temperature and axial strain characteristic of cladding etched single-mode fiber based acousto-optic...

Temperature and axial strain characteristic of cladding etched single-mode ber based acousto-optic tunable lter Chao Liu, Li Pei n , Yiqun Wang, Sijun Weng, Liangying Wu, Shaowei Yu Key Laboratory of All Optical Network and Advanced Telecommunication Network of Ministry of Education, Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China article info Article history: Received 20 April 2014 Received in revised form 9 July 2014 Accepted 14 July 2014 Available online 12 August 2014 Keywords: Acousto-optic tunable lter Temperature Axial strain abstract The temperature and axial strain characteristic of the cladding etched single-mode ber based acousto- optic tunable lter (CE-SMF-AOTF) were described in the simulation and experiment. In the simulation, the CE-SMF-AOTF had a linear wavelength shift response to the temperature and axial strain, and the lter with small ber diameter was more sensitive to the temperature and axial strain than it with large ber diameter. In the experiment, the temperature and axial strain characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF with ber diameters of 39 μm and 67 μm were measured. The experimental results accorded well with the simulated ones. & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Optical lters are key components for optical communication systems. Due to their tunable spectra, the lters can be used in optical signal processing [1], wavelength selection [2] and optical ampliers [3]. Currently, the common optical lters include ber gratings [46], acousto-optic tunable lters (AOTFs) [2], MachZehnder interferometer lters [7], FabryPerot lters [8] and so on. Among these tunable lters, the AOTFs have the advantages of wide tunable range, good switching speed, and easy electric control. Particularly, all-ber AOTFs have good compatibility with optical ber communication systems. Therefore, there is a lively interest in the design of all-ber AOTFs to obtain tunable complex spectra. In 1997, an all-ber AOTF based on single-mode ber (SMF) was rst demonstrated by Kim et al. [9], and in order to enhance the coupling efciency, Li et al. designed a cladding etched SMF based AOTF (CE-SMF-AOTF) in 2002 [10]. Other types of all-ber AOTFs are also proposed with the components such as taper ber [11] and ber grating [12,13]. For the application of these all-ber AOTFs, it is signicant to understand the effects of various external perturbations such as temperature uctuation and axial strain on the device performance. It is because the temperature and axial strain characteristic of the lter largely determine its packaging structure. There have been a few reports on the axial strain characteristics of some all-ber AOTFs [1417]. In 2006, Li et al. analyzed the axial strain characteristic of the ber taper based AOTF [15], but the variation of the ber which is induced by the strain, is negligible. In 2009, Lee et al. reported the axial strain characteristic of SMF based AOTF by consideration of the combination of acoustic and optical effects [16], but the variation of the ber diameter has not been fully considered in the analysis of this AOTF. To the best of our knowledge, no report was appeared on the temperature characteristic of the CE-SMF- AOTF. In this paper, the temperature and axial strain characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF with different ber diameters are demonstrated in the simulation and experiment. In the simulation, the optical resonant wavelength shift of the lter is explained by the combi- nation of the acoustic and optical effect in the ber which are signicantly affected by the temperature and axial strain. In the experiment, the lter with different diameters are measured under several temperatures and axial strains. 2. Operation of the CE-SMF-AOTF As shown in Fig. 1, the CE-SMF-AOTF is composed of the cladding-etched single mode ber, the silica horn and the PZT. When the electrical signal is loaded on the PZT, the PZT vibrates up and down, creating a exural acoustic wave in the ber. After propagating over the acousto-optic (AO) interaction region where the ber cladding is etched, the exural acoustic wave is absorbed by the ber coating layer. The exural acoustic wave bends the ber and changes the refractive index distribution of the ber, periodically. When the ber is assumed to vibrate in the yz plane (vertical plane), the change of the refractive index Δn can be Contents lists available at ScienceDirect journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/optlastec Optics & Laser Technology http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2014.07.012 0030-3992/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. n Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Pei). Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136

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  • Temperature and axial strain characteristic of cladding etchedsingle-mode ber based acousto-optic tunable lter

    Chao Liu, Li Pei n, Yiqun Wang, Sijun Weng, Liangying Wu, Shaowei YuKey Laboratory of All Optical Network and Advanced Telecommunication Network of Ministry of Education, Institute of Lightwave Technology,Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 20 April 2014Received in revised form9 July 2014Accepted 14 July 2014Available online 12 August 2014

    Keywords:Acousto-optic tunable lterTemperatureAxial strain

    a b s t r a c t

    The temperature and axial strain characteristic of the cladding etched single-mode ber based acousto-optic tunable lter (CE-SMF-AOTF) were described in the simulation and experiment. In the simulation,the CE-SMF-AOTF had a linear wavelength shift response to the temperature and axial strain, and thelter with small ber diameter was more sensitive to the temperature and axial strain than it with largeber diameter. In the experiment, the temperature and axial strain characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTFwith ber diameters of 39 m and 67 m were measured. The experimental results accorded well withthe simulated ones.

    & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Optical lters are key components for optical communicationsystems. Due to their tunable spectra, the lters can be used inoptical signal processing [1], wavelength selection [2] and opticalampliers [3]. Currently, the common optical lters include bergratings [46], acousto-optic tunable lters (AOTFs) [2], MachZehnder interferometer lters [7], FabryPerot lters [8] and so on.Among these tunable lters, the AOTFs have the advantages ofwide tunable range, good switching speed, and easy electriccontrol. Particularly, all-ber AOTFs have good compatibility withoptical ber communication systems. Therefore, there is a livelyinterest in the design of all-ber AOTFs to obtain tunable complexspectra. In 1997, an all-ber AOTF based on single-mode ber(SMF) was rst demonstrated by Kim et al. [9], and in order toenhance the coupling efciency, Li et al. designed a claddingetched SMF based AOTF (CE-SMF-AOTF) in 2002 [10]. Other typesof all-ber AOTFs are also proposed with the components such astaper ber [11] and ber grating [12,13]. For the application ofthese all-ber AOTFs, it is signicant to understand the effects ofvarious external perturbations such as temperature uctuationand axial strain on the device performance. It is because thetemperature and axial strain characteristic of the lter largelydetermine its packaging structure. There have been a few reportson the axial strain characteristics of some all-ber AOTFs [1417].In 2006, Li et al. analyzed the axial strain characteristic of the ber

    taper based AOTF [15], but the variation of the ber which isinduced by the strain, is negligible. In 2009, Lee et al. reported theaxial strain characteristic of SMF based AOTF by consideration ofthe combination of acoustic and optical effects [16], but thevariation of the ber diameter has not been fully considered inthe analysis of this AOTF. To the best of our knowledge, no reportwas appeared on the temperature characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF.

    In this paper, the temperature and axial strain characteristic ofthe CE-SMF-AOTF with different ber diameters are demonstratedin the simulation and experiment. In the simulation, the opticalresonant wavelength shift of the lter is explained by the combi-nation of the acoustic and optical effect in the ber which aresignicantly affected by the temperature and axial strain. In theexperiment, the lter with different diameters are measuredunder several temperatures and axial strains.

    2. Operation of the CE-SMF-AOTF

    As shown in Fig. 1, the CE-SMF-AOTF is composed of thecladding-etched single mode ber, the silica horn and the PZT.When the electrical signal is loaded on the PZT, the PZT vibrates upand down, creating a exural acoustic wave in the ber. Afterpropagating over the acousto-optic (AO) interaction region wherethe ber cladding is etched, the exural acoustic wave is absorbedby the ber coating layer. The exural acoustic wave bends theber and changes the refractive index distribution of the ber,periodically. When the ber is assumed to vibrate in the yz plane(vertical plane), the change of the refractive index n can be

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/optlastec

    Optics & Laser Technology

    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2014.07.0120030-3992/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    n Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Pei).

    Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136

  • expressed as [11]

    nx; y; z n01k2aS0y cos kaz 1where n0 is the effective local index, is the elasto-opticcontribution to the index change, ka 2=a is the vector of theacoustic wave, S0 is the amplitude of the exural acoustic wave,and a is the acoustic wavelength.

    The change of the refractive index in the ber causes thecoupling from the HE11 mode in the core to the HE21 mode in thecladding at the resonant wavelength where the phase matchingcondition is satised: the acoustic wavelength ashould be thesame as the optical beat-length LB between the core mode HE11and the cladding mode HE21 [14],

    a LB 2


    where 11 and 21 are the propagation constants of the core modeHE11 and the cladding mode HE21, respectively.

    Then the HE21 mode is absorbed by the ber coating layer,giving rise to a wavelength notch in the transmission spectra. Thecoupled mode equations between the HE11 mode and the HE21mode can be given by [11]


    iKseiszE21 0;dE21dz

    iKse iszE11 0 3

    where E11 and E21 are mode eld intensity of the HE11 mode andthe HE21 mode respectively, Ks is the AO coupling coefcient, ands 11212=a is a detuning parameter that is zero at theoptical resonant wavelength, respectively.

    3. The temperature characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF

    When the temperature of the CE-SMF-AOTF varies, the acousticwavelength a and the optical beat-length LB change, leading tothe shift of the optical resonant wavelength. In a cylindrical opticalber, the ber diameter is much smaller than the acousticwavelength of lowest order exural acoustic wave. Therefore, the

    frequency f a of the exural acoustic wave can be expressed as [16]

    f a 2






    !" #1=24

    where Ea, Ia, , S and Ta are Young's modulus, the area moment ofinertia, the ber density, the cross-sectional area of the ber, andthe initial tension in the longitudinal direction of the ber,respectively. When the temperature changes T , because the areamoment of inertia and the initial tension can be given by

    Ia 4


    4; Ta EaS

    ll EaST ; 5

    respectively, the acoustic wavelength a of the lowest orderexural acoustic wave can be expressed as

    a Cext2

    pf a


    T2 f a


    2svuut 6where Cext is the speed of the acoustic wave in ber, f a is theacoustic frequency, is the thermal expansion coefcient of theber, and d is the ber diameter. For silica, the values of Cext and are about 5760 m/s and 5:5 107=oC, respectively.

    Based on Eq. (6), the relationship between the acoustic wave-length a and the ber diameter d can be obtained, as shown inFig. 2. In the simulation, the acoustic frequency f a is 0.9 MHz. Thegraph shows that the acoustic wavelength decreases with thedecrease of the ber diameter, and when the temperatureincreases, the acoustic wavelength also increases.

    When the temperature changes T , the parameters of the bervaries. According to the thermal expansion effect and thermo-optic effect, the radius and refractive index of ber core and bercladding are changed as [18]:

    for the ber core,

    rco rco0 1T; nco nco0 1coT; 7for the ber cladding,

    rcl rcl0 1T; ncl ncl0 1clT; 8where rco0 and r

    cl0 are the initial radius of the ber core and ber

    cladding, nco0 and ncl0 are the initial refractive index of the ber core

    and ber cladding, co and cl are the thermo-optic coefcient ofthe ber core and ber cladding, respectively.

    Fig. 3 shows the relationship between the effective refractiveindex of the ber mode (HE11 and HE12) and the ber diameter d.The calculation is based on Eqs. (7) and (8), and the characteristicequation for the core mode and the cladding mode which areobtained from the step-index ber geometry [19]. In theFig. 1. The schematic for measurement of the CE-SMF-AOTF.

    Fig. 2. Acoustic wavelength as a function of the ber diameter for three differenttemperatures.

    Fig. 3. The relationship between the effective refractive index of the ber modeand the ber diameter for three different temperatures.

    C. Liu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136132

  • simulation, the parameter values are listed as: rco0 4:1 m,nco0 1:4682, ncl0 1:4631

    co 8:06 106, cl 7:80 106. Asshown in Fig. 3, in the same temperature, with the decrease of theber diameter d, the effective refractive index of the core modeHE11 is constant while the effective refractive index of the claddingmode HE12 decreases. Meanwhile, with the increase of thetemperature, the effective refractive index of the core mode HE11and the cladding mode HE12 increase.

    Fig. 4 illustrates the calculated transmission spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF under various temperatures which can be obtainedfrom the coupled mode equations Eq. (3). In the calculation, theacoustic frequency f a is 0.9 MHz, and because the AO couplingcoefcient in the smaller ber diameter should be higher [10], theAO coupling coefcient Ks with the d of 39 m is 0:84K0 while theAO coupling coefcient Ks of the lter with the d of 67 m is0:66K0, where K0 is the characteristic coupling coefcient of thelter when the core mode HE11 is completely coupled to thecladding mode HE12. As shown in Fig. 4, when the temperatureincreases, the optical resonant wavelength of the CE-SMF-AOTFmoves to the longer wavelength region. Comparing Fig. 4(a) withFig. 4(b), when T increases from 0 1C to 40 1C, the opticalresonant wavelength of the lter with the d of 39 m moves from1660.22 nm to 1665.68 nm while the optical resonant wavelengthof the lter with the d of 67 m moves from 1740.93 nm to1745.50 nm. It means that the optical resonant wavelength shiftsfurther in the smaller ber diameter which is also shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 5 plots the relationship between the optical resonant

    wavelength shift and the variation of temperature T . Thegraph shows that is proportional to T , and the slope of thelter with d of 39 m is larger than the lter with d of 67 mwhich means that the lter with small ber diameter is moresensitive to the temperature than the lter with the large berdiameter. Note that the 3 dB bandwidth of the CE-SMF-AOTFwith d of 39 m is larger than the one with d of 67 m. It is due tothe decrease of the ber diameter d [20].

    The experimental measured spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF forseveral temperatures at xed acoustic frequency of 0.9 MHz, isshown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6, the lter with d of 39 m has a highertransmissivity than the one with d of 67 m. When the tempera-ture adds from 15 1C to 55 1C, the optical resonant wavelength ofthe lter moves 5.68 nm and 4.81 nm towards long wavelength,corresponding to d of 39 m and 67 m respectively. This varia-tion trend is similar to Fig. 4. Fig. 7 plots the relationship betweenthe measured resonant wavelength shift of CE-SMF-AOTF and thetemperature. As shown in Fig. 7, the lter has a linear wavelengthshift response to the different temperatures. The slope betweenthe optical resonant wavelength and the temperature in the lterwith d of 39 m, is larger than the one in the lter with d of67 m. Due to the linear response of the resonant wavelength tothe temperature, this lter also can be used as a temperaturesensor. Note that the notch depths of the AOTF are sensitive to thevariation of the temperature, which is similar to temperaturecharacteristic of the mechanically induced long-period ber grat-ing [2123]. It is because the output strain of the PZT decreaseswith the increase of the temperature [24,25], weakening theamplitude of the exural acoustic wave S0. As a result, the AOcoupling coefcient Ks would reduce, resulting in the decrease inthe notch depths of the CE-SMF-AOTF.

    4. The axial strain characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF

    Similar to the temperature characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF,when the axial strain is applied on the AO interaction region of theAOTF, the optical resonant wavelength also changes, due to thevariation of the acoustic wavelength a and the optical beat-length LB. In the analysis, the axial strain is the tensile strain. BasedonEq. (4), the acoustic wavelength of the lowest order exuralacoustic wave under the axial strain can be expressed as

    a Cext2

    pf a

    2 f a


    2svuut 9

    Fig. 4. The transmission spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF for various temperatures. (a) the ber diameter d is 39 m, (b) the ber diameter d is 67 m.

    Fig. 5. The optical resonant wavelength shift of the CE-SMF-AOTF as a function ofthe temperature.

    C. Liu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136 133

  • where is Poisson's ration. For silica, the value of is 0.16. Fig. 8shows the acoustic wavelength a as a function of the berdiameter d under the axial strain of 0 , 450 , and 900 . Inthe calculation, the value of acoustic frequency f a is also 0.9 MHz.As shown in Fig. 8, the acoustic wavelength decreases with thedecrease of the ber diameter in the same axial strain, and theacoustic wavelength also increases when the axial strain increases.

    When the axial strain is applied on the CE-SMF-AOTF, thecore and cladding of the ber become an anisotropic positiveuniaxial crystal whose optical axis is parallel to the ber's axis, andthe refractive indices of the transverse and longitudinal electricelds in the ber would be different. According to the elasto-opticeffect, the transverse and longitudinal indices of the ber core andber cladding can be written as [26]:for the ber core,

    ncot nco0 12nco30 p12p11p12;ncoz nco0

    12nco30 p112p12

    10for the ber cladding,

    nclt ncl0 12ncl30 p12p11p12;nclz ncl0

    12ncl30 p112p12

    11where p11 and p12 are the strain-optic coefcients. For silica, thevalues of p11 and p12 are 0.113 and 0.252, respectively. In addition,according to the Poisson effect, the radius of the ber core andcladding would be changed as [26]

    rco rco0 1; rcl rcl0 1 12

    Based on Eqs. (10)(12) and the characteristic equation for thecore mode and the cladding mode which are obtained from thestep-index uniaxial ber geometry [26], the relationship between

    Fig. 6. The experimental measured spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF for several temperatures. (a) the ber diameter d is 39 m, (b) the ber diameter d is 67 m.

    Fig. 7. The relationship between the measured resonant wavelength shift and thetemperature. The line is the linear tting, and the triangle and the cross are theexperimental data.

    Fig. 8. Acoustic wavelength as a function of the ber diameter for three differentaxial strains.

    Fig. 9. The relationship between the effective refractive index of the ber modeand the ber diameter for three different axial strains.

    C. Liu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136134

  • the effective refractive index of the ber mode (HE11 and HE12) andthe ber diameter for three different axial strains can be shown inFig. 9. In the calculation, the values of nco0 , n

    cl0 , and r

    co0 are the same

    as those applied in Fig. 3. In Fig. 9, with the decrease of the berdiameter d, the effective refractive index of the core mode HE11 isinvariable while the effective refractive index of the cladding modeHE12 decreases in the same axial strain. When the axial strainincreases, unlike the temperature-induced optical effect, theeffective refractive index of the core mode HE11 and the claddingmode HE12 decrease.

    Fig. 10 demonstrates the calculated transmission spectra of theCE-SMF-AOTF under different axial strains which can be obtainedfrom the coupled mode equations Eq. (3). In the calculation, thevalues of the acoustic frequency f a and the AO coupling coefcientKs are the same as those applied in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 10,similar to the temperature characteristic, the optical resonantwavelength of the lter move to the longer wavelength region,and the wavelength shift of the lter with small ber diameter ismore than the lter with large ber diameter. Fig. 11 shows theoptical resonant wavelength shift as a function of the axialstrain. It shows that is also proportional to the axial strain, andthe slope in the lter with d of 39 m is larger than the one in thelter with d of 67 m. It means that the lter with small berdiameter has a higher sensitivity to the axial strain than the lterwith the large ber diameter.

    Fig. 12 plots the measured spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF forseveral axial strains at xed acoustic frequency of 0.9 MHz.

    As shown in Fig. 12, with increase of the axial strain, the opticalresonant wavelength of the lter moves to the longer wavelengthregion. When the axial strain increases from 0 to 900 , theoptical resonant wavelength of the lter with d of 39 m shifts28.28 nm, which is larger than 10.58 nm of the lter with d of67 m. This variation trend is also similar to Fig. 10. Noted thatunlike the temperature characteristic, the notch depths of the lterare insensitive to the axial strain. It is because the acoustic energyis not affected by the axial strain, and therefore the AO couplingefciency in the ber can remains constant [16]. The measuredoptical resonant wavelength shift is shown in Fig. 13 as a functionof the axial strain. The optical resonant wavelength of the lter isproportional to the axial strain, as expected from Fig. 11, and theslope between the optical resonant wavelength and the axialstrain in the lter with d of 39 m, is larger than the one in thelter with d of 67 m. Due to the highly linear response of theresonant wavelength to the axial strain and good reproducibility,the axial strain can be used in the tuning the optical resonantwavelength, instead of changing the acoustic frequency.

    5. Conclusions

    The temperature and axial strain characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTF are demonstrated and analyzed in the simulation andexperiment. The temperature and axial strain which are appliedin the lter, changing both acoustic and optical properties of theber, result in the optical resonant wavelength shift of the lter.Based on the coupled mode equations of the lter, the transmis-sion spectra of the lter with the ber diameter d of 39 m and67 m under different temperatures and axial strains are simu-lated. According to the simulation results, the optical resonantwavelength of the lter moves to the longer wavelength regionwhen the temperature or axial strain increase, and the opticalresonant wavelength shift is proportional to the variation of thetemperature or axial strain. The slope between the optical reso-nant wavelength and the temperature or axial strain increaseswith decrease of the ber diameter, which means the lter withsmall ber diameter is more sensitive to the temperature or axialstrain than the lter with large ber diameter. In the experiment,the transmission spectra of the lter with the ber diameter d of39 m and 67 m under different temperatures and axial strainsare measured. When the temperature adds from 15 1C to 55 1C, theoptical resonant wavelength adds 5.68 nm in the lter with d of39 m, which is larger than 4.81 nm in the one with d of 67 m;and when the axial strain increases from 0 to 900 , theoptical resonant wavelength of the lter with d of 39 m shifts

    Fig. 10. The transmission spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF for various axial strains. (a) the ber diameter d is 39 m, (b) the ber diameter d is 67 m.

    Fig. 11. The optical resonant wavelength shift of the CE-SMF-AOTF as a function ofthe axial strain.

    C. Liu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136 135

  • 28.28 nm, which is larger than 10.58 nm of the lter with d of67 m. The variation trend of experimental results accord wellwith the simulated ones. These research results can be applied inthe designing the packing structure of the CE-SMF-AOTF, and usedas the temperature or strain sensor.


    This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Fundsfor the Central Universities (No. 2014YJS028).


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    Fig. 12. The experimental measured spectra of the CE-SMF-AOTF for several axial strains. (a) the ber diameter d is 39 m, (b) the ber diameter d is 67 m.

    Fig. 13. The relationship between the measured resonant wavelength shift and theaxial strain. The line is the linear tting, and the triangle and the cross are theexperimental data.

    C. Liu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 65 (2015) 131136136

    Temperature and axial strain characteristic of cladding etched single-mode fiber based acousto-optic tunable filterIntroductionOperation of the CE-SMF-AOTFThe temperature characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTFThe axial strain characteristic of the CE-SMF-AOTFConclusionsAcknowledgmentReferences