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  • 7/29/2019 Teguh Hermawan's TEFYL




    A. Background of the Study

    Is the language acquisition process the same for all children? Yes, all children

    acquire language in the same way. For example how to articulate words and how to put

    them together in ways that is acceptable to the people around them. They do not use

    language like adults, because children are not adults. Acquiring language is a gradual,

    lengthy process, and one that involves a lot of apparent 'errors'. They will learn to speak

    that are used around them. Children usually begin by speaking like their parents or

    people around them, but once they start to mix with other children (especially from the

    age of about 3 years) they start to speak like friends their own age, especially on their

    golden age.

    Based on UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 Bab I Pasal 1 Ayat 14 about the National

    Education System, the early childhood education is one of effort of constructing that is

    tended to the new born children to six years old which is done through giving

    stimulation of education to help the growing and developing of children physical and

    emotional in preparing children readiness to enter the next level of education. The early

    childhood is a new born to six years old children. This age is a critical to success in thedeveloping character and children personality. The early childhood is where the children

    have the fastest development and growth. The early childhood is the early important

    period in human live.

    Golden age development is an early time (from born to six years old) as a crisis

    time in stretches of development time has been understood by many parents and society.

    It is impact on the fast growing number of Early Childhood Education (ECE) nowadays.

    It is characterized with the increasing number of the early childhood education

    institution in formal and non formal. In the formal institution there are kindergarten and

    Raudatul Atfal (RA). In the non formal there are play group, day care, and early

    childhood educational with the different variation of name. The institution on formal

    and non formal grow fast now in Indonesia.

    Many parents and teachers have understood the importance of golden age

    development in the early childhood. As an important time, the sensitive time of all

    potency that is belong to develop. Because of it, it needs support from the environment

    which is conduciveness for the children potency development. But, this understanding

    has not been had comprehensively. Consequently, it sets up new cause of early

    childhood education at the formal and non formal institutions.

    The perception of the importance of golden age is 80% of capacity of

    development which is achieved in early childhood, and the rest of 20% is achieved after


    Teguh Hermawan

    NIM : 1105086047

  • 7/29/2019 Teguh Hermawan's TEFYL


    the age of eight years old. As a consequence, many parents and teachers compete with

    time to give learning experiences through activities and academic learning. It is almost

    all children learning time doing by academic activities. The teachers teach by explaining

    children learning by listening and doing some tasks that is dominated by piece or book

    of task. The children write letter or word and number without built the context of

    learning first. In this situation, the cognitive aspect or intelligence aspect gets the

    biggest stimulant, whereas the other aspects, such as emotional, social, and art are

    almost forgotten.

    The wrong perception about golden age development in the early childhood

    causes the aspect that almost every children do, in this case is playing avoided. Beneath

    it all, playing is one of children basic development needs. If playing as the children

    needs are not carry out, the children will get difficulty on reaching optimal

    development. Therefore, learning activity needs to be packed in the playing activity and

    through playing activity.

    The learning process on Early Childhood Education (ECE) nowadays just

    focuses on the academic activity and ignores the playing activity as a wrong practice of

    Early Childhood Education. Playing is not only as a vehicle of children learning, but

    also as basic needs of developing children. The children get knowledge from many

    ways. It is one of the characteristic of early childhood which is the children as activeindividual so the knowledge will be more getting from the experience doing some

    activities. Just listening teacher explanation is very small to develop knowledge of

    children who cannot concentrate in long time.

    From the explanation above, the purpose of writing this paper are to give new

    perspective about language on children early development as an important issue of early

    childhood education and also reveal the importance of early childhood education. By

    giving some term of language on early childhood education that is stated by some expert

    and also some examples.


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    A. Language

    The word language has two concepts based on Chomsky on Muhammad

    (2011), it make reference to competence and performance. Whereas, Saussure on

    Muhammad (2011) defined three terms related to the word language such as parole,

    langue, and language. Language is the sign of sound system which are arbitrary. It

    means that language is sound that is produced by human. The sound become sign

    outside the language, the example is sound of [flower] that shows a thing flower. This

    sound represents a thing that is called flower. So, flower as a language is complex

    sound to mark outside of sound. Therefore, language can be explained as blend of form,

    meaning, and even the situation, or we could say that language is a sequence of sound.

    We have known that every human used language as a tool to send a message in

    order to communicate with other people. They produced sound that other people agree

    and understand what the meaning of. But sometimes, language that is used by some

    people is different. The language variety is caused by the varieties of the member of

    language speaker in the community and for multiple purposes. It means that the

    language has many differences based on the speaker of language itself. It could bedialect and accent. And the differences based on the purposes are the journalistic

    language, literature, academic, etc.

    Chomsky stated that children are born with an innate knowledge of language

    when they are born and learning of their native language is at high speed when hearing

    it from others. This links to children over regularizing and putting grammar into

    utterances when they are not needed.

    Chomsky created the LAD- language acquisition device

    1. Baby already knows about linguistic rules, as they are born with an innate

    knowledge of language.

    2. The baby hears examples of his/ her native language

    3. The linguistic rules help the baby make estimations and presumptions about the

    language it is hearing.

    4. From these estimations and presumption the baby works out grammatical sets of

    rules. As more language is heard the grammar becomes more and more like


    B. Golden Age

    Wiyani and Barnawi (2102) stated that golden age is the time where all the

    children potency growing very fast. It means that the children learn everything fast.

    In this period, the children enter the time of exploring, time of identification or


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    imitating, sensitive period, and playing period. Exploring time means that children

    always want to know something by giving some questions to get new knowledge.

    Identification or imitating means that children find the new knowledge through their

    five sense and imitate it. Sensitive period is a period that demands the development

    of children developed optimally. Playing period means that they have a basic need as

    a children, it is playing.

    Yus (2011:63) explained the golden age as a development period that become

    foundation and give big influence to the quality of children development on the next

    period of development. This period according to Yus is started from the children

    born to eight years old. The golden age period and the environment manipulation are

    factors that determine the development of the children.

    C. Children Early Development

    Many experts gave an explanation about child early development. The first

    expert is Jean Piaget (1896), he is an expert in the field of psychology, his theory of

    cognitive development is divided into four stages of development, and he did not

    stated the early childhood as a golden age. Jean Piaget has a major contribution to

    early childhood education, because these four stages became one of the guidelines in

    understanding and apply the learning in early childhood. In Piaget's theory

    illustrated that the children's self-knowledge in building faced with two processes,namely assimilation and accommodation. That children not be separated from the

    process of adjusting the new acquisition with knowledge of the old, or establish new

    knowledge, from the previously unknown child, into the schemata or cognitive


    The fourth stage of development was described in Piaget's theory as follows:

    1. Sensorimotor stage: from birth to 2 years (children experience their world

    through movement and senses or more dominated developments in the motor


    2. Pre-operational stage: from 2 to 7 years (during this age, children have learned to

    think but rather on efforts symbolization)

    3. Concrete operational stage: from 7 to 11 years (children begin to think logically

    about concrete events)

    4. Formal operational stage: after age 11 years (the development of abstract


    Erik Erikson on Wiyani and Barnawi (2012) gives theory about child

    development has similarities to several famous others but with distinct differences.

    Like Freud, he believed that development came in specific stages, but rather than

    being sexually driven, he focused on the social aspects of evolvement. In a manner


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    reminiscent of Piaget, Erikson saw advancements coming in a predetermined order,

    but the socialization aspect was stressed, rather than cognitive development.

    1st stage: Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth to 1 year)

    During the first year of life, a baby forms their first feelings about the world

    and whether or not it is a safe place based on the level of consistent care provided by

    the primary caregivers. When trust develops successfully, the child gains a sense of

    security but if this sense is not developed, a fear and inner mistrust of the world is

    formed. Anxiety and insecurity are indicative of an unsuccessful beginning.

    2nd stage: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (1 to 3 Years)

    As children become increasingly independent, they tend to try to assert their

    opinions and do things in their own ways. These first attempts at decision making

    are actually important milestones, developmentally, according to Erikson. If a child's

    efforts at independent thinking are supported and encouraged, their self-confidence

    increases, helping to prepare them to survive in the real world. Parents who criticise

    or do not permit toddlers to make simple decisions are setting them up to feel

    inadequate and doubtful about their abilities. Low self-esteem and a tendency to be

    overly dependent on others can have their roots in an unsuccessful transition at this




    stage: Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 6 Years)During the years between three and six, kids tend to enjoy expressing their

    assertiveness by choosing activities, inventing their own solutions to problems and

    approaching others to socialise. When their efforts are recognised and rewarded,

    children flourish, but if they are made to feel foolish or not allowed to even try, they

    may go through their lives preferring to follow, rather than lead.

    4th stage Industry vs. Inferiority (6 Years to Puberty)

    The school years provide children with opportunities to take the initiative in

    planning and following through on a variety of projects. Parents and teachers who

    provide positive feedback can help children to feel confident and capable, vital

    characteristics for happiness and future success. If, however, important adults in a

    child's life decline to encourage the youngster's efforts, he may doubt his capabilities

    and fail to reach his full potential.

    5th stage: Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence)

    As all parents know, the teen years can be turbulent. No longer children but not

    yet independent adults, adolescents are making strides to cross the bridge into

    adulthood. This most important transition requires that teens begin to look at their

    futures and explore their possibilities. Career choices, romantic relationships, family

    plans -- their choices are plentiful and they are in a position of needing to figure just


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    who it is they are and who they want to be. An inability to figure that out may render

    them confused and directionless.

    6th stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adulthood)

    Typically, young adulthood is when people make their first real commitment to

    someone other than a family member. Success in this area can provide great

    satisfaction, while those who avoid intimacy may set themselves up to feel lonely,

    isolated, and even depressed.

    7th stage: Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood)

    Ideally, middle adulthood sees us getting settled. These are the years when

    careers flourish, families are raised, and people find their comfort zones, being

    productive and responsible members of society. Those who fail to meet their

    objectives may stagnate and feel a sense of disappointment about their lack of


    8th stage: Ego Integrity vs. Despair (The old period)

    Often, seniors, with their working years behind them, are able to slow down

    and reflect on their lives. Those who feel good about the lives they've led up to that

    point can take well deserved pride in their accomplishments, but for those who feel

    that they've been less productive than they had hoped, feelings of dissatisfaction and

    despair can lead to depression.Jean Jacques Rousseau on Wiyani and Barnawi (2012: 58) divided the child

    development to four stages of development such as (1) infancy (0-2 years old) as a

    physical development, (2) childhood (2-12 years old) as a primitive development, (3)

    pubescence (13-15 years old) as an adventure period which is shown by fast

    cognitive development, (4) adolescence (15-25 years old) as a period of live in


    Stanly Hall also on Wiyani and Barnawi (2012: 59) is an expert on psychology

    of development follower of evolution theory. Hall applies the recapitulation theory

    on the child development. Based on the theory of recapitulation, the individual

    development is the ontogeny recapitulation phylogeny. Hall divided all of the

    development period on the four stages. They are Infancy (0-4 years old) as a reptile

    and walking, (2) childhood (4-8 years old) as a hunter, (3) pubescence (8-12 years

    old) as a human who is not civilize, (4) adolescence (12 years old up) as a period of

    live in civilization.

    Another child development theory was stated by Robert J. Havighurst. He

    arranged the phases of child development based on problems that should be solved

    in every phase. He divided all of the child development period to be five phases.

    They are infancy (0-1/2 years old), early childhood (2/3-5/7 years old), late

    childhood (5/7 to pubescence), early adolescence (from pubescence to puberty), and


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    late adolescence (puberty to adult). For every phase of development, Havighurst

    collects number of development tasks that children should be covered.

    D. Early Childhood Education

    The future developing of national education is based on the paradigm of whole

    human developing which is function as a subject that have capacity to self

    actualization and the human dimension optimally, directed to increase the quality

    and competitiveness of Indonesian Human resources on the knowledge based on

    economy and the creative economic development. Education development will

    optimal if all of stakeholders understood about the term of education.

    Based on UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 Bab I Pasal 1 Ayat 14 about the National

    Education System, the early childhood education is one of effort of constructing that

    is tended to the new born children to six years old which is done through giving

    stimulation of education to help the growing and developing of children physical and

    emotional in preparing children readiness to enter the next level of education. The

    early childhood is a new born to six years old children. This age is a critical to

    success in the developing character and children personality. The early childhood is

    where the children have the fastest development and growth. The early childhood is

    the early important period in human live.

    The early childhood is children who have not entered the formal educationsuch as elementary school and actually they still stay at home or follow activity in

    term of the preschool education, such as play group, kindergarten, or day care.

    Hence, the early childhood education is education that could help children growing-

    developing and education could help the children developing fairly. So, early

    childhood education is an effort to stimulating, guiding, taking care, and provides

    learning activities that will produce the ability and skill for children in the early


    E. Language on Early Childhood

    Carol Bainbridge stated that language learning is natural. Babies are born with the

    ability to learn it and that learning begins at birth. All children, no matter what language

    their parents speak, learn language much the same way. This learning takes place in

    three basic stages.

    Stage One Learning Sounds

    When babies are born, they can make and hear all the sounds in all the languages

    in the world. Thats about 150 sounds in about 6500 languages! However, no language

    uses all 150 sounds. The sounds a language uses are called phonemes and English has

    about 44. Some languages use more and some use fewer.


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    In this stage, babies learn which phonemes belong to the language they are

    learning and which dont. The ability to recognize and produce those sounds is called

    phonemic awareness, which is important for children learning to read.

    Stage Two Learning Words

    At this stage children essentially learn how the sounds in a language go together

    to make meaning. For example, they learn that the sounds m, ah, m, and ee refer to that

    being that cuddles and feeds them mommy. Thats a significant step because

    everything we say is really just a stream of sounds. To make sense of those sounds, a

    child must be able to recognize where one word ends and another one begins. These are

    called word boundaries.

    Its not exactly words, though, that children are learning. What children are

    actually learning are morphemes, which may or may not be words. Thats really not as

    confusing as it sounds. A morpheme is just a sound or sounds that have a meaning, like

    the word mommy. The word mommies, however, has two morphemes: mommy and s.

    Children at this stage can recognize that the s means "more than one" and will know

    that when that sound is added to other words, it means the same thing "more than


    Stage Three Learning Sentences

    During this stage, children learn how to create sentences. That means they can putwords in the correct order. For example, they learn that in English we say "I want a

    cookie" and "I want a chocolate cookie," not "Want I a cookie" or "I want cookie



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    The phase of child development now has been understood by many parents and

    society. They becoming more care of the importance of early childhood education

    which is shown by increasing numbers of institution of early childhood education,

    whether formal and non formal. Yet the implementation of early childhood education

    raises some problems and gets many academic critics and the content of the curriculum

    still about the academic that dominate the learning activity. Almost all time of children

    learning are done by academic activity, not done through playing. Consequently, the

    children basic need that is related to emotional development, social, language, and art

    have not gotten maximal portion. It makes children face difficulties to reach their


    The research that was conducted in 1986 Ganzu province in Northwest China

    found that the enrolment rate in primary school was 10 per cent below that of the

    national average. The 1984 statistics showed that only four in ten children finished

    primary school. Faced with the Governments plan for education, Ganzu Province

    turned to the Joint Innovative Project (JIP).

    Developed by UNESCOs Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific(PROAP) and the University of Western Australia, the JIP aims at increasing the

    achievement level of children in primary schools in Asia. Ganzu province was accepted

    in the programme in April 1986 after a visit by Chinese provincial officials to Thailand

    and Pakistan to observe the JIP in action.

    JIP was founded on the assumption that there are four leading factors in the under

    achievement of children in Asia - the lack of preparation for schooling, irrelevant

    teaching materials, the poor quality of teachers and low community involvement. To

    combat these problems the JIP developed four approaches: the provision of increased

    access to pre-school education, improved teaching materials and methods of teaching,

    improved training for teachers and increased community involvement. It shows that

    there are still problem on implementing early childhood education there, but by joining

    the JIP program they could help to solve these problems.

    Another problem also related to the quality of early childhood education teacher.

    Moreover, if the teachers have not ability and skill on doing learning at early childhood

    education, it would be dangerous. In our country, woman who has certified of

    elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and even post and master

    graduate could enter this field along they have a spirit in the early childhood education.

    Yet, just the spirit is not enough, because there are a lot of knowledge and skills that is

    needed as a teacher. The mistaken on giving stimulation to the children could be


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    eliminate by giving teacher early knowledge and skill before they enter the early

    childhood education.

    Based on Muhammad Hamid on Wiyani and Barnawi (2011:21) Dirjen

    Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pendidikan Formal dan Non Formal (PAUDNI) until

    2015 our country still need 727 thousands the early childhood education teachers. It

    means that there is still open chance for someone who is interested to teach in the level

    of early childhood education. Also, it shows that less attention from our society to

    become teacher of early childhood education. This happen because Indonesian peoples

    less knows about early childhood education so what reflect from morality of our people

    now is commonly less of responsible, tolerance, discipline, honestly, and sensitivity to


    The quality of early childhood education in our country reflects the curriculum

    that our country uses. It aims to develop the whole child potency which goals to develop

    human as a high individual with culture and national philosophy especially language.

    Actually, the curriculum of early childhood education in our country has followed the

    best one with some fun activities, approaches, and evaluations. Yet, the implementation

    is usually different on the practice. A national curriculum guide may be formulated

    based on the learning and developmental needs of children. The guide should be flexible

    in use and content so that it mat be adapted to the local setting/resources/culture,individual/age group needs and interests, available local materials, use of parents and

    community members etc. It should facilate the use and integration of topics/materials

    initiated or introduced or provided by the children.


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    Education is a life-long process. It is not provided in a vacuum. Education is

    furnished by a variety of people and influences. These include parents, the community,

    teachers, the media among others. Social, economic and cultural considerations also

    have a bearing on education as does the physical and emotional well-being of the

    learner, All these factors play a part in the development and education of the individual.

    Hence the links between them are of major importance in the promotion of achievement

    in learning, as well as in childrens development.

    It is well known that the earliest years of a childs life are decisive for his/her

    subsequent learning and development. Early Childhood Development and Education is

    the first and most important phase of the life long learning process. The effective

    linkages between the home and the school, between the community and the school,

    between the various forms of early childhood development and education and the

    primary school are, therefore, essential if access to learning is to be ensured, if it is to be

    of the requisite standard, and if it is to be meaningful.

    Related to language, children do not use language like adults, because children are

    not adults. Acquiring language is a gradual, lengthy process, and one that involves a lotof apparent 'errors'. They will learn to speak language that is used around them. They

    usually begin by speaking like their parents or caregivers, but once they start to mix

    with other children (especially from the age of about 3 years) they start to speak like

    friends their own age.


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    ---------- Early Childhood Education and Development in Indonesia: an Investment for a

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