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Effective Telephone Skills for Receiving Calls Blake Allan Miller

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Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Blake Allan Miller

Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Blake Allan Miller

Missouri State University

[email protected]

m: 417-259-2587 | p: 417-616-3226

Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Table of Contents

Training Objectives .......................................................... 02

Training Outline ................................................................. 02

Training Preparation ........................................................ 04

Training Script .................................................................... 05

PowerPoint Slides .............................................................. 18

Trainee Handout............................................................... 28

Activity 1 ............................................................................ 30

Activity 2 ............................................................................ 33

References ........................................................................ 43

Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Training Objectives

Following this page will be a description of each training objective and the

different content within the training that will help each trainee achieve the

two objectives.

Training Objectives

Objective One: By the end of the training, trainees will be able to answer phone calls from the

public by using the four-step process.

The trainees will look at two different scripted phone calls to get a good idea of an effective

phone call. Each trainee will then proceed to mark the different steps in action on the

scripted phone call.

The training will start off with an ice breaker that will lead the trainees into thinking about

various ways that trainees use their phones. This will allow the trainees to start thinking and

understanding different uses for telephones. The trainees and the trainer will then proceed to

look at the PowerPoint and look at the different mock phone call scripts. This will allow each

trainee to understand and apply the four-step process. There will be a short discussion at why

each step was applied at a certain location and if there would be a better placement.

The trainees will then divide into three or four different tables to look at two different

mock phone call scripts. The trainees will apply the four-step to the scripted calls and discuss

the placement of each step. The trainees will then come back as a whole group and discuss

the results of each application of the four-step process.

If there are trainees learning at a distance, then have the trainees apply the four-step

process on their own. They can watch the examples being done in the training session and do

the activity in a similar fashion.

Objective Two: By the end of the training, trainees will be able to effectively talk with high

profile individuals.

-High Profile – people who are famous in the world.

-High Profile – people who have influence within the Bass Pro community.

The trainees will each do different mock telephone calls with a high profile individual from

the Bass Pro community or a famous person in the world. They will use their notes and the

scripted phone calls as a starting point to actually perform the skills desired.

After the first activity, the trainees will divide into pairs and do the second activity. There

are ten different mock phone call examples for the trainees to attempt. They will be able to do

four or five different examples and attempt to talk with high profile individuals by using the four-

step process and any notes that they have taken. After each phone call the trainees will be

able to give each other feedback on how well each step was met.

If there are trainees learning at a distance, then have the trainees create a working script

for two or three of the examples from activity two. This will give them a chance to do know

what a call feels like without actually giving one.


Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Training Outline

Following this page will be a two page outline for this training. The outline

will focus on the key points from the training as a whole.

Training Outline

Set Induction (3 - 5 minutes)

Welcome and introduction.

Attention grabber

Ask the trainees if they have ever talked to someone who would be considered high

profile at their business, organization, school, etc.

Give an example of a high profile call from Bass Pro Shops.


Training Objectives

By the end of the training, trainees will be able to answer phone calls from the public

by using the four-step process.

By the end of the training, trainees will be able to effectively talk with high profile


High Profile - people who are considered famous in the world

High Profile - people who have influence in the Bass Pro community.

Tell (5 - 7 minutes)

Explain the four-step process to effectively and efficiently answering phone calls for the

general public and high profile individuals.

1. Take a deep breath before answering the phone

2. Use four answering courtesies

3. Help the caller and listen attentively

4. Close the conversation

Show (1 - 2 minutes)

Show an example of a successful phone call with someone from the general public.

Show an example of a successful phone will a high profile individual.

Invite (10 - 15 minutes)

Activity One

Have everyone divide into groups of three or four to look at the two different scripted

phone calls. Have the groups apply the four-step method to the scripted call. Each

group should discuss if the steps were applied correctly, if the call could have been


Training Outline

improved, or if it was done in a pleasant manner.

Gather everyone back together to discuss the two scripted phone calls to see if there

is a consensus. Get feedback from the different group members

Activity Two

Have the tables divide into pairs to do a role-play.

Have each individual look at the handout that is specific to them (either a calling or

the operator). Each handout highlights various techniques to help the caller. There

are set phrases on the handout that must be said in the conversation.

After each phone call, have the pairs give feedback on how well each step was

applied and overall effectiveness of the phone call.

After the first round of role-playing, have each person find a new partner to do a new

role-play scenario. Keep going until every person has done four or five different role-

play scenarios with four or five different people.

Provide feedback, encourage, and correct.

Discussion (1 - 2 minutes)

After each members have had a chance to role-play four or five times, lead everyone in a

group discussion about the activity.

How did everyone fill throughout the activity?

Questions (1 - 2 minutes)

Ask if anyone has any questions.

Conclusion (2 - 3 minutes)

Did you learn something new?

Recap the four-step process to answer the telephone from callers who are either from the

general public or a high profile individual.

How can we use these steps in our lives today?

How can we use these steps and the information given in the future?


Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Training Preparation

Following this page will be a brief outline of things to accomplish prior to the

training session.

Training Preparation

Here is a list of things to do before having the training session on effective telephone skills.

Print off the appropriate number of handouts for each trainee. (Print extras just in case.)

Print off enough copies of the Activity One phone call script to have about two or three at

each table. (Print off a few more just in case.)

Have a few extra pens and pencils on hand for the groups to use during the first activity.

Print off the ten “operator” cards for Activity Two.

Fold and put each into a separate envelope marked “operator.”

Number each of these from one to ten. (Each number coordinates with a “caller.”)

Print off the ten “caller” cards for Activity Two.

Fold and put into a separate envelope marked “caller.”

Number each of these from one to ten. (Each number coordinates with an


Arrive 30 - 45 minutes before the start of the session.

Load PowerPoint on the computer to make sure everything is in working order.

Put the different materials on the tables for each trainee, Activity One, and Activity Two.

Practice if needed.

The following is a working scrip to help guide the presentation.


Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Training Script

Following this page will be a detailed training script for you to read to get

prepared for the training or during the training. The script will coordinate

with the PowerPoint and each slide is marked in the script. There are also

tips in italics and gray throughout the working script.

Training Script

Set Induction (3 - 5 minutes)

Slide One

Hello everyone! I would like to personally welcome you to the training on effective

telephone skills. My name is ______________________.

If there are trainees who are learning from a distance welcome them to the

training. Let them know that you will keep the informed throughout the training

while also keeping them a part of the group.

How many of you have ever talked with someone who could be considered high

profile at your place of business, organization, school, etc.?

You may describe what a high profile call could be considered. This may help

them think of a high profile call.

A high profile caller would be someone who is considered famous in the world

or has influence in their company, organization, or etc.

Give an example of a high profile call.

This is your chance to give them an example of a high profile call that you

have had in your life either from your job, school, or etc.

Slide Two

Now let’s talk about where we are going. I have put the agenda in the PowerPoint

that way you all know what to expect.

First, I am going to tell you a little bit about the Bass Pro Shops Switchboard. This

will help you see first hand what to expect.

We will then look at the training objectives for the day.

I will then tell you the four-step method to answering a telephone call from the

general public and form high profile individuals.

Next we will look at a couple of examples of a successful telephone calls.

We will then move right into the activities for the day.

Finally, we will wrap things up and discuss a few things at the end.

Slide Three

The Bass Pro Switchboard has about 8 to 9 employees at a time. There are only a

maximum of four people in the room at a time. The room is extremely small. I will

show you a picture of a desk, so you get the picture.


Training Script continued

Slide Four

This is about 1/4 of the whole room. It is extremely tiny and it can be difficult to

concentrate when answering the phone, which we will discuss later on in the

PowerPoint. Now let’s look at the training objectives for today.

Slide Five

By the end of the training, trainees will be able to answer phone calls from the public

by using the four-step method.

By the end of the training, trainees will also be able to effectively talk with high profile


Tell (5 - 7 minutes)

Slide Six

Now that we know the training objectives, let jump right into the four-step method to

effectively answering phone calls. I will discuss each step separately in just a


Make sure you point out to the trainees who are physically there and the

online trainees that the handout at each table AND online will have the four-

step methods. You can ask them to follow along.

1. Take a deep breath before answering the phone.

2. Use four answering courtesies.

3. Help the caller and listen attentively.

4. Close the conversation.

Slide Seven

Step One - Take a deep breath. It is important to take this deep breath because it

sets the tone for the entire phone call.

It helps organize your thoughts before answering the call

Helps you sound more alert and awake while you are on the phone

And it also helps you mentally prepare yourself for the call

You may want to have the entire class take a deep breath. This will break up

the talking for a bit and get everyone focused and alert.

Slide Eight

Step Two - Use the four answering courtesies when you are answering 10

Training Script continued

the phone

The first answering courtesies is to greet the caller

Then you need to state the name of the company that is being called.

This is only if the person who is answering the phone is at a business or

organization. It is not necessary to state a business name when answering a

personal call.

The third courtesy is to state your name when appropriate.

It is not always necessary to say your name when you are answering a phone.

Some calls at a business do not require your name, unless you are asked.

You also do not need to state your name for a personal phone call.

The fourth and final courtesy is to ask the caller how you can help them.

Slide Nine

Step Three - Help the caller and listen attentively.

Get rid of all distractions. This could be your phone if you are at work, Pinterest,

Facebook, homework, or anything that does not allow you to focus to the caller.

You will need to ask follow-up questions. This will ensure that you are indeed

listening and it will also help you get a clearer picture.

Don’t interrupt the caller. If you do not like this in person, it is even worse while on

the phone. This can sometimes be very difficult because you are not able to see the

other person.

Finally, recap important facts. This is essential because it lets the caller know that

you are listening and it will also ensure that you get them to the correct location.

Explain that these are also crucial steps to effective listening.

If you have time, you may give them the chance to turn around in their seats

(facing away from you). Have a few people talk to each other to create a

distraction. Ask a couple of people to play on their phone while you are talking

next. Tell them a story that will take about one minute or so and have them

take notes. Then ask them different groups (Phone users, talkers, and

listeners) to recap the important facts you went over .This will show them how

difficult it can be when they are not paying attention.

Slide Ten

Step Four - Close the conversation. 11

Training Script continued

At this point, you will thank the caller for their time.

You also need to show your appreciation for the call.

Make sure you have helped the customer and end on good terms. You, as a

business, value their time and them as a customer.

At this point, you may ask people in the audience the four different steps. You

may also see the benefit in asking them to give an example of how to use

each step.

Show (1 - 2 minutes)

Slide Eleven

Now we are going to go through the first mock store call. I need someone to be the

caller, does anyone want to volunteer for that?

If someone does not volunteer, you need to jus choose someone out of the

trainee section.


After the call, get feedback on where each step was placed and why.

Operator (THIS IS YOU): Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

This is the greeting. It is also where the caller states the company that is being

called. This ensures that the person is calling the correct place.

Caller (THIS IS THE TRAINEE): Hey, Bass Pro.

Operator: Hello, how may I help you?

You are asking them directly how you can help the caller. (STEP TWO).

Caller: I would like to talk with the hunting department.

Operator: Okay, which section of the hunting department?

It is important to ask follow-up questions if you need more information. This is

also a form of paraphrasing which will let the caller know you are listening.


Caller: Hunting supplies.

Operator: Unfortunately our hunting department is divided into different sections.

Could you be a little more specific?

Again, it is important to ask follow-up questions. (STEP THREE).


Training Script continued

Caller: I am interested in buying a gun.

Operator: One moment please and I will get you connected.

This shows that you have helped the caller get what they needed. This is also

a form of ending the phone call. (STEP FOUR).

Thank the person who volunteered or you coerced into helping.

Slide Twelve


Same as the first example. Get feedback at the end of this call. It is important

for them to see where each step is being placed and why. They will need this

information for the first and second activity.

Get two volunteers this time. Have two different people read this time. It will

give them a chance to see how it is done.

Operator (PERSON 1): Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Again, it is important to greet the customer and state the name of the

company. (STEP TWO).

Caller (PERSON 2): I would like to talk with the camping department please.

Operator: One moment please and I will get you connected.

Inform them that it is sometimes extremely easy to get people connected to

where they need to go.

STEP TWO - Helping the caller.

STEP THREE - Not interrupting the caller.

STEP FOUR - Closed the conversation.


Let the trainees know that time is passing.

Operator: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Greeted the caller and stated the name of the company. (STEP TWO).

Caller: Yea, I wanted the camping department, but no one answered. Is anyone

working down there?

Operator: I do apologize for that, but we are very busy. I am going to place you on

hold and try to get someone for you from the camping department.


Training Script continued

This has a few steps being applied to it one time:

STEP THREE - You have let the caller know that it is the camping department

which shows you are listening

STEP FOUR - Do not leave the conversation unless the customer is satisfied

and you have helped them

Caller: Okay.


Operator: I have someone from our camping department on the phone for you now.

Again, a couple of steps going on here

STEP THREE - You are again restating that it is the camping department

which shows you are still remembering

STEP FOUR - You have helped the caller by getting someone on the phone.

Caller: Thank you.

Now that everyone has had a chance to see a real call from Bass Pro Shops, why

don’t we start with our first activity so you can get a little more experience.

Invite (10 - 15 minutes)

Slide Thirteen

Activity One (3 - 5 minutes)

Now that we know the four-step method and can apply it to a scripted call, lets try it

on our own in groups.

Distance Trainees: Let them know that you will explain the activity to them

after you have explained it to everyone in the room first.

We are going to divide into groups, but stay at your tables. Everyone should have an

equal amount of people and activity sheets. I have posted the directions on the

PowerPoint, but they are also on the activity sheet for you to look at.

I want everyone to look at the corporate caller script. This is just like the one we did

before, but it is for the corporate offices now.

I want you to discuss as a group where each step is being applied and why. Make

sure you all work together.

Could things be done differently? What?

Please, feel free to write on the sheets. 14

Training Script continued

Distance learners: Talk to the distance learners and let them know that they

have the same activity available to them. Go ahead and give them the same

instructions that you gave the trainees who are attending the training.

Make sure you have them write down any thoughts that they may have

throughout this activity.

What could they do differently? What could the operator do differently?

Walk around the room and make sure everyone is staying on task. Can you

give them any feedback or help?

Encourage and Correct

Okay everyone, lets come back and discuss as a group how this activity was.

Have a table share what they learned and where they put each step into

action. Did everyone get the same results? Who had different results? Why?

It is important to make sure they are reflecting on this activity.

Slide Fourteen

Activity Two (7 - 10 minutes)

Now that we have had some practice going over a couple of scripted calls, lets do

some role-playing.

Distance Trainees: Make sure you will be with them after you discuss the

activity with the trainees who are here in the room.

I need everyone to take an envelope from your table. You will see two different types

of envelopes: one labeled as an “operator” and one labeled as a “caller.” Take an

envelope and find the person who has the opposite of yours with the same number.

For example: Caller 1 goes with Operator 1

The person who has the same number as you is your partner for this round.

Read your cards to yourself and do not let the other person read them.

Find a secluded location in the room and sit back to back. This will help you feel like

you are talking with someone who is not in the same room as you.

Use your cell phones to get even more into the role-playing.

Do the mock phone call - use the example scripts for help and any notes you have


Once you have done this phone call, give each other some feedback on how 15

Training Script continued

they did.

Switch cards with someone else and change positions. This will give everyone an

equal chance on how to do the calling.

After the first two rounds, get a new card and find a new partner.

Distance Trainees: Tell them that you are glad that they are still watching and

inform them that they should have a couple of documents online for this


The first task you need them to do is to use the scenario’s listed on activity 2A.

There are instructions on this, but have them follow along with you.

The first thing they need to do is read through the scenario. They will then

need to create a script, just like the examples, for this particular activity. Have

a couple of people sit close to the camera as a demonstration. Send the script

to you, the trainer, so you can evaluate their work.

After they have created the working script, have them do a mock phone call in

one of two ways:

First, they can find a friend and perform the phone call just like everyone else

in the room.

Second, they can have a one sided phone call by recording themselves online

and sending it to you the trainer. This will allow you to give some feedback.

Have them sit tight and you will be back with some more questions at the end

and wish them good luck.

Room: Walk around the room: encourage and correct.

Discussion (1 - 2 minutes)

Slide Fifteen

How did you feel about this activity? Why?

How did you feel during this activity? Why?

Was it weird trying to talk to someone without being able to see them?

Is it difficult to pay attention to a phone call with a lot of noise in the

background? How can you help this?

What are your thoughts overall so far?


Training Script continued

Questions (1 - 2 minutes)

Does anyone have any questions?

You may not have a need of this. If everyone seems to be getting the idea,

then this could become obsolete and give you some extra time.

Conclusion (2 - 3 minutes)

Slide Sixteen

Did you learn something new?

If they just say yes, make sure you ask them what. You should have some

time here to get everyone to think about something they learned.

You can also have them write something they learned down. This will also be

help them remember. IF YOU DO THIS make sure you address the Distance

Trainees so they can too.

What is the four-step method to answering a phone call? (call on someone?)

1. Take a deep breath

2. Use four answering courtesies

3. Help the caller and listen attentively

4. Close the call

How can we use this information in our lives now?

How can we use this information in the future?

Finishing Thoughts:

Leave them with something clever or memorable about the training. This

gives you a chance to make sure they have something to “take” home with


Thank everyone for attending.

Distance Trainees: Make sure you thank the Distance Trainees too!

Slide Seventeen



Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

PowerPoint Slides

Following this page will be the PowerPoint slides for this training. The

PowerPoint is ready to go and can be used as is. The PowerPoint also

matches everything that was stated in the script.

PowerPoint Slides






• Bass Pro Shops Switchboard

• Training Objectives

• Four-Step Method

• Mock Store Calls 1 & 2

• Activity 1 & 2

• Conclusion



PowerPoint Slides


Bass Pro Shops

• Switchboard

• 8 – 9 employees

• Small room3


PowerPoint Slides


Training Objectives

• By the end of the training:

• Trainees will be able to answer phone calls fromthe public by using the four-step method.

• Trainees will be able to effectively talk with highprofile individuals.

Four-Step Method

1. Take a deep breath before answering the

phone (Obarski, 2014).

2. Use four answering courtesies (Kennedy Allbon

Tane, 2014).

3. Help the caller and listen attentively (Obarski,


4. Close the conversation (Kennedy Allbon Tane,




PowerPoint Slides




Step One

• Take a deep breath (Obarski, 2014).

• Organize thoughts before calls

• Helps sound alert and awake

• Prepare for the call

Step Two

• Use four answering courtesies (Kennedy Allbon

Tane, 2014).

• Greet the caller

• Name the company that is being called

• State your name when appropriate

• Ask how you can help the caller

PowerPoint Slides




Step Three

• Help the caller and listen attentively (Obarski,


• Get rid of distractions (Knott, 2008)

• Ask follow-up questions (Knott, 2008)

• Don’t interrupt the caller (Knott, 2008)

• Recap important facts (Knott, 2008)

Step Four

• Close the conversation (Kennedy Allbon Tane,


• Thank the caller

• Appreciation

• End on good terms

PowerPoint Slides




Mock Store Call 1

• Operator: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.• Caller: Hey, Bass Pro.• Operator: Hello, how may I help you?• Caller: I would like to talk with the hunting

department.• Operator: Okay, which section of the hunting

department?• Caller: Hunting supplies.• Operator: Unfortunately our hunting department is

divided into many different sections. Could you bea little more specific?

• Caller: I am interested in buying a gun.• Operator: One moment please and I will get you


Mock Store Call 2

• Operator: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.• Caller: I would like to talk with the camping department please.• Operator: One moment and I will get you connected.• …later on• Operator: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

• Caller: Yea, I wanted the camping department, but no oneanswered. Is anyone working down there?

• Operator: I do apologize for that, but we are very busy. I am goingto put you on hold and try to get someone for you from the camping department.

• Caller: Okay.• (Places caller on hold. Gets an associate in camping on the

phone.)• Operator: I have someone from our camping department on the

phone for you now.

• Caller: Thank you.

PowerPoint Slides




Activity One

• Use the tables as groups.

• Look at the corporate call script.

• Discuss in your groups where each step is being

applied and why.

• Could things be done differently? What?

• Feel free to write on the sheets.

Activity Two

• Take an envelope from your table.

• Find the envelope with the same number as

yours – pair up with that person.

• Read your cards to yourself.

• Find a location and sit back-to-back.

• Use your cell phones to create the


• Do the mock phone call – use the scripts for


• Repeat.

PowerPoint Slides





• How did you feel about this activity?

• How did you feel during the mock phone call?

• Why?


• Did you learn something new?

• Four-step process of answering a phone call.

• How can we use this information now?

• How can we use this information in the future?

PowerPoint Slides




Kennedy Allbon Tane. (2014). Professional telephone skills guide for your staff. Kennedy Allbon Tane. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from

Knott, C. (2008). Ten tips to improve listening skills on the telephone. CallCenterHelper. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from

Obarski, A. (2014). 5 tips for better telephone skills. Business Know How. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Trainee Handout

Following this page is the handout for the trainees.


Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Activity One

Following this page is the first activity for the trainees in the building and the

online trainees.

Telephone Skills: Activity 1

31 31

Activity 1A: Corporate Calls

Operator: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Caller: Hello, may I ask whom I am speaking with?

Operator: I am the operator for Bass Pro, Blake.

Caller: Hello, Blake. I have a new idea that I think Bass Pro would just love. Do you think you could help


Operator: Yes, I could definitely help you, but I am going to need a little more information to get you to the

correct person.

Caller: Well, I do not want to share that information; can’t you just connect me to someone in the company?

Operator: Unfortunately, I cannot just connect you to anyone. We have quite a few people in our corporate

offices that handle different aspects of the company. If you could just tell me a little information I could get you

connected to someone who could help you.

Caller: Fine. I have a new idea for a product that would go over great within Bass Pro.

Operator: Okay, that would be within our Merchandising department; could you tell me what kind of product

it is so I can get you to the specific person who handles that product?

Caller: It is a revolutionary fishing reel.

Operator: Okay, Dave Hinke would handle that and his assistant is Joyce Kelberer. One moment and I will

connect you with Joyce.

Caller: Thank you.

Activity 1B: High Profile Call.

Operator: Hello, John, this is (insert your name).

John: Hello, (insert your partner’s name). How are you doing today?

Operator: I am doing fine today. How are you doing?

John: Well, I am a little cold, but not too bad. Would you mind connecting me with Tony Stewart?

Operator: One moment while I get you connected.

(Dial Tony Stewart’s number. Get him on the phone.)

Tony: Hello?

Operator: Hello, Tony. This is (insert your name) at the Bass Pro Switchboard.

Tony: Hello, how are you today?

Operator: I am doing well, how are you?

Tony: Just fine.

Operator: I have John on the phone for you; would you like to speak with him?

Tony: That is fine. Send him to me.

(Go back to John.)

Operator: John, here is Tony.

John: Thank you.

(Go back to Tony.)

Operator: Tony, here is John


1. As a group, apply the four-step method for answering phone calls to this scripted call.

2. Write where each step is taking place.

3. Discuss why each step is taking place.

Telephone Skills: Online Activity 1

31 32

Activity 1A: Corporate Calls

Operator: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Caller: Hello, may I ask whom I am speaking with?

Operator: I am the operator for Bass Pro, Blake.

Caller: Hello, Blake. I have a new idea that I think Bass Pro would just love. Do you think you could help


Operator: Yes, I could definitely help you, but I am going to need a little more information to get you to the

correct person.

Caller: Well, I do not want to share that information; can’t you just connect me to someone in the


Operator: Unfortunately, I cannot just connect you to anyone. We have quite a few people in our corporate

offices that handle different aspects of the company. If you could just tell me a little information I could get

you connected to someone who could help you.

Caller: Fine. I have a new idea for a product that would go over great within Bass Pro.

Operator: Okay, that would be within our Merchandising department; could you tell me what kind of

product it is so I can get you to the specific person who handles that product?

Caller: It is a revolutionary fishing reel.

Operator: Okay, Dave Hinke would handle that and his assistant is Joyce Kelberer. One moment and I will

connect you with Joyce.

Caller: Thank you.

Activity 1B: High Profile Call.

Operator: Hello, John, this is (insert your name).

John: Hello, (insert your partner’s name). How are you doing today?

Operator: I am doing fine today. How are you doing?

John: Well, I am a little cold, but not too bad. Would you mind connecting me with Tony Stewart?

Operator: One moment while I get you connected.

(Dial Tony Stewart’s number. Get him on the phone.)

Tony: Hello?

Operator: Hello, Tony. This is (insert your name) at the Bass Pro Switchboard.

Tony: Hello, how are you today?

Operator: I am doing well, how are you?

Tony: Just fine.

Operator: I have John on the phone for you; would you like to speak with him?

Tony: That is fine. Send him to me.

(Go back to John.)

Operator: John, here is Tony.

John: Thank you.

(Go back to Tony.)

Operator: Tony, here is John


1. Apply the four-step method for answering phone calls to this scripted call.

2. Write where each step is taking place.

3. Why is each step taking place there? Defend your answers

4. Send in your responses to your trainer.

Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls

Activity Two

Following this page is the second activity for the trainees in the building and

the online trainees.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Caller Activity 2A - Caller

Description for the caller (1) You are Kevin Costner the actor. You are a long-time friend with John Morris. You two are

going to be going fishing next month and you want to touch base with him. Your job is to talk to

the operator. Be pleasant, but do not give too much information away.

Common Phrases:

How are you doing today?

Would you mind…?

I really need to speak with him.

You may use the scripted calls as an example for this phone call.

Description for the caller (2) You are an inventor. You have a crazy new idea for a hunting blind. You have just finished

production and would like to talk to someone at the Bass Pro Corporation. Your job is to get

connected to someone in the merchandising department. You must use the following phrases in

the conversation.

Common Phrases:

My buddy in Alabama told me to call you.

I will probably be famous one day.

Be pleasant, but make sure these two phrases get into the call. You may use the scripted calls as an

example for this phone call.

Description for the caller (3) You are Kevin Pipes, a friend of John Morris. You just want to talk to John to catch up with him.

Be pleasant and give as much information as you can. You must use the following phrases.

Common Phrases:

It is nothing important.

Send him to me.

How have you been?

Be pleasant and make sure you talk with John. You may use the scripted calls as an example for

this phone call.

Description for the caller (4) You are an inventor. You have a new idea for a decoy. You are not sure whom you need to speak

with, but you will talk to someone today. You are a little upset because you had to call the

corporate offices. You must use the following phrases in your conversation.

Common Phrases:

Is this the corporate offices for Bass Pro?

I will talk to someone today.

I don’t want to be transferred can’t you help me?

Be pleasant and make sure you get connected with someone in the buying department. You may

use the scripted calls as an example for this phone call.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Caller Activity 2A - Caller

Description for the caller (5) You are Jeanie Morris, John’s wife. You are trying to get ahold of him to let him know that

Uncle David will be coming to visit this weekend. You must use the following phrases in your


Common Phrases:

Can you try John for me?

I really need to speak with John.

Be pleasant and make sure you get connected with John. You may use the scripted calls as an

example for this phone call.

Description for the caller (6) You work for a local marketing agency in New York. You have heard that we are opening a new

store close to your business. You are interested in doing some print advertising for our company.

You are trying to get a name and maybe connected. You must use the following phrases.

Common Phrases:

I have heard you’re opening a new store in New York.

You are opening a new store close to my establishment.

I would love to do the advertising for your company.

Be pleasant and try to get connected with someone in marketing. You may use the scripted calls

as an example for this phone call.

Description for the caller (7) You are Jamie McMurray, a Nascar driver. You wanted to call and tell him about the race on

Sunday. You feel like you did extremely well and would like to tell John. You must use the

following phrases.

Common Phrases:

Hi, I am Jamie McMurray.

I am a Nascar driver.

I need to tell John how the race went on Sunday.

It is important that I speak with John.

Be pleasant and make sure you get connected to John. You may use the scripted calls as an

example for this phone call.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Caller Activity 2A - Caller

Description for the caller (8) You work a small nonprofit in Iowa. You heard that Bass Pro does donations to certain

charities and would like more information about the process. You must use the following


Common Phrases:

I work for a small nonprofit in Iowa, maybe you have heard of it? (Make up a name.)

You would greatly appreciate a donation of some amount.

You are hosting a banquet to help your charity and the donations would be used either to

raise money or we would use the money you donate.

Be pleasant and make sure you get connected to someone. You may use the scripted calls as an

example for this phone call.

Description for the caller (9) You are John Paul Morris, John’s son. You just went hunting and shot a 12-point buck. You are

extremely excited and you want to tell your dad! You must use the following phrases.

Common Phrases:

Hey, this is John Paul, could you try my dad?

I just shot a 12-point buck, isn’t that exciting?

Be pleasant and make sure you get connected to your DAD. You may use the scripted calls as

an example for this phone call.

Description for the operator (10) You are interested in hearing more about the marketing department for Bass Pro shops. You are

an extremely wealthy marketing agency with a lot of experience. You feel like you can help our

company a lot. You must use the following phrases.

Common Phrases:

I work for an extremely successful marketing company.

I really think that you guys could benefit from working with my company.

I don’t think you understand the importance of this call.

You are not that pleasant, so act better than the operator. You may use the scripted calls as an

example for this phone call.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Operator Activity 2A - Operator

Description for the operator (1) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (2) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Merchandising Information:

Guns – Dan Lock & Asst. Erica VanDanHandle

Gifts – Bob Olander & Asst. Kim Hamilton

Camping – Bryan Mitchell & Asst. Becky Trammel

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (3) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Operator Activity 2A - Operator

Description for the operator (4) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Merchandising Information:

Guns – Dan Lock & Asst. Erica VanDanHandle

Gifts – Bob Olander & Asst. Kim Hamilton

Camping – Bryan Mitchell & Asst. Becky Trammel

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (5) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (6) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Marketing Information:

General – Stan Lippleman Asst. Yvett Garcia

Print – Charles Schomber

Donations – Laura Edwards

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Operator Activity 2A - Operator

Description for the operator (7) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (8) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Marketing Information:

General – Stan Lippleman Asst. Yvett Garcia

Print – Charles Schomber

Donations – Laura Edwards

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (9) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Operator Activity 2A - Operator

Description for the operator (7) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (8) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Marketing Information:

General – Stan Lippleman Asst. Yvett Garcia

Print – Charles Schomber

Donations – Laura Edwards

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the operator (9) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.


Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Operator Activity 2A - Operator

Description for the operator (10) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go.

You may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Marketing Information:

General – Stan Lippleman Asst. Yvett Garcia

Print – Charles Schomber

Donations – Laura Edwards

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Telephone Skills: Activity 2 - Online



1. Read through the following scenario.

2. Write a script. Use the scripted call from activity 1 as an example.

3. Listen to a couple of trainees who are at the training in person. What are they doing? Use them as

an example.

4. Use a friend/relative to do a mock phone. Use your script as an example.

5. If you cannot do step 4, record yourself saying the script out loud. Send your recorded call to the

trainer for evaluation.

Mock Phone Call

Description for the operator (1) You are a Bass Pro Shops operator. You job is to help the caller get where they need to go. You

may ask them any questions that you feel is necessary.

Greeting: Good fishing and hunting, Bass Pro.

Common phrases:

One moment please

Bass Pro Switchboard

How may I help you?

Merchandising Information:

Guns – Dan Lock & Asst. Erica VanDanHandle

Gifts – Bob Olander & Asst. Kim Hamilton

Camping – Bryan Mitchell & Asst. Becky Trammel

Don’t give out your last name! You may use the scripted calls as an example.

Description for the caller (1) You are an inventor. You have a crazy new idea for a hunting blind. You have just finished

production and would like to talk to someone at the Bass Pro Corporation. Your job is to get

connected to someone in the merchandising department. You must use the following phrases in

the conversation.

Common Phrases:

My buddy in Alabama told me to call you.

I will probably be famous one day.

Be pleasant, but make sure these two phrases get into the call. You may use the scripted calls as

an example for this phone call.

Effective Telephone Skills for

Receiving Calls


Following this page are the references for this training.


References Running head: EFFECTIVE TELEPHONE SKILLS 1

Kennedy Allbon Tane. (2014). Professional telephone skills guide for your staff.

Kennedy Allbon Tane. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from


Knott, C. (2008). Ten tips to improve listening skills on the telephone.

CallCenterHelper. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from


Obarski, A. (2014). 5 tips for better telephone skills. Business Know How. Retrieved

November 10, 2014 from