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  • 7/30/2019 Ted Hall's Playing....Deck


    Playing with a Full Deck

    An End/Beginning Times Enlightenment Guide

    T.D. Hall

    Copyright 2008 TDHall

    PO Box 317

    Rainier, WA 98576

    (360) 894-3223

  • 7/30/2019 Ted Hall's Playing....Deck


  • 7/30/2019 Ted Hall's Playing....Deck





    Chapter 1: Changing Destiny

    Chapter 2: Evolving Toward Freethink & the Death of Death

    Chapter 3: The Mother Earth Hypothesis, Gaia Theory & the

    Mission of Man

    Chapter 4: Higher Self for DummiesChapter 5: The Secret of The Secret


    Chapter 6: The Prince of Atheism

    Chapter 7: The Manifestation Factory

    Chapter 8: The Divine Breath

    Chapter 9: The Key to Life

    Chapter 10: The Show of Light, the All-Time Horror Flick


    Chapter 11: The Pattern of Human History

    Chapter 12: The Conspiracy Against Human Evolution

    Chapter 13: Meet Dr. Dooms MentorsTom and Charles

    Chapter 14: The Plot to Kill Our ET Brethren

    Chapter 15: The Philosopher King of the West



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    IntroductionThe Hour Is Here

    Hello, and welcome to an interesting mind-trip via Playing with a

    Full Deck. The generalthesis of the book is that we humans are facing

    some very serious challenges now and in the next few years and that

    through increase of consciousness, through playing the game of Life

    with a full deck, we will be able to mitigate whatever disasters are

    coming down the pike.

    The phrase increase of consciousness has been around for a

    long time and has become a buzz word in some circles. In this book, I

    am not relying on buzz definitions of the phrase but upon the latest

    word of science. What I have to say in Playing with a Full Deckabout

    consciousness, and the raising thereof, is leading edge.

    Many old paradigm people, especially those reliant upon theHoly Bible as their guidebook to reality, regard the years 2008 through

    2012 (abbreviated in this book to Y2K8-12) as the End Times. If we

    look at our present-day world through the spectacles of the old

    paradigmers, we see a world in big trouble and we see a future of

    disaster piled on disaster, topped with catastrophe. Any evidence to

    support this dire expectation? You bet. Lots and lots of evidence.

    I have an especially high regard for the wisdom of the ancient

    Hopi seers (remote viewers as we say these days). Indeed, I was

    inspired by a peace messenger of the Hopi to write a small book

    involving the propheciesSacred CircleThe Purification ofEarth and

    Reunion of Its Peoples. For many decades, the Hopi elders, the

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    keepers of the ancient wisdom, have been warning humankind that it

    is the 11th hour. Recently, theyve been saying that The hour is here.

    If we look at Y2K8-12 through the eyes of advanced new

    paradigmers, we see that a lot of de-structuring is taking place (and

    much more is coming) and we understand that the de-structuring is a

    necessary pre-condition to the birth of a better world. If you are

    among these people, you do not view our species as sitting on death

    row. You see it as standing at the threshold of a new, mature phase.

    The long and turbulent adolescence of our species is coming to an end.

    We are about to grow up.

    I am a long-time student of paradigms (a so-called intellectual

    historian) and a new paradigmer. What is a paradigm? The

    intellectual community hasnt quite decided yet. Read the work of

    futurist Hazel Henderson, and youll learn that just about everything is

    a paradigm; read the work of theologian Ken Wilbur, and youll learn

    that paradigms dont exist. I offer a very basic definition: A paradigm

    is a fancy word for model. The model may be very simple, such as

    three ping pong balls glued together to represent an H2O molecule; or

    it may be very complex, a vision of life, such as the vision of liferepresented in the Bible or in Darwins Origin of Species or in the body

    of research and writings supporting the holographic theory of universe,

    which I refer to in this book as the holo-model.

    When I talk paradigms, Im talking life vision paradigms. These

    are very, very important; they are the ideological foundations of

    societies and civilizations.

    The above-expressed idea that humankind is on the verge of

    maturity no doubt raises a few eyebrows. How can this Hall guy

    possibly believe mankind is on the threshold of maturity?! Look at the

    rampant violence afflicting our world, look at the countless signs of the

    degradation of our environment, our civilization, our species. I am

    fully aware of the many negatives in our explicate (visible) reality.

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    However, as an intellectual historian, my focus is not upon the

    symptoms of malignancy but upon the implicate causesthe ideas

    that generate history. History is the playing out of ideas.

    The basis of my optimism about mankinds future is my

    knowledge that a new and benign scientific life vision is emerging

    rapidly. I call this paradigm scientific holism.

    Once this new vision, now held by only a few, is planted in common

    thought, we may expect the flowering of a new, peaceful and

    prosperous world.

    The Holo-Model and You

    I, like many others, was introduced to the holo-model by

    Michael Talbots The Holographic Universe. Additional readings over

    the past decade have convinced me that the model is correct. What

    the model means, among other things, is you are far greater than you

    believe you are. Youve been taught by religion that you are a hapless

    sinner. Youve been taught by Darwinists that you are an accidental

    tourist on planet Earthand a menace to civilization. You are taught

    by the government that you are, when young, a human resource,

    and, when old, a serious liability. To the degree you buy into these

    definitions, you become, in fact, a hapless sinner, an accidental tourist,

    a liability.

    I have a different vision of you. I see you as a microcosm of the

    universe. You have fantastic potential!

    Okay, you say, if thats true, how do I actualize this universal


    Playing with a Full Deckdeals with a great many subjects, but all

    are related to the one central issuethe accessing of universal

    potential. Ive learned much over my lifetime and Im very pleased to

    share it with you.

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    Half Deck/Full Deck

    Until fairly recently, we humans (especially we Westerners) have

    been playing the game of Life with half a deck, i.e., were been

    operating on separatist philosophies of life. Our monotheistic religion,

    for instance, is highly separatistto the extent its based on the

    commands of Jehovah rather than the teachings of the Christ. Our

    Darwinism-based philosophy of life is equally, if not more, separatist,

    as it teaches life is endless struggle, each against all. Dr. Bruce

    Liptons summary of Darwinism: Shoot everyone around, and whos

    left standing wins.Its only recently that a full-deck philosophy of life, the holo-

    model, has emerged in our Western culture. At the moment, its still a

    babe in the cradlea babe with a star over its head. It will grow.

    After reading a draft of the first few chapters of Playing with a

    Full Deck, my son said,

    Dad, the science and history are great, but I think youll lose

    thousands of potential readers by referring to L. Ron Hubbard and

    channeled entities. Cant you just cut out that stuff?

    Not really, I replied. As an historian of intellectual culture, I

    cant leave out of this book references to major cultural innovations of

    the past sixty years. If Im to play my role with a full deck, Ive got to

    deal with not only innovations that arrived via normal channels, but

    also with those that came by way of non-normal channels. The new

    physics, new math (fractal geometry and mathematics) and new

    biology arrived via normal channels, I suppose we might say, but new

    psychology arose out of the fertile brain of Ron Hubbard and a new

    metaphysics, based on the holo-model, arrived through the process of


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    Also, I pointed out that all-important holo-model of universe was

    popularized not by the academic community, but by a host of

    channeled entities. If the model had been left in the hands of the

    academics, it would be today merely a footnote in the intellectual

    history of the modern West.

    The British novelist D.H. Lawrence once said that the most

    exciting thing in life is a thought adventure. So welcome to the

    Playing with a Full Deck thought adventure. I found it exciting to

    research and write. Along the way I made many discoveries of

    importanceincluding the first sensible theory of the pattern of human

    history. Heres hoping you find it an exciting read!

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    Chapter 1

    Changing Destiny

    The belief that destiny is carved in stone is common among those

    with rocks in their heads.

    --T.D. Hall

    I got a letter yesterday from Dr. John McKenney, an old friend

    and colleague from my college teaching days in the Midwest. Ted,

    he writes, hope the severe storms out your way didnt affect you too

    much. A close friend of forty-five years lost all he had in New Orleans

    when the levee broke. If I believed in the End Days ... But Im

    certainly more and more concerned with each Science, Discovery,

    National Geographic and History Channel presentation of Earthshistory and prospects. Global warming, earth shifts, solar flares,

    asteroid hits, supernovas, black holes, etc., etc. Will humankind ever

    get over its stubborn refusal to see that were living on the edge?

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    What those in the know know is that were now entering a

    catastrophic period in the history of Earth. I label this period Y2K8-12.

    This period may well extend into 15 or 16; but it is my belief that

    certain forces of mitigation will come into play in 12 and 13. One of

    those forces could be you, if you open yourself to consciousness

    increase. This book is designed to help you do just that.

    What is consciousness? An important idea I learned from the

    new physics is that the universe is resolvable into two processes

    intelligence (information) transmission and intelligence processing, or

    consciousness. Every living organism is an intelligence processor, i.e.,

    has consciousness. More about this in later discussions of Dr. Bruce

    Liptons discoveries in the field of cell biology.

    The term consciousness is also used widely as a shortened form

    of the phrase state of consciousness, as in the expression Christ

    consciousness. The work of charting states of consciousness was

    begun by the American philosopher-scientist L. Ron Hubbard, who

    called his chart the Tone Scale. Independently, Dr. David R.

    Hawkins, author of Power vs Force The Hidden Determinants of

    Human Behavior(1995), developed a map of consciousness on a scale

    from 20 to 1000. At the bottom of the scale (20) is misery

    consciousness and at the top (1000) Christ consciousness. Playing

    with a Full Deckrelies to a considerable degree on Hawkins Power vs

    Force and so I suggest that you read this book and consider it a

    companion to the book in hand.

    One of the very interesting discoveries made by Hawkins is that

    The collective consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many

    centuries and, curiously, only jumped to its current level of 204 within

    the last decade (1985 1995). [1] The jump is from Pride to

    Courage. Pride is divisive and gives rise to factionalism, Hawkins

    writes, Man has habitually died for Pridearmies still regularly

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    slaughter each other for that aspect of Pride called nationalism.

    Religious wars, political terrorism and zealotry, the ghastly history of

    the Middle East and Central Europe, are all the price of Pride, which all

    of society pays. [2]

    At the level of Courage, power first appears. (Power, in

    Hawkins terminology is positive, whereas force is negative.)

    Courage, he writes, implies the willingness to try new things and

    deal with the vicissitudes of life. At this level of empowerment one is

    able to cope with and handle effectively the opportunities of life . . .

    [3] The mass consciousness has evolved just in time, as it were, as

    well have a great many vicissitudes to deal with in Y2K8-12.

    The jump from Pride to Courage was coincidental with a

    tremendous influx of new empowering information. The day science

    begins to study nonphysical phenomena, Nikola Tesla once wrote, it

    will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous

    centuries of its existence. [4] A hundred years ago, a great many

    phenomena could be classified as nonphysical; nowadays it seems

    there is a very short list of items fitting this description, consciousness

    being one of them.

    Not long after Teslas death in 1943, L. Ron Hubbard published

    his revolutionary book DianeticsThe Modern Science of Mental

    Health, which begins with a call to adventure: Dianetics is an

    adventure. It is an exploration into Terra Incognita, the human mind,

    that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our

    foreheads. [5] In the early eighties, I experienced dianetic therapy as

    a receiver and as an auditor, and I can assure you that it works. An

    adaptation of dianetic therapy called Long Exposure, is currently

    being used by some psychologists in the treatment of PTSD post-

    traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, Hubbards strident attacks on

    conventional medicine and psychiatry, and on the government,

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    resulted in the creation of many powerful enemies. What you resist

    persists, he once said, unless you win. Hubbard didnt win.

    Hubbard was not terribly good about crediting his sources. The

    most important of which was Immanuel Velikovsky (1855-1979), amind scientist of the first order. With his Worlds in Collision (1950) and

    Earth in Upheaval (1955), Velikovsky re-animated the moribund

    philosophy of catastrophism, which maintains that Earth is periodically

    devastated by cataclysms. He argued that memories of these

    cataclysms exist in the human mind as engrams (a lasting memory

    trace on a cell) and opined there had to be a way to re-activate these

    engrams. It was Hubbards greatest achievement to find a way to re-

    activate engrams, and to discharge them.

    The engram concept served (and serves) well as a working

    hypothesis in dianetics therapy, but it was rendered obsolete by a

    theory of universe that first appeared in the early seventies and that

    now is well on its way to becoming the next orthodoxy the

    holographic theory of universe. Memory, according to this theory, is

    stored not locally, as in a biological trace or engraving, but non-locally,

    meaning everywhere.

    The Holo-Model

    In his general theory of relativity, writes Michael Talbot,

    Einstein astounded the world when he said that space and time are

    not separate entities, but are smoothly linked and part of a larger

    whole he called the space-time continuum. [David] Bohm takes this

    idea a giant step further. He says that despite the apparentseparateness of things at the explicate level, everything is a seamless

    extension of everything else, and ultimately even the implicate and

    explicate orders blend into each other. [6]

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    Talbot continues: Bohm cautions that this does not mean the

    universe is a giant undifferentiated mass. Things can be part of an

    undivided whole and still possess their own unique qualities. To

    illustrate what he means he points to the little eddies and whirlpools

    that often form in a river. At a glance such eddies appear to be

    separate things and possess many individual characteristics But

    careful scrutiny reveals that it is impossible to determine where any

    given whirlpool ends and the river begins. [7]

    According to the theory, the universe, including both the

    implicate and explicate orders, are organized holographically, i.e., the

    memory of the system called universe is in every point. Talbot

    compares the universe to a strip of holographic film: Saying that

    every part of a piece of holographic film contains all the information

    possessed by the whole is really just another way of saying that the

    information is distributed non-locally. [8]

    Talbot cites Bohms Wholeness and the Implicate Orderas the

    pioneer work on the holographic theory: The more he thought about it

    the more convinced he became that the universe actually employed

    holographic principles in the operation, was itself a kind of giant,

    flowing hologram He published his first papers on his holographic

    view of the universe in the early 1970s and in 1980 he presented a

    mature distillation of his thoughts in a book entitled Wholeness and

    the Implicate Order. In it he did more than just link his myriad ideas

    together. He transfigured them into a new way of looking at reality

    that was as breathtaking as it was radical. [9]

    Coincidental with the emergence of the holographic theory of

    universe was the discovery of fractal geometry and mathematics

    (Benoit Mandelbrot). Traditional geometry is a geometry of whole

    integers, fractal geometry the geometry of fractional space. Fractal

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    geometry is an indispensable tool in validating the holo-model. More

    about this important geometry down the line.

    Changing Destiny

    We started this chapter with a letter from an old friend. Lets

    end it with my reply to that letter .

    Dear John,

    Thanks so much for your letter. No, we were not terribly

    inconvenienced by the unprecedented rainstorm hitting Western

    Washington. Lots of others were, however. North Seattle was flooded

    and many had to be evacuated by boats and helicopters. To the

    south, I-5, the major north-south corridor on the West coast, was

    flooded at Chehalis. Under ten feet of water!

    End of times? For sure many signs are pointing in that direction.

    At the same time, other signs are pointing in another direction! What I

    know for certain is that our beliefs, our belief systems, are the

    templates on which so-called reality is based. What we believe is

    what we receive. As thats the case, we humans have the ability to

    change our destiny, by changing the template or templates on which

    the collective consciousness is based.



    PS: Read Velikovskys Mankind in Amnesia.

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    Chapter 2

    Evolving Toward Freethink and the Death of


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    The collective level of consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for

    many centuries and, curiously, only jumped to its current level of 204

    within the last decade.

    David R. Hawkins

    We are now looking in the face of destiny that is not at all

    attractive. Indeed, if we were at a lower consciousness level, our doom

    would be sealed. We exist now at the courage level of existence

    (200-249). At levels lower than 200, Hawkins writes, the world is seen

    as hopeless, sad, frightening, or frustrating, but at the level of

    courage, true empowerment begins. Obstacles which defeat peoplewhose consciousness is below 200 act as stimulants to those who have

    evolved into the first level of power. [1]

    The next level were evolving toward is neutrality, which is

    termed neutral because it is epitomized by release from the

    positionality which typifies lower levels. Below 250 consciousness

    tends to see dichotomies and take on rigid positions, an impediment in

    a world which is complex and multifactoral rather than black orwhite.[2]

    Collective evolution, it should be understood, is the product of

    personal evolution. Individuals are the pioneers; the collective-minded

    are the settlers.

    Here is a reality-shaping tool Ive found useful in my personal

    evolution: Regard whatever you encounter in life as neutral rather

    than good or bad or whatever. By doing this, you short-circuit your

    tendency to pre-judge. (We all have this tendency.) You allow yourself

    a few precious moments (before prejudice kicks in) to look at situations

    with new eyes and perhaps to perceive positive values you ordinarily

    would have missed. I am not suggesting you condone that which is

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    clearly negative, only that you suspend judgment long enough to allow

    yourself an expanded view. The more positive values you see in life,

    the lighter your mind and heart.

    Use this tool and you may soon find yourself at 250. Whenenough of us reach 250, well see the dawn of a new Age of Reason.

    Rising above barriers or oppositions which dissipate ones energies,

    the neutral condition allows for flexibility and non-judgmental realistic

    appraisal of problems. [3]

    The Death of Death

    Perhaps the greatest obstacle to freethinking, level 250+

    thinking, is fear of death. The fear of death has been with us for a

    long, long time. Another great obstacle is a belief that emerged in

    recent times the belief that we are the puppets of our genes. This

    belief, genetic determinism it is called, is a product of our current

    orthodoxy in biology, neo-Darwinism.

    Im pleased to report that both the belief we die and the belief

    we are genetically determined are going bye-bye. The scientist who

    has given the boot to these beliefs is Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, author of the

    much-acclaimed The Biology of Belief Unleashing the Power of

    Consciousness, Matter and Miracles (2005).

    In 1985, Lipton was living in a rented house on the island of

    Grenada while teaching at a medical school. Early one morning, 2 A.M.

    to be exact, he was reviewing notes on the mechanics of the cell

    membranes information processing capability when he was struck by

    lightning (of the cognitive kind). In the flash, he saw that a biological

    cell is the structural and functional equivalent of a computer chip.

    Lipton describes this important, nay awesome, discovery thusly:

    I sat back and reviewed my new description of the membrane:

    The membrane is a liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and

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    channels. What hit me right away was the fact that I had

    recently heard or read the very same phrase, though at the

    moment, I didnt know where I had come across it. One thing

    was for sure; it was not in the context of biological science.

    As I leaned back in my chair, my attention was drawn to the

    corner of my desk where my new, smiley-face Macintosh, my

    first computer, was parked. Lying beside the computer was a

    copy of a bright red book called Understanding Your

    Microprocessor. I had just bought this non-technical paperback

    guide to how computers work from a Radio Shack outlet. I

    grabbed the book and found in the introduction a definition of a

    computer chip that read: A chip is a crystal semiconductor with

    gates and channels.

    For the first second or two I was struck by the fact that the chip

    and cell membrane shared the same technical definition. I spent

    several more intense seconds comparing and contrasting

    biomembranes with silicon semiconductors. I was momentarily

    stunned when I realized that the identical nature of their

    definitions was not a coincidence. The cell membrane was

    indeed a structural and functional equivalent (homologue) of asilicon chip! [4]

    Liptons discovery was later confirmed by an Australian consortium of

    scientists who succeeded in turning a cell membrane into a digital

    readout computer chip. A detailed technical explanation of the

    equivalency may be found in Liptons Biology of Beliefand in a superb

    set of Lipton CDs called The Wisdom of Your Cells How Your Beliefs

    Control Your Biology.

    This discovery led Lipton, in short order, to the understanding

    that the human body is a fantastic supercomputer composed of

    trillions of linked cell-microprocessors. Lipton refers to us as

    biological terrestrial exploration vehicles. [5]

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    The question arises: As the bodys a supercomputer, who or

    what is operating it? The realyou, Lipton replies. Who you really

    are isnt in the computer, but rather in the environment.

    To illustrate his view metaphysically, Lipton compares thehuman body to an ordinary transceiver called a radio. Who you

    really are is not the radio, but the broadcast station to which the radio

    is tuned. Does the destruction of a radio impact the broadcast station?

    No, not at all. The broadcast station continues to send out signals.

    Those signals may be received by anyradio tuned to the station. To

    update a Civil War-era song, John Browns radio lies moldering in the

    grave but his broadcast station goes playing on!

    All that Earth catastrophes can do is destroy a great many

    radios. This is a good thing to know. We can relax a bit.

    Genetic Determinism

    Now, as to the belief that our genes are the determiners of our


    Lets get a bit technical. The cells a microcomputer, and the

    keyboard for this computer is in the cellular membrane. The keys are

    called receptors.

    Receptors may be visualized as micro-antennas. Each antenna

    is uniquely shaped and tuned to pick up a specific signal.

    Signal reception, whether through molecular coupling or via

    vibratory resonant energies, induces a conformational change in thereceptor, which activates a connected effector. The job of the

    effector is, metaphorically, to gather in that which the receiver

    receives. Together, the receptor and the connected effector form a

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    hunter-gatherer team. The technical name for the team is integral

    membrane protein complex, or, for short, IMP complex.

    The multitude of IMP complexes in the membrane constitute the

    cells nervous system, which I prefer to call the intelligence system. Asthe nervous (intelligence) system is synonymous with brain, we may

    conclude, along with Lipton, that the brain is in themembrane.

    In contrast, orthodox biology maintains, against good evidence

    to the contrary, that the brain of the cell is in the genome, home of the

    genes. As Lipton points out, the inadequacy of the orthodox model is

    demonstrated in a simple experiment that has been performed many

    times. The genome is in the nucleus of the cell. When a cell isenucleated (has the nucleus removed), the cell continues to exhibit

    normal behavior.

    If the genome was the brain, the cell would simply die.

    However, if the receptors on the surface of the cell membrane are

    shaved off, the cell goes comatosejust what wed expect if the brain

    was in the membrane.

    Are orthodox biologists ignorant? Yes. They ignore an entire

    range of scientific findings that conflict with their many doctrines. Are

    they stupid? No. Self-servingyes, stupid no. Like most professionals

    in other fields, they have simply decided that its more in their interest

    to spend their thought-lives within the box of orthodoxy than to

    venture forth into the unknown seeking truths greater than those the

    orthodoxy has to offer. As John D. Rockefeller once said, Pioneering

    doesnt pay.

    Based on his experience of academia, the Native American

    scholar Vine Deloria Jr. had this to say about academics:

    Academics, and they include anyone we think of as scientists

    except people who work in commercial labs, are incredibly timid

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    people. Many of them are intent primarily on maintaining their status

    within the university and profession and consequently they resemble

    nothing so much as cocker spaniels who are eager to please their

    masters, the masters in this case being the vaguely defined academic

    profession. Scholars, and again I include scientists, are generally

    specialists in their field and are wholly ignorant [italics mine] of

    developments outside their field. [5]

    For those of us wanting to keep body and soul together through

    Y2K8-12 and beyond, self-serving scientists are of no value. We,

    individually and collectively, need to get to level 250 (at least), and

    getting there requires that we follow the guidance of those who have

    gotten there already the pioneer independent scientists and


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    Chapter 3

    The Mother Earth Hypothesis, Gaia Theory& The Mission of Man

    The major difference between American Indian views of the physical

    world and Western sciences

    lies in the premise accepted by Indians and rejected by scientists:the world in which we live is alive.

    Vine Deloria, Jr.

    Dr. Bruce Liptons realization that the biological cell and

    computer chip are structural and functional equivalents was not his

    only major discovery. Another discovery in the early eighties is equally

    momentous, and to understand it, you need to know a little something

    about fractals.

    The term fractal is short for fractional. Before 1975, we had only

    a geometry of whole numbers Euclidian geometry. In 1975, the

    French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot outlined a geometry of

    fractional space, which he called fractal geometry.

    Fractal mathematics is comprised of simple formulas by which

    conversions are made fractal to fractal. The seemingly infinite

    complexity of the Mandelbrot set is based on the simple formula Z

    Z2+C. Take a number, multiply it by itself, and add the original

    number. [1]

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    Fractal mathematics is the math by which we do computer

    modeling; it is also this math by which physical reality is modeled. If

    you were to take photographs of the same ragged coastline from a

    position just three feet off the ground, from a blimp, and from a

    satellite, the photographs would show the very same contours!

    Indeed, everywhere we look in physical reality, we find fractalic

    structure. Your body, for instance. A decade after Mandelbrot

    published his physiological speculations, writes James Gleick,

    theoretical biologists began to find fractal organization controlling

    structures all through the body. The standard exponential description

    of bronchial branching proved to be quite wrong; a fractal description

    turned out to fit the data. The urinary collecting system proved fractal.

    The binary duct in the liver. The network of special fibers in the heart

    that carry pulses of electric current to the contracting muscles . [2]

    Today, the fractal approach is being used to better understand every

    part of the body.

    An article in a March 2007 issue of New Scientist reports that a

    small group of researchers has discovered that the universe itself is

    fractalic: Cosmology is founded on the assumption that when you

    look at the universe at the vastest scales, matter is spread more or

    less evenly throughout space. Cosmologists call this a smooth

    structure. But a small band of researchers, led by the statistical

    physicist Luciano Pietronero of the University of Rome and the Institute

    of Complex Systems, Italy, argues that this assumption is at odds with

    what we can see. Instead they claim that the galaxies form a

    structure that isnt smooth at all: Some parts of it have lots of matter,

    others dont, but the matter always falls into the same patterns, in

    large and small versions, at whatever scale you look. In other words,

    the universe is fractal. [3]

    The Mother Earth Set

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    The year is 1983. Dr. Bruce Lipton is in his lab. Through an

    electron microscope he examines a single cell organism. A familiar

    fact crosses his mind: The single cell has all the physiologic systems

    that a human body has. No sooner does this fact complete its crossing

    than Dr. Lipton has a very remarkable realization:

    The cell is a fractal of the human body!

    I asked Lipton is 94, Might we not say that planet Earth is

    another fractal in this set? His answer wasyes.

    The fractals were most familiar with are two- and three-

    dimensional. Examples: The ripples formed after a pebble is thrown in

    a pond (two-dimensional); the rings of an onion (three-dimensional).

    Formula for such fractals: Same shape, different magnitudes.

    Fractals have what is called self-similarity. What Lipton

    perceived is that principle of self-similarity could be observed in the

    case ofwhole organisms. Fractals in a whole-organism set might be

    defined in these terms: Same basic bio-system, different levels of


    What Liptons insight leads to, among other things, is a proof of

    the hypothesis long held by Native Americans, that the Earth is

    sentient. Mother Earth. How do I reach this conclusion? Simple. It

    is axiomatic that if we ascribe this or that characteristic to any one

    fractal in a set, we would have to ascribe the same characteristic to

    other fractals in the set. Do we regard an individual, yourself for

    instance, as sentient? Yes, of course. Then we would have to

    ascribe the same quality to Earth. Native American intuitive science

    was right all along. Earth is alive sentient.

    Credit for the Western science discovery that Earth is singular

    and sentient goes to Dr. Lipton.

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    What about Dr. James Lovelock? you ask. Hasnt a proof of

    the hypothesis that the Earth is singular and sentient already been

    offered by Lovelock and other proponents of the Gaia theory?

    No. The proponents of the Gaia hypothesis, Drs. Lovelock andLynn Margulis, denythat the Earth is sentient. Allow me to provide a

    little background on that denial.

    Gaia Theory

    In 1979, British scientist James Lovelock published Gaia A

    New Look at Life on Earth, a book arguing the thesis that planet Earth

    is a single organism. Journeys into space, he writes, did more than

    present the Earth in a new perspective. They also sent back

    information about its atmosphere and surface, which provided a new

    insight into the interactions between the living and the inorganic parts

    of the planet. From this has arisen the hypothesis, the model, in which

    Earths living matter, air, oceans, and land surface form a complex

    system which can be seen as a single organism. [4] Lovelock called

    this hypothetical single organism Gaia.

    The birth of Lovelocks Gaia hypothesis was applauded by

    certain Native American whites-watchers and kindred souls, but

    (surprise, surprise) condemned by establishment biologists. Gaia was

    condemned as teleological [implying sentience] by my peers and the

    journals, Nature and Science, would not publish papers on the

    subject. [5]

    To the condemnation of his peers, Lovelock added a stopper of

    his own: Ancient belief and modern knowledge have fused in the awe

    with which astronauts with their own eyes and we by indirect vision

    have seen the Earth revealed in all its shining beauty against the deep

    darkness of space. Yet this feeling, however strong, does not prove

    that Mother Earth lives [i.e., is sentient]. Like a religious belief, it [the

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    Gaia hypothesis] is untestable and therefore incapable in its own

    context of further rationalization. [6]

    Thus Lovelock denied planetary sentience, even though the

    name he gave his model and aspects of the model itself (i.e., livingmatter) strongly imply sentience. To this day, the proponents of the

    Gaia theory (as it is now called) deny sentience.

    The Mission of Man

    If the planet is one organism, and it is, what is the function of

    humanity within that organism? Im talking here of the physiological

    function or mission of man.

    Humans, I once asked Lipton, are the planetary equivalents of

    what on the cellular level? Without hesitation, he replied: IMPs.

    Humans are the planetary equivalents of integral membrane proteins.

    At the cellular level, the IMP network constitutes the

    nervous/intelligence system of the cell. One has only to read the

    wonderful book The Secret Life of Plants to understand that everything

    biological has intelligence processing capability. Green plants, for

    instance. Without green plants we would neither breathe nor eat. On

    the under surface of every leaf a million movable lips are engaged in

    devouring carbon dioxide and expelling oxygen. All together, 25

    million square miles of leaf surface are daily engaged in this miracle of

    photosynthesis, producing oxygen and food for man and beast. [7]

    Supposing that we humans are IMPs, what is our particular IMP-


    Contemplating that question one evening, I recalled a

    conversation I had with Lipton concerning the immune cell. In that

    conversation, he referred to the immune cell as the cell of evolution,

    the only cell with the mission of knowing the unknown.

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    The immune system is the Homeland Security of the body. The

    work of the immune cell agent is quite interesting. It checks out all

    newcomer organisms that it encounters along the way, and somehow

    distinguishes between helpful and harmful. The helpful are allowed to

    continue on their way and the harmful are arrested literally. The

    immune cell envelops the antigen, as a glove over the hand, which

    allows the immune cell to learn the precise configuration of the

    antigen. The immune cell then orders up the creation of antibodies

    having the exact structure needed to envelop and immobilize all the

    antigens comrades. The immune cell is quite an ingenious cell,

    wouldnt you say?

    Why is the immune cell called by Lipton the cell of evolution?

    It is the only cell having the ability to cause the creation of novel

    organisms (antibodies).

    Now the immune system is a subsection of the

    nervous/intelligence system, and so Liptons remarks led me,

    ultimately, to the insight that humanity is the planetary equivalent of

    the immune system. Our physiologic mission, as human-IMPs, is to

    immobilize that which is harmful to our greater organism, Earth, and to

    allow/encourage that which is helpful.

    When you have the opportunity, review some Native American

    explanations of the red mans opposition to the European invasion of

    their homelands. The opposition was rooted, youll find, in the red

    mans deeply felt obligation to protect Mother Earth.

    And now a big question: what name do we give to that conditionwherein an immune system attacks itself? Right, its called AIDS, auto-

    immune disease syndrome. The mentality behind modern war, which

    has the objective of destroying populations, is, I submit, a principal

    cause of the current planet-AIDS horror.

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    As Mother Earth has AIDS, and knows it, what can we expect her

    to do? Shell do what any of us would do if we were afflicted with AIDS

    shell cleanse her body.

    On a More Hopeful Note

    Behind planet-AIDS are certain wrong-headed human beliefs,

    especially the belief that over-population is the big problem on this

    planet. By replacing this pseudo-scientific belief with a true-science

    understanding, we may be able to lessen the need for a catastrophic

    Earth cleansing. Consciousness drives biology, not the other way

    around, Dr. Lipton has remarked on numerous occasions. Up-grading

    consciousness is the key to creating a better world.

    If youre a follower of channeled information, or even if youre

    not, youll find it interesting that Bashar, a channeled entity from the

    future, confirms Liptons point in these terms: Consciousness does

    not exist inside of you, you exist within consciousness. And then

    theres Ramtha, an equally interesting channeled entity who has

    taught for over twenty-five years that consciousness and energy

    create the nature of reality.

    Consciousness and energy create the nature of reality.

    This is very good news. If we dont like a reality in which we find

    ourselves, we can change it. We have the power. All we have to do is

    create a higher consciousness and from that will issue a preferable


    Okay, you say, but how do I do it? That is the subject of the

    rest of this book raising the individual consciousness and the

    collective consciousness.

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    Chapter 4

    Higher Self for Dummies

    We sit on a diamond mountain, but our pockets are filled with


    --Attila Josef

    Chapter two of this book presented the concept that your body is

    a supercomputer. This may have been news to you. It would not be

    news to certain wise ones of the past, who intuitively grasped the fact

    that the human computer has a fantastic information

    acquisition/processing capability. Witness, for instance, the following

    Zen koan:

    Open Your Own Treasure House

    Daiju visited the master Baso in China. Baso asked: What do you


    Enlightenment, replied Daiju.

    You have your own treasure house. Why do you search outside?

    Baso asked.

    Daiju inquired: Where is my treasure house?

    Baso answered: What you are asking is your treasure house.

    Daiju was enlightened! Ever after he urged his friends: Open your

    own treasure house

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    and use those treasures.[1]

    Ask, and you shall receive. This biblical aphorism makes the

    same point as the koan. Asking is the key to opening the treasure

    house of knowledge.

    The koan and aphorism raise a question: Where are the

    answers coming from? The treasure house, to be sure, but thats a

    metaphor. What does the metaphor represent?

    The ultimate answer is the universe. As the universe is

    holographic, all information is available at any point in the universe.

    Are you a point in universe? Yes. No doubt about it. Though you

    probably dont realize it, youre a walking universal library. Its 11:59

    p.m. Do you know where your library card is?

    The idea that we are in fact universal libraries is validated by the

    work of Dr. David Hawkins in Power vs Force. In the practice of

    kinesthesiology, Hawkins found an effective way of circumventing not-

    knowingness and accessing knowingness.

    Whats not-knowingness? The highest human ability, L. Ron

    Hubbard once said, is to know, and the second highest ability is to not


    Hubbard was very precise in his terminology. When he said that

    not-knowing is an ability, he meant it. Knowingness, I would suggest,

    is native-state; not-knowingness is an effect of the reduction of native-

    state consciousness to social consciousness.

    Understand the above, and certain enigmatic remarks of Jesus

    the Christ, such as ye are gods, cease being quite so enigmatic. The

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    Christ was talking about our native-state selves, not about our Howdy

    Doody selves.

    The Christ and his message were very popular among the

    multitude of humans who were sick and tired of living in the HowdyDoody reality, and very unpopular among the authorities, who never

    like competition, and among the few who were making a good living

    out of exploiting the sick-and-tired multitudes.

    It should come as no surprise that when it came time to create

    an authoritative holy bible by cutting and pasting elements from

    various and sundry accounts of the life and teachings of the Christ,

    numerous important scriptures, such as the teachings recorded in theSophia, were totally ignored. Authoritative bibles are compiled, of

    course, by the Authorities, and the first item on the to-do list of all

    authorities is Suppress any possible challengers of our authority. [2]

    The greatest disaster afflicting western religion, Hawkins

    determined, resulted from marginalization of the Christ teachings that

    occurred in the creation of the Bible.

    The fall of Christianity from calibrated 930 to 498 must be

    recognized as the single greatest catastrophe in the history of western

    religion. Here we can see the origin of the spiritual divorce from the

    actual teachings of Jesus Christ that allowed the later atrocities of the

    Crusades and the Inquisition. A recurrent question in speculation

    about the historicdecline of Christianity centers around the inclusion of

    the relatively weak (475) Old Testament in the canon of Christian

    scripture. What, really, does the eye-for-an-eye ethic of the prophetshave to do with Christs exhortation to universal love and forgiveness?

    It has rightly been asked why, if Jesus came to teach the Old

    Testament, need he have bothered coming at all? [3]

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    The Lipton Model and A Future Science Model

    Recall the Liptonyou/real you model that was discussed earlier.

    This is our best leading-edge scientific model at present. The human

    body is a fantastic supercomputer, a terrestrial exploration vehicle.Who you really are isnt in your computer-body, but in the


    Further, Lipton likens the human body to a radio transceiver and

    the real you to the broadcast station to which the radio is tuned.

    Can we tune our radio to broadcast stations other than the one

    were normally tuned to? Yes, and the channeling phenomenon offers

    a proof.

    For over twenty years, this freethinker has been following the

    transmissions of two channeled entities in particular Bashar and

    Ramtha. The transmissions of both, which contain a wealth of

    scientific and technical information, date from the late seventies. The

    two channels, Darryl Anka (Bashar) and JZ Knight (Ramtha), continue

    to channel at the present time.

    Bashar, whose name means messenger, describes himself as a

    member of a future race, the Essassani, that is a product of a

    human/Zeta hybridization project that has been going on for some

    time. He thus looks upon Homo sapiens as one of his ancestral races.

    In a recent session, titled Permission Slips, Bashar praises the

    film The Secret as a great break-through event in the new

    consciousness movement and the evolution of our species. Bashar

    goes on to present a future science version of the Lipton you/real you

    model. Like the Lipton model, the Bashar model recognizes a

    separation between you and real you. The former Bashar terms

    physical expression and personality construct; the latter he terms

    higher self.

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    The job of the physical expression is simply to receive and

    perceive, Bashar says. The human brain, he continues, is not

    designed to understand how things happen or will happen, only how

    things happened. Higher self does all the original thinking.

    In other words, you, as a body, are one part of a two-part

    invention, the other part being higher self, your personal intelligent

    designer. The total you is the combo, the dynamic duo.

    Bashar compares physical self to someone slogging along in a

    valley and higher self to one standing on a mountain top, with a very

    clear view of the valley. The slogger transmits data to the

    mountaintop guy, who in turn transmits directions to the slogger goright, go left, theres a bog coming up, dont try to walk through it,


    Consciousness evolution will be accelerated, Bashar suggests,

    when we valley sloggers stop trying to think everything out, plan

    every step of the way. No thinking necessary, Bashar says; let higher

    self to the thinking. Thats your higher selfs job. All we sloggers have

    to do is ask. Say what it is we want, then listen attentively to thesuggestions and directions transmitted by higher self. And then, follow

    through.. Act upon the suggestions and directions.

    Many intellectuals think Descartes got it all wrong when he said,

    I think, therefore I am. Maybe he got it right. I (higher self) think,

    therefore I (physical self) am.

    Incidentally, both the Lipton and Bashar models are pre-dated by

    a similar model developed by Ron Hubbard. The human body Hubbard

    called the genetic entity; that which animates and sustains the body

    he called the thetan, which means thought. You, Hubbard insisted,

    are not your body. Had the Hubbard model gained popularity, then, in

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    all likelihood, Bashar would be talking in terms of GEs (genetic entities)

    and thetans, rather than in terms of higher selves, etc.

    As the Hubbard, Lipton and Bashar models are unfamiliar to most

    people, lets consider the models in a familiar framework.

    Every thing that is, no exceptions, is a system or part of a

    system. A system has by definition four parts: inputs, processing,

    memory and outputs.

    The human body is a system, a system for experiencing directly

    the reality we call life on Earth. Inputs: According to Hubbard, our

    bodies have fifty-two perceptic channels, not just five. Our bodies are

    also designed to process received information, and we do so on a

    continuous basis.

    Memory: The memory of the system is called by the religious

    and spiritual people the soul, or Book of Life. In my view, one of

    Hubbards key discoveries is the fact that our bodies contain an

    absolutely complete record of our experiences on Earth, in this life and

    in former lives. At present, we do not have a scientific term for this

    personal life experience data bank. In other writings, Ive suggested

    the term holodex, but this has yet to catch on.

    What about outputs? We output processed data that streams to

    higher self. Where does identity come from? Lipton asks. His

    answer: Apparently, it is a unique signal from the field read by our

    self-receptors. Importantly, this communication is a two-way street;

    signals are not just coming into the cells our experiential awareness

    is sent back to the field and changes the source [higher self]. [4]

    Higher self, thetan, Spirit, Houston call it what you will it

    needs us. Without us per-ceiving entities, the con-ceiving higher self

    can no more directly experience life on Earth than we per-ceiving

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    entities can explore the surfaces of the moon and Mars without

    reliance upon highly complex computerized robots.

    Without direct experience, there can be no increased awareness;

    without increased awareness, there can be no increase of wisdom;without ever-increasing wisdom, there is no evolution. And evolution,

    as youll soon learn if you dont know already, is the name of the game

    in our universe.

    Whats Buffalo Bill without Howdy Doody? Out of a job.

    Chapter 5

    Secret of The Secret

    As we stand at the end of the drama of man, we take off our masks,

    behold the I Am.

    --T.D. Hall

    The great secret in The Secret is that individuals have it in

    their power to get what they desire by simply asking. The biblical

    aphorism Ask and you shall receive turns out to be valid. How does

    one ask? Prayer is one way. The way recommended by many

    interviewed in the film is a little different. The Secret way is to draw

    a symbol or picture of what it is you want and then attach this to a

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    vision board. Contemplate the symbol/picture on a daily basis, and

    then wait patiently for the universe to deliver the desired thing, or the

    means to obtain it.

    As might be expected, The Secret outraged the DebunkerCavalry. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?! With

    sharpened pens, the debunkers leapt into the saddles of their old

    paradigm steeds and made literary war against The Secret in dozens

    of magazines and journals, including the once avant-garde Nation.

    In old paradigm think, no one gets what he wants in life without

    struggle and more struggle, and once one has what he has struggled

    so mightily to get, he must struggle to keep it. The life of man onEarth is war, the novelist Henry James tells us. Evolution, Darwin tells

    us, is a product, or by-product, of war. Witness the words of Thomas

    H. Huxley, aka Darwins bulldog, the man responsible for the wildfire

    spread of classical Darwinism in the West: Who has not duly reflected

    upon all the consequences of the marvelous struggle for existence

    which is daily and hourly going on among living beings? Not only does

    every animal live at the expense of some other animal or plant, but the

    very plants are at war. The ground is full of seeds that cannot rise into

    seedlings; the seedlings rob one another of air, light, and water, the

    strongest robber winning the day, and extinguishing his

    competitors. [1]

    The Darwinian life-is-incessant-struggle doctrine, for such it

    became, was extrapolated far beyond the fringe by the contemporary

    neo-Darwinist Richard Dawkins, who, in his book The Selfish Gene

    compares the genes to Chicago Gangsters. Like successful Chicago

    gangsters, our genes have survived in some cases for millions of years,

    in a highly competitive world. This entitles us to expect certain

    qualities in our genes. I shall argue that a predominant quality to be

    expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness. [2]

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    Its a pity we dont have a sharp-witted satirist around these

    days the likes of the eighteenth century poet Alexander Pope. Dawkins

    and other neo-Darwinists offer plenty of material for a new Dunciad.

    New paradigm think, in contrast, is supportive of the Secretmessage. The new paradigm I have in mind is the holo-model of

    universe. In a holographic universe, each part (you, for instance)

    contains the whole. If you, the microcosm, greatly desire something,

    are you, the macrocosm, going to say No?

    The Essassani have a very revealing name for what we call

    Source: Primal Frequency.

    Let us reason: Start with the new physics understanding that

    everything in universe is resolvable into frequencies. Further,

    everything that is has a specific signature vibration, or frequency. Now


    Suppose the Essassani are right. What we call Source is a

    frequencythe Source frequency. How was it that Source stepped

    down its very, very high frequency to generate the infinite number of

    things in universe that have lower frequencies? It had to have

    intersected with itself. At the point where Source intersected with

    Source, a new, lower-frequency domain was createdthe sub-Source

    domain. That intersection, by the way, was the original, but far from

    the last, Big Bang.

    Okay, now we've got sub-Source frequencies that are like unto

    Source, but lesser in power. Still, however, we're a long way from the

    pebble on the beach. How do we get down to the pebble-level? The

    sub-Source frequencies must have done what Source did: They

    intersected with themselves, forming an even lower frequency domain.

    So it went, on and on, down and down, until the lowest level was

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    reached, the level called physical reality. Look around. You're in it.

    You're a bottom-feeder god, baby.

    Paradoxically, the creation of the physical universe was part of a

    devolutionary process. Religion-people tend to be steeped in theliterature of devolution, which is one reason they often have problems

    with the concept of evolution.

    Amazing to note, the frequency-devolution process I've sketched

    above was articulated in ancient times, in somewhat different terms of

    course. Open your Nag Hammadi Library to page 227. The Lord of

    the Universe is not called 'Father' but 'Forefather' ... the beginning of

    those that will appear, but he is beginningless Forefather. Seeinghimself within himself in a mirror, he appeared resembling himself ...

    And afterward was revealed a whole multitude of confronting

    [mirroring], self-begotten ones, equal in age and power, being in glory

    [and] without number, whose race is called 'the Generation over Whom

    There Is No Kingdom'.... [3]


    Enter Ramtha the Enlightened One.

    Most Americans have been introduced to Ramtha via the

    tabloids, which have labeled him the 35,000-year-old warrior. In

    1987, I was introduced to Ramtha, aka the Ram, by a highly respected

    physicist who said hed been listening to channeled information for

    twenty years and had found the Ramtha transmissions especially

    interesting for their scientific content. I was deeply impressed by a

    video of a Ramtha dialogue in Hawaii, and five years later, I found

    myself sitting in The Great Hall at the RSE (Ramtha School of

    Enlightenment) at a beginners event.

    About me you should know this: Im a highly educated

    freethinker. Im no true believer. Indeed, Im about as inner-

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    directed as you can get. I love truth, and Ive seen very little of it on

    trick planet Earth, where just about everything turns out to be the

    opposite of what it professes itself to be. The Christian Church is all

    about promulgating the Christ teachings, right? The Vietnam War was

    all about containing Red Chinese Communism, right? The Bush

    administration is all about defending freedom, right? I think you get

    the picture, right? Right.

    This old freethinking truth-seeker learned many interesting

    things from the Ram, whose main message to man is Behold God.

    This is a message weve heard before, right? Jesus the Christ: Ye are


    The Ramtha science teaching most relevant to our present

    discussion is this: Each of us has seven bodies within the seven

    frequency domains of the electromagnetic light spectrum, those

    domains being (from lowest to highest frequency) Hertzian, infrared,

    visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray, and infinite unknown. Each

    of these domains has a corresponding consciousness, from

    subconscious awareness (Hertzian) to ultraconsciousness (infinite


    A chart correlating the various consciousness/energy levels may

    be found in an inexpensive Fireside Series book called Jesus the Christ

    The Life of a Master.

    Yo, Christians has your priest or minister ever explained how

    the Christ was able to create miracles? Ramtha has. The Christ,

    Ramtha says, was a master who understood the relationship betweenmind and matter and all that he had to do was to change his mind on

    what he saw. He elaborates: Yeshua ben Joseph knew that

    however he saw anything is exactly how he agreed for it to be. When

    he saw the blind man, the man asked for help. He bent over, picked

    up some clay, and he spat in it. What he was doing with the clay and

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    his spit was creating a new biofield of particle relationship. When he

    did this and put it on the blind mans eyes, in molding the clay Yeshua

    ben Joseph saw perfect vision. As he was molding the clay, the clay

    became the catalyst for perfect vision. When he put the clay on his

    [blind mans] eyes, that biofield or morphogenic field reconstructed

    immediately the visual nerve supply to the back of the brain and he

    saw instantly. [4] Jesus the Christ, Ram says, was considered a

    master all the way up to the sixth level, the sixth level being gamma

    ray/hyperconsciousness. [new?46]

    In my view, most humans are masters of the second level

    (infrared/social consciousness). As such, they are in agreement with a

    social consensus that denies the primacy of mind over matter, even in

    the face of clear demonstrations of that primacy.

    In the Christian churches, this denial is reflected in the orthodox

    representation of the Christ as saviorrather than as teacher. No one

    can do what he did, right? even if he said we could! Jesus was not

    like us, right? He was very, very special the one an only son of God,

    born of a virgin. Were you born of a virgin? Were you born with a

    brilliant star appearing in the sky over the place of your birth? No. Do

    you have within yourself the potential of learning to do what the Christ

    did? No. Youre not special. You cant be a Christ.

    Orthodox biology (neo-Darwinism) is even more adamant than

    the churches in denying the Christ doctrine of mind over matter. All

    behavior, including consciousness, is an effect of the genes, they

    proclaim. Mind comes from matter, in other words. This wrong-headed belief, canonized as the doctrine of the Primacy of the DNA,

    has gone unchallenged until fairly recently. Dr. Bruce Lipton has done

    an especially good job of tearing it to shreds. Nevertheless, as I write,

    numerous scientists who advocate intelligent design (mind over

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    matter) are suffering academic persecution, i.e., theyre being refused

    promotion, grants, tenure, etc.

    The orthodoxies in religion and science are not going to help us

    at all in confronting and dealing effectively with the Y2K8-12 period.

    What can help us? Realization of the god-power within. If its not real

    to you that you have such a power, then you wont be able to access

    and employ it readily; and so the first step is to make it real, make real

    your god within.

    One way to start going about this is to read the accounts of

    those who have experienced the Presence. Read David Hawkins

    Power vs Force and his other books. Read Ramtha's White Book, a

    fascinating account of his transformation from grievously wounded

    warlord to ascended master.

    I myself have no doubt as to the existence of higher selves, in

    that Ive had a rather awesome encounter with what I take to be one of

    those selves my golden body, the body that belongs to the fifth

    plane, superconsciousness, and x-ray frequency. [5]

    I had this encounter in 1998 while doing Fieldwork(R) at the RSE.

    The official description of Fieldwork(R) is as follows: The students are

    taught to create a symbol of something they want to know and

    experience and draw it on a paper card. These cards are placed with

    the blank side facing out on the fence rails of a large field. The

    students blindfold themselves and focus on their symbol, allowing their

    body to walk freely to find their card through the application of the lawof consciousness and energy and analogical mind. [6]

    Analogical defined: Being analogical means living in the now. It

    is the creative moment and is outside of time, past, and the emotions.

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    [7] The law of consciousness and energy: Consciousness and energy

    create the nature of reality. [8]

    For me, going analogical involves slipping into a hypnogogic

    state of mind, the state we all experience just before falling asleep.

    The official description of Fieldwork mentions not the fact that

    during any given session, which may last from half an hour to several

    hours, one is on the field with anywhere from a hundred to several

    hundred other students, meaning one can be jostled out of the

    analogical state every five or ten steps. Nevertheless, in my

    experience, when you are fully in the analogical state, it is as if you are

    alone on the field.

    Now, as to my encounter with my golden body.

    I had been on the field for about forty minutes, looking for my

    cards, one of which had the number 5 on it, which signifies

    superconsciousness. The fieldmaster asked us to stop. I did so, for a

    moment, and then on command whirled around several times. When I

    stopped, I saw in front of me (remember, Im wearing blinders) a

    beautiful gold man. I stared intently. His upper body and head were

    very vivid, his lower body almost transparent. No hair on the sides or

    top of his Nordic head, but a long braid falling over his left shoulder.

    Our eyes locked for just a moment, and then he turned his head about

    thirty degrees to the right. From his eyes emanated bright lavender

    beams. I turned my head to the left, following the beams, and then

    Started walking. Within ten seconds I hit the fence. Followingprotocol, I lifted my blinders slightly to turn the card my outstretched

    hands had landed on. It was my card the card with the symbol 5!

    When students find their cards, they lift their blinders and shout

    I found my card! What I shouted was My god found my card!

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    I am a now-and-then current student of the RSE. At the time

    of this writing, I havent been current for over two years. It may be

    that Ive had my EP (Ron Hubbards term for end phenomenon

    experience) and that now my job is to live my post-god-realization life

    on the most productive way I can. Or it may be Ill become current

    again, and participate in an RSE that has grown immensely since I was

    last on-line. In any event, my experience of the Ram and his teachings

    and my practice of the disciplines have brought down the walls of my

    social consciousness skepticism. Standing atop the rubble, I look at life

    with new eyes. I see that we were not misled by the Christ when he

    said, Ye are gods. We are, indeed.

    Out of this awareness, I penned the closing lines of my play


    As we stand at the end of the drama of man

    We take off our masks, behold the I Am

    We who are players on the physical plane

    Lift up our hearts in a toast to the game

    To life! Life everlasting!

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    Chapter 6

    The Prince of Atheism

    The Mind is the matrix of all matter.

    --Max Planck

    In recent years, I have said certain unkind things about Richard

    Dawkins, such as Dawkins is an affable and bright neo-Darwinist who

    has seen so little of real scientific value because he has stood on the

    shoulders of pygmies. Also, I have called Dawkins a sophist, a

    sophist being an intellectual who creates elaborate arguments in

    support of propositions or theories that are simply not correct.

    The God Delusion has opened my eyes to an aspect of Dawkins I

    hadnt seen before: He is a very decent man. I like that in him. I

    respect it greatly. Nevertheless I have had to conclude that the

    argument in the Delusion book is, alas, sophistical. [1]

    Richard Dawkins is, and has been since 1995, the Charles

    Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford

    University. Could a scientist so honored, so prolific, so respected, sobedazzling, possibly be a sophist?

    Yes. Years ago, I came to the rather startling conclusion that

    Professor Dawkins is a sophist in the course of reading his well-known

    book The Selfish Gene. Like successful Chicago gangsters, he writes,

    our genes have survived, in some cases for millions

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    of years, in a highly competitive world. This entitles us to expect

    certain qualities in the genes. I shall argue that a predominant quality

    to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness.

    This is baseless conjecture, absurdity reminiscent of those

    marvelous Beyond the Fringe monologues of years gone by. The

    genes are simply patterns for organismal parts. The genome is

    definitely not an Al Capone-type bunker; it is merely the New Parts

    Blueprints Department of the cell.

    Dawkins comparison of the genes to gangsters is an extension

    to absurdity of a long- revered doctrine in neo-Darwinism called the

    Primacy of the DNA. This doctrine presumes that all organismal

    behavior, including consciousness, is a product of the DNA. The

    doctrine is wrong.

    In fact, the DNA is third, not first, in the creational assembly line.

    Primacy belongs to the environment. The DNA is activated by

    environment signals (step 1), these signals are mediated by the

    receptor/effector network embedded in the cellular membrane (step

    2), and the product of that mediation then activates the genes. The

    brain of the cell, as Dr. Bruce H. Lipton has demonstrated, beyondany doubt, is in the cellular membrane. It is not, as Darwinists

    suppose, in the genome.

    It was very difficult for me to believe that a man as bright as

    Dawkins didnt know what I, a mere biology watcher, knew. I had to

    conclude that he was, quite intentionally, a sophist. No other choice.

    The God Delusion suggests clearly the big why behind Dawkins

    sophistical mission: Our affable Professor of the Public Understanding

    of Science is out to fulfill the prophecy of Thomas H. Huxley, Darwins

    famous bulldog, that Science would one day (the sooner the better)

    put its foot on the neck of Theology.

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    Dawkins & Hawkins

    My favorite sentence in The God Delusion is that which starts the

    second chapter: The God the Old Testament is arguable the most

    unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty,unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic

    cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal,

    filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously

    malevolent bully. Right on, Richard! Any who think that professor

    Dawkins is not correct in his assessment of the god called Jehovah

    should open the Holy Bible and read the book ofJoshua. In this book of

    horrors, Jehovah orders his chosen people (bad luck for them) to

    murder every man, woman and child in ancient Palestineand to kill

    all the livestock as well. What the goats and sheep had done to offend

    the great Jehovah I cant imagine. The war thus engendered is still

    going on!--and now threatens to engulf the entire world in World War


    Clearly, at least clearly in my view, the mission of the Christ was

    to dethrone, in the minds of men, the God of Terror and to coronate

    the God of Love as the true supreme being.

    Dawkins is to be congratulated for his clear-eyed assessment of

    the god called Jehovah and for his grand multi-adjectival condemnation

    of the same. Further, Dawkins is to be congratulated for knocking

    theology around a bit. However, the scientist who really succeeded in

    stepping on its neck (orthodox Christian theology) is the brilliant David

    R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., master of kinesthesiology.

    Kinesthesiology, as practiced by Hawkins, is the science ofaccessing the collective consciousness.

    The level of truth originally espoused by Jesus Christ, Hawkins

    writes, calibrates at 1,000the highest level attainable on this plane.

    By the second century, the level of truth of this practice of his teaching

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    had dropped to 930, and by the sixth century, to 540. By the time of

    the Crusades, at the beginning of the 11th century, it had fallen to its

    current 498.

    Hawkins identifies the most precipitous decline in Christianity as

    having occurred in 325 AD, apparently due to spread of

    misinterpretations of the [Christ] teachings originating from the

    Council of Nicaea.

    Christianitys fall from a calibrated 930 to 498, Hawkins

    writes, must be recognized as the greatest single catastrophe in the

    history of Western religion. Here we can see the origin of the spiritual

    divorce from the actual teachings of Jesus Christ that allowed the later

    atrocities of the Crusades and the Inquisition.

    The God Hypothesis

    Alas, most Christians suffer the delusion that Jehovah is

    synonymous with the supreme being. Dawkins goes far beyond

    attacking this delusion, however; he denounces all conceptualizations

    of God.

    One of the sophists standard tools-of-the-trade is the straw

    man. A straw man is an unsubstantial representation of that which

    the sophist wishes to attack. Naturally, the sophist has little difficulty,

    if any, in knocking down the straw man. In his chapter titled

    Arguments For Gods Existence, Dawkins sets up a number of straw

    men, then wittily knocks them down.

    Among these straw men is The Argument From Personal

    Experience. A very few examples of such experience are offered, all

    of which are dismissed as hallucinationsproducts of the minds

    simulation software. Conspicuously absent from the discussion are

    accounts of those who encountered God in near-death experience

    (NDE). One of the best-documented NDE cases involving an encounter

    with the Creator is that of a scientist by the name of Mellen-Thomas

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    Benedict. In 1982, after suffering from a terminal illness, Mellen-

    Thomas died for an hour and a half. Miraculously, he returned to his

    body with a complete remission of the diseaseafter an encounter

    with the Universal Intelligence. [2]

    Another scientist who experienced God is the above-cited

    David Hawkins. As my final moment [of life] approached, Hawkins

    writes in Power vs Force, the thought flashed through my mind, what

    if there is a God? So I called out in prayer, If there is a God, I ask Him

    to help me now. I surrendered to whatever God there might be, and

    went unconscious. When I awoke, a transformation of such enormity

    had taken place that I was struck dumb with awe. The world was

    illumined by the clarity of an Infinite Oneness, which expressed itself

    as all things revealed in their immeasurable beauty and perfection.

    For a scientist sincerely interested in exploring the God

    hypothesis, accounts such as those offered by Benedict and Hawkins

    would have to be taken into consideration. Alas, Dawkins utterly

    ignores the testimonies of those who have undergone NDE.

    Naughty Richard

    Dawkins list of scientists who believe in God is very, very short.

    No mention is made of Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, who

    has said, All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We

    must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and

    intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.

    Further, no mention is made of the fact that Alfred Russel

    Wallace, the co-founder of Richards favorite doctrine (natural

    selection), came in time to the belief that the universe must be

    governed by a great Mind. Indeed, naughty Richard quotes, without

    correction, the incorrect opinion of physicist Leonard Susskind, who

    states, Modern cosmology really began with Darwin and Wallace.

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    Unlike anyone before them, they provided explanations of our

    existence that completely rejected supernatural agents.

    For the record: Readers of Darwins tomes will find the old guy

    sometimes invokes a sublime Creator. This sublime Creator couldnt

    possibly be a supernatural agent, right? Whats more, Darwin

    celebrates, in his book on the voyage of the Beagle, the spread of

    British-style Christianity throughout the South Pacific. A curious thing

    for a non-believer to do.

    Dawkins claim that the doctrine of natural selection replaces,

    quite satisfactorily, traditional belief in supernatural governance, is

    nonsense. The first to make this claim was Thomas Huxley. That the

    Darwin-Wallace theory (as Darwinism was first called) took a turn down

    Strictly Materialistic Streetwas a result of the fact Huxley was driving

    the movement.

    The Most Curious Thing

    The most curious thing that I found in The God Delusion is the

    authors invocation of Darwins original (1859) representation of

    natural selection. Unrelentingly and unceasingly, as Darwin

    explained, natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing,

    throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest; rejecting that

    which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good; silently and

    insensibly working, whenever opportunity affords, at the improvement

    of each organic being.

    Mr. Huxley had a problem with Darwins conceptualization, which

    is, obviously, an anthropomorphic substitute for the anthropomorphic

    divine presence (His eye is on the sparrow); and in his own, widely

    read, accounts of Darwinism, he speaks of natural selection as merely

    circumstantial selection (the same wind that blows one fledgling out of

    the nest merely ruffles the feathers of another).

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    Darwin himself abandoned his original conceptualization of

    natural selection, saying that survival of the fittest was a better term

    for what he meant. Dr. Ernst Mayr, the great authority on Darwinism in

    the modern period, stated, flatly, Darwin was wrong about natural

    selection. Natural selection, Mayr says, means merely elimination of

    the weakest.

    So why is Dawkins validating a conceptualization that is

    considered by all the other Darwinists to be wrong? Is he saying

    something he does not actually believe in order to win votes for his

    thesis that the doctrine of natural selection is the greatest

    consciousness-raising crane ever invented? If so, Dawkins is not just a

    sophist, but the ultimate sophist! Or has Dawkins experienced a divine

    guidance moment that has allowed him to see that the original

    conceptualization of natural selection was, in fact, correct? If so, then

    we must welcome Richard to the post-Darwinism evolutionary science


    All Considered

    All considered, The God Delusion is an extended polemical

    exercise well worth a read. I especially like Dawkins discourse on the

    anti-religion sentiments of Thomas Jefferson and other founders of our

    secular(thank God) American system of government. As an argument

    against religion, the book succeeds to some extent; but as an

    argument against the God hypothesis, the book failsutterly.

    Concerning that hypothesis, what I would like to say is this: The

    universality of belief in a Creator indicates that the belief is archetypal.

    What are archetypes? Primary template formulations existing at the

    interface between the etheric (implicate) and the physical (explicate)

    orders. Unlike Benedict or Hawkins, I have not experienced the etheric

    Source of the God archetype. Nevertheless, as a result of study of NDE

    accounts and of the pioneering research into the afterlife conducted

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    by the late Robert Monroe and his associates at the Monroe Institute, I

    am quite certain that the etheric Source is not malignant. Quite the


    Malignancies associated with the God archetype (e.g., the

    Inquisition) are, to invoke a sentiment expressed in one of my favorite

    popular songs, our own damned fault. They are the product of

    human negative thinking. Historically, human consciousness is, as one

    of my mentors has said, an embarrassment to the Supreme Being.

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    Chapter 7

    The Manifestation Factory

    Opposition is true friendship.

    --William Blake

    I take the view that each of us is an integrated complex of

    seven selves, from the physiologic self to the self existing in the

    frequency domain that Ramtha calls infinite unknown, what the Christ

    called the The Generation over whom there is no Kingdom. This

    means that you have an enormous creative potential. You are,

    potentially, a veritable manifestation factory.

    The phrase manifestation factory came to me in a dream some

    years ago, at a time when Id been out of work for several months and

    was hard-pressed to pay my bills. One night when I was feeling very

    discouraged, I fell asleep and woke, in dream, driving a nifty red sports

    car. I drove no more than a block or two when I spotted this gorgeous

    babe standing on a street corner. I stopped, and we started up a

    conversation. I was on my way to a party, I said, and asked if shed

    like to come along.

    She readily agreed, but said she had a little problem. She didnt

    have a suitable dress. No problem at all, I said, I know where to get

    just the right one. Hop in.

    We drove to the Manifestation Factory, just outside of town. I

    remembered this establishment as a place one could find anything; but

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    when we got there, I was surprised to see that the Factory was shut

    down and the gate locked.

    I got out of the car, easily broke the lock on the gate, then

    walked alongside the seemingly long-abandoned building. Suddenly, awindow opened on the third floor, and an old crone stuck a dust mop

    out and shook it.

    Say there! I shouted to her. Who owns this place?!

    She looked down at me, scowled and said, You do, you idiot!

    I awoke laughing. The dream told me that I had shut down my

    ability to manifest.

    What is it that would cause one to shut down his or her power to

    manifest? Answer: the negative ego. In my model of psychology,

    ego is native-state self, the state of being prior to social

    programming. This state is divine. The negative ego is that which

    denies the god-power within.

    The negative ego has various sources. The major ones are

    discussed below. First, its necessary to understand what life is like for

    individuals in whom the influence of the negative ego is minimal.

    These individuals are said to lead magical lives. Lola, for instance.

    What ever Lola wants, Lola gets. For the Lolas of this world, there is

    little in the way of obstacles between the desire and the realization of

    the desire. These are people operating, for the most part, on the ego

    program; their lives are uninterrupted streams of what is called


    Synchronicityis a word used to describe the occurrence of a

    complex of related events in the same time period. Weve all

    experienced synchronicity. My, its been a long time since weve

    heard from Cousin Marilyn, you think to yourself. The phone rings.

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    Guess who? Its Cousin Marilyn. Marilyn! you exclaim, I was just

    thinking about you!

    Several years ago, I was looking for certain information

    concerning Sir Francis Bacon, information I couldnt find in the locallibrary or on the Net. While en route to Seattle one day, I stopped, on

    impulse, at a used books store in Sea-Tac. I made a thorough check of

    the sections where one would expect to find a book about Bacon, but

    found nothing. Before leaving, I made a quick check of the physical

    sciences section. Between two thick books on chemistry was tucked a

    staple-bound booklet. Curious, I pulled it out. Much to my surprise, it

    was a monograph on the life of Francis Bacon! I purchased it, of

    course, and was later further amazed to find that it containedprecisely

    the information I was looking for. Talk about synchronicity!

    Lets consider synchronicity within the ontological context weve

    been developing.

    Previously, Ive labeled the physiologic you valley slogger.

    Here, lets use the Liptonian description terrestrial exploration

    vehicle, or TEV for short. Im a TEV, youre a TEV. Our job isexploration of the Earth reality. We collect data through 52+ perceptic

    channels (according to Ron Hubbard), and this data is processed by

    ourselves and by higher self, or thetan in Hubbards terminology.

    Thetan is a very appropriate name for higher self, whose job is original

    thinking. The thetan is the guy who