Projects

Wider objectives:-

• To provide HEIs in the SNA with a Holistic approach to observing and improving student

services via:-

• 1-Targeted planning

• 2-development action on institutional, national and regional levels, in line with the national

goal and Tempus priorities.

Specific objectives:-

1-To sustainably strengthen capacities in 8 SNA HEIs for student services implementation and

development via training actions, widening the service offer, implementing strategic thinking

and planning.

2-To create a platform for dialogue via national roundtables and a network of student support

workers to exchange good practice, identify needs and weakness and develop action plan.

3-To give a voice to the student populous to ensure the applicability of offered services via:-

-National student surveys.

-Development a transparent culture of dialogue.

-Development of a teamwork for student service issues.


They are grouped into the following work packages:-

• WP1 Creating Knowledge M1-M6 w led by PSUT

• WP2 Capacity building via targeted training M7-M32 w led by AU

• WP3 National and Regional focus M7-M36 w led by ANNU

• WP4 Student involvement M1-M24 w led by GCU.

• WP5 Service menu and corresponding help Guide M20-M24 w led by KFSU.

• WP6 Creation of new services M25-M35 w led by MUBS

• WP7 Quality control M1-M36 w led by UCC Univ.

• WP8 Dissemination M1-M36 w led by all partners

• WP9 Management M1-M36 w led by all partners

Page 3: Tempus Project · Tempus Project Partner Universities project Title: Integrating A Holistic Approach to Student Services for Increased Student Wellbeing-MEDAWEL Project Number: 530414-

Service menu include

• 1-Financial advice

• 2-Academic Guidance

• 3-Career Guidance

• 4-Ombudsman

• 5-Counsling

• 6-Special Needs Student Support

• 7-Womens Support

• 8-One Stop Shop for Students Need


1-Kickoff-Meeting: Venue: Amman, Jordan 12-13 January, 2013 Universities Coordinators

KFS University coordinator during delivering a lecture about the university

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2-GCU Meeting: Venue: Glasgow, UK 9-10 January, 2014

3-MEDAWEL Stakeholder Management Workshop Venue: Beirut/Lebanon 9-10 January, 2014

Discussion Points Management Structure: Rhona Hodgart discussed GCU Management Structure of the Student Experience Directorate at

GCU and asked each university group to discuss the similarities and differences in their management structure in terms of:

• Student Experience. • Governance and Quality Enhancement. • Student Support Services. • Student Administration Services. • Career Services. • Students’ Association Governance Structure.

Each group gave a brief presentation about their universities. Defining Constitution: Douglas Smith Talked about the Constitution in GCU Students’ Association and then divided the

attendees into groups to discuss how they would define a Students’ Association constitution of an ideal university in terms of:

• Purposes • Powers • Representation • Finance Student Association: Douglas Smith discussed The Students’ Association Governance Structure in terms of: • Purposes • Powers • Caledonian student voice and office bearers • Referendum • Members of the association • Finance Policies: Douglas and Rhona discussed the Students’ Association in GCU in terms of: • Code of Practice Relating to the Operation of the Students’ Association • Community Engagement Framework • Data Protection Statement • Environmental Policy • Equality and Diversity Policy • Fair Trade Policy • Internationalization Strategy Election and Representation: Rhona and Douglas Explained the process of Election and Representation for GCU students in

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terms of: • Class Representatives • School Officers • Full Time Officers • Student Voice • Referendum • Membership of the National Union of Students

And also talked about Democracy in the Students’ Association, the process of accepting and implementing new ideas suggested by students and the purposes and powers of the student voice.

Student Services: Rhona and Douglas talked about GCU Students’ Association Advice Centre and the student services itprovides in terms of: • Academic issues and procedures • Personal issues • Bullying and harassment • Money • Health • Accommodation • Employment

Student Experience Framework: Rhona gave a brief introduction to Glasgow Caledonian’s Student Experience Framework 2013 -

2017.The Framework presents a cross institutional approach to the strategic management of the GCU student experience. Copies of the document will be made available to all participants.

4-MEDAWEL Workshop in Strategic Planning

Venue: Ibis Hotel ,Amman, Jordan February 26th & 27th 2014 Trainers: Rónán Ó Dubhghaill, BE, MEngSc, PhD, MBA

Director of Strategic Planning & Institutional Research, University College Cork

Michelle Nelson, BA, MA, HDip Management & Marketing, MBA

Head of Graduate Studies Office, University College Cork

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

1. Describe the process of strategic planning

2. Explain the roles and responsibilities required to develop and deliver on a strategic plan

3. Conduct an environmental scan and use the results to develop a list of potential key actions

4. Evaluate alternative options

5. Establish strategic priorities

6. Identify targets to determine the effectiveness of the plan

7. Describe and develop an operational plan

8. Establish processes for monitoring and reviewing implementation

9. Develop a sample strategic plan for student services

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5- Career service Training Workshop

Venue: Sharmelsheikh hotel, Egypt 2-3 April 2014

Career Services


University and employers (employment network). Agreements and other forms of


Intern-ships programs. Objectives and stakeholders. Law context. Transitions from

higher education to the labour market.

Jobs. Intermediation. Public programs. The relationship between State

employment services and Career services of universities.

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6- Stakeholder meeting. Venue: Administration building, Kafrelsheikh University 30.04.2014

Minutes of the Meeting

Date: 2014/04/30 Time: 11:0 AM Location: Administration


Attendees: the meeting was attended by (47) stakeholders representing the various interest groups within the stakeholder community of KFS. These groups include: KFS Academics and Student staff Parents Students Alumni Community groups Profesionals bodies Business men State Agency Then, a brief introduction about the MEDAWEL project was introduced by Dr. Ibrahim Aman,

the Co-Beneficiary of the KFS University at the project. He declared the aim, objectives and

the goals of the MEDAWEL project and the training workshops which were held in Lebanon,

Jordan and Egypt about the successful good practices of student services at EU partner


Purpose of the meeting:

The meeting was held for the following aims:-

1-To evaluate the student services at KFS University level, and to find the tools to sustain

and improve them.

2-To create additional services which indirectly reflect positively upon the employability of

the graduates.

3-To listen to the stakeholders about their ideas and opinions for increasing the

employability potential of the students through added skills or training practices.


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The discussion was opened by Dr. Aman, and each of the present stakeholder introduced himself and they gave the chance to present their input and feedback upon the items of student services and employability. Engineer Mohamed Shanah, Alexandria Bank of Egypt said that the background of most

graduates are low in the point of practical side and needs more additional skills which

required for employability especially who are seeking for any positions in any financial


Mr. Hussein Omar, The manager of social fund in Kafrelsheikh , said that the students must

learn to think of self-employment in order to avoid them to be shocked by the reality after

graduation. Moreover, he added that:-

1-student must learn how to choose the program where the labor market is suffering from a

shortage of graduates.

2-The curricula must include courses about how to establish small and micro projects

3-The student must attend training courses on project management during their studies.

Mr. Mohamed El-Daley, from the Environmental Affairs Agency declared that the most of

graduates don't able to apply what they have learned in the university and needed more

advanced curricula and a lot of time for the practical and applied courses and visits to

industries and companies.

4-Information of the student about the map of the new industries and companies

5-Training courses for students for additional skills

6-Rehabilitation and development of some faculty members

7-The University should be focuses on the psychological side of the student through official

offices and equipped with qualified staff.

8- We need extra fairness in the student union election.

A parent, my son acquired a lot of training courses during his study which qualified him for

market labor but he recommend to be taken during his study or to be within the needed skill

before graduation.

Dr. Mahmoud El-Fatatry, vice dean of faculty of arts, declared that the field training for

students which impart students with job skill suffers from financial insufficiency and needs

more support

from the university and strategic plan for student services is required.

Mr. Ahmed Khedr, General Manager of environmental projects department at the university

said that a program for employability should be established at the university and we should

strengthen the relation with labor market through conferences, workshops and visits.

In conclusion, the present stakeholder's opinion focused on the following items:-

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1-Development of the curricula

2-Training courses for the student and alumni

3-Increase link between alumni, student with the academic and staff departments

4-Fairness in the student union election

5-Increases in the financial resources for student services

6-Strategy plan for student services is required

7-Establishment of separate units for the student services and should be equipped with

qualified staff

7-MEDAWEL Workshop on PROJECT activities: Venue: Agriculture Faculty, Kafrelsheikh University 19.02.2014

8-MEDAWEL KFS Student Network Members



Student name Tel. e.mail Faculty

محمد سالمة الصعدي 1Mohamed Salama El-Seidy

01097123677 [email protected] Veterinary Medicine

دنا عبد الرازق وسف الدسوقى 2Dina Abdel-Razek Youssef


01008682118 [email protected] Medicine

منذر خالد الشرنوب 3Monzer Khaled El-Sharnouby

01010497669 [email protected] Medicine

سمر مسعد عبد الجواد ابو الحسن 4Samir Mosad Abdel-Gawad Abo-


01068544911 [email protected] Agriculture

شرف عبد الفتاح عبد الرازق حمادة 5Sherif Abdel-Fatah Abdel-Razek


01015293000 [email protected] Pharmacy

مخلص السد رشاد أبو ستة 6Mokhles El-Sayed Rashad Abo-


01017367972 [email protected] Science

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[email protected] Engineering 01010465371 أحمد سعد حسن خمس 7

محمد ابراهم احمد السد 8Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed El-


01003107872 [email protected] Education

[email protected] commerce مها مصطف عنتر ابراهم الشخ 9

9-Country Directory of Student Affairs at Some Egyptian Universities

10-MEDAWEL Country Report (Egypt)

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Aman

Higher education in Egypt dates back to 988 AD from the creation of Al-Azhar University by

the Fatimids. It is considered to be the world’s oldest university still operating. Al-Azhar

University conferred academic degrees, and had individual faculties for Islamic Theology,

Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Arabic Grammar, Islamic Astronomy, Early Islamic


Later on, in 1908 the first National Egyptian University known as Cairo university has been

established and was supported by the Khedive Abass (the Egyptian King) who nominated his

son, Fouad I, as the university president. Later, in 1940, the university was renamed Fouad I

University. Due to the increased demand by the Egyptian people to hhger education, the

government established two other universities in Alexandria in 1942 and in Cairo (Ain

Shams) in 1950.

When the higher education became a fully social system especially after the 1952 revolution

which stat that education should be a right for all Egyptians, five public universities in Egypt

by the beginning of the 1960s have established, and the government had adopted a policy of

higher education expansion and started opening university branches across the country,

which were transformed into independent universities afterwards. For example: Al-Minya

University was the former branch of Assiut University, kafrelsheikh university was the former

branch of Tanta Univ. …etc. This policy of creating branches in various geographical areas

which would eventually become independent universities is still in practice today. It merges

different faculties and technical colleges (mainly technical studies of 4 years leading to a

degree or a B.Sc.) in a single university.

-There are two main paths are available for students after passing their final Secondary

School exam, either to continue to university education (either public or private), or to enrol

in vocational training institutes (2 - 4 years of study). The period of study in Egyptian

universities is standardised in all universities as being between four years (for most faculties

and studies), five years (for engineering, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, dental

medicine, pharmacy studies), and six years (for medical studies). Post-graduate studies are

allowed only for university degree holders and are composed mainly of two cycles and

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degrees: Master Cycle (degree) consisting of at least two years of post-graduate studies;

Doctorate Cycle (degree) consisting of at least two years of studies after a Master degree.

-In 1992, Law 101 opened the door for more private universities, in addition to the long-

established American University in Cairo. As a result, new education providers have

appeared and encouraged new types of institutions to emerge.

-The higher education system in Egypt today has 22 public universities (in addition to Al-

Azhar University), 26 private universities, and 51 public non-university higher education

technical Institutes and colleges. Of the 51 non-university institutes, 47 are two-year upper

secondary-level technical institutes (MTI), and four are 4-5-year higher education-level

technical colleges.

-These universities and technical institutes are regulated by the Supreme Council of

Universities the Supreme Council of Private Universities, the supreme Council of Technical

Institutes. These councils are the main executive bodies under the Ministry of Higher

Education, which governs the system of Higher Education in Egypt. The Supreme Council of

Universities (composed of the presidents of the public universities, in addition to five

members from the civil society), founded in 1950, formulates the overall policy of university

education and scientific research in universities and determines the number of students to

be admitted to each faculty in each university.

- The Supreme Council of private universities (composed of the presidents of the private

universities, in addition to some public figures and civil society representatives).

- The Supreme Council of Technical Institutes (composed of the chairmen of the technical

institutes in addition to public figures.

The major obstacles facing higher education in Egypt (92 million inhabitant), although the

government and the private sector exert great efforts for establishing new universities and

institutes, the number is still below the world standard (one university for each one million

people), so we need at least 20 universities more for facing the increased demand for higher

education and we always give alarm to the responsible bodies at higher education


The most common student services provided by Egyptian HEIs include::

In Egypt, the student services association is replaced in term of Egyptian Student Bylaws. The

Bylaws was reinforced by the Ministerial law No. 351 for 2013 which support student to

create activities and put the rules for the election of the student union association at the

university and faculty levels. The student union at the faculty level is composed of 16 elected

members and headed by an elected secretary and assistant secretary.

At the university level; the union is elected from secretary and assistant secretary at the

faculty level and is composed of 16 elected members and headed by an elected president

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and vice president. These unions organize events and services and provide students with a

variety of opportunities to share these events and activities.

The student union at faculty and university includes among it the following committees

namely 1- committee of families and trips, 2- artistic committee 3- committee of public

service and phones, 4- committee of sport activity, 5- cultural and political committee, 6-

social and student affair committee, 7-science and technology activity committee. Each

committee is headed by faculty advisor with experience and expertise in the area of activity.

The office of student organization activates at faculty and university is responsible for

guiding and supporting the student union.

N.B. There are 16 items in the Ministerial law No. 348 for 2013 which regulate the election

procedures of student union at different levels and their tasks.


1-The work to prepare a generation of people capable of bearing the responsibilities and

home service.

2-Student representation in decisions and policies relating them and defend the interests

and rights.

3-Build bridges of understanding between the masses of the students and between the

students and the faculty staff and workers.

4-Organizing student activities e.g. sports, political, cultural, technological, artistic, social and

motivate student to participate in these activities.

5-Encourage of the establishment of families, associations, clubs and support scientific

activities and the development of creative abilities.

6-Work to solve the problems of the student and provide them all means and ways to living

in and out the university and follow up them about their complaints and grievance.

Student Services offered:-

1-Sports and recreation 2-Cultural activities,

3-Student training (soft skills), 4-Financial aid,

5-Residential and housing services, 6-Transportation services (not in all universities),

7-Alumni services, 8-Student health services,

9- Social activities.

10-International student support.

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Resources allocated:

1-From the University 2-From the Ministry of higher education

3-From students themselves.


1-National Student Services Association instead of National Student Bylaws is required.

2-More financial support for student services is required.

3-Qualified employees dealing with student services are required.

4-Sufficient capabilities at the universities especially for handicapped are required.

5-Career and employment office should be established.

6-Community service office should be established.

Finally, I strongly believe that promoting best practices and sharing experiences nationally

and internationally are very important for the future development of student services in


Compiled by:

Ibrahim Mohamed Aman

VP of Kafrelsheikh University

Mobile :01225065526

e.mail: [email protected]


11-KFS Members attended MEDAWEL Workshops

1-Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Aman

2-Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Said Abo-Waly

3-Prof. Dr. Ismael El-Sayed El-Kon

4-Prof. Dr. Hassan Younis

5-Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Seify

6-Prof. Dr. shawkey Mahmoud

7-Mrs Wesam Moustafa Ghanem Mohamed

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8-Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Moharam Ahmed Ibrahim

9-Mr. Mohamed Salama El-Saidy “ Student”

10-Mr. Monzer Khaled El-Sharnouby “ Student

13-MEDAWEL Posters and banners

14-MEDAWEL Questionnaires and Surveys

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- MEDAWEL Questionnaire –Training Needs

- MEDAWEL Survey on student services-Kafrelsheikh Univ.

- MEDAWEL Survey on student services-Damanhour Univ.

- National Universities Student survey (Main Questionnaire)

15-MEDAWEL Equipments

- Multifunction printer

- Two desktop computers

- Two laptops

All equipments were installed in student affair section at faculty of veterinary


Minutes of Meeting


“The Best Ideas for Improving the Student Services”

Date: July 6, 2014 Time: 12:0 AM Location: Faculty Council


Fac. Vet. Medicine

Attendees: Thirty persons attend the meeting which representing the various interest groups as follows: KFS Academics Student affair staff Students

Introduction A brief introduction about the MEDAWEL project was introduced by Dr. Ibrahim Aman, the

Co-Beneficiary of the KFS University. He declared the aim, objectives and the goals of the

MEDAWEL project and the purposes of this event as well. He allowed the audience to

introduce themselves and each of them declared his/her opinion for improving the student


Ideas for Improvements:-

1-For first year student service: the attendees agreed on the need for establishing a front

disc office to provide the newly admitted students with helpful advice about the faculty

programs available, the departments and the administrative staffs as well.

2- For financial aid services: the attendees agreed on the need for initiating a website

containing all information and ways to apply for financial assistance. Also, they added that a

separate office with qualified staffs should be found to inform student about how they apply

and how to fill the documents for the social solidarity.

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3- For disabled students: disability office should be initiated and all buildings of the faculties

should have special ramps, special elevators, qualified staffs, and special computers for

writing and reading.

The KFSU accept the graduated high school disable students with a total score of

50% only.

The KFSU accept the blind handicapped students in the university hostels المدنه

.without any conditions الجامعه

Faculty of Arts accept the blind handicapped students with a total score of 50% only.

There is a financial support for them.

There are many activities offered for them

The disable students asked to convert the programs and curriculums from

written format to brail one طرقة برلon C.D.

Initiating new programs for examinations of the blind handicapped students

(sound or voice format instead of the written ones) in which the examination

and the answer will be in voice.

The KFSU website (student services) should include a site for the disable


4-For international student support service: the attendees said that an office should be

initiated and equipped with professional and well trained staff speaking a wide range of

languages to receive and end all measures of reception and accommodation. Moreover,

provide support and advice for them. A link between the international student’s office of

the KFSU and the ministry of higher education to simplify the rules of application should be

started and the rules for application of the international students should be simpler.

5-For student health services: Psychiatrist beside other qualified physician should be present

all over the day and offer their help to student suffers from health disorders. A separate

student hospital should be found, and protocol and agreement between the KFSU and the

governmental hospital to examine any student come from the KFSU should be signed.

Health insurance for all students should be done.

6- Career and employability services: A center in each university should be initiated to

provide students with advices about the selection of program of study, help for their

working future line, foster partnership with employer, employment organizations, alumni,

faculty staff and administration staff. Besides, it helps for implementation of educational

plans. In general there is a shortage in the employment service

7- Cultural and Social activities services: the attendees agreed that a magazine dealing with

all cultural and social events should be initiated and be distributed free of charge. Enough

space of time between the lectures should be taken into considerations in order to give

students the chances for engagement in all activities or devoting a full day in the week for

student activities.

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8- Teaching and learning services: the attendees agree that E-learning process and courses

should be widely used by most of students. Also, well prepared and equipped rooms and

halls should be found and supplied with internet access. Lecture rooms and labs. should be

equipped with laptops, data show, lighted and environmentally safe. Staffs and Academics

should be highly qualified and well trained.

9- Psychological and mental support service: the attendees agreed that Psychologist should

be found to support and help student suffering from bad emotion and mental disorders.

Moreover, positive living team which helps students suffering from stress, low mood and

relationship problems should be established.

10- Student Administration services: should be equipped with highly qualified staffs which

are capable of providing a lot of services to students, staff and external stakeholders in the

areas of registration, student records, exams & assessments, student funding and

graduation and awards.

11-Student training skills: there are Student training programs but for limited number of the

students. Also, these programs are not specialized and the announcement is not enough. So,

We have to apply the training needs to know the training needs of the students and after

that useful training programs can be organized. Also the chairman of the Student’s Union

should sign on these programs to be sure that they are useful and satisfy theرئس اتحاد الطالب

student’s needs.

12-Alumni (graduates) services: the KFSU should initiate a website to follow up the

graduates to solve their problems

Finally, I hope that these obtained ideas share in part for achieving the project outcomes.

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Aman MEDAWEL-Co beneficiary Mobil: 01225065526 E.mail [email protected]

Photos of the meeting:

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جامعة كفرالشيخ

ميثـــــاق الطـــــــــــــــالب


Page 19: Tempus Project · Tempus Project Partner Universities project Title: Integrating A Holistic Approach to Student Services for Increased Student Wellbeing-MEDAWEL Project Number: 530414-


مثاق طالب جامعة كفر الشخ حدد المبادئ العامة للشراكة بن اتحاد الطلبة والجامعة. للجامعة والطالب على حد سواء

حقوق ومسؤولات واضحة لبعضها البعض. تطلب هذا االتفاق العمل الشاق، والصدق، والصراحة، من باب المجاملة

ة. نبغ النظر ف العبارات التالة ف المثاق: وااللتزام بالعدالة واإلنصاف بن الطالب والجامع


عن الفرد المسجل ف الجامعة ف واحد أو أكثر من الوحدات نحو جائزة التعلم العال.


عن جامعة كفر الشخ وتشمل أي من كلات الجامعة، وأي شخص تصرف بصفته كممثل للجامعة أو أي من أعضاء

درس بها. هئة الت

الحرم الجامعي

عن كل أرض مخولة ف الجامعة، مخصصة ألغراض تعلمة.

المساحات المفتوحة للحرم

عن المناطق الت تم حجزها ألحداث معنة.

الحرية الفكرية

لتحقق النقدي شمل الحق ف التعبر عن اآلراء حول عملات الجامعة وساسة التعلم العال بشكل عام. لمتابعة ا

والمفتوح ومناقشة بحرة ونشرها والبحوث؛ المشاركة ف المناقشات العامة؛ المشاركة ف الهئات المهنة والنقابات

التمثلة والمشاركة ف خدمة المجتمع دون خوف من المضاقة أو التخوف أو المعاملة غر العادلة. والحق ف التعبر

ى بشعبة أو مثرة للجدل.عن وجهات النظر الت ال تحظ

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المسؤولياتالتوقعات و

العــــــــــامةالتوقعات والمسئوليات -0

- الجامعة: الطالب من يتوقع

. التنوع الطالب تشجع والرأي الطالب، بأهمة حقوق االعتراف -

مرافق الجامعة. و على خدماتللحصول مجتمع الجامعى، وله كل الحقوق فى ال كعضو النظر للطالب -

، مع االحترام. وأخالقا أن عاملوا معاملة منصفة -

. من الحرم الجامع العامة المساحات المفتوحة ف بطرقة سلمة أن عامل -

الجامعة. والساسات واألنظمة والقواعد القوانن الوصول إلى تسهل -

ذلك. الكاف ل والحصول هذا المثاق بوجود على علم أن كون -

هئة طالبة من خالل ترشح أو عن طرق االنتخاب المباشر من خالل ف الجامعة اتحاد الطالب ف أن كون ممثال -

معترف بها.

واالتصاالت خدمات الحوسبة والسماح الوصول إلى الجامعة ف جمع أنحاء تكنولوجا المعلومات توفر له تسهالت ان-

الطباعة. و

جمع الطالب. لدعم الت صممت المهنة خدمات الرعاة كافة الوصول إلى -

ه.الرفاهه العام لتحسن ف الحرم الجامعالراضة و الفرص الترفهة من مجموعة من استفاد أن كون -

واالحترام.الكرامة بالعدالة و أن عامل-

. الحرة الفكرة أن كون له-

- الب:الجامعة من الط تتوقع

اإلجراءات الجامعه. و القواعد والساسات تحت مسؤولاته كون على بنة من أن -

. مبان الجامعة وكذلك الحرم الجامع الخضراء ف المناطق الحفاظ على -

قبل محتوات الملصقات مراجعةجب و أو الكلة الجامعة من غر مصرح بها أي أماكن على ملصقاتلصق عدم -

. تعلقها

بطرقه مسببه الترفه االستخدام ومع ذلك، ألغراض تعلمة. ف المقام األول مرافق تكنولوجا المعلومات استخدام -

مقبول. هو وقانونة

باحترام. وبئتها معدات تكنولوجا المعلومات التعامل مع -

. باحترام كبر مجتمع الجامعة جمع أعضاء التعامل مع -

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. أو المجتمع الجامعى الجامعة تشوه سمعة باحترام وعدم الحرة الفكرة مل معالتعا -

القبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــول -4

-: من الجامعة والحاليين الطالب المحتملين يتوقع

مكتب مكتب إنشاء األخرى من خالل اإلجراءات اإلدارةالقبول و التسجل و كافة عن بمعلومات تزود الطالب -


التقم وتفاصل الجداول الزمنة، بما ف ذلك أعضاء هئة التدرس بشأن كل بالمعلومات الكافة تزود الطالب -

الحضور.متطلبات والرسوم و

الهوة. بطاقة سهولة الحصول على -

االختبارات. قواعد المعار و وكذلك الدخول المطلوبة قبل اختبارات القبول كون على بنة من ان -

من خالل نتائجالحصول على معلومات و القبول قبل المطلوبه الفحوصات الصحة وإجراءات بأنواع كون على علم ان -

به. التحلل

فقط. الدولة الوطنة والحاصلن على الجوائز للطالب الراضة الحوافز نبغ النظر ف - . ... الخ، والجنس، واألسرة، والعالقات، باألدان فما تعلقدون تمز بإنصاف و غ أن تمنب القبول اختبارات -

-: والحاليين الجامعة من الطالب المحتملين تتوقع

. والتسجل للقبول التعلم العال تعلمات وزارة اتباع - للقبول. الجامعة قواعد وأنظمة احترام - للقبول. الرسوم المطلوبة ودفع بطاقة الهوة على الحصول - الذي حددته الجامعة. للجدول الزمنفقا و ف الوقت المناسب واالمتحانات اختبارات القبولحضور -

المكتبة التعليم والتعلم و- 3

- الجامعة: الطالب من يتوقع

. مساراتنا خالل ودعم الطالب لتعلم مؤهلن تأهال جدا الموظفنأن كون -

.و تدرسها بشكل جد تم تنظمها الدورات الحدثه الت تقدم -

إال ف الحاالت جلسات أو تغر وعدم إلغاء، كل فصل دراس ف بداةمسارنا ل دقق جدول زمن إعطاء الطالب -

. االستثنائة

رافق.ذات نوعة جدة و مكتملة الم رافق المكتبةمأن تكون -

الت مكن الوصول اإللكترونة والمواردعلى شبكة اإلنترنت، االستخدامحدث، وسهل أن كون فهرس المكتبة -

.الحرم الجامع داخل وخارج إلها

. الفردة والجماعة للطالب للدراسة المناطق المناسبة اتاحة -

. عم األكادمالدخدمات إلى مختلف، وكذلك للحصول على المساعدة أعضاء هئة التدرس بسهولة إلى الوصول -

والمنح لدراسة المنح مثل، الجامعة الت تروج لها مقدمة أو مساعدة مالة بأي كون الطالب على علمان -

القروض. و

المقرر.المناهج ومحتوى اإلشراف و، التعلم عالة من نوعة بما ف ذلك عال الجودة الجامعه تعلما أن توفر -

معها.بشكل واضح متصله بفعالة و معلومات أيو كل دورة ونتائج بمحتوى كون على علم ان-

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المرافق والمعدات.، بما ف ذلك للتعلم والتعلممكن الوصول إلها بئة آمنة و أن توفر -

مهارات إضافة. بدورات تدربة و تزودها أن تم -

دفع ثمنها.كف مكنك الجامعة و رسوملمن ا وغرها الرسوم الدراسة حول ودققة معلومات واضحة أن توفر -

الكلات. ف للعمل تم قبولهم قبل أنن االدارن والشخصةللمسؤول النفسة االختباراتجب اجراء -

-: الطالب من نتوقع الجامعة

. ف جدولها الزمن والدورات الندوات وورش العمل حضور بنشاط فالمشاركة -

تقدم بانات للخدمات وطلبات أخرى ودورة، لطلب القبول المعلومات المطلوبة ل جمع جامعةال إعالم -

. مؤهالتهم وخبراتهم عن صادقة

بالموظف االتصال طلب منهم على الدفع، فى حالة عدم القدره. ف الوقت المناسب غرامات أو أي رسوم دفع -

للدفع.ه من أجل عمل الترتبات البدل المعن

وتقدم، على النحو المطلوب فصول من خالل حضورالبحث، وال سما والتعلم و التعلم ف بئة المشاركة بفعالة -

ف الوقت المحدد. العمل المطلوب

المناسب ف الى الموظف أسئلة أو استفسارات أي ورفع المتاحة لهم المواد وحدة أو كل على بنة من أن كون -


.المناهج و استمرار تحدث نتائج التعلم الناجح و التدرستعزز جهودا كبرة ل تبذل الجامعة ان تأكد أن-

عندما طلب منه القام بذلك. واإلشراف التدرسالصادق ف و ردود الفعل العادلب تسهمان -

المتاحة لهم. التعلمة لجمع الموارد االستخدام األمثل -

المرافق العلمه و التعلمة. إلى جمعدون عائق بفرص متساوة و ف التمتع الطالب اآلخرن احترام حقوق -

. المكتبةوائح ل والحفاظ على بلطف واحترام الموظفن التعامل مع -

السرعة.على وجه متكبدة أو دون غرامات أي ودفعغر تالفة، عند استحقاقها الكتب المستعاره إعادة جمع -

. الفكرة لآلخرنالخصائص و دوراتامتحانات ال احترام قواعد -

المظالمالشكاوى و و، االستئناف -2

-: من الجامعة الطالب يتوقع

اداري.إجراء أكادم و إجراء، أكادم أي تقم ضد تظلم أو تسجل شكوى االستئناف أو قادرا علىأن كون -

، غر منحازة، وغر تمزة الت تعتبر سرة تظلم شكوى أو، نداء مع للتعامل بوضوح عملة موثقة أن توجد -

. وخاضعة للمساءلة

االستئناف.كفة وان تم النصح ل الناتجةالقرارات أسباب الحصول على-

عند أعضاء هئة التدرس أو و /، أعضاء هئة التدرس من مكتب مساعدة الطالب، التماس التوجه -

. أو مظلمة أو شكوى طعن تقدم

ف الجامعة الطالبة الشكاوىبشأن الوصول الكامل على تكون قادرة ان -

و تم الرد فى الوقت المناسب. مفتوحة وشفافةتكون الطعون عملة -

ونزهة. وعادلة كاملة الطالب بطرقة اهتماماتفى التحقق -

-الطالب: الجامعة من يتوقع

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. تظلمال شكاوى أوال االستئناف،جراءات واالمتثال إل أنفسهم رفتع -

بشأن 2491لسنة 94رقم المصرة الجامعات قانون المنصوص علها ف اإلجراءات احترام -

. تظلمال شكاوى أوال االستئناف،


الرسم. إجراءات الشكاوى قبل استخدام واإلرشاد طلب المساعدة -

ممكن. لنا ف أقرب وقت واستفساراتهم مخاوفهم رفع -

اإلنصاف -5 الخصوصية و الجامعة: الطالب من يتوقع -

بئة الدراسة ففى الحق - اإلنصاف و ملتزمة بمبادئ

والخدمات الحصول على التعلم الحق ف - تكافؤ الفرص.

أو نوع الجنس أو التارخ، النوع االجتماع: بغض النظر عنالتمثل و

الوضع ، العائلة، والضعف، المسؤولات الدنة القناعة، أو المعتقد الساس أو الحمل العالقات، التوجه الجنس

، أو الملكة، االجتماع الوضع االقتصادي أو االجتماع، أو، أو األصل القوم العرق، أو السن، أو اللغة، العائل

آخر. المولد أو أي وضع أو

السلوك غر المناسب. منالعرقة وغرها والجسدة و المضاقات الجنسة كل تكون خالة من -

الجامعة؛ ف اتحاد الطالب أو من خالل الفردة سواءالمشاركة والتمثل ومشاركة الطالب رسمة ل إتاحة فرص -

فرق العمل. والمجموعات الفرعة واللجان و مجالسبالطبع الالكلة و

- الطالب:الجامعة من تتوقع

الموظفن. و واألكادمن الموظفن وامتازات تحترم حقوق بطرقة ف جمع األوقات العمل-

. مجتمع الجامعة لجمع أعضاءالتنوع المساواة و احترام -

ممتلكات اآلخرن. و ممتلكات الجامعة احترام -

بالكشف عنها. نقوم قانونا ، أو، إال إذا قمت بأخبارنا بهاسرة إبقاء معلوماتك الشخصة -

واالحترام. العدالة على قدم المساواة مع الناس معاملة جمع حث تم ف بئة آمنة إلعش والدراسة-

االنضباط -6

- الجامعة: الطالب من يتوقع

الحاد. المصرة من خالل الجامعات وفقا لقانون التأدبة المخالفات جب أن تكون -

الجرائم. مع العقوبات التأدبة تتناسبجب أن -

. أخالقا و مؤهلنن، عادل بواسطة موظفن التأدب اإلجراء جب تفعل -

-: الطالب من الجامعة تتوقع

الموقعه من الجامعه. العقوبات جمع احترام -

الجامعة.قانون االنصاع ل -

والمالحظات تقييمال -7

- الجامعة: الطالب من يتوقع

نتائج التقم. حول توافر معلومات واضحةالجامعه أن توفر -

تقم.ال جمع أعمال على وف الوقت المناسب تغذة راجعة مفدة إعطاء-

خارجا. والتحقق منهاومهنة فعالة، عادلة بطرقة األعمال تم تقم -

العام ف بداة تكون وضعت سوف، وكف أنها استحقاقها عند لدنا عملات التقم معلومات كاملة عن إعطاء -

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. أسابع مقدما ال قل عن ستة للتقم جدول زمن وتقدم، الدراس

وف الوقت المناسب. مفتوحة وشفافةتكون الطعون عملة -

. ال لبس فه تكون محددة واألسئلة التعن تعلمات -

التقم.كمال إل متوسط توفر الوقت الالزم للطالب ال -

الفردي. تقدمهم تلقون التغذة الراجعة على أنهم سوف متى وكف معلومات واضحة عن توفر -

. تقمال خالل الكتب الجامعهو بالمناهج الدراسة األكادمن نبغ أن لتزم -

-: الطالب من الجامعة تتوقع

التقمات. / االمتحاناتحضور جمع القانونة و ف المواعد بهمالواجبات الدراسة الخاصة تقدم -

االمتحانات. عملات التقم و ف جمعالتصرف بمسؤولة و بأي شكل من األشكال عدم الغش -

اتخاذ الترتبات لزم األمر،، وإذا مساعدتك حتى نتمكن من تردها إضافة أي احتاجات اخبار الجامعه عن -


الوفاء بالمواعد قدرتهم على أو تؤثر على عملهم قد الخاصة الت أي ظرف من الظروف اخبار الجامعه عن -

. قضتهم لدعم و مستقلة كافةادله وتوفر، حدوثهال ف أقرب وقت الدراسةللواجبات النهائة

بمسؤولة. عملة النداءات استخدام -

) الجامعة إدارة و مختلفة( من كلات طالبا 12 )ومثلهم الطالب بنالطالب مثاق ومسؤولات بنود هذا وقد نوقشت

شئون البئة و تنمة المجتمعشئون رئس الجامعة ل و نائب التعلم والطالب رئس الجامعة لشئون نائبا ومثله

و استاذ شئون البئة و نمة المجتمعتلشئون الطب البطري كلة ، وكل الطلبة الزراعة لشئون وكل كلة وبحضور

(. من كلة الطب البطرى

أمان إبراهيم محمد األستاذ الدكتور

بالجامعة التمبس مشروع المسئول عن



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Alicante, 26th – 28th January 2015 workshop


To train the participants of the Medawel project by showing the experience and best

practices of the UA in the following areas of interest:

-Academic Guidance

-Student Counselling service

-Disables Students service

-Women’s Support Service

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