tell me simpl1 - √ø∑dubs · • the way to get your health back when you are sick. so natural...

TELL ME SIMPLY (All about Nature Cure and the Germ Theory) by Kenneth S. Jeffrey 2nd Edition Number 14 of a Series Copyright 2004 No part of this book may be published in any manner without permission of the publisher. STATEMENT BY THE PUBLISHER The opinions expressed in this book are based on the Naturopathic philosophy of health and do not coincide with currently-accepted medical theories of health and healing. The publisher does not claim that any advice given herein constitutes a “cure” for disease.

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Page 1: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

TELL ME SIMPLY (All about Nature Cure and the Germ Theory) by

Kenneth S. Jeffrey 2nd Edition Number 14 of a Series Copyright 2004 No part of this book may be published in any manner without permission of the publisher. STATEMENT BY THE PUBLISHER The opinions expressed in this book are based on the Naturopathic philosophy of health and do not coincide with currently-accepted medical theories of health and healing. The publisher does not claim that any advice given herein constitutes a “cure” for disease.

Page 2: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick


Section 1: I am often asked if there is a small booklet, which can be given to a friend who is looking for information on Natural Health.

There are several books available but they are mostly written for those who already know something about Natural Health and who understand the meaning of the words used.

I have been told that many of these books are not easy for the newcomer to understand. So, I thought it might be useful to write something, which even a child could understand clearly.

In this booklet I will try to tell my readers as simply as possible what Natural Health is, and why it is worth learning about.

I will try not to use any long or difficult words but I hope that the meaning of Natural Health will be made clear just the same.

Section 2:

This section deals simply with the naturopathic refutation of the germ theory.

Page 3: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

TELL ME SIMPLY Some writers on Natural Health may not have made their message clear enough.

They sometimes use long technical words, which few people normally use.

The result is that the meaning of Natural Health is often hard to understand.

People become confused and feel that Natural Health is too complicated and hard for them to follow.

If this is so, then it is a great pity because Natural Health is really very easy to understand, and it is not too hard to follow.

First, I must tell you what the words Natural Health mean to me.

The term Natural Health is what is called a blanket term.

It covers several things.

The two things we are interested in at present are Natural Living and Natural Healing.

Natural Health means two things:

• The way to keep healthy and,

• The way to get your health back when you are sick.

So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick people can be got well again.

Having said that, I must explain why we are suggesting that people should adopt the Natural way to health instead of using the medical way, which is so well known.

There are two systems of health.

• One is called the medical system and

• The other is called the natural system.

In the medical system all kinds of substances and treatments are used with the idea of getting health and keeping it.

In the medical system the custom is to take medicines or to do things which are designed to stop us from becoming sick.

• If we are already sick, there are substances called medicines which we are advised to use to make us well again.

• Injections are used extensively with the aim of immunising us so we will not become sick.

Page 4: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

Note: When the author talks about medicines, he is including ALL medicines that may be taken to “cure” a symptom.

These may include homeopathic, herbal, flower, vitamin, as well as allopathic (pharmaceutical/medical)

In the system called Natural Health, medicines are not used.

• We say that the human body is meant to be healthy.

• It is natural for us to be healthy. If we are sick, we must have done something that has created the sickness.

• We say that it will also keep healthy if we care for it properly.

• We say that it will also heal itself (if it becomes sick) if we look after it properly.

• If we look after our bodies correctly and keep ourselves healthy, we call this Natural Living.

• If we care for the body correctly when it is sick, we call this Natural Healing.

There are several names given to Natural Healing such as:

- Nature Cure,

- Naturopathy and

- Natural Hygiene,

But they all mean the same thing. It is simply healing without medicines.

How does the human body normally keep itself healthy? Is there anything special that we have to do so we will not become ill?

Human beings are like all other animals. They need certain things so they can live and remain healthy.

• We need clothing and shelter to protect us against rain, wind, dust, heat and cold.

• We need security so other animals will not attack and kill us.

• We need the special kind of food, which is best for us.

• We need to keep the body clean.

• We need exercise and rest.

• We need restful sleep.

• We need suitable surroundings and a happy disposition.

Page 5: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

• Of course, we also need suitable work, recreation, sports and amusements to make life fully enjoyable.

All of these things, when combined make up what we call our life style.

Life-style is very important because we claim that the kind of life we have has a great deal to do with the kind of health we have.

We say that many millions of people have a poor standard of health, and suffer from many diseases because their life-style is wrong.

We say that by changing the life-style, it is possible to enjoy better health.

We also say that it is often possible for sick people to recover their lost health in this way.

If this is true, the life-style we have is very important.

The kind of life-style, which is used by most people, is in our view, quite wrong.

• People eat the wrong kinds of foods.

• They eat too much food.

• They eat too many meals, and

• They eat between meals.

• They do not keep their bodies clean.

• They do not get enough vigorous exercise. Some people do get some exercise, but it is not vigorous enough to keep them healthy.

• They do not expose their bodies to direct sunlight often enough.

• They keep late nights and do not get enough restful sleep.

• Some people are employed doing unpleasant work under most unsuitable conditions of heat, cold, dust, noise and vibration.

• More and more people are taking addictive drugs.

• The air is being poisoned by gases from motor cars and factories.

These are just a few things, which make for a bad life-style.

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A good life-style is one in which we:

• Eat mainly suitable foods.

• We keep our bodies clean.

• We exercise regularly and vigorously enough to keep our muscles in good condition.

• We get enough restful sleep to enable us to recover fully from the work of the previous day.

• Our work is suitable to our individual tastes and the surroundings are pleasant.

These are some of the most important things in a good life-style.

We say that a bad life-style will tend to produce ill-health, while a good life-style will tend to produce good health.

Now, what should we do if we are already sick?

Can Natural healing help us to get our health back?

We say that it can and that is why many people who have tried everything else are now turning to Natural Healing.

Those people who have tried everything else offered by the medical system realise that they have nothing to lose by trying the natural way to health.

The natural way of life is the one which every animal lives in its natural state.

Animals obey natural law.

Man has also a natural way of life but it is unfortunately true that he has largely chosen to depart from that way of life, and is now living in a life-style which is not in his best interests.

Man is slowly ruining his health, building disease and shortening his life by his unnatural way of life.

We say that by adopting a more natural way of life, man would become healthier and, barring accidents would stay healthy to a good old age.

In health, the body has certain needs - which we have already discussed.

In sickness, the body needs these same things.

What is good for a healthy body is also good for a sick body. But, that is not quite enough. The sick body needs more than this.

Page 7: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

In Natural Healing there are certain rules to be followed.

• We say that there is a cause for every illness.

• We say that the cause must first be removed before we can start to get well.

No matter what the cause is, it should be removed.

If we are doing something wrong we must stop doing the wrong thing.

We cannot get well while we are doing the things which caused our sickness.

Although this sounds so sensible, many people seem to disregard these simple facts.

A sick person CANNOT GET WELL AGAIN while he continues to do the things, which caused him to become sick.

1. So, the first rule to learn in Natural Healing is to remove the cause of our illness.

Ed Note: It has been stated many times in business and personal development seminars that if we continue to do the same thing, we will always get the same result.

2. The second rule in Natural Healing is to provide the body with everything it needs, like shelter, warmth, comfort and all of the other things in a natural life-style.

3. The third rule in Natural Healing is to provide the sick body with rest. There are three kinds of rest, which when combined we call Fasting. We need:

- Physical rest - Mental rest - And another kind called physiological rest.

We secure physical rest by lying on a comfortable bed, and not using the muscles more than necessary.

Mental rest is rest of the mind. We should keep our mind free of worry, fear and tension.

We also need the third kind of rest, which is called, for want of a better name, physiological rest. We simply take no food except water, sunlight and air. All solid food is avoided during a Fast. When we go without food the body is able to rest its digestive organs, and these usually hard-working organs get a much-needed rest.

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These are the three simple rules, which every animal on earth obeys when it is ill.

This applies only to animals living in their natural state. Domesticated animals are often forced to accept medical treatments against their will.

These three simple rules form the foundation of Natural Healing.

There are no remedies or medicines in Natural Healing.

Nature has not provided any remedies for animals, birds or fish, and nature has also not provided any remedies for human beings.

The natural way to restore lost health is what all animals use.

This method is sufficient for animals and it is sufficient for man as well.

In fact, it has often been found that the natural method of healing will enable a seriously ill person to get well again, even when medical methods have been tried unsuccessfully.

The tragedy is that often, natural methods are tried only as a last resort, when much valuable time has been lost, and the disease has progressed too far.

I have now briefly explained what Natural Health is. You know roughly what Natural Living means, and you know what Natural Healing means.

It may interest readers to learn something about the more important things in a natural life-style. If my reader believes that it is natural to be healthy and that there must be a natural way of life for human beings, just as there is for animals, then the next step is to learn what we should do to change a wrong life-style into a correct and natural life-style.

Most people get their first introduction to the natural way of life through taking an interest in the food they eat.

During the past 50 years there has been a great upsurge of interest in food.

People are becoming more and more aware of the importance of good food.

They are becoming diet conscious.

It is becoming apparent that there are certain foods, which are not only unsuitable, but positively harmful.

Page 9: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

The natural health movement has led the campaign to educate people about their food needs.

The fact is that many of the foods man is trying to live on are really not foods at all.

Their food content is very low.

These foods are eaten for their taste alone, without any regard for their harmful nature.

These foods should properly be called non-foods.

Anyone who values their health should not eat them at all.

Then, there are foods, which were quite wholesome in their original state, but which have been changed into something unwholesome by cooking, freezing and irradiating them.

These foods have been preserved, coloured, flavoured and adulterated by the use of chemicals or harmful processes.

These foods also should not be eaten by anyone who wishes to have good health. Ed Note: There are now over 5,000 chemicals allowed into our foods by the FDA

Lastly, there are the foods, which are not the proper food of man at all.

Man has eaten the carcases of animals, birds and fish which are properly the natural food of other animals.

They are not his natural food. They are substitutes for his natural food, and man would be much healthier if he did not eat them.

Let us think about some of the non-foods - the things which have absolutely no food value at all.

Man eats such chemical concoctions as tea, coffee, cocoa, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, salt, pepper, vinegar, sauces, curry, and mustard.

We would be much better off if we discarded these non-foods entirely.

They have no food value and are potentially harmful.

There are also many foods, which have been so highly refined that anything of value, which may have originally been in them, has been taken out.

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The grains like wheat, corn and rice have been particularly affected by excessive refinement.

These foods, which in their natural state, are quite good foods, become when refined, not only not poor foods, but harmful ones.

Sugar is another food, which, in its natural state, is a reasonably good food. When refined into white sugar it becomes one of the most harmful commodities eaten by man. It is not only bad for general health, but is also particularly harmful for the teeth. It is a main cause of tooth decay.

Anyone who has any regard for their health should never eat refined (white) flour or refined (white) sugar.

Now, let us think about the foods, which should be good foods, but have often been ruined by processing.

Fruits and vegetables are the very highest class of food for man.

Those who wish to have radiant health should make raw fruit and raw vegetables a large percentage of their daily intake of food.

Eaten raw, these foods are quite wholesome but when frozen, cooked and irradiated they become second-rate foods.

It is not generally known that many good foods like fruit and vegetables are destroyed during processing.

Manufacturers often subject these foods to very high or very low temperatures.

All of these practices reduce the food value of what were once wholesome foods.

The fruit and vegetables, which were good foods in their fresh raw state, have been reduced to lifeless foods unfit for human consumption.

The diet of the average person consists of lifeless products in bottles, cans and packets.

Is it any wonder that the standard of health fitness is falling rapidly?

Perhaps the first and most important step the reader can take towards the adoption of a more natural way of life is to discard all harmful foods and to replace them with a living diet of foods in a state as near natural as possible.

This means a largely raw diet.

Page 11: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

Do you realise that man is the only animal on earth who cooks his food?

The beginner should try to eat as much raw fruit and vegetables as possible.

Cooked food should be reduced to the absolute minimum.

In a booklet this size and scope it would not be possible to cover the whole field of natural foods.

Fortunately, there are books available and you are urged to make enquiries where you bought this booklet.

You will be shown books, which fully cover this important subject.

Let us now give some thought to some of the other factors in our life style which make for good health.

Correct food is very important because we are made of the food we eat, but there are other factors, which merit your attention too.

Exercise is an important ingredient in a natural life-style.

Exercise has been sadly neglected due to the growth in popularity of the motor car.

What was once a blessing has now become a curse.

Many people imagine that they are getting enough when they are not.

The sum total of their exercise is to reach across the dinner table for the sauce-bottle or to switch on the television set.

Others do get more exercise. They even walk to the garage to get into their car to drive to work! While man worships motor cars there is not much hope for a higher level of fitness.

Rest is another important factor in a natural life-style. Late nights and lack of rest must take their toll eventually. Restful sleep is a prime need for good health.

Noise and vibration are slowly but surely on the increase. Music has largely been replaced by the tremendous thunder of loudspeakers pumping out what can only be called noise.

As the nervous systems of listeners slowly deteriorate, amplifiers are turned up even higher to satisfy those people who are gradually becoming more and more deaf and whose nervous systems are being destroyed by the substitute for music, which is so common today.

Page 12: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

One factor in a good life-style is Mental Poise.

In order to be able to enjoy, and take advantage of the benefits of healthy living, one should be mentally poised.

What is mental poise?

It is a condition of balance, stability and self-control.

I promised not to use any long words in this booklet but here is one word that I can't resist using in a case like this. It is Equanimity.

It is a beautiful word that fully expresses the condition of steadiness, composure and calmness under the most trying circumstances. That is equanimity. That is mental poise!

Mental poise may be cultivated by adopting a positive, optimistic and constructive attitude of mind in our daily life.

Negative thoughts, those based on pessimism, despair, fear and destructiveness cause nervous tension.

Positive thoughts based on optimism, courage and constructiveness promote relaxation.

Tension causes poor circulation of blood and nerve force.

Relaxation favours good circulation.

Now looking back over what I have said, it becomes clear that there are two distinctly different life-styles open to us.

There is the orthodox lifestyle based on the principle that you can do almost what you like as long as you take certain medical precautions.

In the orthodox life-style the motto is “A little of what you fancy will do you good.”

- "Tobacco smoking won’t hurt you unless you smoke too much.”

- “Alcohol is a socially-acceptable habit which won’t hurt you unless you drink to excess.”

Those who advocate this life-style say that we should have immunising injections and vaccinations against Polio, Diphtheria, German measles, Smallpox, Cholera, Yellow Fever and Influenza.

If you show any signs of illness you should consult a medical doctor who will prescribe the appropriate remedy.

If an organ is unhealthy a surgeon should remove it.

This is the orthodox approach to health.

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We say that this approach to health is wrong.

The natural way of life embraces a life-style almost exactly the opposite to the orthodox life-style.

We say those harmful habits such as tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and drug taking should be abolished entirely.

They are unnecessary and hazardous.

We say that man should eat those foods and drinks which are best suited to him.

We say that those who also get ample sunshine, fresh air, vigorous exercise and regular rest and who maintain an optimistic, positive and constructive attitude of mind will be providing the normal natural requirements of a human being.

If man can do these things he can enjoy the highest level of health of which he is capable and barring accidents should attain a healthy happy old age free from sickness and worry.

But, even with all of these things we need something else.

There is a need for Intelligence and Willpower.

Intelligence is needed to see through to the truth of our claim that health is attainable and that it is natural for human beings to be healthy and that it is possible to restore lost health (if taken in time) if the causes of ill-health are removed and if rational nursing methods are used.

Willpower is necessary to enable us to put into practice the truths which our intelligence has discovered.

Self-discipline is necessary to enable us to apply the strength of will needed to reject the habits of centuries and to replace them with the health promoting habits and lifestyle that we have been discussing.

There IS a life-style, which promises nothing but the maintenance of the present state of sub-standard health, high incidence of disease and premature death. This life-style can only bring in its wake ill-health and misery.

There IS ALSO another life-style based on the undeniable truths of nature. It is a natural way of life which although it demands Intelligence and Willpower also promises a higher standard of health, longer life free from worry of disease and a greater measure of happiness.

Now let me impress a few facts on your mind.

Page 14: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

There are some very wide misconceptions abroad today about Natural Health.

It looks like quackery to some people.

One would think, to read some newspaper articles, that almost anything and everything, which is not currently accepted by the medical profession, is “natural.”

This is not so.

It should be clearly understood that the quackery which is masquerading as Natural Health is nothing of the kind.

There is nothing natural about Acupuncture. Pushing needles into the skin of a sick person will do nothing to correct a faulty life-style.

Taking herbal remedies is another form of superstition which is masquerading as a “natural” form of treatment. It is nothing of the kind.

Herbalism has nothing in common with Natural Healing. It is simply a “wolf in sheep's clothing.” It is simply medicine under another name.

All the mineral and vitamin supplements so popular today are simply pathetic efforts to offset the wrong living habits, which the pill-takers are too weak to give up. To take pills under the guise of a natural treatment is simply to admit that the taker is too weak to do what he knows to be right to remove the cause of his sickness.

The various occult treatments such as Radionics, Pyramids and Orgone accumulators are simply toys which appeal to those who are too weak to face up to the hard fact of life that “Health cannot be bought, it must be BUILT.”

I am telling you these things to warn you that the exploiters of the Natural Health movement are ready to pounce upon the unwary and unless warning is given in time, much hard-earned money can be wasted on treatments which are nothing more than expensive and useless entertainments.

Now, if you will pardon me, I will become just a little more technical.

What actually CAUSES ill health?

• Do germs or viruses play an important part in ill health?

• Or, does bad luck play a part?

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• Do diseases just come without warning, with no apparent reason?

Let me say briefly that these theories are quite wrong.

Disease, which is not caused by an accident, or obvious poisoning, is caused by TOXAEMIA .

There, I've done it again and I promised that I would not use words like that.

Now that I have used the word, I must explain it.

Really it is not as fearsome as it looks.

Toxaemia simply means poisoned blood.

If your blood contains materials which it should not contain, it is poisoned - You have Toxaemia.

Now, how does the blood become poisoned? - Through a faulty life-style (barring accidents, of course).

When we eat the wrong foods, when we overeat, when we eat too many meals, when we take poisons like tobacco smoke, alcohol or drugs into our stomach, there is a residue of harmful or poisonous material.

This material enters the bloodstream and causes the blood to become polluted.

This polluted condition, called Toxaemia, is the re al cause of disease.

Wrong living habits contribute to this state also by slowing up or even by completely blocking the regular elimination of wastes from the body.

Wrong living habits do this by causing enervation.

There, I have done it again!

Enervation is simply a lowering of the amount of ne rve force.

When nerve force is lower than normal, the body is unable to properly use the food we eat, and it is unable to properly remove the waste products, which are produced everyday in the human body.

Now you know what actually causes disease. It is a lowering of the composition of the blood.

I hope that by now my readers will have a fairly clear idea of what causes disease.

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It is simply that man is trying to live under a per verted life-style, which is not conducive to health.

What are the actual means used to restore health under the system called Natural Healing?

The practice of Natural Healing is called Naturopathy.

Those who practice the art of Nature Healing are called Naturopaths.

The methods used are simple, direct and effective.

Here briefly are some of the more important methods:

• Fasting, or the withholding of food is one of the most important methods.

• Dietetics is the provision of the daily intake of correct food.

• When water is employed scientifically it is called Hydrotherapy.

• When sunlight is used in measured doses it is called Heliotherapy.

• Exercise is used extensively and special exercises have been devised to get the best results with the least effort.

• Relaxation techniques are taught to help the patient to relax and this creates favourable conditions for good circulation.

• Manipulation (such as Osteopathy and Chiropractic) is used when necessary to help in the normalisation of the bony structure of the body.

When these essential methods are used together in a scientific way the resultant treatment is called Naturopathy.

Whatever is done by the naturopath, whether it is b y way of advice or treatment, must be directed, first, last and always towards the normalisation of the body.

The naturopath believes that when conditions in the human body are normal, healing takes place automatically.

We have now come to the end of this little chat on Natural Health.

It is simply an introduction to this whole new and natural way of life.

There is so much to learn and I have just lifted the curtain to give you a little peek inside.

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The rules are few and simple.

If you would like to know more about Natural Health you might like to attend a meeting of a Natural Health Society. They are spread over most of Australia. If it is not possible to listen to speakers at a Natural Health Society, you might like to buy a book or a magazine. A list of recommended books will be given below. You can further your knowledge of Natural Health by reading any of those recommended. They are all worthy of your attention. Ed Note: It is the pleasure of the editor, Kevin Hinton, to be the recipient of the K.S. Jaffrey trust - a trust to preserve and present the art and science of Pure Naturopathy in as pure a format as possible.

With the age of digital communication I have been able to translate much of Mr. Jaffrey’s works into PDF and E-book formats.

For any information on matters pertaining to Nature Cure

(Natural Living and Natural Healing) - please contact me at:

[email protected]

M: 610407358375

Page 18: TELL ME SIMPL1 - √ø∑Dubs · • The way to get your health back when you are sick. So Natural Health covers the means by which we can keep healthy and the means by which sick

The Germ Theory - A Fallacy


It appears that there is a pressing need for a small booklet setting out the reasons why we in the Natural Health movement reject the theory that germs and viruses are the primary cause of disease.

In the past, several books and many small pamphlets have been published but they now seem to be largely unprocurable.

To those in the know it is simply accepted that the germ theory is a fallacy and no real effort has been made to publicise the many reasons for rejecting this fallacy.

There have been a few exceptions.

In recent years Doctor Glen Dettman of Melbourne has written an excellent monograph entitled MICROZYMAS PLEASE NOT BACTERIA , exposing the fallacy of the germ theory.

Perhaps the most important book on this subject was BECHAMP OR PASTEUR, by Ethel Douglas Hume, published many years ago by the C. W. Daniel Co. of London.

In her admirable book Ms Hume goes into great detail and traces the history of the development of the germ theory as promoted by the well-known Louis Pasteur and compares it with the Microzyma theory as taught by the lesser known Professor Antoine Bechamp.

Pasteur was a plagiarist and showman who published some of the work of Bechamp as his own in an inaccurate, distorted and truncated form to give the scientific world an incorrect impression of Bechamp's discoveries.

The Microzyma theory is a scientific, logical and believable extension and development of the incomplete germ theory.

On his deathbed Louis Pasteur recanted and admitted that he had been wrong all along. He admitted that the determining factor in disease causation was not the bacteria present but the soil in which it was found.

Pasteur said, "Bernard was right: the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything"

A word of explanation is necessary to clarify the statement of Pasteur, which might otherwise be unintelligible.

The "Bernard" referred to was Claude Bernard, the eminent physiologist who claimed, in opposition to Pasteur, that the

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microbe or germ was not the prime factor in the cause of disease, but that the "terrain” was all-important.

By "terrain" was meant the environment or soil or scene of activity in which the germ found itself.

So, on his deathbed Louis Pasteur admitted that all along he had been mistaken.

The germ, which was present at the site of most diseases, did not cause the disease.

He admitted belatedly that the soil in which the germ was enabled to survive and flourish was the all-important factor.

Unfortunately, this recantation was too late and was given no publicity, and it remains unknown to the average person.

The germ theory, which Louis Pasteur had propagated so assiduously, had become an integral part of the theory and practice of medicine.

And, that is the position today.

It is necessary for those who know better to periodically bring under the notice of interested parties the truth about the germ theory.

This little booklet is an attempt to set out clearly in non-technical language the reasons why intelligent people should reject outright the monstrous fallacy called the germ theory.

Two Theories

The Naturopathic profession has adopted as its cornerstone the philosophy of Toxaemia as the prime cause of disease.

Toxaemia, as has been explained in many books, is the presence of unwanted, harmful or foreign material in the bloodstream and tissues of the body.

The word Toxaemia literally means, "Poisoned blood".

The medical profession, on the other hand, is wedded to the germ theory.

It holds to the belief that the presence of germs, bacteria, microbes or viruses, which tend to invade the body, is the direct cause of most diseases.

When germs invade the body this is called an "infection".

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So, logically, medical treatment is largely devoted to the administration of drugs, which are designed to kill the tiny offending organisms.

The drugs are poisonous chemicals called Antibiotics, which have the ability to destroy living organisms like germs, microbes, bacteria and viruses.

The organisms we are discussing are incredibly small and these infinitesimal beings are credited with the almost miraculous power of being able to invade the human body, to live there, to multiply and eventually, to kill a human being which is a million times larger than the invader - Altogether a frightening prospect if true. Fortunately for us this claim is NOT true.

Those practitioners, (such as Naturopaths) who practice Natural Healing, make no effort to kill these organisms.

They seek instead to remove the CAUSE of the disease, and since these organisms are not recognised as causes of disease, no effort is made to remove or exterminate them.

Yet, those patients suffering from so-called infectious diseases, which are thought to be caused by invading germs, all recover speedily when the practitioner ignores the germ and proceeds to remove the true cause of the disease.

This fact is concrete proof that the disease was not only NOT caused primarily by a germ, but that killing of germs is unnecessary.

The Naturopath does not deny that these microscopic organisms exist.

He does not deny that, in some cases, these organisms can be found in the bodies of sick people.

What he does deny is that they are the primary cause of disease.

• An unhealthy state of the body tissues is the primary cause of disease.

• The presence of germs is secondary and is dependent upon an unhealthy state of the tissues.

• We contend that germs only invade an already unhealthy body.

• Germs do arise within a diseased or poisoned organism and often thrive on the material or soil which is favourable to them.

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• Germs, bacteria, microbes and viruses do not and cannot invade a healthy body.


In order to understand why germs sometimes invade the human body and their true role in human health it is necessary to know a few facts about Biology.

Biology is the science of living things.

Biologists study all living organisms, how they are constructed, what they are made of, how they are made, how they work and their most favourable environment and living conditions.

Biology teaches us that every living organism in the Universe has a set of essential requirements. These are called Biological Require-ments because they are essential for the life of living things.

These biological requirements are different for different organisms. Obviously, the biological needs of a fish are very different from the biological needs of a reptile. And, the biological needs of an elephant are quite different from the biological needs of a tree or shrub.

Every living organism has its own peculiar set of biological require-ments according to its peculiar structure, composition and function.

The tiny lowly organisms, which we generally call germs, are no different from all other living organisms in the Universe. They have certain essential biological requirements if they are to live and thrive.

Germs, like all other organisms, need a congenial environment where the amount of light is just right. The germ also needs food. The food, which is suitable for a germ is not the kind of food, which would be suitable for some other organisms, like human beings.

The kind of food, which would be ideally suited to a germ, would most likely kill a human being.

Conversely the kind of food best suited to a human being would not suit a germ.

Each organism has its own specific needs and thrives best when these needs are met.

Therefore it is not surprising to find germs in an unhealthy human body.

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The materials, which are present when the human body is unhealthy, happen to be the very materials, which the germ finds to be suitable for it to use as food.

The Role of the Germ

The true role of the germ is that of a scavenger.

Germs, like all other living organisms, are constantly on the lookout for suitable food in a suitable environment.

In an unhealthy human body the germ finds all of the things it likes and needs.

The human body provides food, absence of light, an ideal temperature and the presence of moisture in just the right proportion.

Is it any wonder that germs, which are borne on air, dust, hands and food find easy access to an unhealthy organism.

Germs are present all over the world in varying numbers according to the food available and according to the suitability or otherwise of the environment.

Our atmosphere, the earth, our food, our clothing, our homes, shops and factories are all possible habitats for germs.

Germs do exist but they do not necessarily exist as a threat to humanity.

In fact, I would like to suggest that germs are NOT our enemies or even potential enemies, but that they are in reality OUR FRIENDS.


Before I deal with this claim that germs are our friends and not our enemies, I would like to discuss something else which is appropriate at this stage.

I made several statements which inferred that germs only invaded those organisms which provided the right food and a suitable environment.

Here is the concrete proof for those statements.

Anyone can carry out this simple test at home to prove or disprove what I say.

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Take two clean garbage cans.

Stand them side by side a little distance apart.

In the first garbage can you place a few scraps of decaying food - the second garbage can is left empty.

Put the lids on both cans.

Wait for a few days.

Lift the lid off the first can.

You will find that it will be infested by all kinds of vermin, flies, worms and maggots.

Lift the lid off the second garbage can and you will find it to be sweet and clean.

Now, replace the lids and wait for several days more.

When you inspect the cans this time you may be surprised to find that they are both in an almost identical condition.

The first can will be empty, except possibly for a slight stain in the bottom where the decaying food scraps once laid.

The second can, will of course be empty.

You will find no flies in can number one.

There will be no vermin, worms or maggots.

Those people who have studied biology will know what has happened.

The invaders of the first garbage can were nature's scavengers.

The flies laid eggs, which became larvae.

The larvae consumed all of the decaying food and then they developed into flies and flew away through the gap between the can and the lid.

The scavengers are all part of nature's plan to keep the Universe liveable.

Imagine what our cities and towns, homes, shops and factories would be like if the garbage collector failed to make his regular visits.

Our environment would soon be congested with noisome garbage in all stages of decomposition and life would be intolerable.

The same principle, which applies in nature, applies equally within the human body.

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These tiny organisms which we call germs are our cosmic garbage collectors.

But instead of simply taking the garbage and tipping it into a hole in the ground, our friends the germs, do an even better job. They actually eat the garbage and turn it into useful manure.

Nobody would be foolish enough to kill the council garbage man, so why should we wish to kill our cosmic garbage man, the germ?

Germs Our Friends

Now, let me deal with my claim that germs are not our enemies, but our potential FRIENDS.

Imagine a world without germs.

We would not have butter, cheese or bread.

We would not have alcohol in its many useful forms.

We could not grow plants, shrubs, grass or trees.

It is precisely because of our friendly bacteria in our soil that plants are able to use the nutrients, which provide protein, which is so essential for plant life.

As all food comes from the soil, we would eventually die of starvation.

And as I said before, how would we live if our garbage were not converted into manure by our friendly bacteria?

The stench and filth would soon make life impossible.

And what about our own bodies? - Some life processes, which are essential to our survival, are dependent upon certain bacteria in the mouth and intestines. Without these germs we would sicken and die.

It is not a matter of whether we wish to encourage and assist these bacteria or not. It is a stark fact that if we persist in our efforts to make a completely "clean" and sterile world we will soon find that the price we pay will be sickness and premature death.

We can’t do without germs so we might as well accept this fact intelligently and learn to live with them to the best of our ability.

Germs do exist and man cannot live for long in a completely germ-free environment.

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The Germ Theory

Current medical teaching is that specific germs cause specific diseases.

This means that one particular kind of germ causes a particular kind of disease.

This is nonsense because in many cases where one would expect to find a certain germ, no germ can be found.

Sometimes when no germ can be found a virus is said to be causing the disease.

But, when neither germ nor virus can be found, the sufferer is then said to be a "carrier" of the disease who is immune to that particular disease.

This lame excuse is meekly accepted by otherwise intelligent people who have never seriously thought about the subject.

This person who has the disease, yet has no germs in his organisms is said to produce “antibodies" which have killed the germs - sheer fantasy.

Florence Nightingale Speaks

But, the germ theory is breaking down continually.

When epidemics occur it is often impossible to find the causative germ.

The patients either recover or die and when the excitement is all over interest soon dies down and the incident is forgotten.

I wonder if my reader is incredulously doubting what I have said up to now.

Could it be that the foregoing is simply the babblings of an idiot?

If so, then I hope to be excused while I call some expert witnesses.

Nobody would have the temerity to doubt the integrity, nursing skill and knowledge of Florence Nightingale, so I would like to quote briefly what she had to say about infectious diseases.

Here is what Florence Nightingale wrote in her book NOTES ON NURSING which she published in 1859.

“We must not forget what, in ordinary language, is called ‘infection’ - a thing of which people are generally so afraid that they

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frequently follow the very practice in regard to it which they ought to avoid.

Nothing used to be considered so infectious or contagious as smallpox; and people, not very long ago, used to cover up patients with heavy bedclothes, while they kept up large fires, and shut the windows.

Smallpox of course, under this management, was very ‘infectious’.

People are somewhat wiser now in their management of this disease. They have ventured to cover the patients lightly and keep the windows open; and we hear much less of the 'infection' of Smallpox than we used to do.

But do people in our day’s act with more wisdom on the subject of 'infection' in fevers-scarlet fever, measles, etc. than their forefathers did with Smallpox?

Does not the popular idea of 'infection' involve that people should take greater care of themselves than of the patient?

That, for instance, it is safer not to be too much with the patient, not to attend too much to his wants?

True nursing knows nothing of infection, except to prevent it

Cleanliness and fresh air from open windows, with unremitting attention to the patient, are the only defence a true nurse either asks or needs,

Wise and humane management of the patient is the best safeguard against infection.

Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as separate things, which must exist, like cats and dogs?

Instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our own control; or rather as the reactions of a kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves, I was brought up, both by scientific men, and ignorant women, distinctly to believe that Smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as much as that there was a first dog (or a first pair of dogs), and that Small-pox would not begin itself any more than a new dog would begin with out there having been a parent dog.

Since I have seen with my eyes and smelt with my nose Smallpox growing up in first specimens either in close rooms or in

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overcrowded wards where it could not by any possibility have been 'caught', but must have begun.

Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into another.

Now, Dogs do not pass into Cats, I have seen fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus; and all in the same ward or hut.

Would it not be far better, truer and more practical if we looked upon diseases in this light?


Now, what do you think of that? Florence Nightingale realised as far back as 1859 that the current superstitious belief in the germ theory was based on a total fallacy.

Professor Bechamp Speaks

Immunisation is the latest craze. People are urged to submit to injections of poisonous material in the pathetic belief that somehow this practice will confer a benefit on the person whose body is assaulted by this noxious substance called an anti-toxin or immunological agent

It is claimed that when a person is once attacked by the mysterious germs or viruses, they do not get the disease again.

So, disease germs or viruses are deliberately injected directly into the bloodstream of a perfectly healthy person.

Of course, these procedures are doomed to failure.

Diseases are not caused by germ invasion.

The germ invasion is a direct result of a suitable environment for their development.

Germs are no different from any other organisms.

They thrive where their living conditions are most favourable.

Just as human beings thrive where the food is best, the temperature favourable, humidity is just right and so on, so do germs thrive.

Germs thrive in darkness, humidity and warmth and where there is a medium, which carries organic matter in the process of disintegration.

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Highly toxic matter provides the ideal diet for these tiny organisms.

Wherever a body is heavily encumbered with toxic waste matter, germs find their foothold.

Germs, like human beings and other animals, cannot live unless they have a suitable diet provided for them.

An unhealthy body provides the breeding-ground for germs.

They multiply in billions and their activity is in direct proportion to the amount of food they are able to find.

The excreta from these germs is highly toxic, and this adds to the general toxic condition of the body.

The orthodox method of treatment is to find the specific germ and then attempt to kill it by means of drugs or other violent measures.

The idea that a specific germ disease would give a person protection against another germ disease was the brainchild of Louis Pasteur.

Pasteur was inspired by the example of Edward Jenner the Englishman, who believed that a person who had suffered from cowpox could not develop Smallpox.

Pasteur was a chemist who had little knowledge of biology and even less knowledge of the true nature of health and disease.

When Jenner became famous through his new treatment by injection of vaccines, Pasteur looked upon Jenner as a great scientist and decided to follow his lead.

Antoine Bechamp had been doing a great deal of research work into the causation of disease.

He worked on the germ theory and quietly set about tracing the origins of germs.

Pasteur used Bechamp's original material and discovery for his own ends.

Instead of waiting until Bechamp's researches were completed, he came out with the announcement that he had made a great discovery.

Pasteur distorted Bechamp's teachings, and by astute public relations works, managed to gain the ascendancy.

Bechamp was a scientist and not a showman.

In a short time Pasteur was hailed far and wide as a genius.

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Pasteur suggested that he could protect human beings from disease by inoculating everybody with the specific germs in a mild form and thus everybody inoculated would get the disease in a mild form and would never be subject to the disease in a virulent form

Pasteur acted on the assumption that everybody is liable to contract a certain disease.

He disregarded the fact that many people do not get this specific disease even if they literally swim in a bath full of these germs.

The idea that germs cause disease is contrary to the facts.

One good reason for doubting this hypothesis is that in most cases there is disease present when there is no germ to be found.

This is because the germs have not had time to invade the body and then multiply.

In other cases, one type of germ is found and another disease altogether is present.

Since we know that germs do exist and since we claim that the germ does not primarily cause disease, we must seek for the true explanation of this apparent mystery.

The explanation can be found in the theory of the Microzyma.

Antoine Bechamp continued his researches and found that the germ was not the basic unit.

Going further, he discovered tinier, simpler organisms, which he called the Microzyma.

The presence of this organism explains the anomaly in the germ theory.

• Bechamp found that the Microzyma is benign.

• It plays a vital role in the human body.

• Germs are derived from the Microzyma.

• When the waste matter on which germs thrive is all consumed, the germs return to their former state as Microzyma.

• The Microzyma changes into a germ and then the germ changes back into the Microzyma when it is necessary.

This explains the disappearance of germs when the body is able to overcome its toxic condition.

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It explains where germs come from and where they go to.

It is now clear that the Microzyma is a link between the simplest form of life in the human body and the complex mechanism of germs.

The Microzyma theory also explains why it is possible to disregard germs when treating disease by the methods of Natural healing.

Naturopaths entirely disregard germs in their treatment of disease.

All of their efforts are directed towards the detoxification or cleansing of the organism.

When the organism is thoroughly cleansed of it's accumulations of poisonous waste matter, the germs mysteriously disappear without leaving a trace.

Where do they go?

It is obvious that they revert to the Microzyma stage where they are quite harmless.

Our theory is that when a human body becomes saturated with poisonous material, the Microzyma automatically develop into germs.

These germs immediately set about the work of devouring this harmless material.

As long as we do not continue producing toxic matter it will not be long before the germs, acting as scavengers, will rid the body of the offending matter.

The germs will revert to their original state as Microzyma and the disease will subside.

All germ diseases are thus seen to be self-limiting if treated correctly.

If we listen to the voice of our organism, and if we treat the condition by natural means, there will be no danger of germs over-running the body and posing a threat to its welfare.

And, that brings me to a consideration of the work of a man whose name I have mentioned several times.

It appears that Florence Nightingale forecast in 1859 what Professor Antoine Bechamp discovered about the same time and which he published in 1883.

In case you might tend to brush this gentleman aside as being of no account I would like to list a few of his qualifications.

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Professor Antoine Bechamp was a Frenchman who was born in 1828.

He was a Master of Pharmacy, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy, Fellow and Professor of Physics and Toxicology, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Biological Chemistry.

He had many other honours and titles but those I have quoted are sufficient to indicate that he was a man of learning and academic authority.

It is not easy to translate into simple terms the exact teaching on germs as laid down by Professor Bechamp. However, I will try to interpret as simply as I can what Bechamp thought about disease, germs and the Microzyma.

Bechamp said that diseases do NOT arise because of anything outside the human body.

He said that disease is born of our tissues and inside our tissues.

In all healthy organisms and all through nature the Microzymas (or tiny organisms) are ever present and harmless.

In the diseased body, (that is, one which is toxaemic) the Microzymas can change into bacteria or germs.

Germs cannot exist in the air, the earth, water or food or in a healthy body because germs can only arise in putrid material, as is found in an unhealthy body.

The micro organisms known as disease germs are in reality Microzymas which have evolved into germs inside sick bodies.

The Septic Tank

It is a curious fact that Bacteriologist’s have known about the benign function of bacteria for many years, but have failed to apply the correct line of reasoning to the action of germs inside the human body.

For many years Bacteriologist’s and plumbers have known that in order to convert dead organic material into a harmless substance like pure water, we need only to employ a Septic Tank using the same germs which are thought to be the cause of disease.

All over the world septic tanks are employed to convert human excreta into harmless saline constituents and pure water.

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The name septic tank means a tank which is infested with bacteria.

A septic tank is one where material rots and becomes pure drinkable water.


Many years ago Winifred Sealby wrote in an article which appeared in the Manly Daily newspaper – “the germ theory of disease, that most terrible of all medical failures, is slowly tottering to its inglorious end - a sorry monument to the cruelty, stupidity and avarice of our modern civilisation.”

The key word here is 'slowly'.

It is regrettable that in 1980 when we can look back on 100 years of tremendous scientific achievement; the telephone, the electric light, radio, television, the motor car, the aeroplane and space travel to the moon, man still stubbornly clings to superstitious notions like the germ theory.

Orthodoxy dies hard in some quarters.

But not all medical people are reactionary and stubborn.

There have been a few advanced thinkers who have been able to shed their 'blinkers' and have investigated the teachings of Naturopathy, and belatedly, the teachings of Professor Bechamp.

Those independent and courageous thinkers have found that it is not the germ which causes disease but the chemical ingredients, working on the unbalanced cellular activity of the human body, which causes disease.

It therefore follows that if the breaking down and building up of body cells, which we call Metabolism, is perfect ly balanced, disease cannot occur.

If the Microzymas are fed on healthy materials they too will remain healthy but if they are fed on unsuitable and harmful materials, they change from harmless Microzymas into a new form of organism.

And this new form of organism is the germ, which acts as a scavenger, to consume the harmful material which poses a threat to the welfare of the body.

A friend of mine once said 'Bacteria, like Bacteriologist’s must eat.’

How true.

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So we look, not to the Bacteriologist, to help us to solve this problem. (They have a vested Interest in disease.) We must look in the right place if we are to discover the truth about germs.

We must look to the food on which the germs feed, rather than to the germs themselves.

Germs live on decaying, rotting material.

Germs cannot live on wholesome living food. It is not in their nature, just as it is not in our nature, to live on decaying or rotting material.

Our organisms are entirely different from the organisms of germs and our needs are consequently different.

Before germs can cause fermentation they must have a suitable medium in which to work. And that suitable material is precisely the kind found in an unhealthy human body.

Nothing could be simpler to understand.

Germs cannot decompose the living tissues of a healthy human being. Such a proposition is impossible and unthinkable.

It is a law of nature that the higher forms of life can attack and destroy lower forms of life.

Germs are very simple organisms and, as far as we know, the lowest form of life.

Germs are the smallest and weakest forms of life that human beings encounter.

It would be unthinkable if germs were able to attack and destroy a human being.

A Chihuahua dog would not attack an Alsatian dog. The Alsatian dog could make one mouthful of the tiny Mexican dog.

All through nature it is the stronger, the larger and more powerful animals which habitually attack and kill a smaller animal.

So it is with man and his environment.

If man's environment is suitable, if his diet and life-style are favourable, then there is nothing in his tissues which could harbour and sustain the lowly germ.

Sir Robert McCarrison Speaks

Hundreds of books containing millions of words have been written on bacteriology. (This is simply a long word meaning the study of how germs are supposed to cause disease. It is a profession

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based on an utter fallacy. But no matter how much has been written it all boils down to the same pathetic fallacy. It is the belief by so-called grown men and women in 20th century witchcraft and fantasy).

Away back in 1920 in a speech to the Royal Society in London, Professor Sir Robert McCarrison said:

“Obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus and protozoa as all-important constituents of disease subservient to laboratory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature (arrangement of names) we often forget that the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, the right kind of food is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the wrong kind of food is the most Important factor in the promotion of disease.”

Much more could be said against the germ theory and much more could be said in favour of the toxaemia theory.

Those who would like to go into greater detail about the germ theory and its rival, the Microzyma theory, could not do better than read the book BECHAMP OR PASTEUR by Ethel Douglas Hume, published by the C. W. Daniel Company, London.

Those who would like to investigate the Toxaemia theory of disease causation will find it fully covered in my own booklet THE CAUSE OF DISEASE by K.S. Jaffrey and also in TOXAEMIA EXPLAINED by Dr. J.H. Tilden.

In Conclusion

Finally, the lesson we have to learn is that the germs which inhabit this universe are not necessarily harmful to man.

Under normal conditions germs of all kinds have their part to play in maintaining the ecological balance of nature.

There can be a harmonious inter-relationship between all living organisms in our environment if we will only adopt a favourable life-style.

We should try to live in harmony with nature so the germs, which are an integral part of our environment, will be enabled to produce our food and other useful commodities and so the germs inside our bodies can perform their essential functions, and last but by no means least, we should try to understand the germs in our

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environment which act as useful scavengers keeping our habitat clean and wholesome.

When we learn to abandon our irrational fear of germs we will take the first step towards living in harmony with nature.

K.S. Jaffrey